B21-1365 - TRACT 18148 TRACT01/19/24 GRADING PERMIT APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building and Safety FOR OFFICE USE ONLY TARGET DATE: PERMIT #: SUBMITTAL DATE: HYDROLOGY:YES NO A P P L I C A N T I N F O R M A T I O N APPLICANT/COMPANY NAME ADDRESS CITY ZIP CIVIL ENGINEER/ARCHITECT ADDRESS CITY ZIP COMPANY NAME PHONE GEOTECHNICAL FIRM ADDRESS CITY ZIP PHONE LICENSE# ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER LICENSE# ADDRESS CITY ZIP PHONE CONTACT EMAIL LICENSE# RESIDENTIALCOMMERCIAL YES NO ACREAGE HYDROLOGY INCLUDED DESCRIPTION OF WORK ENCROACHMENT ITEMS YES NO TYPE RELATED OR PREVIOUS CASE NUMBER(S) BY SIGNING BELOW, I CERTIFY THE ABOVE INFORMATION TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATEPRINT APPLICANT NAME OWNER PROJECT ADDRESS GRID NUMBER TRACT NO.LOT NUMBER ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. CROSS STREETS PERMIT TYPES APPLIED FOR PRELIMINARY GRADING PERMIT PRECISE GRADING PERMIT COMPLETE AN ITEMIZED ENGINEERING COST ESTIMATE P R O J E C T I N F O R M A T I O N CONTACT PHONE LS-San Juan LLC 7525 Irvine Center Drive Suite 200 949-345-8097 Shannon Whittaker Irvine 92618 swhittaker@landseahomes.com LS-San Juan LLC 7525 Irvine Center Drive Suite 200 Irvine Shannon Whittaker 92618 949-345-8097 Tim Lawson, LGC Geotechnical 2626 Shannon Whittaker 10/18/21 TM18148 B21-1365 PERMIT NUMBER JOB ADDRESS )252)),&(86(21/< '(3$570(17$33529$/65(48,5(' %8,/',1* PLANNING: 38%/,&:25.6: 60:': 2&)$ ††YES †YES †YES †<(6 †<(6 †NO †NO †NO †12 †12 INSTRUCTIONS: 1.6XEPLWVHWVRIRQO\WKHUHYLVHGVKHHWVVWDSOHGLQWRVHWV GRQRWVXEPLWFRPSOHWHVHWRISODQV ³&/28'´WKHSURSRVHGFKDQJHVRQWKHGUDZLQJV 1RWHWKHSDJHQXPEHU V RQZKLFKWKHUHYLVLRQ V RFFXU 3URYLGHGHVFULSWLRQRISURSRVHGFKDQJHV DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGES: 3$*( 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . APPLICANT SIGNATURE DATE BUILDING REVISION FEE:727$/3/$1&+(&.(5 REVIEW TIME: $86.93/HOUR - 1 HOUR MINIMUM – Per table 3.A.1 HOURS FOR OFFICE USE ONLY APPROVED BY: DATE: &203$1<1$0( EMAIL ADDRESS CONTACT PHONE #    $33/,&$17 NAME: &LW\RI6DQ-XDQ&DSLVWUDQR 'H'HYHORSPHQW6HUYLFHV'HSDUWPHQW 3DVHR$GHODQWR 6DQ-XDQ&DSLVWUDQR&$ 3KRQH   (PDLOEXLOGLQJ#VDQMXDQFDSLVWUDQRRUJ ZZZVDQMXDQFDSLVWUDQRRUJEXLOGLQJ 5(9,6,21'()(55('68%0,77$/ $'',1*1(:0(3" 3&7*4*0/ 1-"/3&7*&8&3 46#.*55"-%"5& 5"3(&5%"5& ††YES †12 )252)),&(86(21/< LS-San Juan LLC B21-1365 Shannon Whittaker Tract 18148 562-201-7475 swhittaker@landseahomes.com **** Page: 5, 7, 9, 13 create punch through at end of street per OCFA requirement **** Page: 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 17 - remove trash enclosures per CRR & PW meeting **** Page 5 + 6: reworked fence line for backyards to maximize space for homeowners **** Page 18, 19, 22 - 26, 28 - 29, : updated area drain locations Shannon Whittaker Digitally signed by Shannon Whittaker DN: C=US, E=swhittaker@landseahomes.com, CN=Shannon Whittaker Date: 2022.09.06 09:38:37-07'00' 9/6/22 ✔ 1 PW / PLNG 09/06/2209/27/22 131 Calle Iglesia, Suite 200, San Clemente, CA 92672 (949) 369-6141 www.lgcgeotechnical.com March 29, 2022 Project No. 20266-01 Ms. Shannon Whittaker Landsea Homes 7525 Irvine Center Drive, Suite 200 Irvine, CA 92618 Subject: Geotechnical Response to City of San Juan Capistrano Review Comments dated March 23, 2022 for the Proposed Residential Development, Tract No. 18148, Southwest Corner of Calle Arroyo and Paseo Tirador, City of San Juan Capistrano, California Introduction In accordance with your request, LGC Geotechnical, Inc. is responding to the City of San Juan Capistrano review comments, prepared by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated March 23, 2022 for the proposed Residential Development, located at the southwest corner of Calle Arroyo and Paseo Tirador, Tract No. 18148, San Juan Capistrano, California. Geotechnical Review Comments dated March 23, 2021 For your convenience, the applicable review comments have been repeated below along with our responses. A copy of the review sheet is provided in Appendix A. Comment No. 1 “The Consultant should review the project precise grading plans (References 17 and 18), provide any additional geotechnical analysis/recommendations considered necessary, and confirm that the plans have been prepared in accordance with the geotechnical recommendations.” Response to Comment No. 1 LGC Geotechnical has reviewed the referenced precise grading plans for the model and production sites and confirms they are acceptable from a geotechnical perspective. The plans have been prepared in general conformance with the geotechnical recommendations. Project No. 20266‐01 Page 2 March 29, 2022 Comment No. 2 “The Consultant indicates rough grading is in progress. Prior to release of the model lots for precise grading, the Consultant should provide a formal report or letter confirming the lots are suitable for precise grading and construction. Prior to release of the production lots for precise grading, the Consultant should provide a rough grade compaction report consistent with City of San Juan Capistrano requirements.” Response to Comment No. 2 The model lots are now graded. With this letter LGC Geotechnical formally states that the lots are ready for construction from a geotechnical perspective. Production lots are not ready, and a complete report will be published when that occurs. Closure Our services were performed using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances, by reputable engineers and geologists practicing in this or similar localities. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the conclusions and professional advice included in this report. Should you have any questions regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact our office. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service. Respectfully, LGC Geotechnical, Inc. Tim Lawson, GE 2626, CEG 1821 Geotechnical Engineer/Geologist TJL/klr Attachments: Appendix A – City of San Juan Capistrano Review Sheet dated March 23, 2022 Distribution: (1) Addressee (electronic copy) (3) City of San Clemente (2 wet signed copies and 1 electronic copy) Attn Mr. Jeremy Hohnbaum (1) Hetherington Engineering (electronic copy) Attn Mr. Mark Hetherington Appendix A City of San Juan Capistrano Review Sheet dated March 23, 2022 March 23, 2022 Project No. 9645.1 Log No. 21809 City of San Juan Capistrano Development Services Department 32400 Paseo Adelanto San Juan Capistrano, California 92675 Attention: Mr. Jeremy Hohnbaum Subject: THIRD-PARTY GEOTECHNICAL REVIEW (FIRST) Tract 18148 – Precise Grading Paseo Tirador San Juan Capistrano, California B21-1198 & B21-1365 References: Attached Dear Mr. Hohnbaum: Hetherington Engineering, Inc. has recently been provided with References 15-18. This project was previously submitted to Hetherington Engineering, Inc. for third-party geotechnical review. The References provide relevant information. In accordance with your request, Hetherington Engineering, Inc. has provided third-party geotechnical review of References 15 and 16. The following comment is provided for analyses and/or response by the Geotechnical Consultant. Two copies of the Geotechnical Consultant’s response should be submitted to the City of San Juan Capistrano and one copy to Hetherington Engineering, Inc. The Consultant should review the project precise grading plans (References 17 and 18), provide any additional geotechnical analyses/recommendations considered necessary, and confirm that the plans have been prepared in accordance with the geotechnical recommendations. The Consultant indicates rough grading is in progress. Prior to release of the model lots for precise grading, the Consultant should provide a formal report or letter confirming the lots are suitable for precise grading and construction. Prior to release of the production lots for precise grading, the Consultant should provide a rough grade compaction report consistent with City of San Juan Capistrano requirements. SOIL & FOUNDATION ENGINEERING ENGINEERING GEOLOGY HYDROGEOLOGY (760) 931-1917 Fax (760) 931-0545 333 Third Street Laguna Beach, CA 92651 (949) 715-5440 Fax (949) 715-5442 Carlsbad, CA 92008-43695365 Avenida Encinas, Suite A HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. www.hetheringtonengineering.com THIRD-PARTY GEOTECHNICAL REVIEW (FIRST) Project No. 9645.1 Log No. 21809 March 23, 2022 Page 2 Please call if there are any questions. Sincerely, HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. Paul A. Bogseth Mark D. Hetherington Professional Geologist 3772 Civil Engineer 30488 Certified Engineering Geologist 1153 Geotechnical Engineer 397 Certified Hydrogeologist 591 (expires 3/31/22) (expires 3/31/22) Distribution: 1-via e-mail (Jhohnbaum@sanjuancapistrano.org) 1-via e-mail (MLaScalza@sanjuancapistrano.org) 1-via e-mail (bgraham@lgcgeotechnical.com) HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. REFERENCES Project No. 9645.1 Log No. 21809 AC17-0333 1. “Geotechnical Engineering Investigation, Proposed Residential Housing, San Juan Mixed Use, Intersection of Calle Arroyo and Paseo Tirador, San Juan Capistrano, California”, by GeoSoils Consultants, Inc., dated July 10, 2017. 2. “Infiltration Testing, Proposed Residential Housing, San Juan Mixed Use, Calle Arroyo and Paseo Tirador, San Juan Capistrano, California”, by GeoSoils Consultants, Inc., dated September 18, 2017. 3. “Tirador, Tentative Tract Map 18148, City of San Juan Capistrano, In the County of Orange, State of California”, by IBI Group, stamp dated March 30, 2018 (Sheets 1 through 7 – Includes Conceptual Grading Plan). 4. “Third-Party Geotechnical Review (First), Proposed Mixed Use Residential Housing, Calle Arroyo and Paseo Tirador, San Juan Capistrano, California, AC17- 0333”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated May 29, 2018. 5. “Response to City of San Juan Capistrano Review Letter dated May 29, 2018, Proposed Residential Housing, San Juan Mixed Use, Intersection of Calle Arroyo and Paseo Tirador, San Juan Capistrano, California”, by GeoSoils Consultants, Inc., dated October 29, 2018. 6. “Third-Party Geotechnical Review (Second), Proposed Mixed Use Residential Housing, Calle Arroyo and Paseo Tirador, San Juan Capistrano, California, AC17- 0333”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated November 15, 2018. 7. “Response to City of San Juan Capistrano Review Letter dated November 15, 2018, Proposed Residential Housing, San Juan Mixed Use, Intersection of Calle Arroyo and Paseo Tirador, San Juan Capistrano, California”, by GeoSoils Consultants, Inc., dated November 16, 2018. 8. “Third-Party Geotechnical Review (Third), Proposed Mixed Use Residential Housing, Calle Arroyo and Paseo Tirador, San Juan Capistrano, California”, by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated November 27, 2018. B21-0292 9. “Rough Grading Plan, Tract No. 18148, Located in the City of San Juan Capistrano, the County of Orange, State of California”, by X Engineering Consulting, Inc., dated March 1, 2021 (13-Sheets). HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. REFERENCES Project No. 9645.1 Log No. 21809 10. “Addendum Geotechnical Report and Change of Geotechnical Consultant of Record for the Proposed Residential Development, Southwest Corner of Calle Arroyo and Paseo Tirador, San Juan Capistrano, California”, by LGC Geotechnical, Inc., dated March 3, 2021. 11. “Third-Party Geotechnical Review (First), Tract 18148, Paseo Tirador, San Juan Capistrano, California, B21-0292,” by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated March 17, 2021. 12. “Geotechnical Response to City of San Juan Capistrano Review Comments dated March 17, 2021, for The Proposed Residential Development, Tract No. 18148, Southwest Corner of Calle Arroyo and Paseo Tirador, City of San Juan Capistrano, California,” by LGC Geotechnical, Inc., dated April 5, 2021. 13. “Geotechnical Review of the Rough Grading Plan and Information in Response to City Review Sheet dated April 20, 2021, for the Proposed Residential Development, Tract No. 18148, Southwest Corner of Calle Arroyo and Paseo Tirador, City of San Juan Capistrano, California,” by LGC Geotechnical, Inc., dated June 3, 2021. 14. “Third-Party Geotechnical Review (Second), Tract 18148, Paseo Tirador, San Juan Capistrano, California, B21-0292,” by Hetherington Engineering, Inc., dated July 15, 2021. B21-1198 & B-21-1365 15. “Geotechnical Review of the Production Precise Grading Plan for Tract 18148, Proposed Residential Development, Southwest Corner of Calle Arroyo and Paseo Tirador, City of San Juan Capistrano, California,” by LGC Geotechnical, Inc., dated January 31, 2022. 16. “Geotechnical Discussion Regarding Production Precise Grading Plan (2 Percent Slope away from Building Structures) for Tract 18148, Proposed Residential Development, Southwest Corner of Calle Arroyo and Paseo Tirador, City of San Juan Capistrano, California,” by LGC Geotechnical, Inc., dated February 8, 2022. 17. “Model Home Precise Grading Plan, Tract No. 18148 (All of Tentative Tract 18148), City of San Juan Capistrano, The County of Orange, State of California (Condominium Units 35-36, 61-65),” by X Engineering & Consulting, Inc., dated February 22, 2022, City Permit: B21-1198 (7 Sheets). HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. REFERENCES Project No. 9645.1 Log No. 21809 18. “Precise Grading Plan, Tract No 18148 (All of Tentative Tract 18148), City of San Juan Capistrano, The County of Orange, State of California,” by X Engineering & Consulting, Inc., dated March 9, 2022, City Permit: B21-1365, 34- Sheets. HETHERINGTON ENGINEERING, INC. 131 Calle Iglesia, Suite 200, San Clemente, CA 92672 (949) 369-6141 www.lgcgeotechnical.com March 29, 2022 Project No. 20266-01 Permit No. B21-1198 Ms. Shannon Whittaker Landsea Homes 7525 Irvine Center Drive, Suite 200 Irvine, CA 92618 Subject: Geotechnical Release from Rough Grading, Lot 1, “Petra” Units 35 and 36, Tract 18148, Proposed Residential Development, Southwest Corner of Calle Arroyo and Paseo Tirador, City of San Juan Capistrano, California References: LGC Geotechnical, 2021a, Addendum Geotechnical Report and Change of Geotechnical Consultant of Record for the Proposed Residential Development, Southwest Corner of Calle Arroyo and Paseo Tirador, San Juan Capistrano, California, Project No. 20266-01, dated March 3, 2021. ______, 2021b, Geotechnical Response to City of San Juan Capistrano Review Comments dated March 17, 2021, for the Proposed Residential Development, Tract 18148, Southwest Corner of Calle Arroyo and Paseo Tirador, City of San Juan Capistrano, California, Project No. 20266-01, dated April 5, 2021. ______, 2021c, Geotechnical Response to City of San Juan Capistrano’s 2nd Plan Check Review Comments, dated July 12, 2021, for the Proposed Residential Development, Tract No. 18148, Southwest Corner of Calle Arroyo and Paseo Tirador, City of San Juan Capistrano, California, Project No. 20266-01, dated July 15, 2021. X Engineering and Consulting, Inc. (XEC), 2021, Rough Grading Plan, Tract No. 18148, Located in the City of San Juan Capistrano, the County of Orange, State of California, plot date May 27, 2021. Introduction In accordance with your request, LGC Geotechnical, Inc. (LGC Geotechnical) has prepared this letter to provide geotechnical release from rough grading of Lot 1, “Petra” Units 35 and 36 for Tract No. 18148, Proposed Residential Development located at the southwest corner of Calle Arroyo and Paseo Tirador, in the City of San Juan Capistrano, California. Project No. 20266‐01 Page 2 March 29, 2022 Geotechnical Release from Rough Grading LGC Geotechnical recently provided geotechnical observation and testing services during grading for the subject area. Observation included over-excavation and removals of unsuitable materials, placement of compacted engineered fills and finish grade testing. Where tested, compacted fill materials placed were found to meet the project specification of at least 90 percent relative compaction, as determined by ASTM Test Method D1557. A comprehensive as‐graded report documenting our observations and testing during rough grading for the entire site will be presented in a forthcoming report. Based on our observations and testing during grading, we consider the subject lots to be generally suitable for their proposed use from a geotechnical standpoint provided the recommendations included in the referenced reports (LGC Geotechnical, 2021a, 2021b & 2021c) and future applicable geotechnical reports are appropriately implemented. The subject area was constructed in general accordance with our recommendations and the requirements of the City of San Juan Capistrano. Should you have any questions regarding the content of this letter, or should you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact our office. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service. Sincerely, LGC Geotechnical, Inc. Tim Lawson, GE 2626, CEG 1821 Barry Graham, CEG 2749 Geotechnical Engineer/Geologist Project Geologist TJL/BPG/klr Distribution: (1) Addressee (electronic copy) (1) X Engineering and Consulting, Inc. (electronic copy) Attn: Mr. Bryan Redsun Engineers Surveyors March 21, 2022 City Engineer City of San Juan Capistrano 32400 Paseo Adelanto San Juan Capistrano, California 92675 Subject: Rough Grading Certification for Tract 18148, Lot 1 “Petra”, Units 35 and 36, (Permit# B21-1198). Dear Sir: Rough Grading operations have been completed for Tract 18148, Lot 1 “Petra”, Units 35 and 36 and has been inspected by the undersigned Professional Land Surveyor. All grading of pads was completed in substantial conformance with the Precise Grading Plan approved by the City Engineer and no unauthorized deviations were made. Engineers Surveyors December 19, 2022 City Engineer City of San Juan Capistrano 32400 Paseo Adelanto San Juan Capistrano, California 92675 Subject: Final Grade Certification Tract 18148, Lot 1 “Petra”, Units 35 and 36, (Permit# B21-1198). Dear Sir: Finish grading operations have been completed for Tract No. 18148, Lot 1 “Petra”, Units 35 & 36 and have been inspected by the undersigned Professional Land Surveyor. All grading was completed in substantial conformance with the final grading plan approved by the City Engineer and no unauthorized deviations were made. . Sincerely, Michael A. Baine, P.L.S. VP - Survey