B23-1453 - 31981 PASEO AMANTE10/11/24 PO BOX 2846 BIG BEAR, CA 92314 LIMITED ASBESTOS SURVEY REPORT FOR 31981 Paseo Amante Laguna Beach, CA Prepared for Tami Chambers DATE 3/20/2024 Report # 2403-203-1023589 CONDUCTED BY Jackson Environmental 120 Tustin Ave C-1121 Newport Beach, CA 92663 949-230-9779 Mjacksonenvironmental@gmail.com TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION SECTION I ASBESTOS SURVEY SUMMARY Executive Summary Facility Description Survey Findings SECTION II BUILDING INSPECTION FOR ASBESTOS Bulk Sampling Bulk Sample Analysis Quality Assurance Limitation of Sampling Suspect Asbestos Containing Materials SECTION III LABORATORY REPORTS Asbestos Laboratory Reports INTRODUCTION Jackson Environmental was retained by Tami Chambers to conduct a LIMITED Asbestos survey for the property located at, 31981 Paseo Amante, San Juan Capistrano, CA, on March 15th, 2024. The purpose of this survey was to identify Asbestos Containing Material (ACBM) in all areas of the building. Work consisted of collecting bulk samples of All materials suspect of containing asbestos. THE REPORT The survey report is divided into three major sections, which provide identification of all suspected ACBM. Section I presents a summary of the Asbestos Survey and a general description of the area inspected. Survey findings are also provided in this section. Section II describes the methodology used to perform the survey and includes Jackson Environmental, and our Analytical quality control procedures. Section III of this report summarizes the locations and materials which were identified as containing asbestos. Results of the bulk samples are included in this section. SECTION I ASBESTOS SURVEY SUMMARY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Jackson Environmental was retained by Tami Chambers to conduct a LIMITED Asbestos Survey for the property located at 31981 Paseo Amante, San Juan Capistrano, CA. The sampling was conducted by Michael Jackson an Osha certified asbestos consultant # 04- 3635. FACILITY DESCRIPTION The subject property is single family, one story, wood frame building set on a foundation. While on-site the Certified Personnel noted the condition of the materials. This is noted in the survey findings below. NOTE: Testing limited to areas slated for renovation. SURVEY FINDINGS The following building materials were identified and or assumed as containing asbestos: Building Material Location Friable/Non- Friable/ Condition SQ’ Approximate None Detected **Please note square footages are approximate estimates only and should not be used as a basis for bidding purposes** RECOMMENDATIONS: All Significantly Damaged and Damaged areas should be repaired or removed as soon as possible to avoid any potential hazards that may result from further disturbance of ACM. SCAQMD's Rule 1403 requires a Procedure 5 Work Plan for any unscheduled asbestos fiber release episode involving ACM or Class II non -friable ACM. SECTION II LIMITED ASBESTOS INSPECTION BULK SAMPLING Bulk samples of areas containing suspect ACBM were collected. A homogeneous area is defined as surfacing material, thermal insulation, or miscellaneous material that is uniform in color, texture, or date of application. Samples were collected using wet methods; where they are deemed appropriate, to minimize fiber release. Prior to sampling, the location is misted with water from a spray bottle. A sample of the suspect material is then collected using a chisel, core bore r, knife, or other appropriate tool. After the sample was collected, the bulk material was placed in a sample bag which was sealed to prevent fiber release or contamination by outside sources. Samples are documented by entering the sample data on a bulk log, including a description of the material, a unique sample number is assigned to each sample and the sample bag was labeled with that number. During the survey, the technician also notes the condition of the material being sampled, its location, conditio n, and friability. Note: The amended National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP), November 20, 1990, included a requirement that when the asbestos content of a bulk sample material is determined using procedures outlined in the Interim Method and the asbestos content is estimated to be less than 10% by method other than Point Counting, the parties legally responsible for a building (owner/operator) may elect to assume the amount to be greater than 1% and treat the material as a regulated asbestos containing material. If the owner or operator does not want to assume the material is asbestos containing, verification of the amount of asbestos by the Point Counting method may be required. The purpose of this procedure is to minimize false negative analysis, and false positive. Point Counting was included in NESHAP in response to an HEPA study that found unacceptable amounts of false positive and false negative analyses by methods outlined in the Interim Method. Unless otherwise directed, American Analytical will assume that PLM analysis is acceptable for this survey. CLASSIFICATION OF BULK BUILDING MATERIALS "S” Significantly Damaged Material with one or more of the following characteristics: The surface is crumbling or blistered over at least one tenth of the surface if the damage is evenly distributed :( one quarter or more if the damage is localized). One tenth (one quarter or more, if localized) of material hanging from the surface, deteriorated, or showing adhesive failure. Water stains, gouges, or mars over at least one tenth of the surface if the damaged is evenly distributed (one quarter or more if the damage is localized). Accumulation of powder, dust, or debris similar in appearance to the suspect material on surfaces beneath the material can be used as confirmatory evidence. We recommend immediate removal of Significantly Damaged material and clean up of the area by a Licensed Asbestos Abatement Contractor. "D" Damaged Material with the following characteristics: The surface is crumbling, blistered, water-stained, gouged, marred or otherwise abraded over less than one tenth of the surface if the damage is evenly distributed (less than one quarter if the damage is localized). Accumulation of powder, dust, or debris similar in appearance to the suspect material on surfaces beneath the material can be used as confirmatory evidence. We recommended removal of damaged material and clean up of the area by a Licensed Asbestos Abatement Contractor. "G” GOOD Material with no visible damage or deterioration, or showing only very damage or deterioration. We recommended materials identified as in good condition be placed on an Operations and Maintenance Program (O & M). BULK SAMPLE ANALYSIS All bulk samples were analyzed by Patriot Laboratory 1041 S. Placentia Ave, Fullerton, CA, 92831. Phone # 714-607-5227, an NVLAP accredited laboratory. The laboratory accreditations are as follows: NVLAP #200642-0 National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (Federal) Approximately 10% of the bulk samples were split for quality control purpose. All bulk samples were analyzed by Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) with dispersion staining in accordance with the EPA Method #600/R-93/116. 40 CFR 783.87. The reliable limit of detection for PLM is 1.0%. Where "None Detected" or ND appears in the report, it should be interpreted as meaning that no asbestos was observed in the sample. Samples containing, "Trace" level of asbestos indicates a possible contamination and is considered ACBM. NOTE: If a sample contains greater than 1.0% asbestos, it is a regulated material by Federal Government Standards. Under the California State Education Code, materials containing greater than 0.1% in asbestos content are considered regulated. QUALITY ASSURANCE Statement of Quality Assurance At Jackson Environmental Quality Assurance is priceless! Jackson Environmental is committed to providing analytical services and data to its clients that are of the highest quality and legally defensible. Quality Assurance (QA) procedures were employed to ensure reliable results for analysis of bulk samples as follows: The laboratory is currently participating in the NVLAP Quality Assurance Program. Quality control is processed on at least 10% of all bulk samples on a daily basis. Laboratory results of samples submitted to the laboratory were within 3% of the original side by side sample. LIMITATION OF SAMPLING OF SUSPECT ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIAL Reasonable effort is made by Jackson Environmental ‘s staff to locate and sample suspect materials. However, for any facility the existence of unique or concealed asbestos containing material and debris is a possibility. In addition, sampling and laboratory analysis constraints typically hinder the investigation. Jackson Environmental does not warrant, guarantee, or profess to have the ability to locate or identify all asbestos containing materials in any given facility. This report is intended to be used in planning for construction or demolition. This report is not intended to be a construction document. Jackson Environmental is not, and has no responsibility as, a generator, operator, treater, storer, transporter or disposer of hazardous materials or waste found or identified as a result of Jackson Environmental’s work. STATE REQUIREMENTS In accordance with State of California Regulation, all surveys are conducted by personnel holding a minimum of a Site Surveillance Technician certificate. This certificate is awarded to individuals who have fulfilled specific educational and experience requirements, as well as having completed extensive training in asbestos specific courses. Additionally, the State also mandates these individuals pass a rigorous examination. This examination is prepared, proctored, and graded by State officials. The Certified Asbestos Consultant must fulfill all the education and experience requirements as the Site Surveillance Technician but must have additional and more extensive asbestos related training. Candidates for Certified Asbestos Consultant must also pass a more rigorous examination before being approved by the State of California. In compliance with State of California Requirements surveys and reports prepared by a Certified Site Surveillance Technician are reviewed, approved, and signed by a Certified Asbestos Consultant. Certified Asbestos Consultant Michael Jackson Project Manager CAC # 04-3635 949-230-9779 Report # 2403-203-1023589 PLM Asbestos Identification Certificate of Analysis Jackson Environmental 120 Tustin Ave C-1121 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Date Received:3/15/2024 Number of Samples:12 Material DescriptionLab/Client ID/Layer Location Color Composition (%) Report Number:1023589 Project Name:31981 Paseo Amante Date Reported:3/20/2024 Claim Number: Project Number: Project Location:31981 Paseo Amante San Juan Capistrano Date Analyzed:3/20/2024 PO Number: Date Collected: Collected By: 1023589-001 Family Room 1 100% Non- Fibrous Material WhiteTape and Mud JC None DetectedTotal Asbestos 1023589-002 Dining Room 2 100% Non- Fibrous Material WhiteTape and Mud JC None DetectedTotal Asbestos 1023589-003 M Bedroom 3 100% Non- Fibrous Material WhiteTape and Mud JC None DetectedTotal Asbestos 1023589-004 Family Room 4 85% Non- Fibrous Material 15% Cellulose WhiteDrywall None DetectedTotal Asbestos 1023589-005 Dining Room 5 85% Non- Fibrous Material 15% Cellulose WhiteDrywall None DetectedTotal Asbestos 1023589-006 M Bedroom 6 85% Non- Fibrous Material 15% Cellulose WhiteDrywall None DetectedTotal Asbestos Page 1 of 3 PLM Asbestos Identification Certificate of Analysis Jackson Environmental 120 Tustin Ave C-1121 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Date Received:3/15/2024 Number of Samples:12 Material DescriptionLab/Client ID/Layer Location Color Composition (%) Report Number:1023589 Project Name:31981 Paseo Amante Date Reported:3/20/2024 Claim Number: Project Number: Project Location:31981 Paseo Amante San Juan Capistrano Date Analyzed:3/20/2024 PO Number: Date Collected: Collected By: 1023589-007 Rear 7 60% Non- Fibrous Material 40% Cellulose BlackTar Paper None DetectedTotal Asbestos 1023589-008 Rear 8 60% Non- Fibrous Material 40% Cellulose BlackTar Paper None DetectedTotal Asbestos 1023589-009 Rear 9 60% Non- Fibrous Material 40% Cellulose BlackTar Paper None DetectedTotal Asbestos 1023589-010 Rear 10 100% Non- Fibrous Material Grey BeigeExt Plaster None DetectedTotal Asbestos 1023589-011 Rear 11 100% Non- Fibrous Material Grey BeigeExt Plaster None DetectedTotal Asbestos 1023589-012 Side 12 100% Non- Fibrous Material Grey BeigeExt Plaster None DetectedTotal Asbestos Page 2 of 3 PLM Asbestos Identification Certificate of Analysis Jackson Environmental 120 Tustin Ave C-1121 Newport Beach, CA 92663 Date Received:3/15/2024 Number of Samples:12 Material DescriptionLab/Client ID/Layer Location Color Composition (%) Report Number:1023589 Project Name:31981 Paseo Amante Date Reported:3/20/2024 Claim Number: Project Number: Project Location:31981 Paseo Amante San Juan Capistrano Date Analyzed:3/20/2024 PO Number: Date Collected: Collected By: Kwin Sheena Legaspi - Lab Manager - Approved ByJorge Castillo - Analyst Bulk sample(s) submitted was (were) analyzed in accordance with the procedure outlined in the US Federal Register 40 CFR Appendix E to Subpart E of Part 763; EPA-600/R-93/116 (Method for Determination of Asbestos in Building Materials), and EPA-600/M4-82-020 (US EPA Interim Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Insulation Samples). Samples were analyzed using Calibrated Visual Estimations (CVES); therefore, results may not be reliable for samples of low asbestos concentration levels. Samples of wall systems containing discrete and separable layers are analyzed separately and reported as composite unless specifically requested by the customer to report analytical results for individual layers. This report applies only to the items tested. Results are representative of the samples submitted and may not represent the entire material from which the samples were collected. “None Detected” means that no asbestos was observed in the sample. “<1%” (less than one percent) or Trace means that asbestos was observed in the sample but the concentration is below the quantifiable level of 1%. This report was issued by a NIST/NVLAP (Lab Code 200358-0) and CA Water Board ELAP (Cert. No. 2540) accredited laboratory and may not be reproduced, except in full without the expressed written consent of Patriot Environmental Laboratory Services, Inc. This report may not be used to claim product certification, approval or endorsement by NIST, NVLAP, CA-ELAP or any government agency. ASB_Rep_8.23 Page 3 of 3 1 Building Department From:Tami Chambers <2toeheads2@gmail.com> Sent:Friday, May 24, 2024 7:58 AM To:Building Department Subject:Fwd: LV - 31981 Paseo Amante Approval letter [The e-mail below is from an external source. Please do not open attachments or click links from an unknown or suspicious origin.] ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Lomas Verde Homeowners Association <crcm-mail-system@crcm.mailer.appfolio.us > Date: Thu, May 2, 2024 at 12:43 PM Subject: LV - 31981 Paseo Amante Approval letter To: <2toeheads2@gmail.com> Lomas Verde Homeowners Association ARCHITECTURAL APPLICATION 05/02/2024 Darin M. Chambers 31981 Paseo Amante San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Account No.: 005-104-981-02 Property: 31981 Paseo Amante Dear Darin M. Chambers, Please be advised that the Board has approved the architectural request to Replace front door, replace family room door, replace skylight and replace rotted wood and stucco from termite damage as presented on your architectural application. You must follow all local building codes when making this change. A Building Permit may be needed. Please contact the City of San Juan Capistrano regarding any permits that may be required. We reserve the right to make a final inspection of the change to make sure it matches the request you submitted for approval. Please follow the plan you submitted or submit an additional request form if you cannot follow the original plan. Our approval here is only based on the aesthetics of your proposed change. This approval should not be taken as any certification as to the construction worthiness or structural integrity of the change you propose. We appreciate your cooperation in submitting this Request for Approval. An attractive Community helps all of us get the full value from our homes when we decide to sell. 2 Should you have any questions please feel free to contact the management office at 949-234-0297. Regards, As Directed by the Board of Directors Lomas Verde Owners Association To help protect your privacy, Microsoft Office prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet. Chris Kervick, CCAM® Authorized Property Management Agent cc: BOD Professionally Managed By Coastal Resource Management 32332 Camino Capistrano, Suite 104 • San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 • 949-234-0297 • service@coastalresource.com ***** Please note that email correspondence with the City of San Juan Capistrano, along with attachments, may be subject to the California Public Records Act, and therefore may be subject to disclosure unless otherwise exempt.