B22-0037 - 27102 VIA CAMINATA 6101/12/23 BUILDING DEPARTMENT PERMIT APPLICATION - 32400 Paseo Adelanto San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 949-493-1171 JOB VALUATION DESCRIPTION OF WORK $ Name Address City/State/Zip Name Address City/State/Zip Phone Phone ( ) ARCHITECT / ENGINEER / DESIGNER CONTRACTOR Name Address City/State/Zip ( )) State License # Phone ( QTY QTY QTY QTY Light Fixtures/Fans FAU < 100k BTU's Fixtures/Hose Bibs New/Setup Outlets/Switches FAU > 100k BTU's Water Heater Carport Meters/Main Panel AC/Comp BTU= Water Piping Sub Panels Gas Systems Awning Signs Exhaust Fans Building Sewer Temp Power Motors > than 1 HP Motors < than 1 HP Duct/Register/Grill Pool/Spa Pool/Spa Extend Plumbing SIGNATURE DATE Porch ISSUANCE () ELECTRICAL PLUMBING Phone MECHANICAL Name City/State/Zip ISSUANCEISSUANCE Fireplace ISSUANCE Fire Sprinkler Heads Miscellaneous () PROPERTY OWNER Address Appliance Vent MICROFILE INT. ALT. SF ADDITION SF POOL/SPA SF MOBILE HOME JOB ADDRESS APPLICANT NAME CONTACT PHONE # EMAIL ADDRESS Extend Electrical Cabana OCCUPANCY TYPE PATIO SF PERMIT NUMBER HOA REQUIREDTARGET DATE YES NO TENANT Pool/Spa Mechnical Hood Miscellaneous Grease Interceptor Earthquake Bracing Electrical Wiring Gas Piping Sewage Disposal Water Piping State License # B22 0037 27102 VIA CAMINATA Letter of Transmittal 3707 W Garden Grove Blvd. Suite 100, Orange, CA 92868 phone 714.568.1010 fax 714.568.1028 www.csgengr.com ORA – BPR - 160801 To: City of San Juan Capistrano Date: 3/21/2022 32400 Paseo Adelanto CSG #: 421896 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Agency Plan Check #: B22-0037 Attn: Building Department Job Address: 27102 Via Caminata Status: Hours: X Plan is approved. 1st plan check 2.0 Plan is approved with conditions. See remarks. 2nd plan check 2.0 Plan is approved with redlines. See remarks. 3rd plan check Plan is approved with redlines and conditions. See remarks. 4th plan check Plan requires corrections. See attached list. Total: Other: We have reviewed the following documents ( Digital review only): X Plans 1 Energy Calculations 1 Structural Calculations Specifications Soil Report Special Inspection Form(s) Geotechnical Letter Truss Calculations Special items to note: X Plan has been stamped and signed by CSG Environmental Health Services approval required Special inspection required for Hardship Form included Remarks: Recommend for approval From: Jensen Ku S.E. CSG Consultants MDN 19246 Geotechnical Engineering Investigation Proposed Residential Housing San Juan Mixed Use Intersection of Calle Arroyo and Paseo Tirador San Juan Capistrano, California For WATT COMMUNITIES, LLC July 10, 2017 W.O. 7050 GeoSoils Consultants Inc.B22-0037 V2 MDN 19246 July 10, 2017 W.O. 7050 WATT COMMUNITIES, LLC 2716 Ocean Park Boulevard, Suite 2025 Santa Monica, California 90405 Attention: Mr. Efrem Joelson Mr. Dave Johnson Subject: Geotechnical Engineering Investigation, Proposed Residential Housing, San Juan Mixed Use, Intersection of Calle Arroyo and Paseo Tirador, San Juan Capistrano, California Reference: Construction Testing and Engineering, Inc. dated March 15, 2007, “Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Commercial Development, Ventanas Business Center, Calle Arroyo and Paseo Tirador, San Juan Capistrano, California” Gentlemen: At your request, GeoSoils Consultants, Inc. (GSC) has prepared this geotechnical engineering report for the proposed residential housing located at the intersection of Calle Arroyo and Paseo Tirador in San Juan Capistrano, California. This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices. SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION The subject site is located at the intersection of Calle Arroyo and Paseo Tirador in San Juan Capistrano, California. Irregular in shape, the site is situated on relatively flat terrain that covers approximately 16 acres. Currently, the property is vacant. The site is bordered on the west by Interstate 5 and by San Juan Creek to the east. Paseo Tirador crosses the property and is currently closed off to public vehicle use. The northwest corner is not a part of the property and currently is being graded for a proposed 24 Hour Fitness Center as shown on the Boring Location Map, Plate 1. 6634 Valjean Avenue, Van Nuys, California 91406 Phone: (818) 785-2158 Fax: (818) 785-1548 B22-0037 V2 Page 2 July 10, 2017 W.O.7050 MDN 19246 A buried scour wall was constructed in 2009 in the San Juan Greek Channel and is shown on the Site Plan, Plate 3. This wall consists of sheet piles with tieback anchors. Plans prepared by Hughes Construction, indicate the sheet pile wall extends approximately 915 feet on the east side of the property. Anticipated scour height of the wall varies from 16 to 31.5 feet. Tiebacks extend a minimum of 35 feet behind the scour wall. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT It is our understanding 47 single family homes and 89 townhomes are planned for the site. The proposed construction will entail the demolition of the existing improvements on site and reconfiguration of the property to include new private streets, low height retaining walls, and building pads. Detailed plans are not available at this time; however, typical foundation loads are assumed for recommendations given herein. The Paseo Tirador cul-de-sac will be abandoned as part of the site development. PREVIOUS INVESTIGATIONS A previous investigation was performed by Construction Testing and Engineering, Inc. (CTE) dated March 15, 2007 for the then proposed business center (see reference). Their boring locations are shown on the Boring Location Map, Plate 1, and their boring logs are included in Appendix A, Field Exploration and Laboratory Testing. This report was utilized in design of the existing scour wall. GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS Geologic Setting The site is located in the northern portion of the Peninsular Ranges Geomorphic Province of Southern California, which is characterized by northwest-southeast trending mountain ranges, intervening valleys and fault-block complexes. These mountain ranges extend over 900 miles from the Transverse Ranges Province (east-west trending Santa Monica and San Gabriel Mountains) southward to the tip of Baja California, Mexico. The Peninsular Ranges include the Santa Ana Mountains and San Jacinto Mountains of southern California, and the GeoSoils Consultants Inc.B22-0037 V2 Page 3 July 10, 2017 W.O.7050 MDN 19246 Sierra Juarez, San Pedro Martir, and La Giganta mountains of Baja California. The mountain ranges are bounded by parallel faults, such as the San Jacinto, Elsinore, Newport-Inglewood and Rose Canyon. The Los Angeles Basin lies at the junction of the Peninsular Ranges and the Transverse ranges Geomorphic Provinces. The Los Angeles Basin began forming in the late Miocene; subsidence was accommodated by extensional faults including the Whittier-Elsinore fault system. In mid Pliocene, the tectonic plate motion shifted, causing north-south compression of the basin folding the sediments and creating blind thrust faults (faults that do not reach the surface), including the Puente Hills Thrust system. The Coyote Hills, Santa Fe Springs and Los Angeles faults are blind thrust faults, which make up the Puente Hills Thrust system. These three faults are east-west striking echelon segments. It is the Puente Hills Thrust that that is responsible for the 1987 Whittier Narrows earthquake. Blind thrusts produce near-surface folds that grow during repeated earthquakes. Earth Units Fill and Alluvial deposits underlie the property. A brief description of the fill and alluvium is as follows: Fill (af): Fill was observed in all of the borings drilled by GSC and CTE. The fill consists of clayey silty sands to silty sands with rock fragments. This material is not suitable for structural support and should be removed and recompacted in areas of proposed development. The depth of this fill, where encountered, varied from 5 to 20 feet. Alluvium (Qal): Alluvium was observed below the fill. The alluvium consists of dark to light brown to gray brown, silty sands, sandy silts, clayey silts, and fine to medium sands that are moist to very moist, moderately dense to dense. Geologic Structure The regional geologic structure in the vicinity of the site is that of horizontally stratified sedimentary deposits. GeoSoils Consultants Inc.B22-0037 V2 Page 4 July 10, 2017 W.O.7050 MDN 19246 Surface and Subsurface Water Conditions Surface water on the site is limited to precipitation falling directly on the site. Groundwater was encountered at a depth as shallow as approximately 17 feet from the ground surface during the subsurface exploration. However, groundwater maps from the Seismic Hazard Zone Report for the San Juan Capistrano 7.5 Minute Quadrangle published by the California Geologic Survey indicate that the historic high groundwater is on the order of 5 feet below original ground surface. It should be noted that the fill placed on the site may have altered the original ground elevation. FAULTING AND SEISMICITY The proposed site is not within an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone; therefore, there are no active faults on or adjacent to the property. However, this site has experienced earthquake-induced ground shaking in the past and can be expected to experience further shaking in the future. There are some faults in close enough proximity to the site to cause moderate to intense ground shaking during the lifetime of the existing and proposed development. 2016 California Building Code (CBC), Seismic Design Criteria The 2016 CBC (California Building Code) seismic coefficient criteria are provided here for structural design consideration. Under the Earthquake Design Regulations of Chapter 16, Section 1613 of the CBC 2016, the following coefficients apply for the proposed structures at the site. GeoSoils Consultants Inc.B22-0037 V2 Page 5 July 10, 2017 W.O.7050 MDN 19246 2016 CBC Section 1616, Earthquake Loads Site Class Definition D Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter, Ss (Figure 1613.3.1 for 0.2 second) 1.312 Mapped Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter, S1 (Figure 1613.3.1 for 1.0 second) 0.490 Site Coefficient, Fa (Table 1613.3.3(1) short period) 1.0 Site Coefficient, Fv (Table 1613.3.3(2) 1-second period) 1.5 Adjusted Maximum Considered Earthquake Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter SMS (Eq. 16-37) 1.312 Adjusted Maximum Considered Earthquake Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter SM1 (Eq. 16-38) 0.740 Design Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter, SDS (Eq. 16-39) 0.875 Design Spectral Response Acceleration Parameter, SD1 (Eq. 16-40) 0.493 Notes: Location: Longitude: -117.6569, Latitude: 33.4980 1. Site Class Designation: Class D is recommended based on subsurface condition. 2. Ss, SMs, and SDs are spectral response accelerations for the period of 0.2 second. 3. S1, SM1, and SD1 are spectral response accelerations for the period of 1.0 second. Conformance to the above criteria for seismic excitation does not constitute any kind of guarantee or assurance that significant structural damage or ground failure will not occur if a maximum level earthquake occurs. The primary goal of seismic design is to protect life and not to avoid all damage, since such design may be economically prohibitive. Following a major earthquake, a building may be damaged beyond repair, yet not collapse. Secondary Earthquake Effects Ground Rupture Ground rupture occurs when movement on a fault breaks through to the surface. Surface rupture usually occurs along pre-existing fault traces where zones of weakness already exist. The State has established Earthquake Fault Zones for the purpose of mitigating the hazard of fault rupture by prohibiting the location of most human occupancy structures across the traces of active faults. Earthquake fault zones are regulatory zones that encompass surface traces of active faults with a potential for future surface fault rupture. Since the site is not located within a State established Earthquake Fault Zone, the ground rupture hazard for the site is considered to be low. GeoSoils Consultants Inc.B22-0037 V2 Page 6 July 10, 2017 W.O.7050 MDN 19246 Landsliding Earthquake-induced landsliding often occurs in areas where previous landslides have moved and in areas where the topographic, geologic, geotechnical and subsurface groundwater conditions are conducive to permanent ground displacements. Slopes are present on or near the site; however, the site is not located in an area defined by the State for earthquake-induced landslides Seiches and Tsunamis A seiche is the resonant oscillation of a body of water, typically a lake or swimming pool caused by earthquake shaking (waves). The hazard exists where water can be splashed out of the body of water and impact nearby structures. No bodies of constant water are near the site, therefore, the hazards associated with seiches are considered low. Tsunamis are seismic sea waves generated by undersea earthquakes or landslides. When the ocean floor is offset or tilted during an earthquake, a set of waves are generated similar to the concentric waves caused by an object dropped in water. Tsunamis can have wavelengths of up to 120 miles and travel as fast as 500 miles per hour across hundreds of miles of deep ocean. Upon reaching shallow coastal waters, the once two-foot high wave can become up to 50 feet in height causing great devastation to structures within reach. Tsunamis can generate seiches as well. Since the site is not located near the shoreline or within 50 feet of sea level, the tsunami hazard is considered low. Liquefaction Liquefaction describes a phenomenon where cyclic stresses, which are produced by earthquake-induced ground motions, creates excess pore pressures in cohesionless soils. As a result, the soils may acquire a high degree of mobility, which can lead to lateral spreading, consolidation and settlement of loose sediments, ground oscillation, flow failure, GeoSoils Consultants Inc.B22-0037 V2 Page 7 July 10, 2017 W.O.7050 MDN 19246 loss of bearing strength, ground fissuring, and sand boils, and other damaging deformations. This phenomenon occurs only below the water table, but after liquefaction has developed, it can propagate upward into overlying, non-saturated soil as excess pore water escapes. Descriptions of each of the phenomena associated with liquefaction is described below: Lateral Spreading: Lateral spreading is the lateral movement of stiff, surficial blocks of sediments as a result of a subsurface layer liquefying. The lateral movements can cause ground fissures or extensional, open cracks at the surface as the blocks move toward a slope face, such as a stream bank or in the direction of a gentle slope. When the shaking stops, these isolated blocks of sediments come to rest in a place different from their original location and may be tilted. Ground Oscillation: Ground oscillation occurs when liquefaction occurs at depth but the slopes are too gentle to permit lateral displacement. In this case, individual blocks may separate and oscillate on a liquefied layer. Sand boils and fissures are often associated with this phenomenon. Flow Failure: A more catastrophic mode of ground failure than either lateral spreading or ground oscillation, involves large masses of liquefied sediment or blocks of intact material riding on a liquefied layer moving at high speeds over large distances. Generally flow failures are associated with ground slopes steeper than those associated with either lateral spreading or ground oscillation. Bearing Strength Loss: Bearing strength decreases with a decrease in effective stress. Loss of bearing strength occurs when the effective stresses are reduced due to the cyclic loading caused by an earthquake. Even if the soil does not liquefy, the bearing of the soil may be reduced below its value either prior to or after the earthquake. If the bearing strength is sufficiently reduced, structures supported on the sediments can settle, tilt, or even float upward in the case of lightly loaded structures such as gas pipelines. GeoSoils Consultants Inc.B22-0037 V2 Page 8 July 10, 2017 W.O.7050 MDN 19246 Ground Fissuring and Sand Boils: Ground fissuring and sand boils are surface manifestations associated with liquefaction and lateral spreading, ground oscillation, and flow failure. As apparent from the above descriptions, the likelihood of ground fissures developing is high when lateral spreading, ground oscillations, and flow failure occur. Sand boils occur when the high pore water pressures are relieved by drainage to the surface along weak spots that may have been created by fissuring. As the water flows to the surface, it can carry sediments, and if the pore water pressures are high enough create a gusher (sand boils) at the point of exit. Research has shown that saturated, loose sands with a silt content less than about 25 percent are most susceptible to liquefaction, whereas other soil types are generally considered to have a low susceptibility. Liquefaction susceptibility is related to numerous factors, and the following conditions must exist for liquefaction to occur: • Sediments must be relatively young in age and must not have developed large amounts of cementation; • Sediments must consist mainly of cohesionless sands and silts; • The sediment must not have a high relative density; • Free groundwater must exist in the sediment; and • The site must be exposed to seismic events of a magnitude large enough to induce straining of soil particles. At the time of exploration (June, 2017), groundwater was encountered at a depth as shallow as 17 feet below existing grade. However, according to the Division of Mines and Geology Seismic Hazard Evaluation of the San Juan capistano 7.5 minute Quadrangle, Seismic Hazard Zone Report, the historical high groundwater table is 5 feet below original grade. As fill placement has altered the original grader. GSC considered the in-situ groundwater depths of the individual borings for the liquefaction analyses. GeoSoils Consultants Inc.B22-0037 V2 Page 9 July 10, 2017 W.O.7050 MDN 19246 Results of our gradation analyses indicate the soil underlying the site consists of clays, silts, and sands. The soils possessed silt and clay contents varying from 2 to 84 percent in the samples that were tested. (Plates G-1 to G-11). All liquefaction analyses were performed in accordance with SCEC (1999). The method of liquefaction assessment utilized in this report is based on the “Simplified Procedure” originally developed by Seed et al. (1985). A detailed description of this procedure is presented in Appendix C. Based on data presented in the California Seismic Hazard Evaluation Report for the San Juan Capistrano Quadrangle, a maximum earthquake magnitude of 6.67 and a peak ground acceleration of 0.501g for alluvium conditions was used in our analysis. The soil strata encountered in Boring B-4 through B-6 were used in our liquefaction analysis. The results of our liquefaction analysis indicated that the potential for liquefaction within the area of study does exist in thin layers. Should liquefaction occur in these potentially liquefiable layers the surface should not experience any manifestation of liquefaction due to the fact that these layers would be confined by less permeable soils above which would prevent the migration of excess pore pressures and thus the movement of water and surface manifestation. Detailed results of our analyses are presented in Appendix C. Settlement Due to Seismic Shaking Granular soils, in particular, are susceptible to settlement during seismic shaking, whether the soils liquefy or not. The alluvium underlying the site, in general, consists of multilayers of medium dense to dense, sandy silts and silty sands, and occasional beds of dense clean sands. The potential for seismically-induced settlement was evaluated for site. The seismic parameters used in the liquefaction analysis were also used for the seismically GeoSoils Consultants Inc.B22-0037 V2 Page 10 July 10, 2017 W.O.7050 MDN 19246 induced settlement calculations (See discussion on Liquefaction above). Our seismically-induced settlement analyses were based on the procedures of Tokimatsu and Seed (1987), as recommended in the SCEC (1999) publication Recommended Procedures for Implementation of DMG Special Publication 117 Guidelines for Analyzing and Mitigating Liquefaction in California, which provide separate methodologies for soils above groundwater (Unsaturated method) and for soils at or below the static groundwater elevation (Saturated method). Based on subsurface explorations of the site, groundwater encountered at a depth as shallow as 17 feet below existing grade during our subsurface study. This was considered in our analyses. The seismically induced settlement analyses were performed to a depth of 50 feet below existing ground surface and were based on information from borings B-4 through B-6. The potential seismically-induced settlement was calculated and ranged from 0.18 to 2.62 inches. A detailed description of the seismically-induced settlement methodology is discussed in Appendix C. Total and Differential Settlement Based upon the consolidation test results, static settlement is expected to be less than ¼-inch. The above seismically induced settlement amount should be combined with the anticipated amount of static settlement in order to obtain an estimate of the amount of differential settlement that may affect the site. Assuming that the seismic differential settlement is ½ of the total seismic settlement and static differential is ½ the total static settlement, total differential settlement is expected to be approximately 2.0 inch. GeoSoils Consultants Inc.B22-0037 V2 Page 11 July 10, 2017 W.O.7050 MDN 19246 Further, based on experience, this degree of differential settlement can be accounted for in the foundation/floor system design and, therefore, does not pose a hazard to site development. CONCLUSIONS The proposed development is feasible from a geotechnical engineering viewpoint, provided that the following recommendations are incorporated into the final design and construction phase of the proposed development. RECOMMENDATIONS Site Grading Standard grading recommendations and grading details are enclosed in Appendix B. These recommendations should be incorporated into the development plans, where applicable. Removals The subsurface exploration revealed that the existing fill and localized areas of alluvium are unsuitable for structural support. This unsuitable fill and alluvium should be removed to competent native alluvium in the areas of proposed development and replaced as compacted fill. Removals should be excavated down a minimum of five feet below proposed grades and extend a minimum of five feet laterally outside the areas of proposed development, or to a distance equal to the depth of fill placement, whichever is great. All the proposed buildings and low height retaining walls will be founded entirely on certified compacted fill. The removed material may be processed and replaced as compacted fill. GeoSoils Consultants Inc.B22-0037 V2 Page 12 July 10, 2017 W.O.7050 MDN 19246 CONVENTIONAL FOUNDATION CRITERIA The on-site materials have a low expansion index. The following engineering criteria are recommended for use of non habitable structures only. 1. An allowable soil bearing pressure of 1,500 pounds per square foot can be used for design of conventional spread foundations founded in compacted fill. A one-third increase in the above bearing value may be used for transient live loadings such as wind and seismic forces. Footings should be continuous and be founded a minimum of 18 inches below the lowest adjacent grade with a minimum width of 12 inches for both one and two story structures. Footings should be reinforced with a minimum two, No. 4 rebar, both top and bottom. 2. A friction coefficient for concrete on compacted soil of 0.4, and a lateral bearing value of 250 pounds per square foot of depth may be employed to resist lateral loads. When combining passive pressure and frictional resistance, the passive pressure component should be reduced by one-third. For design of isolated poles, the allowable passive pressure may be increased by 100 percent. 3. Standard International Building Code structural setback guidelines per Section 1808.7 of the current International Building Code should be followed. 4. Subgrade soil beneath footings should be pre-moistened prior to placement of concrete. Post-Tensioned Slab Foundation The following should be considered for habitable structures Anticipated surficial differential movement across the building pad areas included in this report in the form of settlement (seismic and static) could be in the order of 2 inches. These post-tensioned slabs should be designed in accordance with the recommendations of either the California Foundation Slab Method or Post-Tensioning Institute. The slabs should be GeoSoils Consultants Inc.B22-0037 V2 Page 13 July 10, 2017 W.O.7050 MDN 19246 designed for at least two inches of surficial differential movement (i.e., at least 2 inches in a 30-foot span) to accommodate seismically induced settlement. Based on review of laboratory data for the on-site materials, the average soil modulus of subgrade reaction, K, to be used for design is 100 pounds per cubic inch. Specific recommendations for the design of California Foundation Slab and Post Tension Institute methods are presented below. A surface bearing value of 1,000 pounds per square foot can also be used in design. 1. California Foundation Slab (Spanability) Method It is recommended that slabs be designed for a free span of 15 feet. From a soil expansion/shrinkage standpoint, a common contributing factor to distress of structures using post-tensioned slabs is fluctuation of moisture in soils underlying the perimeter of the slab, compared to the center, causing a "dishing" or "arching" of the slabs. To mitigate this possibility, a combination of soil presaturation and construction of a perimeter "cut off" wall should be employed. All slab foundation areas should be moisture conditioned to at least optimum moisture, but no more than 5 percent above optimum moisture for a depth of at least 12 inches for low EI soil. A continuous perimeter curtain wall should extend to a depth of at least 12 inches for low EI soil to preserve this moisture. The cut-off walls may be integrated into the slab design or independent of the slab and should be a minimum of 6 (six) inches wide. 2. Post-Tensioning Institute Method Post-tensioned slabs should have sufficient stiffness to resist excessive bending due to non-uniform swell and shrinkage of subgrade soils. The differential movement can occur at the corner, edge, or center of slab. The potential for differential uplift can be evaluated using design specifications of the Post-Tensioning Institute. The GeoSoils Consultants Inc.B22-0037 V2 Page 14 July 10, 2017 W.O.7050 MDN 19246 following table presents suggested minimum coefficients to be used in the Post- Tensioning Institute design method. Suggested Coefficients Thornthwaite Moisture Index -20 in/yr Depth to Constant Soil Suction 9 (feet) Constant Soil Suction: (pf) 3.8 The coefficients are considered minimums and may not be adequate to represent worst case conditions such as adverse drainage, excess watering, and/or improper landscaping and maintenance. The above parameters are applicable provided structures have gutters and downspouts, yard drains, and positive drainage is maintained away from structure perimeters. Also, the values may not be adequate if the soils below the foundation become saturated or dry such that shrinkage occurs. The parameters are provided with the expectation that subgrade soils below the foundations are maintained in a relatively uniform moisture condition. Responsible irrigation of landscaping adjacent to the foundation must be practiced since over- irrigation of landscaping can cause problems. Therefore, it is important that information regarding drainage, site maintenance, settlements and affects of expansive soils be passed on to future homeowners. Based on the above parameters, the following values were obtained from the Post Tensioning Institute Design manual. If a stiffer slab is desired, higher values of ym may be warranted. Expansion Index of Soil Subgrade Low EI em center lift 9.0 feet em edge lift 4.7 feet Ym center lift 0.34 inch Ym edge lift 0.48 inch Deepened footings/edges around the slab perimeter must be used as indicated above to minimize non-uniform surface moisture migration (from an outside source) beneath the slab. An edge depth of at least 12 inches for low EI soil is GeoSoils Consultants Inc.B22-0037 V2 Page 15 July 10, 2017 W.O.7050 MDN 19246 recommended. The bottom of the deepened footing/edge should be designed to resist tension, using cable or reinforcement per the Structural Engineer. General Recommendations a. The above parameters are applicable provided the structures have gutters and downspouts and positive drainage is maintained away from the structure. All slab foundation areas should be moisture conditioned to at least optimum moisture, but no more than 5 percent above optimum moisture for a depth of at least 12 inches below subgrade. b. The above recommendations assume and GeoSoils Consultants, Inc. strongly recommends that surface water will be kept from infiltrating into the subgrade adjacent to the structures foundation system. This may include, but not be limited to rain water, roof water, landscape water and/or leaky plumbing. Retaining Walls As retaining walls may be used in the proposed project, the footings should have a minimum embedment depth of 18 inches into compacted fill and be designed in accordance to the recommendations presented herein. On site soils have a low expansion index. The equivalent fluid pressures recommended are based on the assumption of a uniform backfill and no build-up of hydrostatic pressure behind the wall. To prevent the build-up of lateral soil pressures in excess of the recommended design pressures, over compaction of the fill behind the wall should be avoided. This can be accomplished by placement of the backfill above a 45-degree plane projected upward from the base of the wall, in lifts not exceeding eight inches in loose depth, and compacting with a hand-operated or small, self - propelled vibrating plates. (Note: Placement of free-draining material in this zone could also prevent the build-up of lateral soils pressures.) GeoSoils Consultants Inc.B22-0037 V2 Page 16 July 10, 2017 W.O.7050 MDN 19246 1. Conventional (Yielding) Retaining Walls All recommendations for active lateral earth pressures contained herein assume that the anticipated retaining structures are in tight contact with the fill soil (or alluvium) that they are supposed to support. The earth support system must be sufficiently stiff to hold horizontal movements in the soil to less than one percent of the height of the vertical face, but should be free-standing to the point that they yield at the top at least 0.1 percent of the height of the wall. 2. Earth Pressures on Conventional (Yielding) Retaining Walls The earth pressures on walls retaining permeable material, compacted fill, or natural soil shall be assumed equal to that exerted by an equivalent fluid having a density not less than that shown in the following table: Backfill Slope (Horizontal to Vertical) Equivalent Fill Fluid Density Level 30 pcf 2:1 43 pcf 3. Restrained (Non-Yielding) Walls Earth pressures will be greater on walls where yielding at the top of the wall is limited to less than 1/1000 the height of the wall either by stiffness (i.e., return walls, etc.) or structural floor network prior to backfilling. Utilizing the recommended backfill compaction of 90 percent Modified Proctor Density per ASTM D-1557-12, we recommend the following equivalent fluid density for non-yielding walls: Backfill Slope (Horizontal to Vertical) Equivalent Fluid Density Level 45 pcf 2:1 65 pcf 4. Seismic Pressures For Retaining Walls The following seismic design criteria must be incorporated in to the design of the retaining walls: over 6 feet in height. GeoSoils Consultants Inc.B22-0037 V2 Page 17 July 10, 2017 W.O.7050 MDN 19246 From NavFac: Pae =3/8ɤH2kh H=Height of wall Kh=0.4SDS=0.35 ɤ=115 pcf Pe= 3/8(115 pcf)(0.35)H2=15.1 H2 Pe acts at 0.6H above the wall base. General Any anticipated superimposed loading (i.e., upper retaining walls, other structures etc.) within a 45 degree projection upward from the wall bottom, except retained earth, shall be considered as surcharge and provided in the design. A vertical component equal to one-third of the horizontal force so obtained, may be assumed at the application of force. The depth of the retained earth shall be the vertical distance below the ground surface, measured at the wall face for stem design or measured at the heel of the footing for overturning and sliding. The walls should be constructed with weep holes near the bottom, on five-foot centers or with perforated drainpipe in a gravel envelope at the bottom and behind the wall. A one-foot thick zone of clean granular, free-draining material should be placed behind the wall to within three feet of the surface. On-site soil may be used for the remainder of the backfill and should be compacted to 90 percent relative compaction as determined by ASTM Test Designation D-1557-12. A concrete-lined swale is recommended behind retaining walls that can intercept surface runoff from upslope areas. The surface runoff shall be transferred to an approved drainage channel via non-erosive drainage devices. GeoSoils Consultants Inc.B22-0037 V2 Page 18 July 10, 2017 W.O.7050 MDN 19246 Pavement Sections The following pavement recommendations assume a Traffic Index of 6 and an assumed R- value of 35. Preliminary pavement sections should be constructed with 5 inches of base and 4 inches of AC. R-value testing will be performed upon completion of grading to confirm this pavement section. All base should be compacted to a minimum 95 percent relative compaction. Shrinkage Based upon our field and laboratory test data, the on-site materials are expected to shrink between 5 to 10 percent. Temporary Excavations Where the necessary space is available, temporary unsurcharged embankments may be sloped back without shoring. The slopes should not be cut steeper than the following gradient: Height Temporary Gradient (Horizontal:Vertical) 0-5’ Near Vertical Above 5’ 1:1 The recommended temporary excavation slopes do not preclude local ravelling or sloughing. All applicable requirements of the California Construction and General Industry Safety Orders, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, and the Construction Safety Act should be met. Where sloped embankments are used, the top of the slope should be barricaded to prevent equipment and heavy storage loads within five feet of the top of the slope. If the temporary construction embankments are to be maintained for long periods, berms should be constructed along the top of the slope to prevent runoff water from eroding the slope faces. The soils exposed in the temporary backcut slopes during excavation should be observed by our personnel so that modifications of the slopes can be made if variations in the soil conditions occur. GeoSoils Consultants Inc.B22-0037 V2 Page 19 July 10, 2017 W.O.7050 MDN 19246 Drainage/Landscape Maintenance Water should not be allowed to pond or seep into the ground, or flow over slopes in a concentrated manner. Roof gutters and yard drains should be provided. Pad drainage should be directed toward the street or any approved watercourse area swale via non- erosive channel, pipe and/or dispersion devices. Control of moisture is important in regard to control of mold within the future living environment. Molds can deteriorate building materials and lead to health problems such as asthma episodes and allergic reactions in susceptible individuals. Mold spores waft through both indoor and outdoor continually. When mold spores land on damp areas, they begin growing and digesting the host material in order to survive. Some molds propagate much more quickly than others. Molds can grow when moisture is present on and within wood, paper, carpet, and foods. Mold growth will often occur when excessive moisture accumulates in buildings or on building materials, particularly if moisture problems remain undiscovered, or are not addressed. Obviously, the key to mold control is moisture control. Generally speaking, in the semi-arid climate of Southern California, we would not have mold problems if we did not have excessive landscape watering and the occasional leaking water, storm drain, or sewer pipe. The average annual rainfall in Southern California is less than 15 inches per year; however, studies have shown that the average Southern California homeowner applies at least 200 inches of equivalent rainfall to their yard each year. It is important than in addition to control of landscape watering, that pad drainage slopes away from structures. Placement of planters next to houses can also lead to increased moisture under pad areas. GeoSoils Consultants Inc.B22-0037 V2 Page 20 July 10, 2017 W.O.7050 MDN 19246 Scour Wall A sheet pile scour wall is located on the east site of the site at the San Juan Creek Channel. This wall was constructed with tiebacks extending beneath the subject site. Prior to performing any grading or proposing any improvements behind this wall, it is recommended a Structural Engineer be contacted to evaluate this wall. Review and Inspection The site foundation and grading plans, including foundation-loading details, should be forwarded to the Geotechnical Engineer for review and approval prior to finalizing design. All foundation and bottom excavations shall be observed by an engineering geologist or a geotechnical engineer prior to the placement of any steel to verify that the proper foundation material has been encountered. The local governing agency, Department of Building and Safety Inspector should also observe the excavation. LIMITATIONS The findings and recommendations of this report were prepared in compliance with the current Grading and Building Code of the City of San Juan Capistrano and in accordance with generally accepted professional geotechnical engineering principles and practices. We make no other warranty, either express or implied. GeoSoils Consultants Inc.B22-0037 V2 GeoSoils Consultants Inc.B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 MDN 19246 July 10, 2017 W.O. 7050 APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION PROCEDURES AND LABORATORY TESTING B22-0037 V2 MDN 19246 July 10, 2017 W.O. 7050 APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION PROCEDURES AND LABORATORY TESTING Six borings drilled with an 8-inch diameter hollow-stem auger drill rig explored subsurface conditions to a maximum depth of 50 feet. The locations of the borings are shown on the Boring Location Map, Plate 1 and the Site Plan, Plate 3. The borings were continuously logged and classified by one of our geologists by visual examination in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. The boring logs are included as Plates A-1 through A-9. Undisturbed soil samples were collected by driving a ring sampler with a 140-pound hammer weight falling 30 inches. The soil samples were retained in a series of brass rings, each having an inside diameter of 2.36 (6.0 centimeters) and a height of 1.00 inch (2.54 centimeters). The central portions of the samples were retained in close-fitting, moisture- tight containers for shipment to our laboratory. Additionally, standard penetration samples (SPT) were taken to obtain blows per foot to correlate to relative density determinations. Moisture-Density The field moisture content and dry unit weights were determined for each undisturbed ring sample obtained from our subsurface exploration. Once the dry unit weights had been determined, in-place densities of underlying soil profile were estimated. In those cases where ring samples were obtained, the moisture content and dry unit weights are presented on Boring Logs B-1 through B-6 (Plates A-1 through A-9). Compaction Tests One compaction tests were performed to determine to moisture density relationships of the typical surficial soils encountered on the site. The laboratory standard used was in accordance with ASTM Test Designation D-1557-12. Summaries of the compaction test results are shown in Table A-1. B22-0037 V2 Page 2 July 10, 2017 W.O. 7050 MDN 19246 Appendix A TABLE A-1 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS Boring No. and Sample Depth Description Maximum Dry Density (pcf) Optimum Moisture (%) B-1@ 0.5’ Brown clayey silty SAND 128.0 10.5 Direct Shear Tests Two shear tests were performed in a strain-control type Direct Shear Machine. The sample was sheared under varying confining loads in order to determine the Coulomb shear strength parameters: cohesion (c), and angle of internal friction (φ) for peak and residual strength conditions. The sample was tested in an artificially-saturated condition. The results are plotted and a linear approximation is drawn of the failure curve. Results are shown on the Shear Test Diagrams included with this appendix as Plates SH-1 and SH-2. Consolidation Tests Six consolidation tests were performed on selected ring samples. The samples were inundated at an approximate load of one ton per square foot to monitor the hydroconsolidation. Loads were applied to the samples in several increments in geometric progression and resulting deformations were recorded at selected time intervals. Results of the consolidation tests are presented on Plates C-1 through C-6. Gradation Analysis Eleven (11) sieve analyses were used to determine the grain size composition of the natural alluvium at depth to make inferences about the liquefaction potential onsite. The test results are included at the end of this appendix as Plates G-1 through G-11. B22-0037 V2 Page 3 July 10, 2017 W.O. 7050 MDN 19246 Appendix A Expansion Index Test To determine the expansion potential of the on-site native soils, an expansion index test was conducted in accordance with the ASTD D-4829-07. The test results indicate low expansion potential. Sulfate Test To determine the sulfate content of onsite soils, a sample from B-2 @ 0 to 5 feet was sent to an outside laboratory. Results exhibit a negligible sulfate content of 320 parts per million (ppm). Results are included as Plate L-1. Atterberg Tests Two Atterberg Limit tests were performed per D-ASTM 4318-10. The results are listed below: Sample Liquid Limit Plastic Limit Plasticity Index B-5@45’ 39.0 20.2 19.4 B-6@40’ 29.8 23.3 6.5 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 B22-0037 V2 MDN 19246 July 10, 2017 W.O. 7050 APPENDIX B GRADING GUIDLINES B22-0037 V2 MDN 19246 July 10, 2017 W.O. 7050 APPENDIX B GRADING GUIDLINES These specifications present the minimum requirements for grading operations performed under the control of GeoSoils Consultants, Inc. No deviation from these specifications would be allowed, except where specifically superseded in the preliminary geology and geotechnical report, or in other written communication signed by the Geotechnical Engineer or Engineering Geologist. 1. General A. The Geotechnical Engineer and Engineering Geologist are the Owner's or Builder's representative on the project. For the purpose of these specifications, supervision by the Geotechnical Engineer or Engineering Geologist includes that inspection performed by any person or persons employed by, and responsible to, the licensed Geotechnical Engineer or Engineering Geologist signing the Geotechnical report. B. All clearing, site preparation or earthwork performed on the project should be conducted by the Contractor under the observation of the Geotechnical Engineer or Engineering Geologist. C. It is the Contractor's responsibility to prepare the ground surface to receive the fills to the satisfaction of the Geotechnical Engineer or Engineering Geologist and to place, spread, mix, water, and compact the fill in accordance with the specifications of the Geotechnical Engineer or Engineering Geologist. The Contractor should also remove all material considered unsatisfactory by the Geotechnical Engineer or Engineering Geologist. B22-0037 V2 Page 2 July 10, 2017 W.O. 7050 MDN 19246 Appendix B D. It is also the Contractor's responsibility to have suitable and sufficient compaction equipment on the jobsite to handle the amount of fill being placed. If necessary, excavation equipment would be shut down to permit completion of compaction. Sufficient watering apparatus would also be provided by the Contractor, with due consideration for the fill material, rate of placement and time of year. E. A final report should be issued by the Geotechnical Engineer and Engineering Geologist attesting to the Contractor's conformance with these specifications. F. At all times, safety would have precedence over production work. If an unsafe job condition is noted by a GeoSoils Consultants, Inc. representative, it would be brought to the attention of the Grading Contractor's foreman, the on-site developer's representative or both. Once this condition is noted, it should be corrected as soon as possible, or work related to the unsafe condition may be terminated. 2. Site Preparation A. All vegetation and deleterious material, such as rubbish, should be disposed of off-site. This removal must be concluded prior to placing fill. B. The Contractor should locate all houses, sheds, sewage disposal systems, large trees or structures on the site, or on the grading plan, to the best of his knowledge prior to preparing the ground surface. B22-0037 V2 Page 3 July 10, 2017 W.O. 7050 MDN 19246 Appendix B C. Soils, alluvium or rock materials determined by the Geotechnical Engineer as being unsuitable for placement in compacted fills should be removed and wasted from the site. Any material incorporated as a part of a compacted fill must be approved by the Geotechnical Engineer. D. After the ground surface to receive fill has been cleared, it should be scarified, disced or bladed by the Contractor until it is uniform and free from ruts, hollows, hummocks or other uneven features, which may prevent uniform compaction. The scarified ground surface should then be brought to approximately 120 percent of optimum moisture, mixed as required, and compacted as specified. If the scarified zone is greater than 12 inches in depth, the excess should be removed and placed in lifts restricted to 6 inches. Prior to placing fill, the ground surface to receive fill should be inspected, tested and approved by the Geotechnical Engineer. E. Any underground structures such as cesspools, cisterns, mining shafts, tunnels, septic tanks, wells, pipelines or other not located prior to grading are to be removed or treated in a manner prescribed by the Geotechnical Engineer. 3. Compacted Fills A. Material imported or excavated on the property may be utilized in the fill, provided such material has been determined to be suitable by the Geotechnical Engineer. Roots, tree branches and other deleterious matter missed during clearing should be removed from the fill as directed by the Geotechnical Engineer. B22-0037 V2 Page 4 July 10, 2017 W.O. 7050 MDN 19246 Appendix B B. Rock fragments less than six inches in diameter may be utilized in the fill, provided: 1. they are not placed in concentrated pockets; 2. there is a sufficient percentage of fine-grained material to surround the rocks. 3. the distribution of the rocks is supervised by the Geotechnical Engineer. C. Rocks greater than six inches in diameter should be taken off-site, or placed in accordance with the recommendations of the Geotechnical Engineer in fill areas designated as suitable for rock disposal. D. Material that is spongy, subject to decay, or otherwise considered unsuitable should not be used in the compacted fill. E. Representative samples of materials to be utilized as compacted fill should be analyzed in the laboratory by the Geotechnical Engineer to determine their physical properties. If any material other than that previously tested is encountered during grading, the appropriate analysis of this material should be conducted by the Geotechnical Engineer as soon as possible. F. Material used in the compacting process should be evenly spread in thin lifts not to exceed six inches in thickness, watered, processed and compacted to obtain a uniformly dense layer. The fill should be placed and compacted on a horizontal plane, unless otherwise approved by the B22-0037 V2 Page 5 July 10, 2017 W.O. 7050 MDN 19246 Appendix B Geotechnical Engineer. This includes material placed for slope repairs, and utility trench backfills on slope areas. G. Each layer should be compacted to at least a minimum of 90 percent of the maximum density in compliance with the testing method specified by the controlling governmental agency (in general, ASTM D-1557-12 would be used). If compaction to a lesser percentage is authorized by the controlling governmental agency because of a specific land use or expansive geotechnical conditions, the area to receive fill compacted to less than 90 percent should either be delineated on the grading plan or appropriate reference made to the area in the geotechnical report. H. All fills must be placed at approximately 120 percent of optimum moisture. If excessive moisture in the fill results in failing tests or an unacceptable "pumping" condition, then the fill should be allowed to dry until the moisture content is within the necessary range to meet above compaction requirements, or should be removed or reworked until acceptable conditions are obtained. I. If the moisture content or relative density varies from that required by the Geotechnical Engineer, the Contractor should rework the fill until it is in accordance with the requirements of the Geotechnical Engineer. If a compaction test indicates that the fill meets or exceeds the minimum required relative compaction but is below 120 percent of optimum, then the fill should be reworked until it meets the moisture content requirements. B22-0037 V2 Page 6 July 10, 2017 W.O. 7050 MDN 19246 Appendix B 5. Grading Control A. Inspection of the fill placement should be provided by the Geotechnical Engineer during the progress of grading. B. In general, density tests should be made at intervals not exceeding two feet of fill height or every 500 cubic yards of fill placed. These criteria would vary depending on soil conditions and the size of the job. In any event, an adequate number of field density tests should be made to verify that the required compaction is being achieved. C. Density tests should also be made on the surface material to receive fill as required by the Geotechnical Engineer. D. All cleanout, processed ground to receive fill, key excavations, subdrains and rock disposal should be inspected and approved by the Geotechnical Engineer prior to placing any fill. It should be the Contractor's responsibility to notify the Geotechnical Engineer when such areas are ready for inspection. In most jurisdictions, these items must also be inspected by a representative of the controlling governmental agency prior to fill placement. 6. Construction Considerations A. Erosion control measures, when necessary, should be provided by the Contractor during grading and prior to the completion and construction of permanent drainage controls. B. Upon completion of grading and termination of inspections by the Geotechnical Engineer, no further filling or excavating, including that necessary for footings, foundations, large tree wells, retaining walls, or other B22-0037 V2 Page 7 July 10, 2017 W.O. 7050 MDN 19246 Appendix B C. features should be performed without the approval and observation of the Geotechnical Engineer or Engineering Geologist. D. Care should be taken by the Contractor during final grading to preserve any berms, drainage terraces, interceptor swales, or other devices of a permanent nature on or adjacent to the property. B22-0037 V2 MDN 19246 July 10, 2017 W.O. 7050 APPENDIX C LIQUEFACTION ANALYSES AND SEISMIC SETTLEMENT ANALYSES B22-0037 V2 MDN 19246 July 10, 2017 W.O. 7050 APPENDIX C LIQUEFACTION & SETTLEMENT ANALYSIS Introduction Liquefaction describes a phenomenon where cyclic stresses, which are produced by earthquake-induced ground motions, create excess pore pressures in predominately cohesionless soils. As a result, the soils may acquire a high degree of mobility, which can lead to lateral spreading, consolidation, and settlement of loose sediments, ground oscillation, flow failure, loss of bearing strength, ground fissuring, sand boils, and other damaging deformations. This phenomenon occurs only below the water table, but after liquefaction has developed, it can propagate upward into overlying, non-saturated soil. Research has shown that saturated, loose sands with silt content less than about 25 percent are most susceptible to liquefaction, whereas other soil types are generally considered to have a low susceptibility. Seismically-included settlement in unsaturated (dry) and saturated soils generally occur due to the dissipation of pore pressure in a liquefiable soil layer. The controlling factors affecting settlement in saturated sands consist of the pore pressure drainage path, magnitude and duration of the seismic event, cyclic stresses, maximum shear strains, and the recorded normalized SPT blow-counts, (N1)60, of the soils. The potential for seismically-induced settlement is greatest in loose granular soils (i.e., sands and silty sands), whereas cohesive soils (i.e., clays and silts) are generally not prone to settlement. It should be noted that granular soils are susceptible to settlement during a seismic event whether the soils liquefy or not. B22-0037 V2 Page 2 July 10, 2017 W.O. 7050 MDN 19246 Appendix C Procedure The method of liquefaction assessment in this report is based on the “simplified procedure” originally developed by Seed and Idriss (1971, 1982), with subsequent refinements by Seed et al. (1983), Seed and De Alba (1986), and Seed and Harder (1990). As generally defined by CGS Special Publication 117A: Guidelines for Analyzing and Mitigating Liquefaction Hazards in California, the procedure compares the cyclic resistance ratio (CRR) with the earthquake-induced cyclic stress ratio (CSR) at that depth from a specified design earthquake. The CRR is the ratio required to induce liquefaction for a cohesionless soil stratum at a given depth and is essentially the capacity of the soil to resist liquefaction. The CSR is defined generally as the seismic demand placed on a soil layer or the peak ground surface acceleration and an associated earthquake moment magnitude. Values of CRR were established that were empirically correlated using extensive databases for sites that did or did not liquefy during previous earthquakes, values of (N1)60 could be correlated with the liquefied soil zones. The 1997 version of the baseline chart defines values of CRR as a function of (N1)60 for a moment magnitude 7.5 earthquake, CSR, and the percent fines. The factor of safety against liquefaction is obtained by calculating the ratio of CRR and CSR. The potential for seismically-induced settlement occurs when the factor of safety is less than 1.0. The methodology used in estimating probable seismically-induced settlement in unsaturated and saturated soil deposits from SPT data is based on the procedures suggested by CGS Special Publication 117A and Tokimatsu and Seed (1987) with a magnitude scaling factor. The settlement analysis considers very thin layers for the soil deposit and calculates the settlement for each layer. The total settlement is the sum of these settlements in both dry (soil above the groundwater table) and saturated soils at their respective depths. The CRR curves are based on clean sands, necessitating fines content correction to accurately assess liquefaction potential. Fines content correction for SPT data is generated B22-0037 V2 Page 3 July 10, 2017 W.O. 7050 MDN 19246 Appendix C using formulas developed by Idriss and Seed (1997). For specific depths where gradation tests were performed, the value of percent fines (passing the #200 sieve) obtained from laboratory testing was used in the analysis. Analysis The assessment of liquefaction potential provided in this report maintains current code requirements and generally accepted practice. The predominant earthquake magnitude used is based on a 2 percent probability of exceedance in 50 years, obtained from the USGS Unified Hazard Tool. The peak ground acceleration corresponds to the PGAM without any reductions and was obtained from the USGS Seismic Design Maps website. Table C-1 shows a summary of the parameters used in this analysis. TABLE C-1 ANALYSIS PARAMETERS Earthquake Magnitude 6.67 Peak Ground Acceleration, PGAM 0.501 g Design Groundwater Table 17- 28 feet Energy Ratio, CE 1.25 Borehole Diameter, CB 1.15 Sampling Method, CS 1.0 Site exploration for the assessment of liquefaction potential consisted of Borings B-4, B-5, and B-6. At the time of exploration, groundwater was encountered at depths below the historical high groundwater table. The liquefaction analysis considers the in-situ ground water table for the individual boring analyzed. B22-0037 V2 Page 4 July 10, 2017 W.O. 7050 MDN 19246 Appendix C Results Based on the results of this investigation, evaluated from blow count data and laboratory testing of the borings, the potential for liquefaction does exist within the area of study. If liquefaction should develop in liquefiable soil layers, the migration of excess pore pressure within these layers (i.e. the movement of water) and potential settlement would be limited due to the confinement of these layers by less permeable silts. Therefore, the potential for liquefaction on the proposed tract poses a low risk to site development, assuming the conclusions and recommendations provided are incorporated into the final design and construction of the project. The liquefaction settlement analysis was performed to a depth of 50 feet below the existing ground surface and is presented in Table C-2. Differential settlement was taken as 1/2 of the maximum total settlement. The results of the analysis using the LiquefyPro software are given below, detailed output is provided at the end of this appendix. TABLE C-2 LIQUEFACTION SETTLEMENT ANALYSIS Boring Unsaturated Settlement (in) Saturated Settlement (in) Total Settlement (in) Differential Settlement (in) B-4 0 2.62 2.62 1.31 B-5 0.25 0.75 1.01 B-6 0.08 0.11 0.18 B22-0037 V2 AMIDENGINEERINGGROUP, INC. T949.333.5910 C949.922.6976 Mansour@amideng.com 9070 Irvine Center Drive, Suite 210 . Irvine, CA 92618 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS FOR: AVELINA San Juan Capistrano California JOB NUMBER 202103 Client: LANDSEA HOMES Architect : WITHEE MALCOLM ARCHITECTS CSG 03/21/22B22-0037 V2 GENERAL LOAD INFORMATION ROOF (MAX PITCH 7.5:12) ROOFING 10.00 PSF SHEATHING 1.50 PSF ROOF FRAMING 2.50 PSF INSULATION 0.50 PSF DRYWALL LID 2.50 PSF MECH/ELEC/MISC 0.50 PSF SPRINKLERS 0.50 PSF SOLAR PANELS 4.00 PSF TOTAL DEAD LOAD 22.00 PSF LIVE LOAD 20.00 PSF FLOOR DECK CARPET & PAD 1.50 PSF FINISH STUCCO, 7/8" THICK 9.00 PSF UNDERLAYMENT 1.00 PSF UNDERLAYMENT 0.00 PSF FLOOR SHEATHING 2.25 PSF FLOOR SHEATHING 2.00 PSF FLOOR FRAMING/I-JOISTS 4.20 PSF FLOOR FRAMING/I-JOISTS 4.00 PSF INSULATION 0.50 PSF INSULATION 0.00 PSF DRYWALL LID 2.80 PSF DRYWALL LID 0.00 PSF MECH/ELEC/MISC 1.75 PSF MECH/ELEC/MISC 0.00 PSF SPRINKLERS 1.00 PSF SPRINKLERS 0.00 PSF TOTAL DEAD LOAD 15.00 PSF TOTAL DEAD LOAD 15.00 PSF LIVE LOAD 40.00 PSF LIVE LOAD 60.00 PSF EXTERIOR WALL INTERIOR WALL FINISH STUCCO, 7/8" THICK 9.00 PSF PLYWOOD SHEATHING 1.50 PSF PLYWOOD SHEATHING 1.50 PSF 2X STUD FRAMING 1.50 PSF 2X STUD FRAMING 1.50 PSF INSULATION 0.50 PSF INSULATION 0.50 PSF DRYWALL 5.00 PSF DRYWALL 2.50 PSF MISC 1.50 PSF MISC 1.00 PSF TOTAL DEAD LOAD 10.00 PSF TOTAL DEAD LOAD 16.00 PSF LOADS LOADS LOADS LOADS LOADS SHEARWALL SCHEDULE PROJECT : PAGE : CLIENT : DESIGN BY : JOB NO. : DATE : REVIEW BY : One Story Seismic Analysis Based on 2015 IBC / 2016 CBC & ASCE 7-16 Determine Base Shear (Derived from ASCE 7 Sec. 12.8) V =MAX{ MIN [ SD1I / (RT) , SDS I / R ] , MAX(0.044SDSI , 0.01) , 0.5S1 I / R } W = MAX{ MIN[ 0.28W , 0.12W ] , 0.04W , 0.00W }^ = 0.12 W, (SD) (for S1 ≥ 0.6 g only) =0.09 W, (ASD) =10.60 kips Where SDS =0.804 (ASCE 7 Sec 11.4) SD1 =0.562 (ASCE 7 Sec 11.4) S1 =0.42 (ASCE 7 Sec 11.4) R =6.5 (ASCE 7 Tab 12.2-1) I =1 (2015 IBC Tab 1604.5 & ASCE 7 Tab 11.5-1) Ct =0.02 (ASCE 7 Tab 12.8-2) hn =38.0 ft x =0.75 (ASCE 7 Tab 12.8-2) T = Ct (hn)x =0.306 sec, (ASCE 7 Sec WIND-1 WIND ANALYSIS Exposure category (B, C or D, ASCE 7-16 26.7.3)C Importance factor (ASCE 7-16 Table 1.5-2)Iw =1 for all Category Basic wind speed (ASCE 7-16 26.5.1)V = 95 mph Topographic factor (ASCE 7-16 26.8 & Table 26.8-1)Kzt =1 Flat Building height to eave he =30 ft Building height to ridge hr =38 ft Building length L = 80 ft Building width B = 44 ft qh(psf) =24.75 q =18.43 ROOF Cp(wind -)Cp(lee +)Cp(wind +)p(wind -)p(wind +)P(lee)p(total) -0.62 -0.58 -0.11 -13.1 -2.3 -12.25 9.95 HORIZONTAL WALL HEIGHT Kz Kd qz Cp(wind) Cp(lee) p(wind) P(lee) p(total) 0-15 0.85 0.85 22.38 0.8 -0.5 15.22 -10.52 25.74 20 0.9 0.85 23.7 0.8 -0.5 16.11 -10.52 26.63 25 0.94 0.85 24.75 0.8 -0.5 16.83 -10.52 27.35 30 0.98 0.85 25.8 0.8 -0.5 17.55 -10.52 28.07 40 1.04 0.85 27.38 0.8 -0.5 18.62 -10.52 29.14 WIND LOADS P x Cd x H LOADS (plf) (Roof)9.95 0.6 9 53.7 Roof Framing Plan 28.07 0.6 4.5 75.8 130 TOTAL 3rd Framing Plan 26.63 0.6 10 160 TOTAL 2nd Framing Plan 25.74 0.6 10 154 TOTAL Roof Framing Plan (Typ.) 3rd Floor Framing 2nd Floor Framing Pg LAT1-1 SEISMIC - PLAN 1 LATERAL STRIP X1R Roof (Length)22 psf x 26 ft.x 1 =572 plf Exterior Wall (Ht)16 psf x 9 ft.x 1 =144 plf Interior Wall (Ht.)10 psf x 9 ft.x 3 =225 plf Floor (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf Deck (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf 941 plf x 0.117 W Vs =110 plf LATERAL STRIP X1-2F Roof (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf Exterior Wall (Ht)16 psf x 9 ft.x 1 =144 plf Interior Wall (Ht.)10 psf x 9 ft.x 1 =90 plf Floor (Length)15 psf x 24 ft.x 1 =360 plf Deck (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf 594 plf x 0.117 W Vs =69 plf LATERAL STRIP X1-1F Roof (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf Exterior Wall (Ht)16 psf x 9 ft.x 1 =144 plf Interior Wall (Ht.)10 psf x 9 ft.x 1 =90 plf Floor (Length)15 psf x 24 ft.x 1 =360 plf Deck (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf 594 plf x 0.117 W Vs =69 plf Pg LAT1-2 SEISMIC - PLAN 1 LATERAL STRIP Y1R Roof (Length)22 psf x 28 ft.x 1 =616 plf Exterior Wall (Ht)16 psf x 9 ft.x 2 =288 plf Interior Wall (Ht.)10 psf x 9 ft.x 3 =270 plf Floor (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf Deck (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf 1174 plf x 0.09 W Vs =106 plf LATERAL STRIP Y1-2F Roof (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf Exterior Wall (Ht)16 psf x 9 ft.x 2 =288 plf Interior Wall (Ht.)10 psf x 9 ft.x 2 =180 plf Floor (Length)15 psf x 28 ft.x 1 =420 plf Deck (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf 888 plf x 0.09 W Vs =80 plf LATERAL STRIP Y1-1F Roof (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf Exterior Wall (Ht)16 psf x 9 ft.x 2 =288 plf Interior Wall (Ht.)10 psf x 9 ft.x 1 =90 plf Floor (Length)15 psf x 28 ft.x 1 =420 plf Deck (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf 798 plf x 0.09 W Vs =72 plf Pg LAT1-3 SEISMIC - PLAN 2 LATERAL STRIP X2R Roof (Length)22 psf x 21 ft.x 1 =462 plf Exterior Wall (Ht)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf Interior Wall (Ht.)10 psf x 9 ft.x 3 =270 plf Floor (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf Deck (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf 732 plf x 0.117 W Vs =86 plf LATERAL STRIP X2-2F Roof (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf Exterior Wall (Ht)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf Interior Wall (Ht.)10 psf x 9 ft.x 3 =270 plf Floor (Length)15 psf x 21 ft.x 1 =315 plf Deck (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf 585 plf x 0.117 W Vs =68 plf LATERAL STRIP X2-1F Roof (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf Exterior Wall (Ht)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf Interior Wall (Ht.)10 psf x 9 ft.x 3 =270 plf Floor (Length)15 psf x 21 ft.x 1 =315 plf Deck (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf 585 plf x 0.117 W Vs =68 plf Pg LAT1-4 SEISMIC - PLAN 2 LATERAL STRIP Y2R Roof (Length)22 psf x 39 ft.x 1 =858 plf Exterior Wall (Ht)16 psf x 9 ft.x 2 =288 plf Interior Wall (Ht.)10 psf x 9 ft.x 3 =270 plf Floor (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf Deck (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf 1416 plf x 0.09 W Vs =127 plf LATERAL STRIP Y2-2F Roof (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf Exterior Wall (Ht)16 psf x 9 ft.x 2 =288 plf Interior Wall (Ht.)10 psf x 9 ft.x 1 =90 plf Floor (Length)15 psf x 39 ft.x 1 =585 plf Deck (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf 963 plf x 0.09 W Vs =87 plf LATERAL STRIP Y2-1F Roof (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf Exterior Wall (Ht)16 psf x 9 ft.x 2 =288 plf Interior Wall (Ht.)10 psf x 9 ft.x 2 =180 plf Floor (Length)15 psf x 39 ft.x 1 =585 plf Deck (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf 1053 plf x 0.09 W Vs =95 plf Pg LAT1-5 SEISMIC - PLAN 3 LATERAL STRIP X3R Roof (Length)22 psf x 22 ft.x 1 =484 plf Exterior Wall (Ht)16 psf x 9 ft.x 1 =144 plf Interior Wall (Ht.)10 psf x 9 ft.x 3 =270 plf Floor (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf Deck (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf 898 plf x 0.117 W Vs =105 plf LATERAL STRIP X3-2F Roof (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf Exterior Wall (Ht)16 psf x 9 ft.x 1 =144 plf Interior Wall (Ht.)10 psf x 9 ft.x 2 =180 plf Floor (Length)15 psf x 22 ft.x 1 =330 plf Deck (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf 654 plf x 0.117 W Vs =77 plf LATERAL STRIP X3-1F Roof (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf Exterior Wall (Ht)16 psf x 9 ft.x 1 =144 plf Interior Wall (Ht.)10 psf x 9 ft.x 1 =90 plf Floor (Length)15 psf x 22 ft.x 1 =330 plf Deck (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf 564 plf x 0.117 W Vs =66 plf Pg LAT1-6 SEISMIC - PLAN 3 LATERAL STRIP Y3R Roof (Length)22 psf x 42 ft.x 1 =924 plf Exterior Wall (Ht)16 psf x 9 ft.x 2 =288 plf Interior Wall (Ht.)10 psf x 9 ft.x 3 =270 plf Floor (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf Deck (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf 1482 plf x 0.09 W Vs =133 plf LATERAL STRIP Y3-2F Roof (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf Exterior Wall (Ht)16 psf x 9 ft.x 2 =288 plf Interior Wall (Ht.)10 psf x 9 ft.x 1 =90 plf Floor (Length)15 psf x 42 ft.x 1 =630 plf Deck (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf 1008 plf x 0.09 W Vs =91 plf LATERAL STRIP Y3-1F Roof (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf Exterior Wall (Ht)16 psf x 9 ft.x 2 =288 plf Interior Wall (Ht.)10 psf x 9 ft.x 2 =180 plf Floor (Length)15 psf x 42 ft.x 1 =630 plf Deck (Length)0 psf x 0 ft.x 0 =0 plf 1098 plf x 0.09 W Vs =99 plf Pg LAT1-7 SEISMIC DISTRIBUTION PLAN 1 STRIP Hx Wx WxHx Fx X1R 29 110 3190 154 plf X1-2F 19 69 1311 63 plf X1-1F 9 69 621 30 plf 248 5122 248 plf STRIP Hx Wx WxHx Fx Y1R 29 99 2871 142 plf Y1-2F 19 80 1520 65 plf Y1-1F 9 72 648 31 plf 251 5039 251 plf Pg LAT1-8 SEISMIC DISTRIBUTION PLAN 2 STRIP Hx Wx WxHx Fx X2R 29 86 2494 126 plf X2-2F 19 68 1292 65 plf X2-1F 9 68 612 31 plf 222 4398 222 plf STRIP Hx Wx WxHx Fx Y2R 29 127 3683 184 plf Y2-2F 19 87 1653 83 plf Y2-1F 9 95 855 43 plf 309 6191 309 plf Pg LAT1-9 SEISMIC DISTRIBUTION PLAN 3 STRIP Hx Wx WxHx Fx X3R 29 105 3045 148 plf X3-2F 19 77 1463 71 plf X3-1F 9 66 594 29 plf 248 5102 248 plf STRIP Hx Wx WxHx Fx Y3R 29 133 3857 192 plf Y3-2F 19 91 1729 86 plf Y3-1F 9 99 891 44 plf 323 6477 323 plf L3 - 1 BLDG 3-PLEX Shear Wall Line 1R SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X1R ==130 lb/ft WIDTH =42 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE = WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE = TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =422 x 42' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +0 =8862 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =130 x 42' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +0 =2730 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =41.517 ft SHEAR = ( 8862 # /41.5166666666667' )= 213 plf Use Shear Wall Type 10 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=273 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN (x2) (x2) (x2) Panel Lengths, w (ft) =3.67 3.67 7 3.67 2.83 3.17 3.17 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Opening Height, h (ft) =5 5 9 5 5 9 9 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 2.45232 2.452316 1.28571 2.45232 3.17647 2.84211 2.84211 h/w>2:1 =0.82 0.82 1.00 0.82 0.63 0.70 0.70 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*L w*H (ft*lbs) 3917 3917 13448 3917 3024 6084 6084 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =3916.93 3916.926 13447.8 3916.93 3023.97 6083.51 6083.51 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = 252 252 252 32 252 252 252 Dead Load from Floor = Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 387 387 387 167 387 387 387 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.45 1162 1162 4229 502 693 865 865 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 3.7 3.7 7.0 3.7 2.8 3.2 3.2 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 751 751 1317 931 823 1648 1648 Holdown Type CS16 CS16 CS16 CS16 CS16 CS16 CS16 1705 1705 1705 1705 1705 1705 1705 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =64 ft diaph. Shear = 5801 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 0 lbs Vdiaph = 91 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (2*148+1*126) L3 - 2 BLDG 3-PLEX Shear Wall Line 2R SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X1R ==130 lb/ft WIDTH =42 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE = WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE = TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =422 x 42' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +0 =8862 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =130 x 42' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +0 =2730 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =29.89 ft SHEAR = ( 8862 # /29.89' )= 296 plf Use Shear Wall Type 11 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=350 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN (x2) (x2) (x2) Panel Lengths, w (ft) =2.91 2.91 3.5 3 2.5 5.75 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 9 9 9 9 Opening Height, h (ft) =5 5 5 5 5 5 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 3.09278 3.092784 2.57143 3 2 1.56522 h/w>2:1 =0.65 0.65 0.78 0.67 1.00 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*Lw*H (ft*lbs) 4314 4314 5189 4447 3706 8524 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =4313.89 4313.888 5188.52 4447.31 3706.09 8524 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = 22 22 22 22 22 22 Dead Load from Floor = Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 157 157 157 157 157 157 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.45 299 296 429 315 219 1158 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 2.9 2.9 3.5 3.0 2.5 5.8 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 1380 1381 1360 1377 1395 1281 Holdown Type (2) CS16 (2) CS16 (2) CS16 (2) CS16 (2) CS16 CS16 3410 3410 3410 3410 3410 3410 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =64 ft diaph. Shear = 6099 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 0 lbs Vdiaph = 95 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (2*148+1*126) L3 - 3 BLDG 3-PLEX Shear Wall Line AR SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION Y1R ==130 lb/ft WIDTH =22 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE = WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE = TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =192 x 22' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +0 =2112 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =130 x 22' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +0 =1430 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =14.5 ft SHEAR = ( 2112 # / 14.5' ) = 146 plf Use Shear Wall Type 9 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=204 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =8 3.5 3 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 5 5 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 1.125 1.428571 1.66667 h/w>2:1 =1.00 1.00 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*L w*H (ft*lbs) 10487.2 2548.966 2184.83 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =10487.2 2548.966 2184.83 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = 22 22 22 Dead Load from Floor = Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 157 157 157 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.45 2241 429 315 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 8.0 3.5 3.0 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 1031 606 623 Holdown Type CS16 CS16 CS16 1705 1705 1705 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =22 ft diaph. Shear = 2112 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 0 lbs Vdiaph = 96 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. 192 L3 - 4 BLDG 3-PLEX Shear Wall Line BR SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION Y1R ==130 lb/ft WIDTH =22 ft LATERAL SECTION Y1R ==130 lb/ft WIDTH =21 ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE = WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE = TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =192 x 22' / 2 +184 21' / 2 +0 =4044 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =130 x 22' / 2 +130 21' / 2 +0 =2795 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =23.09 ft SHEAR = ( 4044 # /23.09' )= 175 plf Use Shear Wall Type 10 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=320 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =6.34 11 5.75 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 9 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 1.41956 0.818182 1.56522 h/w>2:1 =1.00 1.00 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*L w*H (ft*lbs) 9993.53 17338.93 9063.53 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =9993.53 17338.93 9063.53 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = 20 20 20 Dead Load from Floor = Dead Load from Exterior Wall = Dead Load from Interior Wall = 90 90 90 Dead Load Sub Total = 110 110 110 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.45 986 2968 811 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 6.3 11.0 5.8 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 1421 1306 1435 Holdown Type CS16 CS16 CS16 1705 1705 1705 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =44 ft diaph. Shear = 4044 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 0 lbs Vdiaph = 92 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. 192 184 L3 - 5 BLDG 3-PLEX Shear Wall Line CR SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION Y1R ==130 lb/ft WIDTH =21 ft LATERAL SECTION Y1R ==130 lb/ft WIDTH =22 ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE = WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE = TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =184 x 21' / 2 +192 22' / 2 +0 =4044 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =130 x 21' / 2 +130 22' / 2 +0 =2795 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =23.09 ft SHEAR = ( 4044 # /23.09' )= 175 plf Use Shear Wall Type 10 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=320 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =6.34 11 5.75 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 9 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 1.41956 0.818182 1.56522 h/w>2:1 =1.00 1.00 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*L w*H (ft*lbs) 9993.53 17338.93 9063.53 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =9993.53 17338.93 9063.53 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = 20 20 20 Dead Load from Floor = Dead Load from Exterior Wall = Dead Load from Interior Wall = 90 90 90 Dead Load Sub Total = 110 110 110 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.45 986 2968 811 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 6.3 11.0 5.8 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 1421 1306 1435 Holdown Type CS16 CS16 CS16 1705 1705 1705 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =44 ft diaph. Shear = 4044 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 0 lbs Vdiaph = 92 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. 184 192 L3 - 6 BLDG 3-PLEX Shear Wall Line DR SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION Y1R ==130 lb/ft WIDTH =22 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE = WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE = TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =192 x 22' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +0 =2112 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =130 x 22' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +0 =1430 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =13.8 ft SHEAR = ( 2112 # / 13.8' ) = 153 plf Use Shear Wall Type 9 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=204 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =8 3.5 2.3 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 5 5 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 1.125 1.428571 2.17391 h/w>2:1 =1.00 1.00 0.92 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*L w*H (ft*lbs) 11019.1 2678.261 1760 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =11019.1 2678.261 1760 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = 22 22 22 Dead Load from Floor = Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 157 157 157 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.45 2241 429 185 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 8.0 3.5 2.3 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 1097 643 685 Holdown Type CS16 CS16 CS16 1705 1705 1705 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =22 ft diaph. Shear = 2112 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 0 lbs Vdiaph = 96 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. 192 L3 - 7 BLDG 3-PLEX Shear Wall Line 1F-2F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X2F ==160 lb/ft WIDTH =42 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =8862 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =2730 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =207 x 42' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +8862 =13209 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =160 x 42' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +2730 =6090 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =19.427 ft SHEAR = ( 13209 # /19.4266666666667' )= 680 plf Use Shear Wall Type 14 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=742 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN (x2) (x2) Panel Lengths, w (ft) =3 2.5 3.67 2.42 2.34 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 9 9 9 Opening Height, h (ft) =7 7 5 5 7 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 3 2.8 2.45232 2.06897 2.99145 h/w>2:1 =0.67 0.56 0.82 0.54 0.52 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*L w*H (ft*lbs) 14279 11899 12477 8216 11137 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 931 823 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 3.67 2.83 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =14278.8 11898.98 15892.3 10544.4 11137.4 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor =15 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 135 150 135 150 150 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.45 271 209 405 195 183 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 3.0 2.5 3.7 2.4 2.3 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 4669 4676 4220 4282 4681 Holdown Type (2) CS14 (2) CS14 (2) CS14 (2) CS14 (2) CS14 4980 4980 4980 4980 4980 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =64 ft diaph. Shear = 13209 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 8862 lbs Vdiaph = 68 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (2*71+1*65) L3 - 8 BLDG 3-PLEX Shear Wall Line 2F-2F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X2F ==160 lb/ft WIDTH =42 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =8862 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =2730 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =207 x 42' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +8862 =13209 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =160 x 42' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +2730 =6090 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =35.2 ft SHEAR = ( 13209 # /35.1566666666667' )= 376 plf Use Shear Wall Type 12 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=620 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN (x2) (x2) (x2) Panel Lengths, w (ft) =2.91 6.17 3.25 8 2.50 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 9 9 9 Opening Height, h (ft) =5 5 5 9 5 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 3.09278 1.459459 2.76923 1.125 2 h/w>2:1 =0.65 1.00 0.72 1.00 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*L w*H (ft*lbs) 5467 11585 6105 27052 4696 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =1380 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =2.91 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =9482.5 11584.64 6105.42 27051.7 4696.48 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 135 135 135 135 135 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.45 255 1145 318 1927 188 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 2.9 6.2 3.3 8.0 2.5 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 3171 1693 1781 3141 1803 Holdown Type (2) CS16 (2) CS16 (2) CS16 (2) CS16 (2) CS16 3410 3410 3410 3410 3410 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =64 ft diaph. Shear = 13209 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 8862 lbs Vdiaph = 68 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (2*71+1*65) L3 - 9 BLDG 3-PLEX Shear Wall Line AF-2F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION Y1F-2F ==160 lb/ft WIDTH =22 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =2112 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =1430 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =86 x 22' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +2112 =3058 lbs TOTAL WIND LOAD =160 x 22' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +1430 =3190 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =22.51 ft SHEAR = ( 3190 # /22.5133333333333' )= 142 plf Use Shear Wall Type 10 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=300 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =2.17 3.5 2.17 7.34 7.34 Panel Height, h (ft) =5 5 5 9 9 Opening Height, h (ft) =5 5 5 9 9 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 2.30769 1.428571 2.30769 1.22616 1.22616 h/w>2:1 =0.87 1.00 0.87 1.00 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*L w*H (ft*lbs) 1535 2480 1535 9360 9360 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =623 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =2.17 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =1535 2480 2887 9360 9360 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 15 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 150 150 150 150 150 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.67 157 410 157 1802 1802 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 2.2 3.5 2.2 7.3 7.3 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 636 591 1260 1030 1030 Holdown Type (2) CS16 (2) CS16 (2) CS16 CS16 CS16 3410 3410 3410 1705 1705 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =26 ft diaph. Shear = 3190 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 2112 lbs Vdiaph = 41 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. 86 L3 - 10 BLDG 3-PLEX Shear Wall Line BF-2F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION Y1F-2F ==160 lb/ft WIDTH =22 ft LATERAL SECTION Y1F-2F ==160 lb/ft WIDTH =21 ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =4044 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =2795 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =86 x 22' / 2 +83 21' / 2 +4044 =5862 lbs TOTAL WIND LOAD =160 x 22' / 2 +160 21' / 2 +2795 =6235 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =26 ft SHEAR = ( 6235 # / 26' ) = 240 plf Use Shear Wall Type 10 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=320 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =11 15 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 0.81818 0.6 h/w>2:1 =1.00 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*Lw*H (ft*lbs) 23741 32374.04 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =1435 1306 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =11 15 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =39526 51964.04 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = Dead Load from Interior Wall = 90 90 Dead Load Sub Total = 105 105 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.67 2833 5268 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 11.0 15.0 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 3336 3113 Holdown Type (2) CS16 (2) CS16 3410 3410 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =44 ft diaph. Shear = 6235 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 4044 lbs Vdiaph = 50 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. 86 83 L3 - 11 BLDG 3-PLEX Shear Wall Line CF-2F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION Y1F-2F ==160 lb/ft WIDTH =21 ft LATERAL SECTION Y1F-2F ==160 lb/ft WIDTH =22 ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =4044 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =2795 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =83 x 21' / 2 +86 22' / 2 +4044 =5862 lbs TOTAL WIND LOAD =160 x 21' / 2 +160 22' / 2 +2795 =6235 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =26 ft SHEAR = ( 6235 # / 26' ) = 240 plf Use Shear Wall Type 10 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=320 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =11 15 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 0.81818 0.6 h/w>2:1 =1.00 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*Lw*H (ft*lbs) 23741 32374.04 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =1435 1306 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =11 15 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =39526 51964.04 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = Dead Load from Interior Wall = 90 90 Dead Load Sub Total = 105 105 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.67 2833 5268 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 11.0 15.0 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 3336 3113 Holdown Type (2) CS16 (2) CS16 3410 3410 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =44 ft diaph. Shear = 6235 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 4044 lbs Vdiaph = 50 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. 83 86 L3 - 12 BLDG 3-PLEX Shear Wall Line DF-2F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION Y1F-2F ==160 lb/ft WIDTH =22 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =2112 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =1430 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =86 x 22' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +2112 =3058 lbs TOTAL WIND LOAD =160 x 22' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +1430 =3190 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =22.51 ft SHEAR = ( 3190 # /22.5133333333333' )= 142 plf Use Shear Wall Type 10 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=300 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =2.17 3.5 2.17 7.34 7.34 Panel Height, h (ft) =5 5 5 9 9 Opening Height, h (ft) =5 5 5 9 9 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 2.30769 1.428571 2.30769 1.22616 1.22616 h/w>2:1 =0.87 1.00 0.87 1.00 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*L w*H (ft*lbs) 1535 2480 1535 9360 9360 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =623 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =2.17 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =1535.02 2479.642 2886.93 9360.29 9360.29 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 15 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 150 150 150 150 150 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.67 157 410 157 1802 1802 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 2.2 3.5 2.2 7.3 7.3 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 636 591 1260 1030 1030 Holdown Type (2) CS16 (2) CS16 (2) CS16 CS16 CS16 3410 3410 3410 1705 1705 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =44 ft diaph. Shear = 3190 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 2112 lbs Vdiaph = 25 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. 86 L3 - 13 BLDG 3-PLEX Shear Wall Line 1F-1F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =20 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =13209 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =6090 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =91 x 20' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +13209 =14119 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =154 x 20' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +6090 =7630 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =27.507 ft SHEAR = ( 14119 # /27.5066666666667' )= 513 plf Use Shear Wall Type 14 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=683 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN (x2) (x2) (x2) Panel Lengths, w (ft) =2.75 2.42 2.42 3 6.17 3.17 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 6 6 9 9 9 Opening Height, h (ft) =6 6 6 6 9 6 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 3.27273 2.482759 2.48276 3 1.45946 2.84211 h/w>2:1 =0.61 0.81 0.81 0.67 1.00 0.70 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*Lw*H (ft*lbs) 8469 7443 7443 9239 28488 9753 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 4122 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 3 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =8469 7443 7443 21606 28488 9753 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 15 15 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 150 150 150 150 150 150 Point Load (dL) = 0 0 0 Dist from wall end, d (ft) = 0 0 0 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2+Pdlxd))x 0.45 253 195 195 301 1272 335 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 2.8 2.4 2.4 3.0 6.2 3.2 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 2988 2999 2999 7102 4413 2974 Holdown Type HDU2 HDU2 HDU2 HDU8 HDU5 HDU2 3075 3075 3075 7890 5625 3075 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =64 ft diaph. Shear = 14119 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 13209 lbs Vdiaph = 14 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (2*31+1*29) L3 - 14 BLDG 3-PLEX Shear Wall Line 2F-1F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =20 ft LATERAL SECTION X1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =22 ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE = WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE = TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =91 x 20' / 2 +91 22' / 2 +0 =1911 lbs TOTAL WIND LOAD =154 x 20' / 2 +154 22' / 2 +0 =3234 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =24 ft SHEAR = ( 3234 # / 24' ) = 135 plf Use Shear Wall Type 11 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=410 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =8 8 8 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 9 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 1.125 1.125 1.125 h/w>2:1 =1.00 1.00 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*L w*H (ft*lbs) 9702 9702 9702 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =9702 9702 9702 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 150 150 150 Point Load (dL) = 0 Dist from wall end, d (ft) = 0 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2+Pdlxd))x 0.67 2141 2141 2141 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 7.5 7.5 7.5 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 1008 1008 1008 Holdown Type HDU2 HDU2 HDU2 3075 3075 3075 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =64 ft diaph. Shear = 3234 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 0 lbs Vdiaph = 51 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (2*31+1*29) (2*31+1*29) L3 - 15 BLDG 3-PLEX Shear Wall Line 3F-1F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =22 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =13209 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =6090 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =91 x 22' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +13209 =14210 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =154 x 22' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +6090 =7784 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =12.347 ft SHEAR = ( 14210 # /12.3466666666667' )= 1151 plf Use Shear Wall Type 15 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=1554 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =2.34 3.83 3.83 2.34 Panel Height, h (ft) =7 7 7 7 Opening Height, h (ft) =7 7 7 7 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 2.99145 1.826087 1.82609 2.99145 h/w>2:1 =0.67 1.00 1.00 0.67 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*Lw*H (ft*lbs) 18852 30883 30883 18852 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =3171 3171 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =2.34 2.34 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =26272 30883 30883 26272.2 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 150 150 150 150 Point Load (dL) = 0 3196 3196 Dist from wall end, d (ft) = 0 3.83 3.83 2.34 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2+Pdlxd))x 0.45 183 5951 5951 183 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 2.3 3.8 3.8 2.3 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 11149 6561 6561 11149 Holdown Type HDU11 HDU8 HDU8 HDU11 11175 6970 970 11175 HDU8 @ NON STRAP ABV HDU8 @ NON STRAP ABV FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length = 64 ft diaph. Shear = 14210 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 13209 lbs Vdiaph = 16 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (2*31+1*29) (1) WSWH 12x7 FOR ADD'L SUPPORT L3 - 16 BLDG 3-PLEX Shear Wall Line AF-1F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION Y1F-1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =22 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =3058 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =3190 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =44 x 22' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +3058 =3542 lbs TOTAL WIND LOAD =154 x 22' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +3190 =4884 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =20 ft SHEAR = ( 4884 # / 20' ) = 244 plf Use Shear Wall Type 11 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=410 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =20 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 0.45 h/w>2:1 =1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*Lw*H (ft*lbs) 43956 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =2310 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =20 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =90156 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 150 Point Load (dL) = 0 Dist from wall end, d (ft) = 0 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2+Pdlxd))x 0.67 13380 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 19.5 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 3937 Holdown Type HDU4 4565 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =26 ft diaph. Shear = 4884 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 3058 lbs Vdiaph = 70 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. 44 L3 - 17 BLDG 3-PLEX Shear Wall Line BF-1F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION Y1F-1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =22 ft LATERAL SECTION Y1F-1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =21 ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =5862 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =6235 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =44 x 22' / 2 +43 21' / 2 +5862 =6797 lbs TOTAL WIND LOAD =154 x 22' / 2 +154 21' / 2 +6235 =9546 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =34 ft SHEAR = ( 9546 # / 34' ) = 281 plf Use Shear Wall Type 11 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=410 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =16 18 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 0.5625 0.5 h/w>2:1 =1.00 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*Lw*H (ft*lbs) 40430.1 45483.88 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =3378 1861 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =16 18 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =94478.1 78981.88 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = Dead Load from Interior Wall = 90 90 Dead Load Sub Total = 105 105 Point Load (dL) = Dist from wall end, d (ft) = RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2+Pdlxd))x 0.67 5994 7586 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 16.0 18.0 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 5530 3966 Holdown Type HDU5 HDU4 5625 4565 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =44 ft diaph. Shear = 9546 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 6235 lbs Vdiaph = 75 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. 44 43 L3 - 18 BLDG 3-PLEX Shear Wall Line CF-1F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION Y1F-1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =21 ft LATERAL SECTION Y1F-1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =22 ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =5862 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =6235 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =43 x 21' / 2 +45 22' / 2 +5862 =6808 lbs TOTAL WIND LOAD =154 x 21' / 2 +154 22' / 2 +6235 =9546 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =34 ft SHEAR = ( 9546 # / 34' ) = 281 plf Use Shear Wall Type 11 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=410 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =18 16 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 0.5 0.5625 h/w>2:1 =1.00 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*Lw*H (ft*lbs) 45483.9 40430.12 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =1861 3336 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =18 16 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =78981.9 93806.12 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = Dead Load from Interior Wall = 90 90 Dead Load Sub Total = 105 105 Point Load (dL) = 0 0 Dist from wall end, d (ft) = 0 0 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2+Pdlxd))x 0.67 7586 5994 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 18.0 16.0 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 3966 5488 Holdown Type HDU4 HDU5 4565 5625 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =44 ft diaph. Shear = 9546 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 5862 lbs Vdiaph = 84 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. 43 44 L3 - 19 BLDG 3-PLEX Shear Wall Line DF-1F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION Y1F-1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =22 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =3058 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =3190 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =44 x 22' / 2 +51 ' / 2 +3058 =3542 lbs TOTAL WIND LOAD =154 x 22' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +3190 =4884 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =20 ft SHEAR = ( 4884 # / 20' ) = 244 plf Use Shear Wall Type 12 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=640 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =20 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 0.45 h/w>2:1 =1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*Lw*H (ft*lbs) 43956 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =2310 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =20 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =90156 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = Dead Load from Interior Wall = 90 Dead Load Sub Total = 105 Point Load (dL) = 2000 Dist from wall end, d (ft) = 16 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2+Pdlxd))x 0.67 23638 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 20.0 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 3326 Holdown Type HDU4 4565 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =26 ft diaph. Shear = 4884 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 3058 lbs Vdiaph = 70 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. 44 L4 - 1 BLDG 4-PLEX Shear Wall Line 1R SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X1R ==130 lb/ft WIDTH =42 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE = WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE = TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =530 x 42' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +0 =11130 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =130 x 42' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +0 =2730 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =51.677 ft SHEAR = ( 11130 # /51.6766666666667' )= 215 plf Use Shear Wall Type 10 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=273 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) Panel Lengths, w (ft) =13 13 3.67 2.83 3.17 3.17 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 5 5 5 5 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 0.69231 0.692308 1.3624 1.76471 1.57895 1.57895 h/w>2:1 =1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*Lw*H (ft*lbs) 25199.2 25199.19 3952.18 3051.18 3410.15 3410.15 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =25199.2 25199.19 3952.18 3051.18 3410.15 3410.15 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = 252 252 252 252 32 32 Dead Load from Floor = Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 387 387 387 387 167 167 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.45 14585 14585 1162 693 373 373 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 13.0 13.0 3.7 2.8 3.2 3.2 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 816 816 760 832 959 959 Holdown Type CS16 CS16 CS16 CS16 CS16 CS16 1705 1705 1705 1705 1705 1705 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =80 ft diaph. Shear = 8365 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 0 lbs Vdiaph = 105 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (2*139+2*126) L4 - 2 BLDG 4-PLEX Shear Wall Line 2R SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X1R ==130 lb/ft WIDTH =42 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE = WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE = TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =530 x 42' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +0 =11130 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =130 x 42' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +0 =2730 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =36.98 ft SHEAR = ( 11130 # /36.98' )= 301 plf Use Shear Wall Type 11 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=335 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) Panel Lengths, w (ft) =5 3.5 5.75 2.58 2.58 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 9 9 9 Opening Height, h (ft) =5 5 5 5 5 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 1.8 2.571429 1.56522 3.48837 3.48837 h/w>2:1 =1.00 0.78 1.00 0.57 0.57 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*L w*H (ft*lbs) 7524 5267 8653 3883 3883 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =7524 5267 8653 3883 3883 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = 176 176 176 22 22 Dead Load from Floor = Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 311 311 311 157 157 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.45 1749 850 2293 233 233 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 5.0 3.5 5.8 2.6 2.6 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 1155 1262 1106 1415 1415 Holdown Type (2) CS16 (2) CS16 (2) CS16 (2) CS16 (2) CS16 3410 3410 3410 3410 3410 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =80 ft diaph. Shear = 5842 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 0 lbs Vdiaph = 73 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (2*139+2*126) L4 - 3 BLDG 4-PLEX Shear Wall Line AR SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION Y1R ==130 lb/ft WIDTH =24 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE = WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE = TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =142 x 24' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +0 =1704 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =130 x 24' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +0 =1560 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =6.67 ft SHEAR = ( 1704 # / 6.67' ) = 255 plf Use Shear Wall Type 10 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=265 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =4 2.67 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 Opening Height, h (ft) =5 5 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 1.25 3.370787 h/w>2:1 =1.00 1.07 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*Lw*H (ft*lbs) 5109 3411 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =5109 3411 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = 22 22 Dead Load from Floor = Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 157 157 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.45 560 250 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 4.0 2.7 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 1137 1184 Holdown Type (2) CS16 (2) CS16 3410 3410 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =22 ft diaph. Shear = 1704 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 0 lbs Vdiaph = 77 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. 142 L4 - 4 BLDG 4-PLEX Shear Wall Line BR SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION Y1R ==130 lb/ft WIDTH =24 ft LATERAL SECTION Y2R ==130 lb/ft WIDTH =21 ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE = WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE = TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =142 x 24' / 2 +184 21' / 2 +0 =3636 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =130 x 24' / 2 +130 21' / 2 +0 =2925 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =21.75 ft SHEAR = ( 3636 # /21.75' )= 167 plf Use Shear Wall Type 10 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=320 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =10.75 11 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 0.83721 0.818182 h/w>2:1 =1.00 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*Lw*H (ft*lbs) 16173.9 16550.07 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =16173.9 16550.07 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = 20 20 Dead Load from Floor = Dead Load from Exterior Wall = Dead Load from Interior Wall = 90 90 Dead Load Sub Total = 110 110 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.45 2835 2968 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 10.8 11.0 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 1241 1235 Holdown Type (2) CS16 (2) CS16 3410 3410 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =44 ft diaph. Shear = 3636 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 0 lbs Vdiaph = 83 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. 142 184 L4 - 5 BLDG 4-PLEX Shear Wall Line CR SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION Y2R ==130 lb/ft WIDTH =21 ft LATERAL SECTION Y1R ==130 lb/ft WIDTH =21 ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE = WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE = TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =184 x 21' / 2 +184 21' / 2 +0 =3864 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =130 x 21' / 2 +130 21' / 2 +0 =2730 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =20 ft SHEAR = ( 3864 # / 20' ) = 193 plf Use Shear Wall Type 10 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=320 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =10 10 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 0.9 0.9 h/w>2:1 =1.00 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*Lw*H (ft*lbs) 17388 17388 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =17388 17388 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = 20 20 Dead Load from Floor = Dead Load from Exterior Wall = Dead Load from Interior Wall = 90 90 Dead Load Sub Total = 110 110 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.45 2453 2453 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 10.0 10.0 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 1494 1494 Holdown Type (2) CS16 (2) CS16 3410 3410 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =44 ft diaph. Shear = 3864 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 0 lbs Vdiaph = 88 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. 184 184 L4 - 6 BLDG 4-PLEX Shear Wall Line DR SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION Y1R ==130 lb/ft WIDTH =21 ft LATERAL SECTION Y1R ==130 lb/ft WIDTH =24 ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE = WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE = TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =184 x 21' / 2 +142 24' / 2 +0 =3636 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =130 x 21' / 2 +130 24' / 2 +0 =2925 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =21.75 ft SHEAR = ( 3636 # /21.75' )= 167 plf Use Shear Wall Type 10 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=320 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =10.75 11 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 0.83721 0.818182 h/w>2:1 =1.00 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*Lw*H (ft*lbs) 16173.9 16550.07 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =16173.9 16550.07 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = 22 22 Dead Load from Floor = Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 157 157 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.45 4046 4236 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 10.8 11.0 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 1128 1119 Holdown Type CS16 CS16 1705 1705 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =44 ft diaph. Shear = 3636 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 0 lbs Vdiaph = 83 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. 184 142 L4 - 7 BLDG 4-PLEX Shear Wall Line ER SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION Y1R ==130 lb/ft WIDTH =24 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE = WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE = TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =142 x 24' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +0 =1704 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =130 x 24' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +0 =1560 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =6.67 ft SHEAR = ( 1704 # / 6.67' ) = 255 plf Use Shear Wall Type 10 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=265 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =4 2.67 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 Opening Height, h (ft) =5 5 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 1.25 3.370787 h/w>2:1 =1.00 1.07 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*Lw*H (ft*lbs) 9197 6138.999 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =9197 6138.999 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = 22 22 Dead Load from Floor = Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 157 157 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.45 560 250 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 4.0 2.7 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 2159 2206 Holdown Type CS16 CS16 1705 1705 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =22 ft diaph. Shear = 1704 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 0 lbs Vdiaph = 77 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. 142 L4 - 8 BLDG 4-PLEX Shear Wall Line 1F-2F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X2F ==160 lb/ft WIDTH =42 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =11130 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =2730 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =282 x 42' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +11130 =17052 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =160 x 42' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +2730 =6090 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =44.107 ft SHEAR = ( 17052 # /44.1066666666667' )= 387 plf Use Shear Wall Type 14 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=742 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) Panel Lengths, w (ft) =3 10.34 2.34 3.67 2.42 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 9 9 9 Opening Height, h (ft) =5 9 7 5 5 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 3 0.870406 2.99145 1.3624 2.06897 h/w>2:1 =0.67 1.00 0.67 1.00 0.97 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*L w*H (ft*lbs) 5799 35978 6333 7094 4672 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =762 762 898 790 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =3 10.34 3.67 2.83 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =8085 43857 9627 9330 4672 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 150 135 150 150 150 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.45 301 3219 183 451 195 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 3.0 10.3 2.3 3.7 2.4 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 2595 3930 4036 2419 1852 Holdown Type (2) CS14 (2) CS14 (2) CS14 (2) CS14 (2) CS14 4980 4980 4980 4980 4980 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =80 ft diaph. Shear = 17052 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 11130 lbs Vdiaph = 74 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (2*76+2*65) L4 - 9 BLDG 4-PLEX Shear Wall Line 2F-2F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X2F ==160 lb/ft WIDTH =42 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =11130 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =2730 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =282 x 42' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +11130 =17052 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =160 x 42' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +2730 =6090 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =44.8 ft SHEAR = ( 17052 # /44.82' )= 380 plf Use Shear Wall Type 12 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=513 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) Panel Lengths, w (ft) =5 4.00 2.58 8 2.58 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 9 9 9 Opening Height, h (ft) =5 5 5 9 5 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 1.8 2.25 3.48837 1.125 3.48837 h/w>2:1 =1.00 0.89 0.57 1.00 0.57 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*L w*H (ft*lbs) 9511 7609 4908 27393 4908 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =1234 1312 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =5 2.58 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =15681.4 7609.103 8292.83 27392.8 4907.87 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 15 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 150 150 150 150 150 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.45 836 535 223 2141 223 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 5.0 4.0 2.6 8.0 2.6 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 2969 1768 3128 3156 1816 Holdown Type (2) CS14 (2) CS16 (2) CS14 (2) CS16 (2) CS16 4980 3410 4980 3410 3410 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =80 ft diaph. Shear = 17052 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 11130 lbs Vdiaph = 74 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (2*76+2*65) L4 - 11 BLDG 4-PLEX Shear Wall Line BF-2F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION Y1F-2F ==160 lb/ft WIDTH =24 ft LATERAL SECTION Y2F-2F ==160 lb/ft WIDTH =21 ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =3636 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =2925 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =65 x 24' / 2 +83 21' / 2 +3636 =5288 lbs TOTAL WIND LOAD =160 x 24' / 2 +160 21' / 2 +2925 =6525 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =27 ft SHEAR = ( 6525 # / 27' ) = 242 plf Use Shear Wall Type 10 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=320 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =12 15 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 0.75 0.6 h/w>2:1 =1.00 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*Lw*H (ft*lbs) 26100 32625 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 0 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 15 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =26100 32625 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = Dead Load from Interior Wall = 90 90 Dead Load Sub Total = 105 105 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.67 3372 5268 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 12.0 15.0 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 1894 1824 Holdown Type (2) CS16 (2) CS16 3410 3410 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =44 ft diaph. Shear = 6525 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 3636 lbs Vdiaph = 66 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. 65 83 L4 - 12 BLDG 4-PLEX Shear Wall Line CF-2F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION Y2F-2F ==160 lb/ft WIDTH =21 ft LATERAL SECTION Y2F-2F ==160 lb/ft WIDTH =22 ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =4044 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =2795 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =83 x 21' / 2 +86 22' / 2 +4044 =5862 lbs TOTAL WIND LOAD =160 x 21' / 2 +160 22' / 2 +2795 =6235 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =29 ft SHEAR = ( 6235 # / 29' ) = 215 plf Use Shear Wall Type 10 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=320 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =14.5 14.5 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 0.62069 0.62069 h/w>2:1 =1.00 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*Lw*H (ft*lbs) 28057.5 28057.5 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) = Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) = Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =28057.5 28057.5 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = Dead Load from Interior Wall = 90 90 Dead Load Sub Total = 105 105 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.67 4923 4923 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 14.5 14.5 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 1595 1595 Holdown Type (2) CS16 (2) CS16 3410 3410 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =44 ft diaph. Shear = 6235 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 4044 lbs Vdiaph = 50 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. 83 83 L4 - 13 BLDG 4-PLEX Shear Wall Line DF-2F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION Y1F-2F ==160 lb/ft WIDTH =24 ft LATERAL SECTION Y2F-2F ==160 lb/ft WIDTH =21 ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =3636 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =2925 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =65 x 24' / 2 +83 21' / 2 +3636 =5288 lbs TOTAL WIND LOAD =160 x 24' / 2 +160 21' / 2 +2925 =6525 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =27.00 ft SHEAR = ( 6525 # / 27' ) = 242 plf Use Shear Wall Type 10 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=300 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =12 15 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 Opening Height, h (ft) =9 9 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 0.75 0.6 h/w>2:1 = 1.00 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*L w*H (ft*lbs) 26100 32625 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) = Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) = Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =26100 32625 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 150 150 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.67 4817 7526 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 12.0 15.0 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 1774 1673 Holdown Type (2) CS16 (2) CS16 3410 3410 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =26 ft diaph. Shear = 6525 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 3636 lbs Vdiaph = 111 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. 65 83 L4 - 15 BLDG 4-PLEX Shear Wall Line 1F-1F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =20 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =17052 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =6090 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =126 x 20' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +17052 =18312 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =154 x 20' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +6090 =7630 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =64.677 ft SHEAR = ( 18312 # /64.6766666666667' )= 283 plf Use Shear Wall Type 14 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=683 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) Panel Lengths, w (ft) =9 11 3 6.17 3.17 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 6 6 6 Opening Height, h (ft) =6 9 6 6 6 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 1 0.818182 2 0.97297 1.89274 h/w>2:1 =1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*L w*H (ft*lbs) 15289 28030 5096 10476 5385 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 3886 4089 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 11 6.17 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =15289 70771 5096 35705 5385 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 15 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 150 150 150 150 150 Point Load (dL) = 0 0 0 Dist from wall end, d (ft) = 0 0 0 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2+Pdlxd))x 0.45 2709 4047 301 1272 336 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 9.0 11.0 3.0 6.2 3.17 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 1398 6066 1598 5584 1593 Holdown Type HDU2 HDU8 HDU2 HDU5 HDU2 3075 6970 3075 5625 3075 HDU2 @ NON STRAP ABV HDU2 @ NON STRAP ABV FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =80 ft diaph. Shear = 18312 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 17052 lbs Vdiaph = 16 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (2*32+2*31) L4 - 16 BLDG 4-PLEX Shear Wall Line 2F-1F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =20 ft LATERAL SECTION X1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =22 ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE = WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE = TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =126 x 20' / 2 +126 22' / 2 +0 =2646 lbs TOTAL WIND LOAD =154 x 20' / 2 +154 22' / 2 +0 =3234 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =32 ft SHEAR = ( 3234 # / 32' ) = 101 plf Use Shear Wall Type 11 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=410 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =8 8 8 8 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 9 9 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 1.125 1.125 1.125 1.125 h/w>2:1 =1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*Lw*H (ft*lbs) 7276.5 7276.5 7276.5 7276.5 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =7276.5 7276.5 7276.5 7276.5 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 150 150 150 150 Point Load (dL) = 0 Dist from wall end, d (ft) = 0 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2+Pdlxd))x 0.67 2141 2141 2141 2141 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 685 685 685 685 Holdown Type HDU2 HDU2 HDU2 HDU2 3075 3075 3075 3075 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =80 ft diaph. Shear = 3234 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 0 lbs Vdiaph = 40 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (2*32+2*31) (2*32+2*31) L4 - 17 BLDG 4-PLEX Shear Wall Line 3F-1F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =22 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =17052 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =6090 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =126 x 22' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +17052 =18438 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =154 x 22' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +6090 =7784 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =20.66 ft SHEAR = ( 18438 # /20.66' )= 892 plf Use Shear Wall Type 15 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=1472 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =5.00 5.00 3.83 3.83 3 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 9 9 9 Opening Height, h (ft) =7 7 7 7 7 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 1.4 1.4 1.82768 1.82768 3 h/w>2:1 =1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.67 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*L w*H (ft*lbs) 31236 31236 23927 23926.6 18741.4 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 3126 3126 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 3.83 3.83 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =31236 31236 35899 35899.1 18741.4 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 120 120 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 150 150 255 255 150 Point Load (dL) =8258 8258 4724 Dist from wall end, d (ft) =3.83 3.83 3 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2+Pdlxd))x 0.45 836 836 14940 14940 6622 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 5.0 5.0 3.8 3.8 3.0 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 6080 6080 5589 5589 4040 Holdown Type HDU8 HDU8 HDU8 HDU8 HDU8 7870 7870 7870 7870 7870 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =80 ft diaph. Shear = 18438 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 17052 lbs Vdiaph = 17 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (2*32+2*31) (1) SWS12x7 FOR ADD'L SUPPORT L4 - 18 BLDG 4-PLEX Shear Wall Line AF-1F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION Y1F-1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =24 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =2484 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =3480 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =31 x 24' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +2484 =2856 lbs TOTAL WIND LOAD =154 x 24' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +3480 =5328 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =21 ft SHEAR = ( 5328 # / 21' ) = 254 plf Use Shear Wall Type 14 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=761 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =9.00 12 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 1 0.75 h/w>2:1 =1.00 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*Lw*H (ft*lbs) 20550.9 27401.14 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) = Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) = Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =20550.9 27401.14 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 150 150 Point Load (dL) = 0 0 Dist from wall end, d (ft) = 0 0 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2+Pdlxd))x 0.67 2709 4817 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 9.0 12.0 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 1982 1882 Holdown Type HDU4 HDU4 4565 4565 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =26 ft diaph. Shear = 5328 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 3480 lbs Vdiaph = 71 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. 31 L4 - 19 BLDG 4-PLEX Shear Wall Line BF-1F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION Y1F-1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =22 ft LATERAL SECTION Y1F-1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =21 ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =5862 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =6235 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =44 x 22' / 2 +43 21' / 2 +5862 =6797 lbs TOTAL WIND LOAD =154 x 22' / 2 +154 21' / 2 +6235 =9546 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =35 ft SHEAR = ( 9546 # / 35' ) = 273 plf Use Shear Wall Type 11 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=410 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =19 16 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 0.47368 0.5625 h/w>2:1 =1.00 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*Lw*H (ft*lbs) 46639 39274.97 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =1282 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =16 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =46639 59786.97 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = Dead Load from Interior Wall = 90 90 Dead Load Sub Total = 105 105 Point Load (dL) = Dist from wall end, d (ft) = RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2+Pdlxd))x 0.67 8453 5994 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 18.5 15.5 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 2064 3470 Holdown Type HDU4 HDU4 4565 4565 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =44 ft diaph. Shear = 9546 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 6235 lbs Vdiaph = 75 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. 44 43 L4 - 20 BLDG 4-PLEX Shear Wall Line CF-1F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION Y1F-1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =21 ft LATERAL SECTION Y1F-1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =22 ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =5862 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =6235 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =43 x 21' / 2 +45 22' / 2 +5862 =6808 lbs TOTAL WIND LOAD =154 x 21' / 2 +154 22' / 2 +6235 =9546 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =38 ft SHEAR = ( 9546 # / 38' ) = 251 plf Use Shear Wall Type 11 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=410 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) = 19.0 19 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 0.47368 0.473684 h/w>2:1 =1.00 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*Lw*H (ft*lbs) 42957 42957 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =1943 1961 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =19 19 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =79874 80216 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = Dead Load from Interior Wall = 90 90 Dead Load Sub Total = 105 105 Point Load (dL) = 2027 2027 Dist from wall end, d (ft) = 17.5 18.5 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2+Pdlxd))x 0.67 24274 25178 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) =18.5 18.5 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) =3005 2975 Holdown Type HDU4 HDU4 4565 4565 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =44 ft diaph. Shear = 9546 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 5862 lbs Vdiaph = 84 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. 43 44 L4 - 21 BLDG 4-PLEX Shear Wall Line DF-1F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION Y1F-1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =22 ft LATERAL SECTION Y1F-1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =21 ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =5862 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =6235 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =44 x 22' / 2 +51 21' / 2 +5862 =6881 lbs TOTAL WIND LOAD =154 x 22' / 2 +154 21' / 2 +6235 =9546 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =33 ft SHEAR = ( 9546 # / 33' ) = 289 plf Use Shear Wall Type 11 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=410 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =17 16 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 0.52941 0.5625 h/w>2:1 =1.00 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*Lw*H (ft*lbs) 44258.7 41655.27 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =1282 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =16 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =44258.7 62167.27 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = Dead Load from Interior Wall = 90 90 Dead Load Sub Total = 105 105 Point Load (dL) = Dist from wall end, d (ft) = RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2+Pdlxd))x 0.67 6767 5994 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 16.5 15.5 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 2272 3624 Holdown Type HDU4 HDU4 4565 4565 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =44 ft diaph. Shear = 9546 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 5862 lbs Vdiaph = 84 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. 44 43 L4 - 22 BLDG 4-PLEX Shear Wall Line EF-1F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION Y1F-1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =24 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =2484 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =3480 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =31 x 24' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +2484 =2856 lbs TOTAL WIND LOAD =154 x 24' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +3480 =5328 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =12.91 ft SHEAR = ( 5328 # /12.91' )= 413 plf Use Shear Wall Type 14 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=816 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =4.00 6.91 2 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 5 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 2.25 1.30246 2.5 h/w>2:1 =0.89 1.00 0.80 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*L w*H (ft*lbs) 14857.3 25666.02 4127.03 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) = Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) = Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =14857.3 25666.02 4127.03 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 150 150 150 Point Load (dL) = 0 0 0 Dist from wall end, d (ft) = 0 0 0 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2+Pdlxd))x 0.67 535 1597 134 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 15.5 15.5 15.5 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 924 1553 258 Holdown Type HDU4 HDU4 HDU4 4565 4565 4565 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =26 ft diaph. Shear = 5328 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 3480 lbs Vdiaph = 71 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. 31 L5 - 1 BLDG 5-PLEX Shear Wall Line 1R SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X1R ==130 lb/ft WIDTH =42 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE = WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE = TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =696 x 42' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +0 =14616 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =130 x 42' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +0 =2730 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =69.357 ft SHEAR = ( 14616 # /69.3566666666667' )= 211 plf Use Shear Wall Type 10 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=320 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN (x2) (x2) (x3) (x2) (x4) (x2) (x2) Panel Lengths, w (ft) =3.67 3.67 7 4.00 3.17 3.67 2.83 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Opening Height, h (ft) =5 5 9 9 5 5 5 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 2.45232 2.452316 1.28571 2.25 2.84211 2.45232 3.18021 h/w>2:1 =0.82 0.82 1.00 0.89 0.70 0.82 0.63 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*L w*H (ft*lbs) 3867 3867 13276 7587 3337 3867 2982 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =3867 3867 13276 7587 3337 3867 2982 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = 252 252 252 252 32 32 32 Dead Load from Floor = Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 387 387 387 387 167 167 167 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.45 1162 1162 4229 1381 373 502 298 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 3.7 3.7 7.0 4.0 3.2 3.7 2.8 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 737 737 1293 1551 936 917 948 Holdown Type CS16 CS16 CS16 CS16 CS16 CS16 CS16 1705 1705 1705 1705 1705 1705 1705 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =100ft diaph. Shear = 5902 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 0 lbs Vdiaph = 59 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (3*148+2*126) L5 - 2 BLDG 5-PLEX Shear Wall Line 2R SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X1R ==130 lb/ft WIDTH =42 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE = WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE = TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =530 x 42' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +0 =11130 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =130 x 42' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +0 =2730 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =40.82 ft SHEAR = ( 11130 # /40.82' )= 273 plf Use Shear Wall Type 11 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=384 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN (x6) (x2) (x2) (x4) Panel Lengths, w (ft) =3 3.5 2.75 2.58 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 9 9 Opening Height, h (ft) =5 5 5 5 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 3 2.571429 3.27273 1.93798 h/w>2:1 =0.67 0.78 0.61 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*Lw*H (ft*lbs) 4090 4772 3749 3517 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =4090 4772 3749 3517 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = 176 176 176 22 Dead Load from Floor = Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 311 311 311 157 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.45 630 850 524 233 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 3.0 3.5 2.8 2.6 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 1153 1121 1173 1273 Holdown Type (2) CS16 (2) CS16 (2) CS16 (2) CS16 3410 3410 3410 3410 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =100ft diaph. Shear = 3226 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 0 lbs Vdiaph = 32 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (3*148+2*126) L5 - 3 BLDG 5-PLEX Shear Wall Line 1F-2F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X2F ==160 lb/ft WIDTH =42 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =14616 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =2730 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =343 x 42' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +14616 =21819 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =160 x 42' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +2730 =6090 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =33.083 ft SHEAR = ( 21819 # /33.0833333333333' )= 660 plf Use Shear Wall Type 14 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=742 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN (x3) (x3) (x2) (x2) Panel Lengths, w (ft) =3 2.58 2.5 3.67 4 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 9 9 9 Opening Height, h (ft) =5 5 5 5 5 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 3 3.483871 2 2.45232 2.25 h/w>2:1 =0.67 0.57 1.00 0.82 0.89 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*L w*H (ft*lbs) 9893 8519 8244 12102 13190 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =737 737 936 917 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =3 2.58 2.5 3.67 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =12104 10420 10584 15468 13190 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 150 135 150 150 150 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.45 301 201 209 451 535 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 3.0 2.6 2.5 3.7 4.0 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 3934 3956 4150 4092 3164 Holdown Type (2) CS14 (2) CS14 (2) CS14 (2) CS14 (2) CS14 4980 4980 4980 4980 4980 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =100ft diaph. Shear = 21819 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 14616 lbs Vdiaph = 72 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (3*71+2*65) L5 - 4 BLDG 5-PLEX Shear Wall Line 2F-2F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X2F ==160 lb/ft WIDTH =42 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =14616 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =2730 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =343 x 42' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +14616 =21819 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =160 x 42' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +2730 =6090 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =63.6 ft SHEAR = ( 21819 # /63.5766666666667' )= 343 plf Use Shear Wall Type 12 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=646 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN (x6) (x3) (x2) (x2) (x2) Panel Lengths, w (ft) =3 6.42 2.58 8 2.58 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 9 9 9 Opening Height, h (ft) =5 5 5 9 5 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 3 1.402597 1.93798 1.125 1.93798 h/w>2:1 =0.67 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*L w*H (ft*lbs) 5148 11011 4427 24710 4427 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =1153 1153 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =3 2.58 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =8606.88 11010.74 7401.92 24709.8 4427.18 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 15 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 150 150 150 150 150 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.45 301 1377 223 2141 223 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 3.0 6.4 2.6 8.0 2.6 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 2769 1501 2783 2821 1630 Holdown Type (2) CS14 (2) CS16 (2) CS14 (2) CS16 (2) CS16 4980 3410 4980 3410 3410 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =100ft diaph. Shear = 21819 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 14616 lbs Vdiaph = 72 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (3*71+2*65) L5 - 5 BLDG 5-PLEX Shear Wall Line 1F-1F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =20 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =21819 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =6090 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =149 x 20' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +21819 =23309 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =154 x 20' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +6090 =7630 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =47.443 ft SHEAR = ( 23309 # /47.4433333333333' )= 491 plf Use Shear Wall Type 14 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=761 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN (x3) (x6) (x2) (x2) (x2) Panel Lengths, w (ft) =2.75 2.42 3 6.17 3.17 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 9 6 6 Opening Height, h (ft) =6 6 6 6 6 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 2.18182 2.482759 3 0.97297 1.89274 h/w>2:1 =0.61 0.54 0.67 1.00 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*L w*H (ft*lbs) 8106 7124 8843 18178 9345 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 4089 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 6.17 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =8106 7124 8843 43407 9345 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 15 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 150 150 150 150 150 Point Load (dL) = 0 0 0 Dist from wall end, d (ft) = 0 0 0 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2+Pdlxd))x 0.45 253 195 301 1272 336 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 2.8 2.4 3.0 6.2 3.17 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 2856 2867 2847 6833 2842 Holdown Type HDU2 HDU2 HDU2 HDU8 HDU2 3075 3075 3075 7980 3075 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =100ft diaph. Shear = 23309 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 21819 lbs Vdiaph = 15 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (3*29+2*31) L5 - 6 BLDG 5-PLEX Shear Wall Line 2F-1F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =20 ft LATERAL SECTION X1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =22 ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE = WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE = TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =149 x 20' / 2 +149 22' / 2 +0 =3129 lbs TOTAL WIND LOAD =154 x 20' / 2 +154 22' / 2 +0 =3234 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =40 ft SHEAR = ( 3234 # / 40' ) = 81 plf Use Shear Wall Type 11 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=410 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =8 8 8 8 8 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 9 9 9 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 1.125 1.125 1.125 1.125 1.125 h/w>2:1 =1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*L w*H (ft*lbs) 5821.2 5821.2 5821.2 5821.2 5821.2 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =5821.2 5821.2 5821.2 5821.2 5821.2 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 15 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 150 150 150 150 150 Point Load (dL) = 0 Dist from wall end, d (ft) = 0 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2+Pdlxd))x 0.67 2141 2141 2141 2141 2141 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 491 491 491 491 491 Holdown Type HDU2 HDU2 HDU2 HDU2 HDU2 3075 3075 3075 3075 3075 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =100ft diaph. Shear = 3234 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 0 lbs Vdiaph = 32 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (3*29+2*31) (3*29+2*31) L5 - 7 BLDG 5-PLEX Shear Wall Line 3F-1F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =22 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =21819 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =6090 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =149 x 22' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +21819 =23458 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =154 x 22' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +6090 =7784 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =18.343 ft SHEAR = ( 23458 # /18.3433333333333' )= 1279 plf Use Shear Wall Type 15 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=1525 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =2.34 3.83 3.00 3.00 3.83 2.34 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 9 9 9 9 Opening Height, h (ft) =7 7 7 7 7 7 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 2.99145 1.827676 2.33333 2.33333 2.34783 2.99145 h/w>2:1 =0.67 1.00 0.86 0.86 0.85 0.67 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*Lw*H (ft*lbs) 20947 34285 26855 26855.4 34315.3 20947 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =2769 2769 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =2.34 2.34 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =27427 34285 26855 26855.4 34315.3 27427 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 120 120 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 150 150 255 255 150 150 Point Load (dL) = 0 4724 8258 8258 4724 0 Dist from wall end, d (ft) =0.00 3.83 2.34 2.34 3.83 0.00 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2+Pdlxd))x 0.45 183 8560 9130 9130 8561 183 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 2.3 3.75 2.8 2.8 3.75 2.3 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 11065 6860 6446 6446 6868 11065 Holdown Type HDU11 HDU8 HDU8 HDU8 HDU8 HDU11 11175 7870 7870 7870 7870 11175 HDU8 @ NON STRAP ABV HDU8 @ NON STRAP ABV FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =100ft diaph. Shear = 23458 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 21819 lbs Vdiaph = 16 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (3*29+2*31) (3) WSWH 12x7 FOR ADD'L SUPPORT L6A - 1 BLDG 6a-PLEX Shear Wall Line 1R SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X1R ==130 lb/ft WIDTH =44 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE = WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE = TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =530 x 44' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +0 =11660 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =130 x 44' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +0 =2860 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =39.013 ft SHEAR = ( 11660 # /39.0133333333333' )= 299 plf Use Shear Wall Type 11 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=340 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) Panel Lengths, w (ft) =2.67 4 3.67 2.83 3.17 3.17 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 9 9 9 9 Opening Height, h (ft) =5 5 5 5 5 5 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 3.37079 2.25 2.45232 3.18021 2.84211 2.84211 h/w>2:1 =0.59 0.89 0.82 0.63 0.70 0.70 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*Lw*H (ft*lbs) 3990 5977 5484 4229 4732 4732 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =3989.94 5977.444 5484.3 4229.04 4732.14 4732.14 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = 252 252 252 252 32 32 Dead Load from Floor = Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 387 387 387 387 167 167 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.45 621 1381 1162 691 373 373 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 2.7 4.0 3.7 2.8 3.2 3.2 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 1262 1149 1178 1250 1376 1376 Holdown Type (2) CS16 (2) CS16 CS16 CS16 CS16 CS16 3410 3410 1705 1705 1705 1705 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =64 ft diaph. Shear = 5829 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 0 lbs Vdiaph = 91 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (2*139+2*126) L6A - 2 BLDG 6a-PLEX Shear Wall Line 2R SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X1R ==130 lb/ft WIDTH =44 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE = WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE = TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =530 x 44' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +0 =11660 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =130 x 44' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +0 =2860 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =33.99 ft SHEAR = ( 11660 # /33.9933333333333' )= 343 plf Use Shear Wall Type 11 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=335 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) Panel Lengths, w (ft) =2.67 4 2.58 2.58 2.58 2.58 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 9 9 9 9 Opening Height, h (ft) =5 5 5 5 5 5 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 3.37079 2.25 3.48387 3.48387 3.48387 3.48387 h/w>2:1 =0.59 0.89 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*Lw*H (ft*lbs) 4579 6860 4431 4431 4431 4431 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =4579 6860 4431 4431 4431 4431 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = 176 176 176 22 22 22 Dead Load from Floor = Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 311 311 311 157 157 157 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.45 499 1110 463 234 234 234 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 2.7 4.0 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 1528 1438 1536 1625 1625 1625 Holdown Type (2) CS16 (2) CS16 (2) CS16 (2) CS16 (2) CS16 (2) CS16 3410 3410 3410 3410 3410 3410 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =96 ft diaph. Shear = 5832 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 0 lbs Vdiaph = 61 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (2*139+2*126) L6A - 3 BLDG 6a-PLEX Shear Wall Line 1F-2F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X2F ==160 lb/ft WIDTH =44 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =11660 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =2860 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =282 x 44' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +11660 =17864 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =160 x 44' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +2860 =6380 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =38.197 ft SHEAR = ( 17864 # /38.1966666666667' )= 468 plf Use Shear Wall Type 14 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=742 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) Panel Lengths, w (ft) =3 3 2.67 2 3.67 2.42 2.34 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Opening Height, h (ft) =5 5 7 5 5 5 7 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 3 3 3.37079 2.5 2.45232 2.06897 2.99145 h/w>2:1 =0.67 0.67 0.59 0.80 0.82 0.97 0.67 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*L w*H (ft*lbs) 7015 7015 8741 4677 8582 5651 7661 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =762 762 898 790 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =3 10.34 3.67 2.83 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =9301 14894 12036 6912 8582 5651 7661 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 15 15 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 150 135 150 150 150 150 150 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.45 301 271 238 134 451 195 183 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 3.0 3.0 2.7 2.0 3.7 2.4 2.3 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 3000 4874 4418 3389 2216 2258 3196 Holdown Type (2) CS14 (2) CS14 (2) CS14 (2) CS14 (2) CS14 (2) CS14 (2) CS14 4980 4980 4980 4980 4980 4980 4980 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =64 ft diaph. Shear = 17864 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 11660 lbs Vdiaph = 97 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (2*76+2*65) L6A - 4 BLDG 6a-PLEX Shear Wall Line 2F-2F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X2F ==160 lb/ft WIDTH =44 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =11660 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =2860 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =282 x 44' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +11660 =17864 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =160 x 44' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +2860 =6380 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =43.9 ft SHEAR = ( 17864 # /43.9133333333333' )= 407 plf Use Shear Wall Type 12 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=437 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) Panel Lengths, w (ft) =3 3 2.67 2 8.00 2.58 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 9 9 9 9 Opening Height, h (ft) =5 5 5 5 5 5 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 3 3 3.37079 2.5 1.125 3.48387 h/w>2:1 =0.67 0.67 0.59 0.80 1.00 0.57 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*Lw*H (ft*lbs) 6102 6102 5431 4068 16272 9458.13 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =1234 1312 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =5 2.58 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =12272 6102.019 8815.76 4068.01 16272.1 9458.13 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 15 15 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 150 150 150 150 150 150 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.45 301 301 238 134 2141 223 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 3.0 3.0 2.7 2.0 8.0 2.6 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 3990 1934 3212 1967 1766 3575 Holdown Type (2) CS14 (2) CS14 (2) CS14 (2) CS16 (2) CS16 (2) CS16 4980 4980 4980 3410 3410 3410 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =64 ft diaph. Shear = 17864 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 11660 lbs Vdiaph = 97 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (2*76+2*65) L6A - 5 BLDG 6a-PLEX Shear Wall Line 1F-1F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =22 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =17864 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =6380 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =126 x 22' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +17864 =19250 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =154 x 22' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +6380 =8074 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =50.16 ft SHEAR = ( 19250 # /50.1566666666667' )= 384 plf Use Shear Wall Type 14 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=761 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) Panel Lengths, w (ft) =2.00 6.91 4 3.00 6.17 3.00 Panel Height, h (ft) =10.5 10.5 10.5 9 9 9 Opening Height, h (ft) =5 9 5 5 5 5 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 2.5 1.519537 2.625 3 1.45946 3 h/w>2:1 =0.80 1.00 0.76 0.67 1.00 0.67 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*Lw*H (ft*lbs) 3838 23868 7676 5757 11834 5757 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =3389 1376 2216 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =2 3 3 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =10616 23868 7676 9885 11834 12405 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 15 15 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 150 150 150 150 150 150 Point Load (dL) = 0 0 0 Dist from wall end, d (ft) = 0 0 0 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2+Pdlxd))x 0.45 134 1597 535 301 1272 301 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 2.0 6.9 4.0 3.0 6.17 3.00 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 5241 3223 1785 3195 1713 4035 Holdown Type HDU5 HDU4 HDU4 HDU8 HDU5 HDU8 5625 4565 4565 6970 5625 6970 HDU2 @ NON STRAP ABV HDU2 @ NON STRAP ABV HDU2 @ NON STRAP ABV FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =64 ft diaph. Shear = 19250 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 17864 lbs Vdiaph = 22 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (2*32+2*31) L6A - 6 BLDG 6a-PLEX Shear Wall Line 2F-1F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =22 ft LATERAL SECTION X1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =22 ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE = WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE = TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =126 x 22' / 2 +126 22' / 2 +0 =2772 lbs TOTAL WIND LOAD =154 x 22' / 2 +154 22' / 2 +0 =3388 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =64 ft SHEAR = ( 3388 # / 64' ) = 53 plf Use Shear Wall Type 11 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=410 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =8 8 12 12 12 12 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 9 9 10.5 10.5 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 1.125 1.125 0.75 0.75 0.875 0.875 h/w>2:1 =1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*Lw*H (ft*lbs) 3811.5 3811.5 5717.25 5717.25 6670.13 6670.13 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =3811.5 3811.5 5717.25 5717.25 6670.13 6670.13 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 15 15 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 150 150 150 150 150 150 Point Load (dL) = 0 Dist from wall end, d (ft) = 0 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2+Pdlxd))x 0.67 2141 2141 4817 4817 4817 4817 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 8.0 8.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 209 209 75 75 154 154 Holdown Type HDU2 HDU2 HDU2 HDU2 HDU2 HDU2 3075 3075 3075 3075 3075 3075 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =64 ft diaph. Shear = 3388 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 0 lbs Vdiaph = 53 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (2*32+2*31) (2*32+2*31) L6A - 7 BLDG 6a-PLEX Shear Wall Line 3F-1F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =22 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =17864 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =6380 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =126 x 22' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +17864 =19250 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =154 x 22' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +6380 =8074 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =23 ft SHEAR = ( 19250 # / 23' ) = 837 plf Use Shear Wall Type 15 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=1472 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =3.25 3.75 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 3.25 3.75 Panel Height, h (ft) =10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 9 9 9 9 Opening Height, h (ft) =7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 2.15385 1.866667 3.11111 3.11111 3.11111 3.11111 2.76923 2.4 h/w>2:1 =0.93 1.00 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.64 0.72 0.83 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*L w*H (ft*lbs) 19041 21970 13182 13182 13182 13182 19041 21970 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 3126 3126 3126 3126 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =19041 21970 20216 20216 20216 20216 19041 21970 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 120 120 15 15 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 150 150 255 255 150 150 150 150 Point Load (dL) =8258 8258 4724 4724 4724 4724 Dist from wall end, d (ft) = 3.25 3.75 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 3.25 3.75 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2+Pdlxd))x 0.45 353 470 8575 8575 4910 4910 7201 8371 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 3.3 3.8 2.3 2.3 2.25 2.25 3.25 3.75 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 5750 5733 5174 5174 6803 6803 3643 3626 Holdown Type HDU8 HDU8 HDU8 HDU8 HDU8 HDU8 HDU8 HDU8 7870 7870 7870 7870 7870 7870 7870 7870 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =64 ft diaph. Shear = 19250 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 17864 lbs Vdiaph = 22 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (2*32+2*31) (4) WSWH 12x7 FOR ADD'L SUPPORT L6B - 1 BLDG 6b-PLEX Shear Wall Line 1R SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X1R ==130 lb/ft WIDTH =42 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE = WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE = TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =844 x 42' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +0 =17724 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =130 x 42' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +0 =2730 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =86.583 ft SHEAR = ( 17724 # /86.5833333333333' )= 205 plf Use Shear Wall Type 10 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=273 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN (x4) (x4) (x4)(x2) (x2) Panel Lengths, w (ft) =4.00 4.00 7.00 3.00 3.00 3.17 3.17 7.91 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 9 5 5 7 7 9 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 2.25 2.25 1.28571 1.66667 1.66667 2.21053 2.21053 1.1378 h/w>2:1 =0.89 0.89 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.90 0.90 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*L w*H (ft*lbs) 7369.36 7369.363 12896.4 3070.57 3070.57 4537.62 4537.62 14572.9 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =7369.36 7369.363 12896.4 3070.57 3070.57 4537.62 4537.62 14572.9 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = 40 40 252 40 252 40 40 252 Dead Load from Floor = Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 175 175 387 175 387 175 175 387 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.45 624 624 4229 351 777 391 391 5400 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 4.0 4.0 7.0 3.0 3.0 3.2 3.2 7.9 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 1686 1686 1238 906 765 1309 1309 1160 Holdown Type CS16 CS16 CS16 CS16 CS16 CS16 CS16 CS16 1705 1705 1705 1705 1705 1705 1705 1705 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =125ft diaph. Shear = 5595 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 0 lbs Vdiaph = 45 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (4*148+2*126) L6B - 2 BLDG 6b-PLEX Shear Wall Line 2R SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X1R ==130 lb/ft WIDTH =42 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE = WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE = TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =844 x 42' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +0 =17724 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =130 x 42' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +0 =2730 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =58.18 ft SHEAR = ( 17724 # /58.18' )= 305 plf Use Shear Wall Type 11 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=350 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) (x4) Panel Lengths, w (ft) =2.91 2.91 3.5 3 7.34 2.75 3.34 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Opening Height, h (ft) =5 5 5 5 9 5 5 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 3.09278 3.092784 2.57143 3 1.22616 3.27273 2.69461 h/w>2:1 =0.65 0.65 0.78 0.67 1.00 0.61 0.74 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*L w*H (ft*lbs) 4433 4433 5331 4570 20125 4189 9157.5 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =4432.52 4432.523 5331.21 4569.61 20124.6 4188.81 9157.5 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 Dead Load from Floor = Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.45 333 330 478 351 2102 295 435 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 2.9 2.9 3.5 3.0 7.3 2.8 3.3 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 1409 1410 1387 1406 2455 1416 2611 Holdown Type (2) CS16 (2) CS16 (2) CS16 (2) CS16 (2) CS16 (2) CS16 (2) CS16 3410 3410 3410 3410 3410 3410 3410 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =125ft diaph. Shear = 7844 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 0 lbs Vdiaph = 63 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (4*148+2*126) L6B - 3 BLDG 6b-PLEX Shear Wall Line 1F-2F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X2F ==160 lb/ft WIDTH =42 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =17724 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =2730 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =414 x 42' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +17724 =26418 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =160 x 42' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +2730 =6090 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =40.673 ft SHEAR = ( 26418 # /40.6733333333333' )= 650 plf Use Shear Wall Type 14 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=742 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN (x2) (x4) (x2) (x2) Panel Lengths, w (ft) =3 2.58 5.34 3 7.91 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 9 9 5 Opening Height, h (ft) =5 5 5 5 5 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 3 3.483871 1.68539 3 0.63211 h/w>2:1 =0.67 0.57 1.00 0.67 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*L w*H (ft*lbs) 9743 8390 17342 9743 25688 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 898 1309 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 5.34 3 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =9743 8390 22136 13670 25688 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 15 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 150 150 150 150 150 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.45 301 223 954 301 2093 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 3.0 2.6 5.3 3.0 7.9 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 3147 3161 3967 4456 2983 Holdown Type (2) CS14 (2) CS14 (2) CS14 (2) CS14 (2) CS14 4980 4980 4980 4980 4980 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =125ft diaph. Shear = 26418 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 17724 lbs Vdiaph = 70 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (4*71+2*65) L6B - 4 BLDG 6b-PLEX Shear Wall Line 2F-2F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X2F ==160 lb/ft WIDTH =42 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =17724 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =2730 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =414 x 42' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +17724 =26418 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =160 x 42' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +2730 =6090 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =75.7 ft SHEAR = ( 26418 # /75.69' )= 349 plf Use Shear Wall Type 12 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=620 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) Panel Lengths, w (ft) =2.91 6.34 3 3 7.00 2.75 3.34 7.67 3.67 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 9 9 5 9 9 9 9 Opening Height, h (ft) =5 5 5 9 5 5 5 5 5 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 3.09278 1.419558 3 3 0.71429 3.27273 2.69461 1.1734 2.45232 h/w>2:1 =0.65 1.00 0.67 0.67 1.00 0.61 0.74 1.00 0.82 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*L w*H (ft*lbs) 5078 11064 5235 9424 12216 4799 5829 13385 6405 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =1380 2611 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =2.91 3.34 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =9094 11064 5235 9424 12216 4799 14550 13385 6405 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2)x 0.45 283 1345 301 301 1639 253 373 1968 451 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 2.9 6.3 3.0 3.0 7.0 2.8 3.3 7.7 3.7 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 3028 1533 1645 3041 1511 1653 4244 1489 1622 Holdown Type (2) CS14 (2) CS14 (2) CS14 (2) CS14 (2) CS14 (2) CS14 (2) CS14 (2) CS14 (2) CS14 4980 4980 4980 4980 4980 4980 4980 4980 4980 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =125ft diaph. Shear = 26418 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 17724 lbs Vdiaph = 70 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (4*71+2*65) L6B - 5 BLDG 6b-PLEX Shear Wall Line 1F-1F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =20 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =26418 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =6090 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =182 x 20' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +26418 =28238 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =154 x 20' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +6090 =7630 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =55.177 ft SHEAR = ( 28238 # /55.1766666666667' )= 512 plf Use Shear Wall Type 14 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=683 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) (x2) Panel Lengths, w (ft) =2.75 2.42 6.00 4 3.17 6.25 6 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 6 6 9 9 9 9 Opening Height, h (ft) =6 6 6 6 9 6 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 3.27273 2.482759 1 2.25 2.83912 1.44 1.5 h/w>2:1 =0.61 0.81 1.00 0.89 0.70 1.00 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*L w*H (ft*lbs) 8444 7421 18424 12283 14601 19192 27635.8 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 4089 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 3 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =8444 7421 18424 24550 14601 19192 27635.8 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 Point Load (dL) = 0 0 0 Dist from wall end, d (ft) = 0 0 0 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2+Pdlxd))x 0.45 253 195 1204 535 336 1307 1204 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 2.8 2.4 6.0 4.0 3.2 6.3 6.0 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 2979 2990 2870 6004 4500 2862 4405 Holdown Type HDU2 HDU2 HDU2 HDU8 HDU5 HDU2 HDU2 3075 3075 3075 7890 5625 3075 3075 HDU2 @ NON STRAP ABV FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =125ft diaph. Shear = 28238 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 26418 lbs Vdiaph = 15 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (4*31+2*29) L6B - 6 BLDG 6b-PLEX Shear Wall Line 2F-1F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =20 ft LATERAL SECTION X1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =22 ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE = WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE = TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =182 x 20' / 2 +182 22' / 2 +0 =3822 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =154 x 20' / 2 +154 22' / 2 +0 =3234 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =48 ft SHEAR = ( 3822 # / 48' ) = 80 plf Use Shear Wall Type 11 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=410 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =8 8 8 8 8 8 Panel Height, h (ft) =9 9 9 9 9 9 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 1.125 1.125 1.125 1.125 1.125 1.125 h/w>2:1 =1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*Lw*H (ft*lbs) 5733 5733 5733 5733 5733 5733 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =0 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =0 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =5733 5733 5733 5733 5733 5733 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 15 15 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 150 150 150 150 150 150 Point Load (dL) = 0 Dist from wall end, d (ft) = 0 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2+Pdlxd))x 0.45 2141 2141 2141 2141 2141 2141 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 479 479 479 479 479 479 Holdown Type HDU2 HDU2 HDU2 HDU2 HDU2 HDU2 3075 3075 3075 3075 3075 3075 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =100ft diaph. Shear = 3822 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 0 lbs Vdiaph = 38 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (4*31+2*29) (4*31+2*29) L6B - 7 BLDG 6b-PLEX Shear Wall Line 3F-1F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =22 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =26418 WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =6090 TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =182 x 22' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +26418 =28420 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =154 x 22' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +6090 =7784 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =21.343 ft SHEAR = ( 28420 # /21.3433333333333' )= 1332 plf Use Shear Wall Type 15 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=1491 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =2.34 3.83 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.83 2.34 Panel Height, h (ft) =7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Opening Height, h (ft) =7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 2.99145 1.826087 2.33333 2.33333 2.33333 1.82768 2.99145 h/w>2:1 =0.67 1.00 0.86 0.86 0.86 1.00 0.67 OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*L w*H (ft*lbs) 21811 35730 27963 27963 27963 35699 21811 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =1781 0 1781 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =2.34 0 2.34 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =25979 35730 27963 27963 27963 35699 25979 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 150 150 150 15 15 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 150 150 285 285 285 150 150 Point Load (dL) = 4724 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 3196 Dist from wall end, d (ft) = 2.34 3.83 3 3 3 3.83 2.34 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2+Pdlxd))x 0.45 5113 5951 4848 4848 4848 5950 3519 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 2.3 3.8 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.8 2.3 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 8917 7775 7705 7705 7705 7767 9598 Holdown Type HDU11 HDU8 HDU8 HDU8 HDU8 HDU8 HDU11 9535 7870 7870 7870 7870 7870 9535 HDU8 @ NON STRAP ABV HDU8 @ NON STRAP ABV FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =125ft diaph. Shear = 28420 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 26418 lbs Vdiaph = 16 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (4*31+2*29) (6) SWS12x7 FOR ADD'L SUPPORT L7 - 1 BLDG 7-PLEX Shear Wall Line 3F-1F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =22 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =22658 =(26,376# * (75.7 - 10.67) FT / 75.7 FT) WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =5232 =(6090# * (75.7 - 10.67) FT / 75.7 FT) TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =181 x 22' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +22658 =24649 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =154 x 22' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +5232 =6926 lbs TRY (14) WSW 12x7 SIMPSON WOOD SHEARWALL ON 3000PSI MIN CONCRETE Vs = 1780# EACH V = 24,920# >24,649#OK USE (14) WSW 12x7 SIMPSON WOOD SHEARWALL ON 3000PSI MIN CONCRETE FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length = 100ft diaph. Shear = 24649 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 22658 lbs Vdiaph = 20 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. (3*31+2*29) L7 - 2 BLDG 7-PLEX Shear Wall Line 3.1F-1F SEISMIC WIND LATERAL SECTION X1F ==154 lb/ft WIDTH =22 ft LATERAL SECTION ==lb/ft WIDTH =ft SEISMIC LOAD FROM ABOVE =3718 =(26,376# * (75.7 - 65.03) FT / 75.7 FT) WIND LOAD FROM ABOVE =858 =(6090# * (75.7 - 65.03) FT / 75.7 FT) TOTAL SEISMIC LOAD =30 x 22' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +3718 =4048 lbs CONTROLS TOTAL WIND LOAD =154 x 22' / 2 +0 ' / 2 +858.4 =2552 lbs TOTAL PANEL LENGTH =10 ft SHEAR =( 4047.72681638045 #/ 10' ) = 405 plf Use Shear Wall Type 15 Vallow x (1.25 - 0.125 x h/w)=1491 plf SHEAR PANEL DESIGN Panel Lengths, w (ft) =2.25 2.25 3.25 2.25 Panel Height, h (ft) =7 7 7 7 Opening Height, h (ft) =7 7 7 7 Check Shear Panel, h/w = 3.11111 3.111111 2.15385 3.11111 h/w>2:1 = 0.64 0.64 0.93 0.64 Perforated Shear Wall? OVERTURNING ANALYSIS OTM at Level =Vwall*L w*H (ft*lbs) 6375 6375 9209 6375 Uplift Load from Level Above,Pu (lbs) =1781 0 Max Distance from End of Wall, d (ft) =2.25 0 Total OTM (ft*lbs) = Vwall*L w*H+Pu*d =10382 6375 9209 6375 RESISTING MOMENT Dead Load from Roof = Dead Load from Floor = 15 15 150 150 Dead Load from Exterior Wall = 135 135 135 135 Dead Load from Interior Wall = Dead Load Sub Total = 150 150 285 285 Point Load (dL) = 4724 3196 3196 3196 Dist from wall end, d (ft) = 2.34 3.83 3 3 RM (ft*lb) =(wdlxLw 2/2+Pdlxd))x 0.45 5099 5629 4948 4598 Length between holdowns, Lw(eff) (ft) = 2.3 2.3 3.0 2.3 Total Uplift (lbs) = (OTM - RM) / Lw(eff) = 2258 319 1420 759 Holdown Type HDU8 HDU8 HDU8 HDU8 7870 7870 7870 7870 FRAMING ANCHOR SPACING diaph. length =25 ft diaph. Shear = 4048 lbs diaph. Shear from Above = 3718 lbs Vdiaph = 13 plf USE A-35's @ 24''o.c. 30 BM1 - 1 LENGTH =6 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(4/2)=84 44 plf 0 6 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =252 132 lbs RRT =252 132 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#2 Determine Moment and Shear b =5.5 in S =11.2 in3 M = 0 ft*kips d = 3.5 in I = 20 in4 = 5 in*kips A =19.25 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =341 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 18 psi < F'v = 180 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 404 psi < F'b = 900 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.08 in L/ 924 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.04 in L/ 1941 DL deflection : -0.04 in L/ 1764 LENGTH =4 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(4/2)=84 44 plf 0 4 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =168 88 lbs RRT =168 88 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#2 Determine Moment and Shear b =5.5 in S =11.2 in3 M =0 ft*kips d = 3.50 in I = 20 in4 =2 in*kips A =19.25 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =215 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =11 psi <F'v =180 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =180 psi <F'b =900 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.02 in L/ 3119 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 6550 DL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 5955 4 x 4 6 x 4 DF#2 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #1 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 4 x 4 6 x 4 DF#2 #2 BM1 - 2 LENGTH =3 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(38/2)=798 418 plf 0 3 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =1197 627 lbs RRT =1197 627 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#2 Determine Moment and Shear b =5.5 in S =11.2 in3 M = 1 ft*kips d = 3.5 in I = 20 in4 = 11 in*kips A =19.25 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =1446 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 75 psi < F'v = 180 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 959 psi < F'b = 1125 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.05 in L/ 778 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.02 in L/ 1634 DL deflection : -0.02 in L/ 1486 LENGTH =6 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(38/2)=798 418 plf 0 6 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =2394 1254 lbs RRT =2394 1254 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#1 Determine Moment and Shear b =5.5 in S =51.6 in3 M =4 ft*kips d = 7.50 in I = 193 in4 =43 in*kips A =41.25 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =2,843 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =69 psi <F'v =170 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =836 psi <F'b =1200 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.08 in L/ 957 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.04 in L/ 2010 DL deflection : -0.04 in L/ 1827 6 x 8 6 x 8 DF#1 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #3 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 4 x 4 6 x 4 DF#2 #4 BM1 - 3 LENGTH =5 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(4/2)+16*9+(15+40)*(2/2)=283 203 plf 0 5 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =708 508 lbs RRT =708 508 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#1 Determine Moment and Shear b =5.5 in S =27.7 in3 M = 1 ft*kips d = 5.5 in I = 76 in4 = 11 in*kips A =30.25 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =867 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 29 psi < F'v = 170 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 383 psi < F'b = 1200 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.03 in L/ 1839 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 6507 DL deflection : -0.02 in L/ 2564 LENGTH =7 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(42/2)+16*9+(15+40)*(2/2)=1081 621 plf 0 7 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =3784 2174 lbs RRT =3784 2174 lbs Check Trial Beam: LSL Determine Moment and Shear b =3.5 in S =114.3 in3 M =7 ft*kips d = 14.00 in I = 800 in4 =79 in*kips A =49 in2 E =1500 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =3,784 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =77 psi <F'v =285 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =695 psi <F'b =2250 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.05 in L/ 1727 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.02 in L/ 4058 DL deflection : -0.03 in L/ 3006 3 1/2 x 14 3 1/2 x 14 LSL TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #5 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 6 x 6 6 x 6 DF#1 #6 BM1 - 4 LENGTH =5 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(15+40)*(4/2)=110 30 plf 0 5 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =275 75 lbs RRT =275 75 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#1 Determine Moment and Shear b =5.5 in S =27.7 in3 M = 0 ft*kips d = 5.5 in I = 76 in4 = 4 in*kips A =30.25 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =337 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 11 psi < F'v = 170 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 149 psi < F'b = 1200 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 4732 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 6507 DL deflection : 0.00 in L/ 17352 LENGTH =4 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(16/2)+16*9+(15+40)*(16/2)=920 440 plf 0 4 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P =GT = (22+20)*(38/2)*(14/2)=5586 2926 lbs 3 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =3237 1612 lbs RRT =6030 3075 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#1 Determine Moment and Shear b =5.5 in S =82.7 in3 M =6 ft*kips d = 9.50 in I = 393 in4 =67 in*kips A =52.25 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =7,952 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =152 psi <F'v =170 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =808 psi <F'b =1350 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.02 in L/ 2120 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 4300 DL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 4181 6 x 10 6 x 10 DF#1 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #7 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 6 x 6 6 x 6 DF#1 #8 BM1 - 5 LENGTH =3.5 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(4/2)+16*9+(15+40)*(22/2)=833 353 plf 0 3.5 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =1458 618 lbs RRT =1458 618 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#1 Determine Moment and Shear b =5.5 in S =27.7 in3 M = 1 ft*kips d = 5.5 in I = 76 in4 = 15 in*kips A =30.25 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =1614 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 53 psi < F'v = 170 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 552 psi < F'b = 1200 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.02 in L/ 1822 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 3162 DL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 4299 LENGTH =7 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(15+40)*(17/2)+10*9 =558 218 plf 0 7 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =1951 761 lbs RRT =1951 761 lbs Check Trial Beam: LSL Determine Moment and Shear b =1.75 in S =57.2 in3 M =3 ft*kips d = 14.00 in I = 400 in4 =41 in*kips A =24.5 in2 E =1500 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =1,951 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =80 psi <F'v =285 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =717 psi <F'b =2250 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.05 in L/ 1674 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.03 in L/ 2745 DL deflection : -0.02 in L/ 4291 1 3/4 x 14 1 3/4 x 14 LSL TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #9 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 6 x 6 6 x 6 DF#1 #10 BM1 - 6 LENGTH =20 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(15+40)*(4/2)=110 30 plf 0 20 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P =RXN FROM BM 10 =1951 761 lbs 4 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =2661 909 lbs RRT =1490 452 lbs Check Trial Beam: LSL Determine Moment and Shear b =3.5 in S =114.3 in3 M = 10 ft*kips d = 14 in I = 800 in4 = 121 in*kips A =49 in2 E =1500 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =3799 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 78 psi < F'v = 285 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 1060 psi < F'b = 2250 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.60 in L/ 401 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.40 in L/ 595 DL deflection : -0.19 in L/ 1232 LENGTH =20 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(15+40)*(4/2)=110 30 plf 0 20 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P =RXN FROM BM 10 =1951 761 lbs 4 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =2661 909 lbs RRT =1490 452 lbs Check Trial Beam: LSL Determine Moment and Shear b =3.5 in S =114.3 in3 M =10 ft*kips d = 14.00 in I = 800 in4 =121 in*kips A =49 in2 E =1500 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =3,799 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =78 psi <F'v =285 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =1060 psi <F'b =2250 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.60 in L/ 401 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.40 in L/ 595 DL deflection : -0.19 in L/ 1232 3 1/2 x 14 3 1/2 x 14 LSL TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #11 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 3 1/2 x 14 3 1/2 x 14 LSL #12 BM1 - 7 LENGTH =18.5 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(15+40)*(22/2)=605 165 plf 0 18.5 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P =RXN FROM BM 12 =1490 452 lbs 3 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =6845 1905 lbs RRT =5838 1600 lbs Check Trial Beam: PSL Determine Moment and Shear b =7 in S =228.7 in3 M = 28 ft*kips d = 14 in I = 1601 in4 = 338 in*kips A =98 in2 E =2000 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =9209 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 94 psi < F'v = 290 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 1478 psi < F'b = 2900 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.55 in L/ 405 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.40 in L/ 559 DL deflection : -0.15 in L/ 1471 LENGTH =5 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(2/2)+16*9+(15+40)*(2/2)=241 181 plf 0 5 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =603 453 lbs RRT =603 453 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#1 Determine Moment and Shear b =5.5 in S =27.7 in3 M =1 ft*kips d = 5.50 in I = 76 in4 =9 in*kips A =30.25 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =738 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =24 psi <F'v =170 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =326 psi <F'b =1200 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.03 in L/ 2160 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 8676 DL deflection : -0.02 in L/ 2876 6 x 6 6 x 6 DF#1 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #13 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 7 x 14 7 x 14 PSL #14 BM1 - 8 LENGTH =5.5 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(2/2)+16*9+(15+40)*(2/2)=241 181 plf 0 5.5 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =663 498 lbs RRT =663 498 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#1 Determine Moment and Shear b =5.5 in S =27.7 in3 M = 1 ft*kips d = 5.5 in I = 76 in4 = 11 in*kips A =30.25 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =828 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 27 psi < F'v = 170 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 394 psi < F'b = 1200 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.04 in L/ 1623 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 6519 DL deflection : -0.03 in L/ 2161 LENGTH =3 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(2/2)+16*9+(15+40)*(2/2)=241 181 plf 0 3 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =362 272 lbs RRT =362 272 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#1 Determine Moment and Shear b =5.5 in S =27.7 in3 M =0 ft*kips d = 5.50 in I = 76 in4 =3 in*kips A =30.25 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =377 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =12 psi <F'v =170 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =117 psi <F'b =1200 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : 0.00 in L/ 10000 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : 0.00 in L/ 40167 DL deflection : 0.00 in L/ 13315 6 x 6 6 x 6 DF#1 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #15 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 6 x 6 6 x 6 DF#1 #16 BM1 - 9 LENGTH =3 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(38/2)+16*9+(15+40)*(2/2)=997 577 plf 0 3 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =1496 866 lbs RRT =1496 866 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#1 Determine Moment and Shear b =5.5 in S =27.7 in3 M = 1 ft*kips d = 5.5 in I = 76 in4 = 13 in*kips A =30.25 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =1558 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 51 psi < F'v = 170 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 485 psi < F'b = 1200 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 2417 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 5738 DL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 4177 LENGTH =4 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(2/2)+16*9+(15+40)*(2/2)=241 181 plf 0 4 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =482 362 lbs RRT =482 362 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#2 Determine Moment and Shear b =3.5 in S =30.7 in3 M =0 ft*kips d = 7.25 in I = 111 in4 =6 in*kips A =25.38 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =505 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =20 psi <F'v =180 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =189 psi <F'b =900 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 6149 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : 0.00 in L/ 24700 DL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 8188 4 x 8 4 x 8 DF#2 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #17 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 6 x 6 6 x 6 DF#1 #18 BM1 - 10 LENGTH =5 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(15+40)*(4/2)=110 30 plf 0 5 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =275 75 lbs RRT =275 75 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#1 Determine Moment and Shear b =5.5 in S =27.7 in3 M = 0 ft*kips d = 5.5 in I = 76 in4 = 4 in*kips A =30.25 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =337 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 11 psi < F'v = 170 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 149 psi < F'b = 1200 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 4732 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 6507 DL deflection : 0.00 in L/ 17352 LENGTH =17 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(15+40)*(4/2)=110 30 plf 0 17 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =935 255 lbs RRT =935 255 lbs Check Trial Beam: LSL Determine Moment and Shear b =1.75 in S =57.2 in3 M =4 ft*kips d = 14.00 in I = 400 in4 =48 in*kips A =24.5 in2 E =1500 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =1,210 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =49 psi <F'v =285 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =834 psi <F'b =2250 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.34 in L/ 592 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.25 in L/ 815 DL deflection : -0.09 in L/ 2172 1 3/4 x 14 1 3/4 x 14 LSL TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #19 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 6 x 6 6 x 6 DF#1 #20 BM1 - 11 LENGTH =3.5 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(15+40)*(16/2)=440 120 plf 0 3.5 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =770 210 lbs RRT =770 210 lbs Check Trial Beam: LSL Determine Moment and Shear b =1.75 in S =57.2 in3 M = 1 ft*kips d = 14 in I = 400 in4 = 8 in*kips A =24.5 in2 E =1500 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =385 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 16 psi < F'v = 285 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 141 psi < F'b = 2250 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : 0.00 in L/ 16970 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : 0.00 in L/ 23333 DL deflection : 0.00 in L/ 62222 LENGTH =17 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(15+40)*(4/2)=110 30 plf 0 17 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P =RXN FROM BM 21 =770 210 lbs 1 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =1660 453 lbs RRT =980 267 lbs Check Trial Beam: LSL Determine Moment and Shear b =1.75 in S =57.2 in3 M =4 ft*kips d = 14.00 in I = 400 in4 =52 in*kips A =24.5 in2 E =1500 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =2,297 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =94 psi <F'v =285 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =917 psi <F'b =2250 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.38 in L/ 531 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.28 in L/ 730 DL deflection : -0.10 in L/ 1947 1 3/4 x 14 1 3/4 x 14 LSL TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #21 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 1 3/4 x 14 1 3/4 x 14 LSL #22 BM1 - 12 LENGTH =20.5 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(15+40)*(4/2)=110 30 plf 0 20.5 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P =RXN FROM BM 21 =770 210 lbs 4.5 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =1728 471 lbs RRT =1297 354 lbs Check Trial Beam: LSL Determine Moment and Shear b =3.5 in S =114.3 in3 M = 8 ft*kips d = 14 in I = 800 in4 = 92 in*kips A =49 in2 E =1500 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =2400 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 49 psi < F'v = 285 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 802 psi < F'b = 2250 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.49 in L/ 505 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.35 in L/ 694 DL deflection : -0.13 in L/ 1851 LENGTH =2 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(4/2)+16*9+(15+40)*(13/2)=586 286 plf 0 2 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =586 286 lbs RRT =586 286 lbs Check Trial Beam: LSL Determine Moment and Shear b =1.75 in S =57.2 in3 M =0 ft*kips d = 14.00 in I = 400 in4 =4 in*kips A =24.5 in2 E =1500 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =0 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =0 psi <F'v =285 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =61 psi <F'b =2250 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : 0.00 in L/ 68346 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : 0.00 in L/ 133389 DL deflection : 0.00 in L/ 140163 1 3/4 x 14 1 3/4 x 14 LSL TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #23 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 3 1/2 x 14 3 1/2 x 14 LSL #24 BM1 - 13 LENGTH =16 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(40/2)+16*9+(15+40)*(4/2)=1094 614 plf 0 5.5 W =(15+40)*(4/2)=110 30 plf 5.5 16 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P =RXN FROM BM 24 =586 286 lbs 5.5 P =Uplift from Line 2-R (2.5/(1.6X1.2))=0 1771 lbs 5.5 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =5746 4249 lbs RRT =2011 1499 lbs Check Trial Beam: GLB Determine Moment and Shear b =5.125 in S =155.7 in3 M = 15 ft*kips d = 13.5 in I = 1051 in4 = 181 in*kips A =69.19 in2 E =1800 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =6773 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 98 psi < F'v = 210 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 1163 psi < F'b = 2400 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.33 in L/ 584 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.04 in L/ 4356 DL deflection : -0.28 in L/ 675 LENGTH =5.5 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =16*9+(15+40)*(2/2)=199 159 plf 0 5.5 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =547 437 lbs RRT =547 437 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#1 Determine Moment and Shear b =5.5 in S =51.6 in3 M =1 ft*kips d = 7.50 in I = 193 in4 =9 in*kips A =41.25 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =634 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =15 psi <F'v =170 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =175 psi <F'b =1200 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 4984 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : 0.00 in L/ 24793 DL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 6237 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #25 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 5 1/8 x 13 1/2 5 1/8 x 13 1/2 GLB #26 6 x 8 6 x 8 DF#1 BM1 - 14 LENGTH =13 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(2/2)+16*19+(15+40)*(2/2)+(15+60)*(4/2)=551 371 plf 0 13 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =3582 2412 lbs RRT =3582 2412 lbs Check Trial Beam: PSL Determine Moment and Shear b =3.5 in S =73.8 in3 M =12 ft*kips d =11.25 in I =415 in4 =140 in*kips A =39.38 in2 E =2000 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =4597 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =117 psi <F'v =290 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =1892 psi <F'b =2900 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.43 in L/ 366 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.14 in L/ 1120 DL deflection : -0.29 in L/ 543 LENGTH =4 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =2 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22)*(16/2)+16*19+(15)*(16/2)+(15)*(2/2)=615 615 plf 0 4 W = (22+20)*(16/2)+16*19+(15+40)*(16/2)+(15+60)*(2/2) = 1155 615 plf 4 6 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P =RXN FROM BM 6 =3784 2174 lbs 1 P =GT = (22+20)*(38/2)*(14/2)=5586 2926 lbs 1 P =Uplift from Line 1-R (2.5/(1.6X1.2))=0 1975 lbs 6 P =RXN FROM BM 27 =3857 2597 lbs 6 RLT =5751 3449 lbs RRT =12245 7938 lbs Check Trial Beam: LSL Determine Moment and Shear b =3.5 in S =114.3 in3 M =5 ft*kips d =14.00 in I =800 in4 =65 in*kips A =49 in2 E =1500 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =8,041 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =164 psi <F'v =285 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =1052 psi <F'b =2250 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : 0.00 in L/ 14929 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : 0.00 in L/ 34806 DL deflection : 0.00 in L/ 26141 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #27 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 3 1/2 x 11 1/4 3 1/2 x 11 1/4 PSL #28 3 1/2 x 14 3 1/2 x 14 LSL BM1 - 15 LENGTH =3 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(8/2)+16*9+(15+40)*(6/2)=477 277 plf 0 3 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =716 416 lbs RRT =716 416 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#1 Determine Moment and Shear b =5.5 in S =27.7 in3 M = 1 ft*kips d = 5.5 in I = 76 in4 = 6 in*kips A =30.25 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =745 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 25 psi < F'v = 170 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 232 psi < F'b = 1200 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 5052 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : 0.00 in L/ 12050 DL deflection : 0.00 in L/ 8701 LENGTH =6 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(15+60)*(6/2)=225 45 plf 0 6 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =675 135 lbs RRT =675 135 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#1 Determine Moment and Shear b =5.5 in S =27.7 in3 M =1 ft*kips d = 5.50 in I = 76 in4 =12 in*kips A =30.25 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =858 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =23 psi <F'v =170 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =351 psi <F'b =1200 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.05 in L/ 1339 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.04 in L/ 1674 DL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 6695 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #29 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 6 x 6 6 x 6 DF#1 #30 6 x 6 6 x 6 DF#1 BM1 - 16 LENGTH =10 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =16*9+(15+40)*(18/2)+(15+60)*(5/2)=827 317 plf 0 10 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P =RXN FROM BM 28 =5751 3449 lbs 7 P =Uplift from Line 1-2F (2.5/(1.6X1.2))=0 5911 lbs 6 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =5858 4982 lbs RRT =8158 7543 lbs Check Trial Beam: GLB Determine Moment and Shear b =5.125 in S =155.7 in3 M = 21 ft*kips d = 13.5 in I = 1051 in4 = 249 in*kips A =69.19 in2 E =1800 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =10843 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 157 psi < F'v = 210 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 1600 psi < F'b = 2400 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.19 in L/ 647 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : 0.01 in L/ 10802 DL deflection : -0.20 in L/ 610 LENGTH =3 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(15+40)*(18/2)+10*9 =585 225 plf 0 3 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =878 338 lbs RRT =878 338 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#2 Determine Moment and Shear b =3.5 in S =17.6 in3 M =1 ft*kips d = 5.50 in I = 49 in4 =8 in*kips A =19.25 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =914 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =47 psi <F'v =180 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =448 psi <F'b =900 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 2622 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 4260 DL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 6816 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #31 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 5 1/8 x 13 1/2 5 1/8 x 13 1/2 GLB #32 4 x 6 4 x 6 DF#2 BM1 - 17 LENGTH =17 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =1.5 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(15+40)*(4/2)+10*9 =200 120 plf 0 18.5 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P =Uplift from Line A-2F (2.5/(1.6X1.2))=0 1341 lbs 18.5 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =1687 894 lbs RRT =2013 2667 lbs Check Trial Beam: LSL Determine Moment and Shear b =3.5 in S =114.3 in3 M = 7 ft*kips = d = 14 in I = 800 in4 = 85 in*kips A =49 in2 E =1500 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =2220 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 45 psi < F'v = 285 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 747 psi < F'b = 2250 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.31 in L/ 664 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.17 in L/ 1168 DL deflection : -0.13 in L/ 1540 LENGTH =4 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(15+40)*(20/2)+10*9 =640 240 plf 0 4 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P =RXN FROM BM 10 =1951 761 lbs 1.5 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =2500 956 lbs RRT =2012 765 lbs Check Trial Beam: LSL Determine Moment and Shear b =1.75 in S =57.2 in3 M =3 ft*kips d = 14.00 in I = 400 in4 =36 in*kips A =24.5 in2 E =1500 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =2,629 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =107 psi <F'v =285 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =636 psi <F'b =2250 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 3689 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 5979 DL deflection : 0.00 in L/ 9632 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #33 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 3 1/2 x 14 3 1/2 x 14 LSL #34 1 3/4 x 14 1 3/4 x 14 LSL BM1 - 18 LENGTH =1.5 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =1 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22)*(14/2)+16*19+(15)*(22/2)=623 623 plf 0 1.5 W =(22+20)*(14/2)+16*19+(15+40)*(22/2)=1203 623 plf 1.5 2.5 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =66 260 lbs RRT =2071 1298 lbs Check Trial Beam: LSL Determine Moment and Shear b =3.5 in S =114.3 in3 M = 0 ft*kips = d = 14 in I = 800 in4 = 0 in*kips A =49 in2 E =1500 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =212 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 6 psi < F'v = 285 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 63 psi < F'b = 2250 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : 0.00 in L/ 260654 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : 0.00 in L/ 250396 DL deflection : 0.00 in L/ #### LENGTH =3 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =1.5 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(15)*(4/2)=30 30 plf 0 3 W =(22+20)*(20/2)+16*19+(15+40)*(2/2)= 779 539 plf 3 4.5 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =-247 -157 lbs RRT =1506 1056 lbs Check Trial Beam: LSL Determine Moment and Shear b =3.5 in S =114.3 in3 M =0 ft*kips d = 14.00 in I = 800 in4 =0 in*kips A =49 in2 E =1500 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =453 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =9 psi <F'v =285 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =92 psi <F'b =2250 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : 0.00 in L/ 52622 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : 0.00 in L/ 160447 DL deflection : 0.00 in L/ 78303 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #35 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 3 1/2 x 14 3 1/2 x 14 LSL #36 3 1/2 x 14 3 1/2 x 14 LSL BM1 - 19 LENGTH =19 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(15+40)*(5/2)=138 38 plf 0 19 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P =RXN FROM BM 36 =-247 -157 lbs 17.5 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =1287 344 lbs RRT =1079 212 lbs Check Trial Beam: LSL Determine Moment and Shear b =3.5 in S =114.3 in3 M = 6 ft*kips d = 14 in I = 800 in4 = 72 in*kips A =49 in2 E =1500 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =1689 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 34 psi < F'v = 285 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 632 psi < F'b = 2250 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.32 in L/ 704 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.24 in L/ 950 DL deflection : -0.08 in L/ 2714 LENGTH =9 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(15+40)*(20/2)+10*9 =640 240 plf 0 5 W =(15+40)*(16/2)+10*9 = 530 210 plf 5 9 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P =RXN FROM BM 33 =1687 1012 lbs 6 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =3344 1391 lbs RRT =3662 1661 lbs Check Trial Beam: LSL Determine Moment and Shear b =3.5 in S =114.3 in3 M =9 ft*kips d = 14.00 in I = 800 in4 =105 in*kips A =49 in2 E =1500 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =4,566 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =93 psi <F'v =285 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =918 psi <F'b =2250 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.10 in L/ 1033 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.06 in L/ 1873 DL deflection : -0.05 in L/ 2303 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #37 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 3 1/2 x 14 3 1/2 x 14 LSL #38 3 1/2 x 14 3 1/2 x 14 LSL BM1 - 20 LENGTH =20 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(15+40)*(20/2)+10*9 =640 240 plf 0 20 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P =RXN FROM BM 38 =3662 1661 lbs 5.5 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =9055 3604 lbs RRT =7407 2857 lbs Check Trial Beam: GLB Determine Moment and Shear b =5.125 in S =324.8 in3 M = 43 ft*kips d = 19.5 in I = 3167 in4 = 514 in*kips A =99.94 in2 E =1800 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =12023 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 120 psi < F'v = 210 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 1584 psi < F'b = 2400 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.54 in L/ 443 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.33 in L/ 732 DL deflection : -0.21 in L/ 1121 LENGTH =6 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(15+40)*(14/2)+10*9 =475 195 plf 3.5 6 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P =RXN FROM BM 34 =2012 765 lbs 3.5 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =1086 421 lbs RRT =2114 832 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#1 Determine Moment and Shear b =3.5 in S =73.8 in3 M =4 ft*kips d = 11.25 in I = 415 in4 =46 in*kips A =39.38 in2 E =1700 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =2,502 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =64 psi <F'v =180 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =617 psi <F'b =1000 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.03 in L/ 2513 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.02 in L/ 4108 DL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 6475 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #39 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 5 1/8 x 19 1/2 5 1/8 x 19 1/2 GLB #40 4 x 12 4 x 12 DF#1 BM1 - 21 LENGTH =20 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(4/2)+16*9+(15+40)*(4/2)=338 218 plf 0 9.5 W =(15+40)*(4/2)=110 30 plf 9.5 16 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P =((22+20)*(14/2)+16*9+(15+40)*(14/2))*(1/2)=412 202 lbs 9.5 P =Uplift from Line 2-R (2.5/(1.6X1.2))=0 1771 lbs 9 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =2924 2730 lbs RRT =1414 1509 lbs Check Trial Beam: LSL Determine Moment and Shear b =3.5 in S =114.3 in3 M = 13 ft*kips d = 14 in I = 800 in4 = 152 in*kips A =49 in2 E =1500 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =3794 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 77 psi < F'v = 285 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 1327 psi < F'b = 2250 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.71 in L/ 336 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : 0.10 in L/ 2497 DL deflection : -0.81 in L/ 296 LENGTH =16.5 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =16*19+(15+40)*(22/2)=909 469 plf 0 8 W =(22+20)*(2/2)+16*19+(15+40)*(22/2)= 951 491 plf 8 16.5 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P =((22+20)*(14/2)+16*9+(15+40)*(14/2))*(1/2)=412 202 lbs 8 P =RXN FROM BM 37 =1079 212 lbs 15 P =RXN FROM BM 41 =2924 1756 lbs 4 RLT =10116 5370 lbs RRT =9653 4724 lbs Check Trial Beam: PSL Determine Moment and Shear b =5.25 in S =283.5 in3 M =40 ft*kips d = 18.00 in I = 2552 in4 =482 in*kips A =94.5 in2 E =2000 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =13,129 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =139 psi <F'v =290 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =1699 psi <F'b =2900 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.39 in L/ 510 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.15 in L/ 1290 DL deflection : -0.24 in L/ 842 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #41 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 3 1/2 x 14 3 1/2 x 14 LSL #42 5 1/4 x 18 5 1/4 x 18 PSL BM1 - 22 LENGTH =4.5 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(5/2)=105 55 plf 0 4.5 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =236 124 lbs RRT =236 124 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#2 Determine Moment and Shear b =3.5 in S =7.1 in3 M = 0 ft*kips d = 3.5 in I = 13 in4 = 3 in*kips A =12.25 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =308 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 25 psi < F'v = 180 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 446 psi < F'b = 900 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.05 in L/ 1115 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.02 in L/ 2342 DL deflection : -0.03 in L/ 2129 LENGTH =3 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(42/2)+16*19+(15+40)*(8/2)=1406 826 plf 0 3 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =2109 1239 lbs RRT =2109 1239 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#1 Determine Moment and Shear b =5.5 in S =27.7 in3 M =2 ft*kips d = 5.50 in I = 76 in4 =19 in*kips A =30.25 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =2,197 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =73 psi <F'v =170 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =685 psi <F'b =1200 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.02 in L/ 1714 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 4155 DL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 2918 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #43 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 4 x 4 4 x 4 DF#2 #44 6 x 6 6 x 6 DF#1 BM1 - 23 LENGTH =4.5 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =2 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(12/2)+16*19+(15+40)*(22/2)+(15+60)*(2/2)=1236 616 plf 0 6.5 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P =GT = (22+20)*(38/2)*(12/2)=4788 2508 lbs 2 P =Uplift from Line 1-R (2.5/(1.6X1.2))=0 1975 lbs 6.5 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =4892 1628 lbs RRT =7930 6860 lbs Check Trial Beam: LSL Determine Moment and Shear b =3.5 in S =114.3 in3 M = 7 ft*kips = d = 14 in I = 800 in4 = 88 in*kips A =49 in2 E =1500 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =6025 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 123 psi < F'v = 285 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 767 psi < F'b = 2250 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.02 in L/ 3014 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.02 in L/ 3518 DL deflection : 0.00 in L/ 21047 LENGTH =5.5 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(4/2)+16*19+(15+40)*(2/2)+(15+60)*(8/2)=743 423 plf 0 5.5 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =2043 1163 lbs RRT =2043 1163 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#1 Determine Moment and Shear b =5.5 in S =51.6 in3 M =3 ft*kips d = 7.50 in I = 193 in4 =34 in*kips A =41.25 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =2,368 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =57 psi <F'v =170 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =654 psi <F'b =1200 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.05 in L/ 1335 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.02 in L/ 3099 DL deflection : -0.03 in L/ 2345 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #45 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 3 1/2 x 14 3 1/2 x 14 LSL #46 6 x 8 6 x 8 DF#1 BM1 - 24 LENGTH =11 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(15+40)*(20/2)=550 150 plf 0 11 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P =RXN FROM BM 45 =4892 2506 lbs 10.5 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =3247 939 lbs RRT =7694 3217 lbs Check Trial Beam: GLB Determine Moment and Shear b =5.125 in S =155.7 in3 M = 10 ft*kips d = 13.5 in I = 1051 in4 = 115 in*kips A =69.19 in2 E =1800 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =10613 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 153 psi < F'v = 210 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 739 psi < F'b = 2400 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.11 in L/ 1172 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.08 in L/ 1696 DL deflection : -0.03 in L/ 3792 LENGTH =11 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(15+40)*(14/2)+16*9+(15+60)*(6/2)=754 294 plf 0 11 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =4147 1617 lbs RRT =4147 1617 lbs Check Trial Beam: GLB Determine Moment and Shear b =5.125 in S =155.7 in3 M =11 ft*kips d = 13.50 in I = 1051 in4 =137 in*kips A =69.19 in2 E =1800 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =4,948 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =72 psi <F'v =210 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =879 psi <F'b =2400 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.13 in L/ 1005 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.08 in L/ 1648 DL deflection : -0.05 in L/ 2578 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #47 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 5 1/8 x 13 1/2 5 1/8 x 13 1/2 GLB #48 5 1/8 x 13 1/2 5 1/8 x 13 1/2 GLB BM1 - 25 LENGTH =3 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(15+40)*(20/2)=550 150 plf 0 3 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =825 225 lbs RRT =825 225 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#1 Determine Moment and Shear b =5.5 in S =27.7 in3 M = 1 ft*kips d = 5.5 in I = 76 in4 = 7 in*kips A =30.25 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =859 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 28 psi < F'v = 170 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 268 psi < F'b = 1200 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 4382 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 6025 DL deflection : 0.00 in L/ 16067 LENGTH =8 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(15+40)*(22/2)+10*9 =695 255 plf 0 8 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P =RXN FROM BM 20 =935 255 lbs 2 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =3481 1211 lbs RRT =3014 1084 lbs Check Trial Beam: LSL Determine Moment and Shear b =1.75 in S =57.2 in3 M =7 ft*kips d = 14.00 in I = 400 in4 =78 in*kips A =24.5 in2 E =1500 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =4,006 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =163 psi <F'v =285 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =1372 psi <F'b =2250 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.13 in L/ 759 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.08 in L/ 1172 DL deflection : -0.04 in L/ 2156 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #49 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 6 x 6 6 x 6 DF#1 #50 1 3/4 x 14 1 3/4 x 14 LSL BM1 - 26 LENGTH =20.5 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(15+40)*(24/2)=660 180 plf 0 20.5 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P =RXN FROM BM 50 =3191 1067 lbs 3.5 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =9412 2730 lbs RRT =7310 2027 lbs Check Trial Beam: GLB Determine Moment and Shear b =5.125 in S =324.8 in3 M = 40 ft*kips d = 19.5 in I = 3167 in4 = 486 in*kips A =99.94 in2 E =1800 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =12509 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 125 psi < F'v = 210 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 1496 psi < F'b = 2400 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.55 in L/ 451 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.39 in L/ 628 DL deflection : -0.15 in L/ 1596 LENGTH =8.5 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(15+40)*(20/2)=550 150 plf 0 8.5 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P =RXN FROM BM 25 =5746 3087 lbs 4.5 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =5042 2090 lbs RRT =5380 2272 lbs Check Trial Beam: GLB Determine Moment and Shear b =5.125 in S =123.0 in3 M =17 ft*kips d = 12.00 in I = 738 in4 =205 in*kips A =61.5 in2 E =1800 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =7,244 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =118 psi <F'v =210 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =1670 psi <F'b =2400 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.14 in L/ 709 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.08 in L/ 1285 DL deflection : -0.06 in L/ 1584 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #51 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 5 1/8 x 19 1/2 5 1/8 x 19 1/2 GLB #52 5 1/8 x 12 5 1/8 x 12 GLB BM1 - 27 LENGTH =8.5 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(38/2)+16*19+(15+40)*(4/2)=1212 752 plf 0 8.5 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =5151 3196 lbs RRT =5151 3196 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#1 Determine Moment and Shear b =5.5 in S =121.2 in3 M = 11 ft*kips d = 11.5 in I = 697 in4 = 131 in*kips A =63.25 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =5984 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 95 psi < F'v = 170 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 1083 psi < F'b = 1350 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.13 in L/ 799 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.05 in L/ 2106 DL deflection : -0.08 in L/ 1288 LENGTH =3.5 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(30/2)=630 330 plf 0 3.5 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =1103 578 lbs RRT =1103 578 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#1 Determine Moment and Shear b =5.5 in S =27.7 in3 M =1 ft*kips d = 5.50 in I = 76 in4 =12 in*kips A =30.25 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =1,221 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =40 psi <F'v =170 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =417 psi <F'b =1200 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.02 in L/ 2409 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 5059 DL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 4599 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #53 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 6 x 12 6 x 12 DF#1 #54 6 x 6 6 x 6 DF#1 BM1 - 28 LENGTH =3.5 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(30/2)+16*9+(15+40)*(8/2)=994 534 plf 0 3.5 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =1740 935 lbs RRT =1740 935 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#1 Determine Moment and Shear b =5.5 in S =27.7 in3 M = 2 ft*kips d = 5.5 in I = 76 in4 = 18 in*kips A =30.25 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =1926 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 64 psi < F'v = 170 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 659 psi < F'b = 1200 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.03 in L/ 1527 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 3299 DL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 2842 LENGTH =5 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(30/2)+16*9+(15+40)*(8/2)=994 534 plf 0 5 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =2485 1335 lbs RRT =2485 1335 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#1 Determine Moment and Shear b =5.5 in S =51.6 in3 M =3 ft*kips d = 7.50 in I = 193 in4 =37 in*kips A =41.25 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =2,796 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =68 psi <F'v =170 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =723 psi <F'b =1200 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.05 in L/ 1328 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.02 in L/ 2870 DL deflection : -0.02 in L/ 2472 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #55 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 6 x 6 6 x 6 DF#1 #56 6 x 8 6 x 8 DF#1 BM1 - 29 LENGTH =5 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(15+40)*(28/2)=770 210 plf 0 5 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =1925 525 lbs RRT =1925 525 lbs Check Trial Beam: LSL Determine Moment and Shear b =3.5 in S =114.3 in3 M = 2 ft*kips d = 14 in I = 800 in4 = 29 in*kips A =49 in2 E =1500 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =1540 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 31 psi < F'v = 285 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 253 psi < F'b = 2250 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 6652 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 9147 DL deflection : 0.00 in L/ 24391 LENGTH =5 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(15+40)*(28/2)=770 210 plf 0 5 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 W == 0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =1925 525 lbs RRT =1925 525 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#1 Determine Moment and Shear b =5.5 in S =27.7 in3 M =2 ft*kips d = 5.50 in I = 76 in4 =29 in*kips A =30.25 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =2,358 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =78 psi <F'v =170 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =1041 psi <F'b =1200 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.09 in L/ 676 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.06 in L/ 930 DL deflection : -0.02 in L/ 2479 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #57 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 3 1/2 x 14 3 1/2 x 14 LSL #58 6 x 6 6 x 6 DF#1 BM1 - 30 LENGTH =7 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(4/2)+16*9+(15+40)*(2/2)=283 203 plf 0 7 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =991 711 lbs RRT =991 711 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#1 Determine Moment and Shear b =5.5 in S =27.7 in3 M = 2 ft*kips d = 5.5 in I = 76 in4 = 21 in*kips A =30.25 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =1291 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 43 psi < F'v = 170 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 750 psi < F'b = 1200 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.13 in L/ 670 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.04 in L/ 2371 DL deflection : -0.09 in L/ 935 LENGTH =3 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(30/2)+16*9+(15+40)*(21/2)=1352 632 plf 0 3 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =2027 947 lbs RRT =2027 947 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#1 Determine Moment and Shear b =5.5 in S =27.7 in3 M =2 ft*kips d = 5.50 in I = 76 in4 =18 in*kips A =30.25 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =2,112 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =70 psi <F'v =170 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =658 psi <F'b =1200 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.02 in L/ 1783 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 3347 DL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 3816 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #59 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 6 x 6 6 x 6 DF#1 #60 6 x 6 6 x 6 DF#1 BM1 - 31 LENGTH =3.5 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(15+40)*(10/2)+16*9 =419 219 plf 0 3.5 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =733 383 lbs RRT =733 383 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#1 Determine Moment and Shear b =5.5 in S =27.7 in3 M = 1 ft*kips d = 5.5 in I = 76 in4 = 8 in*kips A =30.25 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =812 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 27 psi < F'v = 170 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 278 psi < F'b = 1200 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 3622 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 7588 DL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 6930 LENGTH =6 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(15+40)*(2/2)+16*9+(15+60)*(9/2)=537 227 plf 0 6 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =1610 680 lbs RRT =1610 680 lbs Check Trial Beam: LSL Determine Moment and Shear b =3.5 in S =114.3 in3 M =2 ft*kips d = 14.00 in I = 800 in4 =29 in*kips A =49 in2 E =1500 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =1,475 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =30 psi <F'v =285 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =253 psi <F'b =2250 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 5525 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 9562 DL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 13087 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #61 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 6 x 6 6 x 6 DF#1 #62 3 1/2 x 14 3 1/2 x 14 LSL BM1 - 32 LENGTH =10 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(15+40)*(21/2)+16*9+(15+60)*(2/2)=797 317 plf 0 10 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =3983 1583 lbs RRT =3983 1583 lbs Check Trial Beam: LSL Determine Moment and Shear b =3.5 in S =114.3 in3 M = 10 ft*kips d = 14 in I = 800 in4 = 119 in*kips A =49 in2 E =1500 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =4580 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 93 psi < F'v = 285 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 1045 psi < F'b = 2250 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.15 in L/ 804 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.09 in L/ 1334 DL deflection : -0.06 in L/ 2023 LENGTH =5 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(15+60)*(10/2)=375 75 plf 0 5 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =938 188 lbs RRT =938 188 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#1 Determine Moment and Shear b =5.5 in S =27.7 in3 M =1 ft*kips d = 5.50 in I = 76 in4 =14 in*kips A =30.25 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =1,148 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =30 psi <F'v =170 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =406 psi <F'b =1200 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.04 in L/ 1388 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.03 in L/ 1735 DL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 6941 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #63 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 3 1/2 x 14 3 1/2 x 14 LSL #64 6 x 6 6 x 6 DF#1 BM1 - 33 LENGTH =8 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(15+40)*(42/2)+10*19 =1345 505 plf 0 8 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =5380 2020 lbs RRT =5380 2020 lbs Check Trial Beam: GLB Determine Moment and Shear b =3.125 in S =75.0 in3 M = 11 ft*kips d = 12 in I = 450 in4 = 129 in*kips A =37.5 in2 E =1800 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =6053 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 161 psi < F'v = 210 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 1722 psi < F'b = 2400 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.15 in L/ 627 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.10 in L/ 1004 DL deflection : -0.06 in L/ 1671 LENGTH =3 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0.5 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(14/2)+16*19+(15+40)*(18/2)=1093 593 plf 0 3.5 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =1594 865 lbs RRT =2232 1211 lbs Check Trial Beam: LSL Determine Moment and Shear b =3.5 in S =114.3 in3 M =1 ft*kips d = 14.00 in I = 800 in4 =14 in*kips A =49 in2 E =1500 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =615 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =13 psi <F'v =285 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =122 psi <F'b =2250 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : 0.00 in L/ 23246 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : 0.00 in L/ 50815 DL deflection : 0.00 in L/ 42846 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #65 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 3 1/8 x 12 3 1/8 x 12 GLB #66 3 1/2 x 14 3 1/2 x 14 LSL BM1 - 34 LENGTH =7 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(4/2)+16*19+(15+40)*(4/2)=498 378 plf 0 7 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P =RXN FROM BM 66 =2232 1211 lbs 3.5 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =2859 1928 lbs RRT =2859 1928 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#1 Determine Moment and Shear b =5.5 in S =121.2 in3 M = 7 ft*kips d = 11.5 in I = 697 in4 = 83 in*kips A =63.25 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =3572 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 56 psi < F'v = 170 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 688 psi < F'b = 1350 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.05 in L/ 1720 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.02 in L/ 4908 DL deflection : -0.03 in L/ 2649 LENGTH =4 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(4/2)+16*19+(15+40)*(4/2)=498 378 plf 0 4 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =996 756 lbs RRT =996 756 lbs Check Trial Beam: DF#1 Determine Moment and Shear b =5.5 in S =27.7 in3 M =1 ft*kips d = 5.50 in I = 76 in4 =12 in*kips A =30.25 in2 E =1600 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =1,152 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =38 psi <F'v =170 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =431 psi <F'b =1200 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.02 in L/ 2042 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.01 in L/ 8473 DL deflection : -0.02 in L/ 2690 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #67 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 6 x 12 6 x 12 DF#1 #68 6 x 6 6 x 6 DF#1 BM1 - 35 LENGTH =16.5 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(30/2)+16*19+(15+40)*(25/2)=1621.5 821.5 plf 0 16.5 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P =Uplift from Line 2-2F (2.5/(1.6X1.2))=0 3866 lbs 12 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =13377 7832 lbs RRT =13377 9589 lbs Check Trial Beam: PSL Determine Moment and Shear b =7 in S =378.0 in3 M = 55 ft*kips d = 18 in I = 3402 in4 = 662 in*kips A =126 in2 E =2000 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =16418 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress : fv' = 1.5*V / A = 130 psi < F'v = 290 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S = 1752 psi < F'b = 2900 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.40 in L/ 498 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : -0.13 in L/ 1545 DL deflection : -0.27 in L/ 735 LENGTH =20.5 ft CANTILEVER LENGTH =0 ft DISTRIBUTED LOADS W =(22+20)*(4/2)+16*9+(15+40)*(4/2)=338 218 plf 0 8 W =(15+40)*(4/2)=110 30 plf 8 20.5 W ==0 0 plf 0 0 POINT LOADS P =Uplift from Line A-R (2.5/(1.6X1.2))=0 1542 lbs 10 P ==0 0 lbs 0 P ==0 0 lbs 0 RLT =2596 2308 lbs RRT =1483 1353 lbs Check Trial Beam: GLB Determine Moment and Shear b =5.125 in S =155.7 in3 M =10 ft*kips d = 13.50 in I = 1051 in4 =120 in*kips A =69.19 in2 E =1800 ksi 1.5*V(at L-d) =3,323 lbs Check for Bending and Shear Capacities Shear Stress :fv' = 1.5*V / A =48 psi <F'v =210 SATISFACTORY Bending Stress :fb = M / S =768 psi <F'b =2400 SATISFACTORY Check Deflection TL deflection : -0.39 in L/ 632 GENERAL BEAM SIZE INFORMATION LL deflection : 0.06 in L/ 4344 DL deflection : -0.45 in L/ 552 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) #69 TOTAL LOAD DEAD LOAD START (ft) END (ft) 7 x 18 7 x 18 PSL #70 5 1/8 x 13 1/2 5 1/8 x 13 1/2 GLB