PC Minutes-2023-06-28 MINUTES June 28, 2023 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING ORGANIZATION: Chair Gaffney called the Regular Meeting of June 28, 2023, of the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano to order at 5:01 p.m. ROLL CALL: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Commissioners, Matt Gaffney, Stan Braden, Ted Rosenfeldt, and Tami Wilhelm . COMMISSIONER ABSENT: Darren Fancher. STAFF PRESENT: Joel Rojas, Development Services Director Laura Stokes, Acting Principal Planner Justin Poley, Associate Planner Joe Parco, City Engineer Jeremy Hohnbaum, Senior Civil Engineer Alisha Winterswyk, Deputy City Attorney Agenda items are presented in the originally agendized format but were not necessarily heard in that order. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Chair Gaffney led the Pledge of Allegiance. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: CONSENT CALENDAR: Commission Action: Moved by Commissioner Wilhelm, seconded by Commissioner Rosenfeldt, to approve consent calendar item C1 as presented. Motion passed by a 4-0 vote. C1. Draft June 14, 2023, Planning Commission Minutes ROLL CALL: AYES: COMMISSIONER: Gaffney, Braden, Rosenfeldt, and Wilhelm. NOES: COMMISSIONER: None ABSTAINED: COMMISSIONER: None UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Planning Commission Action Minutes 2 June 28, 2023 None. NEW BUSINESS: None. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Continued Consideration of Grading Plan Modification (GPM) 22-025 and Floodplain Land Use Permit (FP) 22-001; Ewing Residence, a request for review of proposed grading and site improvements for a future single-family residence located at 31491 La Matanza Street (APN: 124-203-24) and, a finding that said project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15303(a) (Applicant: David Ewing) (Project Manager: Laura Stokes, Acting Principal Planner) CONTINUED FROM THE APRIL 12, 2023 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. Laura Stokes provided the staff presentation and responded to questions. Jeremy Hohnbaum responded to questions. David Ewing, applicant, provided a presentation and responded to questions. Chair Gaffney opened the public hearing. Irene Kane, Joe Mankawich, Geoff Sumich, and Mike Secor provided public testimony. David Ewing, applicant, provided a rebuttal to public testimony. Commission Action: COMMISSIONER Wilhelm made a motion, seconded by COMMISSIONER Braden, to adopt a resolution recommending that the City Council approve GPM 22-025 and FP 22-001, as conditioned, and find that the proposed project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15303(a). The motion passed by a 3-1 vote. ROLL CALL: AYES: COMMISSIONER: Braden, Rosenfeldt, and Wilhelm. NOES: COMMISSIONER: Gaffney. RECUSED: COMMISSIONER: None ABSTAINED: COMMISSIONER: None 2. Conditional Use Permit (CUP 23-001), Capistrano Academy of Dance; A request to establish a professional dance school at 31654 Rancho Viejo Road, Units M and N (APN: 666-261-13); and a finding that said action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301. (Applicant: Elizabeth Kinney, Capistrano Dance Academy) (Project Manager: Justin R. Poley, Associate Planner). Planning Commission Action Minutes 3 June 28, 2023 Justin Poley provided the staff presentation and responded to questions. Elizabeth Kinney, applicant, provided a presentation and responded to questions. Chair Gaffney opened the public hearing, and no one provided public testimony. Commission Action: COMMISSIONER Wilhelm made a motion, seconded by COMMISSIONER Braden, to adopt a resolution approving CUP 23-001, as conditioned, to allow a 3,214 square foot dance studio in the “PC” (Planned Community) Zone District within the Ortega Planned Community Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP) 78-01, Planning Section A-2, Subsector 1, located at 31654 Rancho Viejo Road Units M and N, and finding said action to be exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, Class 1, Existing Facilities. The motion passed by a 4-0 vote. ROLL CALL: AYES: COMMISSIONER: Gaffney, Braden, Rosenfeldt, and Wilhelm. NOES: COMMISSIONER: None RECUSED: COMMISSIONER: None ABSTAINED: COMMISSIONER: None INFORMATION ITEM: None. COMMISSION/STAFF COMMENTS: ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Chair Gaffney adjourned the meeting at 6:28 p.m. to Wednesday, July 12, 2023, at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber at the Nydegger Building - 31421 La Matanza Street, San Juan Capistrano. Approved on July 26, 2023. __________________________________ Joel Rojas, Development Services Director Planning Commission Secretary