PC Resolution-24-07-10-01PC RESOLUTION NO. 24-07-10-01 Sale Consistent with General Plan RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, FINDING THAT THE SALE OF THE 6.78-ACRE MISSION TRAILS PROPERTY LOCATED AT 28432 CALLE ARROYO (APN: 664-071- 01), TO PAUL J. VALENZUELA IS CONSISTENT WITH THE GENERAL PLAN WHEREAS, the City of San Juan Capistrano ("City") currently owns in fee an approximately 6. 78-acre parcel located at 28432 Calle Arroyo (APN: 664-071-01) commonly known as Mission Trails; and WHEREAS, for the preservation of equestrian uses within the community, the City intends to sell the Mission Trails parcel to Paul J. Valenzuela pursuant to the Purchase and Sale Agreement approved by the City Council on May 7, 2024; and WHEREAS, California law allows the City to dispose of property if doing so furthers the common benefit, health, safety, and general welfare of its citizens, and provided the disposition is in conformance with the City's adopted General Plan; and WHEREAS, upon and after the disposition, Paul J. Valenzuela will continue to use the Mission Trails property pursuant to the Equestrian Stable Restrictive Covenant, more specifically described in Exhibit B to the aforementioned Purchase and Sale Agreement, which will be recorded against the property prior to transfer indicating allowed uses on the property are restricted to active equestrian stable operations, including the creation and maintenance of facilities and stables for the purpose of accommodating and training equines and engaging in equestrian activities and providing complementary equestrian services. Other uses permitted by the City's General Plan and Zoning are also permissible so long as such other allowed uses are accessory to an active equestrian stable operation; and WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Element of the City's General Plan focuses on the provision and maintenance of parks, recreational facilities and hiking, biking and equestrian trails within the City. The Parks and Recreation Element includes the following discussion of Private Recreational Facilities and Equestrian Lifestyle: Private Recreational Facilities There are three types of private recreation within the City -golf courses, equestrian centers and athletic clubs. The majority of these facilities, though privately owned, are open to the public subject to a user fee. These provide for a variety of local recreational needs including golf, horseback riding, swimming, racket sports, court sports and aerobics. In addition, many of the homeowners associations provide neighborhood recreational facilities within their units, consisting of pools, courts and parkland. Although these facilities are not available to all City residents, they provide an important level of recreation provision. The City will continue to implement its policies and programs which encourage the provision and maintenance of private recreational facilities and affordable equestrian centers. 1 of 3 PC Resolution 24-07-10-01 July 10. 2024 Equestrian Lifestyle San Juan Capistrano's rural environment has been and continues to be enhanced by its equestrian facilities. Such facilities offer a unique form of recreation for both children and adults. This unique relationship between a horse and a person also has become a recognized form of physical therapy for those with disabilities. The General Plan makes provisions for the continuation and expansion of opportunities for equestrian stables and support facilities in order to maintain and protect this valuable asset to the quality of life of the community. WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Element also includes the following two policies related to equestrian uses: • Policy 2.2: Preserve the equestrian lifestyle by designating land for the preservation or provision of new equestrian facilities. • Policy 2.3: Encourage the affordable provision of equestrian facilities within the City. WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code Section 65402, the Planning Commission has hereby considered whether the City's disposition of the Mission Trails parcel is in conformance with the City's adopted General Plan, and based on staff presentations and reports, and other evidence presented to and considered by the Planning Commission during the meeting on this matter, the Planning Commission finds as follows: • The sale of the City-owned Mission Trails property to Paul J. Valenzuela for the continuation of equestrian stable operations in perpetuity is consistent with the goals, policies, and objectives of the Parks and Recreation Element of the General Plan. WHEREAS, in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this matter is exempt from CEQA on multiple grounds. First, under State CEQA Guidelines, section 15312, the matter is categorically exempt pursuant to a Class 12 categorical exemption for surplus government property sales. The City may sell surplus government property except for parcels of land located in an area of statewide, regional, or area wide concern identified in the State CEQA Guidelines Section 15206(b )( 4 ). The parcel that the City proposes to sell is not located in an area of statewide, regional, or area wide concern identified in the State CEQA Guidelines Section 15206(b)(4). As a separate and fully independent justification, this matter is also categorically exempt from CEQA review pursuant to a Class 1 categorical exemption for existing facilities under State CEQA Guidelines, section 15301. The property is proposed to be sold for continuation of existing uses. There will be no change in the existing use of the site. None of the exceptions to the categorical exemptions in State CEQA Guidelines, section 15300.2, applies. Further, any future project proposed for the Mission Trails site would be subject to separate CEQA review. 2 of 3 PC Resolution 24-07-10-01 July 10, 2024 NOW, THEREFORE, after consideration of the staff report and all the information, testimony, and evidence presented at the Planning Commission meeting, the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano resolves that: SECTION 1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and incorporated fully in this resolution. SECTION 2. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65402(a), the Planning Commission finds that the City's disposition of the Mission Trails parcel conforms to the City of San Juan Capistrano General Plan. SECTION 3. This Planning Commission Resolution shall be submitted to the City Council as evidence of the Planning Commission's determination in this regard in connection with the City Council's consideration thereof. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the San Juan Capistrano Planning Commission on this 10th day of July 2024. 3 of 3 e t Services Director ecretary