B22-1128 - 26675 PASEO CAMPANILLA11/03/23 SE CORPORATE OFFICE ?we SEABREEZE 26840 Aliso Viejo Parkway |Suite 100 |Aliso Vieja.CA 92656 HAAN AGEMENT COMPANY ING P 949 855 1B00 |F 747.855 6678 |seabreezemgmt.com Fara |Pacer |trees September 7,2022 James Christiansen 26675 Paseo Campanilla San Juan Capistrano,CA 92675 Re:Pacifica San Juan Community Association Phase 4 Architectural Approval -26675 Paseo Campanilla Dear James Christiansen: Your architectural plans (Landscape,Hardscape)were reviewed by the Architectural Review Committee at their most recent Committee meeting. After review of the plans submitted,the Committee determined to approve your architectural application as submitted with the following comments: 9.6.22 Approved -Any changes to the approved plans must be submitted to management with an updated set of plans.Those plans will be sent to the architectural review committee for another review. -The plans and setbacks from all structures must be approved by the City of San Juan Capistrano.It is the Homeowner?s responsibility to obtain any required city and/or county permits. -All plants,walls and structures must be set back a minimum distance of 12?from the association maintained wrought iron fence. Please be advised that if your plans have been approved,they are subject to acquiring any required City/County permits (if applicable),and work must be completed within the timeframe as stipulated in your governing documents. If you should have any questions,please contact the Architectural Review Committee via Seabreeze Management Company. Respectfully, The Architectural Review Committee Pacifica San Juan Community Association #1059 (Seabreeze ?Aliso Viejo) PACIFICA SAN JUAN ASSOCIATION CONSULTING ARCHITECT REVIEW RECOMMENDATION AND NOTIFICATION LABELS Date:_2/1/2022 HOMEOWNER NAME:James &Vanessa Christiansen a ADDRESS:26675 Paseo Campanilla ?_ ?__.San Juan Capistrano,CA.92675 ee O)4 Submittal &5 Submittal OD 6t Submittal NO MODIFICATIONS,CHANGES,IMPROVEMENTS,ETC.ARE APPROVED ON ASSOCIATION MAINTAINED AREAS AND/OR PROPERTY,WHETHER NOTED ON PLANS OR NOT! CONSULTANT?S PLAN REVIEW RECOMMENDATION CO)NOT APPROVED &APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS Front &Back Yard &Notes on Plans SEE PLANS &Plan Review Letter Review CX Incomplete Submittal CL]Require Additional Information C]Plan Review Letter &Other _Root Barriers (Notes on Plans Consultant (Lr Date 9-6-2022 IMPORTANT NOTE: MAKE SURE TO THOROUGHLY READ AND APPLY ALL OF THE NOTES IN THE NOT APPROVED AND THE CONDITIONALLY APPROVED PORTIONS OF THE PLAN REVIEW LETTER, NOTE:IT IS THE HOMEOWNER?S SOLE RESPONSIBILITY TO FINALIZE ALL REQUIRED PERMITS AND SUBMIT REQUIRED FORMS WITH THE COUNTY/CITY.THIS INCLUDES COMPLETING ANY OF THE COUNTY'?SICITY?S CERTIFICATION OF INSTALLATION AND COMPLETION,WHICH IS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE HOMEOWNER?S LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OR INSTALLING CONTRACTOR AND SUBMITED TO THE COUNTY/CITY DEPARTMENT WHEN THE LANDSCAPING HAS BEEN FINISHED. PLANS ARE REVIEWED FOR CONFORMANCE WITH THE ASSOCIATION'S DESIGN GUIDELINES ON AN AESTHETIC BASIS ONLY. EXISTING WALLS ARE NOT ENGINEERED TO RETAIN SOIL OR ANY OTHER MATERIAL.A RETAINING WALL MAY BE REQUIRED TO PROTECT THE INTEGRITY OF THE EXISTING WALLS. Quwner assumes all liability and responsibility for any root damage from trees planted in their yards (including,but not limited to,walls and structures,utility lines,drainage and adjacent neighbor improvements) CAUTION!YOUR LOT HAS BEEN ENGINEERED AND GRADED TO ALLOW FOR PROPER DRAINAGE. CHANGES IN GRADING COULD CAUSE WATER DAMAGE,EROSION AND/OR SLOPE FAILURE. BUILDING PERMITS:The improvement(s)shown on these plans may/will require a building permit.For further information contact the appropriate county/city building department. LLAO-£77 (00 vAOVVia wL =.8/L J1VDS i ba hoe hadbhat Dead| _?-4 JDNIGISIY anion OOO WOUan eer ake YOOWY 199 JINIGISIY ON3931 a1V9S ON(8) TIVM NaSxoS LV TIVM WSSH9 GYNLSIO LON OF -SYNDDO SV TIVM 804 ONILOOd ALEYDNOD TTWM Ly 30vud HSINId SNUSIXS TIM ANS ALYadOud dO 39v3 ONY TIVM Wa3HD JO HOVE N33ML39 dv9 UlV HON Z WAWINIW SNVYSNAW JOOUdHALYM ONILOOA BLSYONOD ANY TIVM W33H9 SLIYONOD YO/ONV AYNOSVYW MAN YaLNVId G3Sive iv JOVuD MIN TWM N3SYOS SNIT ALY3dOYd ONLLSIXA A1v9S ON 3DN34 GOOM LV TIVM M3a3SH9 SYNLSIG LON 00-SYND30 S¥SLSOd FON34 ¥Od ONILOOA SLAYONOD FONAJ LV 30Ve9 HSINIS ONILSIXS $1SOd 3ON34 30 39V4 ONV TIVM X3aHo JO WOVE N3aM1L39 dv¥9 ulV HONI Z WNWININ ANVYEWAW JOOUdySLYM SNLLOOS SLSYONOD ONY TIVM WaaHo BLAYONOS YO/GNV AYNOSVW M3N YALNV1d G3SIva Lv 30veD MSN 3ONI3 NaSawOS N3GOOM ANIT ALYad0ud SNILSIXA PLAN CHECK REVIEW LETTER PACIFICA SAN JUAN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION eee IMPORTANT FUEL MODIFICATION NOTE YOUR YARD AREA MAY CONTAIN IMPORTANT RESTRICTIONS REGARDING FUEL MODIFICATION REQUIREMENTS THAT CAN IMPACT BOTH THE HARDSCAPE AND LANDSCAPE ELEMENTS./T 1S THE HOMEOWNER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO CHECK ON THEIR IMPACT UPON THEIR LOT AND TO MAKE ALL REQUIRED SUBMITTALS AND OBTAIN ALL REQUIRED APPROVALS FROM THE GOVERNING AGENCIES PRIOR TO COMMENCING ANY WORK.APPROVAL BY THE ASSOCIATION DOES NOT TAKE THE PLACE OF THE REQUIRED FUEL MODIFICATION SUBMITTALS AND APPROVALS.SUBMITTALS FOR FUEL MODIFICATION REVIEW IS SEPARATE FROM ANY ASSOCIATION REVIEW.THE SUBMITTAL FOR FUEL MODIFICATION REVIEW AND APPROVAL IS IMPORTANT TO THE SAFETY OF YOUR HOME AND FAMILY AND THOSE OF OTHERS WITHIN THE COMMUNITY. Please be conscious of the following items during installation of your improvements. 1.Do not change the grade adjacent to existing walis 4 Fences 2.During the installation process,follow the "Drainage Suggestions"Found below. Suggested Drainage Guidelines: All plant beds and paved areas must slope to drain at a minimum rate of 1%or 1/8?per foot with a slope of 2%or %?per foot preferred. ¢All drainpipes must drain at a minimum of 4%or 1/16?per foot with a slope of 1%or 1/8?per foot preferred. All grades in plant beds must be held a minimum of6 inches below adjacent finish floor and 4 inches below the adjacent metal house screed All grades in plant beds must be held a minimum of6 inches below the top of adjacent planter or retaining wall. All plant bed grades adjacent to existing walls or fences are not to be changed All finish surfaces of paving elements are to be held below the adjacent metal house screed All plant beds and paving are to slope and drain away from the house Utilize domed grates on catch basins in plant bed areas 3.Make sure to provide adequate drain inlets and drain lines to accommodate the yard improvements. 4.NO CHANGES,MODIFICATIONS,OR ALTERATIONS ARE TO BE MADE TO ASSOCIATION MAINTAINED AREAS.ANY CHANGE MADE TO THE ASSOCIATION MAINTAINED AREAS ARE NOT APPROVED WHETHER NOTED ON PLANS OR NOT. 5.All architectural improvements must be compatible with the architectural character of the cf community and must match the style,materials,and details of the original design of the house. 6.NOIMPROVEMENTS ARE TO BE ATTACHED TO THE EXISTING PROPERTY LINE FENCE/WALLS. ADDRESS:__#26675 Paseo Campanillaoe PLAN CHECK REVIEW LETTER PACIFICA SAN JUAN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION FRONT YARD (hardscape)- 7.Exterior materials,stucco,block,stone,etc.is to match the existing house materials and architectural style. &.Hold walls and pilasters a minimum of 3 Ft.clear from the back of the sidewalk. 4.Overall height of Front yard walls cannot exceed 30 inches. 10.Front yard pilasters do not exceed 36 inches in height. 11.Do not widen the driveway limits provided by the original builder by more than 2 ft.on a side or 3 6 ft.on one side. 12.Walkways that parallel the sidewalk or front property line shall be setback a minimum 3Ft. 13.Abalance of landscaping and hardscape is encouraged in all areas visible From the street and/or common area.Hardscape in these areas should be limited to 25%. 14.Service walk from driveway to rear yard area is not to exceed 4ft in width. 15.One hundred percent (100%)of the un-paved Found plane visible to the street must be covered with plant material. °Exposed areas of dirt are not permitted,and decomposed granite,bark, or decorative rock is limited to 10%. WATER FEATURES- 16.Top of ALL WATER FEATURE ELEMENTS are not to exceed the top of the adjacent property line wall/Fence or eft,whichever is most restrictive. Make sure all pool/spa equipment is visually screened and the noise attenuated17. for the adjacent lots. 18.Filter and heating equipment ?All equipment shall be completely screened from the street and common areas.Filter,heating,and other pool support equipment shall be located no closer than twenty (20)Feet From any neighboring dwelling,unless such equipment is placed behind a noise barrier enclosure to minimum the impact of the neighbor(s). 19.Pools,spas,raised bond beam with planters,etc.CANNOT retain against the property line Fences and wall.All structures are to be self-supporting and cannot be back-filled against the existing perimeter fences ¢walls. LT ADDRESS:__#26675 Paseo Campanilla PLAN CHECK REVIEW LETTER PACIFICA SAN JUAN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION 20.Pools and spas cannot interfere with the existing drainage system on the surface or underground.All proper setbacks must be met.Noise barriers are required for pumps and motors. EXTERIOR FIRE STRUCTURES- 21.Exterior materials,stucco,block,stone,etc.is to match the existing house materials and architectural style. 22.Setbacks and installation of exterior Fire structures (barbeque,fire pits, Fireplaces,etc.)and underground lines shall comply with local jurisdiction. 23.Barbeque must be setback a minimum 3ft clear from the view Fences installed by the Builder. GATES,FENCES,WALLS,¢PILASTERS- No improvements are to be attached to the perimeter fences and walls (side and rear) 24.Motorized vehicular gates are NOT permitted 25.Exterior materials,stucco,block,stone,etc.is to match the existing house materials and architectural style. Hold walls and pilasters a minimum of 3 ft.clear from the back of the sidewalk. GATES:are to match the existing architectural style,color scheme,and consistent with the overall community. Overall height of gates,Fences,walls and/or fence and wall combination are not to exceed 6ft.or height OF adjacent property line wall/Fence,whichever is most restrictive. 26. 27. 28. 25.Existing fences ¢walls are not designed to retain dirt from raisedplanters. Provide four inch minimum width waterproof flash-wall with a minimum 2-inch air gap between any new raised planter wall and existing Fence/wall. 30.DECK ABOVE 30-INCHES e Any decks constructed thirty (30)inches or more above finished grade shall meet the City of San Juan Capistrano's Municipal Code minimum setback requirements for a detached accessory structure.Walls and view Fences installed by the developer and builder shall be considered the property boundary for calculating minimum distance. it is the homeowner's responsibility to obtain all necessary city approval for any deck greater than (30)inches.Proof of city approval will be a a ADDRESS:__#26675 Paseo Campanilla PLAN CHECK REVIEW LETTER PACIFICA SAN JUAN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION required to be submitted with Notice of Completion.Setbacks for decks lower than 30 inches shall match the height of the proposed deck,i.€.,a 24-inch-high deck shall have a 24-inch setback. EXTERIOR LIGHTING- 31.Exterior lighting is to be low voltage. 32.Overly ornate light fixtures or commercial light Fixtures are not permitted. 33.No exterior lighting placed so as to cause an unreasonable glare or iNlumination on any other private property or common area. 34.The use of timers or motion sensors is recommended to keep lights off when not needed such as when residences retire for the night. 35.Overall height of posts and light Fixtures cannot exceed the height of the adjacent property line Fence/walls. PLANTING INFORMATION- 36.PARKWAY: e Real turf,rosemary,Green Carpet Carissa (Carissa macrocarpa),or Myoporum parvifolium ?PINK?or ?WHITE?. e The following artificial turf products are now permitted in the parkway area per the Board of Directors: i.LITA Premium il.Tiger Turf iii.STR NETS «Approvable trees: i.Crystal Downs North,Ocean Hills,€Trade Winds ?California Sycamore,Natchez Crape Myrtle 37.PLANTING MATERIAL NOT LISTED ON THE APPROVED PLANT PALETTE ATTACHED TO LETTER IS NOT APPROVED AND CANNOT BE INSTALLED, WHETHER NOTED ON THE PLANS OR NOT,IF PLANTING MATERIAL NOT LISTED ON THE APPROVED PALETTE NAS OVERLOOKED BY REVIEWER,IT DOES NOT MEAN THAT IT IS APPROVED.Only approved planting material is permitted and approved. ed ADDRESS:__#26675 Paseo Campanilla PLAN CHECK REVIEW LETTER PACIFICA SAN JUAN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION e Variations ofplant species is not approvable.ONLY those plants with the same botanical name are approvable.Any alternative is not the same plant and will not be approved. 38.Owner assumes all liability and responsibility for any root damage from trees planted in their yards (including,but not limited to,walls and structures,utility lines,drainage and adjacent neighbor improvements) 34.Ground cover should be planted with a minimum spacing of twelve (12)inches on center. 40.One hundred percent (100%)of the un-paved found plane visible to the street must be covered with plant material. °Exposed areas of dirt are not permitted,and decomposed granite,bark, or decorative rock is limited to 10%. 41.FRONT YARD:Planting should be spaced so as to cover about eighty percent (20%)of the plant bed area when First planted. e If the density of planting material is not sufficient after a growing season, the Board has the authority to request that the homeowner install more plant to aesthetically blend in with the surrounding community.IF plant material dies soon after installed,the homeowner is responsible for replacing the failing plants. 42.Make sure to retain/install shrubs,vines and ground covers in planter beds,at the base of the house,walls and Fences. 43.NO areas of bare dirt are to be visible. 44,Rocks are to be earth toned in color (orowns &greys). e Nowhite,almost white,or vivid colors are permitted. e Exposed areas of DG,bark,or decorative rock are limited to 10%-All other areas must be covered with planting and mulch. TREE NOTES- 45.All trees installed within 5ft of most structures (fences,houses, walls,etc.)should have ROOT BARRIERS to prevent root invasion. 46,At least once a week,pick up and dispose of any fruit on the ground or that is spoiling in the tree. ADDRESS:__#26675 Paseo Campanilla