B22-1132 - 26460 PASEO TRANQUILAFINAL 02/07/2024 XX X 1 Lisa La From:engcounter <engcounter@smwd.com> Sent:Thursday, September 1, 2022 2:59 PM To:Robert Karalian; Building Department Cc:Webster, Tanner; engcounter Subject:RE: County or City plan check number [The e‐mail below is from an external source. Please do not open attachments or click links from an unknown or  suspicious origin.]  Good afternoon, This address has been cleared by SMWD. There are no impacts to public water and sewer. Thanks,          Betsy Parkinson Administrative Assistant  O: 949-459-6612 M: 949-433-6933   smwd.com                From: Robert Karalian <xobg64@gmail.com>   Sent: Thursday, September 1, 2022 2:54 PM  To: engcounter <engcounter@smwd.com>  Subject: Re: County or City plan check number    Here are numbers I have, if not what you have requested, please let me know.  Thank you,    Permit number: B22 ‐ 1132    Check No: 20460554        On Sep 1, 2022, at 2:28 PM, engcounter <engcounter@smwd.com> wrote:    Hi Robert,     Can you please provide me with a City Plan Check number for this project?     Thank you!     <image001.png>     Betsy Parkinson  Administrative Assistant    2 O: 949-459-6612  M: 949-433-6933    smwd.com       <image003.png>  <image004.png>  <image005.png>       From: Robert Karalian <xobg64@gmail.com>   Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2022 4:34 PM  To: engcounter <engcounter@smwd.com>  Subject: County or City plan check number     1. County or City plan check number‐(please put this in the subject line of the email)  2. Address of project:  26460 Paseo Tranquila, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675  3. Tract and lot number:  TR 16751 ‐  lot 22  4. Description of the project:  Addition of 460 SF to the existing single level residence  5. Are plumbing changes involved—Yes or No?   NO  6. If Yes, describe the plumbing changes   7. Will there be any additional connections made to the existing sewer and/or water lines in the  street? Please state the answer to this questions in a compete sentence:  NO there will be NO additional connections made to the existing sewer and/or water lines in the  street  8. Contact name and phone number:  Robert Karalian   Phone: (949) 606‐2678    ***** Please note that email correspondence with the City of San Juan Capistrano, along with attachments, may be  subject to the California Public Records Act, and therefore may be subject to disclosure unless otherwise exempt.   26460 Paseo Tranquila R obert Karalian & Sergio Molina 3West Environmental, Inc.Page 1 of 7 3 WEST ENVIRON MEN TAL, IN C. 949-482-1357 info@3westenviro.com https://www.3westenviro.com LIMITE D ASBESTOS SAMPLING REPORT 26460 Pas eo Tranqui la San Juan Capi s trano, CA 92675 Robert Karal ian & Sergi o Molina MARCH 7, 2023 In spector Ti mothy Maskew CAC, CM I , CDP H -I /A 949-482-1357 info@ 3west env iro .co m 26460 Paseo Tranquila R obert Karalian & Sergio Molina 3West Environmental, Inc.Page 2 of 7 TAB LE OF CONTENTS 1: No Asbestos Detected 2: Requir ements , Recommendations & Limitations 3: P ro to col 4: Cer ticatio ns & Ac c reditatio ns 5: Attachments 3 4 5 6 7 26460 Paseo Tranquila R obert Karalian & Sergio Molina 3West Environmental, Inc.Page 3 of 7 No Asbestos (ACM or ACCM) Detected 3West Env ironmental, I nc. was ret ained by Robert Karalian t o conduct L imited Asbest o s Sampling at 26460 P aseoTranquila, San Juan Capist rano, CA 92675 due t o suspect ACM being im pact ed in the process o f a planned renov atio n act iv it y . The site v isit occurred on 03/07/2023 by t he inspector shown in sect ion 4. Please see sect ion 4 for t he certicat ions of3West Env ironmental personnel, as well as t he accredit at ions fo r the labo rat o ry used for any sampling. As a result of t he Limit ed Asbestos Sam pling conduct ed, it was found that ACM or ACCM : W as n ot  dete c t e d on the materials/areas listed below and att ached o o r plan. M aterials that t est positiv e at >1% asbest os are regulat ed by the EPA, Cal/OSH A, and Sout h Coast Air Qualit y M anagement Dist rict (Rule 1403). M aterials wit h results <1% asbest os v ia P LM are also considered >1% asbestos unlessveried t o cont ain <1% asbest o s v ia 1,000 P o int Count . # Of Bulk Samples Collected 9 Bul k Samp les Areas/Materials: No Asbestos Detected Sampl e ID Mat erial Loca tion Cond/ Fria bl e Asbestos Cont e nt Approx Qty 1 A,B,C Drywall w/Joint Compound Wa lls/ Cei ling G/F None De tected ~250 SF 2 A,B,C Fe l t Pa per Roof G/N F None De tected ~200 SF 3 A,B,C Stucco E xt erior G/N F None De tected ~250 SF 1: NO ASBESTOS DETECTED Informati on section-Mj Rl ODQwZjAtZj ZlN y00ZTAwLTkxYzctYTM 0ODcxNGY3N jU0 26460 Paseo Tranquila R obert Karalian & Sergio Molina 3West Environmental, Inc.Page 4 of 7 Specic A reas This asbest o s sampling was limited to the follo wing areas: Dry wall wit h joint compound on the walls and ceiling Felt paper on the roof St ucco o n t he exterior I f o ther suspect Asbestos Co ntaining M at erials (ACM ) will be dist urbed then these need t o be tested prio r to beingdisturbed or reno v at ed. Structure Hou se Levels 1 Structural or Fire Damage, if any N one Observed Foundation Sl ab-on -grade Year Built 2018 Square Footage 2,615 Sketch Attach ed Bulk Sampling Limitations 3West Environmental, Inc. provided limited asbestos sampling of agreed upon areas and materials. Some materials may be hidden, which are not included in this sampling. Further assessment of suspect Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) may be accomplished by a more compr ehensiv e sur v ey. The samples collected for testing ar e believed to be representative of the area(s) evaluated. However, if additional suspect Asbestos Containing Materials are found during renovation or remediation activities, these materials should be sampled by qualied per sonnel, and analyzed for content prior to further disturbance. Quantities of ACM are approximate. These number s should be conrmed prior to r emoval, r epair, or remediation activities.  No warr anty , expressed or implied, is made regar ding the professional opinions pr esented in this report. Var iations in site conditions may exist and conditions not observed or descr ibed in this r eport may be encounter ed during subsequent activities.  Our conclusions, recommendations, and opinions ar e based on an analysis of the obser v ed site conditions. It should be understood that the conditions of a site can change with time as a result of natural processes or the activities of man at the subject site or nearby sites. In addition, changes to the applicable laws, regulations, codes, and standards of practice may occur due to gover nment action or the broadening of knowledge. The ndings of this report may , therefore, be invalidated ov er time, in part or in whole, unless evaluated again. General Contractor Asbestos Co ntaining M at erials were not present in t he m at erials sampled in the areas listed. A G eneral Contractor is ab le to work on thes e areas /materials tes ted as it relates to no as b es tos b eing d etected . An as b es tos ab atement contractor is not need ed on these areas/materials. H o wev er, if ot her suspect Asbest o s Cont aining M aterials (ACM ) will be disturbed t hen t hese need to be t est ed prior t o being dist urbed o r renov ated. 2: REQUIREMENTS, R ECOMMENDATIONS & LIMITATIONS Informati on section-NmRmYWI1OWUtYWUzN i00YWU4LWI4ZmItZTQyZj BiYmNmNzU5 26460 Paseo Tranquila R obert Karalian & Sergio Molina 3West Environmental, Inc.Page 5 of 7 Testing Protocol: Bulk Sampling Protocol Bulk sampling was in acco rdance with the AH ERA inspectio n pro tocol as list ed in 40 CF R 763.86. 763.86   Sam pling. (a) Surfacing mat erial. An accredit ed inspect o r shall collect, in a stat ist ically random manner t hat is representat iv e ofthe homo geneous area, bulk samples fro m each ho mogeneo us area of friable surfacing material t hat is not assumed t o be ACM , and shall co llect t he samples as follo ws: (1) At least three bulk samples shall be co llect ed from each homogeneous area that is 1,000 ft2 or less, ex cept asprovided in 763.87(c)(2). (2) At least v e bulk samples shall be co llect ed from each ho mogeneo us area that is greater t han 1,000 ft 2 but less t han or equal t o 5,000 ft2, ex cept as prov ided in 763.87(c)(2). (3) At least sev en bulk samples shall be collected fro m each homo geneous area t hat is great er t han 5,000 ft2, ex cept as prov ided in 763.87(c)(2). (b) Thermal sy stem insulat ion. (1) Except as prov ided in paragraphs (b) (2) t hrough (4) of this sect ion and 763.87(c), anaccredited inspect or shall collect, in a rando mly dist ributed manner, at least three bulk samples from eachhomogeneous area of t hermal sy stem insulatio n t hat is not assumed t o be ACM . (2) Co llect at least o ne bulk sample fro m each homo geneous area of pat ched thermal sy st em insulat ion t hat is not assumed to be ACM if t he patched sectio n is less than 6 linear or square feet . (3) In a manner sucient t o det ermine whether t he mat erial is ACM o r no t ACM , co llect bulk samples from each insulated mechanical sy stem t hat is not assumed t o be ACM where cem ent or plast er is used on tt ings such as t ees, elbo ws, or v alv es, ex cept as pro v ided under 763.87(c)(2). (4) Bulk samples are no t required t o be collected fro m any ho mogeneo us area where the accredited inspect or has det ermined that t he t herm al sy stem insulat ion is berglass, fo am glass, rubber, o r o ther non-ACBM . (c) M iscellaneous material. I n a manner sucient t o determine whet her mat erial is ACM o r no t ACM , an accredit edinspector shall collect bulk samples from each ho mogeneo us area o f friable miscellaneous material that is no t assumedto be ACM . (d) N onfriable suspect ed ACBM . I f any ho mogeneous area o f no nfriable suspected ACBM is not assumed t o be ACM , t hen an accredited inspect or shall co llect , in a manner sucient to determine whet her the material is ACM or not ACM ,bulk samples fro m the homogeneo us area of nonfriable suspect ed ACBM t hat is not assumed t o be ACM . Testing Protocol: PLM Analysis Samples were analy zed v ia the EPA recommended m et hod of Polarized Light M icroscopy (PLM ) in acco rdance with EP ATest M et hod 600/R-93/116. Bulk Samples were analy zed in acco rdance wit h t he AH ERA prot o col as listed in 40 CFR 763.87. Testing Protocol: Bulk Limits Asbestos Co ntaining M at erials (ACM ) hav e an asbestos cont ent great er t han 1%. Asbestos Co ntaining Constructio n M aterials (ACCM ) hav e an asbestos cont ent great er than 0.1%. Because of the limit atio ns of P L M analy sis, if t he Bulk Samples analy zed v ia PLM are found t o cont ain <1% asbest o s t hen t his is co nsidered ACM . I n order to be classied as ACCM t hese samples would need t o be analy zed v ia "1,000 P o int Count " and v eried t ocontain <1% asbest o s.  3: PROTOCOL Informati on section-MzEzYTI4OTctN mFh Zi00ZDg2LThj ZDUtNzN h Nj d mMTBhMDQx 26460 Paseo Tranquila R obert Karalian & Sergio Molina 3West Environmental, Inc.Page 6 of 7 Inspector Certications: CAC This inspec tion & sur vey wer e performed by Timothy Maskew o f 3West Environmental, Inc. CAC Cer t: 22-7195 Exp 10/21/23 This inspection & r epo rt wer e co nsulted & reviewed by Ro ber t Pilzer. CAC Cer t: 96-2024 Exp 9/9/23 Timothy Maskew 205 Avenida Del Mar #210 San Clemente, CA 92674 310-400-0195 Robert P ilz er (hecobp@yahoo.com) 205 Avenida D el Mar #210 San Clemente, CA 92674 562-705-9891 LABS: NVLAP: EMLAB P&K - Tustin, CA N V L AP L ab Code: 200757-0 Eurons EM Lab P &K, LLC 2841 Dow Av enue, Suite 300 Tust in, CA 92780 Dan Shelby Phone: 623-298-1015 Email: dan.shelby @ euronset .co m ht t ps://www.em lab.com/about /accredit at ions/ 4: CER TIFICATIONS & ACCREDITATIONS Informati on section-MGI1N DA0M TAtOTVlMS00NTN mLWFh Nj ktM DU1Mjl mMDZmODA4 26460 Paseo Tranquila R obert Karalian & Sergio Molina 3West Environmental, Inc.Page 7 of 7 Attachments Lab Resul ts, Chai n of Cu stody, Fl oor Pl an , NVLAP 5: ATTACHMENTS Informati on section-OTdi ZDg4Nj ctZGQzNS00Yzg5LWI0MTItZWN mZmY3ZGE1N DBi