Resolution Number 87-8-4-1RESOLUTION NO. 87-8-4-1 WESTSIDE ANNEXATION APPLICATION A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, APPLYING TO THE ORANGE COUNTY LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION TO ANNEX TERRITORY ALONG THE CITY'S WESTERN BOUNDARY, ACCEPTING THE EXCHANGE OF PROPERTY TAXES, AND SUPERSEDING AN EARLIER RESOLUTION OF APPLICATION 103 WHEREAS, On October 9, 1974, the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) approved a sphere of influence for the City of San Juan Capistrano extending up to the ridgeline west of the present City boundary from Avery Parkway on the north to Camino Del Avion on the south; and, WHEREAS, the City desires to annex territory within its sphere of influence in order to effectively manage drainage, sewer service, hillside grading, traffic circulation, view impacts, and municipal services for said area, and has previously adopted a resolution of application for such an annexation; and, WHEREAS, in response to preliminary feedback from LAFCO, the City Council wishes to eliminate from the proposed annexation a small area south of Camino del Avion included within its annexation application but lying outside the City's sphere of influence; and, WHEREAS, the City's Environmental Review Board has determined that the proposed annexation will not have a significant impact on the environment and has accordingly issued a Negative Declaration for the project; and, WHEREAS, Section 99(B) of the California Revenue and Taxation Code requires affected agencies to agree to accept negotiated exchange of property tax revenues prior to the effective date of a jurisdictional change. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano, does hereby apply, pursuant to Government Code Section 56650 et seq, to the Local Agency Formation Commission for annexation of the territory shown on Exhibit B, attached hereto. The application, including the Plan of Services, is enclosed as Exhibit A, also attached hereto. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby adopts the findings of the Initial Study and Negative Declaration issued by the City's Environmental Review Board, attached hereto by reference as Exhibit C. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano deems the territory proposed for annexation to be undeveloped under the definitions of the Master Property Tax Agreement dated October 28, 1980, and hereby agrees to accept the exchange of property tax revenue with the County of Orange for this annexation of greater than 100 acres pursuant to the same provisions of said Master Property Tax Agreement covering annexations of less than 100 acres. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that due to the elimination of the territory south of Camino del Avion, and a more precise delineation of the area within the proposed annexation, the City Council hereby amends its original annexation application to specify -1- 104 that the proposed annexation boundary and area shall be that as shown on Exhibit B. Previous City Council Resolution No. 87-4-21-5, adopted April 21, 1987, is therefore hereby superseded and replaced by the present Resolution, adopted herein. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 4th day of cyst ,1987. ANTHONY eLAND, MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLER STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, MARY ANN HANOVER, City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 87-8-4-1 adopted by the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano, California, at regular meeting thereof held on the 4th day of August , 1987, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Friess, Buchheim, Hausdorfer, and Mayor Bland NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Councilman Schwartze (SEAL) - ART ANN r OVER; CITY CLERK -2- JUSTIFICATION OF PROPOSAL QUESTIONNAIRE 10'7 California Government Code Section 56341 requires the Local Agency Formation Com- mission to consider specific factors in regards any change of organization of local agencies. In order to facilitate the Commission's review and pursuant to its Bylaw No. 31, complete the following questionnaire. (Attach additional sheets as necessary) General Information 1. Name of Proposal: Westside Annexation to the City of San Juan Capistrano 2. Description of Proposal: (check one) X annexation detachment municipal incorporation district formation reorganization (any of the above involving two or more cities and/or districts) 3. Summarize the reasons for the proposed action. -To assume control of hillsides contributing substantial runoff into the City's storm drainage system. -To enable the City to provide sewerage facilities to surrounding hillside areas by means of efficient gravity flow into the City's sewer system. -To annex areas whose primary means of vehicular access is through San Juan Capistrano. -To establish jurisdiction over the valley's western viewshed. -To annex the subject territory to the jurisdiction most able to provide efficient municipal services. 4. Does the application possess 100 percent consent of each property owner in the subject territory? yes no x Attach letter of consent. 5. List the Assessor Parcel Number, Assessee and Tax Rate Code Area for each involved parcel. (List available from Orange County Assessor) List extremely long -- available on request. 6. What is the total assessed valuation of the subject territory? (a) land (b) improvements TOTALS to be deterruined 7. What is the total land area? 679.96 ac EXHIBIT A-1 -1- logLand Use 1. What is the General Plan Land Use designation for the site? Orange County open space and low density residential Affected city San Juan Capistrano: General Open Space and Very Low Density Residential (max. 1 du/acre) 2. Describe any special land use concerns expressed in the above plans. San Juan Capistrano: Preservation of major ridgelines and steep hillsides in open space 3. Indicate the existing land use, including the number of units. Single -Family Attached 0 Single -Family Detached 155 (Dana Mesa, bear Brand Ranch, Ranc' Multiple -Family (2-4 units per structure) ' 0 Capistrano) Multiple -Family (5 or more units per structure) 0 Mobile Homes 0 4. What is the proposed land use (include Precise Plan or Development. Plan, where applicable)? Single -Family Attached _0 Single -Family Detached 220± Multiple -Family (2-4 units per structure) 0 Multiple -Family (5 or more units per structure) 0 Mobile Homes n 5. Indicate the existing zoning County: R-1, RS, RHE.8500 COND., A-1 6. What is the proposed zoning SJC: OS (0 en Space Preservation), EL (Caro Estate), ES (Small Estate), RSe), RS Sin��ami yy , and GM (Growth Management) 7. Has tQhe area been prezoned? If yes, what is the prezoning classification? no 8. How many persons reside on the site? 510± - 2 - A - Z 9. List each registered voter within the subject territory (list available from Q Orange County Registrar of Voters). ATTACHED 10. Describe the surrounding land uses. Laguna t4iguel residential on the west and north, City of San Juan Capistrano open space and residential on the east, Dana Point residential on the south. 11. Is the site located within a city's boundaries? If yes, name the city. no 12. Is the subject territory located with in "island" of unincorporated territory? Yes X No. 13. Would approval of this proposal create an "island" of unincorporated territory? Yes X Flo. If yes, justify why other unincorporated territory should not be included in the subject proposal. 14. Describe the proximity of the subject territory to populated areas. The territory is substantially undeveloped. However, it is adjacent to portions of Laguna Niguel, on the north, and Dana Point, on the south, which are developed in residential usage. 15. Is there a likelihood of a significant increase in population in the subject area within the next ten years? Yes No X Estimate any population increase. The population of the subject territory will increase only slightly due to custom estate development in the south portion. 16. Is there a likelihood of a significant increase in population of adjacent areas �-if If,, rho novt ton yudrSi Yes X No Estimate any population increase. Th' vacant properties to the west oi-ihe subject territory are expected to increase in population. - 3 - A-3 Environmental Setting 110 1. Describe the location of the project area, including the major highway access, nearest intersection, etc. Annexation along western City boundary from Rancho Capistrano to Camino Del Avion. Access to City is via Camino del Avion and Del Obispo Street. 2. Describe the site's topography. From moderate to steep slope and ridgeline. 3. Describe any watercourses, ridgelines, canyons, flood control channels, freeways, railroads, etc. adjacent to the site. Major north -south ridgeline, incised by canyons and drainage courses 4. State the proximity of the site to any airport and/or flight path. none S. List any approved spheres of influence for any local agencies which may be applicable to the site. City of San Juan Capistrano sphere of influence approved up to ridgeline. 6. Does the proposal involve territory under an agricultural preserve contract? If yes, list the parties involved in such contract. id.] 7. Has either a "NOTICE OF NON -RENEWAL" or "NOTICE OF CANCELLATION" been filed with the County Recorder's Office? If yes, state the date of filing. n/a 8. Will the proposal decrease the amount of land available for open space or agricultural uses? Yes No x 9. Could the proposal serve to encourage development of presently urdeveloped areas, or increase intensity of development of already developed areas? Yes No x - 4 A -H SEE ATTACHED ENVIRON14ENTAL CIIECKLIST 111 COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING "ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT" SECTION IF THE SUBJECT TERRITORY IS PRESENTLY UNDEVELOPED. ATTACH ANY PREPARED ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTS FOR DE- VELOPMENT PROJECTS ON THE ANNEXATION TERRITORY. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Are the following items applicable to the project or its effects? Discuss below all items checked yes. (Attach additional sheets as necessary). Yes No b_ 1. Change in existing features of any bays, tidelands, beaches, lakes or hills, or substantial alteration of ground contours. x 2. Change in scenic views or vistas from existing residential areas or public lands or roads. x 3. Change in pattern, scale or character of general area of project. X 4. Significant amounts of solid waste or litter. x 5. Change in dust, ash, smoke, fumes or odors in vicinity. 6. Change in ocean, bay, lake, stream or ground water quality or quantity, alteration of existing drainage patterns. x 1. Substantial change in existing noise or vibration levels in the vicinity. 8. Site on filled land or on slope of 10 percent or more. x 9. Substantially increase fossil fuel consumption (electricity, oil, natural gas, etc.) x 10. Relationship to a larger project or series of projects. CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify that the statements furnished above and in the attached exhibits present the data and information required for this initial' evaluation to the best of my ability, and that the facts, statements and infor- mation presented are true and correct to the best of my know led a and belief. Date 4/7/87 nature For ( . _, 5 - '�� A -S 1 1 2 Plan of Services Identify in Column (1) the "existing" service provider for the following service categories. If the service is not currently provided, write "not provided" in the respective space. Identify in Column (2) all changes in service providers if the "proposed" change of organization is completed. PUBLIC SAFETY Police Protection Fire Protection Rescue Paramedic Ambulance Animal Control UTILITIES SEWERAGE Collection Treatment Disposal Reclamation WATER Acquisition Storage Distribution ELECTRICITY SOLID WASTE Collection Disposal TRANSIT PUBLIC WORKS STREETS Construction Maintenance Sweeping Lighting FLOOD CONTROL City of San Juan Orange County Capistrano LagunDa Nigpel Community Services igtrin* City of SJC OCFCD same - 6 - A - to (1) (2) Existing Proposed O.C.Sheri.ff same O.C.Fire same O.C.Fire same O.C.Fire same various private same O.C. same Dana Point Sanitary District & same and/or City Moulton Niguel Water District of San Juan'Cao. Southeast Regional Reclamation same Authority SERRA same SERRA same MWD & Moulton Niguel MWD & Capistrano Water District Valley Water Distrix MNWD CVWD MNWD CVWD SDG&E same Solag Disposal same Prima Deshecha same oCTD same City of San Juan Orange County Capistrano LagunDa Nigpel Community Services igtrin* City of SJC OCFCD same - 6 - A - to COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Planning Code Enforcement Redevelopment (2) 113 Existing Proposed County City_ o� f Sic County City of Sic County City of SJC LEISURE SERVICES Park County, Laguna Niguel Community Services District, Cap. Bay Parks & Rec. District City of -S JC " " " " .1 City Of -Sic Library County same For each service identified in column (2) as being provided by the affected (city) (district), describe: 1. The location from which each service is to be provided (e.g. nearest present or proposed fire station, utility line, library, etc.) Sewerage: City sewer lines along ATSF railroad, Trabuco Creek, and Del Obispo Street Water: CVWD water line in Del Obispo Street; '.nearest reservoir (High Westside Reservoir) at west City limits above Trabuco 1 opCreek MMa ptt2p A g gtt Pub(SEEWBLON7 FOR1CQNPN�AfiION�' from City yard, 32400 Paseo Adelantc 2. The service level to be provided. Reference should be made to service level standards, such as frequency of street sweeping, average response times for emergency services, water service pressure zones, sewage treatment capacities, etc.) street sweeping: once/week police, paramedic, fire response time: under five minutes, average 3. If the service level to be provided exceeds the existing service level capacity, what action will be taken to increase the existing capacity, and estimate the cost of increasing such capacity. n/a 4. If any service is not to be provided upon completion of proceedings, when will the service be provided? n/a .CONTINUED) Community Development: from City offices, 32400 Paseo Adelanto Leisure Services: from City Recreation Department, La Matanza and E1 Horno Streets _7_ A-7 II 4he estimated cost of extending the service to the affected territory. n/a 6. Any conditions which would be imposed or required within the affected territory, such as, but not limited to, improvement or upgrading of structures, roads, sewer or water facilities, and the estimated cost thereof. n/a 7. How will services and improvements be financed? n/a 8. Describe what action will be taken to detach the site from any district(s) where a duplication of service and charges would result if the proposed action is approved. If sewer or water service is transferred from Dana Point Sanitary or Moulton Niguel Water District, the affected territory will be detached from those districts. Otherwise, a service aqreement will be implemented to allow the territory to remain in the above districts after annexation. - 8 - A-8 Provide the names, addresses and telephone numbers of persons (3 MAXIMUM) who are to be furnished copies of the LAFC Agenda and Executive Officer's report and who are to be given mailed notice of hearing. Name Address Telephone No. Glenn D. Southard City of San Juan Capistrano Assistant City Manager 32400 Paseo Adelanto, sJC 92675 493-1171 Lawrence Associates Larry Lawrence 30715 Calle Chueca y San Tuan Capistrano 92675 661-8175 Sara Pashalides City of San Juan Capistrano Associate Planner 32400 Paseo Adelanto San Tuan CaR strand 92675 493-1171 Applicant's Name: City of San Juan Capistrano Address: 32400 Paseo Adelanto, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Telephone: (714 ) 493-1171 gnatur a e Stephen B. Julia City Manager 116 ExHIBXT �F Sv, P -AN -4P:S7;AN3 1 +--' VAI' �,�_.;,_ •,.� rte"-�`-ia. � r 1