460 FARIAS 24-0921_RedactedRecipient Committee Campaign Statement Cover Page ham MY 1, 2024 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE [breach Sepirmber21,2024 1 ype or rceciplenr oomml¢ee: Au Committees -Complete Parrs L; a, and a. m Ol6wholdar, Candidate Controlled Committee ❑ Pr'anarlly Farmed Ballot Measure eSlate Candidate Election Committee Committee Remit Controlled PaemPdeavmrm Sponsored STREET OR PA. aC rA>oraMaaFMm ❑ neral Purpose Committee Sponsored ❑ primarily Famed ate/ Smell Conhlbute Committee O�cehober Committee Committee POAilcal PemYlCeniral Committee Mmw�mareAdn 3. Committee Information Friends of Sergio Farim for SJC City COunCB 2024 STREETADDRESS (NO P.O. BOX) CITY STATE ZIPCCDE AREACODEIPHONE Sav Jven Capistrano CA 92675 MAILING tittn"tREN 1)Nv. Asw STREET OR PA. aC CI STATE ZIPCOOE AREACCCFJPHCNE OPTIONAL: FA%I&MMLADDRESS If election If (Month. Day, November 5, 2021 a; l�C�.DVEDi 20 4 SEP 26 AM 8: 40 2. Type of Statement:- --- ®Preelacion Statement Semi-annual Statement ❑ Termination Statement (Also file a Form 410 Termination) ❑ Amendment (Explain below) Treassurer(s) IVITA9I Page= of Quarterly Statement Speclal Odd -Year Repod Sergio Farie; MAILINGADDKESS CITY STATE ZPCOOE AREACOOERHONE San Joan Capistrano CA 92675 NAME OFASSISTANTTREASURER, IF ANY II OADDREES CITY STATE ZIPCODE AREItCODEIPHCNE OPTIONAL; FAX IE -MAIL ADDRESS 4. Verification I have used all reasonable diligence In preparing and reviewing this Statement and I bee in and In the attached schedules is We and complete. I oerdy, under penalty of pen^ury under the laws of the State of California that the foreIs b Em uledon v, l Z6 /�L`� BY Wingi Exealed on 6 /� 2 H I'll malu wReapom we spwwo- Essamd aney nab 9gnelunW Carmilirg UhBowow,GnC la, Meaeue ,wt BY neIVB in n01Rc eWv, Can Wle, elate MewuR PrenewX FPPC Farm 460 (Jan/2016)) FPPC Advice: advlceWppc w.gov (866/275.3"2) www.fPlac.ca.8ov Recipient Committee Campaign Statement Cover Page — Part 2 5. Officeholder or Candidate Controlled Committee NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE Sergio Farias OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD (INCLUDE LOCATION AND DISTRICT NUMBER IF APPLICABLE) San face Capistrano City Council Dishict 1 RESIDENTIAUBUSINESSADDRESS (NO.ANDSTREET) CRY STATE ZIP SIC CA 92675 Related Committees Not Included in this Statement List any commineea not Included in this statement met are cammi/ed byyoa or am Pmm ufly tormed m mcohm connl6mlonsormalwe endharesmbM&Na/yaarcendrdecy. COMMITTEE NAME I.D. NUMBER NAME OF TREASURER CONTROLLED COMMITTEE? 0 YES 0 NO COMMITTEEADDRESS STREETADDRESS(NO P.O. BOX) CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREACODEIPHONE COMMITTEE NAME I.D. NUMBER NAME OF TREASURER CONTROLLED COMMITTEE? 0 YES 0 NO COMMITTEEADDRESS STREETADDRESS (NO P.O. BON) CITY STATE ZIPCODE AREACCDEIPHONE COVER PAGE - PART 2 Page 2 of 9 6. Primarily Formed Ballot Measure Committee NAME OF BALLOT MEASURE BALLOT NO. OR LETTER JURISDICTION ❑SUPPORT ❑ OPPOSE Identity the controlling officeholder, candidate, at State measure proponent, if any. NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER, CANDIDATE. OR PROPONENT OFFICESCUGHTOR HELD DISTRICT NO. IF ANY 7. Primarily Formed CandidatelOfFlceholder Committee LmInemas or olilwhaltla4sl arwndfdefe(s) Mr whkh oris eammMae isPnmenty/mored. NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD ❑ SUPPORT ❑ OPPOSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHTOR HELD ❑ SUPPORT ❑ OPPOSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD ❑ SUPPORT ❑ OPPOSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE OFFICE SOUGHTOR HELDSUPPORT ❑ OPPOSE Aeech continuation sheets Ifnecessery FPPC Form 460 (Jan/2016) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov (866/2753772) wwwfPPc.w.gov Campaign Disclosure Statement Amounts may be rounded SUMMARY PAGE Summary Page to whole dollars. Statement covers period , , from July 1, 2024 1 - through September 21, 2024 page 3 of 9 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER Friends of Sergio Farias for SJC City Council 2024 1470696 Contributions Received Column A Column B Calendar Year Summary for Candidates TOTALTHISPERIOD (FROM ATTACHED SCHEDULES) CALENDAR YEAR TOTAL TO DATE Running in Both the State Primary and General Elections 1. Monetary Contributions................................................... schedule A, Line 3 $ 5,100.00 $ 5,100.00 2. Loans Received................................................................ schedule B, Line 3 1,000.00 1,000.00 tit through 8/30 7!1 to Date 3. SUBTOTAL CASH CONTRIBUTIONS .............................. Add Lines nest+2 $ 6 10000 6,100.00 $ 20. Contributions Received $ $ 4. Nonmonetery Contributions ............................................ schedule C, Line 3 0.00 0.00 21, Expenditures 5. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED ................................ Add Lines 3 + 4 $ 6,100,00 $ 6,100.00 Made $ $ Expenditures Made Expenditure Limit Summary for State 6. Payments Made................................................................ schedule E, Line 4 $ 2,634.00 S 2,634.00 Candidates 7. Loans Made....................................................................... schedule H, Line 3 0.00 0.00 8. SUBTOTAL CASH PAYMENTS ....................................... Add Lines 6+7 $ 2 634 00 $ 2.634.00 22. Cumulative Expenditures Made• Of Subjoct to Voluntary Ezpondlturo Llmlt) 9. Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) .......................................... schedule F, Line 3 0.00 0.00 Date of Election Total to Date 10. Nonmonetery Adjustment......................................................... schedule c, Line 3 0.00 0.00 (mm/dd/yy) 11. TOTAL EXPENDITURES MADE....................................Add Lines 8+9+10 $ 2,634.00 $ 2,634.00 _ J_ J $ $ Current Cash Statement 12. Beginning Cash Balance ............................ Previous summery Page, Line 16 $ 0.00 To calculate Column B, 13. Cash Receipts........................................................... Column A, Linea above 6,100.00 add amounts in Column 14. Miscellaneous Increases to Cash .................................. schedule I, Line 4 0.00 A to the corresponding amounts from Column B *Amounts In this section may be different from amounts reported in Column B. 15. Cash Payments......................................................... Column A, Line 8above 2,634.00 of your last report. Some amounts in Column A may 16. ENDING CASH BALANCE ..................Add Lines 12+ 13+ 14, then subtract Line 15 $ 3 466.00 be negative figures that should be subtracted from If this is a termination statement, Line 16 must be zero. previous period amounts. If this Is the first report being 17. LOAN GUARANTEES RECEIVED ................................ Schedule e, Part2 $ filed for this calendar year, only carry over the amounts from Lines 2, 7, and 9 (if Cash Equivalents and Outstanding Debts any). 18. Cash Equivalents ................................................ see instructions on reverse $ 19. Outstanding Debts .............................. Add Line 2 + Line 91n Column B above $ FPPC Form 460 (Jan/2016)) FPPC Advice: advlce@fppc,ca.gov (866/275-3772) www.fppc,ca.gov Schedule A Amounts may be rounded SCHEDULE. A Monetary Contributions Received towholodollars. Statement covers period a • , ' from July 112024 e • a mrough September21,2024 Page 4 of 9 SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF FILER I.O. NUMBER Friends of Sergio Farias for SJC City Council 2024 1470696 GATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF IFAN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVEDTHIS CALENDARYEAR TO DATE RECEIVED OF CDMMITTEE,ALSO ENTER IA. NUMBER) CODE OF e6FENP=w amat NAME OF BUMMERS) PERIOD (JAN.1-DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) 7-29-24 Scott JSeligmanLICOM Seligman Western 250.00 250.00 00TH Enterprises San Francisco Ca 94111 0 PTY Principal OSCC MIND 8-2-24 toe Soto ❑COM The Soto Company 245.00 245.00 ❑0TH D{e11er San Juan Capistrano Ca 97675 0 PTY OSCC IND 8-13-24 Steve VlhS 000M O HiBhPOrote Oso LLC 219.00 249.00 —Irvina.Cz Wtil& DOTH CEO ❑ PTY ❑ SCC m IND 8-13-24 Steven Russell Jones D - City Mayor Ci of Garden 249.00 249.00 TH DOTH Glove Garden Grove Ca 92841 D PTY D SCC IND 8-13-24 1iaD Ja W8m ger D DOM The (ager Company, LTD 249.00 299.00 00TH President Laguna Reach Ca 92651 0 PTY D s0o SUBTOTAL$ 1,242.00 ` Schedule A Summary 1. Amount received this period —itemized monetary contributions. 5,100.00 (include all Schedule A subtotals.).........................................................................................................$ 2. Amount received this period—unitemized monetary contributions of less than $100 ...........................$ 0.00 3. Total monetary contributions received this period. 5,100.00 (Add Lines 1 and 2. Enter here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Line 1.) ..... 4 ........ 4 ....... TOTAL $ -Contributor Codes IND—IntlMdual COM—Redolent Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH —Other (e.g., buslness Emily) PTY —PcNgcal Parry SCC — Small Contrbutor Committee FPPC Form 460 (Jan/20161) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.m.gov (886/275-3772) www.fppc.040V Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Amounts may be rounded SCHEDULEA (CONT.) Monetary Contributions Received to whole dollars. Statement covers period �- • , irom July 1, 2024 • - through Septemher21,2024 Pa9e S of 9 - NAME OF FILER I.D. NUMBER Friends of Sergio Parise for SJC City Council2021 1470696 DATE FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR OCCUPATIONAND EMPLOYER RECEIVE07HIS CALENDAR YEAR TO GATE RECEIVED CODES (IF SELF-EMPLOYED, ENTER NVA I pF WMmiTEE,AL60ENTEP LO.NUMBEp 0FRUMNEEE) PERIOD CAN.1-0EC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) ®IND 8-13-24 Todd RCottle ❑COM Development ment 250.00 250.00 0 DTH Principal Santa Ane Ca 92705 0 PTY 0 SCC DIND 7-31.24 Dedea" Properties LL1C ❑COM 249.00 249.00 �anta MODica Ca90401 MOTH ❑ PTY ❑SCC 0IND 8-13-24 Calle Perfecto Business Park LP ❑COM 249.00 7.49.00 —San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 m OTH 0 PTY ❑SCC 8-19-24oCOM a ""Spring, Grace Community Church 250.00 250.01 Spring, TX 77381 GOTH President 0 PTY 0 SCC Z IND 8-20-24 Howard Hart 0 COM San Juan Capistrano City 250.00 250.00 00TH CDUBdlman San Jums Capistraw Ca 92675 0 PTY SCC SUBTOTAL$ 1,248.00 . `Contributor Codes IND—Individual COM —Recipient Committee (other than PTI or SCC) OTH—Other (e.g.. business amity) PITY —Potltkal Party SCC—Smell Contributor Commitee FPPC Form 460 Gan/20161) -PPC Adviee: adviceQfppc.ea.Wv 1866J27 5-37 7 21 www4lpPc.0i Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Amounts may he rounded SCHEDULE (CONT.) Monetary Contributions Received to whole dollars. Statement covers perlcd e. from July 11 2024 • - 4 • ' 'Contributor Codes IND — IndierNuel COM —Redplenl Committee (other then PTY or SCC) OTH —Other (e.g., business eMlty) PTV— PolPocal Party SCC —Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (Jan/20161) FPPC Advice: edvlcegglfppe.ca.gov 1666/275-3772) www.fppece.gov through September21,2024 page 6 of 9 NAME OF FILER I.D. U BER Friends of Sergio Farias for SJC City Council 2024 1470696 GATE FULL NAME, STREETADDRESS AND ZIP CODE OF IF AN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE PER ELECTION CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR OCCUPATIONANDNTER RECEIVED THIS CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE RECEIVED aFCOMMITrEE.MaO eaTeR F.D. RM1 CODE NWER EFaELF aF 6uWNiS6jax xu�el PERIOD (JAN.I-DEC. 91) (IF REQUIRED) m IND 6-21-24 John Q Humphreys ❑ General Sherman Inc. 250.00 250.00 ❑ OTH OTH San Juan Capistrano Ca 92675 PTY ❑SCC m IND 5-23-24 Carol L Daderime L] COM Carol L Daderlan General 100.00 100.00 D OTH and Cosmetic Dentistry San Juan Capistrano Ca 92675 (] PTY ❑ SCC ®IND 9-3-24 Andrew V Stroscher D COM Andrew Stroscber,LLM 250.00 250.00 ❑DTH San Juan Capistrano, Ca 92675 D PTY ❑SCC M IND 9-7-24 Marie Ferias ❑ COM Retired 700.00 700.00 ❑ OTH San Juan Capistrano Ca 97675 PTY ❑ SCC IND 9-7-24 Eduardo Fa= ❑ COM Rvdaet n- Mkt Fs P i4a.q: 700.00 700.00 San Juan Capistrano Ca 92675 DOTH ❑ PTY - pbp A j ed^-., CeF irav9 SCC SUBTOTAL$ 2,000.00 'Contributor Codes IND — IndierNuel COM —Redplenl Committee (other then PTY or SCC) OTH —Other (e.g., business eMlty) PTV— PolPocal Party SCC —Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (Jan/20161) FPPC Advice: edvlcegglfppe.ca.gov 1666/275-3772) www.fppece.gov Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Amounts may be rounded SCHEDULE (CONT.) Monetary Contributions Received to whole dollars. Statement covara period �. • ham July 1.2024 through September21,2024 Page 7 of 9 NAME OF FILER 1,13. NUMBER Friends of Sergio Ferias for SJC City Council 2024 1470696 FULL NAME, STREETADDREES AND MP CODE OF IFAN INDIVIDUAL, ENTER AMOUNT CUMULATIVETO DATE PER ELECTION PATE CONTRIBUTOR CONTRIBUTOR OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER RECEIVED THIS CALENOAq YEAR TO GATE RECEIVED CODE OF 6EtF.EMFLaYEa.EMEn NANq IIF COMMRIEE,AL3a ExrEala. xuNaera of eualnEasl PERIOD (JAN.1•DEC. 31) (IF REQUIRED) 9.9-24 Democratic Women of South Orange County [3COM 610.00 610.00 - ❑ OTH San Clemente Ca 92674 ® PTY []See ❑ IND ❑ COM ❑ OTH 0 PTY ❑ SCC ❑IND ❑ COM ❑OTH ❑ PTY ❑ RCC ❑ IND ❑ COM ❑ OTH []Pry ❑ SCC ❑ IND ❑ COM ❑ OTH ❑ PTY DECO SUBTOTAL$ 610.00 ' 'Contributor Codes IND-Indlvldual COM -Recipient Committee (other than PTY or SCC) OTH - Other (e.g., business entity) PTY -Political Party SCC- Small Contributor Committee FPPC Form 460 (Jan/7016)) FPPC AdVeel advice®fppe.ca.gov(866/275-3777) www.lPpnca.8ov munded SCHEDULE B - PART Schedule B - Part 1 to whole dollars. Statement cwere period Loans Received tTdvl,zgz4 1. Loans received this period...............:.......................................................................................P........$ Tram 1,000.00 through SDDtemberr 21, 2074 pages_ SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF FILER 1.0. NUMBER 7TR Friends of Sergio Farias for SIC City Council 2024 1470696 FULL NAME, STREET ADDRESS AND ZIP CODE IF AN INDIVIDUAL. ENTER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER pUTOTANDING On gMOUNT SO AMOUNT PAID 1411 OUTSTANDING INTEREST ORIGINAL OF LENDER pP SELF-EMPLOYED. ENTER BALANCE BEGINNING THIS RECEIVED THIS OR FORGIVEN 9ALANCEAT CLOPSEDIF H'S PAID THIS PERIOD AMOUNT OF PTY -Patficel Perry pFLOMMIITEE,AlEO ENTER L0. NUMEEm NAMEWBUSINEam PERIOD PERIOD THISPERIOU& IMayteorerMM rumbeq LOAN TO DATE It required. ❑ PAID FPPC Form 460 pan/2016)) CM.ENUARYEAR $e'0 Ferias Mayor, City of San Juan S 0 ! 1,000.00 � s 1,000.00 1,000.00 Capistrano RATE ! SJC, CA 92675 ❑ FORGIVEN PER ELEGTIOFP 0.00 s 1,000.00 0 N/A p 0 7117124 s 0 t® IND 0 COM (3 OTH ❑ PTY ❑ SCC ! s DATE DUE DATEINCURRED PAID 0 S S S ElFORGIVEN m1E PER ELECTION" t❑ IND ❑ COM ❑ DTH ❑ PTY ❑ SCC S S S E S DATE INCURRED PAID CALENOARVEAR S —a ! !RATeFORDN'EN LDAnDUE PER ELELTIOIPt❑ IND ❑ COM ❑ 0TH ❑ PTY ❑ Me E S DATE INCURRED SUBTOTALS $ 1,000.00 $ 0 Schedule El Summary LEMNIS) 0°'m°"I°`'`"°" 1. Loans received this period...............:.......................................................................................P........$ 1,000.00 (Total Column (b) plus unitemlzed loans of less than $100.) 2. Loans paid or forgiven this period .........................................................................................................$ O,gO Tcantrlbutar cases Co (Total Column (c) plus loans under $100 paid or forgiven.) INo -Indlit dual COM- Recipient Committee (Include loans paid by a third party that are also Itemized on Schedule A.)(other than PTY or BCC) 3. Net change this period. (Subtract Line 2 from Line 1) ....................... ....... 4...... ...................... ...NET $ 1,000.00 0TH—Other (e.g., business entity) Enter the net here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Line 2. PTY -Patficel Perry SCC - Small Contributor C olnm Mee IMayteorerMM rumbeq 'Amounts forgiven or paid by another parry also must be reported on Schetlule A It required. FPPC Form 460 pan/2016)) FPPC Advice: advice@fppc.ca.gov 18e6/27S-3772) vnvw.TPPc.ra.6W Schedule Amounts may be roundedstatement cove .Y Payments Made to whole dollars. July 1, 2024 Friends of Sergio Farina for S1C City Council 2024 through September 21, 2024 I Page 9 of 9 1470696 CODES: If one of the following codes accurately describes the payment, you may enter the Code. Otherwise, describe the payment CMP campaign nomphemaliahnlsc. MSR member communications RAD radio airtime and production costs CNS campaign cansubanta MTG meetings and appearances RFD returned cantributions CTS contribution(explaln nonmonelary)' OFC ogiceexpenses SAL campaign workerVwinnrs San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 CVC civic donations PET petition circulating TEL Lv. or cabk: airtime and production casts FIL candidate filingroallol fens PHO phone banks TRC candidate travel, lodging, and meals FIND fundraising events POL polling and survey research TRS stag/spouse travel, lodging. and meals IND independent expenchure supporiinglopposing others(explainr POs postage, delivery and messenger services TSF transfer between committees of the same candldatersponsor LEG legal defense PRO professional Services (legal, accounting) VOT voter registration LR campaign literature and mailings PRT print ads WES Information technology costs (Internet,emaiq NAMEAND ADDRESS OF PAYEE CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID eF COMwTraEM80 aarFaso. rvuMBFla Si son the Chea CMP 11279.00 ustin, TX, Texas City of San luso Capistrano - Filing Fee 600.00 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Cal Voter Guide LIT 692.00 omsnos CA 90505 r Payments mat are contributions or independent expenditures must also be summarized on Schedule D. SUBTOTAL$ 2571.00 Schedule E Summary 1. Itemized payments made this period. (Include all Schedule E subtotals.) 2,571.00 2. Unitemized payments made this period of under $100.......................................................................................................................................... $ 63.00 3. Total interest paid this period on loans: (Enter amount from Schedule B, Part 1, Column(e).)............................................................................. $ 0.00 4. Total payments made this period. (Add Lines 1, 2, and 3. Enter here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Line 6.) ........................... TOTAL $ 2,634.00 FPPC Form 460 (Jan/7016)) FPPC Advice: advicatilh/ppc.s i.gov (866/2753772) www.fppc.ca.gov