PC Resolution-23-03-08-03PC RESOLUTION NO. 23-03-08-03 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (GPA) 22-004 REZONE (RZ) 22-003 CODE AMENDMENT (CA) 22-004 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL FIND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (GPA) 22-004, REZONE (RZ) 22-003, AND CODE AMENDMENT (CA) 22-004 CONSISTENT WITH THE APPROVED ADDENDUM TO THE 2014-2021 HOUSING ELEMENT MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND THE 1999 GENERAL PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT, AND APPROVE GPA 22-004, RZ 22-003, AND CA 22-004 FOR INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL OVERLAY AND SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT -HOUSING ELEMENT IMPLEMENTATION: A REQUEST TO AMEND THE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE MAP, ZONING MAP, AND THE LAND USE CODE TO CREATE A RESIDENTIAL OVERLAY ZONE ON INDUSTRIAL ZONED PROPERTIES OFF CAMINO CAPISTRANO, CALLE PERFECTO, PASEO CERVEZA, VIA DE ANZA, CALLE AVIADOR, & AVENIDA AEROPORTO TO ALLOW FUTURE REDEVELOPMENT CONSISTENT WITH THE VERY HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICT, AMEND THE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE DESIGNATION OF THREE PARCELS WITHIN THE COSTCO SPECIFIC PLAN TO SPECIFIC PLAN/PRECISE PLAN AND AMEND THE COSTCO SPECIFIC PLAN TO ALLOW FOR MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT, WITH UP TO 60 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE, LOCATED AT APNS 668-121-03/13/15, 668-121- 01 /03/04/05/06, 668-291-01 /03/04/05/11 /14/17 /18/19/20/22/23/24, 121-171-42, 668- 041-02/03/04/05/06/09/10/13/19/20/32/33/34/35/36/37 /38, 668-042-01 /02/06, 668-043- 01/02/03, 668-051-14/15/16, 668-052-01/02/03/04, 668-053-04, 668-231-01, 668-431- 08/09/10/02/03/07/08/09, 668-501-01/02/03/04/05/ 06/07/08/10, AND 121-254-25/26/ 46/57 /61 /62/63/64 Whereas, the City of San Juan Capistrano's adopted and certified 2021- 2029 Housing Element, adopted on August 16, 2022, identifies four areas to be rezoned to accommodate the City's Regional Housing Needs Assessment; and, Whereas, the City of San Juan Capistrano proposes General Plan Amendment (GPA) 22-004, Rezone (RZ) 22-003, and Code Amendment (CA) 22-004 for Industrial Residential Overlay and Specific Plan Amendment -Housing Element Implementation, a request to amend the General Plan Land Use Map, Zoning Map, and the Land Use Code to create a residential overlay zone on industrial zoned properties off Camino Capistrano, Calle Perfecto, Paseo Cerveza, Via De Anza, Calle Aviador, & Avenida Aeroporto to allow future redevelopment consistent with the Very High Density residential zoning district, which allows for up to 30 dwelling units per acre, amend the General Plan Land Use Designation of three parcels within the Costco Specific Plan to Specific Plan/Precise Plan and amend the Costco Specific Plan to allow for mixed use development, with up to 60 dwelling units per acre (the "Project"); and, Whereas, the Project impacts multiple parcels through central and southern PC Resolution 23-03-08-03 2 March 8, 2023 San Juan Capistrano. Specifically, APNs 668-121-03/13/15, 668-121-01/03/04/05/06, 668-291-01/03/04/05/11/14/17/18/19/20/22/23/24, which have a General Plan Land Use designation of Quasi-Industrial and a Zoning designation of Commercial Manufacturing; APNs 121-171-42, 668-041-02/03/04/05/06/09/10/13/19/20/32/33/34/35/36/37/38, 668-042-01/02/06, 668-043-01/02/03, 668-05114/15/16, 668-052-01/02/03/04, 668-053- 04, 668-231-01 , 668-431-08/09/10/02/03/07 /08/09, 668-501-01 /02/03/04/05/06/07 /08/10, which have Zoning and General Plan Land Use designations of Industrial Park; and APNs 121-254-25/26/46/57/61/62/63/64, which have a General Plan Land Use designation of Quasi-Industrial and a Zoning designation of Specific Plan; and, Whereas, the City of San Juan Capistrano City Council has the authority to modify zoning and land use documents for the long term development planning for the City of San Juan Capistrano; and, Whereas, the City's Environmental Administrator has determined that the proposed General Plan Amendment, Rezone and Code Amendment are consistent with the approved Addendum to the 2014-2021 Housing Element Mitigated Negative Declaration and the 1999 General Plan Environmental Impact Report; and, Whereas, the Planning Commission has considered the Environmental Administrator's determination pursuant to Section 15051 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has considered all Project environmental documentation; and, Whereas, the Planning Commission conducted a duly-noticed public hearing on March 8, 2023 pursuant to Municipal Code Section 9-2.302. The Planning Commission has considered all public testimony on the proposed Project and all relevant public comments and all documents and evidence submitted, including but not limited to the staff report and attachments, and materials submitted by the Applicant; and, Whereas, all other legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby recommend that the City Council find the proposed General Plan Amendment, Rezone and Code Amendment are consistent with the approved Addendum to the 2014-2021 Housing Element Mitigated Negative Declaration and the 1999 General Plan Environmental Impact Report, and no further environmental review is required. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby recommend that the City Council make the following consistency findings pursuant to Title 9, Land Use Code of the City of San Juan Capistrano with respect to General Plan Amendment (GPA 22-004) incorporated herein as Exhibit A and Exhibit B: PC Resolution 23-03-08-03 3 March 8, 2023 Land and Use Element Goal 1: Develop a balanced land use pattern to ensure that revenue generation matches the City's responsibility for provision and maintenance of public services and facilities. Changing the designation of a 77-acre area to include a Residential Overlay and change the designation of a 4.12-acre area to Specific Plan to accommodate a combined total of up to 348 residential units in future developments would provide a variety of housing types allowing for a multitude of household types to move into the City. Additionally, the change would contribute to an increase in property taxes, due to the improvement of several vacant and underutilized property. This increase in property tax revenue would assist the City to maintain and improve public services and facilities. Property improvement and development of a new residential subdivision would help to facilitate Land Use Goal 1. Policy 1. 1: Encourage a land use composition in San Juan Capistrano that provides a balance or surplus between the generation of public revenues and the cost of providing public facilities and services. The proposed project would contribute to the project's fair share of public facility and utility costs through payment of Development Impact Fees. Additionally, property taxes generated as a result of project implementation would go to the City's General Fund, from which the City utilizes revenue to fund public services and utilities. Goal 2: Control and direct future growth within the City to preserve the rural village-like character of the community. The proposed project would develop the area with up to 346 residential units development with a maximum of two stories in height in the residential overlay and five stories in the Costco Specific Plan. The project would require development analysis as each site development is pursued allowing the City the ability to review and require where appropriate necessary amenities and conditions for approval. Policy 2. 1: Continue controlling growth through the implementation of the City's residential growth management program. The project-related increase in population would represent approximately 2.5 percent of the City's existing population over an 8-year period. New development facilitated as a result of project approval would be required to comply with the City's Residential Growth Management Program (1976). Specifically, new building permits issued following the approval of subdivision and development applications would be reviewed by City staff for consistency with the growth program, which currently limits new residential building permits to 400 per year. Therefore, the proposal would be consistent with said policy. Policy 2.2: Assure that new development is consistent and compatible with the existing character of the City. PC Resolution 23-03-08-03 4 March 8, 2023 The project would allow for the development of residential units which would be reviewed and considered on a project-by-project basis to confirm that each project would be consistent in use and character with surrounding development, including surrounding industrial and residential uses. Goal 3: Distribute additional population within the City based on risk factors. Policy 3. 1: Confine higher density land uses to the valley areas outside of the floodplain. The project sites are located within a valley area and, if applicable, would be required to be raised outside of any flood zone areas. The General Plan recognizes that future densities of population could be allocated to the valley areas of the City and which can be located outside of the floodplain. Goal 4: Preserve major areas of open space and natural features. The project site is not designated or considered open space, and does not include any natural features. Many of the subject sites have been developed with industrial uses. San Juan Creek, located west of the northern most portion of the project site, is designated as General Open Space within the General Plan Land Use Map and is not proposed to be amended or impacted with the General Plan Amendment. Therefore, the proposed project would be consistent with Goal 4 of the Land Use Element. Goal 6: Enhance or Redevelop underperforming commercial centers. Policy 6. 1: Allow for the transitioning of the oversupply of commercial land use to other economically viable revenue producing land uses. The General Plan Amendment will allow for the transitioning of quasi-industrial and commercially designated land to a complementary, economically viable mix of land uses that will provide new revenue streams for the City. The Specific Plan allows for a variety of land uses including commercial/retail, office, restaurant, residential, among others that will enhance the surrounding commercial area by generating new business activity attractive to both residents and visitors. Housing Element Goal 1: Provide a broad range of housing opportunities with emphasis on providing housing that meets the special needs of the community. Policy 2. 1: Consistent with the Land Use Element, encourage the construction of a variety of housing types and sizes of housing throughout the community. The proposed project would allow for the development of a very high-density residential community on the project sites, which would serve to add to the variety of housing types available throughout the City. PC Resolution 23-03-08-03 5 March 8, 2023 Goal 2: To the maximum extent feasible, encourage and provide housing opportunities for person of lower and moderate incomes. Policy 2. 5: Encourage mixed-use development on a case-by-case basis to allow for increased housing opportunities. The proposed project would implement the land use changes that were identified in the city's certified Housing Element. HCD agreed that these sites created reasonable opportunities for potential residential development. The proposal would allow for the development of very high-density residential and mixed-use communities on the project sites, which would serve to add to the variety of housing types available throughout the City. Conservation and Open Space Element Goal 5: Shape and guide development in order to achieve efficient growth and maintain community scale and identity. The proposed project would allow for the development of up 346 residential units on the project sites that would accommodate population growth in the City. All residences developed on the site would be reviewed on a project basis to ensure they are developed in a manner that would be consistent with the character and scale of existing development surrounding the sites and be consistent with the development standards and design guidelines in the proposed Very High Density or Costco Specific Plan zoning district. Public Services and Utilities Element Goal 7: Work effectively with providers of natural gas, electricity, telephone, cable television and solid waste disposal to provide sufficient levels of these services. The proposed project would be served by existing natural gas, electricity, telephone, cable, and solid waste facilities. Therefore, the proposed project would be consistent with Goal 7. The proposed General Plan Amendment has been identified to be consistent with the applicable Goals and Policies of the General Plan, and a resolution has been prepared for the Planning Commission's consideration recommending that the City Council approve the proposed amendment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby recommend that the City Council make the following findings pursuant to Title 9, Land Use Code of the City of San Juan Capistrano with respect to Rezone (RZ 22-003), incorporated here in as Exhibit C: 1 . The rezoning of the 77-acre site is proposed to occur concurrently with a change to the General Plan Land Use Map (GPA 22-004) to change the land use map and designations to create a Residential Overlay Boundary and allow properties within the PC Resolution 23-03-08-03 6 March 8, 2023 boundary to be developed with up residential at densities up to 30 dwelling units per acre. If the proposed General Plan Amendment is approved, the proposed Rezone (RZ 22-003), creating the Residential Overlay Boundary on the Zoning Map, would be consistent with the amended General Plan Land Use Map. Land Use Goal 2 of the General Plan directs the City to "control and direct future growth within the City to preserve the rural village like character of the community". Supporting Policy 2.2 further states that the City will "assure that new development is consistent and compatible with the existing character of the City". The project would allow for the development of residential units which would be reviewed and considered on a project-by-project basis to confirm that each project would be consistent in use and character with surrounding development, including surrounding industrial and residential uses. 2. The proposed Residential Overlay boundary is consistent with the proposed General Plan Land Use Residential Overlay boundary, because the rezoning of the 77-acre area is proposed to be rezoned concurrently with a change to the General Plan Land Use Map (GPA 22-004) to also include a Residential Overlay boundary and allow properties within the boundary to be developed at densities up to 30 dwelling units per acre. Furthermore, the rezoning of the 77-acre area is proposed to be rezoned concurrently with a change to the Land Use Code (CA 22-004) to establish the Residential Overlay standards and development review requirements. 3. The proposed Residential Overlay boundary is being processed concurrently with Land Use Code (CA 22-004), which will establish the use allowances within the Residential Overlay, specifically (1) that the existing uses and developments may remain and are consistent with the zoning districts; (2) that the properties may be further developed or redeveloped in accordance with the Industrial Park or Commercial Manufacturing zones; (3) that the properties within the Residential Overlay may be developed with very high density residential in accordance with the Very High Density residential zoning district; (4) no further industrial uses or developments will be permitted on the property once developed with residential; and, (5) additional review process and requirements which will be necessary if development of residential is pursued. The proposed Code Amendment and required reviews on future Residential Overlay projects ensures that the proposed zone change with be suitable for any of the land uses permitted within the proposed zone district. 4. Surrounding zoning permits industrial uses to the south and east, open space uses to the west and north, residential uses to the south, and the 1-5 freeway to the east. The surrounding properties are currently developed with a variety of industrial use, open space, and residential uses. Because of the existing mix of uses in the area, a higher density residential community is an appropriate and compatible use for the subject site. The project would allow for the development of residential units which would be reviewed and considered on a project-by-project bases to confirm that each will be consistent in use and character with surrounding development, including surrounding industrial and residential uses. PC Resolution 23-03-08-03 7 March 8, 2023 5. The rezone to allow for up to 220 residential units in future developments within the Residential Overlay boundary would create opportunities for redevelopment of vacant and underutilized industrial sites and provide new housing opportunities in the city. Further, the project would allow for the development of residential units which would be reviewed and considered on a project-by-project bases to confirm that each will be consistent in use and character with surrounding development, including surrounding industrial and residential uses. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does 'hereby recommend that the City Council adopt the Amendments to the Costco Specific Plan, attached hereto as Exhibit D and incorporated herein by this reference. The Costco Specific Plan is consistent with the General Plan, for all of the reasons outlined above and, the Costco Specific Plan contains the elements required by Government Code, section 65451. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby recommend that the City Council make the following findings pursuant to Title 9, Land Use Code of the City of San Juan Capistrano with respect to Code Amendment (CA 22-004), incorporated herein as Exhibit E: 1. The proposed Land Use Code Amendment is proposed to occur concurrently with a change to the General Plan Land Use Map (GPA 22-004) to change the land use map and designations to create a Residential Overlay Boundary, allow properties within the Residential Overlay boundary to be developed in the future with residential at densities up to 30 dwelling units per acre, and change the Land Use designations of APN 121-254-25/57/61/62/63 to Specific Plan/Precise Plan to allow future development with residential at densities up to 60 dwelling units per acre. The code amendment would be consistent with the amended General Plan Land Use Map. Land Use Goal 2 of the General Plan directs the City to "control and direct future growth within the City to preserve the rural village like character of the community". Supporting Policy 2.2 further states that the City will "assure that new development is consistent and compatible with the existing character of the City". The project would allow for the development of residential units which would be reviewed and considered on a project-by-project bases to confirm that each will be consistent in use and character with surrounding development, including surrounding industrial and residential uses. 2. The proposed Land Use Code amendment is necessary to implement the General Plan and to provide for public safety, convenience and/or general welfare because the proposed amendment achieves the goals and policies of the General Plan for the reasons listed above. Moreover, the proposed Land Use Code Amendment provides for the public safety, convenience, and general welfare because, among other things, it will create opportunities for redevelopment of vacant and underutilized industrial sites and provide new housing opportunities in the City. PC Resolution 23-03-08-03 8 March 8, 2023 3. The proposed Land Use Code amendment conforms with the intent of the Development Code and is consistent with all other related provisions thereof because it provides, specifically, that the proposed Residential Overlay must conform to the project established development standards of the existing Industrial Park, Commercial Manufacturing or Very High Density residential zoning and Specific Plan Amendment conform to a majority of the project established development standards of the Specific Plan. The development standards which have been amended, including height for mixed use developments and establishing parking for residential uses, are consistent with the height standards permitted within other mixed use districts, and the parking standards are consistent with the City's base parking code and state law. 4. The proposed Land Use Code Amendment to allow for up to 348 residential units in future developments within the Residential Overlay boundary and within the revised Specific Plan would create opportunities for redevelopment of vacant and underutilized industrial sites and provide new housing opportunities in the city. Further, the project would allow for the development of residential units which would be reviewed and considered on a project-by-project bases to confirm that each will be consistent in use and character with surrounding development, including surrounding industrial and residential uses. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano hereby recommends City Council approval of the CEQA determination and General Plan Amendment (GPA 22-004), Rezone (RZ 22-003) and Code Amendment (CA 22-004). CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS: The documents and materials associated with this Resolution that constitute the record of proceedings on which these findings are based are located at San Juan Capistrano City Hall, 32400 Paseo Adelanto, San Juan Capistrano, California 92675. The Development Services Director is the custodian of records for the record of proceedings. PROTEST OF FEES, DEDICATIONS, RESERVATIONS OR OTHER EXACTIONS: Pursuant to Government.Code Section 66020, the applicant may protest the imposition of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions imposed on this development project by taking the necessary steps and following the procedures established by Sections 66020 through 66022 of the California Government Code. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of March, 2023. ~--uM!L Ta iWilhelm, Chairperson Joel Roja Secretary EXHIBIT A Land Use Element Table LU-2 Land Use Classification System Major Land Dwelling Average Land Use Designation and Use Groupings Units Per Dwelling Summary Description · Gross Acre Units Per Range or Acre or Maximum Average Floor Area Floor Area Ratio(a) Ratio(b) Commercial 0.25:1 (c)l 0.20:1 · 3.1 Neighborhood Commercial -Retail, office, and service- oriented business activities serving a local community area and population. 0.50:1 (c)l 0.30:1 3.2 General Commercial -Retail, office, and service-oriented business activities serving a community-wide area and population or broader market. 0.75:1 0.75:1 3.2,a. General Commercial -Town Center (TC) and Town Center Edge (TCE) Districts -A maximum floor area ratio (FAR) of0.75 is permitted within the TC and TCE Districts. Industrial 0.40:1 (c)l 0.30:1 4.0 Industrial Park -Light industrial, manufacturing and residential allowable uses include wholesale businesses. light manufacturing and assemblv. research and development, warehousing and storage, distribution and sales and within a designated Residential Overlay, Very High Density residential development. 0.40: I (c)l,(c)2 0.30:1 4.1 Quasi-Industrial -Light industrial, manufacturing including those uses allowed in the Industrial Park designation. Allows a variety of regional and sub-regional commercial uses such as vehicle sales and large box retail. Also, allows Very High Density residential development within a designated Residential Overlay. 0.10:1 0.05:1 4.2 Agri-Business -Agricultural crop production and sales, and animal breeding, boarding, raising and training. 0.40:( (c)l 0.25:1 4.3 Office/Research Park -Single-tenant and multi-tenant offices, including legal, medical, financial, administrative. R&D, corporate and general business, Public/ 0.40:1 0.25:1 5.0 Public & Institutional -Schools, churches, fire stations, Institutional community centers, utility substations, and office complexes. 0,30:1 0,25:1 5.1 Existing Public Schools -Existing public schools. 0,30:1 0.25:1 5.2 Potential Public Schools -Future public schools. 0.40:1 o.40:1 5.3 Assisted Care Facilities -Specialized care and housing facilities for seniors and persons requiring special medical housing. Special Varies Varies Special Study -Areas that have unique features, environmental conditions, and/or development constraints requiring special regulations or standards designed to address or preserve those conditions. Varies Varies Specific Plan/Precise Plan -Areas governed by a specific plan or precise plan adopted prior to development. Varies Varies Planned Community -Denotes large areas ofland under single or common ownership for detailed planning and development for residential, commercial, industrial, public/institutional, recreation and open space uses. (a) Maximum allowable level of development standard for individual parcels ofland. (b) Assumed overall average level of development. Since the development which has occurred to date has not reached the maximum allowed level of density or intensity on every parcel of land, future development is expected to be less than the maximum on a city-wide basis. Therefore, an average level of density/intensity is used when projecting; I) total future dwelling unils/population for residential development; and 2) future square foorage for non-residential development where floor area is used as a mC11Surcmcnt of building intensity. (c)l 0.75:1-maximum allowable floor area ratio /FAR) for Hotels. The maximum FAR may only be granted at the discretion of the City consistent with the Title 9 Land Use Code if the project demonstrates superior architectural design, is compatible with surrounding areas, and provides significant benefits to the general public and residents of San Juan Capistrano. (c)2 The intensity of existing development may be increased to a maximum floor area ratio of0.85: I, if(!) the development's building area is I 0,000 square feet or greater; (2) the development was legally established; (3) the development is legally operating with a valid San Juan Capistrano business license; (4) the increase of intensity is limited to only storage use, and (5) the increase of intensity does not increase the building footprint or envelope. March, 2023 18 San Juan Capistrano General Plan Land Use Element March, 2023 Industrial Designations 4.0 Industrial Park: The Industrial Park designation provides for a variety of light industrial and manufacturing uses that are non- polluting and which can co-exist compatibly with surrounding land uses. Industrial uses allowed do not in their maintenance, assembly, manufacturing or operations create smoke, gas, dust, sound, vibrations, soot or glare to any degree which will be obnoxious or offensive to persons residing or conducting business in the City. Such activities are to be conducted within the building. The Industrial Park designation also provides for multi-family residential uses within a designated Residential Overlay. Properties within the Residential Overlay may be developed with Very High Density residential housing (18.1 to 30 units per acre) or be maintained and enhanced as light industrial and manufacturing uses. Allowable industrial uses include research & development, light manufacturing and processing, offices, warehousing and storage, high technology production, and related uses. Other uses that are determined to be compatible with the primary industrial uses may also be allowed. The maximum intensity of industrial development is a project floor area ratio of 0.40: 1 and an average floor area ratio of 0.30:1, the maximum intensity of residential development is a maximum density of 30 du/acre. 4.1 Quasi-Industrial: The Quasi-Industrial designation provides for a variety of light industrial and manufacturing uses, including limited regional and sub-regional commercial activities that are non-polluting and which can co-exist compatibly with surrounding land uses. Industrial uses allowed do not in their maintenance, assembly, manufacturing or operations create smoke, gas, dust, sound, vibrations, soot or glare to any degree which will be obnoxious or offensive to persons residing or conducting business in the City. The Quasi-Industrial designation also provides for multi-family residential uses within a designated Residential Overlay. Properties within the Residential Overlay may be developed with Very High Density residential housing (18.1 to 30 units per acre) or be maintained and enhanced as light industrial and manufacturing uses. Allowable industrial uses include research & development, light manufacturing and processing, large single tenant distribution and sales, automobile sales and leasing, offices, warehousing and storage, high technology production, and related uses. Other uses that are determined to be compatible with primary industrial uses may also be allowed. The maximum intensity of industrial development is a project floor area ratio of 0.40: 1 and an average floor area ratio of 0.30: 1. The maximum intensity of residential development is a maximum density of 30 du/acre. 27 San Juan Capistrano General Plan EXHIBIT B Proposed General Plan Land Use Map Amendments Industrial Residential Overlay Boundary • • • • • • • • • • Industrial Residential Overlay Boundary (Identified within Map Legend) Costco Specific Plan CP EXHIBIT C Proposed Zoning Map Amendment Industrial Residential Overlay Boundary A / SP85-01 • • • • • ■ ■ • ■ ■ Industrial Residential Overlay Boundary (Identified within Map Legend) EXHIBIT D SP 87-01 COSTCO PLAZA SPECIFIC PLAN Adopted April 21, 1987 (Ordinance 595) Amendment February 2, 1993 (Ordinance 724) Amendment February 1, 1994 (Ordinance 744) Amendment February 21, 1995 (Ordinance 759) Amendment XXXXX XX, 2023 (Ordinance XXXX) Purpose and Intent The purpose of this Specific Plan (SP) 87-1 (previously identified as SOP 87-1) is to provide for the regulation of land uses to facilitate implementation of the General Plan. Land use planning at the site-specific level is warranted when such planning: • Addresses and defines public policy more adequately. • Serves to implement the broader goals of the General Plan. • Establishes administrative procedures which can more effectively deal with local conditions and problems. The intent of this Specific Plan is to provide for the utilization of land planning and building design as a means of achieving high quality, variety, flexibility and efficiency in the design of the Costco Plaza mixed-use complex. The original Specific Plan (referred to as the Price Club Specific Plan) was approved in 1987 and has been amended four times. The first amendment in 1993 allowed for vehicle sales and service. The second amendment in 1994 permitted vehicle rentals. The third amendment in 1995 removed references to the Coastal Zone and modified lighting standards. The fifth amendment in 2023 expanded the allowed uses in the commercial center to include high density residential; and reorganized the plan for easier understanding. The uses and standards in the original Specific Plan have generally been retained with all the amendments to the Specific Plan. All improvements (structures, landscaping, signs, parking and lighting) within the Specific Plan Planning Area which existed prior to the adoption of the last (2023) amendment to the Specific Plan are vested and shall not be affected by the 2023 amendment. Specific Plan Specific Plan 87-1 provides regulations which permit the establishment and maintenance of a mixed-use commercial area which offers high density housing, and a wide range of commercial goods and services for the community. The Specific Plan is intended to provide a mixed-use commercial environment, efficiently designed to lessen conflicts between pedestrians and automobile traffic, and to encourage a healthy economic business environment. Planning Area The Planning Area for this Specific Plan consists of approximately 22 acres located at the southern edge of San Juan Capistrano's city limits. The City of Dana Point is immediately adjacent to the southern boundary line of the Planning Area. The Planning Area is located on the westerly side of Doheny Park Road. The Villa San Juan Mobile Home Park is immediately adjacent to the northern boundary line of the Planning Area. The railroad borders on the western boundary of the Planning Area . As identified in Figure 1, the Planning Area is comprised of six legal parcels which are developed with the following seven structures totaling 217,301 square feet (SF): 1) Costco Wholesale (150,557 SF) 2) Costco Gas Station Canopy (6,832 SF) 3) Costco Carwash (3,771 SF) 4) Restaurant with a Drive-Through (3,351 SF) 5) Multi-Tenant Retail Building at (5,900 SF) 6) Single-Tenant Retail Building (20,117 SF) 7) Single-Tenant Retail Building (26,773 SF) The restaurant, the multi-tenant retail building and one single-tenant retail building (No. 6) are situated toward the front of the Planning Area along Doheny Park Road, while the Costco warehouse, gas station, and car wash are sited toward the rear of the Planning Area, adjacent to the railroad. A second single-tenant retail building (No. 7) is located adjacent to the Planning Area's southern boundary between the Costco building and the other single-tenant retail building (No. 6). Community Design The objective of this Specific Plan is to establish development standards that improve the visual environment of the Planning Area given its close proximity to Interstate 5 and the railroad corridor, while allowing for a strong, economically viable, mixed-use center. The intent of the Specific Plan is to define this mixed-use center as a gateway to the City by establishing development guidelines that provide for a mixed-use center with a unified theme for architectural massing, landscaping, and signage. Architectural Character A village profile is desired for the mixed-use development with a varied scale of bulk and height. Any buildings close to Doheny Park Road should utilize a stepped fa~ade design to break up the effect of the structure's bulk and mass. The height of the buildings' parapets should also be varied so that it appears to be divided into smaller structures. Continuous flat roofs should be camouflaged with peaked and/or mansard roofs. The use of plazas, patios and arcades scaled for pedestrian use is encouraged. Architectural design should reflect an indoor/outdoor relationship when possible. Landscape Character The landscaping of the Planning Area should reflect the village character of the mixed-use center. The scale and theme of the landscape materials should be appropriate to the site and existing and new structures. Large scale buildings should be complemented with large scale landscaping. Tree planting should be regularly spaced to provide shade and screening, as required. Signage Every sign should be designed as an integral architectural element of the building and site to which it primarily relates. Specific Plan Regulations The following regulations shall apply to all development projects proposed within the Specific Plan's Planning Area: Permitted Uses The Specific Plan allows for mixed-use commercial and residential development in either stacked or adjacent configurations with accompanying parking facilities. Development may include only commercial uses, only residential uses or a mix of commercial and residential uses. Only the following uses are allowed: Commercial Uses 1) Uses as set forth as principal uses permitted by right, accessory uses or conditionally permitted uses in the General Commercial (GC) zoning district. 2) Only on APN 121-254-61 (33949 Doheny Park Road) and APN 121-254-62 (33961 Doheny Park Road), the sale, leasing and renting of new and used vehicles, the sale of automotive parts and the mechanical and electrical repair of said vehicles is allowed as a permitted by right use. 3) The storage/parking of a maximum of four delivery trucks at designated locations within the Planning Area as approved by the Director of Development Services. All other commercial vehicles shall be stored/parked behind and/or to the south of the Costco Wholesale building. Residential Uses Multiple-family uses as defined in the San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code are only allowed as a permitted by right use on the following parcels: • APN: 121-254-26 (33955 Doheny Park Road) • APN: 121-254-46 (33959 Doheny Park Road) • APN: 121-254-64 (33963 Doheny Park Road) All other uses are prohibited. Development Standards The following development standards shall apply to all development within the Specific Plan Planning Area: 1. The maximum height of any commercial building or any residential-only building shall be 35 feet and shall not exceed three stories. 2. The maximum height of any stacked mixed-use residential/commercial building shall be 55 feet and shall not exceed five stories. 3. In mixed-use developments, there shall be clear delineation between the residential and commercial uses within a single building. 4. The maximum residential density for each parcel identified above where residential uses are permitted shall not exceed 60 dwelling units per acre. 5. The setbacks for all structures shall be as follows: a. The front yard setback from the property line along Doheny Park Road shall be a minimum of 15 feet. b. The side yard setbacks from the north and south property lines shall be a minimum of 40 feet. c. The rear yard setback from the property line along the railroad shall be a minimum of 20 feet. 6. No building shall be closer than 20 feet from any adjacent building located within the Planning Area. 7. Residential developments shall have 75 square feet of open area for each residential unit. Open area may be a mix of private balconies and private resident- only outdoor areas. A minimum of 50% of the residential units shall have outdoor balconies of at least 50 square feet of usable area (this square footage contributes to the open area requirement). 8. All roof equipment and waste collection units shall be substantially screened from view. The screening material shall be in harmony with building lines, materials, and color. 9. All loading shall be performed on the site loading platforms which shall be substantially screened from view. 10. All storage areas for cartons, containers, pallets, trash and/or other materials shall be contained within a building or area enclosed by a wall not less than six feet in height. Storage areas enclosed by a wall with no roof must be located a minimum of 40 feet from any residential or mixed-use building. Off-Street Parking Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with the parking standards of the San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code with the following exceptions: • For general retail and service commercial uses, one (1) off-street parking space per each 250 square feet of net leasable floor area shall be provided. • No parking spaces are required for outdoor dining or drinking areas. • Residential parking shall be provided as follows: o Studio and 1 Bedroom units: 1 space per unit o 2 Bedroom and 3 Bedroom units: 2 spaces per unit o Guests: .2 spaces per unit o Where a Clubhouse is proposed as an accessory use to a residential use, no parking spaces are required for the Clubhouse. Parking Design Parking design shall meet the parking design standards of the San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code with the following exceptions: • Up to 25% of the required parking may be accommodated through compact parking stalls which shall measure no less than 8' in width and 15' in length. • A minimum of 50% of required residential parking shall be covered. • Up to 50% of required residential parking may be in tandem configurations. Landscaping The site is presently landscaped per approved landscape plans. Future modifications to the site landscaping may require revisions to the existing plans. All future landscape revisions shall be consistent with the theme and character of the originally approved plans. The following standards shall be met when revisions to the approved site plan or landscape plan are proposed: 1. All trees shall be at least 24-inch box size stock and all shrubs shall be a minimum 5-gallon size stock. 2. The parking lot shall generally be planted at the ends of parking bays and with one landscape island every sixth parking space in parking bays exceeding ten cars in length. 3. A landscape border shall be provided around the entire project. The following are minimum standards for said border: a. An average 20-foot-wide landscape strip shall be provided and maintained parallel to Doheny Park Road. b. A minimum 5-foot-wide landscape strip shall be provided and maintained along the Planning Area's southern property line. c. A minimum 10-foot-wide landscape strip shall be provided and maintained along the Planning Area's eastern property line. d. A minimum 20-foot-wide landscape strip shall be provided and maintained along the Planning Area's northern property line. 4. Permanent irrigation systems shall be provided and maintained for all landscaped areas. Landscaping shall be maintained in a neat, clean, and healthy condition and shall include regular pruning, turf mowing, weeding, fertilizing, plant replacement and litter removal. Signage All on-site signs within the existing development shall comply with approved Sign Program 87-1, as amended. Any proposed new development shall be required to establish a Sign Program, which shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission in accordance with San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code Section 9-2.343. Once established, the signage for the project shall be governed by the approved Sign Program. The Sign Program may be modified upon approval by the Planning Commission . Lighting All lighting, exterior and interior, shall be designed and maintained to confine direct illumination to the Planning Area. Outdoor light standards shall not exceed 25 feet in height. Screening There shall be a landscape strip at least 15 feet in width along the Planning Area's border with the mobile home park to the north to provide a buffer between the center and the adjacent mobile home park. In addition, a barrier of not less than six feet in height shall be installed and maintained along the boundary line between the Planning Area and the mobile home park. The barrier shall consist of one or any combination of the following: • Landscaped berm • Planting • Wall and planting combination (wall limited to six feet in height) Any parking areas that abut Doheny Park Road shall be substantially screened from the roadway using either landscaped earthen berms, walls, open or solid fences or landscaping. The height of the screening shall not be less than 36 inches and not more than 42 inches, as measured from the adjacent parking lot grade. Supplemental Standards Accessory Structures and Uses Accessory structures and uses including, but not limited to fences, walls, hedges, home businesses, lighting, noise, signage, storage and display, special activities, swimming pools, temporary uses, tree preservation, and visibility at intersections/driveways shall be regulated by the San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code Section 9-3.501 (Supplemental District Regulations). Architectural Design Guidelines The Planning Area's overall site planning, architectural design and landscaping is subject to the San Juan Capistrano Architectural Design Guidelines (Guidelines). Any residential component shall be subject to the Guidelines for Multi-Family Residential developments. Any commercial storefronts are subject to the Guidelines for General Commercial developments. Application of these Guidelines is intended to encourage the most appropriate use of the land , ensure the highest design quality and promote design freedom and creativity. lnclusionary Housing Requirement Residential development within the Specific Plan is required to include 15% of the housing units as affordable to very low, low, and moderate income households. Any fractional number of inclusionary housing units shall be rounded up. The recordation of covenants will require all the affordable units to be affordable for 30 years. All affordable units shall be distributed in accordance with the City's 6th cycle RHNA as follows: • 43% -Very Low Income Households, as identified in California Health and Safety Code Section 50105 • 28% -Low Income Households, as identified in California Health and Safety Code Section 50079.5 • 29% -Moderate Income Households, as identified in California Health and Safety Code Section 50093 Priority for the affordable units shall be governed by a household's income and a preference for households and individuals which reside or work within the City of San Juan Capistrano. This affordable housing requirement is in place to increase the availability of housing units that are affordable to very low, low or moderate income households within the City. Furthermore, this requirement fosters and encourages the private sector to join the City and nonprofit sectors to further the goals of the City's General Plan and Housing Element. During the review process for a proposed residential or mixed-use development project, the City Council and developer may negotiate the provisions of the final lnclusionary housing requirement both in terms of actual units constructed versus the payment of in-lieu fees and any deviation from the household income distributions identified above. State requirements, and equitable distribution of constructed RHNA units in the city will be considered as part of the negotiation. Circulation & Infrastructure This chapter focuses on the street and infrastructure systems serving the Specific Plan Planning Area. The intent is to provide an efficient and highly functional circulation network for pedestrians, bicycles, and automobiles. Circulation and Parking Vehicular Circulation Regional access to the Specific Plan area is provided via the San Diego Freeway (1-5), which bisects the City of San Juan Capistrano in a north/south direction. The Specific Plan can be accessed by vehicles exiting the 1-5 on Camino Capistrano which is located north of the Specific Plan Planning Area, or by vehicles exiting the 1-5 on Camino Las Ramblas/Pacific Coast Highway which are located south of the Specific Plan Planning Area . Local access to the Specific Plan Planning Area is provided via Camino Capistrano or Doheny Park Road . The Specific Plan Planning Area includes three vehicular entrance/exit points to the public street -Doheny Park Road. The Specific Plan Planning Area can also be accessed from the adjoining private commercial center (Capistrano Valley Plaza) located south of the Specific Plan Planning Area. Pedestrian Circulation The Specific Plan Planning Area is envisioned as a pedestrian-oriented ' development, with an integrated on-site and off-site pedestrian circulation system. Off-site pedestrian walkways are provided along Doheny Park Road. On-site pedestrian walkways will provide connections between Doheny Park Road and all proposed building entrances, parking areas, tenant spaces and residential dwellings. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - compliant access pathways both on and off-site will be provided throughout the Specific Plan Planning Area. Bicycle Circulation The Specific Plan Planning Area is located adjacent to existing bicycle facilities along Doheny Park Road. Class II bike lanes exist on southbound Doheny Park Road, and although there is no bike lane connection, the bicyclists can connect to extensive bike trails off Stonehill Drive less than half a mile to the north or to the extensive coastal trails approximately half a mile south of the site. These established bicycle facilities connect the Specific Plan Planning Area to the extensive bike and trail system that facilitates bicycle access throughout the City and to surrounding jurisdictions. Transit The Specific Plan Planning Area is situated within four miles of major public transportation facilities, including the San Juan Capistrano Train Station the San Clemente North Beach Train Station and several Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA) bus stop facilities. The Train Stations are serviced by Amtrak's Pacific Surfliner, which provides trips between San Diego and San Luis Obispo counties on a daily basis as well as Metrolink, which provides service to Los Angeles Union Station on a daily basis. OCTA provides a network of bus routes across the County. Within three quarters of mile of the Specific Plan Planning Area, local Route 91 and Route 1 provide service north/south from San Clemente to the Laguna Hills Transportation Center, a regional bus transfer facility. Numerous local Route 91 and Route 1 bus stops are located along Pacific Coast Highway and Del Obispo, within three quarters of a mile or 15-minute walk of the project site. Parking To support the allowable uses, on-site surface parking or structure parking will be provided. Parking configurations may include tuck under, tandem, parallel, angled, and/or perpendicular space configurations. Parking designated exclusively for the residential units will be specifically marked. Water and Wastewater Service The Specific Plan Planning Area is currently served and will continue to be served by the Santa Margarita Water District (SMWD) for both water and wastewater services. There is an existing 12-inch vitrified clay pipe public sewer line and access manholes within the Specific Plan Planning Area in an existing easement for access and maintenance of the facility. This pipeline generally runs from east to west, passing through lot 7 adjacent to Doheny Park Road and traversing north of the existing Costco building. SMWD requires an easement width of 20-feet centered on a single pipeline, if these conditions are not met than additional easement shall be granted to SMWD to allow for access and maintenance of this pipeline. Construction of any new buildings and/or structures and planting of any trees within this easement is prohibited. Decorative pavers, concrete surface improvements and landscaping within the easement are generally not allowed but may be considered on a case-by-case basis and may be allowed under the condition that if their removal is necessary for repair or maintenance of the sewer facility, then replacement shall be at the owner's expense and at no cost to SMWD. If future development requires connection to the public sewer system, a project applicant will be required to submit plans to SMWD for review and pay all necessary fees. There is a South Coast Water District (SCWD) 27-inch diameter cement mortar lined and coated water transmission main line running through the Specific Plan Planning Area along the southerly property line. Any new development will need to consider this waterline and provide all the necessary clearances and abide by all SCWD requirements. Project applicants should contact SCWD for more specific information. With exception to the above referenced SCWD water line, all other existing waterlines within the Specific Plan Planning Area are private and connect to SMWD's public water system in Doheny Park Road. If future development requires connection to the public water system, a project applicant will be required to submit plans to SMWD for review and pay all necessary fees. If new development includes landscape and irrigation improvements, then on-site purple piping is required and a separate irrigation meter connection for each owner shall be established and located in and on the west side of the public right of way and adjacent to the mainline in Doheny Park Road (or one meter manifold connection with multiple irrigation meters, one for each owner) will be required for compliance with SMWD standards and to facilitate conversion to recycled water use in the future. A maximum day demand use and fire flow analysis for proposed new commercial/residential improvements will be required to be prepared by the developer on existing off-site water systems to determine if any capacity deficiencies or service pressure problems will be created to serve the proposed project. New development will also be required to pay any new service connection fees and any off-site water system improvement costs to comply with SMWD standards for adequate service. A sewer capacity analysis shall be performed by the developer on downstream systems and payment for proportional system capacity improvements if needed shall be made by the developer. Treatment of wastewater from the Specific Plan Planning Area will be conveyed to the Jay B. Latham Regional Treatment Plant located in the City of Dana Point. The Specific Plan Planning Area water demands will be supplied via a network of new and existing water lines. Should upgrades and improvements to fulfill capacity be determined to be required, they will be made within the Doheny Park Road roadway or any adjacent public streets as required. As the project is designed, the development applicant shall coordinate with both SMWD and Orange County Fire Authority to ensure appropriate water system design. Similarly, the Specific Plan Planning Area will be served by new sewer improvements that will connect to the existing public sewer system. This may include a series of new public and/or private gravity lines, manholes and clean outs, as determined to be required, which will be designed to meet appropriate SMWD's standards. To meet the water and wastewater requirements of the regulating agencies, infrastructure improvements may be required to extend beyond the boundaries of the Specific Plan Planning Area and will be assessed for potential impacts through the plan review process or issuance of Encroachment Permits from the City of San Juan Capistrano or SMWD. Stormwater Management Plan The Specific Plan Planning Area will include a comprehensive storm water management system containing drainage improvements and facilities and programs which act to reduce, control and treat storm water. Preliminary storm water management system concepts will be provided prior to submittal for any permits and will demonstrate that storm water runoff from development within the Specific Plan Planning area is directed to on-site retention/detention and treatment areas. Treated storm water will then be released in a controlled manner to existing storm drains. A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and a Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) for projects within the Specific Plan Planning Area will be developed and implemented, consistent with the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit (NPDES) and other water quality requirements or storm water management programs specified by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). In combination, implementation of a project-specific SWPPP, WQMP, and compliance with NPDES Permit and RWQCB requirements will act to protect City and regional water quality by preventing or minimizing potential storm water pollutant discharges to the local watershed. Grading Plan All development projects will include grading plans that will evaluate and address any impacts to the existing floodplain created by the project. The projects will include design measures to ensure compliance with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). These may include and are not limited to revisions to the floodplain to reflect the proposed conditions as well as grade elevations onsite to raise proposed improvements out of the floodplain and meet minimum freeboard requirements. Grading within the Specific Plan Planning Area would occur in phases. The first phase would include removal of any existing facilities and the clearing of any surface features. The second phase would involve preparing the site for construction, including any necessary grading. The applicant, contractors and/or Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) for a proposed project will determine the frequency and location of any necessary temporary measures for erosion control. Grading-associated components will be temporary in nature and would be maintained until the permanent improvements are constructed. Typical SWPPP measures will be required for projects within the Specific Plan Planning Area. Best Management Practices (BMP) for water quality will be assessed and determined based on the scope of grading and final SWPPP and WQMP. Uti lity Services Electricity San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) will provide electrical service to the Specific Plan Planning Area. Any new lines required to service a new project will be placed underground. Alignment of service lines and connection to existing points of service will be provided as required by SDG&E. Any required surface-mounted equipment will conform to applicable building setback requirements per the relevant service provider. Natural Gas Gas service within the Specific Plan Planning Area will be serviced by SDG&E. Existing service lines will be extended to connect to proposed facilities per SDG&E requirements. Communications Communication services, including hard-wired and wireless telephone and internet services are available through numerous private providers within the City and will be extended to the Specific Plan Planning Area on an as-needed basis. New telecommunication lines within the Specific Plan Planning Area will be installed underground. Any required surface-mounted equipment will conform to applicable building setback requirements per the relevant service provider. Refuse Waste, Recycling, and Green Waste Refuse, recycling, and organics/green waste generated by development within the Specific Plan Planning Area will be serviced by the waste hauler contracted by the City of San Juan Capistrano, to collect and dispose of solid waste generated in the City. Solid waste generated by development within the Specific Plan Planning Area will be conveyed by the City's waste hauler to a certified facility for recycling and diversion from the landfill. The various uses planned within the Specific Plan Planning Area will comply with relevant State organics and recycling requirements, as applicable. Trash enclosures with separate bins/containers for refuse, recycling, green waste, and organics will be provided throughout the Specific Plan Planning Area. The bins and trash enclosures must adhere to the City of San Juan Capistrano's most recent approved standard plan. Public Facilities The Specific Plan is served by several public services including police and fire protection services, schools, parks, postal service, library, and other public services, as discussed in more detail below. Police and Fire Protection Services Police Protection Services The City of San Juan Capistrano contracts with the Orange County Sheriff's Department (OCSD) to provide services within the City. OCSD police protection services include patrol, investigations, traffic enforcement, community support, drug education, parking control, and crime prevention. The San Juan Capistrano Police station, located at 32506 Paseo Adelanto, San Juan Capistrano, is approximately two miles north of the Specific Plan Planning Area. OCSD will conduct review of any development projects prior to approval and make recommendations or identify concerns regarding their ability service the Specific Plan Planning Area. OCSD will determine if there is a need to accommodate new demand for police protection services. Fire Protection Services The City of San Juan Capistrano contracts with the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) to provide services within the City. OCFA provides fire prevention, fire suppression, fire investigation, rescue, hazardous materials response, public information, education, and paramedic services. The nearest Orange County Fire Station, Station 29 located at 26111 Victoria Boulevard, Dana Point is approximately 0.3 miles southeast of the Specific Plan Planning Area. OCFA will conduct review of any development projects prior to approval and make recommendations or identify concerns regarding their ability service the Specific Plan Planning Area. The Specific Plan Planning Area is subject to review by OCFA for various construction document plan checks for the applicable fire life safety codes and regulations . Any development projects will be subject to the current editions of the California Building Code (CBC) and California Fire Code (CFC) as amended and adopted by local city ordinance. Amenity decks will be considered Assembly occupancies. It is unlawful to occupy any portion of a building prior to final inspection and approval by OCFA. A water supply system to supply fire hydrants shall meet or exceed the required fire flow of each proposed building; if the existing water supply is less than the required fire flow, then infrastructure upgrades may be required. Fire department access shall be provided as required by OCFA. As a condition of approval, the site developer shall enter into a Secured Fire Protection Agreement with the Orange County Fire Authority. This Agreement shall specify the developer's pro-rata fair share funding of capital improvements necessary to establish adequate fire protection facilities and equipment, and/or personnel. OCF A will determine if there is a need to accommodate new demand for fire protection services. Schools, Parks, and Other Pu blic Services Schools Public education for the Specific Plan Planning Area will be provided by the Capistrano Unified School District (CUSD), which includes elementary, middle, high school, charter school, and various types of kindergarten. The Specific Plan falls within the boundary area for Palisades Elementary School, Shorecliffs Middle School, and San Juan Hills High School. As mandated by State law, development impact fees will be paid to CUSD as the Specific Plan Planning Area is developed to accommodate the anticipated increase in demand for public school facilities. There are also a number of private schools located within the vicinity of the Specific Plan Planning Area. These include St. Margaret Episcopal School, St. Anne School, South Coast Christian, Capistrano Valley Christian, The Parish School at St Edward, and Heart Christian Academy, among others. Parks and Open Space The Specific Plan is in close proximity to multiple parks and open space. The site is within a half mile walking distance from Creekside Park, located off Stonehill Drive within the City of Dana Point where Stonehill Drive crosses San Juan Creek. Creekside Park provides a playground, half basketball court, picnic tables, a dog park and a public restroom. The Specific Plan Planning Area is also approximately one mile from Doheny State Beach which offers a variety of beach and recreation activities. A variety of private and public open space amenities are encouraged within the Specific Plan Planning Area. These would include, but not limited to, residential community rooms, swimming pools, game rooms, and pocket plazas, paseos adjacent to tenant spaces. Additionally, development impact fees will be paid to accommodate new demand for parks by any Specific Plan Planning Area residents. Postal Service Postal service for the Specific Plan Planning Area will be provided by the United States Postal Service (USPS) from their location at 34281 Doheny Park Rd, Capistrano Beach. The location and type of mailbox required for each land use within the Specific Plan will be based upon requirements outlined in the USPS National Delivery Planning Standards: A Guide for Builders and Developers and the Delivery Growth Management Program, which includes USPS requirements for access, locks, safety, accessibility, placement, and specific Americans with Disability (ADA) requirements. Library Service Library service for the Specific Plan Planning Area will be provided by the existing County of Orange Libraries, located at 31495 El Camino Real, San Juan Capistrano, 33841 Niguel Rd., Dana Point, or 242 Avenida Del Mar, San Clemente. The libraries are operated by the County and feature a variety of book titles such as children, adult and teen collections, as well as an e-library which offers electronic and digital material. There are several internet stations and free public WIFI internet access in the libraries. Other Public Services As the Specific Plan Planning Area is located within the City of San Juan Capistrano, the Specific Plan Planning Area will be serviced by the City's government services, which include, but is not limited to administration, planning, building, parks and recreation and public works. Review Process This Specific Plan document serves as the planning and zoning implementation tool for the Specific Plan Planning Area. The land use and development standards/regulations identi- fied in this Specific Plan address permitted uses, development standards and general provisions for the Specific Plan Planning Area. Except where noted, this Specific Plan preempts and replaces all standards, criteria, and procedures for review including, without limitation, other requirements of Title 9 of the San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code. Whenever the provisions and development standards contained in this Specific Plan conflict with those contained in the San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code, the provisions of the Specific Plan shall take precedence. Where the Specific Plan is silent on an issue, the San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code shall apply. Project Review New development projects within the Specific Plan Planning Area require approval of an Architectural Control in accordance with San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code Section 9- 2.313 which will include review and approval by the Planning Commission Furthermore, prior to approval of any project the project will be assessed in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). To support a CEQA determination the following studies, and potential implementation of on-and off-site improvements in response to the studies, may need to be completed: • View Simulations • Air Quality Analysis • Traffic Impact Analysis • Cultural Resource Assessment • VMT Analysis • Geotechnical Report • Parking Analysis • Hydrology & Water Quality Master Plan • Biological Resource Analysis • Greenhouse Gas Assessment • Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment • Noise Assessment Project Mod ifications In situations where modifications or rev1s1ons to individual development projects are proposed, the Director of Development Services will determine the level of review required for the proposed project modification or revision. The level of review shall be based on the extent of the modification requested, as well as its conformance with the overall intent of the Specific Plan and the City of San Juan Capistrano General Plan. The level of review includes administrative review, Planning Commission review or City Council review. Substantial Conformance Review Procedures The Substantial Conformance Review process gives the Director of Development Services the authority to interpret whether a proposed project is in substantial conformance to the standards, guidelines and land uses contained in the Specific Plan without the need for a Specific Plan Amendment. Said Substantial Conformance Review can be applied in situations arising as part of a project's application review, construction and operation. The Substantial Conformance Review process commences upon the City receiving written request by a Specific Plan property owner. Upon receipt, the Director of Development Services, or their designated appointee, shall conduct a review to determine if the proposed project meets the intent of the applicable Specific Plan requirements and is consistent with the "goals and vision" of this Specific Plan. The Director of Development Services will also review the requested modification for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). All Substantial Conformance Review findings by the Development Services Director can be appealed to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall provide the final determination/resolution of the matter unless the Planning Commission determination is appealed to the City Council. Amendments California Government Code Section 65453 et. Se. provides that a Specific Plan "may be amended as often as deemed necessary by the legislative body". Amendments to the Specific Plan may be initiated by any individual property owner within the Specific Plan, or by the City Council. Applications for amendments to the adopted Specific Plan shall be submitted to the City's Development Services Department and shall be processed in the same manner provided for an Amendment of the Land Use Code as specified in Section 9- 2.309 of the Municipal Code. Specific Plan amendments must conform with the City's General Plan and will be evaluated for potential environmental impacts. Environmental Review The Specific Plan addresses land uses, densities, and types of development proposed, as well as infrastructure anticipated to serve the Planning Area. The environmental impacts associated with implementing the Specific Plan have been evaluated in an Addendum to the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration, adopted for the 2014-2021 Housing Element (5th Cycle) and the General Plan's Program Environmental Impact Report (hereafter referred to as the "Addendum"). Under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the Addendum has assessed the potential direct and indirect environmental effects associated with the land use program described in the Specific Plan. The addendum considered the land use and zoning associated with the site, but not a specific project. Any future project proposed for the Specific Plan Planning Area will be assessed under CEQA for potential impacts including but not limited to Aesthetics, Cultural Resources, Hydrology / Water Quality, Transportation/Traffic, and Utilities/Services Systems. EXHIBIT E Sec. 9-3.305. Industrial districts. (a) Purpose and intent. The following three (3) districts and one (1) overlay have been established for the following purpose and intent: (1) Commercial Manufacturing (CM) District. The purpose and intent of the Commercial Manufacturing (CM) District is to provide for a wide range of commercial uses, primarily of a non-retail nature, wholesaling, limited manufacturing, and indoor recreational uses. (2) Industrial Park (IP) District. The purpose and intent of the Industrial Park (IP) District is to: (A) Provide areas, designated in the General Plan, for the development of industrial parks; (B) Provide for high-quality physical developments within industrial parks by requiring comprehensive planning and the coordination of building design and location, landscaping, parking, interior circulation, and other facilities; (C)Allow for certain commercial and service uses within such industrial parks which uses are related to the permitted industrial uses or which may serve the employees of the industrial establishments during the normal workday; and (D) Limit the physical effects of the permitted industrial activities, such as the emission of air contaminants, noise, glare, run-off of pollutants, and other such effects which could be harmful to life or other nearby property, (3) Agri-Business (A) District. The purpose and intent of the Agri-Business (A) District is to implement the General Plan provisions for the use of land for agricultural activities. (4) Residential Overlay (RO). The purpose and intent of the Residential Overlay (RO) is to allow very high density multi-family housing to coexist with industrial uses within certain portions of the Industrial Park (IP) and Commercial Manufacturing (CM) Districts. Residential development within the RO shall adhere to the standards contained in subsection (h). (h) Residential Overlay (RO) Standards. (1) Uses and development standards. (A) Properties within the RO are permitted to operate existing industrial uses, expand existing industrial uses and develop new industrial uses in accordance with the applicable Commercial Manufacturing and Industrial Park zoning standards identified in Section 9-3.305 (Industrial Districts). (B) Properties within the RO are permitted to be redeveloped with multi-family housing that is consistent with the Very High Density residential zoning standards identified in Section 9-3.301 (Residential Districts). (C) If a property in the RO is converted from an industrial use to a residential use, no portion of the property may be used for industrial uses. (2) Development review. New residential development within the RO shall be subject to the applicable review procedures as set forth in Article 3 (Development Review Procedures) of Chapter 2 of this title. (A) Prior to approval of any project an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be prepared, assessing the specific project description in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). To support a CEQA determination the following studies, and potential implementation of on-and off-site improvements in response to the studies, may need to be completed: View Simulations, Air Quality Analysis, Traffic Impact Analysis, Cultural Resource Assessment, VMT Analysis, Geotechnical Report, Parking Analysis, Hydrology & Water Quality Master Plan, Biological Resource Analysis, Greenhouse Gas Assessment, Noise Assessment, and Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment. (3) Supplementary district and temporary use regulations. The supplementary district and temporary use regulations of Article 5 (Supplemental District Regulations) of this chapter shall apply to any residential development within the ·Ro. (4) Environmental overlay standards. Properties in the RO shall be subject to any applicable standards of any environmental overlay districts that traverse the RO as set forth in Article 4 (Environmental Overlay Districts) of this chapter. 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