Resolution Number 94-10-18-3 244 RESOLUTION NO. 94-10-18-3 APPROVING MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION, AND GENERAL. PLAN AMIENDMEENT 94-1. REZONE 94-1. CONDITIONAL. USE PERMIT 94-5 AND CAPITAL IMPROVE NT PROJECT 94-456 (OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN SPORTS PARK AT KINOSHITA FARM SITE) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION; GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 94-1 AND REZONE 94-1, TO AMEND THE GENERAL PLAN TO COMPLY WITH THE OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN AND MODIFY THE ADOPTED SPECIFIC PLAN 85-1; CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 94-5 FOR DESIGN OF SPORTS FIELD LIGHTING; AND, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 94-452, FOR IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE SPORTS PARK AT THE KINOSHITA FARM SITE WHEREAS, the applicant, the City of San Juan Capistrano has submitted an application for site plan review and a conditional use permit for the first phase of the Sports Park improvements at the Kinoshita Farm Site in accordance with the Open Space Master Plan, and the City has initiated an amendment to the General Plan including an amendment to the proposed Land Use Map (Exhibit A) and Land Use Element Text (Exhibit B); and an amendment to Specific Plan 85-1, for an existing 56.45-acre parcel located at the northwest comer of the intersection of Alipaz Street and Camino del Avion, referred to Assessor's Parcel Number 121-19-56; and, WHEREAS, the Environmental Administrator determined on August 23, 1994, that the first phase of improvements will not result in any additional environmental impacts (as identified and mitigated in accordance with the Certified Final Environmental Impact Report for the Open Space Master Plan) and issued a mitigated negative declaration with mitigation measures related to circulation. All mitigation measures have been incorporated as conditions of approval for the project; and, WHEREAS, on August 15, 1994, the Parks, Recreation and Equestrian Commission reviewed and commented on the project; and, WHEREAS, on September 7, 1994, the Design Review Committee reviewed the project's site layout, lighting, landscaping, and street furnishings and provided comments regarding design. The Committee's comments are incorporated into the project and/or resolution as conditions of approval, and, WHEREAS, on September 14, 1994, the Transportation Commission reviewed and commented on the project's traffic and circulation patterns and provided comments regarding design. ' The Commission's comments are incorporated into the project and/or resolution as conditions of approval; and, -1- 245 WHEREAS, on September 27, 1994, the Planning Commission adopted PC Resolution 94-9-27-2 recommending City Council approval of the Negative Declaration, General Plan Amendment 94-1, and Rezone 94-1 to amend the General Plan to comply with the Open Space Master Plan and modify the adopted Specific Plan 85-1, Conditional Use Permit 94-5 for design of the sports field lighting, and Capital Improvement Project 94456 for the Sports Park at the Kinoshita Farm site. NOW,THEREFORE,BE TT RESOLVED,that the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby find that: 1. Findings Required for General Plan Amendments and Rezones a. The proposed General Plan Amendment and Zone Change are consistent with the policies and objectives of the San Juan Capistrano General Plan, in particular the Land Use Element and Open Space and Conservation Element. b. The proposed General Plan Amendment and Zone Change comply with all applicable provisions of Title 9, Land Use Code of the Municipal Code subject to conditions contained therein. C. The proposed General Plan Amendment and Zone Change are consistent with the Open Space Master Plan adopted by the City Council on June 2, 1992, including the conceptual development plan for a Sports Park at Kinoshita — Farm, as proposed to be revised by Capital Improvement Project 94-452. 2. Findings Required for Site Plan Applications a. Site Plan Compliance - The project will comply with the provisions of the Municipal Code in that lighting, landscaping, and parking has been designed in accordance with the minimum quantity and size requirements of the Municipal Code, where applicable. b. Compatibility - Phase I improvements will be compatible with existing and surrounding residential, agricultural, and school uses in that as an open space use it complements already existing uses by allowing patrons access to passive and active recreational opportunities. C. General Plan Consialg=- The project will comply with the General Plan in that all improvements, including lighting, have been designed to comply with the goals and objectives of the Community Design and Open Space Element to provide an aesthetically pleasing, high quality project without adverse impacts to adjacent residents. -2- 246 d. General Site Considerationc-As proposed, the open space setting with public ' facilities will provide an enjoyable experience for its users in that circulation, parking, and project layout has been designed to provide a functional, aesthetic, and safe site. e. Circulation - The project site will have an efficient circulation system, specifically the "through" main drive provides access to and from the site from both Camino del Avion and Alipaz Street. 3. Additional Finding Required for Conditional Use Permits a. Will the Project Result in Adverse Impacts to Neighboring Residents? The project lighting will not result in adverse impacts to neighboring residents because it will comply with adopted mitigation measures establishing restrictions on glare, spillage, and shielding. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby: a. Confirm the Mitigated Negative Declaration, ' b. Approve the General Plan Amendment 94-I as outlined in Exhibit A and Exhibit B and Rezone 94-1 to amend the General Plan to comply with the Open Space Master Plan and modify the adopted Specific Plan 85-1 as provided by Exhibit C, C. Approve Conditional Use Permit 94-5 to allow fighting for the Sports Park for Capital Improvement Project 94-452; and, d. Approve Capital Improvement Project 94-452, subject to the following mitigation measures/conditions: MITIGATION MEASURES (Contained in the Certified Environmental Impact Report): 1. Noise: Hours of construction and use of a public address system shall be restricted in accordance with Section 4.9, page 4.77, of the "Final Environmental Impact Report for the Open Space Master Plan, dated June, 1992." 2. Lighting: Shall be designed to meet standards established in Section 4.5.3, page 4-36, of the Final Environmental Impact Report for the ' Open Space Master Plan, dated June, 1992. -3- 247 3. Aesthetes: Plans shall be designed with consideration to locating proposed buildings and main structures adjacent to the existing grade -- separation between Marco Forster and the park site, to reduce visual intrusion impacts in accordance with page 4-33 of the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Open Space Master Plan, dated June, 1992). 4. Culturanlistoric Resources: Implementation of the Master Plan shall include preparation of a Cultural Resources Research Design Program and shall address issues and strategies for the Kinoshita Farm in accordance with page 4-50, and 4-51 of Final Environmental Impact Report for the Open Space Master Plan, dated June, 1992). 5. Paleontology: A qualified paleontologist shall be retained to monitor the grading of the Kinoshita Farm Site in accordance with page 4-57 of the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Open space Master Plan, dated June, 1992. MITIGATION MEASURES (Contained in the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Project): 6. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the restroom/concession building the applicant shall submit revised plans to the Planning — Director for approval with the following modifications: a) Main road width to be 28'. b) Crosswalk to align with satellite parking area. c) Removal of the 23 perpendicular parking spaces (off of Camino del Avion). d) Reconfiguration of community garden parking CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 7. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the commurury center building the applicant shall submit revised plans to the Planning Director for approval showing parking stalls near the community center designed larger than standard to accommodate needs of seniors. 8. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the restroom/concession building the applicant shall submit revised plans to the Planning -- Director for approval with the following modifications: -4- 248 ' a) Portable fencing/netting to prevent soccer balls from going over the proposed 8'pilaster/wrought iron fence along Camino del Avion. Poles to be galvanized steel rather than P.V.C. b) Pedestrian/parking lot lighting fixture noted as ground mounted. c) Restroom/concession building provided with vents. d) Restroom/concession building roof lowered and with a matte, brown, finish. e) Simplified landscape plan. f) Location of field equipment storage areas. g) Design detail and location of trash enclosures. h) Additional design detail for the Plaza Area, either through colored concrete, tiling, or finished surface. i) A sidewalk to be located on the south, or interior, side of the main roadway for pedestrian circulation. j) The 11 perpendicular parking spaces, near Alipaz Street, moved in approximately 10 feet or more to provide room for backing out in an area other than the through lane. k) At Camino del Avion, the driveway apron will be replaced with a standard street intersection with a width to accommodate incoming through traffic and left-turning (to Marco Forster parking lot)traffic and two outgoing lanes. 1) At Alipaz Street, the intersection improvements for this project and the access roadway shall be integrated with the accesses for the RV Storage and for Valle Pacifica (Tract 1103 6)in order to provide all turning movements anticipated. m) At the access to Marco Forster Middle School, the existing easterly driveway at the parking lot be removed and a 25- foot-wide incoming only access shall be provided radial to the ' 28-foot-wide access roadway. -5- 249 n) Curb returns shall be 25'. o) Council shall review specific lighting design plans. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 18th day of October 1994. cojZENE CAMPB LL, MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERW STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss — CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) 1, CHERYL JOHNSON, City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 94-10-18-3 adopted by the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano, California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 18th day of October 1994, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Jones, Vasquez and Mayor Campbell NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Council Members Hausdorfer and Nash (SEAL) CHERYL IoqWON, CITY CLERK -6- 250 GPA 94-01 1.4 2.4 1.1 1.5 4.2 1.4 5.1 SITE x rWW 1.5 P ... En Qa 1.6 14.1 1.4 1S EXHIBIT A 2S2 General Plan Amendment 94-01, Sports Park at Kinoshita Farm. Proposed Amendments to the General Plan Land Use Element and Open Space and Conservation Element. ElementLand Use page 2: Revise the first two paragraphs as follows: "A putial d"epfnent eptien; 5.3 desirmien on the General Plan Map, apply e*te the 56 affes leeeAed oft the neF"est eenm ofGamine do! A,Aeft and a partial development is shall designated 5.3. as defined above WaMANAMMW It should provide for a significant amount of the subjm property to be preserved and specifically identify the types of land uses which would be compatible with an active agricultural environment. For example, compatible land uses could include public institutional facilities such as schools (public/private), churches, and health-related institutional uses. Residential, either multiple or single-family, is not to be considered compatible." ORen Spee and Conservation Element page 50: Revise the last two paragraphs related to "Partial Development Option" as follows: "Portal Development Option. If a partial development option is to be included, it should provide for a significant amount of property to be preserved and specifically identify the types of land uses which would be compatible with an active agricultural environment. Said partial development option shall only apply to the 56 sefes loomed at 6e neFtWma 9~ofGawiim d-I i �I' so If development rights transfer program and or partial development option is to be the value mechanism, a specific development agreement shall be executed between the City and the applicable property owners,who would convey either fee title or an open space easement over the area to be preserved to the City. (cAwpwm6(AWWWIsp.Ixt) E7{= "B" 254 SPECIFIC PLAN 85-01 AGRICULTUREXINOSHITA FARM ' Adopted January 7, 1986 (City Council Resolution 86-1-7-3) City of San Juan Capistrano 32400 Paseo Adelanto San Juan Capistrano, California 92675 1 256 Specific Plan 85-01, ture/Kinoshita oaRe 2 , �rtrpaaa ate uttea�'tt��`S��>�~t��t #'crrt��r�ulatitra:yl~iazut�rs+min+�rcYti�ttsi�attttp4ti�ttionoflEte Plant tart s�gt'icvtttu'at'presc�'trtaitrl c��,p�rk uae�4>"a S�a�ie pence tri tea inattbs +i[�,af�. Avg anti Al�psz�tt�aet A Principal Uses and Structures Permitted (Agdcultural preserve) (1) Fanning including all types of agricultural and horticulture(excluding farms operated publicly or privately for the disposal of garbage, sewage, rubbish, or offal); (2) Small animal raising and breeding including egg production and sales of rabbits,chickens, mud other foul, provided said use is conducted in a building or other type of enclosure located a minimum of 300 feet from any adjacent existing or future residential land use; (3) One principal residential dwelling; (4) Any use not specifically listed in this specific Plan shall be regarded as not being a permitted use, except as provided for in Municipal Code Section 9- 3.602; 258 Specific Plan 85-01, ture/Kinoshita page 3 �plcls ., .''' attva a�rces related to a p�# 1�Il�ar�pxva s r N fr I r (2) Employee and caretaker quarters of a permanent character, including those of conventional construction and modular units. (3) Maintenance and storage facilities necessary for the operation of a permitted agricultural use. (4) Parking f=htiea for whole agricultural products(excluding food processing).. C. NveloDment Standards ' The yard (setback) requirements, and other related standards for the AG (General Agricultural)District, as set forth in Section 9-3.424 of the Municipal Code. 260 Specific Plan 85-01, ture/Kinoshita page 4 es, together- with miated effloes far agfietiltural WHO OF fam seMee . , < t1T ° ." .. y : A"ffRCtLjE/� 9 Development Standards tea . "b"s y? 1 �...... :... 262 Specific 1 ••rA • .. . - ..don,elopfaeRtaFea lgamo. 4y— a FUS68 MF6 atffi6Spbffe by thO USAO A-f—AFAh-**ASh--r-A-1 theIROS, mateFifils _. -ww _ - • Meg .. • - .. .. x _. - .. - ammm_. .. 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