Resolution Number CRA 06-06-20-01RESOLUTION NO. CRA 06-06-20-01 ' A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2006/2007 BUDGET AND AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS RELATED THERETO WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Community Redevelopment Agency held a public hearing to consider the proposed Fiscal Program and Budget beginning July 1, 2006, and ending June 30, 2007; and, WHEREAS, the proposed Fiscal Year 2006/2007 Budget is the basis for the financial and economic implementation of the Community Redevelopment Plan; and, WHEREAS, the proposed Fiscal Year 2006/2007 Budget reflects a level of service and work force deemed appropriate by the Agency Board of Directors; and, WHEREAS, the Agency Board of Directors intends to use the proposed Operating Budget as a guide for determining Agency priorities; and, WHEREAS, the Agency Board of Directors recognized that the proposed Fiscal Year 2006/2007 Budget will require adjustments from time to time, and accordingly, the ' Agency Executive Director is authorized to execute necessary transfers to carry out the scope of services as approved. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the San Juan Capistrano Community Redevelopment Agency, as follows: 1. That the proposed Fiscal Year 2006/2007 Budget in accordance with Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein for a total appropriation amount of $17,675,199 and as detailed in the Community Redevelopment Agency section of the Budget Document on file with the Agency Clerk's Office entitled "City of San Juan Capistrano Budget -FY 2006/2007" is hereby adopted as the Operating and Capital Improvement Budget for the San Juan Capistrano Community Redevelopment Agency for fiscal year 2006/2007. 2. That the amounts reflected as estimated revenues for FY 2006/2007 as shown in Exhibit A are hereby adopted as budgeted revenues for FY 2006/2007. 3. That the amounts reflected as proposed expenditures for FY 2006/2007 as shown in Exhibit A are hereby appropriated to the department and/or ' fund for which they are designated and such appropriation shall not be increased except as provided herein. Page 1 of 3 6/20/2006 4. That the legal level of budgetary control is the fund level. Budgets may not legally be exceeded at the fund level without appropriate authorization by the Agency Board of Directors. 5. That total appropriations for each fund may only be increased or decreased by the Agency Board of Directors by amending the budget except as provided herein. 6. That the following controls are hereby placed on the use and transfers of budgeted funds: a. The Executive Director may authorize all transfers of funds from account to account within any department. b. The Executive Director may authorize all transfers of funds from department to department within any fund. C. The Executive Director may delegate the authority to make budget transfers and adjustments. d. The Executive Director may authorize budget adjustments involving offsetting revenues and expenditures; the Executive Director may authorize increases in an appropriation for a specific purpose where the appropriation is offset by unbudgeted revenues, which is designated for said specific purpose. 7. That all appropriations in the Operating Budget for projects currently underway and remaining unexpended at June 30, 2006, as approved by the Executive Director or his designee, are hereby appropriated to the 2006/2007 fiscal year Operating Budget. 8. That all appropriations for outstanding encumbrances as of June 30, 2006, as approved by the Executive Director or his designee, are hereby continued into FY 2006/2007 for such contracts and obligations. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this,20�"Aay ofd, ulne 2006. ATTFST- Page 2 of 3 2Y RMAN 6/20/2006 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY TOTAL BUDGET SUMMARY -ALL FUNDS u FUND DETAIL STATEMENTS l EXHIBIT A m ra o ry - P n m o rr _ O V O O O Q Z O ti LL N F Z p W J n a Q o m O o c� f p v v C N w i o o E v pgry o - y N W N T c li w K w 0 Z l7 O �o O O � m 0 V m o m ra o ry - P n m o rr _ O O O O p m O f O C N N 0 O O O o m o o c o 0 0 0 o c o v i z 'ti 4. Rental Income $ 200 $ - $ - 0.0 Proceeds of Administration Loan - 300,000 250,000 -16.6 Interest Income 12,816 23,000 20,000 -13.0 Transfer In -RV Storage Fund 85,321 7,900 - -100.0 Director's Salaries $ 3,390 $ 4,000 $ 4,000 0.00% Engineering/Design Services 16,006 30,600 75,600 147.06% Legal/Professional Services 17,265 56,100 59,505 6.07% Other Outside Services 1,859 42,636 37,300 -12.52% Utilities 4,118 2,550 3,820 49.80% Advertising/Public Notices 771 1,173 800 -31.80% Office Supplies/Postage 92 1,377 750 -45.53% Stationery/Printed Material - 408 200 -50.98% Training/Meetings 888 2,550 2,200 -13.73% Mileage Reimbursements 6 204 100 -50.98% Subscription/Dues 2,670 2,754 2,800 1.67% Maintenance 2,577 3,876 3,900 0.62% Administrative Charges 120,487 142,733 184,480 29.25% EXHIBIT A - Page 2 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY RV STORAGE FUND FY 2006/2007 Description TOTAL - ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES CURRENT YEAR REVE'*NLZE OVER /UNDER/ EXPED/TURES CHANGE INA VAILABLE FUND BALANCE • VAILABLE FUND BALANCE, JUL Y 1 • VAILABLE FUND BALANCE,, JUNE 30 FUND BALANCE JUNE 30 Actual N Percent Projected Proposed Change From 2005/06 2006/07 Prior Year F $ 110,599 $ 11,100 S S 11,100 S 111,1001 S S 11.100 $ (11,100y S - 11,100 $ 1 I, 100 $ 11,100 $ S AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE JUNE30 S 11,100 Tax Increment Interest Income Other Engineering/Design Services Legal/Professional Services Other Outside Services Advertising/Public Notices Office Supplies/Postage Training/Meetings Administrative Charges Annual Rental Subsidy Program Rental Securement Program CBDG Leverage - Title 25 Transfers Out -Debt Service 1997 Housing Tax Allocation Bonds 1998 Tax Allocation Refunding Bonds Transfers Out-CIP Affordable Housing Projects CEP Program Loan Payoff Land Held for Future Affordable Housing Project Land held for Future Affordable Housing Project L/T Receivable -SJ Senior Housing L/T Receivable -CEP Program $ 1,132,806 $ 1,139,157 $ 1,161,940 62,271 70,549 150,235 11 - 30,000 - -1C $ - $ - $ - 0.00%1 917 23,000 23,000 0.00%' 3,467 97,500 22,500 -76.92%' - - 1,500 - 800 S00 -37.50% 891 1,650 1,650 0.00% 107,514 169,095 176,905 4.62% 65,938 125,000 155,000 24.00% 2,500 4,200 4,200 0.00% 8,050 - - 0.00% 177,186 177,410 177,410 0.009- 103,479 103,967 103,967 0.009 4,360,000 75,350 - - 2,060,000 2,060,000 2,060,000 - 1, 550,000 1,550,000 1,550,000 50,820 50,820 50,820 EXHIBIT A - Page 4 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AFFORDABLE HOUSING BOND FUND FY 2006/2007 Actual Projected Proposed Description TOTAL - PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES $ 17,984 $ 24,272 S 34,631 TOTAL- ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES S - S - $ 1,020,000 CURRENTYEAR?EVENUEOVE?/UNDER/EXPED/TURES S 17,984 $ 24,272 S (985,;69 s a . �.r,�Idt-'!. ✓ r(w1,•F , , 'rv, r.,. ,. i� ;"ay.� a .rr<< CHANGEINAVAILA BLEFUND BALANCE $ $ $ 4,085 AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE, JULY 1 - AVAILABLEFUND BALANCE -1UNE30 $ - S - $ 4,085 FUND BALANCE, JUNE 30 $ 965,182 S 989,454 $ 4,085 .Twurmrrar.a sre.�rr�sl:ec AVAILABLEFUNDBALANCE,JUNE30 S - S - S 4,085 Percent Change From Prior Year COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AFFORDABLE RENTAL HOUSING FUND - LITTLE HOLLYWOOD FY 20062007 Description TOTAL - PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES TOTAL - ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES CURRENT YEAK REVENUE OVER /UNDE11/ EXPEDITURES CHANGEINAVAILABLEFUND BALAA AVAILABLEFUNDBALANCE , JULY 1 AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE, JUNE30 FUND BALANCE, JUNE 30 Actual Percent Projected Proposed Change From 2005/06 2006/07 Prior Year 15 $ 92,799 S 102,292 $ 26,225 $ 82,800 $ 82,800 S 62.390 $ 9,999 5 19.492 S 32,390 $ (20,001) 5 (10,508) 212,251 244,641 224,640 S 244,641 S 224,640 S 214,132 S 274,641 304.132 AVAILABLEFUNDBALANCE ,JUNE 30 S 244,641 S 224,640 S 214,132 Loan/Note Proceeds from City $ - $ - $ 750,000 Loan Proceeds - 5,100,000 - -100.00% Transfers In -20% Set -Aside Fund - - 4,360,000 ** Transfer in Housing Bond Fund - 1,020,000 •TAL - PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES5,100,000 6,130,000 Facade Improvement Progam $ $ 150,000 $ 150,000 0.00% Los Rios Parking Lot & Signage 45,868 50,000 - -100.00% EI Camino Real Sidewalk/UUD/Lighting 23,619 10,000 249,000 2390.00% Downtown Signage Program - 30,000 130,000 333.33% Downtown Lighting - Final Phase 19,438 - - 0.00% Lower Rosan Ranch (LRR) Wetlands Mitigation 55,291 55,000 43,000 -21.82% LRR Adjacent Property Acquisition/EIR 5,100,000 300,000 -94.12% Little Hollywood Housing - Phase II - - 300,000 Pitts Property Family Housing - - 2,060,000 Affordable Housing Projects ( TBD) 3,020,000 ** G Land Held for Resale $ 8,871,991 $ 8,871,991 $ 8,871,991 EXHIBIT A - Page 7 Tax Increment $ 4,531,221 $ 4,556,626 $ Interest Income 28,393 41,773 Interest Income -Note Receivable - - City of SJC-Sales Tax Pass-Thru 304,576 327,760 City of SJC-Interest Accrued 299,142 13,034 Transfers In -20% Set -Aside (1997( 177,186 177,410 Transfers In -20% Set -Aside (1998( 103,479 103,967 City of SJC-Wm Lyon Fees $ 98,152 $ 98,152 $ City of SJC(# 1( -Tax Anticipation 180,000 180,000 City of SJC(#4(-Trullis Acq. Loan 8,932 15,560 City of SJC(#5( -Admin Loan 12,058 19,322 CVWD-Connection Fees/Wm Lyon 105,751 - Orange County- 17.1%Agreement 961,817 974,000 SOCCCD Pass-Thru Agreement - - Capello Promissory Note 28,121 26,946 Trullis Promissory Note 198,117 207,532 Auto Tax Revenue Pass-Thru 304,576 327,760 Fluidmaster 40,000 40,000 Pacific Sales 67,571 20,000 Capistrano Volkswagen 24,624 35,000 Sierra Vista - 5,000 State ERAF Shift 330,056 330,031 Tax Allocation Bonds -1997 177,186 177,410 Tax Allocation Bonds -1998 517,393 519,836 Debt Administration 7,784 7,304 Kinoshita Acquisition 647,500 647,500 CUSD Improvement Fund 498,887 1,052,178 Transfer Out-Knshta Sinking Fund 245,000 252,500 Long-term receivables Cash with Fiscal Agent Long-term receivables $ 24,622 $ 35,000 $ 181,356 181,356 190,377 155,377 4,647,759 2.0 51,359 22.9 - O.0 334,315 2.0 326,160 2402.3 177,226 -0.1 103,305 -0.6 98,152 0 180,000 0 17,510 12 30,498 57 0 993,500 2 0 27,684 2 - -100 334,315 40,000 20,000 35,000 5,000 177,226 516,526 7,450 647,500 1,532,951 255,000 35,000 181,356 120,377 rol EXHIBIT A - Page 8 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY KINOSHITA DEBT SERVICE SINKING FUND FY 2006/2007 Actual Projected 2004/05 2005/06 TOTAL - PROJECTED REVENUES AND OTHER SOURCES $ 312,212 $ 349,280 Percent Proposed Change From 2006/07 Prior Year 401,945 TOTAL - ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES AND OTHER USES $ - S - $ - CUYR�NENTYEAR REVENUE0VER /UNDER/EXPED/TURES $ 312,212 S 349,280 S 401,945 �AA'fFilj%jaF�dY?.nACo�Y Y '�1''?.f j-�•':.o- .._. CHANGEINAVAILABLEFUND BALANCE $ $ $ AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE, JULY I • VAILABLE FUND BALANCE, JUNE 30 FUND BALANCE, JUNE 30 S 3,849,133 $ 4,198,413 $ AVAILABLE FUND BALANCE,JUNE30 $ - S - $ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, MARGARET R. MONAHAN, appointed Agency Secretary of the Community Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Juan Capistrano, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. CRA 06-06-20-01 was duly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Community Redevelopment Agency at a regular meeting thereof, held the 20th day of June 2006 by the following vote: AYES: DIRECTORS: Allevato, Bathgate, Swerdlin, Hart & Chairman Soto NOES DIRECTORS: None ABSENT: DIRECTORS: None