Resolution Number 97-5-6-5315
WHEREAS, the applicants, Donald Soderling, Resco Development Company, 4040
Baranca Parkway, Suite 210, Irvine, CA 92714, and James Tracy, Gateway Community Church,
31511 La Novia Avenue, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675, have submitted a request to amend
specific development plan 90-02, to permit a 25,927 square foot church and a professional office
building site to be developed at a later date. The site is approximately 11.6 acres located at the
southwest of the intersection of Rancho Viejo Road and Via Escolar, is within the Planned
Development Zone District, and is designated 5.0 (Public Institutional) on the General Plan Map; and
WHEREAS, this proposal has been reviewed in accordance with the California
_ Environmental Quality Act, (CEQA, 1970). On December 10, 1996 the City's Environmental
Administrator reviewed this proposal and determined that it qualifies for issuance of a mitigated
negative declaration, and all mitigation measures are included as conditions of approval in this draft
resolution; and
WHEREAS, on December 31, 1996, Robert King, on behalf of "Save Our San
Juan", appealed the Environmental Administrator's decision to issue a mitigated negative declaration
to the City Council; and,
WHEREAS, at their March 4, 1997 meeting, the City Council, after due
consideration, affirmed the Environmental Administrator's decision and denied the appeal; and,
WHEREAS, on April 8, 1997 the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public
hearing to consider testimony both in opposition to, and in favor of, a mitigated negative declaration,
RZ 96-01 and AC 96-06, and recommended approval of a mitigated negative declaration, RZ 96-01,
and AC 96-06; and
WHEREAS, on May 6, 1997 the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing to
consider testimony both in opposition to, and in favor of, a mitigated negative declaration, RZ 96-01
and AC 96-06.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of San
Juan Capistrano does hereby find that:
Mitigated Negative Declaration:
The mitigation measures contained in the mitigated negative declaration, as issued by
the City's Environmental Administrator, will reduce potentially significant
environmental impacts to a level of insignificance.
Architectural Control Application
The proposed Specific Development Plan and Architectural Control application are
consistent with the numerical standards of Section 9-4.23.5 (Planned Development
District) with regards to open space requirements and setbacks, as well as the
requirements that development be of a high quality with a uniform design which is
compatible with surrounding development.
2. The proposed site plan is generally consistent with existing and proposed uses. The
proposed site plan has been designed to preserve the knoll at the north end of the site,
and the proposed church buildings are proposed to be turned at a forty five degree
angle to Rancho Viejo Road, softening the appearance of large expanses of building
wall parallel to the street. Additionally, buildings have been broken down and
arranged around courtyards minim;z ng their massing, and lessening the visual impact
of the proposed church.
The proposed buildings are consistent with the Community Design Element of the
General Plan in that the buildings have been designed with strong horizontal massing
and will use materials , such as stone veneers, earth tone stuccos and gray concrete
tile roofing, which will help the buildings blend into the natural terrain of the slopes.
Additionally, the buildings have been designed with full pitch roofs, and no roof
equipment, further preserving the views from existing homes located above the site.
Furthermore, the project application is consistent will all other elements of the City's
adopted General Plan.
4. The proposed vehicular circulation on site has been designed to provide safe and
convenient access to the Church courtyard via a drop-off area, and adjacent handicap
and standard parking stalls. Additional parking is located in close proximity between
the church and the commercial office building site. This arrangement may facilitate
the establishment of a joint parking agreement with the future development of the
professional office site, thus reducing the amount of parking required for the site.
The proposed church structures and commercial office site have been located so as
to preserve the knoll at the north end of the site. This knoll, which was also to be
preserved under the previously approved commercial office proposal, provides an
identifiable topographic feature for the entry to the City, and reinforces the visual
separation between San Juan Capistrano and Mission Viejo.
6. The adopted Architectural Design Guidelines encourage architectural styles which
embody the Mission Revival, Monterey, Italianate, and Spanish Revival architectural
styles. However, the Guidelines also allow for "appropriate interpretations of such
styles so as to maintain individuality of design, and not unduly hinder creativity". The
proposed architectural design of the project draws heavily from the materials of early
California architecture, including thick stucco walls which allude to adobe
construction, rough sawn wood, and stone. The simple forms and clean lines are also
consistent with the straight forward architecture of Early California.
The proposal consists of a church with a 435 seat sanctuary, a 635 square foot pre-
school accessory to the church, and a 2.3 acre professional office building site to be
developed at a later date. Based on floor area ratio (FAR) of 40%, the anticipated
square footage of future office development would be approximately 40,000 square
feet. Based on these specifications the project would generate 100 AM peak hour and
103 PM peak hour trips, and 659 total weekday ADT. This proposed increases in
peak hour traffic would not result in a reduction in service levels below LOS "D"
during weekdays, or LOS "A" on Sundays, during church use, and therefore the
project would not result in a significant impact to existing arterial highway
intersections based on service levels.
8. The proposed landscape plans will provide an attractive environment for the public.
The proposal includes a comprehensive plant palette consisting of native plant species
for the manufactured slopes along the eastern portion of the site, plant species
consistent with the Rancho Viejo Road Concept Plan, for the western portion of the
site, and more formal groupings of plants and turf confined to the courtyards of the
approves a mitigated negative declaration based upon the basis that it finds on the information
contained in the initial study and comments received that there is no substantial evidence that the
project will have a significant effect on the environment and approves Architectural Control
application 96-06, a 25,927 square foot church and a professional office building site to be developed
at a later date, subject to the following conditions and mitigation measures:
Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall submit the following items for
Planning Commission review and approval:
a. Revised grading plans which indicate the deletion of retaining walls on the
professional office building site, and that no manufactured slopes exceed a 2:1 slope.
This conditions is not intended to preclude the future consideration of retaining walls
on this site as part of an architectural control application for a future development
b. Revised site and grading plans which indicate sidewalks along Rancho Viejo Road
continuing into the project site to provide full pedestrian access, and a street light at
the project entry.
C. Detailed landscape plans which indicate sections of typical slope, parking lot and
building perimeter planting plans.
d. Revised site plans which indicate the width of the opening of the parking stalls at the
"turn -around" at the church as nine feet, so that the remaining portions of the stall
exceed this dimension.
C. Details of the trash enclosure gates and wall caps.
f. Location, scale, materials, colors, construction details and proposed lighting for the
g. Revised lighting plans which indicate a minimum value of 0.6 foot candles on the
pavement within the general parking and pedestrian areas, and indicate either the
deletion or "scaling back" of the proposed architectural accent lighting. A narrative
describing the design goals and unique architectural features to be highlighted by the
architectural lighting shall also be submitted as part of this package.
2. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall submit the following items for
review and approval by the Planning Director and City Engineer:
a. Grading plans which indicate that all manufactured slopes are designed and
constructed in accordance with Sections 9-3.505 and 9-4.112 of the Municipal Code.
All such slopes shall be 2:1 ratio or flatter.
b. A storm runoff study prepared by a registered Civil Engineer showing existing and
proposed facilities, hydraulic and hydrology calculations, and the methods of draining
the site and tributary areas without exceeding capacity at any affected street or
facility. Said study shall be consistent with the City's Master Drainage Plan in
accordance with all applicable City regulations, and Orange County Environmental
Management Agency (OCEMA) design criteria and standards.
Improvement plans which indicate the undergrounding of all existing utility lines
within the boundaries of the Specific Development Plan.
d. An agreement between the developer and the Moulton -Niguel Water District, and the
developer and the City, for the provision of sanitary sewer services. All facilities shall
be dedicated and constructed in accordance with Article 9-4.1 of the Municipal Code
and adopted City policy.
e. The developer shall enter into an agreement with the City for the maintenance of
landscaping within the Rancho Viejo Road right-of-way adjacent to the project
f The developer shall provide a program for damage from slides occurring after project
Any joint parking agreement proposed in the future will require a conditional use permit, and
be subject to the City's discretionary review of the office commercial site.
4. Bells shall be prohibited.
In the event the applicant cannot obtain approval for off-site grading from adjacent property
owners, and/or significant changes are made to the grading plans, such as the need for
additional retaining walls, the grading plan shall be returned to the Planning Commission for
review and approval.
6. Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy the applicant shall construct, to the
satisfaction of the City Engineer, a sidewalk which fronts the project site along Via Escolar.
Mitigation Measures:
Mitigation measure #1: Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the soils report update letter and
previously completed soils and geotechnical studies shall be subject to third party review to determine
grading plan compliance with applicable City grading standards and professionally -accepted design
Mitigation measure #2: Proposed retaining walls shall be designed by a professional engineer and
constructed to standards and specifications established by the City Engineer. In conjunction with the
submission of improvement plans for proposed retaining walls, the applicant shall submit a soils
study/geotechnical report prepared by a qualified engineering geologist which analyzes soils and
geologic conditions and provides specific recommendations on the design of the proposed retaining
Mitigation measure #3: Finished slopes shall not exceed a maximum finished grade of 2:1.
Mitigation measure #4: In the event grading would occur during the winter wet season as
determined by the Chief Building Official, the City may require and the applicant will be required to
install and maintain sediment and erosion control devices to protect graded hillsides.
Mitigation measure #5: In conjunction with grading permit review and issuance, the applicant shall
submit dust control plans and procedures for reducing dust and particulate matter (PM 10) emissions
associated with grading and construction to the satisfaction of the Planning Director or his designee.
Plans and procedures for PM 10 emissions reduction will be consistent with AQMD Rule 403 and may
include use of soil binders, truck washing, street sweeping, and vehicle maintenance.
Mitigation measure #6: Prior to approval of any improvement plans, the applicant shall submit
detailed hydraulic/hydrologic reports and a stormwater management plan which evaluates drainage
areas, stormwater runoff, existing and proposed stormwater drainage facilities consistent with the
City's public facility standards to the satisfaction of the City Engineer.
Mitigation measure #7: Prior to approval of any stormwater drainage improvement plans, the
applicant shall design such plans to comply with the City's "Master Plan of Drainage" subject to the
satisfaction of the City Engineer.
Mitigation measure #8: Prior to issuance of any building or grading permits, the City Engineer or
his designee shall determine that the existing public stormwater drainage facilities potentially impacted
by the project are adequate to accommodate all drainage associated with the subject proposal. The —
City Engineer may require upgrade of the existing public stormwater drainage facilities in order to
accommodate the project's runoff.
Mitigation measure #9: Prior to Planning Commission review of the architectural control
application, the applicant shall prepare and submit a lighting plan. The lighting plan shall include the
location of all lighting, light source (high pressure sodium, metal halide), lens (NEMA) type, height,
mounting (building, pole, etc.), vertical tilt, horizontal orientation, and cutoff/shielding type. The
lighting plan shall be designed to comply with the provisions of Section 9-3.614, Lighting of the Land
Use Code as determined by the Commission.
Mitigation measure #10: Prior to Planning Commission review of the architectural control
application, the applicant shall prepare and submit a photometric analysis of the lighting plan. The
photometric analysis shall evaluate lighting intensity to the nearest 0.1 footcandle on not less than ten
foot grid, and evaluate adequate off-site area to demonstrate compliance with City standards.
Mitigation measure #11: All exterior lighting fixtures shall be provided with shielding and situated
so that direct light does not encroach on adjoining residential properties, in particular the Spotted Bull
Lane and Country Hills Estates neighborhoods.
Alternate mitigation measure #12: The Specific Development Plan (SDP) shall be revised to limit
permitted uses of the project site to church and religious institution uses; or,
Prior to the issuance of a building permit for the 2.3 acre graded pad, the applicant shall submit a
description of the proposed use and staff will prepare a trip generation analysis for the project,
including previously approved project elements/phases. Based on Administrative Policy #310 and
the trip generation analysis, the City may require preparation of a traffic analysis. In the event a
traffic analysis is required and determines significant impacts, the City may require the applicant to
pay the "fair -share" cost of improvements prior to building permit issuance.
Mitigation measure #13: Existing streets trees along the property frontage shall be protected during
construction phase. Prior to issuance of an occupancy permit, the City will inspect the condition of
street trees along the project frontage and may require replacement, as appropriate.
Mitigation measure #14: The manufactured slopes proposed as part of the grading concept shall
be landscaped consistent with the slope plant palette established as part of the 'Rancho Viejo Road
Concept Plan"
Mitigation measure #15: Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the applicant will retain the services
of a SOPA (Society of Professional Archaeologists) -certified archeologist who will monitor all
grading and excavation for potential impacts on cultural resources including archeological,
paleontological, and historic resources. The applicant will provide an executed contract for services
with a SOPA-certified archeologist including a scope -of -work which provides for comprehensive
monitoring; a contingency for assessment, recovery, and/or evaluation; and the preparation of a
technical memoranda or report. In the event cultural resources are encountered during grading, the
monitor may cease grading operations, consistent with City Council policy, to allow for the
assessment, recovery, and/or evaluation of any cultural resources.
May 1997.
I, CHERYL JOHNSON, City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano, California,
DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution No.
97-5-6-5 adopted by the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano, California,
at a regular meeting thereof held on the 6th day of May 1997, by the
following vote:
AYES: Council Members Jones, Greiner, Hart and
Mayor Swerdlin
NOES: None
ABSENT: Council Member Campbell
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