Resolution Number 93-7-20-2' RESOLUTION NO. 93-7-20-2 APPROVING EXTENSION OF TIME FOR ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL 88-1 APPROVALS - SAN JUAN LINCOLN -MERCURY A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING ONE-YEAR EXTENSION OF TIME OF ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL 88-1 APPROVALS - SAN JUAN LINCOLN - MERCURY (FORMERLY KNOWN AS SAN JUAN CHRYSLER) WHEREAS, the applicant, Gary Pfleiger, Two Vesuvia, Coto de Caza, California 92679, has submitted an application for an extension of time for an existing approval of a 23,000 -square -foot auto dealership; and, WHEREAS, on April 19, 1988, the City's Environmental Review Board determined that the proposal would not have a significant environmental impact and issued a negative declaration; and, WHEREAS, the City's Architectural Review Board reviewed the project and forwarded it to the Planning Commission recommending approval subject to conditions; and, WHEREAS, the City's Traffic and Transportation Commission reviewed the project and forwarded it to the Planning Commission recommending approval, subject to conditions; and, WHEREAS, on November 22, 1988, the Planning Commission held a public hearing and took action to deny the item; and, ' WHEREAS, on February 21,1989, the City Council upheld the applicant's appeal on the basis that adverse conditions and findings of the Planning Commission could be mitigated and returned the item to the Planning Commission; and, WHEREAS, on March 28, 1989, the Planning Commission reviewed the project with modifications and forwarded the item to the City Council with a recommendation of approval, subject to conditions; and, WHEREAS, on May 2, 1989, the City Council reviewed the proposal and adopted Resolution No. 89-5-2-2, approving Zone Variance 88-5, and on May 16, 1993, adopted Resolution No. 89-5-16-3, approving Architectural Control 88-1 subject to conditions; and, WHEREAS, on September 3, 1991, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 91-9-17-4, approving a twelve-month time extension for Architectural Control 88-1; and, WHEREAS, on September 3, 1991, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 91-9-17-5, approving a twelve-month time extension for Zone Variance 88-5; and, WHEREAS, on December 15, 1992, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 92-12-15-2, approving a time extension to expire on May 16, 1993; and, WHEREAS, the City Council does hereby find and determine as follows: a. The project is consistent with all applicable goals, objectives, and policies of the General ' Plan and General Plan Amendment 88-3, in that a car dealership is a consistent and appropriate use within the SS (Special Study) area. -1- b. The project, as designed and conditioned, is consistent with all applicable requirements of Title 9 (Land Use) of the Municipal Code and Zone Variance 88-5 (San Juan Chrysler) in that the design of the building will mitigate any potential visual effects on the adjacent Valle Road and surrounding properties. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby approve an extension of time for Architectural Control 88-1, subject to the following conditions: 1. Expiration of Approval - Per Section 9-2.306 of the Municipal Code, this development approval shall expire on May 16, 1994, i.e., one year from the previously granted 12 -month extension. If no construction has commenced for the project by that date, the development approval shall become null and void. 2. Landscape Plans - Final landscaping and irrigation plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Department of Planning prior to the issuance of Building Permits. Said plans shall incorporate the following changes: a. Tree species other than Carrotwood as shown on the landscape plan shall be modified to have a tree that will grow above the building. b. Carrotwood trees shall replace the Flowering Pear in the parking area. C. A 48 -inch -box Carrotwood tree and a raised planter shall be placed in the center of the display area to replace the fountain. d. Additional landscaping shall be applied to the ease and north setback areas to incorporate a wind row planting of Eucalyptus trees. — e. The use of Coral trees shall be deleted from the landscape plan. I. Landscape display area shall be for landscape only. 3. Sign Program - The monument sign shall be externally -illuminated and the length of the wall shall be reduced. These modifications, including sign details, shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Commission prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. 4. Li htin - The precise plan for parking lot, exterior, and landscape fighting shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Commission prior to the issuance of building permits. Said plan shall comply with Section 9-3.614, Lighting, of the Municipal Code. 5. Noise - Exterior paging system and exterior speakers shall be prohibited. 6. Site Plan - Final revised site plans shall be substantially in conformance with the revised plans as submitted on March 20, 1989, except in the raised display areas adjacent to Valle Road (see condition 2.f.). 7. Circulation and Access: a. The applicant shall obtain from the adjacent property owner permission to construct and record appropriate easements to the satisfaction of the city Engineer south of the subject property to serve said parcel and properties to the east, prior to issuance of permits. b. The three -lane main entrance driveway (minimum of 30 feet in width) shall be provided into the site (two lanes in and one lane out). Said modification -2- . 425 ' to be shown on final working drawings to be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Commission. C. Two service writer stations with two vehicle entrance lanes and one exit lane shall be provided at the service repair facility. Said modification to be shown on final working drawings to be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Commission. d. The applicant shall enter into an agreement with the owner of the private road (Forster Ranch Road) and the City stating that the applicant will not use Valle Road (private) for test driving of vehicles. Said agreement to be approved by the Director of the Department of Planning prior to the issuance of building permits. e. The applicant and City of San Juan Capistrano shall coordinate with the Capistrano Unified School District to relocate the existing school bus stop from in front of Yates Volkswagen to a more appropriate location. A detailed plan shall be prepared delineating the exact location of the school bus stop and bus -turning location/movements. Said plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission prior to the issuance of permits. f. The applicant shall design and construct a turn -around area and an electronically -controlled access gate serving the McCracken Hill neighborhood on the private road portion of Valle Road westerly of the first residential driveway serving said neighborhood. The exact location and design shall be approved by the City Engineer and Land Use Manager. The applicant shall obtain necessary encroachment permits from the property owner and easement holders prior to the City issuing permits. If the property owner and easement holders deny permission, the applicant shall be required to design and construct an interim turn -around area at the terminus of the present public right-of-way for Valle Road. Plans for the interim turn -around shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission. g. All loading and unloading of vehicles shall be performed on site 8. Public Improvements: a. The applicant shall design and construct a traffic signal at the intersection of San Juan Creek Road/Valle Road. The level of participation is based upon a pro -rata share of traffic generated and anticipated future traffic and shall be 8% of the estimated value of $132,000, or $10,560. b. Condition satisfied and removed per letter dated January 4, 1993, from the Director of Engineering and Building. C. The applicant shall financially participate in the future traffic signalization at the intersection of Valle Road/I-5 northbound ramps/La Novia Avenue. The level of participation is based upon a pro -rata share of traffic generated and anticipated future traffic and shall be 8% of the estimated value of $144,000, or $11,520. d. The applicant shall financially participate in the future design and widening of San Juan Creek Road from Camino Capistrano to Forster Canyon Road, and Valle Road from San Juan Creek Road to its southerly terminus. The level -3- 426 of participation is based upon a pro -rata share of traffic generated and anticipated future traffic and shall be as follows: San Juan Creek Road 8% $356,000 $29,000 Valle Road/San Juan Creek Road to I-5 Ramp 10% $540,000 $54,000 Valle Road/I-5 Ramps to Southerly Terminus 13% $360,000 $46,000 e. A painted median shall be provided on Valle Road in front of the project site to provide area for left -turn movements into the facility. f. The applicant shall install a left -turn pocket in front of Capistrano Terrace Mobile Home Park and the 1-5 northbound on-ramp. &f)O dXA /a yA "three-way" stop control shall be provided on Valle Road at the proposed southerly access road. h. The applicant shall dedicate and construct Valle Road to a modified commuter width along the project frontage with appropriate transitions outside the frontage. i. The applicant shall design and construct widening of the Capistrano Terrace Mobile Home Park to provide left -turn pockets. A Reimbursement Agreement may be provided to the applicant upon request. j. The applicant shall design and construct shoulder area widening on the east side of Valle Road from San Juan Creek Road to south of the project site. A Reimbursement Agreement may be provided to the applicant upon request. k. All public improvements as required by subsections a. through j. above shall be constructed and operational prior to issuance of the certificate of occupancy. 9. Parkine: a. Parking on both sides of Valle Road shall be prohibited. The applicant shall install appropriate markings and signs as approved by the City Engineer. b. A minimum of 42 on-site parking spaces shall be provided and labeled "employee" and "customer' as per Exhibit "A" attached. C. All employees shall be required to park on site in designated spaces d. New and used car display shall be limited to those areas as depicted on Exhibit "A" showing a total number of 18 spaces. e. The handicapped parking spaces shall be relocated to the front of the building in accordance with the Uniform Building Code. f. Any modifications to the approved parking plan shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission. -4- 42& g. Parking of vehicles shall not be permitted other than in designated parking spaces as shown on the approved plot plan. Vehicles shall not be parked on adjacent properties. 10. Historic Depiction Program - The applicant shall participate in the City's Historic Depiction Program as required by City Council Policy No. 606. 11. Bodv Repair Work -All on-site auto body repair work and painting shall be prohibited. A deed restriction in favor of the City shall be recorded against the property prior to issuance of permits. 12. Architectural Elevations - The architectural elevations shall incorporate the following changes and shall be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Commission. a. All materials and finish colors shall be submitted for review. b. Finish stucco shall be a "mission" hand troweled finish. C. Windows shall be added to the west elevation particularly in the area of the parts department. d. The westerly wall shall be revised in accordance with the previous elevations and the trellis area maintained. e. Reduce Quatrefoil over service entry. I. Small towers located on the south and north elevation windows to be reduced. g. Ventilation window adjacent service write-up area to be deleted. 13. Grading Plan - The grading plan, including all off-site grading, shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission prior to the issuance of building permits. 14. Transoortation Demand Management - The project shall comply with the provisions of Transportation Demand Management outlined in Section 9-9.101 of Title 9. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 20th day of MUM C GIL JO S, MAYOR ATTEST: LL_� ��.��.•�✓✓LCL ' -5- STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, CHERYL JOHNSON, City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 9 3-7-20-2 adopted by the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano, California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 20th day of July 1993, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Nash, Hausdorfer, Vasquez and Mayor Jones NOES: None ABSTAIN: Council Member Campbell ABSENT: None (SEAL) CHERYL JOHNSW, GfTY CLERK 0 L Exhibit A R E Y 1 t E a L E Q E M O I❑ Customer Parking • Employee Parking Display Parking