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Outdoor cooking plans are aproved by OC health, SR151257. Andrew Sieger 949 291-5337 andrew@theecologycenter.org ✔ ✔ City of San Juan Capistrano 30448 Rancho Viejo Road, Suite 110 San Juan Capistrano 949 493-1171 The Ecology Center 1 32800 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 4 2 5 0 Andrew Sieger 1 / 2 / 24 720 Outdoor Construction of a new outdoor cooking area with outdoor seating adjacent to an existing cafe/ concession kitchen. Outdoor cooking plans are aproved by OC health, SR151257. Install new Type II hood over convection oven. Install new 30-ton split system heat pump. Including metal ductwork, elbows, and all fittings, diffusers, registers, and grilles. Testing and balancing. 01 02 24 B23 1488 Letter of Transmittal 3707 W Garden Grove Blvd. Suite 100, Orange, CA 92868 phone 714.568.1010 fax 714.568.1028 www.csgengr.com To: City of San Juan Capistrano Date Completed: 4/9/2024 Review #:2 32400 Paseo Adelanto Date Received: San Juan Capistrano, Ca. 92675 CSG #: 440466 Attn: Building Division Agency Plan Check #: B23-1488 V1 Job Address: 32701 Alipaz St. Job Description: Add cooking area and outdoor seating. Status: Plan is ready for permit issuance for the following: X Plan is approved. Architectural Energy Plan is approved with conditions. See remarks. Structural Other: Plan is approved with redlines. See remarks. Plumbing Plan is approved with redlines and conditions. See remarks. Electrical Plan requires corrections. See attached list. Mechanical We have reviewed the following documents ( X Digital only): X Plans Truss Calculations Structural Calculations Energy Calculations Soil Report Specifications Geotechnical Review Letter Special Inspection Form(s) Other: Special items to note: X Plan has been stamped and signed by CSG Environmental Health Services approval required Special inspection required for Hardship Form included Remarks: 1 hr. review From: Michael Leiendecker CSG Consultants Inc. (714) 568-1010 YES NO INSTRUCTIONS: ORAN GE COUNTY FI RE AUTHORI TY Plan Submittal Criteria COMMERCIAL projects, MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL projects and RESIDENTIAL TRACT developments • Fill in the project/business address and provide a brief description of the scope of work and type of business operation that will take place. • Answer questions 1 through 10, read and initial items 11 and 12, then complete and sign the certification section. • If you answer: - “YES” to any part of questions 1 through 10, submit the type of plan indicated in italics to OCFA. • In some cases, other plan types not indicated herein may also be necessary depending on specific conditions or operations. • Visit www.ocfa.org for submittal information and locations. If you need assistance in filling out this form or have questions regarding requirements for review, please contact OCFA at 714-573-6108 or visit us at 1 Fire Authority Road, Irvine, CA 92602. Address Suite City Project Scope/Business Description 1. Construction of a new building, a new story, or increase the footprint of an existing building? Changes to roadways, curbs, or drive aisles? Addition, relocation, or modification of fire hydrants or fences/gates? Construction within 300 feet of an active or proposed oil well? Fire Master Plan (PR145) 2. Property is adjacent to a wildland area or non-irrigated native vegetation? Fire Master Plan (PR145); a Fuel Modification Plan may also be required. (PR120, PR124) 3. Located in or < 100’ from a Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR) field boundary, < 300’ from an oil/gas seep, or < 1000’ from a landfill? Methane Work Plan. (PR170) 4. Installation/modification/repair of underground piping, backflow preventers, or fire department connections serving private fire hydrant/sprinkler/standpipe systems? Underground Plan. (PR470, PR475) 5. Drinking/dining/recreation/meetings/training/religious functions or other gatherings in a room > 750 sq.ft. (> 1,000 sq.ft. for training/adulteducation) or > 49 people? Healthcare/outpatient services for > 5 people who may be unable to immediately evacuate without assistance? Education for children (academic tutoring for ages 5+ is exempt unless classified as an E occupancy by the Building Official)? Adult/child daycare? 24-hour care/supervision? Incarceration or restraint? Hotel/apartment or residential facility with 3+ units and 3+ stories (3-story townhouses/rowhouses where an independent direct exit to grade is provided for dwelling are exempt)? Congregate housing/dormitories with 17+ people? High-rise structure (55+ feet to highest occupied floor level)? Architectural Plan (PR200-PR285) 6. Installation/modification of locks delaying or preventing occupants from leaving a space or requiring use of a card, button, or similar action to open a door in the direction of exit travel? Architectural, Sprinkler, and/or Alarm Plan depending on the occupancy and type of device installed (PR200-PR280, PR420-PR425, PR500-PR520) 7. Installation/modification/use of spray booths; dust collection; dry cleaning; industrial ovens/drying equipment; industrial/commercial refrigeration systems; compressed gasses; tanks for cryogenic or flammable/combustible liquids; vapor recovery; smoke control; battery back-up/charging systems (> 50 gal. electrolyte, > 1,000 lb. lithium ion); welding/brazing/soldering, open flame torches, cutting/grinding; or other similar operations? Special Equipment Plan (PR315, PR340-PR382) 8. Storage/use/research with flammable/combustible liquids or other chemicals? Motor vehicle/aircraft maintenance/repair? Cabinetry/woodworking/finishing facility? Chem Class & floor plan (full architectural plan if H occupancy); Special Equipment Plans may be necessary. (PR315-PR360, PR232-PR240) 9. Storage or merchandizing areas in excess of 500 sq. ft. where items are located higher than 12’ (6’ for high-hazard commodities, plastic, rubber, foam, etc.)? High-piled Storage Plan (PR330) 10. Cooking under a Type I commercial hood; installation or modification of a fire extinguishing system located in a commercial cooking hood? Hood & Duct Extinguishing System, not just the hood mechanical plan. (PR335) Initial each of the following two items indicating that you have read and understand the statement: 11. *Sprinklers/Alarms: Consult Building/Fire Codes and ordinances to determine sprinkler/alarm requirements; if a system is required, plans shall be submitted for OCFA review. Existing buildings undergoing remodel must be evaluated by a licensed Initials contractor to determine if modification is needed; if so, contractor shall submit plans prior to making modifications. 12. Fire Hazard Severity Zone: Consult maps available at building department or on OCFA website to determine if your site is located in a FHSZ. Buildings in a FHSZ may be subject to special construction requirements detailed in CBC Chapter 7A or CRC R327— Initials the building department will determine specific requirements. I certify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the above is true: Print Name Signature Phone Number ( ) Date / / Building Department: If you have verified that all of the questions have been answered accurately as “NO”, and the project does not otherwise require OCFA review of sprinkler or alarm plans*, then you may accept this signed form as a written release that OCFA review is not required. Should you still require that the applicant have plans approved by OCFA, please initial here or attach an OCFA referral form and have the applicant submit the form along with the appropriate plans and fees for OCFA review. 10-08-14 EE COM 32701 Alipaz St ✔ New outdoor cooking kitchen for the Ecology Center cafe/concession. New AC unit and new Type II hood. ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Andrew Sieger 949 291-5337 01 02 2024 San Juan Capistrano BOARD OF DIRECTORS LAURA FREESE CHARLES T. GIBSON SAUNDRA F. JACOBS BETTY H. OLSON, PH.D FRANK URY DON BUNTS INTERIM GENERAL MANAGER Santa Margarita Water District  26111 Antonio Parkway, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 www.SMWD.com  (949) 459-6420 May 1, 2024 Building Department City of San Juan Capistrano 32400 Paseo Adelanto San Juan Capistrano, California 92675 Attention: Building Department Subject: Final Water and Sewer Letter for The Ecology Center at 32701 Alipaz St, San Juan Capistrano in Improvement District No. 9 Dear Building Department: Subject to the developer’s successful completion of the on-site water and sewer facilities, and subject to the availability of water from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, the District can and will provide water and sewer service to the subject project. This approval is only for the issuance of building permits and is only good for two years from the date of this letter. At this time, no further inspection of the on-site water and sewer facilities is needed by SMWD to enable the City t o release the certificate of occupancy. However, The District still reserves the right to inspect the on-site plumbing and backflow prevention when necessary. Use of self-regenerative water softeners is discouraged within the District and application for use at this site has not been approved. The following fixtures will discharge to the Sanitary Sewer: • 1 Hand Sink Should you have any questions or desire additional information, please call the Engineering Counter at 949.459.6503. Sincerely, SANTA MARGARITA WATER DISTRICT Pablo Marti Senior Project Engineer S:\Finalws/The Ecology Center SJC.doc.ca PLAN CHECK REPORT County of Orange, Health Care Agency, Environmental Health 1241 EAST DYER ROAD, SUITE 100 SANTA ANA, CA 92705-5611 (714)433-6074 Monday, April 10, 2023 1 Andrew Sieger The Ecology Center SFS 32701 Alipaz St. San Juan Capistrano, CA SR151257 PLAN STATUS APPROVED PLAN CHECKER Hugo A. Lopez (714) 433-6067 INSTRUCTIONS ☒Plan Approval Thank you for your plan submittal. Your plans are now approved and subject to the following conditions: 1. This approval does not constitute authority to violate any provision of the related codes, ordinances, or regulations, nor does it prevent further correction of errors found on the plan or with installation upon field inspection. All construction must conform to these approved plans. Alterations or changes to these plans must have review and written approval by the Plan Check Section of Environmental Health prior to construction. 2. All construction work must conform to local building codes and have the necessary approvals from the local building and fire authorities. Please refer to the local building department for plan approval and permits prior to construction. 3. All retail food facilities must be connected to an approved potable water supply. Please check the following link to ensure your food facility is connected to an approved water district or municipal water source: http://www.ocgov.com/about/infooc/links/oc/water. If the food facility is not supplied by a municipal source, and is supplied by a private well, you must immediately submit to Orange County Environmental Health required written verification that the water source meets the standards of the California Safe Drinking Water Act and is acceptable for a retail food establishment. 4. This plan approval is valid for a period of one year from the date of approval. 5. Newly constructed food facilities or new portions of existing food facilities shall not be placed into use without prior written approval by a member of this agency. Doing so may result in a penalty not to exceed three (3) times the cost of the annual permit. 6. For construction projects resulting in ownership changes or new facility classification, it is the responsibility of the owner or owner’s representative to submit the completed Health Permit Application, supporting ownership documents, and pay the first annual health permit fee no later than one week prior to scheduling the final health inspection. Payment of the health permit fee does not constitute plan approval or approval to operate. A final on-site inspection and approval, with a plan checker sign-off, are required to operate and obtain a permit. You may submit your application, ownership documents and pay the fee in person 10am- 4:00pm Monday through Friday, or by mail: Orange County Environmental Health 1241 E. Dyer Road, Suite 100 Santa Ana, CA 92705 Acceptable forms of payment in person: cash, check, credit card, or money order Acceptable forms of payment by mail: check or money order Make checks payable to County of Orange. Health permit fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. See reverse of the Health Permit Application for further instruction. 7. For revisions submitted after plan approval, a minimum fee of $266.00 will be due. The fee is subject to modification based upon the project and the scope of changes proposed. PLAN CHECK REPORT County of Orange, Health Care Agency, Environmental Health 1241 EAST DYER ROAD, SUITE 100 SANTA ANA, CA 92705-5611 (714)433-6074 Monday, April 10, 2023 2 ☒Inspection When work on the project has progressed to the point of requiring an inspection, please contact us at least five (10) working days in advance in order to help us accommodate your request. A preliminary inspection shall be done when the floors, walls, and ceiling finishes are complete and the equipment is in place. A final inspection will be needed in order to receive Health Permit approval from this Agency. Health permit approval is required prior to opening the food facility or storing food or beverages. ☒Construction Compliance AISLE CLEARANCE: Provide a minimum aisle clearance of 30 inches in all traffic areas. FINISHES: Finishes are subject to evaluation by this Agency. This determination will be made at the time of the preliminary field inspection. Finishes found not to be in compliance with current code requirements will not be accepted. If you are concerned about the acceptability of the finishes in your facility, please contact your plan checker prior to any work being conducted. FLOORS: Flooring shall be smooth, nonabsorbent, easily cleanable, and durable. WALLS: Wall surfaces must be smooth, durable, and easily cleanable, such as drywall coated with semi-gloss enamel. In areas of high moisture, greenboard is strongly recommended. Surfaces beneath/behind sinks shall be FRP or equivalent. CEILINGS: Approved ceilings must extend over all food service areas. Approved ceilings include T-bar systems with vinyl-faced tiles, or dry-wall/hard-lid ceilings painted gloss or semi-gloss. No hanging pipes, exposed beams or duct work, decorative grids or hanging items may be exposed under the ceiling that may pose an overhead contamination risk. EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS: o All new and replacement food-related or utensil-related equipment shall be certified or classified for SANITATION by an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) accredited certification program. Example of these accredited programs include NSF, UL, Intertek ETL< CSA etc. o All new and replacement electrical appliances shall meet applicable Underwriters Laboratories (UL) standards for electrical equipment as determined by and ANSI accredited certification program. EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION: o All equipment, including shelving, must be supported by six (6) inch high easily cleanable legs, commercial casters, or completely sealed in position on a four (4) inch high continuously coved base or concrete curb. VENTILATION: o Hoods and mechanical ventilation must comply with all applicable requirements as set forth in the current edition of the Uniform Mechanical Code, as adopted by the local building and fire authorities. HAND SINKS: o All handwashing facilities shall be supplied with warm water supplied through a mixing valve or combination faucet at a temperature of at least 100°F. All other sinks shall supply hot water at a temperature of at least 120°F. WATER HEATER: o Outside hand sink shall be connected to the previously approved Noritz 300CDV tankless water heater. o All floor sinks must be at least half-exposed under the curb mounted equipment, or be in line with the front face of elevated freestanding equipment, and located within 15 feet of the condensate producing equipment. VERMIN EXCLUSION: PLAN CHECK REPORT County of Orange, Health Care Agency, Environmental Health 1241 EAST DYER ROAD, SUITE 100 SANTA ANA, CA 92705-5611 (714)433-6074 Monday, April 10, 2023 3 o Durable and vermin proof covers are required over the pizza oven and grill during periods on non operation. The Ecology Center Outdoor pizza oven and BBQ, Satellite Food Service SOP 1. Provide a complete menu listing of all food to be offered including packaged and unpackaged food, bottled beverages and condiments. a. Pizza, toast, tortillas, grilled/roasted vegetables for sandwiches and bowls. 2. Describe procedures and methods of food preparation and handling at SFS. a. See description below under item 7. 3. Describe how the food will be stored at the SFS and how it will be maintained at proper holding temperatures. a. See description below under item 7. 4. Describe how FOOD will be transported to and from the PERMANENT FOOD FACILITY and SFS operation, and procedures to prevent contamination of FOODs. a. See description below under item 7. 5. Describe how potentially hazardous food (PHF) will be held on the SFS and maintained at proper holding temperatures in accordance with Section 113996. Describe if refrigeration or ice will be used in cooling of the food to 41 °F or lower. a. See description below under item 7. 6. Describe how food will be served from the SFS and list all the equipment and/or utensils to be used. a. See description below under item 7. 7. Make note on the procedure that all food and beverage will be removed from the SFS during non-operational hours. a. Questions 2-7. There is to be nothing stored at the SFS station before or after service including; food, storage containers and any utensils that will come into contact with food. i. Pizza. Doughs and all ingredients will be stored inside the PFF. Upon being ordered, the doughs will be stretched onto aluminum pizza coupes where they are topped with ingredients and covered with aluminum basting lids. They are then passed to the SFS station where they are uncovered and placed directly in the oven to be cooked. After being removed from the oven they are recovered with aluminum basting lids and brought back inside to be cut, topped and ready to serve out of the PFF immediately. With this short timeline, we will prevent any time/temperature violations as everything is held in refrigeration inside the PFF until it is immediately cooked and served upon ordering. ii. Toast. Bread will be cut and drizzled with olive oil inside the PFF and placed on sheet trays with plastic lid covers. The slices are then taken outside to the SFS where they are promptly grilled and placed back onto the tray and covered once again. The trays will be taken inside the PFF where they are held at room temperature for no longer than 1 hour for both freshness and time/temperature control. Bread will be cut and grilled fresh every hour(quantity determined by business volume to limit waste). iii. Tortillas. Tortillas are to be hand rolled, pressed and stored between parchment paper on a sheet tray and covered with a plastic lid at the beginning of each shift inside the PFF. Every 30 minutes an allotted amount of tortillas will be brought out to the SFS where they are cooked over open flame on the grill and then placed inside a stainless steel bain lined with a lintless towel and covered with another lintless towel. They are immediately brought back inside the PFF to be held at room temperature for no more than 30 minutes, when the next batch is made. iv. Grilled/roasted vegetables. Vegetables for sandwiches and bowls will be stored and prepared inside the PFF. At the beginning of service and again 3 hours into service, washed/cut/prepared vegetables will be seasoned and placed into cambro containers or sheet trays with lids. They will be brought out to the SFS where they will be placed directly on the grill or uncovered and placed directly into the oven. Once done cooking, the vegetables will be transferred back into the original container, covered and taken back inside the PFF where they will be held hot in a steam table for no longer than 3 hours when a new batch will replace them. Refreshing 3 hours into service(our halfway point) allows us to maintain quality control and well as prevent time temperature abuse. 8. Describe the procedures, methods, and schedules for cleaning UTENSILs, EQUIPMENT, structures, and for the disposal of REFUSE. a. See description below under item 9. 9. What sanitizer or sanitizer method will be used? Indicate if a commercial premixed solution will be used or if a sanitizer solution will be prepared. Approved sanitizer must contain one of the following chemicals at the specified concentrations. a. Contact with a solution of 100 parts per million (ppm) available chlorine for at least 30 seconds. b. Contact with a solution of 200 ppm available quaternary ammonium for at least one minute. c. Contact with a solution of 25 ppm available iodine for at least one minute i. Questions 8-9. Sanitizer solutions will be provided by Alsco, utilizing their “Perfect Mix” line of cleaning supplies. They will restock this regularly when exchanging our linens. These solutions make dilution easy and foolproof. By taking advantage of these spray bottle products and our close proximity(10’) to our PFF we will easily maintain sanitized surfaces and regularly exchange tools for clean ones. The employees will reset stations on an bihourly basis, meaning all food contact tools and equipment are taken back to the PFF and changed out for fresh clean instruments. During the 2 hour intervals all stations will be properly sanitized using Also “Perfect Mix” solutions to ensure tidy, clean stations at all times. 10. Describe how the SFS will be protected from contamination and tampering when kept at the sale location during non-operational hours. a. By having our SFS station within 10’ of our PFF we will be able to return all mobile equipment to the PFF and keep it locked. As for all other equipment, the entire property is regularly locked by gate access at the end of each shift. In regards to contamination, we will employ durable, weatherproof, polyester coverings to the grill and pizza oven to prevent anything from making contact outside of service hours. 11. Describe how and where the potable water tank(s) on the SFS and Servicing Cart will be filled. 12. Describe how and where the wastewater from the SFS and Servicing Cart will be disposed. 13. Describe how and where the potable water tank(s) will be cleaned. Include any sanitizing solution and concentration to be used. 14. When Servicing Cart is proposed, show its storage location inside the permanent enclosed food facility. a. Questions 11-14. By having one wall of the SFS be the external wall of the PFF we are able to have full access to running water and drainage for an up to code hand washing sink within the SFS station. This keeps handwashing visible to the guests and within 5’ of anyone working the SFS station at all times. The hand sink will be maintained at the beginning of each shift to ensure hand soap and paper towels are ready available during service. Service Cart N/A.