Resolution Number 93-7-20-34311,
' RESOLUTION NO. 93-7-20-3
WHEREAS, the applicant, Glendale Federal Development Corporation, 16601 Ventura
Boulevard, Encino, California, has submitted Tentative Tract Map 13726/Area Plan/Composite Development
Plan for Area H, proposing to subdivide approximately 46 acres of land into 63 hillside estate lots (Assessor's
Parcel Nos. 124-140-63 and 124-140-65); and,
WHEREAS, the City Council approved the Tentative Tract Map 13726/Area Plan/Composite
Development Plan for Glendale Federal on June 18, 1991, for a period of twenty-four months: and,
WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request for a twelve-month extension of time in
accordance with the State Subdivision Map Act prior to Tentative Tract Map 13726/Area Plan/Composite
Development Plan expiration date; and,
WHEREAS, the Environmental Review Board determined that the project may have a
' significant effect on the environment, has accordingly required preparation of a Supplemental Environmental
Impact Report and a Mitigation Monitoring program, and has otherwise carried out all requirements of the
California Environmental Quality Act; and,
WHEREAS, the project was reviewed by the Equestrian Commission on January 14, January 28,
and March 11, 1991; by the Traffic and Transportation Commission on February 13, and February 27, 1992; and,
by the Planning Commission on April 9 and May 14, 1991; and,
WHEREAS, a public hearing has been duly advertised in the Capistrano Valley News and held
to receive and review public testimony on the project; and,
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano finds and determines as
a. The proposed project, as conditioned, and its design and improvements are consistent
with the goals, policies and objectives of the General Plan and with Comprehensive
Development Plan 81-2 for the Glendale Federal Planned Community, which permits
the development of a maximum of 63 units in Area H.
b. The proposed project, as conditioned, is consistent with Comprehensive Development
Plan 81-2 zoning for Single Family District and otherwise conforms to all applicable
requirements of Title 9 (Land Use) of the City's Municipal Code.
C. The project site is physically suitable for the type and density of the proposed
d. The design and improvements of the proposed project will not cause substantial
environmental damage; nor will said design or improvements avoidably injure wildlife
or their habitat.
e. The design of the proposed project and the type of improvements will not cause
serious public health problems.
L The design or improvements of the proposed project will not conflict with easements
acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the
proposed project.
g. The design or improvements of the proposed project will not interfere with the
maintenance or preservation of an historical site.
h. The proposed Composite Development Plan and Area Plan, which were submitted
simultaneously with the Tentative Tract Map, are consistent with the requirements of
Comprehensive Development Plan 81-2.
NOW, TFEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of San Juan
Capistrano does hereby approve a one-year extension of time for Tentative Tract Map 13726/Area
Plan/Composite Development Plan for Glendale Federal Area H, subject to the following conditions:
1. Expiration of Approval - In accordance with the State Subdivision Map Act, the
tentative tract map expiration date shall be extended 12 months to June 18, 1994
2. CC&Rs - The developer shall submit a set of conditions, covenants, and restrictions
for the project. Said CC&Rs shall be approved by the Director of Planning, the City
Engineer, and the City Attorney prior to approval of a final map. The CC&Rs shall
be recorded in conjunction with the final map and shall include at a minimum:
a. Provision for maintenance of common open space, project entry statement,
and slopes by homeowners association.
b. Maintenance of private drainage facilities and fuel modification zones within
the project by the homeowners association or equivalent.
C. The prohibition of building construction or ornamental landscaping within the
drainage facility/fuel modification zone maintained by the homeowners
d. A statement that advises private lot owners that this subdivision is surrounded
by undeveloped natural open space owned by the City of San Juan Capistrano
and that no maintenance, improvements or irrigation is currently planned for
these lands.
e. The prohibition of radio or television antennae projecting above any roof
eaves per Section 9-3.609 of the Municipal Code.
I. A stipulation that all homes built within the project shall incorporate the use
of low -flow plumbing fixtures.
g. If there is a conflict between a parkway street tree within the public right-of-
way and a proposed driveway access for a lot, then the lot owner must obtain
' permission from the City Engineering and Building Department to relocate
the tree.
h. The Architectural Design Guidelines, as approved by the Design Review
Commission prior to the approval of the final map (refer to Condition #32).
The CC&Rs shall also include a stipulation that the preceding CC&R provisions and
restrictions shall not be altered in the future without prior City approval.
3. Construction Mitigation Program - The applicant shall be required prepare and adhere
to a strict construction mitigation program for Area H. The construction mitigation
plan shall address the impacts of both custom home and production home
development. The plan shall be approved by the Director of Planning and Director
of Engineering and Building prior to issuance of grading permits and shall contain the
following controls:
a. Tract Gradin¢
(1) Movement on and off the site of heavy earth moving equipment
(2) Location of equipment storage and service area together with limits
on hours of operation.
(3) Daily access to the site by workers, including hours of work, travel
routes, limits on noise and dust, etc.
b. Construction of Production Homes
(1) Required access to the project site.
(2) Hours of operation, including maintenance activities.
(3) Method for dust and noise control.
(4) Security of construction site.
(S) Method and timing of street and site cleaning.
(6) Plan for separation of construction traffic and related activities from
completed and occupied residential units.
(7) Designation of area for equipment maintenance.
(8) Lighting and noise standards for use of the equipment maintenance
area after normal construction hours.
(9) A construction phasing program which states the timing of
construction for portions of the project as well as other improvements
such as streets, landscaping, and recreational facilities.
C. Construction of Custom Homes
(1) Controls 1-9 above
(2) Record construction controls against the title to the property.
(3) Require as a condition of approval for each grading or building
permit on each lot:
(a) A bond and agreement for compliance with the rules.
(b) Provision of personnel to supervise and enforce the rules
during construction.
d. Enforcement
(1) The Director of Planning may modify the construction mitigation
program standards if on-site observations indicate that the
construction activities are creating a nuisance to adjacent residential
(2) The City shall retain and the applicant shall pay for the cost of
acquiring a project enforcement officer to ensure compliance with the
construction mitigation program.
(3) If it is determined that the developer is in violation of the approved
construction mitigation program, the Director of Planning is
authorized to shut down the project by reason of said violation.
(4) In the event that rain or other natural conditions render the —
construction access road impassable, the Directors of Planning, and
Engineering and Building, may authorize supervised and controlled
use of Camino La Ronda by construction vehicles for a temporary
period of time.
The construction mitigation program for Area H shall be coordinated with the
construction mitigation program for Areas C & D. In particular, construction
traffic using the second access to Area H and traveling through Areas C & D
must use the southern access to La Novia Avenue near the freeway off -ramp
at Valle Road.
4. Off -Site Traffic Improvement - Prior to approval of the final map the developer shall
contribute a fair share of the cost, based on Area H project traffic generation, towards
the following improvements:
a. Widen La Novia Avenue from two to four lanes between Calle Arroyo and
San Juan Creek Road.
b. Increase the capacity of Ortega Highway between I-5 and Rancho Viejo Road.
C. Widen the La Novia Avenue bridge at San Juan Creek Road.
d. Contribute to a future signal at San Juan Creek/Calle Cartagena.
e. Contribute to the relocation of the I-5 off -ramp at Valle Road.
5. Camino La Ronda - Prior to approval of the final map, the developer shall submit a
' plan for stop signs and pavement markings on Camino La Ronda between La Novia
Avenue and the southern terminus of La Ronda. The plan shall be approved by the
Director of Engineering and Building. The developer shall install the signs nd
pavement markings in conjunction with the installation of the Area H project street
6. Emergency Access - Prior to approval of the final map, the developer shall submit a
plan for a 20 -foot -wide emergency access from Camino La Ronda to the appropriate
emergency access in the Hidden Mountain development. This access may be combined
with the 20 -foot General Plan equestrian/hiking trail along the northern border of the
tract. The plans shall be approved by the Director of Engineering and Building and
the Director of Planing. The developer shall install the emergency access and
equestrian trail in conjunction with installation of the project street improvements.
7. Drainage Improvements - As determined by the Director of Engineering and Building,
the developer shall either: (1) increase the capacity of the 5 -foot by 6.5 -foot drainage
culvert that crosses beneath Camino La Ronda to accommodate project runoff; or, (2)
construct drainage basins on-site that will retain water within the project area and
reduce peak flows to the point that downstream impacts are negligible. All hydrologic
calculations and drainage facility design shall be reviewed and approved by the
Director of Engineering and Building. In addition, the developer shall install drainage
facilities along the northern boundary of the project to intercept runoff from the
natural open space. The drainage facility design shall be approved by the Director of
Engineering and Building prior to approval of the final map. The latter improvements
shall be made by the developer in conjunction with the Los Corrales equestrian trail
' and the emergency access road construction.
8. Downdrains - Open downdrains shall be placed at angles to the slope wherever
possible and earthtone-colored gunite shall be used for all drainage swales.
9. Epuestrian and Hiking Trail System - Prior to issuance of building permits, the
developer shall be responsible for installing and dedicating to the City as public use
easements the Los Corrales General Plan Trail and the General Plan Trail that has
been re-routed by the developer and which now climbs up the eastern ridgeline and
continues along the hilltop to a point on the southern ridgeline as shown in Exhibit A
of this resolution.
10. Trail Improvements - Prior to issuance of building permits, the developer shall install
the General Plan Trail leading up to the eastern ridge from the Los Corrales Trail.
For this short stretch, the trail width may be reduced and a steeper grade permitted
to avoid substantial hillside grading. With the exception of this area, all trails shall be
constructed to meet the current design standards in the Municipal Code and the
Equestrian and Hiking Trail Design Manual.
11. Equestrian Crossing - Prior to issuance of building permits, the developer shall
construct an equestrian street crossing at the project entrance at Camino La Ronda.
The crossing shall be constructed in accordance with Sections 9-4.106 and 9-3.620 of
the Municipal Code and the Equestrian and Hiking Trail Design Manual. The project
entry statement shall be coordinated with the equestrian crossing. Final plans for the
' crossing shall be reviewed by the Equestrian Commission and Traffic and
Transportation Commission and approved by the Director of Engineering and Building
prior to issuance of grading permits for the tract.
12. Trail Fencing - Prior to issuance of building permits, the development shall be required
to fence and complete the 20 -foot General Plan trail next to the Los Conales tract,
known as the Lox Corrales Trail.
13. Trail Barriers - Prior to issuance of building permits, the developer shall place barriers
to keep out motorized vehicles where the trail crosses the street at Camino La Ronda.
These shall be designed per the Equestrian and Hiking Trail Design Manual.
14. Final Landscape Plans - Prior to issuance of a grading permit, final landscape plans,
including slope landscaping and erosion control, irrigation, street trees, equestrian and
hiking trails, and fuel modification shall be approved by the Director of Engineering
and Building. Street trees shall also be approved as part of the Street Improvement
Plans by the Director of Engineering and Building.
15. Fuel Modification - A fuel modification plan shall be submitted in conjunction with the
final project landscape plans prior to approval of the final map, and shall be designed
and installed by the developer in accordance with Ordinance No. 682, Section 9-3.628
of the Municipal Code.
16. Landscaping Installation - Landscaping shall be installed by the developer as follows:
a. Installation of erosion -control landscaping and irrigation for all manufactured
slopes shall be approved by the Director of Engineering and Building and
installed immediately after City certification of rough grading.
b. Installation of street trees and all non -erosion -control landscaping and
irrigation shall be approved by the Director of Engineering and Building prior
to the first occupancy. At the same time fuel modification zones shall be
established and approved by the Director of Engineering and Building and the
Fire Marshal.
17. Landscape Maintenance - The developer shall be responsible for adequately installing
and maintaining all landscaping and fuel modification zones until such maintenance is
assumed by the homeowners association. The developer shall prepare, for approval
by the Director of Engineering and Building prior to final map approval, criteria for
the maintenance of manufactured slopes, natural slopes, and fuel modification zones
by the homeowners association.
18. Project and Street Names - The name of the project and all street names shall be
proposed by the developer and approved by the Director of Planning prior to approval
of a final map.
19. Final Gradin Po lans - The developer shall submit a final grading plan to the Director
of Engineering and Building, including hydrology calculations prepared by a civil
engineer, at the time of submittal of street improvement plans and/or a final tract
map. All manufactured slopes shall be designed and constructed per Municipal Code
Sections 9-3.505 and 9-4.112. The final grading plan shall be approved by the Directors
of Engineering and Building, and Planning, prior to the final map.
20. Other Dedications - The following dedications shall be made to the City of San Juan
Capistrano on the final map:
a. Public utility easements throughout the project as necessary.
b. All equestrian/hiking trails.
C. Necessary easements for the emergency access road and public security
ingress and egress.
d. Easements to allow City access for maintenance of drainage facilities and fuel
modification zones within the homeowners association jurisdiction.
e. Access rights except at approved driveways and street intersection
f. Dedication of land between the fuel modification zones and the current City
open space, as shown on Tentative Tract Map 13726, for use as public open
21. Affordable Housing - Prior to approval of the Final Tract Map 13726, the developer
shall comply with the affordable housing requirements for the Glendale Federal
Planned Community as outlined in Section 2.9 of Comprehensive Development Plan
81-2, and in accordance with the Housing Element of the General Plan. In the
alternative, should the City adopt a Housing Impact Fee Program, the developer may
choose that option in lieu of the requirements of Section 2.9 of the Comprehensive
Development Plan 81-2. If the developer complies with the Comprehensive
Development Plan option, the required fees shall be paid at the time of building
permit issuance.
22. Parks - Prior to approval of Final Map 13726, the developer shall satisfy the public
park land requirements for the Glendale Federal Planned Community as stated in
' Section 2.6 of Comprehensive Development Plan 81-2. The 13.3 -acre requirement may
be met through land dedication and/or in -lieu fees. Fees paid for Area H shall be
made in accordance with the 1991 Engineering Development Fee scheduled attached
as Exhibit B.
23. Street Improvement Plans - The developer shall submit street improvement plans,
prepared by a civil engineer and conforming to the Municipal Code Section 9-4.103,
at the time of submittal of the final map. Said plans shall be approved by the Director
of Engineering and Building Services prior to the approval of the final map. Street
improvement plans shall include the following to be furnished and installed by the
a. Wheelchair ramps on all street corners.
b. Street lights with Mission Bell fixtures on marbelite poles, or other decorative
street lights conforming to City standards.
C. Street trees consistent with final landscape plans.
24. Water and Sewer Improvements - Water and sewer improvements shall be designed
and constructed per Municipal Code Section 9-4.109 and 9-4.111 respectively.
25. Storm Drains - Drainage facilities shall be designed and constructed per City Master
Drainage Plan and City standards. The storm drain system shall also be designed to
accommodate occasional water flows, such as overflow discharges, from the Reed
26. Utility Undergroundine - Utilities shall be placed underground per the Municipal
Code. All utility undergrounding and all driveways, pedestrian ways, street lights, and
drainage facilities shall be located and constructed per Municipal Code Section 9-4.1.
27. Soil Subsidence - The developer shall implement a soils subsidence program for all
residential lots. The program shall be approved by the Director of Engineering and
Building prior to approval of the final map.
28. Environmental Review Fees - In accordance with assembly Bill 3158, Chapter 1706 of
the State Statutes of 1990, the developer is required to pay a $875.00 fee to the County
Clerk (plus a $25.00 processing fee) or to the State Office of Planning and Research,
for review of the environmental impact report by the State Department of Fish and
Game. The fee must be paid at the time of filing the Notice of Determination. The
project shall not be considered valid or final until the applicant furnishes proof to the
City that the fee has been paid.
29. Setbacks - One-story structures shall be set back 20 feet from the front property line.
Two-story elements of structures shall be set back a minimum of 25 feet from the front
property line. Front yard setbacks shall be staggered to avoid a 'line of homes"
30. Height Restriction - The residence on Lot 63 shall be limited to one story, not to
exceed 20 feet in height.
31. Street Trees - On both sides of the street within the subdivision, street trees shall be
placed in a 5 -foot -wide landscaped parkway between the sidewalk and the street. The
parkways and sidewalks are included within the public right-of-way. The parkway shall
be installed by the developer and maintained by the homeowners association. If there
is a conflict between a parkway street tree and a proposed driveway access for a lot,
then the lot owner must obtain permission from the City Engineering and Building
Department to relocate the tree.
32. Architectural Design Guidelines - The Architectural Design Guidelines shall include
Conditions #29 and #30, and shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review
Commission prior to approval of the final map. The approved Guidelines shall be
incorporated as part of the project CC&Rs (refer to Condition #2h).
33. Alternative Construction Access - Prior to the recordation of the final map, the
applicant shall process an exception to the Ridgeline Preservation Ordinance (Section
9-3.510 of the Municipal Code) for the purpose of building a second
construction/emergency access route over the southern ridgeline which will connect
with Via Entrada in Areas C and D. The route shall be an all-weather surface and
designed and constructed to accommodate, to the extent possible, all of the
construction vehicles that could be made to use it, including access for emergency
purposes and shall conform to the conceptual design presented at the 6/18/91 City
Council meeting as Attachment 2, Exhibit C to the staff report. The developer shall
be responsible for funding and constructing that portion of the access road that fies
outside the City -owned open space. The developer shall maintain the roadway until
such time maintenance responsibility is transferred to another entity as approved by
the Director of Engineering and Building Services.
34. Mitigation Monitoring Program - Prior to approval of the final map, the applicant shall
be required to pay for the cost of implementing the adopted Mitigation Monitoring
Program for Area H. This may include the cost of hiring personnel to monitor the
project and report back to the City throughout the project's development and
PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 20th day of July
• :4
1, CHERYL JOHNSON, City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano, California, DO
HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 93-7-20-3
adopted by the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano, California, at a regular meeting thereof held
on the 20th day of July , 1993, by the following vote:
AYES: Council Members Nash, llausdorfer, Campbell, Vasquez and
Mayor Jones
NOES: None
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IDevelopment map checking
Tract maps 1,000.00, plus 100.00
per lot or unit up to
25, plus 50.00 per lot
or unit over 25
Parcel maps
1,000.00, plus 100.00 per
lot or unit
Records of survey
500.00, plus 50.00 per lot
Improvement plan -checking
Public improvement plans
3% of construction costs
Private improvement plans
Subm ittal
3% of construction costs
Development inspections
Improvement costs up to $100,000.00
3-L/2% of improvement
costs, with a minimum
of 35.00
Improvement costs $100,000.00 and over
3,500.00, plus 3% of
improvement costs over
Administrative Fees, Sureties, and Deposits
Street cut deposits for less than 300
500.00 to 1,000.00
square feet
Refundable Deposit (upon
completion of the work)
Faithful performance surety (released
100% of construction costs
one year after the notice of completion)
Labor and material surety (released upon
100% of construction costs
the completion of the project)
Nonumentation surety (released upon the
100% of monumentation costs
Engineer's certification of the work
' Water surety As required by the
Capistrano Valley
Water District
Administrative permit fee 5.00 each