Resolution Number 82-4-20-4RESOLUTION NO. 82-4-20-4 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 82-1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, TAKING ACTION ON ITEMS A AND B OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 82-1 WHEREAS, the City Council initiated consideration of General Plan Amendment (GPA) 82-1 to include: A. School Facilities Master Plan (Potential Future Public School Sites); B. Change in Land Use Designation, Commercial Recreation to Public and Institutional (Mission Hills Drive, SAS Constructors); and, WHEREAS, both of the preceding GPA items have been reviewed by the Planning Commission and forwarded to the City Council for final action. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council does hereby make the following findings and takes the following actions regarding the two GPA items: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 82-1A (SCHOOL FACILITIES MASTER PLAN) WHEREAS, the City Council initiated consideration of General Plan Amendment 82-1A on January 5, 1982, to include proposed designation of future public school sites in the City; and, 0'7 WHEREAS, the City's Environmental Review Board has determined that the project will not have a significant impact on the environment, has accordingly issued a negative declaration for the project, and has otherwise carried out all requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act; and, WHEREAS, the City's Planning Commission has held a duly noticed public hearing on the General Plan Amendment and has forwarded it to the City Council recommending approval; and, WHEREAS, the City Council finds and determines that the proposed designation of future public school sites as identified in the accompanying General Plan text amendment and shown on Exhibits "A" through "C," attached hereto, will adequately accommodate new public school students generated by future residential development in the City, will provide greater opportunity for City school children to attend public schools within the City and, moreover, is consistent with the overall goals and policies of the General Plan. -1- 7 1 0 8 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council does hereby approve General Plan Amendment 82-1A, replacing the existing text of the Public Facilities and Utilities Element sections relating to "Public Schools" with the following: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 82-1A TEXT AMENDMENT (To Replace Present Sections on "Public Schools" in Public Facilities and Utilities Element, p. 91 and p. 92) Page 91: "Public Schools "Because of continued residential growth in south Orange County and the funding limitations of Proposition 13, the provision of adequate public school facilities within the City continues to be a problem. "Existing Schools - The Capistrano Unified School District (CUBO) encompasses San Juan Capistrano and surrounding south County communities. CUSD presently operates three elementary and one junior high school in the City. They are: San Juan Elementary, Del Obispo Elementary, and Marco Forster Jr. High west of Interstate 5, and Harold Ambuehl Elementary east of I-5. In addition, San Juan Capistrano high school students go to three different high schools located outside of the City: San Clemente, Dana Hills, and Capistrano Valley. All of the above schools are at or near capacity. "Future Schools Needed - CUSD attendance figures and City population information have been used to forecast the approximate number of public school students which will be generated by the City after all residential land is developed (i.e., 'residential build -out'). "This forecast is summarized in Table 10. TABLE 10 STUDENTS GENERATED AT ULTIMATE RESIDENTIAL BUILD -OUT Total Total, Total, East of I-5 East of I-5 - Grade Students West of East of & North of & South of Levels Citywide I-5 I-5 Ortega Ortega Elementary 3272 1172 2100 604 1496 Jr. High 1176 434 742 246 496 High School 2307 923 1384 422 962 -2- "The information in Table 10 has been combined with CUSD school capacity standards to determine the total number of schools -- existing and future -- required within the City at each grade level. These conclusions are shown in Table 11: TABLE 11 SCHOOLS REQUIRED (EXISTING & FUTURE) AT ULTIMATE BUILD -OUT PER CUSD SCHOOL CAPACITY STANDARDS . Capacity Elementary: 500-800 students Standards: Junior High: 700-1300 students High School: 1500-2600 students Total New Total Schools Existing Schools Area Students Needed Schools Needed Elementary West of I-5: 1172 - 2 2 0 E. of I-5, N. of Ortega: 604 = 1 0 1 E. of I-5 S. of Ortega: 1496 = 2 1 1 Junior High West of I-5: 434 = 1/2 1 0 (portion of existing Marco Forster capacity) East of I-5: 742 = 1 0 1 High School Total, Citywide: 2307 = 1 0 1 "Thus, Table 11 shows that two elementary and one junior high school will be needed east of Interstate 5 and that a new high school will ultimately be required somewhere in or near the City. The locations of the new school sites are discussed in the following sections. "Elementary and Junior High School Locations - The City's survey of possible future elementary and junior high school sites was based on three criteria: school area requirements, geographic location vis-a-vis residential area served, and physical characteristics (topography, geologic stability, etc.). Because of the rugged topography east of the freeway and the CUSD usable area (i.e., reasonably flat area) requirements, the potential school sites east of the freeway were narrowed down to two: -3- 110 "* A K-8 (combination elementary/junior high) site of approximately 24 acres within the planned community encompassing the former Honeyman Ranch. "* An elementary site of approximately seven acres adjacent to the Mesa residential area of the Forster Canyon Planned Community. A site for public or institutional uses is to be dedicated to the City in this area. This site could eventually become an elementary school upon agreement between the City and CUSD. "The above future school sites were selected after careful study and close consultation with CUSD and affected landowners. "Designation on General Plan Map - The preceding elementary and junior high school sites have been designated on the General Plan Map by general location as 'Potential Future Public School Sites' surrounded by other underlying land use designations. These locations are not intended to be precise. The precise locations and boundaries of sites shall be reviewed for General Plan consistency by the City upon more specific identification resulting from site acquisition and/or construction proposals. "In addition to the above qualification, it should be emphasized that actual acquisition and utilization of the designated sites for public school uses are not under direct control of the City. The school district may, in the future, be unwilling or unable to acquire some or all of the designated sites prior to development. "In view of the constraints identified above, the Potential Future Public School designations shall be considered overlay land use designations. If a site is not utilized for public school uses, the underlying land use designation will then control land use and development at that location. "Future High School Site "Table 11 shows that, upon ultimate residential buildout, the City will generate enough high school students to occupy one full high school. Therefore, it is necessary to address the issue of the need for a future high school site within or very near the City boundaries. Because of the large area needs and unusual siting problems of a high school, this issue is being addressed separately from the elementary and junior high school needs discussed above. "Site Preferred Within City Limits - The City has determined that, because of the following reasons, it is desirable that a future high school serving San Juan Capistrano students be located within the City limits: � 11. "* Community Identity - A single high school which is attended by all or most of the high school students in the City helps to foster and focus identification of City residents with the community of San Juan Capistrano --a major overall goal of this General Plan. "* Accessibility - The minimization of travel time to school by all City high school students which would be provided by a high school within the City. "* Recreation Facilities - The accessibility of large-scale recreation facilities (e.g. tennis courts, playfields, gymnasium, etc.) provided as part of construction of a high school in the City. "The desire of the City for a new high school within the City limits must, of course, be balanced by the feasibility of acquisition of a suitable site by the school district. The availability of funds to acquire such a site and construct the new school is a continuing and well-publicized problem. The site acquisition and construction costs associated with any school site are important criteria when actual acquisition is considered. Those considerations will be combined with the physical planning criteria --of both the school district and the City --which are the focus of this General Plan. "Size/Location Criteria - Capistrano Unified School District representatives have stated that: (1) a new high school site in or near the City should be located east of Interstate 5 and south of Ortega Highway in order to provide a needed minimum separation from the two nearest existing high schools -- Dana Hills High and Capistrano Valley High; and (2) new high school sites should contain a minimum of 40 acres of usable area. "Candidate High School Sites - Seven candidate high school sites have been identified as essentially meeting CUSD's size and location criteria. All but two of the sites meet the locational criterion. Those two--Buchheim Field and Honeyman Ranch --are just outside and adjacent to the desired boundaries but have been included to insure full consideration of all possible sites. "The advantages and disadvantages of the seven candidate sites are summarized below: "BUCHHEIM FIELD (including existing San Juan Elementary School) - Approximately 21 acres, located between E1 Camino Real and the freeway. -5- 112 "Advantages: "* Central location within City. "* Ability to make dual use of new City -County library to be constructed adjacent to site. "* Already under CUSD ownership --therefore, no acquisition cost and no removal of land from City tax base. "* Little or no landform alteration. "Disadvantages: "* Under desired minimum site area. "* Potential adverse impacts on Mission and downtown historical area. "* Potential access and congestion problems. "* Outside of desired locational boundaries for new high school. "* Need to relocate existing elementary school and ROP facilities. "HONEYMAN RANCH - This is the southern portion of the former Rancho Los Cerritos, separated from the Ranch Planned Community; approximately 26 acres (including the 'separated' portion west of the new Rancho Viejo Road extension), located just north of Ortega Highway, east of Interstate 5. "Advantages: "* Central location within City. "* Good access via Rancho Viejo Road and Ortega Highway. "Disadvantages: "* Under desired minimum site area. "* Outside of desired locational boundaries for new high school. "* Potential adverse impacts on existing surrounding residential areas. "* Site bisected by Rancho Viejo Road extension. "ORTEGA PLANNED COMMUNITY - Approximately 35 acres, located 1 13 just east of Interstate 5 and south of the Ortega Highway. "Advantages: "* Central location in City. "* Good access via Ortega Highway and Rancho Viejo Road. "Disadvantages: "* Under desired minimum site area. "* Previously approved planned community zoning and preliminary development approvals over a portion of the area. "* Subject to financial obligations of assessment district for street and utility improvements. "* Removal of prime industrial property from tax rolls. "AROSA LANDFILL AREA - Approximately 40+ acres located on and adjacent to the Forster Canyon sanitary landfill. "Advantages: "* Good access to developing residential areas via the La Novia Avenue extension. "Disadvantages: "* Insufficient land area separate from unstable landfill. "* Potential adverse impacts on adjacent future residential areas --to be developed prior to any high school construction. "GLENDALE FEDERAL PLANNED COMMUNITY PARCELS C AND D - Each parcel contains over 40 acres, located south of the San Juan Hills Golf Course in La Novia Valley. "Advantages: "* Central location within CUSD desired boundaries vis-a-vis separation from all three existing high schools in the district. "* Good access to residential areas via La Novia Avenue extension. ora 114 "Disadvantages: "* Previously approved planned community zoning showing residential development in both areas. "* Unique requirements of stipulated court judgment governing land use designations on the property require landowner approval of any changes; this approval appears unlikely in terms of any change to high school designation. "* Parcel D contains rugged topography requiring considerable grading for a high school site. "LACOUAGUE PROPERTY - Approximately 260 acres south of San Juan Creek at the eastern City limits. "Advantages: "* Contains considerable gently -sloping land potentially suitable for a school site. "Disadvantages: "* Not centrally located in terms of future City high school student generation, making it unlikely that all City students could attend a new school at this location. "* Establishment of an intensive use such as a high school could be incompatible with low density estate character of the area. "Conclusion --High School Site Survey - The preceding review ET? possible high school sites shows that all of the candidate sites suffer drawbacks. These drawbacks are potentially so severe in each case that it is not desirable to designate a specific high school site on the General Plan Map at this time. Instead, the City should work further with CUSD and affected landowners to determine if there are possible methods of mitigating any of the candidate sites' difficulties so that it would become feasible as a high school site. If such a feasible site is thus identified, it should be so designated on the General Plan Map by the same method as the elementary and junior high school sites discussed preceding. "If it is determined that none of the candidate sites can be made feasible, it will be necessary for other candidate sites to be considered separate from the seven listed above. Page 92: "Public Schools 115 "As noted under 'Summary of Findings,' preceding, three new public school sites will eventually be needed east of I-5 to serve present and future residents of the City. Of these, the needed elementary and junior high school sites have been identified on the General Plan Map. "Actual acquisition and development of the identified school sites are under control of the Capistrano Unified School District (and for funding, of the State of California), not the City. The City, however, has acted and will continue to act as a facilitator with CUSD and affected landowners to assist in providing land for future educational facilities, within the framework of equitable landowner compensation. "In addition to the above actions to address school site needs, the City Council has enacted an ordinance to put into effect the provisions of the 'School Facilities' Chapter of the State Government Code --providing for the payment of per- unit fees by residential developers to help construct new school facilities. The specific designation of future school sites by this General Plan Element is the final measure needed to activate that fee requirement. Fees collected will be transferred to CUSD to assist in school site acquisition and construction." BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the following changes shall be entered on the General Plan Map: 1. The two locations shown on Exhibits B and C, attached hereto, shall be designated 5.2: Potential Future Public School Sites. 2. The 5.0 Public and Institutional "dot" shall be moved from the "Window Hill" area of the Forster Canyon Planned Community to the "Mesa" area of the same PC, as shown on Exhibit C. This 5.0 designation will be the "underlying land use designation" around the future public school 5.2 designation as shown on the exhibit and explained in the text portion of this General Plan Amendment. 3. The new 5.2 Potential Future Public School designations shall be considered overlay land use designations. If a site is not utilized for public school uses, the underlying land use designation will then control land use and development at that location. 4. Existing public school sites on the map shall be changed from 5.0 (Public and Institutional Uses) to 5.1: Existing Public Schools. 116 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 82-1B (SAS CONSTRUCTORS LTD.) WHEREAS, the City Council at its regular meeting of January 5, 1982, initiated consideration of a petition submitted by SAS Constructors Ltd., 540 Golden Circle Drive, Santa Ana, California, to change the City's General Plan land use designation from 2.7 Recreation Commercial to 5.0 Public and Institutional Uses, on 14.2+ acres located on the southeast corner of Rancho Viejo Road and Mission Hills Drive; and, WHEREAS, the City's Environmental Review Board has reviewed the proposed GPA and determined that it would not have a significant impact on the environment based upon a previous inventory of environmental resources and associated impacts of development (GPA 77-2C), has further required preparation of a supplemental report analyzing traffic impacts with mitigation measures incorporated into the project, has issued a Negative Declaration for the proposed GPA, and has otherwise carried out all applicable provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, upon reviewing and receiving testimony at a duly advertised public hearing, has forwarded a recommendation of approval for General Plan Amendment 82-1B; and, WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds and determines as follows: 1) The proposed land use designation will result in an ultimate development that will be compatible with nearby existing and future land uses; 2) The proposed land uses will incorporate those uses of a similar character provided by the previous 2.7 Recreation Commercial designation; and, 3) The ultimate use as defined by zone change 81-7 will result in a project concept designed in harmony with the site and other applicable provisions of the General Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the General Plan is hereby amended as follows: 1) The land use designation shown for the subject area on the General Plan Composite Map is changed from 2.7 Recreation Commercial to 5.0 Public and Institutional Uses as per Exhibit D, attached hereto. 2) The Land Use Element text is amended to include the following statement: -10- 117 "General Plan Amendment 82-1B provides for the designation of 14.2+ acres as a Public Institutional land use. Its designation is restricted to providing for the location of a medical facility which is limited to medical offices, medical support facilities, surgery center, accessory pharmacy, and private recreation facility. The nature of development shall be low-key, integrating one- and two-story elements located and designed to provide a residential and recreational character compatible with adjacent residential designations." PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of April 1 1982 , by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Friess, Hausdorfer, Bland, Schwartze, and Mayor Buchheim NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: I Y CLE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, MARY ANN HANOVER, City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 82-4-20-4 , adopted by the City Council of the City of San Juan Capi—'strand, California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 20th day of April 1 1982 . (SEAL) / iG1'`77L`Gc MARY ANN,�iANOVEER,"C TY CLERK -11- 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING MARY ANN HANOVER, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed and qualified City Clerk _ of the City of San Juan Capistrano; That in compliance with State laws of the State of California and in further compliance with City Resolution No. 79-2-21-7 and on the 23rd day of April 1982, she caused to be posted: RESOLUTION NO. 82-4-20-4 being: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 82-1 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, TAKING ACTION ON ITEMS A AND B OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 82-1 in three (3) public places in the City of San Juan Capistrano, to wit: The Administration Building; The San Juan Hot Springs Dance Hall; The Orange County Public Library. :f RY ANN HANOVER, City -Clerk an Juan Capistrano, Californi CHECK LIST vv ORD. NO..... ...... RES. NOP -VX -4 ..___� Mayor has signed Y .............Clerk has signed ........... ity Seal stamped .......... All blanks typed "Absent" ......... "Noes"......���....................................................... ------' ....... Typed in Official Record Book .............. Posted to Classified Card ............. Copies sent to...?,;3��.�7..�C-.f..G�'-, ............. Legal Publication ordered to be published (date) .. No. Affidavits ... ....................................... ------- No. Printed copies required ........................ Remarks......... .................................... ....................................................................... ............- -2- l� GPA 82-1A EXHIBIT A _;x fELEM./JR. HIGH SCHOOL \/ ® _ -Vr *3 -4 <5�b ,4 *6 4 77 'U�� ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CANDIDATE HIGH SCHOOL SITES I , 4 - SUCHHEIM FIELD 2 - HONEYMAN RANCH HILL• t: 3 - ORTEGA PC j 4 - FORSTER CANYON - � 6 -PARCEL C GLENDALE FEDERAL PC JJJ • r��' '� `. �-���J � ri._�. r�'�'��. 6 -PARCEI D 7 - LACOUAGUE RANCH 4 i r f r \ \\ GPA -82;i A , EXHIBIT B t1 Y` r� y •i \ - 4 Q,r' ` 'f ` i `tt -y a\ r/ f 1.3 f \ t.1 ,t o�r'l e r ', r , r •� / \' )/Tv. "tee- t' j' r y P �� � ` r fAf ; A 13 2 1k / � 0 ,.- � / l 1 � � / / '• / � A�� ' .\ :'•••::' ,1. f r .y,/, � / ', r �' ® � 'fir � rf • a •': J, r•'. s'�: `� rr i�"S �A..n.�� / _-..fir / r POTENTIAL AUTOg E ELEM JR rIGH SCHOQC r ,.: f V c.�x^''Q�i�>'.t (`1�,i�Q7 '�,�\�\\\�\ `. �• 4 " ; .�'.�� A.'., yaf./S � .: y��( ,Kn ' s I'{i7 ��I�:::21F. t iil, t\, -3•�r J_, �'4�'( �u ,�1�-n�.j`,-� 1 2 'C" t`1,3`t :a;r',t" [-.e1G"� r♦ �` t\`•T�r e+ HO.YEYMAN RANCH . / •\ � u-����, ��\.5,U , -o-„ti lj. ,1 cid �. i � ;?.'�:,.••:� - / .( R..,.� \ -y� ?. /7 w� p c, tl •, :aa�::'. 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