PC Resolution-23-03-08-02PC RESOLUTION NO. 23-03-08-02 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (GPA) 22-003 REZONE (RZ) 22-002 CODE AMENDMENT (CA) 22-003 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL FIND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (GPA) 22-003, REZONE (RZ) 22-002, AND CODE AMENDMENT (CA) 22-003 CONSISTENT WITH THE APPROVED ADDENDUM TO THE 2014-2021 HOUSING ELEMENT MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND THE 1999 GENERAL PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT, AND APPROVE GPA 22-003, RZ 22-002, AND CA 22-003 FOR SAN JUAN PLAZA SPECIFIC PLAN - HOUSING ELEMENT IMPLEMENTATION: A REQUEST TO AMEND THE GENERAL PLAN LAND USE MAP, ZONING MAP, AND CODE AMENDMENT TO ESTABLISH A SPECIFIC PLAN, ALLOWING MIXED USE DEVELOPMENTS WITH UP TO 60 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE, LOCATED AT 32211, 32221, 32231, 32241, 32261, 32281 CAMINO CAPISTRANO (APN 668-091-03) Whereas, the City of San Juan Capistrano's adopted and certified 2021- 2029 Housing Element, adopted on August 16, 2022, identifies four areas to be rezoned to accommodate the City's Regional Housing Needs Assessment; and, Whereas, the City of San Juan Capistrano (the "Applicant"), proposes General Plan Amendment (GPA) 22-003, Rezone (RZ) 22-002, and Code Amendment (CA) 22-003 for San Juan Plaza Specific Plan -Housing Element Implementation, to amend the General Plan Land Use Map, Zoning Map, and Code Amendment to establish a Specific Plan, allowing mixed use developments with up to 60 dwelling units per acre, located at 32211, 32221, 32231, 32241, 32261, 32281 Camino Capistrano (APN 668- 091-03) (the "Project"); and, Whereas, Winebright Capistrano LLC, is the owner of the real property located at APN 668-091-03; and, Whereas, the City of San Juan Capistrano City Council has the authority to modify zoning and land use documents for the long term development planning for the City of San Juan Capistrano; and, Whereas, the City's Environmental Administrator has determined that the proposed General Plan Amendment, Rezone and Code Amendment are consistent with the approved Addendum to the 2014-2021 Housing Element Mitigated Negative Declaration and the 1999 General Plan Environmental Impact Report; and, Whereas, the Planning Commission has considered the Environmental Administrator's determination pursuant to Section 15051 of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has considered all Project environmental documentation; and, PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 2 March 81 2023 Whereas, the Planning Commission conducted a duly-noticed public hearing on March 8, 2023, pursuant to Municipal Code Section 9-2.302. The Planning Commission has considered all public testimony on the proposed Project and all relevant public comments and all documents and evidence submitted, including but not limited to the staff report and attachments, and materials submitted by the Applicant; and, Whereas, all other legal prerequisites to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby recommend that the City Council find the proposed General Plan Amendment, Rezone and Code Amendment are consistent with the approved Addendum to the 2014-2021 Housing Element Mitigated Negative Declaration and the 1999 General Plan Environmental Impact Report, and no further environmental review is required. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby recommend that the City Council make the following consistency findings pursuant to Title 9, Land Use Code of the City of San Juan Capistrano with respect to General Plan Amendment (GPA 22-003) incorporated herein as Exhibit A: LAND USE ELEMENT Land Use Goal 1: Develop a balanced land use pattern to ensure that revenue generation matches the City's responsibility for provision and maintenance of public services and facilities. 1.1: Encourage a land use composition in San Juan Capistrano that provides a balance or surplus between the generation of public revenues and the cost of providing public facilities and services. 1.2: Encourage commercial, tourist-oriented, and industrial development that is compatible with existing land uses within the City to improve the generation of sales tax, property tax, and hotel occupancy tax. 1.3: Encourage mixed commercial and residential use projects in the Mission District downtown area to conserve land and provide additional housing opportunities and population to support commercial services and retail sales. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan will allow for a horizontal, mixed-use project that contains commercial and residential uses located in the central part of the City in close proximity to the City's historic downtown area. The project will provide additional housing opportunities, which will increase the customer base and in tum support proposed and existing commercial and retail uses, thereby increasing the City's property tax and city sales tax receipts. PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 3 March 8, 2023 Land Use Goal 2: Control and direct future growth within the City to preserve the rural village-like character of the community. 2.1: Continue controlling growth through the implementation of the City's residential growth management program. 2.2: Assure that new development is consistent and compatible with the existing character of the City. 2.3: Ensure that development corresponds to the provision of public facilities and services. Consistency Discussion: Projects within the Specific Plan will be connected to existing public facilities and services within the immediate vicinity. The Specific Plan development standards have been established in a manner that is consistent and compatible with the existing character of the City and that of the surrounding commercial district. The Specific Plan contains design guidelines that will ensure contextually appropriate and quality development. Land Use Goal 3: Distribute additional population within the City based on risk factors. 3.1: Confine higher density land uses to the valley areas outside of the flood plain. 3.2: Limit density of development in the hillside, floodplains, and other high-risk areas. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan is situated within the central area of the City and no structures developed on the site will be located within a 100-year flood zone, on a hillside, or on other high-risk areas. Future development will comply with local, state, and federal guidelines regarding development within areas of flood hazard. Land Use Goal 4: Preserve major areas of open space and natural features. 4.1: Preserve areas of natural hazards, such as landslides and floodplains, which would jeopardize the public health and safety. 4.3: Preserve designated ridgelines and the immediate adjacent area to maintain the open space character of the community. Consistency Discussion: The project is located within the central area of the City and is not a major area of open space nor does it contain major natural features. PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 4 March 8, 2023 Land Use Goal 6: Enhance or redevelop underperforming commercial centers. 6.1: Allow for the transitioning of the oversupply of commercial land use to other economically viable revenue producing land uses. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan will allow for the transitioning of commercially designated land to a complementary, economically viable mix of land uses that will provide new revenue streams for the City. The Specific Plan allows for a variety of land uses including commercial/retail, office, restaurant, residential, among others that will enhance the surrounding commercial area by generating new business activity attractive to both residents and visitors. Land Use Goal 7: Enhance and maintain the character of neighborhoods. 7 .1: Preserve and enhance the quality of San Juan Capistrano neighborhoods by avoiding or abating the intrusion of non-conforming buildings and uses. 7.2: Ensure that new development is compatible with the physical characteristics of its site, surrounding land uses, and available public infrastructure. 7.3: Utilize programs for rehabilitation of physical development, infrastructure and undergrounding of utilities within the City to improve community neighborhoods. 7.4: Protect the existing population and social character of older areas subject to rehabilitation and redevelopment. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan contains development standards/regulations and design guidelines that will guide future development to ensure compatibility with the physical characteristics, surrounding land uses, and public infrastructure within the central area of the City. No development is proposed within existing City neighborhoods. HOUSING ELEMENT Housing Goal 1: Provide a broad range of housing opportunities with emphasis on providing housing which meets the special needs of the community. 1.1: Consistent with Land Use Element, provide a provide a range of different housing types and unit sizes for varying income ranges and lifestyles. PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 5 March 81 2023 1.3: Encourage both the private and public sectors to produce or assist in the production of housing with particular emphasis on housing affordable to persons with disabilities, elderly, large families, female-headed households with children, veterans, and homeless. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan allows for multi-family development in a mixed-use configuration that will provide new housing opportunities within the central area of the City. A range of unit types and sizes are provided that will create a variety of price points for future residents. Housing Element Goal 2: To the maximum extent feasible, encourage and provide housing opportunities for persons of lower and moderate incomes. 2.1: Encourage the development of affordable housing. 2.2: Facilitate housing development that is affordable to extremely low-, lower-, and moderate-income households by providing technical assistance, regulatory incentives and concessions, expedited development review, and financial resources as funding permits. 2.3: Continue to utilize federal and State subsidies, as well as City housing in-lieu fees in a cost-efficient manner, to the fullest extent to meet the needs of lower-income residents, including extremely low-income residents. 2.4: Implement affordability agreements for all housing projects that receive financial assistance from the City. 2.5: Encourage mixed use development on a case-by-case basis to allow for increased housing opportunities. 2.6: Target City owned sites available for housing production for working families. 2. 7: Promote the development of affordable and special needs housing near transit and/or "smart growth areas". 2.8: Encourage energy efficient design in new and rehabilitated development and in existing housing units as a means to lowering housing costs. 2.9: Encourage collaborative partnerships to maximize resources available for the provision of affordable housing to lower-income households. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan allows for multi-family development in a mixed-use configuration that will provide new housing opportunities within the central area of the City and is located near existing transit facilities. A range of unit types and sizes are provided and will create a variety of price points to meet housing demands of future residents. Furthermore, the Specific Plan includes an lnclusionary Housing requirement which establishes that the development will include 15% of the units as affordable to Very Low-, Low-, and Moderate-Income households. PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 6 March 8, 2023 Housing Element Goal 3: Reduce or remove governmental constraints to the development, improvement, and maintenance of housing where feasible and legally permissible. 3.1: Periodically review City regulations, ordinances, permitting processes, and residential fees to ensure that they do not constrain housing development and are consistent with State law. 3.2: Continue cooperative agreements, as appropriate, with State, County and other agencies, so that community housing needs are met to the greatest degree possible. 3.3: Offer financial and/or regulatory incentives, where feasible, to offset or reduce the costs of developing quality housing affordable to a wide range of households. 3.4: Accommodate housing needs for extremely low-income households and special needs persons in the City's development regulations. Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will remove governmental constraints to allow for the development of new housing within the City, which includes a range of units and price points to meet community housing needs. Housing Goal 4: Create and maintain decent housing and a suitable living environment for all households in the community. 4.1: Encourage all households to maintain and rehabilitate all housing to prevent deterioration. 4.2: Preserve all housing and neighborhoods throughout the City in a safe environment to live, work and play. 4.3: Encourage the rehabilitation of deteriorating houses where feasible and provide assistance when necessary for households who cannot afford the costs of such improvements. 4.4: Provide and maintain an adequate level of services and facilities in all areas of the City. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan allows for multi-family development in a mixed-use configuration that will provide new housing opportunities within the central area of the City and is located within half-a-mile of existing transit facilities. Future development within the Specific Plan area will be professionally managed and maintain a high-quality environment for residents and visitors to live, work, and play. Housing Goal 5: Promote equal opportunity for all residents to reside in housing of their choice. PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 7 March 8, 2023 5.1. Prohibit discrimination in the sale, rental, or financing of housing based on race, color, ancestry, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability/ medical condition, familial status, marital status, source of income, or any other arbitrary factor. 5.2: Continue efforts to facilitate the unimpeded access to housing without consideration of arbitrary distinctions. 5.3: Accommodate persons with disabilities who seek reasonable waiver or modification of land use controls and/or development standards pursuant to procedures and criteria set forth in the Zoning Ordinance. 5.4: Continue adopted procedures whereby the City refers apparent violations of the law to enforcement agencies for consideration of remedial actions. Consistency Discussion: New residential development within the Specific Plan will comply with local, state, and federal laws related to equal opportunity and prohibition of discrimination of housing. CIRCULATION ELEMENT Circulation Goal 1: Provide a system of roadways that meets the needs of the community. 1.1: Provide and maintain a City circulation system that is in balance with the land uses in San Juan Capistrano. 1.2: Implement the City's Master Plan of Streets and Highways. 1.3: Coordinate improvements to the City circulation system with other major transportation improvement programs. 1.4: Improve the San Juan Capistrano circulation system roadways in concert with land development to ensure sufficient levels of service. 1.5: Improve existing arterial system that serves regional circulation patterns in order to reduce local congestion (Ortega Highway at 1-5). 1.6: Reduce the congestion along local arterial roadways in commercial areas by driveway access consolidation, parking area interconnections and similar actions. Consistency Discussion: Any proposed project within the Specific Plan will be required to assess the Traffic and Circulation impacts of the specific project and as necessary, implement necessary improvements to adjacent roadways to provide safe and efficient vehicular access to the Specific Plan area, including driveways and parking areas. As part of the CEQA review for projects proposed within the Specific Plan, the project will be evaluated on potential level of service issues and adhere to any applicable mitigation measures governing development activities. A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) maybe required depending on the intensity of development. The TIA would identify any traffic impacts and recommend mitigation measures at selected intersections and roadway segments. PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 8 March 8. 2023 Circulation Goal 2: Promote an advanced public transportation network. 2.1 : Encourage the increased use and expansion of public transportation opportunities. 2.2: Promote new employment-producing development in areas where public transit is convenient and desirable. 2.3: Encourage the provision of additional regional public transportation services and support facilities, such as park-and-ride lots. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan area is situated near existing public transportation facilities, including the San Juan Capistrano train station, which is serviced daily by Amtrak Surfliner and Metrolink, and Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) Route 91. The adjacency to these existing public transportation facilities will allow for increased use of these facilities. Circulation Goal 3: Provide an extensive public bicycle, pedestrian, and equestrian trails network. 3.1: Provide and maintain an extensive trails network that supports bicycles, pedestrians, and horses and is coordinated with those networks of adjacent jurisdictions. Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's efforts towards the provision of an extensive trails network. Public, on-street bicycle facilities located within the vicinity of the project will be maintained. The Specific Plan will benefit from proximity to existing bicycle facilities along the San Juan and Trabuco creeks located to the south and west of the project area. Circulation Goal 4: Minimize the conflict between the automobile, commercial vehicles, pedestrians, horses, and bicycles. 4.1 : Provide sufficient right-of-way widths along roadways to incorporate features that buffer pedestrians, horses, and bicycles from vehicular traffic. 4.2: Provide traffic management improvements within areas where through traffic creates public safety problems. 4.3: Install additional street improvements within areas where necessary to improve vehicular and non-vehicular safety. 4.4: Apply creative traffic management approaches to address congestion in areas with unique problems, such as schools, businesses with drive-through access, and other special situations. PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 9 March 81 2023 4.5: Improve Paseo Adelanto north of Del Obispo Street and South of River Street as a 28-foot wide ( curb to curb) roadway with a sidewalk on the east side of the street and with on-street parking permitted along the east side of Paseo Adelanto. 4.6: Transition River Street from an existing asphalt street to a decomposed granite (or similar material) pedestrian path. Prohibit vehicular access along River Street through the placement of bollards -placed at the intersection with Los Rios Street, and gates placed at the intersection with Paseo Adelanto. Consistency Discussion: Any proposed project within the Specific Plan will be required to assess the Traffic and Circulation impacts of the specific project and as necessary, design necessary improvements to accommodates the safe movement of automobiles, commercial vehicles, and pedestrians. Circulation Goal 5: Achieve the development of regional transportation facilities. 5.1: Support the implementation of the Orange County Master Plan of Arterial Highways and the south Foothill Tollway Segment (Segment CP). 5.2: Work closely with adjacent jurisdictions and transportation agencies to ensure that development projects outside San Juan Capistrano do not adversely impact the City or other providers of public transportation service within the City. 5.3: Monitor alternative transportation programs, such as rail and bus systems providing service to the City. Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's efforts towards the development of regional transportation facilities. SAFETY ELEMENT Safety Goal 1: Reduce the risk to the community from hazards related to geologic conditions, seismic activity, wildfires, structural fires and flooding. 1.1: Reduce the risk of impacts from geologic and seismic hazards by applying proper development engineering, building construction, and retrofitting requirements. 1.2: Protect the community from flooding hazards by providing and maintaining flood control facilities and limiting development within the floodplain. 1 .4. Reduce the risk of fire to the community by coordinating with the Orange County Fire Authority. PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 10 March 8, 2023 1.5. All residential projects with more than 48 units should be required to provide a secondary access to the project site. The secondary access may be designated as emergency access only. Consistency Discussion: All new development within the Specific Plan will adhere to applicable geologic and seismic Building Code requirements. Currently, the southeast corner of the Specific Plan project area, totaling approximately 2,400 square feet, is identified as being within the AE flood zone. FEMA's processing of Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) through case number 22-09-0891 R will ensure the Specific Plan area is not located within the 100-year flood zone. Future development will comply with local, state, and federal guidelines regarding development within areas of flood hazard. Future development within the Specific Plan will work with Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) to ensure an adequate level of fire protection services are provided, consistent with OCFA requirements. The Specific Plan allows for a density of up to 60 dwelling units per acre, which may result in more than 48 units on the site. Any project which pursues more than 48 units within the Specific Plan will be required to demonstrate adequate access for circulation and safety. Safety Goal 2: Protect the community from hazards related to air pollution, nuclear power production, hazardous materials and ground transportation. 2.1: Work with responsible federal, state and county agencies to decrease air pollution emissions occurring within the air basin to reduce the risk posed by air pollution. 2.2: Coordinate with federal and state agencies and Southern California Edison to reduce the risks related to nuclear power production. 2.3: Cooperate with responsible federal, state, and county agencies to minimize the risk to the community from the use and transportation of hazardous materials through the City. 2.4: Reduce the per capita production of household hazardous waste in San Juan Capistrano in concert with the County of Orange plans for reducing hazardous waste. 2.5: Reduce the risk from ground transportation hazards, such as rail and roadway systems. Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's efforts to protect the community from hazards related to air pollution, nuclear power production, hazardous materials, and/or ground transportation. Any proposed project within the Specific Plan will be required to evaluate potential air quality and other relevant issues and adhere to any applicable construction mitigation measures governing development activities. Safety Goal 3: Protect citizens and businesses from criminal activity. PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 11 March 81 2023 3.1: Coordinate with the Orange County Sheriffs Department to reduce the risk of criminal activity. 3.2: Apply design techniques and standards aimed at reducing criminal activity to new development and redevelopment. 3.3: Promote after school programs, volunteer programs and Neighborhood Watch programs to reduce the risk of criminal activity. 3.4: Improve public awareness of both the responsiveness of the Orange County Sheriffs Department and ways to reduce criminal activity within the City. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan will infuse new activity within the central area of the City by allowing for new development that will introduce new residents, visitors, and businesses providing additional 'eyes on the street' and greater pedestrian activity within the project vicinity. Safety Goal 4: Improve the ability of the City to respond effectively to natural and human-caused emergencies. 4.1: Support the development of local preparedness plans and multi-jurisdictional cooperation and communication for emergency situations consistent with the Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS). 4.2: Educate residents and businesses regarding appropriate actions to safeguard life and property during and immediately after emergencies. Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's efforts to respond to natural and human-caused emergencies. CONSERVATION/OPEN SPACE ELEMENT Conservation/Open Space Goal 1: Preserve and enhance open space resources. 1 .1 : Identify remaining areas which should be preserved and enhanced as open space resources. 1.2: Continue to implement land and open space-rights acquisition of appropriate properties to allow for the long-term preservation of open space resources. 1.3: Identify and implement funding programs to maintain open space lands. Consistency Discussion: The project is located within the central area of the City and is not considered an area of open space resources. PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 12 March 8, 2023 Conservation/Open Space Goal 2: Protect and preserve important ecological and biological resources. 2.1 : Use proper land use planning to reduce the impact of urban development on important ecological and biological resources. 2.2: Preserve important ecological and biological resources as open space. 2.3: Develop open space uses in an ecologically sensitive manner. 2.4: Continue to designate the City as a bird sanctuary to preserve and protect the populations of all migratory birds which serve as a prime resource to the character and history of the community. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan area does not contain important ecological and/or biological resources and implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's efforts to protect and preserve its ecological and biological resources. Any proposed project within the Specific Plan will be required to assess ecological and biological resources to determine if the project will create any potential impacts. Conservation/Open Space Goal 3: Preserve existing agricultural activity. 3.1 : Implement economic programs that promote the long-term viability of designated agricultural parcels within the City. 3.2: Reduce the negative impacts resulting from urban uses and neighboring agricultural uses in close proximity. Consistency Discussion: The project is not located next to existing agricultural uses and implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's efforts to preserve existing agricultural activity. Conservation/Open Space Goal 4: Prevent incompatible development in areas that should be preserved for scenic, historic, conservation, or public safety purposes. 4.1 : Assure incompatible development is avoided in those areas that are designated to be preserved for scenic, historic, conservation, or public safety purposes. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan contains development standards/regulations as well as design guidelines that will guide future development and ensure high-quality design that is compatible with the downtown area. The Specific Plan area does not contain areas PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 13 March 8, 2023 designated by the City for preservation for scenic, conservation, or public safety purposes. Conservation/Open Space Goal 5: Shape and guide development in order to achieve efficient growth and maintain community scale and identity. 5.1: Encourage high-quality design in new development and redevelopment to maintain the low-density character of the City. 5.2: Ensure that new development integrates and preserves areas designated for scenic, historic, conservation, or public safety reasons. 5.3: Ensure that no buildings will encroach upon any ridgeline designated for preservation. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan contains development standards/regulations as well as design guidelines that will guide future development and ensure high-quality design that is compatible with the downtown area. The Specific Plan. area does not contain ridgelines or areas designated by the City for preservation for scenic, conservation, or public safety purposes. Conservation/Open Space Goal 6: Improve air quality. 6.1 : Cooperate with the South Coast Air Quality Management District and Southern California Association of Governments in their efforts to implement the regional Air Quality Management Plan. 6.2: Cooperate and participate in regional air quality, management planning, programs, and enforcement measures. 6.3: Implement City-wide traffic flow improvements. 6.4: Achieve a greater balance between jobs and housing in San Juan Capistrano. 6.5: Integrate air quality planning with land use and transportation planning. 6.6: Promote energy conservation and recycling by the public and private sectors. Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's efforts to participate in regional air quality, management planning, programs, and enforcement measures. The Specific Plan will allow for a horizontal mixed-use development within the downtown area, providing new housing and business opportunities within the City. Any proposed project within the Specific Plan will be required to evaluate potential air quality issues and adhere to any applicable construction mitigation measures governing development activities. PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 14 March 81 2023 Conservation/Open Space Goal 7: Protect water quality. 7.1: Coordinate water quality and supply programs with the responsible water agencies. 7.2: Encourage the production and use of recycled water. 7.3: Conserve and protect watershed areas. Consistency Discussion: Development within the Specific Plan area will adhere to applicable local, state, and federal requirements related to water quality and on-site storm drain systems will be designed to minimize any potential impact on existing facilities. Conservation/Open Space Goal 8: Encourage active citizen involvement to establish and achieve community goals. 8.1: Solicit citizen participation during the early stages of major public and regulatory programs. 8.2: Develop appropriate vehicles, such as newsletters, information brochures, cable television programming and announcements, and other methods, to communicate important information to the population of San Juan Capistrano. Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's efforts to encourage active citizen involvement to establish and achieve community goals. NOISE ELEMENT Noise Goal 1: Minimize the effects of noise through proper land use planning. 1.1 : Utilize noise/land use compatibility standards as a guide for future planning and development decisions. 1.2: Provide noise control measures and sound attenuating construction in areas of new construction or rehabilitation. Consistency Discussion: Noise-sensitive land uses have been sited to adhere to future noise level conditions. Any proposed project within the Specific Plan will be required to evaluate potential noise issues and adhere to any applicable construction mitigation measures governing development activities. PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 15 March 8, 2023 Noise Goal 2: Minimize transportation-related noise impacts. 2.1: Reduce transportation-related noise impacts to sensitive land uses through the use of noise control measures. 2.2: Control truck traffic routing to reduce transportation-related noise impacts to sensitive land uses. 2.3: Incorporate sound-reduction design in development projects impacted by transportation-related noise. 2.4: Oppose airport operations that result in excessive noise from overflights. Consistency Discussion: Noise-sensitive land uses have been sited to adhere to future noise level conditions. Any proposed project within the Specific Plan will be required to evaluate noise issues and adhere to any applicable construction mitigation measures governing development activities. Noise Goal 3: Minimize non-transportation-related noise impacts. 3.1: Reduce the impacts of noise-producing land uses and activities on noise-sensitive land uses. 3.2: Incorporate sound-reduction design in new construction or rehabilitation projects impacted by non-transportation-related noise. Consistency Discussion: Noise-sensitive land uses have been sited to adhere to future noise level conditions. Any proposed project within the Specific Plan will be required to evaluate on potential noise issues and adhere to any applicable construction mitigation measures governing development activities. CULTURAL RESOURCES ELEMENT Cultural Resources Goal 1: Preserve and protect historical, archaeological, and paleontological resources. 1.1: Balance the benefits of development with the project's potential impacts to existing cultural resources. 1.2: Identify, designate, and protect buildings and sites of historic importance. 1.3: Identify funding programs to assist private property owners in the preservation of buildings and sites of historic importance. PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 16 March 8, 2023 Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan area does not contain any known cultural resources. Any proposed project within the Specific Plan will be required to assess potential cultural, archeological or paleontological resources and establish construction mitigation measures to govern development activities, should resources be discovered. COMMUNITY DESIGN ELEMENT Community Design Goal 1: Encourage and preserve a sense of place. 1.1: Preserve significant amounts of land and important natural features for open space. 1.2: Encourage high-quality and human scale design in development to maintain the character of the City. 1.3: Encourage the participation by all members of the community in activities which promote the City and create local pride Consistency Discussion: The design guidelines within the Specific Plan further the unique character of San Juan Capistrano through site planning, architecture, and landscaping, all of which will ensure contextually appropriate, high-quality, and human scaled design in future development. Community Design Goal 2: Preserve the historic character of the community. 2.1: Encourage development which complements the City's traditional, historic character through site design, architecture, and landscaping. Consistency Discussion: The design guidelines within the Specific Plan further the historic character of San Juan Capistrano through site planning, architecture, and landscaping, all of which will ensure contextually appropriate, high-quality, and human scaled design in future development. Community Design Goal 3: Preserve and enhance natural features. 3.1: Limit development of important natural characteristics such as ridgelines, unique hillside features and creeks. 3.2: Encourage the recreational use of natural features, such as hillsides and creeks. 3.3: Preserve and enhance scenic transportation corridors, including Interstate 5 and the railroad. 3.4: Preserve important view sheds. PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 17 March 81 2023 Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan area does not contain important natural characteristics, hillsides or creeks, is not located directly adjacent to a scenic transportation corridor, and does not contain important view sheds. GROWTH MANAGEMENT ELEMENT Growth Management Goal 1: Coordinate rational and orderly growth that assures the economic and efficient provision of public services and infrastructure to new development. 1 .1: Continue to implement service standards for public services and infrastructure which provide sufficient services to community residents and businesses. 1.2: Approve only those development proposals for which there is sufficient funding through the developer, City or other agency to provide a level of public service and infrastructure which meet the established goals. 1.3: Monitor growth to ensure that service standards are achieved. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan will allow for orderly new privately-funded development that will provide new housing supply within the City, which will help the City in addressing their 6th Cycle Housing Element regional housing needs, and will work with applicable public service and infrastructure providers to ensure the provision of adequate services to support the new development. Growth Management Goal 2: Provide sufficient regional transportation facilities. 2.1: Work closely with the OCTA, Caltrans, surrounding jurisdictions, and other transportation agencies to obtain needed transportation funding and facilities. 2.2: Encourage the expansion of alternative means of regional public transportation. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan area is situated within half-a-mile from major public transportation facilities including the San Juan Capistrano train station, serviced on a daily basis by both the Amtrak Surfliner and the Metrolink, as well as Orange County Transportation Authority (OCFA) Route 91. Growth Management Goal 3: Provide for a balance of jobs and housing through land use planning. PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 18 March 81 2023 3.1: Consider jobs/housing balance in the City and region as a factor in land use decision- making. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan allows for both job creating and residential land uses. As proposed, the Specific Plan will provide opportunities for development of new housing and a variety of commercial/retail, restaurant, and office job opportunities. New commercial/retail spaces are anticipated to strengthen the existing business environment by providing space for new businesses that provide for a greater variety of retail and services to the community. Growth Management Goal 4: Coordinate and cooperate with other public agencies to address regional issues and opportunities. 4.1: Participate with other public agencies in cooperative efforts to address important regional issues. 4.2: Monitor major new developments proposed in adjacent communities to ensure that impacts on San Juan Capistrano are mitigated. Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's ongoing efforts to address important regional issues. PARKS AND RECREATION ELEMENT Parks and Recreation Goal 1: Provide, develop, and maintain ample park and recreation facilities that provide a diversity of recreational activities. 1.1: Coordinate with local groups to identify and meet the community's recreational needs. 1.2: Work with the County and other agencies' planning for the development of regional parks and regional linkages which will be accessible to City residents. 1.3: Identify and implement funding programs to maintain and expand park and recreational facilities. 1 .4: Develop and maintain a balanced system of public and private recreational lands, facilities and programs to meet the needs of the community. 1.5: Operate and maintain public park and recreational facilities in a manner that ensures safe and convenient access for all members of the community. 1.6: Increase the accessibility of existing open space areas for recreational activities. 1. 7: Provide parkland improvements and facilities that are durable and economical to maintain. 1.8: Publicize park and recreation opportunities in San Juan Capistrano to the community. 1.9: Utilize existing public utility easements for recreation and open space. PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 19 March 8, 2023 Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan is in close proximity to multiple parks and open space. The site is within a quarter of a mile walking distance from Descanso Park, located at the end of Paseo Adelanto and where Trabuco Creek and San Juan Creek converge and is approximately 0.4 miles from the San Juan Capistrano Historic Town Center Park. Future development within the Specific Plan will be subject to development impact fees will be to accommodate new demand for parks by the Specific Plan Project Area residents. Parks and Recreation Goal 2: Develop and expand the existing bicycle, hiking, and equestrian trail system and facilities. 2.1: Develop and expand the existing trails network that supports bicycles, pedestrians, and horses, and coordinate linkages with those networks of adjacent jurisdictions. 2.2: Preserve the equestrian lifestyle by designating land for the preservation or provision of new equestrian facilities. 2.3: Encourage the affordable provision of equestrian facilities within the City. Consistency Discussion: There are no trail systems or facilities directly adjacent to the Specific Plan area. However, the Specific Plan will benefit from proximity to existing bicycle facilities along the San Juan and Trabuco creeks located to the south and west of the project area. PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITIES ELEMENT Public Services and Utilities Goal 1: Work with the Orange County Sheriff's Department to provide a sufficient level of law enforcement. 1.1: Work closely with the Orange County Sheriff's Department in determining and meeting community needs for law enforcement services. 1.2: Periodically evaluate the level of law enforcement services to ensure that San Juan Capistrano has appropriate levels of law enforcement services. Consistency Discussion: Future development within the Specific Plan will coordinate with the Orange County Sheriff's department to ensure the appropriate level of law enforcement is provided. Public Services and Utilities Goal 2: Work with the Orange County Fire Authority to provide a sufficient level of fire protection. PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 20 March 81 2023 2.1 : Work closely with the Orange County Fire Authority in determining and meeting community needs for fire protection services and facilities. 2.2: Periodically evaluate the level of fire protection service to ensure that San Juan Capistrano has appropriate levels of fire protection services. Consistency Discussion: Future development within the Specific Plan will coordinate with the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) to ensure an adequate level of fire protection services are provided, consistent with OCFA requirements. Public Services and Utilities Goal 3: Work effectively with the Capistrano Unified School District to provide a sufficient level of public education. 3.1: Work closely with Capistrano Unified School District in determining and meeting community needs for public education and related activities. 3.2: Work with Capistrano Unified School District in investigating potential locations and funding sources for new schools, including a future high school. Consistency Discussion: Future development within the Specific Plan will provide relevant development impact fees to the Capistrano Unified School District (CUSD). Public Services and Utilities Goal 4: Provide sufficient community facilities. 4.1: Work closely with community groups in providing community facilities which meet the needs of the community. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan includes provisions for community facilities for residents and visitors of the area including recreational facilities and retail establishments. Public Services and Utilities Goal 5: Work closely with the Orange County Public Library to provide a sufficient level of library facilities and services. 5.1: Work closely with the Orange County Public Library in determining and meeting community needs for library facilities and services, including hours of operation. PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 21 March 8, 2023 Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's ongoing efforts to work with the Orange County Public Library. Public Services and Utilities Goal 6: Provide sufficient levels of water and sewer service. 6.1: Provide sufficient levels of water and sewer service to meet the needs of the community. Consistency Discussion: Future development within the Specific Plan will work closely with the SMWD to ensure sufficient level of water and sewer services are provided to service the development. Public Services and Utilities Goal 7: Work effectively with providers of natural gas, electricity, telephone, cable television and solid waste disposal to provide sufficient levels of these services. 7.1: Work closely with providers of energy, communications and solid waste disposal in determining and meeting the needs of the community for energy, communications and solid waste disposal. 7.2: Encourage energy efficient development. 7.3: Encourage the expansion of telecommunications capabilities to promote economic development of the community. 7.4: Reduce the per capita production of solid waste in San Juan Capistrano in concert with the City's Source Reduction and Recycling Element. Consistency Discussion: Future development within the Specific Plan will coordinate closely with applicable utility providers to ensure provisions of adequate facilities and services to serve new development. All future development will meet the CalGreen water and energy efficiency requirements of the Building Code. FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT ELEMENT Floodplain Management Goal 1: Protect life and property from floodwaters. 1.1: Limit development within the floodplain to minimize risks to life and property and satisfy the flood insurance and other requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 22 March 8, 2023 1 .2: Prevent the placement of unauthorized fill material in creeks and floodplains in order to avoid alteration of flow characteristics and bridge scour. 1.3: Construct new flood protection improvements where determined necessary by the City, County and Army Corps of Engineers. 1.4: Improve existing bridges to improve the flow of the associated streams. Consistency Discussion: Currently, the southeast corner of the Specific Plan project area, totaling approximately 2,400 square feet, is identified as being within the AE flood zone. FEMA's processing of CLOMR through case number 22-09-0891 R will ensure the entirety of the Specific Plan area is located outside of the 100-year flood zone. Future development will comply with local, state, and federal guidelines regarding development within areas of flood hazard. Floodplain Management Goal 2: Preserve and enhance the natural character of the creeks and their floodplains. 2.1: Use environmentally sensitive treatments where creek improvements are necessary to preserve wetlands. 2.2: Enhance and/or restore the creeks and their floodplains as part of private development projects and public works projects. 2.3: Flood protection improvements for stream banks are encouraged to use linings such as soil, cement, "armorflex", earth covered rip rap, or other environmentally sensitive treatments that provide effective and durable flood protection. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan area is not located directly adjacent to a creek. Floodplain Management Goal 3: Preserve and enhance recreational opportunities and amenities provided by the creeks and their floodplains. 3.1: Preserve existing park and recreational land uses adjacent to all creeks. 3.2: Construct bicycle and equestrian trails along all of the creeks, and include underpasses for the trails beneath bridges, as well as safe trails on bridges. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan area is not located directly adjacent to a creek. PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 23 March 81 2023 ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE ELEMENT Environmental Justice Element Goal 1: Promote land use and development patterns that reduce air pollution exposure and improve respiratory health for residents of the Community of Focus. 1.1 : Partner with the South Coast Air Quality Management District to monitor local air quality and identify main pollution sources. 1.2: Encourage the California Department of Transportation to regularly monitor air emissions from freeway traffic and develop mitigation measures to reduce air quality impacts in neighborhoods adjacent to the freeway in the Community of Focus. 1.3: Encourage any new construction of mechanically ventilated homes, schools, childcare facilities, and elder care facilities within 500 feet of the freeway to install MERV13 grade air filters or equivalent measures to prevent air pollution exposure among residents. 1.4: Encourage project proponents to prepare health risk assessments in accordance with California Air Resources Board and South Coast Air Quality Management District recommended procedures if new construction is proposed within 500 feet of the freeway. 1.5: Review the effectiveness of existing quiet zones within the Community of Focus and provide information to area residents on how to report any train horn violations to the Federal Railroad Administration. 1.6: Work with equestrian facilities in the Community of Focus to ensure best practices and measures are being implemented to address dust. 1. 7: Seek partnerships to increase public transit service and electric carshare and bikeshare programs for all residents to utilize. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan area is not located within or directly adjacent to the Community of Focus and would not impact the air pollution exposure in the Community of Focus. Environmental Justice Element Goal 2: Proactively take actions to address potential negative impacts of climate change on the most vulnerable residents and adopt strategies to mitigate impacts and promote adaptation and resiliency for residents in the Community of Focus. 2.1: Incorporate climate change and climate variability into planning, health, and emergency preparedness plans and guidance to increase preparedness for natural hazards exacerbated by climate change, especially among vulnerable populations. 2.2: Work with federal, state, and county governments to identify opportunities and investments to create jobs that are safe and sustainable and promote clean energy solutions. PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 24 March 81 2023 Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan area is not located within or directly adjacent to the Community of Focus and would not impact the effects of climate change within the Community of Focus. Environmental Justice Element Goal 3: Equitably distribute and maintain public infrastructure, facilities, and services. 3.1: Engage with the community and partner with community-based organizations to plan and implement public facility improvements. 3.2: Ensure public services are delivered to the Community of Focus in an efficient and equitable manner. 3.3: Maintain and improve existing facilities and infrastructure located within the Community of Focus. 3.4: When siting new public facilities in the city requested by the community, consider locating said new facilities in the Community of Focus or as close to the Community of Focus as possible. 3.5: Study potential remedies to address lack of parking for residents of Capistrano Villas, including potential overnight use of city parking lots next to the City's Library or in the Los Rios Historic District and strategies to promote alternative modes of transportation. 3.6: In collaboration with community-based organizations active in the Community of Focus, identify public facility construction and maintenance needs in the Community of Focus. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan area is not located within or directly adjacent to the Community of Focus and would propose no modifications to infrastructure or services within the Community of Focus. Environmental Justice Element Goal 4: Promote safe and equitable access to public facilities. 4.1: When necessary, promptly replace and install new streetlights, restripe crosswalks and bike lanes, and implement leading pedestrian intervals at traffic signals with high pedestrian traffic to increase visibility and reduce collisions between automobiles, pedestrian, and cyclists. 4.2: Provide traffic safety information to the public by providing information on the city's website or by conducting workshops in the community. 4.3 : Develop and implement a bicycle master plan to prioritize bicycle-related improvements throughout the city. 4.4: Where feasible and if funding is available, implement traffic-calming measures, such as speed bumps, roundabouts, and narrower lanes to prevent speeding and increase pedestrian and cyclist safety and comfort. PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 25 March 8, 2023 4.5: Where feasible and if funding is available, implement Class IV physically protected bikeways on major streets with Class II bike lanes, particularly those with more than one lane in each direction and/or speed limits above 30 miles per hour. 4.6: Promote a pleasant walking and biking environment by planting drought -tolerant plants and improving stormwater management as part of any street redesign. 4. 7: Collaborate with state and local leaders to reform statewide speed limit laws, including the 85th Percentile Rule, which generally sets a road segment's speed limit as the speed that 15 percent of drivers exceed, so lowering speed limits in the Community of Focus may be considered. 4.8: Collaborate with community leaders and neighboring jurisdictions to expand the service and route of the summer trolley, including offering service year-round and into additional jurisdictions. 4.9: In collaboration with community-based organizations, work to identify public facility needs in the Community of Focus. Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's ongoing efforts to promote safe and equitable access to public facilities. Additionally, the Specific Plan area is not located within or directly adjacent to the Community of Focus and would not impact the Community of Focus' safe and equitable access to public facilities. Environmental Justice Element Goal 5: Promote safe routes to schools and related facilities. 5.1: Prioritize traffic improvements around schools, libraries, and childcare facilities. 5.2: Prioritize areas near schools for crosswalk, bike lane, and traffic-calming improvements. 5.3: Collaborate with school leaders to initiate a safe routes to school program, a walking school bus program, and/or similar programs to enhance and promote safer streets near schools. 5.4: In collaboration with community-based organizations, identify street safety needs and interventions near campuses, libraries, and childcare facilities in the Community of Focus. Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's ongoing efforts to promote safe routes to schools and related facilities. Additionally, the Specific Plan area is not located within or directly adjacent to the Community of Focus and would not impact street safety needs and interventions near campuses, libraries, and childcare facilities in the Community of Focus. Environmental Justice Element Goal 6: Ensure all residents of the Community of Focus have healthy and safe living conditions. PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 26 March 8. 2023 6.1: Identify funding programs on the city's website that could assist landlords to address substandard conditions and preserve affordability of housing occupied by lower- income households in the Community of Focus. 6.2: Identify resources on the city's website to assist tenants with mold and lead abatement. 6.3: Work with homeowner associations and property management companies that manage multifamily condominiums located within the Community of Focus to assist them in developing a proactive plan that addresses substandard housing conditions and promotes maintenance of green spaces while not penalizing renters. 6.4: Reduce potential exposure to asbestos materials during rehabilitation of older units by providing building permit applicants information on the South Coast Air Quality Management District requirements to mitigate for potential asbestos exposure in units built prior to 1980. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan area is not located within or directly adjacent to the Community of Focus and would not impact the heathy and safe living conditions within the Community. Environmental Justice Element Goal 7: Ensure all residents have access to a diverse mix to affordable housing options available to households of all sizes, including younger workers, senior citizens, and families, to reduce overcrowding and cost burden. 7.1: Prioritize the development of affordable housing for different income levels throughout the City of San Juan Capistrano and in proximity to community amenities. 7.2: Study potential adjustments to the City's current lnclusionary Zoning Ordinance to increase funding for affordable projects in the City of San Juan Capistrano. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan allows for multi-family development in a mixed-use configuration that will provide new housing opportunities and is located near existing transit facilities. A range of unit types and sizes are provided and will create a variety of price points to meet housing demands of future residents. Furthermore, the Specific Plan includes an lnclusionary Housing requirement which establishes that the development will include 15% of the units as affordable to Very Low-, Low-, and Moderate-Income households. New residential developments within the Specific Plan will comply with local, state, and federal laws related to equal opportunity and prohibition of discrimination of housing. Environmental Justice Element Goal 8: Preserve the sense of community and social cohesion in the Community of Focus through policies to prevent the displacement of long-term residents. PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 27 March 81 2023 8.1: To the extent allowed by state or federal laws, establish a Local Preference Policy that prioritizes applicants who live and/or work in the City for new affordable housing units. Consistency Discussion: New residential developments within the Specific Plan will comply with the inclusionary requirements established and provide a preference when tenanting new units for households and individuals which reside or work within the San Juan Capistrano jurisdiction. Environmental Justice Element Goal 9: Increase access to locally available fresh, affordable, and healthy food for residents by increasing the amount of grocery stores, local markets, farmers markets, mobile food vendors, and community gardens, and continue to support local agricultural producers. 9.1: Promote policies that increase access to healthy, affordable, and culturally appropriate food retailers within close proximity to the Community of Focus. 9.2: Facilitate opportunities to increase access to healthy food supplies within the Community of Focus through support of mobile food vendors. 9.3: Support and expand accessibility of farmers markets and community-supported agriculture. Explore establishing a new tamers market at Stonefield Park. 9.4: Promote statewide efforts to expand the usage of food assistance benefits (e.g., CalFresh, WIC, and Market Match) at farmers markets, farm stands, and community- supported agriculture sources to increase the purchasing power of the community. 9.5: Partner with local community-based organizations to conduct educational campaigns to promote healthy eating and physical activity. 9.6: Continue to support local agriculture and food production by reducing barriers to sustainable growers such as access to land. 9. 7: Partner with local community-based organizations, food banks, local farms, and pantries to consider continuing the emergency distribution services that were established during the COVID-19 pandemic. 9.8: Partner with the local community-based organizations and farms to promote educational programs and planting of edible gardens to provide residents wi.th access to fresh produce and learn about healthy eating habits. 9.9: Continue to support local agricultural producers and partner with them to increase local distribution of their produce, particularly through programs like The Ecology Center's Nourishing Neighbors program. Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's ongoing efforts to increase access to locally available fresh, affordable, and healthy food for residents. PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 28 March 8, 2023 Environmental Justice Element Goal 1 O: Ensure an equitable distribution of and access to parks, trails, open space, and related programs. 10.1: Collaborate with local organizations to create and improve culturally competent health and recreation programs for youths and adults, which would include programs offered in both English and Spanish that are geared directly to the Community of Focus. 10.2: Study the possible conversion of vacant lots, underutilized lots, and public right-of- way into parks, community gardens, and open spaces, particularly in the Community of Focus. 10.3: Encourage San Diego Gas & Electric and other utility providers to convert public utility easements like utility corridors into parks and trails. 10.4: Host farmers markets, musical performances, and open streets events in the public right-of-way in the Community of Focus to encourage and publicize walking and biking. 10.5: Provide year-round park, sports, and pool access wherever possible for all Community of Focus residents with online and in-person reservation systems, as well as public records of who has reserved park space, to promote equitable access for residents with limited internet access. 10.6: Work with the Community Services Department to ensure its reservation system for parks, sports fields and other public facilities is available in English and Spanish to provide equal access to members of the public. 10. 7: Continuously review maintenance and expansion opportunities for parks and park amenities, including exercise facilities and sports equipment. 10.8: Identify tree planting opportunities throughout the Community of Focus. 10.9: In collaboration with community-based organizations, develop an inventory of park maintenance needs, and vacant and underutilized spaces. Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's ongoing efforts to equitable distribution of and access to parks, trails, open space, and related programs. Additionally, the Specific Plan area is not located within or directly adjacent to the Community of Focus and would not impact access to parks, trails, open space, and related programs from the Community. Environmental Justice Element Goal 11: Improve the pedestrian and bicycle network. 11.1: Where feasible and if funding exists, improve lighting, restripe and enhance crosswalks, and implement leading pedestrian intervals at traffic signals for safer crossings. 11.2: Where feasible and if funding exists, remove gaps and barriers in the walking and biking network and construct new and/or wider sidewalks where necessary 11.3: Promote bicycle parking and storage to enhance the utility of bikes as a transportation mode. PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 29 March 81 2023 11 .4: Encourage pedestrian and bicycle accessibility between the Capistrano Villas and nearby commercial areas and public trails. Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's ongoing efforts to improve the pedestrian and bicycle network. Environmental Justice Element Goal 12: Establish safe routes to parks. 12.1: In addition to schools, prioritize traffic calming and other improvements around parks and open space. 12.2: Where feasible and if funding exists, improve recreational facilities with better lighting, improved wayfinding, and expanded hours. 12.3: Examine the maintenance of non-City operated parks through public-private partnerships. 12.4: Provide notices and onsite warnings to protect visitors of parks and recreation areas from safety hazards, including rattlesnakes and other dangerous wildlife. 12.5: Develop and implement a parks master plan to prioritize park improvements, particularly in the Community of Focus. 12.6: Explore opportunities and develop programs for expanding nature access for Community of Focus residents, including city recreational programs that involve visits to the Cleveland National Forest, east of the San Juan Capistrano boundary. 12.7: Develop an inventory of lighting, wayfinding, safety, maintenance, and access needs in and around City-operated parks. Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's ongoing efforts to Establish safe routes to parks. Environmental Justice Element Goal 13: Promote land use, development patterns, and complete neighborhoods that increase physical activity. 13.1 : Enhance public spaces to promote walking to and through public corridors. 13.2: In exchange for affordable housing commitments, allow higher density. 13.3: Develop and implement a plan to encourage the production of accessible and affordable housing close to transit opportunities. 13.4: Consider reducing or eliminating minimum parking requirements for new developments that include a significant number of affordable housing units. 13.5: Continue to review the City's zoning code to identify areas which can accommodate higher density housing and reduced parking requirements. PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 30 March 81 2023 Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan Project Area is within half-a-mile walking distance from several parks, commercial centers, and the downtown. Development of new commercial and residential uses within walking distance of amenities and facilities promotes walking to and through public corridors. The Specific Plan has been developed with standards which anticipate inclusion of affordable housing. The 60 dwelling unit per acre density is the highest in the City in order to encourage development which can accommodate the inclusion of affordable housing. The parking standards have been established with the consideration of the site being mixed use as well as being within half-a-mile of major transit and the City's extensive trail system. Environmental Justice Element Goal 14: Provide opportunities for residents from the Community of Focus, regardless of racial/ethnic background, national origin, age, education, and income, to meaningfully participate in local decision-making processes. 14.1 : Partner with community-based organizations that have established relationships and trust with residents in the Community of Focus to conduct outreach on proposed City public improvement projects or private land use projects within the Community of Focus. 14.2: Make language interpretation services available at all City Council meetings to promote participation of residents of the Community of Focus. Ensure the City's website and key meeting documents and announcements are translated. This includes printed and online materials, meetings and workshops, and other announcements and notices. 14.3: If public meetings or workshops are conducted in the Community of Focus, ensure that such meetings are conducted at accessible locations and times with considerations for childcare, food options, ADA accommodations, technology access, and language interpretation. 14.4: Work with community-based organizations to co-sponsor community events with resources on health, wellness, and other topics of interest to the community. 14.5: Identify and invite residents from the Community of Focus to serve on City boards, commissions, and task force members as openings occur. Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's provision of opportunities for any residents to meaningfully participate in local decision-making processes. Environmental Justice Element Goal 15: Prioritize improvements and programs that address the needs of the Community of Focus. 15.1: Review City policies and procedures to ensure that spending of general funds for recreation, air quality and other environmental improvements, community programming, and public infrastructure improvements includes the Community of Focus. PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 31 March 81 2023 15.2: Seek partnerships with public, private, and philanthropic entities that promote implementation of policies in the EJ Element and promote social and economic development activities within the Community of Focus. 15.3: Ensure that future public improvements in the Community of Focus will not produce negative impacts on existing residents, such as increase in pollution exposure, net loss of affordable housing, or displacement of residents. 15.4: Promote equitable distribution of public amenities and services to improve the quality of life in the Community of Focus. Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City prioritizing improvements and programs that address the needs of the Community of Focus. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby recommend that the City Council make the following findings pursuant to Title 9, Land Use Code of the City of San Juan Capistrano with respect to Rezone (RZ 22-002), incorporated here in as Exhibit 8: 1 . The rezoning of the 3.5-acre site is proposed to occur concurrently with a change to the General Plan Land Use Map (GPA 22-003) from General Commercial to Specific Plan/Precise Plan to allow the project site to be developed with residential densities of up to 60 dwelling units per acre. If the proposed General Plan Amendment is approved, the proposed Rezone (RZ 22-002) to change the Zoning Map designation of the site from General Commercial to Specific Plan/Precise Plan would be consistent with the amended General Plan Land Use Map. Land Use Goal 1 directs the City to "develop a balanced land use pattern to ensure that revenue generation matches the City's responsibilities for provision and maintenance of public services and facilities". The proposal would allow for a mixed use project of commercial and residential uses located in the central part of the city in close proximity to the city's historic downtown area. The proposal would provide additional housing opportunities, which would increase the customer base and in turn support proposed and existing commercial and retail uses, thereby increasing the city's property tax and city sales tax receipts, thus securing the City's responsibilities to provide and maintain public services and facilities. Land Use Goal 3 directs the city to "distribute additional population within the city based on risk factors." Supporting Policy 3.1 further states that the city shall "confine higher density land uses to the valley areas outside of the flood plain." The proposed Specific Plan is situated within the central area of the city and no structures developed on the site will be located within a 100-year flood zone, on a hillside, or on other high- risk areas. Future development will comply with local, state, and federal guidelines regarding development within areas of flood hazard. Land Use Goal 4 identifies that the city shall "preserve major areas of open space and natural features." Supporting Policy 4.3 further states that the city shall "preserve PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 32 March 8, 2023 designated ridgelines and the immediate adjacent area to maintain the open space character of the community." The project is located within the central area of the city and is not a major area of open space nor does it contain major natural features. Land Use Goal 5 directs the city to "encourage commercial development which serves community needs and is located in the existing central business district." The project site is located within the central area of the city and will include new opportunities for commercial/retail, restaurants, office, and other businesses to locate within this area. Additionally, the Specific Plan adds residences to the area, which will support the surrounding General Commercial uses as well as the commercial uses within the walkable historic downtown. 2. The proposed Specific Plan/Precise Plan zoning is consistent with the proposed Land Use Code, including Table 2-1 because the Specific Plan/Precise Plan is consistent with all land use designations, with exception to Existing Public Schools and Planned Community. Furthermore, rezoning of the 3.5-acre area is proposed to be concurrent with a change to the General Plan Land Use Map (GPA 22-003) from General Commercial to Specific Plan/Precise Plan and a change to the Land Use Code (CA 22-003) to establish the Specific Plan document with standards and development review requirements 3. The proposed Specific Plan is being processed concurrently with a Code Amendment (CA 22-003) which will establish the use and development allowances within the new Specific Plan, specifically all those listed within the General Commercial Zone, as well as residential development with a maximum density of 60 dwelling units per acre; the proposed development standards including setbacks from the front and side property lines to first floor, second floor and floors above, a maximum height limit of 55' as well as other standards; and, the review process requirements which will be necessary if development is pursued. The proposed Code Amendment and required review of any future Specific Plan projects will ensure that any future proposed land uses are permitted within the proposed zone district. 4. Surrounding zoning permits commercial uses to the north, south, and east, while railroad and quasi-industrial uses are permitted to the west. The immediately surrounding properties are currently developed with a variety of commercial uses. The site is also in close proximity to single family residential, located approximately 300 feet east of the site, and very high density residential, located half a mile southwest of the site. Because of the existing mix of uses in the vicinity, a higher density residential community is an appropriate and compatible use for the subject site. The proposal would allow for the development of residential and mixed-use developments which would be reviewed and considered on a project-by-project basis to confirm that each project would be consistent in use and character with surrounding development, including surrounding commercial and residential uses. 5. The rezone to allow for up to 142 residential units in future developments would create opportunities for redevelopment of an underutilized commercial site and provide new housing and commercial opportunities in the city. Further, the project would allow for PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 33 March 8, 2023 the development of residential and mixed-uses which would be reviewed and considered on a project-by-project basis to confirm that each project would be consistent in use and character with surrounding development, including surrounding commercial and residential uses. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby recommend that the City Council adopt the San Juan Plaza Specific Plan, attached hereto as Exhibit C and incorporated herein by this reference. The San Juan Plaza Specific Plan is consistent with the General Plan, for all of the reasons outlined above and, the San Juan Plaza Specific Plan contains the elements required by Government Code, section 65451. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby recommend that the City Council make the following findings pursuant to Title 9, Land Use Code of the City of San Juan Capistrano with respect to Code Amendment (CA 22-003): 1 . The proposed Land Use Code Amendment is proposed to occur concurrently with a change to the General Plan Land Use Map (GPA 22-003) to change the land use map and designations of the project site to Specific Plan/Precise Plan. The code amendment would be consistent with the amended General Plan Land Use Map. Land Use Goal 1 directs the city to "develop a balanced land use pattern to ensure that revenue generation matches the city's responsibilities for provision and maintenance of public services and facilities". The proposal would allow for a mixed use project that contains commercial and residential uses located in the central part of the city in close proximity to the city's historic downtown area. The proposal would provide additional housing opportunities, which would increase the customer base and in turn support proposed and existing commercial and retail uses, thereby increasing the city's property tax and city sales tax receipts. Land Use Goal 2 identifies that the city shall "control and direct future growth within the city to preserve the rural village-like character of the community." Supporting Policy 2.3 further states that the city will "ensure that development corresponds to the provision of public facilities and services." The proposal would be connected to existing public facilities and services within the immediate vicinity. The Specific Plan contains development standards that are consistent and compatible with the existing character of the city and that of the surrounding commercial districts and contains design guidelines that will ensure contextually appropriate and quality development. Land Use Goal 3 directs the city to "distribute additional population within the city based on risk factors." Supporting Policy 3.1 further states that the city shall "confine higher density land uses to the valley areas outside of the flood plain." The proposed Specific Plan is situated within the central area of the city and no structures developed on the site will be located within a 100-year flood zone, on a hillside, or on other high- risk areas. Future development will comply with local, state, and federal guidelines regarding development within areas of flood hazard. PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 34 March 8, 2023 Land Use Goal 4 identifies that the city shall "preserve major areas of open space and natural features." Supporting Policy 4.3 further states that the city shall "preserve designated ridgelines and the immediate adjacent area to maintain the open space character of the community." The project is located within the central area of the city and is not a major area of open space nor does it contain major natural features. Land Use Goal 5 directs the city to "encourage commercial development which serves community needs and is located in the existing central business district." The subject site is located within the central area of the city and will include new opportunities for commercial/retail, restaurants, office, and other businesses to locate within this area. Additionally, the Specific Plan adds residences to the area, which will support the surrounding General Commercial uses as well as the commercial uses within the walkable historic downtown. Land Use Goal 6 identifies that the city shall "enhance or redevelop underperforming commercial centers." Supporting Policy 6.1 further states that the city shall "allow for the transitioning of the oversupply of commercial land use to other economically viable revenue producing land uses." The proposal would allow for the transitioning of commercially designated land to a complementary, economically viable mix of land uses that will provide new revenue streams for the city. The Specific Plan allows for a variety of land uses including commercial/retail, office, restaurant, residential, among others that will enhance the surrounding commercial area by generating new business activity attractive to both residents and visitors. 2. The proposed Land Use Code Amendment is necessary to implement the General Plan and to provide for public safety, convenience and/or general welfare because the proposed amendment achieves the goals and policies of the General Plan for the reasons listed above. Moreover, the proposed Land Use Code Amendment provides for the public safety, convenience, and general welfare because, among other things, the Specific Plan will create opportunities for redevelopment of vacant and underutilized commercial sites and provide new housing opportunities in the city. 3. The proposed Land Use Code Amendment conforms with the intent of the Development Code and is consistent with all other related provisions thereof because it provides, specifically, that the development within the proposed Specific Plan area must conform to the established development standards of the Specific Plan. The development standards which have been proposed are consistent with the height standards permitted within other mixed use districts, and the parking standards are consistent with the City's base parking code and state law. 4. The proposed Land Use Code Amendment to allow for up to 142 residential units on the subject site would create opportunities for redevelopment of an underutilized commercial site and provide new housing opportunities in the city. Further, the proposal would allow for the development of residential units which would be reviewed and considered on a project-by-project bases to confirm that each unit will be consistent in use and character with surrounding development, including surrounding commercial, industrial, and residential uses. PC Resolution 23-03-08-02 35 March 8, 2023 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano hereby recommends City Council approval of the CEQA determination and General Plan Amendment (GPA 22-003), Rezone (RZ 22-002) and Code Amendment {CA 22-003). CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS: The documents and materials associated with this Resolution that constitute the record of proceedings on which these findings are based are located at San Juan Capistrano City Hall, 32400 Paseo Adelanto, San Juan Capistrano, California 92675. The Development Services Director is the custodian of records for the record of proceedings. PROTEST OF FEES, DEDICATIONS, RESERVATIONS OR OTHER EXACTIONS: Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020, the applicant may protest the imposition of fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions imposed on this development project by taking the necessary steps and following the procedures established by Sections 66020 through 66022 of the California Government Code. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of March, 2023. ~-uJ{)j)Jl_ Tami Wilhelm, Chairperson EXHIBIT A Proposed General Plan Land Use Map Amendment San Juan Plaza EXHIBIT B Proposed Zoning Map Amendment San Juan Plaza EXHIBIT C SAN JUAN PLAZA SPECIFIC PLAN (SP 23-01) San Juan Capistrano, California February 2023 Draft Adopted April XX, 2023 (Ordinance XXXX) TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER/ SECTION PAG E Chapter 1. lntroduction ........................................................................................................................................ 1 Purpose and Specific Plan Scope ............................................................................................................................. 1 General Plan Consistency .......................................................................................................................................... 2 City Adoption Process ................................................................................................................................................ 2 Property Background ................................................................................................................................................. 2 Project Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 2 Project Vision and Objectives ................................................................................................................................... 5 Specific Plan Format. .................................................................................................................................................. 5 Chapter 2. Land Use & Development Standards ............................................................................................... & Land Use ...................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Permitted Uses .......................................................................................................................................................... 6 Development Standards ............................................................................................................................................ 6 Parking Standards ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 Supplemental Standards ........................................................................................................................................... 8 Chapter 3. Circulation & lnfrastructure .............................................................................................................. 9 Circulation and Parking .............................................................................................................................................. 9 Water and Wastewater Service ............................................................................................................................... 10 Stormwater Management Plan ............................................................................................................................... 11 Grading Plan ............................................................................................................................................................... 11 Utility Services ............................................................................................................................................................ 12 Chapter 4. Public Facilities ................................................................................................................................... 12 Police and Fire Protection Services .......................................................................................................................... 13 Schools, Parks, and Other Public Services ............................................................................................................... 13 Chapter 5. Administration & lmplementation ................................................................................................... 15 Administration ............................................................................................................................................................. 15 Environmental Review ................................................................................................................................................ 17 Appendix A-General Plan Consistency Analysis .............................................................................................. 17 FIGURE LIST PAG E Figure 1-1 Regional Map ............................................................................................................................................. 3 Figure 1-2 Specific Plan Boundaries & Adjacent Land Uses .................................................................................. .4 TABLE LIST PAGE Table 2.1 Development Standards ........................................................................................................................... 6 Table 2.2 Parking Requirements ............................................................................................................................... 7 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION Purpose and Specific Plan Scope The San Juan Plaza Specific Plan (Specific Plan 23-01) is located within the City of San Juan Capistrano and provides a vision for development of the 3.5-acre Project Area as a residential and commercial mixed-use project. The Specific Plan defines and regulates allowable land uses, development standards, circulation, and infrastructure for future residential and commercial uses. The intent of this Specific Plan is to provide a framework in which development can occur in a planned comprehensive approach that will create a new residential and commercial mixed-use neighborhood for San Juan Capistrano residents and visitors to enjoy. The Specific Plan is a stand-alone planning document that focuses on the unique characteristics of the Specific Plan Project Area with customized planning standards and review procedures. The Specific Plan also defers to other existing standards in the City's Municipal Code to reflect the City's vision for this commercial area that is close to the City's historic downtown. Under California Law (Governmental Code Section 65450-65457), a Specific Plan is a planning tool that allows a city/community to articulate a vision for a defined area and apply guidelines and regulations to implement that vision. Section 65451 of the California Government Code specifies content requirements for Specific Plans as follows: a. The Specific Plan shall include text and a diagram or diagrams which specify all of the following in detail: 1. The distribution, location, and extent of the uses of land, including open space, within the area covered by the plan. 2. The proposed distribution, location, and extent and intensity of major components of public and private transportation, sewage, water, drainage, solid waste disposal {Refuse, recycling, and organics/green waste), energy, and other essential facilities proposed to be located within the area covered by the plan and needed to support the land uses described in the plan. 3. Standards and criteria by which development will proceed, and standards for the conservation, development, and utilization of natural resources, where applicable. 4. A program of implementation measures including regulations, programs, public works projects, and financing measures necessary to carry out paragraphs (1), (2), and (3). 5. The specific plan shall include a statement of the relationship of the specific plan to the general plan. The Specific Plan has been prepared in accordance with Section 65451 ofthe California Government Code. The location and boundaries of the Specific Plan Project Area are shown on Figure 1-1 (Regional Map) and Figure 1-2 (Specific Plan Boundaries & Adjacent Land Uses). 1 General Plan Consistency A detailed analysis demonstrating the relationship of the Specific Plan to the General Plan is included within Appendix A. The analysis discusses how the Specific Plan is consistent with the goals and policies of the City of San Juan Capistrano's General Plan and its respective 13 elements. City Adoption Process A Specific Plan is adopted by the City Council after review and recommendation by the Planning Commission. Both the Planning Commission, in its advisory role, and the City Council, in its approval role, may approve, deny, or modify a Specific Plan. Upon approval, a Specific Plan implements the Project Area's land use regulations. Property Background The Specific Plan Project Area is located within central San Juan Capistrano, south of the historic downtown central business district. The 3.5-acre Project Area is located on the west side of Camino Capistrano, approximately 1,100 feet south of the Del Obispo/Camino Capistrano intersection. The site is boarded by the railroad on the west, Camino Capistrano to the east, the Mission Village shopping center to the north, and the Plaza Del Rio shopping center to the south. The Specific Plan Project Area involves Assessor's Parcel Number 668-091-03. The 3.5-acre property within the Specific Plan was developed in 1975 with six buildings totaling 34,500 square feet commercial tenant space under the provisions and standards of the General Commercial zoning district. The Specific Plan Project Area is currently developed with five buildings clustered around an internal open courtyard and a surface parking lot with one small freestanding building within a parking aisle. The existing tenants include a barber shop, Domino's Pizza, Wendi's Doughnuts and California Bank & Trust. Project Overview The Specific Plan allows the 3.5-acre site to be redeveloped as a new commercial center with up to 53,000 square feet of commercial uses, a new residential community with residential density of up to 60 dwelling units per acre or a mixed-use combination of commercial and residential uses. The Specific Plan Project Area is surrounded by various land uses including: • General Commercial. • Quasi Industrial. • General Open Space. • Very High Density Residential. The surrounding area also includes City Hall to the southwest with a Very High Density Residential designation, and the Los Rios Historic District to the northwest with a Specific Plan designation. 2 Figure 1-1 Regional Map 3 Figure 1-2 Specific Plan Boundaries & Adjacent Land Uses 4 Project Vision and Objectives The vision for the Specific Plan is to facilitate development of a mixed-use village that compliments an9 supports the surrounding commercial uses. The primary goal of the Specific Plan is the redevelopment of the Project Area with a complementary mix of residential and commercial facilities in support of the greater downtown area. The following objectives serve to guide the design, layout, and configuration of the Specific Plan Project Area: 1. Establish appropriate land use standards that optimize the Project Area's potential; 2. Create a mixed-use environment that is compatible with the existing adjoining u·ses, with a positive fiscal impact on the City; 3. Enhance the visual quality of the Project Area; 4. Deliver new housing opportunities; and 5. Implement employment-generating land uses that would create new jobs in the City; Specific Plan Format The Specific Plan is organized into five sections and one appendix. The following describes each section: Section 1: Introduction This section provides an introduction and overview to the Specific Plan and defines the legal authority provided under Governmental Code Section 65450-65457. It also outlines the project vision and objectives. Section 2: Land Use and Development Standards/Regulations This section contains the allowable land uses and development standards applicable to the Specific Plan . Section 3: Circulation and Infrastructure This section focuses on the circulation and infrastructure systems that will support future development. Section 4: Public Services This section outlines the public services that will serve future development. Section 5: Administration and Implementation This section describes the Specific Plan authority, development review process and administrative procedures controlling Specific Plan adjustments and amendments. It also discusses implementation of the Specific Plan. Appendix A: General Plan Consistency Appendix A provides a detailed analysis demonstrating the relationship of the Specific Plan to the goals and policies of the City's General Plan. 5 CHAPTER 2. LAND USE & DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS/REGULATIONS The purpose of the land use regulations is to define permitted uses, development standards, and other zoning regulations for the Project Area. Development review. All new development within the Specific Plan Project Area shall be subject to review and approval of development plans by the Development Services Director, Planning Commission and/or City Council in accordance with the development review processes set out in the applicable section(s) of the City's Municipal Code. Land Use The Project Area allows for mixed-use commercial and residential development in a stacked configuration with accompanying parking facilities. Development may include only residential uses, only commercial uses, or a mix of commercial and residential uses. Permitted Uses Commercial Allowable commercial uses shall be limited to the principal, accessory and conditional uses permitted by the City's Municipal Code in the City's General Commercial zoning district. Residential Allowable residential uses shall be limited to multiple-family uses as defined in the City's Municipal Code. Other Uses All other uses are prohibited. Development Standards The following development standards take precedence over any and all development standards contained in the City's Municipal Code. Table 2.1 provides standards that are to be applied within the Specific Plan area. Table 2.1: Development Standards Max Lot Max. Max. Height2 Min. Front Min. Side Min. Rear Minimum Coverage1 Density Setback Setback Setback Open Area3 50% 60 du/ac 55' for Mixed-Use4 15' pt floor O' below grade O' 75 sq. ft. per or 20' 2nd floor+ 10' pt floor Residential Unit 45' for Residential5 15' 2nd floor 35' for Commercial6 20' 3rd floor+ -' Internal courtyards, unless they are located above habitable floor(s), and multistory parking structures that are surrounded by at least 75% habitable space or architecturally integrated so that the parking is not visible from the exterior of the building are not counted as lot coverage. 2 Building height is the vertical distance from finished grade adjacent to the structure to the highest point of usable area. Chimneys, finials, tower elements, steeples, roof elements, and other architectural projections/features (rooftop or otherwise) are not included in determining building height and may project beyond the maximum height up to S'. Elevator and stair towners, required for ADA accessibility may encroach up to 10'. When a basement, subterranean area, or subterranean garage is proposed, building height is measured from finished grade above the basement, subterranean area, or subterranean garage to the highest point of the structure above, excluding architectural projections. 3 Open area shall be a mix of private balconies and private resident-only outdoor areas. A minimum of 50% of the residential units shall have private balconies of at least 50 square feet of usable area. 4 Maximum stories for Mixed-Use Development shall be S. 5 Maximum stories for Residential only Development shall be 3. 6 Maximum stories for Commercial onlv Development shall be 2. 6 Parking Standards The Specific Plan benefits from being within half a mile of the San Juan Capistrano Train Station, with daily service provided by both Amtrak and Metrolink. The walkable distance from the train station enables the site to have a reduced parking standard for the residential uses. Furthermore, the mixture of commercial and residential uses enables the site to utilize a joint use of parking due to offsetting demand timeframes, with most commercial parking having a peak demand during the daytime and evening hours, and the residential parking having a peak demand during the nighttime and morning hours. Furthermore, any commercial uses are likely to be used by the residents of the Specific Plan reducing the need for additional parking and vehicle trips from the site. Given the site's proximity to the City's historic downtown area, the Specific Plan Project Area will utilize the Park Once parking standards identified in the City's Municipal Code as detailed below: 1. Restaurants, nightclubs, bars, brewpubs, microbreweries, distilleries, wineries and wine tasting rooms shall provide a minimum of one parking stall per one hundred (100) square feet of dining or drinking area (kitchens, prep areas and storage are excluded from this area). a. Outdoor dining or drinking areas parking requirements are included as part of the indoor parking calculations. No additional parking spaces for outdoor dining or drinking areas are required as they are considered accessory to the principal use. b. Outdoor dining or drinking areas shall not block or impede pedestrian access or obstruct ADA path of travel requirements. 2. General retail shall provide a minimum of one parking stall per four hundred (400) square feet of building or tenant lease area. 3. General office shall provide a minimum of one parking stall per four hundred (400) square feet of building area or tenant lease area. 4. Service uses (i.e., banks, barbers, salons, spas, markets, grocery stores, supermarkets and similar uses) shall provide a minimum of one parking stall per three hundred (300) square feet of building area or tenant lease area. 5. Other uses permitted within the General Commercial zoning district shall provide parking consistent with the City's Municipal Code Section 9-3.535. The residential uses will comply with the parking standards provided in Table 2.2: Table 2.2 Residential Parking Requirements Residential Use Minimum Parking Ratio Studio or One Bedroom Units 1 space per unit1 Two or Three Bedroom Units 2 spaces per unit1 Residential Guests .2 spaces per unit 1 A minimum of 50% of required residential parking shall be covered. Up to 50% of required residential parking for two bedroom units or guest parking may be in tandem configurations. 2 Where a Clubhouse is proposed as an accessory use to a residential use, no parking is required. Should the City identify parking impacts to adjacent shopping centers, the development will be required to pursue formal shared parking arrangements with adjacent commercial property owners to relieve parking demand issues. 7 Parking Design Parking design standards shall meet the requirements of the City's Municipal Code Section 9-3.535(d); however, up to 25% of the required parking may be accommodated through compact parking stalls which shall measure no less than 8' in width and 15' in length. Supplemental Standards Accessory Structures and Uses Accessory structures and uses including, but not limited to fences, walls, hedges, home businesses, lighting, noise, signage, storage and display, special activities, swimming pools, temporary uses, tree preservation, and visibility at intersections/driveways shall be regulated by the City's Municipal Code Section 9-3.501 (Supplemental District Regulations). Architectural Design Guidelines The Project Area's overall site planning, architectural design and landscaping is subject to the San Juan Capistrano Architectural Design Guidelines (Guidelines). Any residential component shall be subject to the Guidelines for Multi-Family Residential developments. Any commercial storefronts are subject to the Guidelines for General Commercial developments. Application of these Guidelines is intended to encourage the most appropriate use of the land, ensure the highest design quality and promote freedom and creativity. Signage Any proposed development shall be required to establish a Sign Program, which shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission in accordance with the City's Municipal Code Section 9-2.343. Once established, the signage for the project shall be governed by the approved sign program. lnclusionary Housing Requirement Residential development within the Specific Plan is required to include 15% of the housing units as affordable to Very Low Income (VU), Low Income (LI), and Moderate Income {Ml) households. Any fractional number of inclusionary housing units shall be rounded up. The recordation of covenants will require all the affordable units to be affordable for 30 years. All affordable units shall be distributed in accordance with the City's 6th cycle RHNA as follows: • 43% -VU Households, as identified in California Health and Safety Code Section (CHSCS) 50105 • 28% -LI Households, as identified in CHSCS 50079.5 • 29% -Ml Households, as identified in CHSCS 50093 Priority for the affordable units shall be governed by a household's income and a preference for households and individuals which reside or work within the City of San Juan Capistrano. This affordable housing requirement is in place to increase the availability of housing units that are affordable to VU, LI or Ml households in the City. Furthermore, this requirement fosters and encourages the private sector to join the City and nonprofit sectors to further the goals ofthe City's Housing Element. During the review process for a proposed residential or mixed-use development project, the City Council and developer may negotiate the provisions of the final lnclusionary housing requirement both in terms of actual units constructed versus the payment of in-lieu fees and any deviation from the household income distributions identified above. State requirements, and equitable distribution of constructed RHNA units in the city will be considered as part ofthe negotiation. 8 CHAPTER 3. CIRCULATION & INFRASTRUCTURE This chapter focuses on the street and infrastructure systems serving the Specific Plan Project Area. The intent is to provide an efficient and highly functional circulation network for pedestrians, bicycles, and automobiles. Circulation and Parking Vehicular Circulation Regional access to the Specific Plan Project Area is provided via the San Diego Freeway (1-5), which bisects the City of San Juan Capistrano in a north/south direction. The Specific Plan can be accessed by vehicles exiting the 1-5 on Ortega Highway (State Route 74) which is located north of the Specific Plan Project Area, or by vehicles exiting the 1-5 on Camino Capistrano south of the Specific Plan Project Area. Local access to the Specific Plan Project Area is provided via Ortega Highway to Del Obispo Street and Camino Capistrano, or directly from Camino Capistrano. The Specific Plan Project Area includes two vehicular entrance/exit points to the public street Camino Capistrano. The Specific Plan Project Area can also be accessed from the adjoining private commercial centers (Mission Village and Plaza Del Rio) located north and south of the Specific Plan Project Area. Pedestrian Circulation The Specific Plan Project Area is envisioned as a pedestrian-oriented development, with an integrated on-site and off-site pedestrian circulation system. Off-site pedestrian walkways are provided along Camino Capistrano. On-site pedestrian walkways will provide connections between Camino Capistrano and all proposed building entrances, parking areas, tenant spaces and residential dwellings. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-compliant access pathways both on and off-site will be provided throughout the Specific Plan area. Bicycle Circulation The Specific Plan Project Area is located adjacent to existing bicycle facilities along Camino Capistrano. Class II bike lanes exist on both northbound and southbound Camino Capistrano which connect to the San Juan Creek Class I multi-purpose bicycle path and the Trabuco Creek Class I multi-purpose path. These established bicycle facilities connect the Specific Plan Project Area to the extensive bike and trail system that facilitates bicycle access throughout the City and to surrounding jurisdictions. Transit The Specific Plan Project Area is situated within a half mile of a major public transportation facilities, including the San Juan Capistrano Train Station and Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA) bus stop facilities. The San Juan Capistrano Train Station is serviced by Amtrak's Pacific Surfliner, which provides trips between San Diego and San Luis Obispo counties on a daily basis as well as Metrolink, which 9 provides service to Los Angeles Union Station on a daily basis. OCTA provides a network of bus routes across the County. Within a quarter mile of the Specific Plan area, local Route 91 provides service north/ south from San Clemente to the Laguna Hills Transportation Center, a regional bus transfer facility. Numerous local Route 91 bus stops are located along Del Obispo, and north of Del Obispo on Camino Capistrano within a quarter mile or 5-minute walk of the project site. Parking To support the allowable uses, on-site surface parking or structure parking will be provided. Parking configurations may include tuck under, tandem, parallel, angled, and/or perpendicular space configurations. Parking designated exclusively for the residential units will be specifically marked. Water and Wastewater Service The Specific Plan Project Area is currently served and will continue to be served by the Santa Margarita Water District (SMWD) for both water and wastewater services. Most of the existing on-site sewer lines do not meet SMWD standards and therefore shall be privatized if kept in service and the corresponding SMWD easements quitclaimed. The disposition (public or private) of the existing 8-inch sewer line that runs north to south near the Southwest corner of the site will be determined at a later date. The existing water line that serves a fire hydrant located on the east side near the center of the site is connected to 2 irrigation meters. These connections shall be severed and separate irrigation meter connections established to the mainline in Camino Capistrano (or one meter manifold connection that serves both irrigation meters) will be required for compliance with SMWD standards and to facilitate conversion to recycled water use in the future. The existing waterline and 2 fire hydrants on the south side of the site will require a 20-feet wide easement for access and maintenance. All SMWD easements shall be kept clear of any structures, trees, landscape and hardscape improvements (AC pavement is acceptable). The on-site private sewer system shall connect to the public sewer system on the south side of the property and include a new monitoring manhole on private property. Any new waterlines serving the site shall connect to the existing 10-inch line in Camino Capistrano or to the 8-inch line on the south side of the site. New connections are not permitted on fire hydrant piping. A maximum day demand use and fire flow analysis for proposed new commercial / residential improvements will be required to be prepared by the developer on existing off-site water systems to determine if any capacity deficiencies or service pressure problems will be created to serve the proposed project. New development will also be required to pay any new service connection fees and any require off-site water system improvement costs to comply with SMWD standards for adequate service. A sewer capacity analysis is to also be performed by the developer on downstream systems and pay for proportional system capacity improvements. Treatment of wastewater from the Specific Plan area will be conveyed to the Jay B. Latham Regional Treatment Plant located in the City of Dana Point. The Specific Plan Project Area water demands will be supplied via a network of new and existing water lines. Should upgrades and improvements to fulfill capacity be determined to be required, they will be made within the Camino Capistrano roadway or any adjacent public streets as required. The Specific Plan Project Area is in close proximity to several pressure zones, which supply demand for domestic and fire 10 water. As the project is designed, the development applicant will coordinate with both SMWD and Orange County Fire Authority to ensure appropriate water system design. Similarly, the Specific Plan Project Area will be served by new sewer improvements that will connect to the existing public sewer system. This may include a series of new public and/or private gravity lines, manholes and clean outs, as determined to be required, which will be designed to meet appropriate SMWD's standards. To meet the water and wastewater requirements of the regulating agencies, infrastructure improvements may be required to extend beyond the boundaries of the Specific Plan Project Area and will be assessed for potential impacts through the plan review process or issuance of Encroachment Permits from the City of San Juan Capistrano or SMWD. Stormwater Management Plan The Specific Plan Project Area will include a comprehensive storm water management system containing drainage improvements and facilities and programs which act to reduce, control and treat storm water. Preliminary storm water management system concepts will be provided prior to submittal for any permits and will demonstrate that storm water runoff from development within the Specific Plan area is directed to on-site retention/detention and treatment areas. Treated storm water will then be released in a controlled manner to existing storm drains. A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and a Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) for the Specific Plan will be developed and implemented, consistent with the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit (NPDES) and other water quality requirements or storm water management programs specified by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). In combination, implementation of a project-specific SWPPP, WQMP, and compliance with NPDES Permit and RWQCB requirements will act to protect City and regional water quality by preventing or minimizing potential storm water pollutant discharges to the local watershed. Grading Plan All development projects will include grading plans that will evaluate and address any impacts to the existing floodplain created by the project. The project will include design measures to ensure compliance with the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) are. These may include and are not limited to revisions to the floodplain to reflect the proposed conditions as well as grade elevations onsite to raise proposed improvements out of the floodplain and meet minimum freeboard requirements. Grading of the Specific Plan Project Area would occur in phases. The first phase would include removal of any existing facilities and the clearing of any surface features. The second phase would involve preparing the site for construction, including any necessary grading. The Applicant, contractors and/or Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) for a proposed project will determine the frequency and location of any necessary temporary measures for erosion control. Grading-associated components will be temporary in nature and would be maintained until the permanent improvements are constructed. Typical SWPPP measures will be required for projects within 11 the Specific Plan Project Area. Best Management Practices (BMP) for water quality will be assessed and determined based on the scope of grading and final SWPPP and WQMP. ~ Utility Services Electricity San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) will provide electrical service to the Specific Plan Project Area. New lines required to service the project will be placed underground. Alignment of service lines and connection to existing points of service will be provided as required by SDG&E. Any required surface- mounted equipment will be according to building setback requirements per the relevant service provider. Natural Gas Gas service within the Specific Plan Project Area will be serviced by SDG&E. Existing service lines will be extended to connect to proposed facilities per SDG&E requirements. Communications Communication services, including wired and wireless telephone and internet services are available through numerous private providers within the City and will be extended to the Specific Plan on an as- needed basis. New telecommunication lines within the Specific Plan Project Area will be installed underground. Any required surface-mounted equipment will conform to building setback requirements per the relevant service provider. Refuse Waste, Recycling, and Green Waste Refuse, recycling, and organics/green waste generated by development within the Specific Plan Project Area will be serviced by CR&R Environmental Services (CR&R). CR&R is currently the only permitted private waste hauler, contracted by the City of San Juan Capistrano, to collect and dispose of solid waste generated in the City. Solid waste generated by development within the Specific Plan Project Area will be conveyed by the City's Franchise Waste Hauler to a certified facility for recycling and diversion from the landfill. The various uses planned within the Specific Plan Project Area will comply with relevant State organics and recycling requirements, as applicable. Trash enclosures with separate bins/containers for refuse, recycling, green waste, and organics will be provided throughout the Specific Plan Project Area. The bins and trash enclosures must adhere to the City of San Juan Capistrano's most recent approved standard plan. CHAPTER 4. PUBLIC FACILITIES The Specific Plan is served by several public services including police and fire protection services, schools, parks, postal service, library, and other public services, as discussed in more detail below. 12 Police and Fire Protection Services Police Protection Services The City of San Juan Capistrano contracts with the Orange County Sheriff's Department (OCSD) to provide services within the City. OCSD police protection services include patrol, investigations, traffic enforcement, community support, drug education, parking control, and crime prevention. The San Juan Capistrano Police station, located at 32506 Paso Adelanto, San Juan Capistrano, is approximately 0.3 miles southwest of the Specific Plan. OCSD will conduct review of the development prior to approval and make recommendations or identify concerns regarding their ability service the Specific Plan Project Area. OCSD will determine if there is a need to accommodate new demand for police protection services. Other agencies responsible for project approval will be individually collecting their appropriate fees. Fire Protection Services The City of San Juan Capistrano contracts with the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) to provide services within the City. OCFA provides fire prevention, fire suppression, fire investigation, rescue, hazardous materials response, public information, education, and paramedic services. The nearest Orange County Fire Station, Station 7 located at 31865 Del Obispo Street, is approximately 0.3 miles northeast of the Specific Plan Project Area. OCFA will conduct review of the development prior to approval and make recommendations or identify concerns regarding their ability service the Specific Plan Project Area. The project area is subject to review by OCFA for various construction document plan checks for the applicable fire life safety codes and regulations. The project will be subject to the current editions of the California Building Code (CBC)and California Fire Code (CFC), as amended and adopted by local city ordinance. Amenity decks will be considered Assembly occupancies. It is unlawful to occupy any portions of a building prior to final inspection and approval by OCFA. A water supply system to supply fire hydrants shall meet or exceed the required fire flow of each proposed building; if the existing water supply is less than the required fire flow, then infrastructure upgrades may be required. Fire department access shall be provided as required by OCFA. As a condition of approval, the site developer shall enter into a Secured Fire Protection Agreement with the Orange County Fire Authority. This Agreement shall specify the developer's pro-rata fair share funding of capital improvements necessary to establish adequate fire protection facilities and equipment, and/or personnel. OCFA will determine if there is a need to accommodate new demand for fire protection services. Other agencies responsible for project approval will be individually collecting their appropriate fees. Schools, Parks, and Other Public Services Schools Public education for the Specific Plan Planning Area will be provided by the Capistrano Unified School District (CUSD), which includes elementary, middle, high school, charter school, and various types of kindergarten. The Specific Plan falls within the boundary area for Kinoshita Elementary School, Marco Forster Middle School, and San Juan Hills High School. As mandated by State law, development impact 13 fees will be paid to CUSD as the Specific Plan area is developed to accommodate the anticipated increase in demand for public school facilities. There are also a number of private schools located within the vicinity of the Specific Plan Project Area. These include St. Margaret Episcopal School, JSerra Catholic High School, Fairmont Schools, South Coast Christian, Capistrano Valley Christian, and Heart Christian Academy, among others. Parks and Open Space The Specific Plan is in close proximity to multiple parks and open space. The site is within a quarter of a mile walking distance from Descanso Park, located at the end of Paseo Adelanto and where Trabuco Creek and San Juan Creek converge. Descanso Park provides a playground, horseshoe pits, picnic tables, and a public restroom. The Specific Plan Project Area is also approximately 0.4 miles from the San Juan Capistrano Historic Town Center Park. The Historic Town Center Park, south of the historic Blas Aguilar Adobe offers a permanent stage, restrooms, turfed area, and walking pathways. The Specific Plan Project Area is also 0.1 mile north of an entrance to the San Juan Creek Class I multi-purpose path, which parallels the San Juan Creek corridor and travels to Dana Point and Doheny State Beach. A variety of private and public open space amenities are encouraged within the Specific Plan Project Area. These would include, but not limited to, residential community rooms, swimming pools, game rooms, and pocket plazas, paseos adjacent to tenant spaces. Additionally, development impact fees will be paid to accommodate new demand for parks by the Specific Plan Project Area residents. Cultural Facilities The Specific Plan is within half a mile of numerous historic properties located within the San Juan Capistrano downtown and Los Rios Historic District. Mission San Juan Capistrano was established in 1776 and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, California Register of Historic Resources, and the City's Inventory of Historical and Cultural Landmarks. Mission San Juan Capistrano represents not only an important cultural resource within the City, but also is one of the most visually and aesthetically prominent features in San Juan Capistrano. Located approximately 0.5 miles from the Specific Plan, the Mission provides expansive gardens, cultural relics, and historical information accessible to the public. In addition to the Mission, the Blas Agular Adobe and museum and the Historic Town Center Park, are open to the public, located off El Camino Real, and are owned by the City of San Juan Capistrano. The Blas Agilar Adobe provides expansive cultural relics related to the native Juaneno tribes and historical information accessible to the public. Seven privately owned historic properties are visible when walking along Camino Capistrano, including two which are restaurants (El Adobe & Ellies Table) and two which are commercial centers (El Peon and Franciscan Promenade). A short walk from the downtown and the Specific Plan is the Los Rios Historic District, which includes twenty-six privately owned residential structures and the City owned Montenez Adobe along Los Rios Street. Many of these structures are used as residences and businesses and open to the public. The San Juan Capistrano Historical Society is within one of the historic structures on Los Rios Street and provides expansive San Juan Capistrano historical information accessible to the public. 14 Postal Service Postal Service for the Specific Plan Project Area will be provided by the United States Postal Service (USPS) from their location at 32124 Paseo Adelanto Suite 1, San Juan Capistrano. The location and type of mailbox required for each land use within the Specific Plan will be based upon and adhere to requirements outlined in the USPS National Delivery Planning Standards: A Guide for Builders and Developers and the Delivery Growth Management Program, which includes USPS requirements for access, locks, safety, accessibility, placement, and specific Americans with Disability (ADA) requirements. Library Service Library services for the Specific Plan Project Area will be provided by the existing San Juan Capistrano Library, located at 31495 El Camino Real, San Juan Capistrano. The library is operated by the County and features a variety of book titles such as children, adult and teen collections, as well as an e-library which offers electronic and digital material. There are several internet stations and free public WIFI internet access in the library .. Other Public Services As the Specific Plan Project Area is located within the City of San Juan Capistrano, the Specific Plan Project Area will be serviced by the City's government services, which includes, but is not limited to administration, planning, building, parks and recreation and public works. CHAPTER 5. ADMINISTRATION & IMPLEMENTATION Administration Implementation This Specific Plan document serves as the planning and zoning implementation tool for the Specific Plan Project Area. The Land Use & Development Standards/Regulations identified in this Specific Plan address general provisions, permitted uses, and development standards for the Project Area. Unless otherwise noted, this Specific Plan preempts and replaces all standards, criteria, and procedures for review including, without limitation, other requirements of Title 9 ofthe City's Municipal Code. Whenever the provisions and development standards contained in the Specific Plan conflict with those contained in the City's Municipal Code, the provisions of the Specific Plan shall take precedence. Where the Specific Plan is silent on an issue, the City's Municipal Code shall apply. Project Review New development projects within the Specific Plan Project Area require approval of an Architectural Control in accordance with San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code Section 9-2.313 which will include review and approval by the Planning Commission. Furthermore, prior to approval of any project the project will be assessed in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). To support 15 a CEQA determination the following studies, and potential implementation of on-and off-site improvements in response to the studies, may need to be completed: • View Simulations • Air Quality Analysis • Traffic Impact Analysis • Cultural Resource Assessment • VMT Analysis • Geotechnical Report • Parking Analysis • Hydrology & Water Quality Master Plan • Biological Resource Analysis • Greenhouse Gas Assessment • Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment • Noise Assessment Project Modifications In situations where modifications or revisions to individual development projects are proposed, the Director of Development Services will determine the level of review required for the proposed project modification or revision. The level of review shall be based on the extent of the modification requested, as well as its conformance with the overall intent of the Specific Plan and the City of San Juan Capistrano General Plan. The level of review includes administrative review, Planning Commission review or City Council review. Substantial Conformance Review Procedures The Substantial Conformance Review process gives the Director of Development Services the authority to interpret whether a proposed project is in substantial conformance to the standards, guidelines and land uses contained in the Specific Plan without the need for a Specific Plan Amendment. Said Substantial Conformance Review can be applied in situations arising as part of a project's application review, construction and operation. The Substantial Conformance Review process commences upon the City receiving written request by a Specific Plan property owner. Upon receipt, the Director of Development Services, or their designated appointee, shall conduct a review to determine if the proposed project meets the intent of the applicable Specific Plan requirements and is consistent with the "goals and vision" of this Specific Plan. The Director of Development Services will also review the requested modification for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). All Substantial Conformance Review findings by the Development Services Director can be appealed to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall provide the final determination/resolution of the matter, unless the Planning Commission determination is appealed to the City Council. Amendments California Government Code Section 65453 et. Se. provides that a Specific Plan "may be amended as often as deemed necessary by the legislative body". Amendments to the Specific Plan may be initiated by any individual property owner within the Specific Plan, or by the City Council. Applications for amendments to the adopted Specific Plan shall be submitted to the City's Development Services Department and shall be processed in the same manner provided for an Amendment of the Land Use 16 Code as specified in Section 9-2.309 of the Municipal Code. Specific Plan amendments must conform with the City's General Plan and will be evaluated for potential environmental impacts. Environmental Review The Specific Plan addresses land uses, densities, and types of development proposed, as well as infrastructure anticipated to serve the Project Area. The environmental impacts associated with implementing the Specific Plan have been evaluated in an Addendum to the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration, adopted for the 2014-2021 Housing Element (5th Cycle) and the General Plan's Program Environmental Impact Report (hereafter referred to as the "Addendum"). Under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the Addendum has assessed the potential direct and indirect environmental effects associated with the land use program described in the Specific Plan. The addendum considered the land use and zoning associated with the site, but not a specific project. Any future project proposed for the Specific Plan Project Area will be assessed under CEQA for potential impacts including but not limited to Aesthetics, Cultural Resources, Hydrology / Water Quality, Transportation/Traffic, and Utilities/Services Systems. APPENDIX A General Plan Consistency Analysis This Appendix to the San Juan Plaza Specific Plan (Specific Plan or Project) discusses how the project relates to the goals and policies contained in the various elements of the City of San Juan Capistrano's General Plan. The City of San Juan Capistrano General Plan includes the following elements with provisions related to the Specific Plan project: Land Use Element Housing Element Circulation Element Safety Element Conservation/Open Space Element Noise Element Cultural Resources Element Community Design Element Growth Management Element Parks and Recreation Element Public Services and Utilities Element Floodplain Management Element Environmental Justice Element 17 LAND USE ELEMENT Land Use Goal 1: Develop a balanced land use pattern to ensure that revenue generation matches the City's responsibility for provision and maintenance of public services and facilities. Policies: 1.1: Encourage a land use composition in San Juan Capistrano that provides a balance or surplus between the generation of public revenues and the cost of providing public facilities and services. 1.2: Encourage commercial, tourist-oriented, and industrial development that is compatible with existing land uses within the City to improve the generation of sales tax, property tax, and hotel occupancy tax. 1.3: Encourage mixed commercial and residential use projects in the Mission District downtown area to conserve land and provide additional housing opportunities and population to support commercial services and retail sales. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan will allow for a horizontal, mixed-use project that contains commercial and residential uses located in the central part of the City in close proximity to the City's historic downtown area. The project will provide additional housing opportunities, which will increase the customer base and in turn support proposed and existing commercial and retail uses, thereby increasing the City's property tax and city sales tax receipts. Land Use Goal 2: Control and direct future growth within the City to preserve the rural village-like character of the community. Policies: 2.1: Continue controlling growth through the implementation of the City's residential growth management program. 2.2: Assure that new development is consistent and compatible with the existing character of the City. 2.3: Ensure that development corresponds to the provision of public facilities and services. Consistency Discussion: Projects within the Specific Plan will be connected to existing public facilities and services within the immediate vicinity. The Specific Plan development standards have been established in a manner that is consistent and compatible with the existing character of the City and that of the surrounding commercial district and contains design guidelines that will ensure contextually appropriate and quality development. 18 Land Use Goal 3: Distribute additional population within the City based on risk factors. Policies: 3.1: Confine higher density land uses to the valley areas outside of the flood plain. 3.2: Limit density of development in the hillside, floodplains, and other high-risk areas. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan is situated within the central area of the City and no structures developed on the site will be located within a 100-year flood zone, on a hillside, or on other high-risk areas. Future development will comply with local, state, and federal guidelines regarding development within areas of flood hazard. Land Use Goal 4: Preserve major areas of open space and natural features. Policies: 4.1: Preserve areas of natural hazards, such as landslides and floodplains, which would jeopardize the public health and safety. 4.3: Preserve designated ridgelines and the immediate adjacent area to maintain the open space character of the community. Consistency Discussion: The project is located within the central area of the City and is not a major area of open space nor does it contain major natural features. Land Use Goal 6: Enhance or redevelop underperforming commercial centers. Policies: 6.1: Allow for the transitioning of the oversupply of commercial land use to other economically viable revenue producing land uses. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan will allow for the transitioning of commercially designated land to a complementary, economically viable mix of land uses that will provide new revenue streams for the City. The Specific Plan allows for a variety of land uses including commercial/retail, office, restaurant, residential, among others that will enhance the surrounding commercial area by generating new business activity attractive to both residents and visitors. 19 Land Use Goal 7: Enhance and maintain the character of neighborhoods. Policies: 7.1: Preserve and enhance the quality of San Juan Capistrano neighborhoods by avoiding or abating the intrusion of non-conforming buildings and uses. 7.2: Ensure that new development is compatible with the physical characteristics of its site, surrounding land uses, and available public infrastructure. 7.3: Utilize programs for rehabilitation of physical development, infrastructure and undergrounding of utilities within the City to improve community neighborhoods. 7.4: Protect the existing population and social character of older areas subject to rehabilitation and redevelopment. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan contains development standards/regulations and design guidelines that will guide future development to ensure compatibility with the physical characteristics, surrounding land uses, and public infrastructure within the central area of the City. No development is proposed within existing City neighborhoods. HOUSING ELEMENT Housing Goal 1: Provide a broad range of housing opportunities with emphasis on providing housing which meets the special needs of the community. Policies: 1.1: Consistent with Land Use Element, provide a provide a range of different housing types and unit sizes for varying income ranges and lifestyles. 1.3: Encourage both the private and public sectors to produce or assist in the production of housing with particular emphasis on housing affordable to persons with disabilities, elderly, large families, female-headed households with children, veterans, and homeless. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan allows for multi-family development in a mixed-use configuration that will provide new housing opportunities within the central area of the City. A range of unit types and sizes are provided that will create a variety of price points for future residents. Housing Element Goal 2: To the maximum extent feasible, encourage and provide housing opportunities for persons of lower and moderate incomes. 20 Policies: 2.1: Encourage the development of affordable housing. 2.2: Facilitate housing development that is affordable to extremely low-, lower-, and moderate- income households by providing technical assistance, regulatory incentives and concessions, expedited development review, and financial resources as funding permits. 2.3: Continue to utilize federal and State subsidies, as well as City housing in-lieu fees in a cost- efficient manner, to the fullest extent to meet the needs of lower-income residents, including extremely low-income residents. 2.4: Implement affordability agreements for all housing projects that receive financial assistance from the City. 2.5: Encourage mixed use development on a case-by-case basis to allow for increased housing opportunities. 2.6: Target City owned sites available for housing production for working families. 2.7: Promote the development of affordable and special needs housing near transit and/or "smart growth areas". 2.8: Encourage energy efficient design in new and rehabilitated development and in existing housing units as a means to lowering housing costs. 2.9: Encourage collaborative partnerships to maximize resources available for the provision of affordable housing to lower-income households. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan allows for multi-family development in a mixed-use configuration that will provide new housing opportunities within the central area of the City and is located near existing transit facilities. A range of unit types and sizes are provided and will create a variety of price points to meet housing demands of future residents. Furthermore, the Specific Plan includes an lnclusionary Housing requirement which establishes that the development will include 15% of the units as affordable to Very Low-, Low-, and Moderate-Income households. Housing Element Goal 3: Reduce or remove governmental constraints to the development, improvement, and maintenance of housing where feasible and legally permissible. Policies: 3.1: Periodically review City regulations, ordinances, permitting processes, and residential fees to ensure that they do not constrain housing development and are consistent with State law. 3.2: Continue cooperative agreements, as appropriate, with State, County and other agencies, so that community housing needs are met to the greatest degree possible. 3.3: Offer financial and/or regulatory incentives, where feasible, to offset or reduce the costs of developing quality housing affordable to a wide range of households. 3.4: Accommodate housing needs for extremely low-income households and special needs persons in the City's development regulations. 21 Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will remove governmental constraints to allow for the development of new housing within the City, which includes a range of units and price points to meet community housing needs. Housing Goal 4: Create and maintain decent housing and a suitable living environment for all households in the community. Policies: 4.1: Encourage all households to maintain and rehabilitate all housing to prevent deterioration. 4.2: Preserve all housing and neighborhoods throughout the City in a safe environment to live, work and play. 4.3: Encourage the rehabilitation of deteriorating houses where feasible and provide assistance when necessary for households who cannot afford the costs of such improvements. 4.4: Provide and maintain an adequate level of services and facilities in all areas of the City. Consistency Discussion : The Specific Plan allows for multi-family development in a mixed-use configuration that will provide new housing opportunities within the central area of the City and is located within half-a-mile of existing transit facilities. Future development within the Specific Plan area will be professionally managed and maintain a high-quality environment for residents and visitors to live, work, and play. Housing Goal 5: Promote equal opportunity for all residents to reside in housing of their choice. Policies: 5.1. Prohibit discrimination in the sale, rental, or financing of housing based on race, color, ancestry, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability/ medical condition, familial status, marital status, source of income, or any other arbitrary factor. 5.2: Continue efforts to facilitate the unimpeded access to housing without consideration of arbitrary distinctions. 5.3: Accommodate persons with disabilities who seek reasonable waiver or modification of land use controls and/or development standards pursuant to procedures and criteria set forth in the Zoning Ordinance. 5.4: Continue adopted procedures whereby the City refers apparent violations of the law to enforcement agencies for consideration of remedial actions. Consistency Discussion: New residential development within the Specific Plan will comply with local, state, and federal laws related to equal opportunity and prohibition of discrimination of housing. 22 CIRCULATION ELEMENT Circulation Goal 1: Provide a system of roadways that meets the needs of the community. Policies: 1.1: Provide and maintain a City circulation system that is in balance with the land uses in San Juan Capistrano. 1.2: Implement the City's Master Plan of Streets and Highways. 1.3: Coordinate improvements to the City circulation system with other major transportation improvement programs. 1.4: Improve the San Juan Capistrano circulation system roadways in concert with land development to ensure sufficient levels of service. 1.5: Improve existing arterial system that serves regional circulation patterns in order to reduce local congestion (Ortega Highway at 1-5). 1.6: Reduce the congestion along local arterial roadways in commercial areas by driveway access consolidation, parking area interconnections and similar actions. Consistency Discussion: Any proposed project within the Specific Plan will be required to assess the Traffic and Circulation impacts of the specific project and as necessary, implement necessary improvements to adjacent roadways to provide safe and efficient vehicular access to the Specific Plan area, including driveways and parking areas. As part of the CEQA review for projects proposed within the Specific Plan, the project will be evaluated on potential level of service issues and adhere to any applicable mitigation measures governing development activities. A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) maybe required depending on the intensity of development. The TIA would identify any traffic impacts and recommend mitigation measures at selected intersections and roadway segments. Circulation Goal 2: Promote an advanced public transportation network. Policies: 2.1: Encourage the increased use and expansion of public transportation opportunities. 2.2: Promote new employment-producing development in areas where public transit is convenient and desirable. 2.3: Encourage the provision of additional regional public transportation services and support facilities, such as park-and-ride lots. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan area is situated near existing public transportation facilities, including the San Juan Capistrano train station, which is serviced daily by Amtrak Surfliner and Metrolink, and Orange County 23 Transportation Authority (OCTA) Route 91. The adjacency to these existing public transportation facilities will allow for increased use of these facilities. Circulation Goal 3: Provide an extensive public bicycle, pedestrian, and equestrian trails network. Policies: 3.1: Provide and maintain an extensive trails network that supports bicycles, pedestrians, and horses and is coordinated with those networks of adjacent jurisdictions. Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's efforts towards the provision of an extensive trails network. Public, on-street bicycle facilities located within the vicinity of the project will be maintained. The Specific Plan will benefit from proximity to existing bicycle facilities along the San Juan and Trabuco creeks located to the south and west of the project area. Circulation Goal 4: Minimize the conflict between the automobile, commercial vehicles, pedestrians, horses, and bicycles. Policies: 4.1: Provide sufficient right-of-way widths along roadways to incorporate features that buffer pedestrians, horses, and bicycles from vehicular traffic. 4.2: Provide traffic management improvements within areas where through traffic creates public safety problems. 4.3: Install additional street improvements within areas where necessary to improve vehicular and non-vehicular safety. · 4.4: Apply creative traffic management approaches to address congestion in areas with unique problems, such as schools, businesses with drive-through access, and other special situations. 4.5: Improve Paseo Adelanto north of Del Obispo Street and South of River Street as a 28-foot wide (curb to curb) roadway with a sidewalk on the east side of the street and with on-street parking permitted along the east side of Paseo Adelanto. 4.6: Transition River Street from an existing asphalt street to a decomposed granite (or similar material) pedestrian path. Prohibit vehicular access along River Street through the placement of bollards -placed at the intersection with Los Rios Street, and gates placed at the intersection with Paseo Adelanto. Consistency Discussion: Any proposed project within the Specific Plan will be required to assess the Traffic and Circulation impacts of the specific project and as necessary, design necessary improvements to accommodates the safe movement of automobiles, commercial vehicles, and pedestrians. 24 Circulation Goal 5 : Achieve the development of regional transportation facilities. Policies: 5.1: Support the implementation of the Orange County Master Plan of Arterial Highways and the south Foothill Tollway Segment (Segment CP). 5.2: Work closely with adjacent jurisdictions and transportation agencies to ensure that development projects outside San Juan Capistrano do not adversely impact the City or other providers of public transportation service within the City. 5.3: Monitor alternative transportation programs, such as rail and bus systems providing service to the City. Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's efforts towards the development of regional transportation facilities. SAFETY ELEMENT Safety Goal 1: Reduce the risk to the community from hazards related to geologic conditions, seismic activity, wildfires, structural fires and flooding. Policies: 1.1: Reduce the risk of impacts from geologic and seismic hazards by applying proper development engineering, building construction, and retrofitting requirements. 1.2: Protect the community from flooding hazards by providing and maintaining flood control facilities and limiting development within the floodplain. 1.4. Reduce the risk of fire to the community by coordinating with the Orange County Fire Authority. 1.5. All residential projects with more than 48 units should be required to provide a secondary access to the project site. The secondary access may be designated as emergency access only. Consistency Discussion: All new development within the Specific Plan will adhere to applicable geologic and seismic Building Code requirements. Currently, the southeast corner of the Specific Plan project area, totaling approximately 2,400 square feet, is identified as being within the AE flood zone. FEMA's processing of Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) through case number 22-09-0891R will ensure the Specific Plan area is not located within the 100-year flood zone. Future development will comply with local, state, and federal guidelines regarding development within areas of flood hazard. Future development within the Specific Plan will work with Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) to ensure an adequate level of fire protection services are provided, consistent with OCFA requirements. The Specific Plan allows for a density of up to 60 dwelling units per acre, which may result in more than 48 units on the site. Any 25 project which pursues more than 48 units within the Specific Plan will be required to demonstrate adequate access for circulation and safety. Safety Goal 2: Protect the community from hazards related to air pollution, nuclear power production, hazardous materials and ground transportation. Policies: 2.1: Work with responsible federal, state and county agencies to decrease air pollution emissions occurring within the air basin to reduce the risk posed by air pollution. 2.2: Coordinate with federal and state agencies and Southern California Edison to reduce the risks related to nuclear power production. 2.3: Cooperate with responsible federal, state, and county agencies to minimize the risk to the community from the use and transportation of hazardous materials through the City. 2.4: Reduce the per capita production of household hazardous waste in San Juan Capistrano in concert with the County of Orange plans for reducing hazardous waste. 2.5: Reduce the risk from ground transportation hazards, such as rail and roadway systems. Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's efforts to protect the community from hazards related to air pollution, nuclear power production, hazardous materials, and/or ground transportation. Any proposed project within the Specific Plan will be required to evaluate potential air quality and other relevant issues and adhere to any applicable construction mitigation measures governing development activities. Safety Goal 3: Protect citizens and businesses from criminal activity. Policies: 3.1: Coordinate with the Orange County Sheriff's Department to reduce the risk of criminal activity. 3.2: Apply design techniques and standards aimed at reducing criminal activity to new development and redevelopment. 3.3: Promote after school programs, volunteer programs and Neighborhood Watch programs to reduce the risk of criminal activity. 3.4: Improve public awareness of both the responsiveness of the Orange County Sheriff's Department and ways to reduce criminal activity within the City. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan will infuse new activity within the central area of the City by allowing for new development that will introduce new residents, visitors, and businesses providing additional 'eyes on the street' and greater pedestrian activity within the project vicinity. Safety Goal 4: Improve the ability of the City to respond effectively to natural and human-caused emergencies. 26 Policies: 4.1: Support the development of local preparedness plans and multi-jurisdictional cooperation and communication for emergency situations consistent with the Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS). 4.2: Educate residents and businesses regarding appropriate actions to safeguard life and property during and immediately after emergencies. Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's efforts to respond to natural and human- caused emergencies. CONSERVATION/OPEN SPACE ELEMENT Conservation/Open Space Goal 1: Preserve and enhance open space resources. Policies: 1.1: Identify remaining areas which should be preserved and enhanced as open space resources. 1.2: Continue to implement land and open space-rights acquisition of appropriate properties to allow for the long-term preservation of open space resources. 1.3: Identify and implement funding programs to maintain open space lands. Consistency Discussion: The project is located within the central area of the City and is not considered an area of open space resources. Conservation/Open Space Goal 2: Protect and preserve important ecological and biological resources. Policies: 2.1: Use proper land use planning to reduce the impact of urban development on important ecological and biological resources. 2.2: Preserve important ecological and biological resources as open space. 2.3: Develop open space uses in an ecologically sensitive manner. 2.4: Continue to designate the City as a bird sanctuary to preserve and protect the populations of all migratory birds which serve as a prime resource to the character and history of the community. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan area does not contain important ecological and/or biological resources and implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's efforts to protect and preserve its 27 ecological and biological resources. Any proposed project within the Specific Plan will be required to assess ecological and biological resources to determine if the project will create any potential impacts. Conservation/Open Space Goal 3: Preserve existing agricultural activity. Policies: 3.1: Implement economic programs that promote the long-term viability of designated agricultural parcels within the City. 3.2: Reduce the negative impacts resulting from urban uses and neighboring agricultural uses in close proximity. Consistency Discussion: The project is not located next to existing agricultural uses and implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's efforts to preserve existing agricultural activity. Conservation/Open Space Goal 4: Prevent incompatible development in areas that should be preserved for scenic, historic, conservation, or public safety purposes. Policies: 4.1: Assure incompatible development is avoided in those areas that are designated to be preserved for scenic, historic, conservation, or public safety purposes. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan contains development standards/regulations as well as design guidelines that will guide future development and ensure high-quality design that is compatible with the downtown area. The Specific Plan area does not contain areas designated by the City for preservation for scenic, conservation, or public safety purposes. Conservation/Open Space Goal 5: Shape and guide development in order to achieve efficient growth and maintain community scale and identity. Policies: 5.1: Encourage high-quality design in new development and redevelopment to maintain the low- density character of the City. 5.2: Ensure that new development integrates and preserves areas designated for scenic, historic, conservation, or public safety reasons. 5.3: Ensure that no buildings will encroach upon any ridgeline designated for preservation. 28 Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan contains development standards/regulations as well as design guidelines that will guide future development and ensure high-quality design that is compatible with the downtown area. The Specific Plan area does not contain ridgelines or areas designated by the City for preservation for scenic, conservation, or public safety purposes. Conservation/Open Space Goal 6: Improve air quality. Policies:· 6.1: Cooperate with the South Coast Air Quality Management District and Southern California Association of Governments in their efforts to implement the regional Air Quality Management Plan. 6.2: Cooperate and participate in regional air quality, management planning, programs, and enforcement measures. 6.3: Implement City-wide traffic flow improvements. 6.4: Achieve a greater balance between jobs and housing in San Juan Capistrano. 6.5: Integrate air quality planning with land use and transportation planning. 6.6: Promote energy conservation and recycling by the public and private sectors. Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's efforts to participate in regional air quality, management planning, programs, and enforcement measures. The Specific Plan will allow for a horizontal mixed-use development within the downtown area, providing new housing and business opportunities within the City. Any proposed project within the Specific Plan will be required to evaluate potential air quality issues and adhere to any applicable construction mitigation measures governing development activities. Conservation/Open Space Goal 7: Protect water quality. Policies: 7.1: Coordinate water quality and supply programs with the responsible water agencies. 7.2: Encourage the production and use of recycled water. 7.3: Conserve and protect watershed areas. Consistency Discussion: Development within the Specific Plan area will adhere to applicable local, state, and federal requirements related to water quality and on-site storm drain systems will be designed to minimize any potential impact on existing facilities. 29 Conservation/Open Space Goal 8: Encourage active citizen involvement to establish and achieve community goals. Policies: 8.1: Solicit citizen participation during the early stages of major public and regulatory programs. 8.2: Develop appropriate vehicles, such as newsletters, information brochures, cable television programming and announcements, and other methods, to communicate important information to the population of San Juan Capistrano. Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's efforts to encourage active citizen involvement to establish and achieve community goals. NOISE ELEMENT Noise Goal 1: Minimize the effects of noise through proper land use planning. Policies: 1.1: Utilize noise/land use compatibility standards as a guide for future planning and development decisions. 1.2: Provide noise control measures and sound attenuating construction in areas of new construction or rehabilitation. Consistency Discussion: Noise-sensitive land uses have been sited to adhere to future noise level conditions. Any proposed project within the Specific Plan will be required to evaluate potential noise issues and adhere to any applicable construction mitigation measures governing development activities. Noise Goal 2: Minimize transportation-related noise impacts. Policies: 2.1: Reduce transportation-related noise impacts to sensitive land uses through the use of noise control measures. 2.2: Control truck traffic routing to reduce transportation-related noise impacts to sensitive land uses. 2.3: Incorporate sound-reduction design in development projects impacted by transportation-related noise. 2.4: Oppose airport operations that result in excessive noise from overflights. 30 Consistency Discussion: Noise-sensitive land uses have been sited to adhere to future noise level conditions. Any proposed project within the Specific Plan will be required to evaluate noise issues and adhere to any applicable construction mitigation measures governing development activities. Noise Goal 3: Minimize non-transportation-related noise impacts. Policies: 3.1: Reduce the impacts of noise-producing land uses and activities on noise-sensitive land uses. 3.2: Incorporate sound-reduction design in new construction or rehabilitation projects impacted by non-transportation-related noise. Consistency Discussion: Noise-sensitive land uses have been sited to adhere to future noise level conditions. Any proposed project within the Specific Plan will be required to evaluate on potential noise issues and adhere to any applicable construction mitigation measures governing development activities. CULTURAL RESOURCES ELEMENT Cultural Resources Goal 1: Preserve and protect historical, archaeological, and paleontological resources. Policies: 1.1: Balance the benefits of development with the project's potential impacts to existing cultural resources. 1.2: Identify, designate, and protect buildings and sites of historic importance. 1.3: Identify funding programs to assist private property owners in the preservation of buildings and sites of historic importance. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan area does not contain any known cultural resources. Any proposed project within the Specific Plan will be required to assess potential cultural, archeological or paleontological resources and establish construction mitigation measures to govern development activities, should resources be discovered. COMMUNITY DESIGN ELEMENT Community Design Goal 1: Encourage and preserve a sense of place. 31 Policies: 1.1: Preserve significant amounts of land and important natural features for open space. 1.2: Encourage high-quality and human scale design in development to maintain the character of the City. 1.3: Encourage the participation by all members of the community in activities which promote the City and create local pride Consistency Discussion: The design guidelines within the Specific Plan further the unique character of San Juan Capistrano through site planning, architecture, and landscaping, all of which will ensure contextually appropriate, high-quality, and human scaled design in future development. Community Design Goal 2: Preserve the historic character of the community. Policies: 2.1: Encourage development which complements the City's traditional, historic character through site design, architecture, and landscaping. Consistency Discussion: The design guidelines within the Specific Plan further the historic character of San Juan Capistrano through site planning, architecture, and landscaping, all of which will ensure contextually appropriate, high-quality, and human scaled design in future development. Community Design Goal 3: Preserve and enhance natural features. Policies: 3.1: Limit development of important natural characteristics such as ridgelines, unique hillside features and creeks. 3.2: Encourage the recreational use of natural features, such as hillsides and creeks. 3.3: Preserve and enhance scenic transportation corridors, including Interstate 5 and the railroad. 3.4: Preserve important view sheds. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan area does not contain important natural characteristics, hillsides or creeks, is not located directly adjacent to a scenic transportation corridor, and does not contain important view sheds. 32 GROWTH MANAGEMENT ELEMENT Growth Management Goal 1: Coordinate rational and orderly growth that assures the economic and efficient provision of public services and infrastructure to new development. Policies: 1.1: Continue to implement service standards for public services and infrastructure which provide sufficient services to community residents and businesses. 1.2: Approve only those development proposals for which there is sufficient funding through the developer, City or other agency to provide a level of public service and infrastructure which meet the established goals. 1.3: Monitor growth to ensure that service standards are achieved. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan will allow for orderly new privately-funded development that will provide new housing supply within the City, which will help the City in addressing their 6th Cycle Housing Element regional housing needs, and will work with applicable public service and infrastructure providers to ensure the provision of adequate services to support the new development. Growth Management Goal 2: Provide sufficient regional transportation facilities. Policies: 2.1: Work closely with the OCTA, Caltrans, surrounding jurisdictions, and other transportation agencies.to obtain needed transportation funding and facilities. 2.2: Encourage the expansion of alternative means of regional public transportation. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan area is situated within half-a-mile from major public transportation facilities including the San Juan Capistrano train station, serviced on a daily basis by both the Amtrak Surfliner and the Metrolink, as well as Orange County Transportation Authority (OCFA) Route 91. Growth Management Goal 3: Provide for a balance of jobs and housing through land use planning. Policies: 3.1: Consider jobs/housing balance in the City and region as a factor in land use decision-making. 33 Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan allows for both job creating and residential land uses. As proposed, the Specific Plan will provide opportunities for development of new housing and a variety of commercial/retail, restaurant, and office job opportunities. New commercial/retail spaces are anticipated to strengthen the existing business environment by providing space for new businesses that provide for a greater variety of retail and services to the community. Growth Management Goal 4: Coordinate and cooperate with other public agencies to address regional issues and opportunities. Policies: 4.1: Participate with other public agencies in cooperative efforts to address important regional issues. 4.2: Monitor major new developments proposed in adjacent communities to ensure that impacts on San Juan Capistrano are mitigated. Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's ongoing efforts to address important regional issues. PARKS AND RECREATION ELEMENT Parks and Recreation Goal 1: Provide, develop, and maintain ample park and recreation facilities that provide a diversity of recreational activities. Policies: 1.1: Coordinate with local groups to identify and meet the community's recreational needs. 1.2: Work with the County and other agencies' planning for the development of regional parks and regional linkages which will be accessible to City residents. 1.3: Identify and implement funding programs to maintain and expand park and recreational facilities. 1.4: Develop and maintain a balanced system of public and private recreational lands, facilities and programs to meet the needs of the community. 1.5: Operate and maintain public park and recreational facilities in a manner that ensures safe and convenient access for all members of the community. 1.6: Increase the accessibility of existing open space areas for recreational activities. 1. 7: Provide parkland improvements and facilities that are durable and economical to maintain. 1.8: Publicize park and recreation opportunities in San Juan Capistrano to the community. 1.9: Utilize existing public utility easements for recreation and open space. 34 Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan is in close proximity to multiple parks and open space. The site is within a quarter of a mile walking distance from Descanso Park, located at the end of Paseo Adelanto and where Trabuco Creek and San Juan Creek converge and is approximately 0.4 miles from the San Juan Capistrano Historic Town Center Park. Future development within the Specific Plan will be subject to development impact fees will be to accommodate new demand for parks by the Specific Plan Project Area residents. Parks and Recreation Goal 2: Develop and expand the existing bicycle, hiking, and equestrian trail system and facilities. Policies: 2.1: Develop and expand the existing trails network that supports bicycles, pedestrians, and horses, and coordinate linkages with those networks of adjacent jurisdictions. 2.2: Preserve the equestrian lifestyle by designating land for the preservation or provision of new equestrian facilities. 2.3: Encourage the affordable provision of equestrian facilities within the City. Consistency Discussion: There are no trail systems or facilities directly adjacent to the Specific Plan area. However, the Specific Plan will benefit from proximity to existing bicycle facilities along the San Juan and Trabuco creeks located to the south and west of the project area. PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITIES ELEMENT Public Services and Utilities Goal 1: Work with the Orange County Sheriff's Department to provide a sufficient level of law enforcement. Policies: 1.1: Work closely with the Orange County Sheriff's Department in determining and meeting community needs for law enforcement services. 1.2: Periodically evaluate the level of law enforcement services to ensure that San Juan Capistrano has appropriate levels of law enforcement services. Consistency Discussion: Future development within the Specific Plan will coordinate with the Orange County Sheriff's department to ensure the appropriate level of law enforcement is provided. Public Services and Utilities Goal 2: Work with the Orange County Fire Authority to provide a sufficient level of fire protection. 35 Policies: 2.1: Work closely with the Orange County Fire Authority in determining and meeting community needs for fire protection services and facilities. 2.2: Periodically evaluate the level of fire protection service to ensure that San Juan Capistrano has appropriate levels of fire protection services. Consistency Discussion: Future development within the Specific Plan will coordinate with the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) to ensure an adequate level of fire protection services are provided, consistent with OCFA requirements. Public Services and Utilities Goal 3: Work effectively with the Capistrano Unified School District to provide a sufficient level of public education. Policies: 3.1: Work closely with Capistrano Unified School District in determining and meeting community needs for public education and related activities. 3.2: Work with Capistrano Unified School District in investigating potential locations and funding sources for new schools, including a future high school. Consistency Discussion: Future development within the Specific Plan will provide relevant development impact fees to the Capistrano Unified School District (CUSD). Public Services and Utilities Goal 4: Provide sufficient community facilities. Policies: 4.1: Work closely with community groups in providing community facilities which meet the needs of the community. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan includes provisions for community facilities for residents and visitors of the area including recreational facilities and retail establishments. Public Services and Utilities Goal 5: Work closely with the Orange County Public Library to provide a sufficient level of library facilities and services. 36 Policies: 5.1: Work closely with the Orange County Public Library in determining and meeting community needs for library facilities and services, including hours of operation. Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's ongoing efforts to work with the Orange County Public Library. Public Services and Utilities Goal 6: Provide sufficient levels of water and sewer service. Policies: 6.1: Provide sufficient levels of water and sewer service to meet the needs of the community. Consistency Discussion: Future development within the Specific Plan will work closely with the SMWD to ensure sufficient level of water and sewer services are provided to service the development. Public Services and Utilities Goal 7: Work effectively with providers of natural gas, electricity, telephone, cable television and solid waste disposal to provide sufficient levels of these services. Policies: 7.1: Work closely with providers of energy, communications and solid waste disposal in determining and meeting the needs of the community for energy, communications and solid waste disposal. 7.2: Encourage energy efficient development. 7.3: Encourage the expansion of telecommunications capabilities to promote economic development of the community. 7.4: Reduce the per capita production of solid waste in San Juan Capistrano in concert with the City's Source Reduction and Recycling Element. Consistency Discussion: Future development within the Specific Plan will coordinate closely with applicable utility providers to ensure provisions of adequate facilities and services to serve new development. All future development will meet the CalGreen water and energy efficiency requirements of the Building Code. FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT ELEMENT Floodplain Management Goal 1: Protect life and property from floodwaters. 37 Policies: 1.1: Limit development within the floodplain to minimize risks to life and property and satisfy the flood insurance and other requirements of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). 1.2: Prevent the placement of unauthorized fill material in creeks and floodplains in order to avoid alteration of flow characteristics and bridge scour. 1.3: Construct new flood protection improvements where determined necessary by the City, County and Army Corps of Engineers. 1.4: Improve existing bridges to improve the flow of the associated streams. Consistency Discussion: Currently, the southeast corner of the Specific Plan project area, totaling approximately 2,400 square feet, is identified as being within the AE flood zone. FEMA's processing of CLOMR through case number 22-09-0891R will ensure the entirety of the Specific Plan area is located outside of the 100-year flood zone. Future development will comply with local, state, and federal guidelines regarding development within areas of flood hazard. Floodplain Management Goal 2: Preserve and enhance the natural character of the creeks and their floodplains. Policies: 2.1: Use environmentally sensitive treatments where creek improvements are necessary to preserve wetlands. 2.2: Enhance and/or restore the creeks and their floodplains as part of private development projects and public works projects. 2.3: Flood protection improvements for stream banks are encouraged to use linings such as soil, cement, "armorflex", earth covered rip rap, or other environmentally sensitive treatments that provide effective and durable flood protection. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan area is not located directly adjacent to a creek. Floodplain Management Goal 3: Preserve and enhance recreational opportunities and amenities provided by the creeks and their floodplains. Policies: 3.1: Preserve existing park and recreational land uses adjacent to all creeks. 3.2: Construct bicycle and equestrian trails along all of the creeks, and include underpasses for the trails beneath bridges, as well as safe trails on bridges. 38 Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan area is not located directly adjacent to a creek. ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE ELEMENT Environmental Justice Element Goal 1: Promote land use and development patterns that reduce air pollution exposure and improve respiratory health for residents of the Community of Focus. Policies: 1.1: Partner with the South Coast Air Quality Management District to monitor local air quality and identify main pollution sources. 1.2: Encourage the California Department of Transportation to regularly monitor air emissions from freeway traffic and develop mitigation measures to reduce air quality impacts in neighborhoods adjacent to the freeway in the Community of Focus. 1.3: Encourage any new construction of mechanically ventilated homes, schools, childcare facilities, and elder care facilities within 500 feet of the freeway to install MERV13 grade air filters or equivalent measures to prevent air pollution exposure among residents. 1.4: Encourage project proponents to prepare health risk assessments in accordance with California Air Resources Board and South Coast Air Quality Management District recommended procedures if new construction is proposed within 500 feet of the freeway. 1.5: Review the effectiveness of existing quiet zones within the Community of Focus and provide information to area residents on how to report any train horn violations to the Federal Railroad Administration. 1.6: Work with equestrian facilities in the Community of Focus to ensure best practices and measures are being implemented to address dust. 1.7: Seek partnerships to increase public transit service and electric carshare and bikeshare programs for all residents to utilize. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan area is not located within or directly adjacent to the Community of Focus and would not impact the air pollution exposure in the Community of Focus. Environmental Justice Element Goal 2: Proactively take actions to address potential negative impacts of climate change on the most vulnerable residents and adopt strategies to mitigate impacts and promote adaptation and resiliency for residents in the Community of Focus. 39 Policies: 2.1: Incorporate climate change and climate variability into planning, health, and emergency preparedness plans and guidance to increase preparedness for natural hazards exacerbated by climate change, especially among vulnerable populations. 2.2 : Work with federal, state, and county governments to identify opportunities and investments to create jobs that are safe and sustainable and promote clean energy solutions. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan area is not located within or directly adjacent to the Community of Focus and would not impact the effects of climate change within the Community of Focus. Environmental Justice Element Goal 3: Equitably distribute and maintain public infrastructure, facilities, and services. Policies: 3.1: Engage with the community and partner with community-based organizations to plan and implement public facility improvements. 3.2 : Ensure public services are delivered to the Community of Focus in an efficient and equitable manner. 3.3: Maintain and improve existing facilities and infrastructure located within the Community of Focus. 3.4: When siting new public facilities in the city requested by the community, consider locating said new facilities in the Community of Focus or as close to the Community of Focus as possible. 3.5: Study potential remedies to address lack of parking for residents of Capistrano Villas, including potential overnight use of city parking lots next to the City's Library or in the Los Rios Historic District and strategies to promote alternative modes of transportation. 3.6: In collaboration with community-based organizations active in the Community of Focus, identify public facility construction and maintenance needs in the Community of Focus. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan area is not located within or directly adjacent to the Community of Focus and would propose no modifications to infrastructure or services within the Community of Focus. Environmental Justice Element Goal 4: Promote safe and equitable access to public facilities. Policies: 4.1: When necessary, promptly replace and install new streetlights, restripe crosswalks and bike lanes, and implement leading pedestrian intervals at traffic signals with high pedestrian traffic to increase visibility and reduce collisions between automobiles, pedestrian, and cyclists. 40 4.2: Provide traffic safety information to the public by providing information on the city's website or by conducting workshops in the community. 4.3: Develop and implement a bicycle master plan to prioritize bicycle-related improvements throughout the city. 4.4: Where feasible and if funding is available, implement traffic-calming measures, such as speedbumps, roundabouts, and narrower lanes to prevent speeding and increase pedestrian and cyclist safety and comfort. 4.5: Where feasible and if funding is available, implement Class IV physically protected bikeways on major streets with Class II bike lanes, particularly those with more than one lane in each direction and/or speed limits above 30 miles per hour. 4.6: Promote a pleasant walking and biking environment by planting drought -tolerant plants and improving stormwater management as part of any street redesign. 4.7: Collaborate with state and local leaders to reform statewide speed limit laws, including the 85th Percentile Rule, which generally sets a road segment's speed limit as the speed that 15 percent of drivers exceed, so lowering speed limits in the Community of Focus may be considered. 4.8: Collaborate with community leaders and neighboring jurisdictions to expand the service and route of the summer trolley, including offering service year-round and into additional jurisdictions. 4.9: In collaboration with community-based organizations, work to identify public facility needs in the Community of Focus. Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's ongoing efforts to promote safe and equitable access to public facilities. Additionally, the Specific Plan area is not located within or directly adjacent to the Community of Focus and would not impact the Community of Focus' safe and equitable access to public facilities. Environmental Justice Element Goal 5: Promote safe routes to schools and related facilities. Policies: 5.1: Prioritize traffic improvements around schools, libraries, and childcare facilities. 5.2: Prioritize areas near schools for crosswalk, bike lane, and traffic-calming improvements. 5.3: Collaborate with school leaders to initiate a safe routes to school program, a walking school bus program, and/or similar programs to enhance and promote safer streets near schools. 5.4: In collaboration with community-based organizations, identify street safety needs and interventions near campuses, libraries, and childcare facilities in the Community of Focus. Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's ongoing efforts to promote safe routes to schools and related facilities. Additionally, the Specific Plan area is not located within or directly adjacent 41 to the Community of Focus and would not impact street safety needs and interventions near campuses, libraries, and childcare facilities in the Community of Focus. Environmental Justice Element Goal 6: Ensure all residents of the Community of Focus have healthy and safe living conditions. Policies: 6.1: Identify funding programs on the city's website that could assist landlords to address substandard conditions and preserve affordability of housing occupied by lower-income households in the Community of Focus. 6.2: Identify resources on the city's website to assist tenants with mold and lead abatement. 6.3: Work with homeowner associations and property management companies that manage multifamily condominiums located within the Community of Focus to assist them in developing a proactive plan that addresses substandard housing conditions and promotes maintenance of green spaces while not penalizing renters. 6.4: Reduce potential exposure to asbestos materials during rehabilitation of older units by providing building permit applicants information on the South Coast Air Quality Management District requirements to mitigate for potential asbestos exposure in units built prior to 1980. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan area is not located within or directly adjacent to the Community of Focus and would not impact the heathy and safe living conditions within the Community. Environmental Justice Element Goal 7: Ensure all residents have access to a diverse mix to affordable housing options available to households of all sizes, including younger workers, senior citizens, and families, to reduce overcrowding and cost burden. Policies: 7.1: Prioritize the development of affordable housing for different income levels throughout the City of San Juan Capistrano and in proximity to community amenities. 7.2: Study potential adjustments to the City's current lnclusionary Zoning Ordinance to increase funding for affordable projects in the City of San Juan Capistrano. Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan allows for multi-family development in a mixed-use configuration that will provide new housing opportunities and is located near existing transit facilities. A range of unit types and sizes are provided and will create a variety of price points to meet housing demands of future residents. Furthermore, the Specific Plan includes an lnclusionary Housing requirement which establishes that the development will include 15% of the units as affordable to Very Low-, Low-, and Moderate-Income households. 42 New residential developments within the Specific Plan will comply with local, state, and federal laws related to equal opportunity and prohibition of discrimination of housing. Environmental Justice Element Goal 8: Preserve the sense of community and social cohesion in the Community of Focus through policies to prevent the displacement of long-term residents. Policies: 8.1: To the extent allowed by state or federal laws, establish a Local Preference Policy that prioritizes applicants who live and/or work in the City for new affordable housing units. Consistency Discussion: New residential developments within the Specific Plan will comply with the inclusionary requirements established and provide a preference when tenanting new units for households and individuals which reside or work within the San Juan Capistrano jurisdiction. Environmental Justice Element Goal 9: Increase access to locally available fresh, affordable, and healthy food for residents by increasing the amount of grocery stores, local markets, farmers markets, mobile food vendors, and community gardens, and continue to support local agricultural producers. Policies: 9.1: Promote policies that increase access to healthy, affordable, and culturally appropriate food retailers within close proximity to the Community of Focus. 9.2: Facilitate opportunities to increase access to healthy food supplies within the Community of Focus through support of mobile food vendors. 9.3: Support and expand accessibility of farmers markets and community-supported agriculture. Explore establishing a new tamers market at Stonefield Park. 9.4: Promote statewide efforts to expand the usage of food assistance benefits (e.g., CalFresh, WIC, and Market Match) at farmers markets, farm stands, and community-supported agriculture sources to increase the purchasing power of the community. 9.5: Partner with local community-based organizations to conduct educational campaigns to promote healthy eating and physical activity. 9.6: Continue to support local agriculture and food production by reducing barriers to sustainable growers such as access to land. 9.7: Partner with local community-based organizations, food banks, local farms, and pantries to consider continuing the emergency distribution services that were established during the COVID-19 pandemic. 9.8: Partner with the local community-based organizations and farms to promote educational programs and planting of edible gardens to provide residents with access to fresh produce and learn about healthy eating habits. 9.9: Continue to support local agricultural producers and partner with them to increase local distribution of their produce, particularly through programs like The Ecology Center's Nourishing Neighbors program. 43 Consistency Discussion: Implementation ofthe Specific Plan will not impede the City's ongoing efforts to increase access to locally available fresh, affordable, and healthy food for residents. Environmental Justice Element Goal 10: Ensure an equitable distribution of and access to parks, trails, open space, and related programs. Policies: 10.1: Collaborate with local organizations to create and improve culturally competent health and recreation programs for youths and adults, which would include programs offered in both English and Spanish that are geared directly to the Community of Focus. 10.2: Study the possible conversion of vacant lots, underutilized lots, and public right-of-way into parks, community gardens, and open spaces, particularly in the Community of Focus. 10.3: Encourage San Diego Gas & Electric and other utility providers to convert public utility easements like utility corridors into parks and trails. 10.4: Host farmers markets, musical performances, and open streets events in the public right-of- way in the Community of Focus to encourage and publicize walking and biking. 10.5: Provide year-round park, sports, and pool access wherever possible for all Community of Focus residents with online and in-person reservation systems, as well as public records of who has reserved park space, to promote equitable access for residents with limited internet access. 10.6: Work with the Community Services Department to ensure its reservation system for parks, sports fields and other public facilities is available in English and Spanish to provide equal access to members of the public. 10.7: Continuously review maintenance and expansion opportunities for parks and park amenities, including exercise facilities and sports equipment. 10.8: Identify tree planting opportunities throughout the Community of Focus. 10.9: In collaboration with community-based organizations, develop an inventory of park maintenance needs, and vacant and underutilized spaces. Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's ongoing efforts to equitable distribution of and access to parks, trails, open space, and related programs. Additionally, the Specific Plan area is not located within or directly adjacent to the Community of Focus and would not impact access to parks, trails, open space, and related programs from the Community. Environmental Justice Element Goal 11: Improve the pedestrian and bicycle network. Policies: 11.1: Where feasible and if funding exists, improve lighting, restripe and enhance crosswalks, and implement leading pedestrian intervals at traffic signals for safer crossings. 11.2: Where feasible and if funding exists, remove gaps and barriers in the walking and biking network and construct new and/or wider sidewalks where necessary 44 11.3: Promote bicycle parking and storage to enhance the utility of bikes as a transportation mode. 11.4: Encourage pedestrian and bicycle accessibility between the Capistrano Villas and nearby commercial areas and public trails. Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's ongoing efforts to improve the pedestrian and bicycle network. Environmental Justice Element Goal 12: Establish safe routes to parks. Policies: 12.1: In addition to schools, prioritize traffic calming and other improvements around parks and open space. 12.2: Where feasible and if funding exists, improve recreational facilities with better lighting, improved wayfinding, and expanded hours. 12.3: Examine the maintenance of non-City operated parks through public-private partnerships. 12.4: Provide notices and onsite warnings to protect visitors of parks and recreation areas from safety hazards, including rattlesnakes and other dangerous wildlife. 12.5: Develop and implement a parks master plan to prioritize park improvements, particularly in the Community of Focus. 12.6: Explore opportunities and develop programs for expanding nature access for Community of Focus residents, including city recreational programs that involve visits to the Cleveland National Forest, east of the San Juan Capistrano boundary. 12.7: Develop an inventory of lighting, wayfinding, safety, maintenance, and access needs in and around City-operated parks. Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's ongoing efforts to Establish safe routes to parks. Environmental Justice Element Goal 13: Promote land use, development patterns, and complete neighborhoods that increase physical activity Policies: 13.1: Enhance public spaces to promote walking to and through public corridors. 13.2: In exchange for affordable housing commitments, allow higher density. 13.3: Develop and implement a plan to encourage the production of accessible and affordable housing close to transit opportunities. 13.4: Consider reducing or eliminating minimum parking requirements for new developments that include a significant number of affordable housing units. 13.5: Continue to review the City's zoning code to identify areas which can accommodate higher density housing and reduced parking requirements. 45 Consistency Discussion: The Specific Plan Project Area is within half-a-mile walking distance from several parks, commercial centers, and the downtown. Development of new commercial and residential uses within walking distance of amenities and facilities promotes walking to and through public corridors. The Specific Plan has been developed with standards which anticipate inclusion of affordable housing. The 60 dwelling unit per acre density is the highest in the City in order to encourage development which can accommodate the inclusion of affordable housing. The parking standards have been established with the consideration of the site being mixed use as well as being within half-a-mile of major transit and the City's extensive trail system. Environmental Justice Element Goal 14: Provide opportunities for residents from the Community of Focus, regardless of racial/ethnic background, national origin, age, education, and income, to meaningfully participate in local decision- making processes. Policies: 14.1: Partner with community-based organizations that have established relationships and trust with residents in the Community of Focus to conduct outreach on proposed City public improvement projects or private land use projects within the Community of Focus. 14.2: Make language interpretation services available at all City Council meetings to promote participation of residents of the Community of Focus. Ensure the City's website and key meeting documents and announcements are translated. This includes printed and online materials, meetings and workshops, and other announcements and notices. 14.3: If public meetings or workshops are conducted in the Community of Focus, ensure that such meetings are conducted at accessible locations and times with considerations for childcare, food options, ADA accommodations, technology access, and language interpretation. 14.4: Work with community-based organizations to co-sponsor community events with resources on health, wellness, and other topics of interest to the community. 14.5: Identify and invite residents from the Community of Focus to serve on City boards, commissions, and task force members as openings occur. Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City's prov1s1on of opportunities for any residents to meaningfully participate in local decision-making processes. Environmental Justice Element Goal 15: Prioritize improvements and programs that address the needs ofthe Community of Focus. Policies: 15.1: Review City policies and procedures to ensure that spending of general funds for recreation, air quality and other environmental improvements, community programming, and public infrastructure improvements includes the Community of Focus. 46 15.2: Seek partnerships with public, private, and philanthropic entities that promote implementation of policies in the EJ Element and promote social and economic development activities within the Community of Focus. 15.3: Ensure that future public improvements in the Community of Focus will not produce negative impacts on existing residents, such as increase in pollution exposure, net loss of affordable housing, or displacement of residents. 15.4: Promote equitable distribution of public amenities and services to improve the quality of life in the Community of Focus. Consistency Discussion: Implementation of the Specific Plan will not impede the City prioritizing improvements and programs that address the needs of the Community of Focus. 47