PC Resolution-21-03-09-03PC RESOLUTION NO. 21-03-09-03 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) 20-002 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA CONFIRMING ISSUANCE OF A CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION AND APPROVING A REQUEST FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT RELATED TO A REQUEST TO ALLOW FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A CHURCH USE, AS WELL AS TO ESTABLISH JOINT USAGE OF PARKING TO ADDRESS THE OVERALL DEFICIENCY IN THE NUMBER OF SPACES PROVIDED, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 27131 CALLE ARROYO, SUITE 1701 (ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 666-131-17) (APPLICANT: COLE BESHORE, RANCH CHURCH) Whereas, Cole Beshore of Ranch Church, 27131 Calle Arroyo. #1701, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675, has requested approval of Conditional Use Permit (CUP) 20-002 to allow the establishment of a church use, as well as to establish joint usage of parking to address the overall deficiency in the number of spaces provided, at 27131 Calle Arroyo, Suite 1701 (APN 666-131-17). The subject property, generally located east of Interstate 5 and north of Calle Arroyo, has a General Plan Land Use Designation of Industrial Park and a Zoning Designation of Planned Community; and, Whereas, South Capistrano Enterprises is the owner of real property located at 27131 Calle Arroyo (APN 666-131-17); and, Whereas, the proposed project has been processed pursuant to Section 9-2.301, Development Review of the Land Use Code; and, Whereas, The City's Environmental Administrator has determined that the entire project is categorically exempt from further review under Section 15301, Existing Facilities (Class 1). The entire project is exempt under Section 15301 because approval of this project to allow the church in the existing and fully-operational business center would not expand, or would only negligibly expand, use of the center. The project would not generate any substantial environmental impacts. Further, the comprehensive shared parking analysis and focused trip generation study concludes that the project’s proposed joint usage of parking would accommodate the parking needs of church and each of the land uses occupying the Capistrano Business Center. If the Planning Commission agrees, a Notice of Exemption will be filed with the County Recorder’s Office within 5 days of approval of the project; and, Whereas, the Planning Commission has considered the Environmental Administrator's determination pursuant to Section 15074 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), has considered all project environmental documentation; and, Whereas, the Planning Commission conducted a duly-noticed public hearing on March 9, 2021, pursuant to Title 9, Land Use Code, Section 9-2.302 to consider public testimony on the proposed project and has considered all relevant public comments; and, PC Resolution 21-03-09-03 2 March 9, 2021 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby find that the entire project is Categorically Exempt from further review under the California Environmental Quality Act per State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301; Class 1 “Existing Facilites”. The entire project is exempt under Section 15301 because approval of this project to allow the church in the existing and fully-operational business center would not expand, or would only negligibly expand, use of the center. The project would not generate any substantial environmental impacts. Further, the comprehensive shared parking analysis and focused trip generation study concludes that the project’s proposed joint usage of parking would accommodate the parking needs of church and each of the land uses occupying the Capistrano Business Center. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby make the following findings for the proposed church use as established by, Subsection (d) of Section 9-2.317, Conditional Use Permit of Title 9, Land Use Code of the City of San Juan Capistrano: 1. The proposed use is consistent with the maps and policies of the General Plan, because a religious place of worship is not prohibited in the Industrial Park land use designation. The Land Use Code is the adopted tool to implement the general plan, and a church use is permissible within Sector B-1 of CDP 78-1 with the granting of a conditional use permit. The conditional use permit process is a tool to evaluate uses and, as such, the proposed use is compatible with the other uses in the area. 2. The proposed use and design are consistent with the purpose, intent, and standards of the Land Use Code and CDP 78-1, because church uses are permitted subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. 3. The proposed use would be located within an existing office park known as the Capistrano Business Park. The proposed use would locate within an existing building and would not encroach into required setbacks, loading areas, or other uses on the site. Therefore, the project is situated on a site with adequate size and shape to accommodate all required features. 4. The proposed use, and the on-going operation of the use, are compatible with abutting properties and the permitted uses thereof and would not generate excessive light, noise, vibration, odors, visual blight, traffic, or other disturbances, nuisances, or hazards because the use would be accommodated inside the vacant tenant space which is to be improved to accommodate the use. The amount of traffic that would be generated by the use would not result in a traffic impact, as concluded by the city’s traffic engineer and the focused trip generation prepared for the project. The existing streets have the capacity to carry the amount of vehicle trips that can be generated by the proposed use together with other uses on the site. PC Resolution 21-03-09-03 3 March 9, 2021 5. The proposed use would not create significant vehicular trips which would create significant demands for parking. The site for the proposed use has adequate access and parking to support the use because a comprehensive shared parking analysis and focused trip generation study (see Attachment 3) was performed which indicates the existing 345 parking spaces can adequately accommodate the proposed use along with the other uses in the Center. Additionally, the city’s Traffic Engineer reviewed, and accepted, the focused trip generation study and concluded that since the highest trips would be generated during Sunday when traffic volumes are much lighter on Calle Arroyo, and the low number of trips generated during the weekday AM and PM peak hours, there is no traffic impact from the proposed church use. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby make the following findings for the proposed joint usage of parking as established by, Subsection (d) of Section 9-2.317, Conditional Use Permit of Title 9, Land Use Code of the City of San Juan Capistrano: 1. The joint use of parking is one of many standards within the Land Use Code regulating parking requirements. The Land Use Code implements the General Plan and there is no inconsistency with the findings of the shared parking demand analysis in support of the joint usage of parking with any of the maps and policies of the General Plan, because the study was performed according to industry standards and was peer reviewed by the City’s Engineer who found the study accurate. Based on the results of the shared parking demand analysis, a peak parking demand of 282 parking spaces is estimated to occur on weekdays in December for the overall business center. Therefore, adequate off-street parking and a parking surplus of 63 parking spaces is anticipated to be provided for the Capistrano Business Center with the addition of the proposed church use and full occupancy of vacant units based on the existing 345 parking spaces. 2. The proposed use and design are consistent with the purpose, intent, and standards of the Land Use Code because the Code allows the joint usage of parking to satisfy the parking requirements where there is an overall deficiency in the number of spaces provided for adjoining uses whose peak hours of operation are substantially different. As stated above, the shared parking demand analysis in support of the joint usage of parking demonstrates that the site has sufficient parking to accommodate the proposed use plus the other uses in the Capistrano Business Center without creating parking impacts. 3. The site for the proposed use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate all yards, open spaces, setbacks, walls and fences, parking and loading areas, fire and building code considerations, trash and recycling enclosures, and other features pertaining to the joint usage of parking because the site improvements are existing and tenant improvements must adhere to all applicable building codes. Additionally, the 345 parking spaces on the site can accommodate the parking PC Resolution 21-03-09-03 4 March 9, 2021 needs of the proposed use together with the other uses in the Capistrano Business Center as demonstrated by the shared parking demand analysis in support of the joint usage of parking. 4. The proposed joint usage of parking and the on-going operation of the use are compatible with abutting properties and the permitted uses thereof and would not generate excessive light, noise, vibration, odors, visual blight, traffic, or other disturbances, nuisances, or hazards because the site has adequate parking to meet the demands of the Capistrano Business Center and the proposed use without creating any negative parking spillover onto adjacent properties as demonstrated by the comprehensive shared parking analysis and focused trip generation study. 5. The proposed use would not create significant vehicular trips which would create significant demands for parking. The site for the proposed use has adequate access and parking to support the use because a comprehensive shared parking analysis and focused trip generation study (see Attachment 3) was performed which indicates the existing 345 parking spaces can adequately accommodate the proposed use along with the other uses in the Center. Additionally, the city’s Traffic Engineer reviewed, and accepted, the focused trip generation study and concluded that since the highest trips would be generated during Sunday when traffic volumes are much lighter on Calle Arroyo, and the low number of trips generated during the weekday AM and PM peak hours, there is no traffic impact from the proposed church use. For the additional findings for establishment of joint usage of parking the following four additional findings (SJCMC § 9-3.535(c)(2)): 1. The shared parking demand analysis in support of the joint usage of parking, was performed according to industry standards and peer reviewed by the City’s Engineer, who found the study accurate. Based on the results of the shared parking demand analysis, a peak parking demand of 282 parking spaces is estimated to occur on weekdays in December for the overall business center. Therefore, adequate off-street parking and a parking surplus of 63 parking spaces is anticipated to be provided for the Capistrano Business Center with the addition of the proposed church use and full occupancy of vacant units based on the existing 345 parking spaces. As a result, sufficient evidence exists demonstrating that no substantial conflict in the principal hours or periods of peak demands of the uses for the joint usage of parking would occur. 2. For each of the land uses occupying the Capistrano Business Center the total required number of spaces equals to 400 parking spaces (see Table 3 of Attachment 3), which includes existing individual tenants, the proposed church use, and full occupancy of vacant units. This total represents the sum of the peak parking needs for each individual land use and does not realistically reflect the total parking demand that may occur for a mix of land uses with peak parking demands on different days of the week or time of day. This would result in a parking