Resolution Number 04-04-20-04RESOLUTION NO. 04-04-20-04 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING NUMERICAL LIMITS FOR CALENDAR YEARS 2005-2007 AND APPRVING A RESIDENTIAL ALLOCATION SCHEDULE FOR CALENDAR YEARS 2004-2007 (RESIDENTIAL GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM) WHEREAS, Section 9-2.325, Growth Management of Title 9, Land Use Code establishes the City's Residential Growth Management Regulations and regulates the allocation of residential building permits within the City; and, WHEREAS, Section 9-2.325, Growth Management of Title 9, Land Use Code requires that the City annually establish Numerical Limits for each of the succeeding three calendar years and a Residential Allocation Schedule for residential building permits to be issued for the current calendar year and the succeeding three calendar years; and, WHEREAS, the potential environmental impacts of the Residential Growth Management Program have been disclosed in the Certified Environmental Impact Report (EIR) prepared in conjunction with the adoption of the 1999 General Plan Update and the adoption of Ordinance No. 869, an ordinance amending Title 9, Land Use Code, in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (1970); and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has previously considered the environmental determination pursuant to Section 15074 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEOA); and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission conducted a duly noticed public meeting on March 9, and March 23, 2004 pursuant to Section 9-2.335, Public Hearing Procedures of the Municipal Code to consider testimony on the proposed numerical limits and residential allocation schedule; and, WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a duly noticed public meeting on April 20, 2004 pursuant to Section 9-2.335, Public Hearing Procedures of the Municipal Code to consider testimony on the proposed numerical limits and residential allocation schedule. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby make the following findings: The proposed Numerical Limits, as reflected in Exhibit "A", are consistent with the policies and objectives of the General Plan, in that they reasonably accommodate the number of building permits necessary to comply with the Housing Element's housing production objectives established by the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA), an integral component of the Department of Housing and Community Development Department -approved Housing Element; and, 04-20-2oo4 2. The Numerical Limits will provide building permit allocations consistent with the provisions of Section 9-2.325, Residential Growth Management of the Municipal Code;and, 3. The Residential Allocation Schedule, as depicted in Exhibit "A", provides equitable and appropriate building permit allocations within the previously established numerical limits by the City Council for 2004 and the recommended numerical limits for 2005-2007; and, 4. The Residential Allocation Schedule is consistent with the policies and objectives of the San Juan Capistrano General Plan especially the Public Services Element relating to the provision of adequate capital infrastructure to support new residential development; and, 5. The Residential Allocation Schedule provides for reasonable build -out schedules for those projects eligible for building permit allocations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby establish 2005-2007 Numerical Limits in accordance with Section 9-2.325(e)(2) of Title 9, Land Use Code as follows: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby establish the 2004-2007 Residential Allocation Schedule as provided by Exhibit "X, attached hereto and incorporated herein, in accordance with the requirements of Section 9-2.325 of Title 9, Land Use Code. PASSED, APPROVED AND SWIM / R. MONAHAN, CITY CLERK 04-20-2004 w -j D a ui z 0 L) 0:99 J z -i M 0 <00 LL M (L z Z LLI LLI 1302 ro Z LLI LU < wgo �- z U) < C) B K m C� < X v Q w CD CD z C4 < 0 a :,D w z 0 4c z U) < U) LL 0 Z w 0 W w 2 m z r*- C�l to (D Q C4 N Cl) N C4 m V) V Cl) CD 0 0 0 C%l 04 04 in N a' 00 C4 00 N (0 cn Le) 0 M M en N eq C*4 C-1 0 U) N C-4 m 0 m N I I I C%l E4) N cn W) t� to Cl) a m N It Go U) > 5 2 'a N m tn r- Iz 1 m C4 m m CL N V Go to r 0 0 0 0 wo uj . 0 c 0 0 0 UJ 2 0 LL C-4 e 6 C IL E m Wc E z w m .2 4) 0. E >1 4 (L Gk :t 0 r 0 0) —Z C,L 0 z r m co :3 (n z IV cn 04 Cl) C.) LU N co 0. m U) CL CL 0 I S 0 w m IL m E > LU E Ix 0 w CL P z I.- > z > g;o= CO -< cD (D C/) --I M (/) M �? � U) (D 0 > !�, M > � 0 > CD 0 0 0 �zm C: C C: =0 z Z Z (D o o N) CD r — 5FC . 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