Resolution Number 95-11-21-3'L RESOLUTION NO. 95-11-21-3 -wilkirkwu uXeJUALMULIUDAMWOM MINIMUM W111311 .14101r] 31 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, CONDITIONALLY CERTIFYING REVISED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT #548, PRIMA DESHECHA CANADA LANDFILL GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN, AND APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY'S GENERAL PLAN, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 93-6, FOR THE 560 -ACRE PARCEL LOCATED AT THE SOUTHERN TERMINUS OF LA PATA AVENUE (PRIMA DESHECHA CANADA LANDFILL/COUNTY OF ORANGE) WHEREAS, the City Council, by Resolution 93-11-16-3, adopted unanimously on November 16, 1993 initiated consideration of a General Plan Amendment with respect to Prima Deshecha Canada Landfill, located at the southern terminus of La Pata Avenue and more precisely referred to as Assessors Parcel Numbers 124-081-22, -24, -26, and -27, and 124-140-42, -44, -46, -47, -48, -52, -54, and -55; and, WHEREAS, the County of Orange operates the Prima Deshecha Canada Landfill, 1550 acre solid waste landfill operation of which approximately 559.07 acres are situated within the corporate limits of City of San Juan Capistrano; and, WHEREAS, the County of Orange operates the Prima Deshecha Canada Landfill under a solid waste facilities permit (SWFP) for a Class III landfill issued by the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB); and, WHEREAS, the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) is presently processing a revision to the County of Orange solid waste facilities permit (SWFP) and has required the County of Orange to secure a finding of General Plan conformity as a prerequisite to approving any revision to the solid waste facilities permit (SWFP). WHEREAS, the County of Orange has requested the City of San Juan Capistrano to amend their General Plan in order to recognize the landfill as an appropriate and compatible use through changes in the General Plan land use designation and/or text of the General Plan Land Use Element; and, WHEREAS, the proposed project has been processed pursuant to Section 9-2.301, Development Review of the Land Use Code; and, WHEREAS, the Environmental Administrator has reviewed the project pursuant to Section 15061 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), has required preparation of an environmental impact report pursuant to the City's Environmental Review Guidelines, and has 132 133 otherwise complied with all applicable provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) ; and, WHEREAS, the County of Orange has prepared Revised Environmental Impact Report #548, Prima Deshecha Canada Landfill General Development Plan to evaluate the City's General Plan Amendment and Zone Change applications, which has been subject to a forty-five (45) day review period, and has prepared responses to comments pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered the Environmental Administrator's determination pursuant to Section 15074 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA); conducted duly -noticed public hearings on October 24 and November 14, 1995, pursuant to Section 9-2.313 of the Municipal Code to consider public testimony on the proposed project; deferred from recommending City Council certification of Revised Environmental Impact Report #548, Prima Deshecha Canada Landfill; and recommended approval of the General Plan Amendment; and, WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a duly -noticed public hearing on November 21, 1995 pursuant to Section 9-2.313 of the Municipal Code to consider public testimony on the proposed project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby make the following findings: 1. The proposed General Plan Amendment is consistent with the primary goals and policies of the City of San Juan Capistrano General Plan, specifically, the Land Use Element, Transportation Element; Open Space and Conservation Element, and Public Facilities Element; and, 2. The proposed project complies with all applicable provisions of the Land Use Code subject to the conditions of approval contained in this resolution. 3. The Revised Environmental Impact Report 4548, Prima Deshecha Canada Landfill General Development Plan has been prepared consistent with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (1970) pursuant to Section 15084 of the CEQA Guidelines; the County of Orange has provided consultation in the preparation of Revised Environmental Impact Report 4548 pursuant to Section 15086 of the CEQA Guidelines; Revised Environmental Impact Report #548 has been subject to the public review process established by Section 15087 of the CEQA Guidelines; and the County of Orange has prepared responses to comments as provided by Section 15088 of the CEQA Guidelines BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano hereby certifies Final Environmental Impact Report 548, Prima Deshecha Canada Landfall, and approves the proposed General Plan Amendment as contained in Exhibit "A", General Plan Amendment 93-06, Prima Deshecha Canada Landfill subject to the following: -2- 1. All mitigation measures which include provisional language such as "...if funding is available" or "... if practical/feasible" shall be revised to delete such language. 2. Certification of EIR #548 does = authorize any increase in daily tonnage limits above the 2,000 tons per day pursuant to the approved Memorandum of Understanding. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this November . 1995. ATTEST: 21st WYATT rARTI MAYOR PRO TEM -3- day of 134 135 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, CHERYL JOHNSON, City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 95-11-21-3 adopted by the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano, California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 21st day of November 1995, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Jones, Hart and Swerdlin NOES: Council Member Campbell ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Mayor Nash (SEAL) �CB RYL JO SON, CITY CLE U -4- 136 CITY -PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS ' RELATED TO GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (GPA) 93-06, PRIMA DESHECHA CANADA LANDFILL Prior to consideration of these policies, the City and the County of Orange have executed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) which establishes a commitment for the City to amend the General Plan. Furthermore, the County of Orange would be legally required to adhere to these General Plan Policies following their adoption by the City Council. WIVIKFJ11 M The Prima Deshecha Canada Landfill, owned and operated by the County of Orange, Integrated Waste Management Department (IWMD), consists of a fifteen hundred (1500) acre site of which approximately five -hundred (500) acres are within the City limits. Landfill operations within waste management unit #1 are conducted and wholly situated within the City of San Juan Capistrano. The landfill operates under a solid waste facility permit (SWFP) issued by the State of California in 1979 for an annual operation of two -hundred and thirty-five thousand (235,000) tons per day (TPD) which establishes a maximum daily tonnage of seven hundred and fifty-three (753) tons per day (based on six day per week operation in 1979). The landfill operation also is subject to the "general development plan, prima deshecha regional park, refuse disposal site (Phillips, brandt, reddick; october 1979)" which establishes a maximum landfill capacity of eighty-one (8 1) million cubic yards (MCY). The County is presently seeking approval from the Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) and California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) to landfill at a rate of 4,000 tons per day, and is also in the process of amending the general development plan to expand the landfill's capacity by 22 million cubic yards (271/o increase) to allow a maximum of one -hundred and three (103) million cubic yards. The General Plan establishes a "solid waste facility" ("SWF") land use designation for the Prima Deshecha Landfill. Such a designation applies to those areas of the landfill site approved for landfilling, recycling, and materials recovery facility operations as identified by the approved General Development Plan (GDP) and subject to the following policies as well as policies in the Circulation Element, Public Facilities Element, and Open Space and Conservation Element. o All operation of the Prima Deshecha Canada Landfill will be subject to a valid "Solid Waste Facility Permit" issued by the Local Enforcement Agency (LEA) subject to concurrence by the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) as provided by State law. The limits of landfilling and maximum daily tonnages will not exceed that established by the most recently issued "Solid Waste Facility Permit" or by the most recent Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) mutually executed by the City of San Juan Capistrano and the County of Orange. ' o Any amendment to the Prima Deshecha Canada Landfill General Development Plan (GDP) for that portion of the landfill situated within the City of San Juan Capistrano EXHIBIT A 137 Prima Deshecha Canada Landfill will require public review and approval by the City Council prior to final action by the Orange County Board of Supervisors. The County of Orange will prohibit final landfill grading with geometric manufactured slopes. All final landfill grading and associated plans prepared by the County will be subject to review by an engineering consultant with expertise in "natural landform contour grading". The City will amend Title 9, Land Use Code to create a "solid waste facility" zone district and designate the Prima Deshecha site as "solid waste facility". "Solid waste facility" zone districts will only be consistent with sites designated as "solid waste facility" (SWF) by the General Plan. Uses such as landfilling, stockpiling, recycling centers, tire shredding, transfer stations, materials recovery facility (MRF) operations, and similar landfill operations will be limited to those permitted by the State -issued "solid waste facility permit", and the City -approved conditional use permit. o The County of Orange will limit the maximum daily tonnage of landfilling to that specified in the approved "solid waste facilities permit" and/or the "Memorandum of Understanding", whichever is most restrictive. o The Antonio Parkway (Oso Parkway to Ortega Highway) extension shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions and restrictions contained in the "Memorandum of Understanding Regarding the Prima Deshecha Landfill" executed between the County of Orange and the City of San Juan Capistrano. 11 MU . =-I -� o As part of the design and development of recreation facilities, the County of Orange will assure that all proposed trails are coordinated and connected with existing and planned trails within the City of San Juan Capistrano. As part of site development review, the County will provide the City with the opportunity to review and make recommendations on such plans. The County and City should agree as to the precise location and design of trail planned connections. o The City will seek to assure that the County establishes an appropriate funding mechanism to assure that the planned regional park improvements are completed in a timely fashion following closure of the landfill operation. Prima Deshecha Canada Landfill ' o The City will seek to limit planned recreational uses to exclude those which could result in significant noise impacts (target ranges, motor vehicle tracks, radio - controlled airplanes), not only to adjoining properties but to other recreational users. Public Facilities Element o The County of Orange, as part of site development for future regional park uses, will provide landscape irrigation of proposed recreational facilities with the use of non - potable water service. For water service provided through the Capistrano Valley Water District (CVWD), the County shall be financially responsible for bonding and constructing all necessary pump stations, water mains, reservoirs, etc. to serve the landfill's future recreation uses with either non -potable or potable water service. o The County of Orange, as part of development and use of Prima Deshecha Canada as either a landfill or future regional park, will allow no structures (principal or accessory, landfill or recreation -related) to be constructed on nor within two -hundred (200) feet of any General Plan -designated "major-ridgeline". Any County proposal ' to site structures within two -hundred (200) feet of any General Plan -designated "major-ridgeline" will be subject to City review and approval of an application pursuant to Section 9-3.510, ridgeline grading and controls (City of San Juan Capistrano, Title 9, Land Use Code. o The County of Orange will establish and maintain final landfill grades which result in no silhouetting above and along the General Plan -designated "major-ridgelines" which form the northern and western edges of the landfill site boundary. Specifically, landfilling within Waste Management Unit (WMU) #1 will not silhouette above and along the General Plan -designated "major-ridgelines" to assure that no landfill operation or placement of landfill materials will be visually discernible as viewed from Ortega Highway. o The County of Orange will not install outdoor lighting for sports/athletic fields without securing a conditional use permit for such facilities from the City of San Juan Capistrano pursuant to the provisions of the City of San Juan Capistrano Land Use Code. All outdoor sports/athletic field lighting within the regional park will comply the applicable standards established by Section 9-3.614, Lighting (City of San Juan Capistrano, Title 9, Land Use Code). L 138 IA 6 2.0 IA l iI}tL 2.0 f �` . i 20 SWIP_ . c ., . 11 � J " N LEGEND RESIDENTIAL LAND USES, MAR. DM PIR F� Di NSITT CATEGORY GROSS ACRE i.l VERT LOW 12 LOW 2 1.3 MEDIUM LOW 3.5 1.4 MEDIUM S 1.5 MEDIUM NION E LS NIGH 18 1.7 SENIOR HOYSM OPEN SPACE It RECREATION USESI au LAZA92JUL 2.0 GENERAL OPEN SPACR 2J OPEN SPACE RECREATION 222 EXISTING NEIGHBORHOOD PARRS 2.2P PROPOSED NXIGHBORHOOD PARRS 23E EXISTING COMMUNITY PARKS 2.3P PROPOSEO COMMUNITY PARKS 2.4 SPECIALTY PARKS 2.3 REGIONAL PARR 2.6 NATURAL OPEN SPACE" 2.7 RECREATION COMMERCIAL OTHER LAND USES, KEY CATEGORY KI[ CAtIDODT ,�-y` COMMERCIAL, INODITIS+,,J 3.0 NEIGNs0RR000 40 .INDUSTRIAL F&M.-' -.,T, CONVEMIEMCE CENTRE 4.1 QUASI-IMRODTRIAt/`_ 3.1 GENERAL COMMERCIAL 4.2 AGEI-SOSIK�SyE� 4,3 LSOWri ORDPQAiPs�'••Yt, OTHER, 4A OPPIG mxstxi&ft;e#k SD MLN: A WRTRDTIONAL usE/ Lt EXISTING PYSLIC SCHOOLS Sa POTENTIAL PUTURR PUBLIC SCHOOL MTO La PANrNL aRPIP. aPnOA SPECIAL DESIGNATIONS, PLANNED COMMUNITT AREA ';4 - MODE IMPAR Am SS SPECIAL STUDY ARIA 41AIWAL GROWS WIMAY MATINS EIOGELIN/ .... CITY SOYIDART GEOLOGICAL OVERLAY" SWF Solid Waste Facili ARTERIAL HIGHWAY NETWORK, LET TYPE OF HWY VOLUME RA%G9 IADTI' MM�� COMMUTES 0.7000 SOMMOMM� SBCOMPARY 7,000- 20,000 PRIMARY OVX■ 20.000