B23-1019 - 26112 PASEO MINEROFINAL 4/24/24 1 Building Department From:Parkinson, Elizabeth <betsyp@smwd.com> Sent:Monday, July 24, 2023 9:05 AM To:steve sprenger; Building Department Cc:Webster, Tanner; engcounter Subject:Sanitation Clearance - 26112 Paseo Minero SJC [The e-mail below is from an external source. Please do not open attachments or click links from an unknown or suspicious origin.] Good morning, This address has been cleared by SMWD. There are no impacts to Public Water and Sewer. Thank you, Betsy Parkinson Administrative Assistant O: 949-459-6612 M: 949-433-6933 smwd.com From: steve sprenger <orioncon@cox.net> Sent: Friday, July 21, 2023 2:51 PM To: Parkinson, Elizabeth <betsyp@smwd.com> Cc: engcounter <engcounter@smwd.com> Subject: Re: Sanitation Clearance - 26112 Paseo Minero SJC ATTENTION: This email was sent from an external source. Please be careful when clicking links or attachments. Sanitation Clearance answers to 8 questions below B23-1019 City of San Juan Capistrano 26112 Paseo Minero Tract 9299, Lot 7 Interior remodel of kitchen, master bath, 2 secondary baths Yes Relocation and replacement of fixtures including kitchen sink, 3 toilets, 6 lavs, 3 showers and 1 tub. NO new fixture units added No Steve Sprenger 949-489-9463 2 - - Orion Construction San Juan Capistrano, Ca 949-489-9463 www.orioncon.net facebook.com/orioncon From: "Parkinson, Elizabeth" <betsyp@smwd.com> Date: Friday, July 21, 2023 at 2:48 PM To: steve sprenger <orioncon@cox.net> Cc: engcounter <engcounter@smwd.com> Subject: Sanitation Clearance - 26112 Paseo Minero SJC Hopefully this will work in getting the Sanitation Clearance through to us. Thanks, Betsy Parkinson Administrative Assistant O: 949-459-6612 M: 949-433-6933 smwd.com ***** Please note that email correspondence with the City of San Juan Capistrano, along with attachments, may be subject to the California Public Records Act, and therefore may be subject to disclosure unless otherwise exempt. Vector Environmental Consulting Inc. 2913 El Camino Real #504 Tustin, California 92782 Phone: (949) 526-4510 Asbestos Inspection Report Site Information: 26112 Paseo Minero San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Owner Information: Tim Greenleaf Engineering 16652 Burke Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Date: June 29th, 2023 1 Vector Environmental Consulting Inc. 2913 El Camino Real #504 Tustin, California 92782 Phone: (949) 526-4510 Date: June 29th, 2023 Site Information: 26112 Paseo Minero San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Owner Information: Tim Greenleaf Engineering 16652 Burke Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92647 Subject: Asbestos Inspection Report Vector Environmental Consulting Inc. conducted a comprehensive pre-renovation asbestos inspection at the above-referenced address. All suspect materials were sampled in accordance with the regulations. Sampling methodology, laboratory reports and recommendations can be found on subsequent pages of this report. Regulatory Requirements EPA's air toxics regulation for asbestos is intended to minimize the release of asbestos fibers during activities involving the handling of asbestos. Air toxics regulations under the Clean Air Act specify work practices for asbestos to be followed during demolitions and renovations of all facilities, including, but not limited to, structures, installations, and buildings. The regulations require a thorough inspection where the demolition or renovation operation will occur. The EPA’s regulations (40 CFR 61 Subpart M) in reference to asbestos containing materials are enforced locally by Air Pollution Control Districts and/or Air Quality Management Districts. South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) is the governing agency regarding asbestos containing materials in Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. Their rule 1403 mandates all sampling requirements and regulates the removal and disposal of asbestos containing materials within these regions. Other areas such as San Diego County utilize different regulatory authorities, such as, San Diego Air Pollution Control Division and their rule 1206 for local enforcement of asbestos. Ensure your contactor and/or consultant follow the local regulations required for inspections and removals. 2 Sampling Methodology Vector Environmental staff adheres to all federal and local regulations during inspections. Our staff utilizes safe work practices during all sampling procedures to ensure the occupants of the structure are not exposed to unwanted hazardous materials. Our inspections range from visual verification and assumptions to physical sampling and laboratory analysis. Sampling of materials during this inspection comply with the provisions of 40 CFR Part 763.86. David G Johnson (CAC #22-6940) conducted this inspection on June 26th, 2023. Vector Environmental incorporates the use of leak tight containers and physical markings to identify the location, and sample type of the material collected. These samples are further logged on a chain of custody and sampling diagram, both of which, can be found on ensuing pages of this report. All sampling was conducted following the provision of 40 CFR Part 763.86. All of the samples collected during our inspection are transferred to an accredited laboratory who has participated in the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP). Vector Environmental utilizes the services of EmLab P&K, LLC (NVLAP 200757-0) 2841 Dow Avenue, Suite 300, Tustin, CA 92780 (866) 465-6653. Laboratory Analysis Laboratories are required to adhere to an additional set of regulations (40 CFR part 763, Section 1, Appendix A, Polarized Light Microscopy) to analyze bulk samples of suspected asbestos containing materials. A low-power binocular microscope, preferably stereoscopic, is used to examine the bulk samples received by the investigator. Bulk samples of building materials taken for the identification and quantitation of asbestos are first examined for homogeneity at low magnification with the aid of a stereomicroscope. Once the homogeneity is determined the samples are analyzed by each present layer. The samples are commonly reported in % by weight. Asbestos containing materials are materials found to contain greater than one percent asbestos by weight utilizing Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM); However, this analysis is not without it flaws. PLM analysis is only accurate down to ten percent of a materials’ weight. Thus, any result found to contain anything less than ten percent is the laboratory’s best guess at composition. When a material contains suspected fibers in such a low concentration that a laboratory technician cannot accurately determine if the material is likely over one percent, a less than one percent or “trace” asbestos result is given. If a less than one percent or “trace” asbestos result is received, a Certified Asbestos Consultant (CAC) is required to either assume the material to contain greater than one percent or conduct further analysis of the material utilizing the 1000 point-count method (EPA 40CFR App E to Sub E of Part 763 & EPA METHOD 600/R-93-116, SOP EM-AS-S-1262). Once the materials have been accurately analyzed utilizing this method, reports can reveal a content of as low as less than one tenth of one percent. These results are then interpreted by the CAC and determined the regulations implicated on the materials. Even trace amounts of asbestos can be regulated by agencies other than the EPA, such as, OSHA. 3 Suspect Materials Suspect materials are an indicator of sampling requirements within a structure. Areas can be considered homogeneous in composition of the materials are of like condition, application, and age. These homogeneous areas are compiled to determine the number of samples required for each material. As the consultant a CAC makes the determination for homogenous areas. With this information the consultant determines the number of samples needed for an accurate representation of the structure’s composition. Examples of Suspect Materials (including but not limited to): • Vinyl Floor Tile • Flooring Mastic • Plaster • Drywall & Joint Compound • Window Putty • Linoleum • Acoustic Ceiling Texture • Ducting & Registers • Composition Roofing • Penetration & Patch Mastic • Stucco • Asphalt • Concrete Vector Environmental uses this information to determine the sampling areas of a structure and compiles our data for use in the field. The above-mentioned materials are NOT inclusive of ALL suspect materials; rather, an example of materials that could potentially contain asbestos within a structure. Below is a List of Suspect Materials Collected During This Inspection: • Drywall • Joint Compound • Stucco Results As mentioned earlier in this document Vector Environmental collects these samples and submits them to an accredited laboratory for analysis. EmLab P&K, LLC (NVLAP 200757-0) 2841 Dow Avenue, Suite 300, Tustin, CA 92780 (866) 465-6653.was utilized for this project. The table below illustrates the materials at the site that were determined by the laboratory to contain greater than one percent asbestos by weight. Some areas may be combined for homogeneity during the inspections process. Therefore, some areas of similar condition found at the site may not be sampled specifically. The quantities provided in the table below are an estimation of the materials on site and should not be used for bidding purposes. It is the responsibility of the contractor to conduct “take-offs” for their own work. 4 Asbestos: Material Location Quantity No Asbestos Detected Summary Although we aggressively search all areas of the structure (wall cavities, plenums, etc.) additional suspect materials and/or debris may be present in concealed spaces but will only be accessible during the course of demolition activities. Care must be exercised when accessing these areas. Any suspect materials encountered during the course of demolition/renovation activities that were not previously sampled must be presumed to be asbestos containing until sampled and proven otherwise. Vector Environmental Consulting Inc. David G Johnson President Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise # 2026880 Certified Asbestos Consultant #22-6940 Lead Inspector/ Assessor #9289 Site Diagram(s) Site Diagram 4 5 6 1 2 3 Notes: Legend In some cases samples have been taken from structures built in the same era of construction, and considered homogeneous in other structures. Sample Numbers Are Noted In Red Sampling Table Asbestos Sampling Data Vector Environmental Consulting Inc. Date:June 29th, 2023 Collected By:David Johnson Location:26112 Paseo Minero Building # Material Sample #Results Condition F/NF Sample Location 26112 Drywall & Joint Compound 1 ND Good N/A Interior Walls & Ceilings 26112 Drywall & Joint Compound 2 ND Good N/A Interior Walls & Ceilings 26112 Drywall & Joint Compound 3 ND Good N/A Interior Walls & Ceilings 26112 Stucco 4 ND Good N/A Exterior Walls 26112 Stucco 5 ND Good N/A Exterior Walls 26112 Stucco 6 ND Good N/A Exterior Walls ND- No Asbestos Detected NF- Non-Friable F- Friable 1 Laboratory Reports Approved by: Approved Signatory Danny Li Report for: David Johnson Vector Environmental Consulting Inc. 2913 El Camino Real #504 Tustin, CA 92782 Regarding: Eurofins EPK Built Environment Testing, LLC Project: San Juan Capistrano; 26112 Paseo Minero EML ID: 3303091 All samples were received in acceptable condition unless noted in the Report Comments portion in the body of the report. The results relate only to the samples as received and tested. The results include an inherent uncertainty of measurement associated with estimating percentages by polarized light microscopy. Measurement uncertainty data for sample results with >1% asbestos concentration can be provided when requested. Eurofins EPK Built Environment Testing, LLC ("the Company"), a member of the Eurofins Built Environment Testing group of companies, shall have no liability to the client or the client's customer with respect to decisions or recommendations made, actions taken or courses of conduct implemented by either the client or the client's customer as a result of or based upon the Test Results. In no event shall the Company be liable to the client with respect to the Test Results except for the Company's own willful misconduct or gross negligence nor shall the Company be liable for incidental or consequential damages or lost profits or revenues to the fullest extent such liability may be disclaimed by law, even if the Company has been advised of the possibility of such damages, lost profits or lost revenues. In no event shall the Company's liability with respect to the Test Results exceed the amount paid to the Company by the client therefor. Dates of Analysis: Asbestos PLM: 06-28-2023 Service SOPs: Asbestos PLM (EPA 40CFR App E to Sub E of Part 763 & EPA METHOD 600/R-93-116, SOP EM-AS-S-1267) NVLAP Lab Code 200757-0 EMLab ID: 3303091, Page 1 of 3Eurofins EPK Built Environment Testing, LLC Eurofins EPK Built Environment Testing, LLC 2841 Dow Avenue, Suite 300, Tustin, CA 92780 (800) 651-4802 www.eurofinsus.com/Built Client: Vector Environmental Consulting Inc. C/O: David Johnson Re: San Juan Capistrano; 26112 Paseo Minero Date of Receipt: 06-27-2023 Date of Report: 06-28-2023 ASBESTOS PLM REPORT Total Samples Submitted:6 Total Samples Analyzed:6 Total Samples with Layer Asbestos Content > 1%:0 Location: 1, Interior, Drywall and Joint Compound Lab ID-Version‡: 16039540-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content White Joint Compound ND Cream Tape ND White Joint Compound 2 ND White Drywall with Brown Paper ND Composite Non-Asbestos Content: 3% Cellulose Sample Composite Homogeneity: Moderate Location: 2, Interior, Drywall and Joint Compound Lab ID-Version‡: 16039541-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content White Joint Compound ND White Drywall with Brown Paper ND Composite Non-Asbestos Content: 3% Cellulose Sample Composite Homogeneity: Moderate Location: 3, Interior, Drywall and Joint Compound Lab ID-Version‡: 16039542-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content White Joint Compound ND Cream Tape ND White Joint Compound 2 ND White Joint Compound 3 ND White Drywall with Brown Paper ND Composite Non-Asbestos Content: 3% Cellulose Sample Composite Homogeneity: Moderate EMLab ID: 3303091, Page 2 of 3Eurofins EPK Built Environment Testing, LLC The test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of the laboratory. The report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by any agency of the federal government. The Company reserves the right to dispose of all samples after a period of thirty (30) days, according to all state and federal guidelines, unless otherwise specified. Inhomogeneous samples are separated into homogeneous subsamples and analyzed individually. ND means no fibers were detected. When detected, the minimum detection and reporting limit is less than 1% unless point counting is performed. Floor tile samples may contain large amounts of interference material and it is recommended that the sample be analyzed by gravimetric point count analysis to lower the detection limit and to aid in asbestos identification. ‡ A "Version" indicated by -"x" after the Lab ID# with a value greater than 1 indicates a sample with amended data. The revision number is reflected by the value of "x". Eurofins EPK Built Environment Testing, LLC 2841 Dow Avenue, Suite 300, Tustin, CA 92780 (800) 651-4802 www.eurofinsus.com/Built Client: Vector Environmental Consulting Inc. C/O: David Johnson Re: San Juan Capistrano; 26112 Paseo Minero Date of Receipt: 06-27-2023 Date of Report: 06-28-2023 ASBESTOS PLM REPORT Location: 4, Exterior, Stucco Lab ID-Version‡: 16039543-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content Gray Stucco ND Composite Non-Asbestos Content: < 1% Cellulose Sample Composite Homogeneity: Moderate Location: 5, Exterior, Stucco Lab ID-Version‡: 16039544-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content Gray Stucco ND Composite Non-Asbestos Content: < 1% Cellulose Sample Composite Homogeneity: Moderate Location: 6, Exterior, Stucco Lab ID-Version‡: 16039545-1 Sample Layers Asbestos Content Gray Stucco ND Composite Non-Asbestos Content: < 1% Cellulose Sample Composite Homogeneity: Moderate EMLab ID: 3303091, Page 3 of 3Eurofins EPK Built Environment Testing, LLC The test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written approval of the laboratory. The report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by any agency of the federal government. The Company reserves the right to dispose of all samples after a period of thirty (30) days, according to all state and federal guidelines, unless otherwise specified. Inhomogeneous samples are separated into homogeneous subsamples and analyzed individually. ND means no fibers were detected. When detected, the minimum detection and reporting limit is less than 1% unless point counting is performed. Floor tile samples may contain large amounts of interference material and it is recommended that the sample be analyzed by gravimetric point count analysis to lower the detection limit and to aid in asbestos identification. ‡ A "Version" indicated by -"x" after the Lab ID# with a value greater than 1 indicates a sample with amended data. The revision number is reflected by the value of "x". Certifications