13-1105_DUDEK_Personal Services Agreement AERSIC NA L SERVICES AGREEMENT 11F IS A G REEMNT is made, eiriteireid into,and shall become Effective this day of �j;�,L�,mi�ea . 2013, by and beitweein the Ciiy of Sari uan Capistrano Ill'eireinafteir refeumed tci as if a "Clity") and Dull (ir eineinafter referreid to as the "Consultant"). RECITAL WHEREAS, City desires to retain the seirviceis of Consultant to perkrm five-year rricinitciring and rriainteriarice fain Cin-site and cf%site mitigation associated with the repair/ reccinstruciion of the A rizciria Cnossing at the Bast C peiri Space, and perk rm replanting at both Cin-site and eff-site locations sf oic Id a natural de structive incide rit CCCL r wilt in the five- year monitoring period; and WHEREAS, Const Itant is qualified by virtue of eixpeirie nce, training, educalicri and expertise to accomplish such services. NCW, THBRBAORB, City and Consultant mutually agree as follcws: Section . Scope eifl Would. The scope of wank to be pe rformed by It e CClnsl Itarit shall consist of those tasty s as set forl h in Ext-ibit"A," atilached and incorporated heireiin by refeirencei. Tci the ext eni that there are any conflicts betwleen the provisions descrit ed in Exhibit"A"and thosei prci%isions contained within this Agreement, iter prcvisicins in It is Agreiement shall control. Election 2. Term. This Agneeirrieni shall coimrrierice cin if a efllEclive dates and sr all terminate, and all services required he ret,nder shall be completed, no later than ,ur* 30, 2C 19. Section 3. Compensation. 3.1 Amount. Tonal ccirripensaticin fern the services hereiundein shall not exceed $111,232 inclusi%a of consultant fe es of$1 C 1,12C as seat fciri t in Exhibit"B" ply s a tem percent{l1 C%) ccintingeincy, attached and inccirporateid herein by nefere nce. 3.2 Me thud of Aa11me nt. Subject to lection 3.1, CCinsullant shall submit monthly invciiceis of $1,697.83. Thee City will pay monthly prcigreiss payments based on approved irnoiices in accordance with this Secticin. Chargees in excess of the stipulated mcnihly amCt nt shall be subject tci approval by the Public Wcirl'a Mainteriancei Manager. 1 3.3 Reccirc s cif Expenses. Corisuliant shall keep cicirriplelle and acicw rate reicords of all costs and expenses iricideintal to seruicies cicivenec by 0 is Agreement. M ese neciards will be made available ai reasonablei iimies is the Clity. Invoicies shall be ac dresseid as prop idec for in Section 16 below. Eleclion 4. Indepenc ent C eintractcir. li is agreied that Corisuliarii shall aot and k e an iric epeindeint clantractor and rioil ari ageint cir employees cif thea City, and shall ok Hain rio rigl-is to ariy k eneflis w r ich aocift a ici Agency's employees. Election 5. Uimitations U peen Slubcontraating and Assignment. -01-a experience, know ledge, capability and reipulatian of CorIsL Itaril, its r1rinaipals and erreplayees weiie a substariiial iridLciemerii fon the Clity io einter info iris Agreement. Corisu Itarii shall riot coriilract w ilT any otheir eriiliily to rierform the seruicies required without writilen approval of the Cliily. M is Agreement may riot k e assigned, volt ntaiiily cir k y operailion of law, w ithoL 11 IT a prior w 6iten approval of ih e Oil). If Corisu Itarii is rlermitiled io SIL bcoriilracil ariy pari of this Agreemerii by Clity, Corisultarill all all k e resporisible to ih e Ci11y ilor the acts and omissions oil its sL bcoriiraciior as it is foil persons c iiieciily emeplloyec . Noth ing coriilainec in tlr is Agreernerill sh all creailei ariy ciontractu al relatiorisli iris between any sr bcorillnacllor and City. All persons engagec in Re wonk will k e oonsic eyed errrlloyGes of ClonsILItant. Cilly will decal directly wish and will make all payments 10 ClonsLNlant. Slectieen 6. Changes lee Elcope citWerk. For extra work riot part of this Agreement, a wrillteri authorizatiori from Ciiy is requiiiad prior ilo Consultant Lnderiaking any extra work. in 1Fe everill of a change in tF e Scone of Wark pro%ided fon in the conllracll door meents as reqLeslleid ky 11F e City,the Rarties heireto shall execute an addandL mi ilo this Agreemierill settling 1lorih with Mari iculadty all ienmis of iF a new agreeimeeni, inclu ding bL 1 not limited to any ac ditional ClonsL Itant's feces. Seatioen a. Familiarity with Work and/cir Ccenstruatioen Slite. By execLiing J is Agneemenl, ConSL Itan1 warrants 1ha11: (1; i1 has irivestigaied 11-e work ilo k e performec ; (2) if applicable, ii r as inveisiligaiec the work site(s), and is awane of all oondiilions there; and (3; ii uric erstaric s it a facilities, c ifficullieis and nesiMallions of lh e work io be performec uric en chis Agneemenl. Shoulc Corisuliariil disoa%er any laierii or L nkno"n coridiiions meateiiially differing from chose inr ererii in the"ark or as represeniec by City, ii shall immec iaiely infonm iF a City of this and shall not prooeed wish further work L nder ih is Agreement until written insimci icrns ane neoeivec ilnome the City. 2 Section 8. Time cif Bssence. Time is oil tt a essence in the K erformarice of it is Agreement. Seoticin 9. Ceimpliance with Uaw. Consuliant shall comply Wit all applicable laws, ordinances, nodes and regL laiians of fudeiial, state and locial go%ernmient. Section 10. Conillicts eiil Interest. Consuliant covenants it at it plresenily has rio interest and at all not acqL ire any interest, diiieici or indirect, w t ict woL Id conflict in any mariner or c egree with it e performance of the services coniemiplaiec by it is Agaeiemerii. N o person t aving SIL ch interest st all k e employed by air associaileid Wit CanSI,Itant. Sectioin 11. Copies cif Wcirk Prod ucl. At it a ccrrnipleii ion of it a work, Consultant at all hay ei deliveiied to Clity at least one ill) copy of any firial reiporis and/oii notes oii c rawings containing Corisuliariil's flridirigs, conclusions, and iiecommeric ations witt any supporting documeriilailion. All reports submitted to the City stall be in reiproc ucit le 1loamiai, on in it ei format otherwise approved by tt a City in waiting. Eeclion '12. Cwnership cif Documents. All ref orts, information, data and ext ibiis preparec or assembled by Corisuliariil in con riection with 11 a performance of its services puasIL ant to this Agreement are confidential to tt a extent peirmitileid k y law, aric CanSI,Itant agrees it at they at all not k e iniac a a%ailablei io any iridis idual or organizaiion without poor written consent of Ther Clity.. All SIL cit aeporis, informiaiion, data, anc ext ibiils at all t e the property of the City and shall be deliveaeid to the City L pon demand w tit out ac diiicnal costs or exrlensei to the City. Thei City acknowlec ges SIL ch docll rnienis are iristn menis of Corisultani's pacfeissiorial ser%iices. Secticin 13. Indemnily. To iter fullest extent parmiitiec by law, ClonsL liant aggeres to protect, defend, and t old t armless the City anc its eleciN a and appointive boards, cfllicers, agents, aric employees from any and all olaimis, liabilities,e)pensees, or darniages of any natuae, inCIL c ing atllorneys' fees, for irijuryl oa death of any peascn, or damiages of any natuae, iricluc ing interlererice with use of paoperiy, aaising ori of, or in any way cianneclAd wilt the negligence, recklessness anchor interiilional wacrngful conduct of CoriSL Itarii, Corisuliarii's agerits, officeas, emiplcyees, SIL bcoriiaaciors, or irideperic eni ciontractoas t ired by Con9L Itant in tt e performiance of it a Agreemerii. -Rhe orily exception is Corisultarii's responsibiliiy io proteci, deferid, and t oic harrrniless it e Clity, is dL a io it a riegligerice, reckleissness and/oa wrorigfL I coric uct of the City, or ariy of its eleiciive oa appoiniNe boards, officeas, agents, or 3 emiploy ees. This f old f armless agneemerii shall apiply to all liabiliily neclandless of wheir er any irisunarice policies are appilicable. 11t e policy limits do not acil as a limiiiaiion c pori t e amiourii of indemniflaailion to be provided by Cansulilant. Section 14. Insurance. On or befone beginning any of the services or worth culled for by any term of it is Agreemeriil, Corisu Itarii, all its own cost and experise, stall canryl, maintain ion It e c uraiion of It a agreement, and provide procif thereof it at is accepliable to the Clity, the insurance specified below with insurers and under forms oil irisunarice saiisfaciioryl in all respects is ft e Ciily. Corisullariil shall not allow any subaontracton io commence work ori any sut contrast urllil all ins rance requ inec olita Consl.Illant has also keen otiained fon the subcoriiraciton. Irisunarice reqs inec Ihereiri stall to provided by Irisurens iri good :iilandirig with tte Eiale of California and having a minimums Best's C u ide Rating of A- Class VII or better. 14.1 Comprehensive General Uiability. Tt roe clhou tilt a iermi of this Acireemient, Corlsl Itant stall miainiairi in fu 11 forcie anc efllect Comprehensive General LiabilitN coy erage iri an amoc rill not less it an orae million dollars pen accurrerice (1$1,000,000.00,', comibiried single limit coverage for risks associated wilt the work contemiplated ty this agreement. If a Commercial General Liability Irisunarice llormi or oirer form with a gerieral aggregate limit is L sed, eitt en the gerieral acignegate limiiil shall apply separailely 11a the wark to be periormied a nder this agneemeril or the cierieral aggregate limit shall be all least twice the necluired oaaL rrence limil. 14.2 Ccmiprehensive Automobile Liadility. Througt ori the term of it is Agneemerii, Consulilarit shall mairitain in ilL II fonce and effecil Comprehensive Automobile L iat slily ciovenacle, iriclL c irig ow ned, t inec and rion- awned veli icles in ari amoL nt not less thari orae million dollars per occumierice (1$1,00(1,400.04; . 14.3 We rkers' Compensation. If Corisultarii interic s ilo employ emiplo}ees io perlonmi services c nder It is Agreemeriil, Corisultariil shall of slain and miairiilain, during t11 a term of this Agreemeriil, Workers' Comiperisatiori Employer's Liabiliily Insunarice in the slAIL ioryl amoL nt as necluired by state law. 14.4 Proc f oll Insurancie RequirementsilE nc c rsemient. Prion io beginning any worth L rider It is Agneemeni, Cori3L Itant shall SL bmiit if e inSL range cerlifloailes, including t11 a dec uctit le or self-retention amoL rit, and ari ac diiional 4 insured endorsemient naming Ciiy, ills officers, employees, ageriis, and volunteers as additional insured as respecils each of the following: L iat ilily arising out of activities performed by cir on bet alf of ClonsL Itant, including 1 t e insurec's general SL perviision of ClonsL Itani; producds and completed oplerations of Consuliariil; premises owried, occuplied or L sed by ConSL Itant; cir automobiles ow reed, leased, hired, or bonrowed by ConSL Plant. The coveirage shall coriilain no speicial limitations cin ite scicipe of protection afforded City, its officers, employeeis, agenls, or%OIL nteens. 14.5 9rrors anc Cmissieris Covieracle Thnciugt out the ilerm of it is Agreemeriil, ClonsL Itant shall maintain Brrons and Omissions Covenage (pncifessiorial liat Hilly coverage) in an amiciunt of not less itan C ne Million Dollars($1,000,00Q. Flrion io beginning any work L rider 11t is Agreemeni, Corisuliarii st all sut mill an insunance certificate ilo the Ci4l's General Counsel for certification it all the irisunarice requinemients of this Agreement t ave been satisfieid. '14.6 Notice oil Cancellatic n/Termiinatic n c fl Insurance. The abci%a plolicry/polioies at all not terminate, rior shall they be cancellec, rion the coverages reds ced, L riilil afiler ilt irty(30; days'writilen notice is given to Clit)j, except that ten ill 0)c ays' notice shall be given if there is a ciancellaticin dL a to ilailurie to pay a plremiL mi. 14.A Vermis cf Compensation, Corisuliarit shall not receive any compensation uriilil all inSL rance prcivisioris havei been sailisfied. 14.8 Notice to Rroiceed. Consultarit stall riot proceed witt ariy work urider this Agreemient until thea City h as issc ed a w riilieri "N oilice lo Flroceed"verifyjing it all Corisultani h as corripliec Wit all inSL mince riequiremeriis of it is Agreeirrieni. Section 15. 7erminatiein. Clity stall Lave the night lo termiiriate tt is Agneemeni wiltout cause by giving itiriy (130) days' ac varice writilen nolice of termination 10 ClonSL Itant. In adc itiori, this Agreemerii may be terminated by ariy party for oause by providing ten (110' c ays' nallice ilo ite oilten party of a material breach of acintract. If it other party does rioil cure it e breach of contract, ilt eri it e agreemieriil may t e termiriailed SL bseqL ent to the ten (1 CI; c ay curie perioc . 5 Secticin 16. N citice. All notices shall be personally delivered or rriailed lo the below lislec addresses, on to SL ch olr er ac dresses as rrza be designalec by writllen notice. Theses adc resses sr all be L seid for c eliveryl of servicie cif pracess: To City: City of Sari Jean Capistrano 32400 Rasea Adelanto Slari ,uan Clapisilnano, CA 92615 Attn: K r oori Tari, R.B. To Consuliarit: ❑u del' 31878 Carriino Capistrano #1240 Slari ,uan Clapisirano, CA 92EI75 Attri: Michael Sweesy, RL A Secticin 17. AIWrneys' Fees. If ariy aciiion at law or in eqL ity is neicessaryl to enforce on interpret the terms cif tr is Agreemeriil, 11ra piie%ailing plar1y sr all be entitlec io neasoriable attorneys' fees, ciasts and necessary) disbLrseinients in acdiiion to any other neilief to which he may be entitled. Secitioin 18, Dispute Resolution. In ire e%ent of a dispute arising betweien 111ra parties regarding periorrriance or iriierpretaticin cif ilt is Algreerrient, the dispute shall be nesolveid t y t inding arbillrallion unc er tr a aL spices of the Judicial Arbitraticin anc Mediallion Service ("JAMS"). Section 19. Entire Agreement. llr is Agneemenl corisllift ieis lr a entine L ndersilanding and agreerrienil t etween W e parties and 91.persedes all pile%ion s negalliations between therri per aining to 11r a sut ject rriatller hereof. clecllion 20. Counterparts. -ft is AgWemeril may be execiL lec by It a Radiels in aourilerparts,which courillerparts sr all It e constrL ed togeir er and have tr a same affeal as if all the Rarties had execiL 11ed thei sarrie instrument. Cauntenclart signak res may be transmitted by facsimile, erriail, cir other elecilnoriic mearis and rave the sarriei f011CIEI and efilect as if they were onigirial signatures. 6 IN WrnN BSSSS WHBR BCF, the parties F enelo have exeaL leid It is Agreement. CITY C F PIAN ,UAN CARISTRANO By: \ML n Naylor, ay or CONS AN ll arik G udek, President ATTEST: 'Maria Morn , i Cle k AR a0AS TC FC RM: Jansen, City Attorney 7 i B HIBIITI ►►A►► DUDBK 311;8 CAP-INCI CAAIITRANCI 11201 SAIM JUAN CARISTRFINO,CPI(IMCI FNIA 93175 T941414-2513 F 1,1.41(.2U;6 Junes it 1, 21013 C avic H u bier Rub lic W orb s M ainc mance Managler City of Slain Juan Capistrano,Public Works Denariment 32,e CIO Pase a Ace lane a Slain.lualn Capistrano, Callifarniai5121E715 Subject: Arizona C naso irlgl Five Year Monitorir g and Mainter anae Project C ear Mr. Huber, Dudek is pleases to nnonase for Niciiagliaal monitoring) for the Arizona Crossing Five Yeairl Monitoring ainc Mainieriance Project QPraject, for thea City.Wes pravicu the following)aicvartagles: Local Site Knowledge. CTuceN and our construction subsidiary, Hlabitat Restoration Slcierlaes 41HRSI), have peirfarmee over 30 projects far Ni Ch), includirgl base) nrappirigl cin the Trabuco Crc4 (1I.Iowen•Ras2in; Weitlancs ritigatian Project. Our team is knowlecgleaiblei about the need zinc envinonmenul constraints of tNei projen ainc the local ervittannseint. Other neaeint prajeicts fan the Orargle Caunty Rublic Works Department incluce Los Alarnitos Ilunin Sltation weitlancs mitigaltionl nlaintenanceilmanitorir g,zinc Talbert Preserves m etlands maintenance mor ilaring. Clallaharative Maintenances-Monitoring Senviaes. Our inieglraiec team sirriplillies the mairtananlees ainc mor itching process by mairtainingl open lines of camrrsunication benwean nestaration contractor, project biologliv, ainc the City, comps-cmirig the ceicisiorl-masking ainc impiementation timciraime: • Less Interplreitation and Ovensight: Monitoring and rvainturiancei callaboratiar recluireis less inte:npretatiar by de contractor curing mains enaincu activities, resulting in less project dialaglist oversight rivacec zinc fewer obstacles to avercome. Cammunicatian flows easily between the City, biologlical monitor, ainc restaratian cantractan enhance compliance with permit conditions and achieve establishec performances criteria. • Rlexibility to Changer: Maintenance-monitoring callaitlanation provicas gleaner faxibilit7 whew rerrlecial %orN is necluircid. Acaptive rrlanaglemerlt cecisiors ares quickly made to moc if l the Mair ienance regime anc remac ial v4or14 to promote success. • Availability till Plarlt Materials: H RSI' ability to propagate plant materials an( procutte seat aheac of time helps assure)plant zinc seec masilabiiity, if remedial wAark is impkirvertcd. Wei look 11omiare to aor n inu irig our profkiss ianal relationship %ith the City. If you halve ariy questions reiglarldinlgl this proposal, please contact aur project manager, Stuart Fraser at sflraser@c uc ek.ccirrl or 76 0.,4 7151.4 214. Sincerely, rank Dudek Michas I Slweesy, LA F riesic Grit Principal in Charge wV�vv DUDIF aon EXHIBIT A � SECTIONS ( Ckd(k HRS0innC4ervhv,..................................................................................................................../ I 0najemt M imilleranoKey HemunneL---------------------_'-------'3 2L1Projew Na,agem(n�.................................................................................................................4 3.2 ProjeotTeam...............................................................................................................................!I 3 StaenemtOil IQua/iflcmdonm.....................................................................................................................7 4 SconeofWork........................................................................................................................................|3 SHekht d tlei.......................................................................................................................................... |51 6 Hcmrl) Rates......................................................._—.......................................................................... 3| TABLE | Coat8mmn`mry....................................................................................................�lea:o0aromeeme|op|e FIGURE \ DLdtkTeam Orgmizado,a|Chart.......................................................................................................3 APPEISCIX A Reism,cis A rizona Crossing livoYean Mmmitmhngaric N ainilerianice Rrioject | � |NT8NTKONALLYUBFTBLANK � ' I DUDEK/HRS FIRM OVERVIEW Cluc6 proviceis einvirianmental and eingineierirg services tci heilp clients cesigln, plan, permit, eanistruet anc rriarargle putllie zinc private seieteln projects throughout California. l-allitat Westarat ion Sciences (F-RS, is a leiardirig Restarat ran C antractar in C alillornia providing rrih igatian construction anc mairwr ricc,ane lark marlailemetnt serrvieeis. Turnkey Habitat Restoration Services Dudek and HRS pnavide callallarative rrainiteinanieci arnic rnianitaring seirvices tcl matiritairi, rricinitar, anic acaptiveiy mai habitat r(moration prajects. Ekdek carribines ewerisive habitat re»oration cesigm anc monitoring eDperriencel %itl HRS' corstruciiani, rriairiteiniarcei, and land rrianaglemem expertise, to prcrvice "turrikEiy" habitat nestananion services io aur clients. Working veiih ani iritagratec tcarrl cambiriing cesign, canistructiori, zinc pcist-coristructian services, clieinits beriefit lrorri a restaratian prcigram irrplarrenteld ini at streamlined, cast-effective marinein to rrect Fluricirrrarice gaals within regulatory tirrle frarres and financial Cxpectatianis. Dudek Firm Profile Fan oveir 30 years, Ducek has been pravic irill practical Dl DEK SERV ICIIIS solutions far Caiifannia's operi spam laic cloveloprrent, . Aglenay Perrrittingl cr irgy, tram portal iani, water it ilrastmo urea, arc rru nieipal projects. Our rrlic-sizeid structure aillows us to be nimble 9iolal�ical Surveys and Monitoring pnablElrr scdvems with projElct managers who will stay irivalved CEQA/�EPF Compliance iri the City's projeict from starl io finish while offering a cali • Claastal Planning Penmitting and varieity cif services. Our erivirarimElntal teiarr Ibcuses ani. . C ivil Engineering 4 Clirriate Change Analysis anc Development We lave in-c epth experience maragigl Planning projects Mere science, regulatory requirements, zinc Construcricin Management camrruriity anic stakehalcer interEists' cciniverg(i.We will guide tle City through aralysis, entitlement, permittiriil anc Hat riot nestararion anc implerrenting of the Arizana Crossings flnaject. Managleiment • Hazardous Ma t e ria Is Test ingl Resource Malnagemerrit WEI pravidel scielniceibasec analysis & Hy(nalogy for preserve clusiglri and snuciels survey merchocalogies coupled • 'luscainability Planning vviith habitat planninil, pElnrrittlirig,deisigrl and installation e)q ertise. 0 t_rban Foresrny Canservation WEI plari anc cesign practical, sustainiablEi Wildfire Hrateoion Planning appraachus llor lard managelrrer t, waten supply, arc Water Camervatian Planning species b iac iv ars ity. Water In frastauct ure Planningl&Design ......... ._...... __._ DU D8KII Arizor a Crossir11 River 7 ear N anitcirinil and N ainwnance Rroit ct f DuCIUK/F Rj9 FIRI- CV9PVIEVV HWS Rim Firalfile HRS' is a full-service nettoration cortractor with extensive HRS SIERINiCIUS ea p(tniencei t uilc ing, mainta it ing and mariaglingl small ar d largle mitigp for i projects. Ror aver 30 years, H R9 sty fl 1-as su rtes sfu 11) Qualified bialogi t habit at manager pelrfanrred hat itai rerstaration installation and long-t(irm 4 Regular haiat maintenance and mainter ante serrvicers. We Havel ob t2 inetd aglenay sign off or management huncneds cif gnajects. HRS crews vrel well trainer arc 0 Habitat tie!tanationand enhancenient erxgeriernced with native sgeciesr and carntncllingl invasive exotic Rialogical surveys and neponin8 weelds. Our team pravices tmia licensed p(Isticide apglicanars and . Invasives and exc tics cantrc I a staff of habitat restanation specialists anc staff Hologists who 9 Integlratec pest managlerrient h�ver worked tcrgetheri an r umerou s restar i ion projects to crelaie gcrsitive rersuIts for our client s. • P einwcrc ucticrn oil native species Outreach and ed i cai Tonal pnoglrarnis As a California A-General Erigineetririg licenser aantracior wen for home awnens anc HOAs provide lulkarvicc elrgiriaering arc larescage contracting Ilor Inienactions with resouriceaglenciesi installation anic lang•t(lrm mainienaneel of California native fires deipartmenis,anc Iciaal Habitat and associated public infnastruciur(i iri<,tallation and jurisc iai ions rerpair. This offers a s iguillicani advantagle for our clients yr ho Annual rieporting prefer a lieenserd contractor gairerd with the a)i part isa of our sgeeia ll) trair end stall ibr Aorkinig in natural eleasysterrrls. Wer team with Dudek's Hatitai resigners, lancscage arehitacu, enlgimeers and corstruation professionals is gravicel turnkey contracting far public and privates lanic anc infriastrt ciur(i dervelcrpmelnt. This ireludes li equiRni far right•cif-way underglrounid; storm drain installation; riprlaq and bei wall r(Ipair; cancreier heacwalh anc aatah tmins; biasvvalet installatian; anc aperated equipment rental. Q UALIT V C d NTIRO L Oucek's telchnical ecitorial anc publications department users efficient) aacurlte styles and agency iemplateis, wbeni apnliclable, to procurer high-quality dociumerits caner right the finst time. Duderk's geograghiu irifarrrriation system (SCIS) staff helps clients anc r%ulatars quickly evaluate complex project issues with iapolagical mac elirg, infra!tructure mapping and madelingl, aric spatial anial)sis. Dudek is eamrriiited to supperning aur(IL alit) servicers%itH aeeurater, usable cats and documents. Our professsiorials are irair ec to finc pracltical, crani-effeaiive agpraacii to Help clients aahieve their sgecifici gtiojexn gpals. We work to buil( your trusty whkih allows us to ciffeir eonstruetiver solutioris %ith your project's Icing-terim success in mir d. CIU D E __.. ........................ ..... ....... _ ._._w_ K Arizona Crcu sing)Five Year NorMoring anc Mainienarice Prcijeret 21 PROJECT DLdelk's terarrl oil relstarat Tani specialists will provide)the primary biological monitoring wcmk needee ibr this current project effort.Stuart Fraser, senior F ab itat nest araC ion Rrojeat rr anager, will surve as ov erall project mam gen. N n. Frw elr will b e supportec by team memE ers wha Havel local City kr awle dglel anc specific e)ipelrierxe in the) de3igui and imRleimelntaticln oil riativel restaratiori projeKus. In adchiom, ❑u(elk's biological neisoL rtes staff and Rermitlling specialise are aiscl available) a hoc id other .Flucific ne ec s arise th at are 1.narlt i(lipatee at th is I ime. Figure) I celpicts how the Ceram will interact with cacti atheir ainc witH the City 1c cclmplatel the biological monhoring for tHi; Rrrajectl Hollowing the organizaticlnal chart, brief resumes Highlight learnt merrbem'qualifications and relevant 2imilar project experience. RIGURE 1.DUDEN TEAM ORGANIZATIONAL CHART CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO RR0.113C17 MANAGER RRINCIIPAL IN Ch ARGS Nlikel Smees)l F LA MEW Araseu4 RLA HAENTAT RBSIKIRMO1 EIRE OI/IUSII Jayne Tlmtler akel CIaNTRACITOR SHIRMCIES PAS IIIAT RE SIORAVON SCIIE NCIEE Ky le M atthe w s Mat Wijar DU DE KIS Ariaonla Crm flrgl Five Year M anitcrning and l"airtenaniceoelet aci j Fr � _r 3 PROTECT MANAGER AND KEY PERSONNEL 2. 1 Project Mar agement) PRIO)E CT MANAGER Stuanti Fraser, RLA Stu art Fraser is a relisteiriec Ian c scaq a archil ect and hA itat E ti; O z T 4 O N reistanation splocialist with 13 clears' eixperieince in lar eseapea Caldornia University Pomona arch h eeturea, habitat restoratian, anc ery iranmeniu I carr pliaincu M l A,La n dsca pe Anc hitecture,2001 mann aning. M r. Fraser has c esiglned and nricinitanec restoration F urriboldt grate Univer3hy proje(its for weatlanc cruatior ar d unhaincenneni and u plaint gS.Vti ildlife Management, 1951 I habitats, such ais coastal sagle scrub and native bunichglrass. CERT 1Ca-a0',q His speciialiaeid e)4pgrtise ircludes coriceptual cesigln, dcailln ' Registered Landscape�nchitect C ENelopm(nti and construction coeurs mt development, as well CI #5301 ilissued 2007) as irsuRation and lor11-term mcinitorinill of nest oration projects anc environmental compliance fan construction gnojects. Ha has specialized skills in the use of portable GIP9 eyluipmert anc corrapuier-aaidcd drafting ant design QCADD', software in the Rnepanataav oil biological irvenioriw, site analysis mapping), the gereraticin of corceipival desigr SrapHcs,and development of irriglationi anc plantingl corstrua ian drawirigls. Projccit M ariageir Explericirac Mr. Fnaser has maniagead projects similar to thea ReipainlReeonstruciicin of the Arizora Cnassingl Rrojuct at Saln Juan C reicik;which includitg: • 3C Ranch fTlrabuca Cneeak Project:, • Lower Rosan—Arrayo Trabuco Revegetatian Froject • Jcili Ann Leiehug Elementary School Weitlanc Nhigaticn Rrojeaet • flock clprinig Road Yb etlarnd N itigap ion Project. '.luccessful completiori aane reasaurce agency siglnoff was aachieavec within the designated monitoring) perioe Ilor both the Jali Ann Leichtagl 9lemenury!)drool Weitlanc Mitigaltion Project anc the Rock 9pringl Road V1etland Mitiggtioni Project Althouglh niative vegletatior communitil gplu ccinversion limiter native coven daveloptrem bellow thea project established success cniteria, Mr. Fraser was able to nellatiatei resouraeei agleaney siglnaff fon thea llawem Rosan—Arnoyo Tratueo Reveagetaticin Rrojed with only one adc itionial ye air of maintenance and manitarirgl. qUb EK Arizona Crossirigl Five Year r'oniioringl anc Maainieriarice Project ��� _____4,. PROJECT MAi\ AGER ANCA KE1 RER30NNOL FFlINCIHAL IN CHARGE Mike Sweesy, RUA MieHael Sweesy is a registeinec (zincscapea arciHiiect zinc habitat EDUC F.T+oN rustcaration specialist %ith aver 39 yearns' experience in lanc scaipe j Caliikuania Palyte(hni(i State L nivensity, arciH ii eci ure zinc habitat rustorat ion projecrts. Mr. Sweesy Has i Pamc na cesigned neseoralican pnajects lar %eilancs creation zinc MLA, 19Eh ernharncermeni such as mulefalt scrub, ciak riparian ibrestl southenn I Ca likinnia State L nivensity, Fullertc n pillow scrub, anc vernal goals; scnisitive upland hat itats such as 1 BA, Geography, Emphasis in Want coastal sages scrub, eharparral, anc native buneHgrass; and mitiggltion Eaclogy, 1979 projects for encargerec species such as the Quina cHecNerspat I C:'RTIFac10T ON butterfly QEuphydgrs ed6c gluino), Palos Veirces blue butterfly Regjsrered Landscape Anchireci (RiA) (10kucopsyche iygccrruas pciosveraesensis),California g9atcatcHer,least CA No.13 t9(issued 1951(1) Bell's vireo,anc Sabi❑iegci ambrrosia(Ambrosia purniik). M n. Sweesy supervises i hei preaparatian cd canceptuad deisigln, c esign dervelcgffmntl anc canstriuctian dacumentat'an lkrr environmental pgajects. Mr. Slweiersy's lancscapa arcihiteci ure professional training anc Flrciject experieanca allows Him tci preFlare ecinstnuction crawirigs anc teeHnical specifications that incorporate madem, state-altheiart construcrcion technicluets to Habitat restoraifora projects. Mucl-anized she preaparation, seed applieatian, anc Aeeid eontilol techniques prcivice cost savings while maintaining high project duality. N r.9weesy is pamiciularly atiuried io acdreissi%issues to avoid paterntia I cH ar age orc ears anc cosily b uc get overrru r s arx sch ec u ler ext erasions. He has managlud rhe biological moriioring ilar ciompleax projerns such as then Sorreinitci Valley Utilities Impnovertteni Rrojeci in Penascluitas Lagoon, Minarrtar Raw Sludge anc Reclaimec Water F ipedines Project, i her Truing N aticanial C olf C aursu eonsi auction, and i hea City's Lower Rasana Weatlanic Mitiglzition. llhrough iheise project He has cevclaped a systema fear projcaci ccrcumentaticrni that pravic es cantinuity of manitciring oven the life of thea project. 21,2 Pnoject Team HAE ITA-n REISl10fiATION SPECIIAL is-n jayme llimbarlake jayme Timberlaku is a Habitai nesioration spucialisi with over 12 Er.)_;a:, . C, yearspraieassicinal cmperiericei wanking in tie eanviranmeantzl freic. L nivensity all Miami, Flanida She specializes in Habitai reistarniori and envirormeantal analysis MA, Coastal Zane Management and She brin€1s divume expurrerce to then project teaam, including Marine Policy,2007 mitigation monitoringb permit acquisiiion nelaied to Aeilzanc Uri ivensitycICthilcarmia,'antaBarbara reasources and threaateriec or enda%erec species, %eilanc I EA, Anvirunmental 9ridies cehrezation, c uc c iligerice properq assessment, einvircinmrerital EIA, Gec gnaphlj,2(101 imrpact asseassmeni usinlI C 19 arpplications,anc project mar agemetnat P a A t"i Q 1 AEP and Surlriden Fc undaticin Recently she campleted gracuaiea researcH on the implications oil the Soli( Waster Nercy of North Coak County I1SWANICC) and Rapanaos Supreme Caurt cases an Calilkrnnia's wetland nesaunces. Currrentl�, Ms. TimberlaNe is warNin€7 an a variiet) of habitat restaratian prajecats iry olvi% fresh vva terr mar;h, sa h rrua rsh, nipalrian, a rbanizedllc istu rued, cH aparra I, stream channel, anal coastal sages scrub habitats. Hen similar biological rnoiraitoring project work incluces the Tarre)l Ranch Uplands Restoration Prcajeo it Sabi❑iegci Count,the Crossings ai Carlsbad GcaH Coume Projecit for the C ity oil C:arh bac,aric biologic al macinitorirg fear multiple Vista Unified School District sites. ....__.. _.................,......._ ..... DUCIEK Pnizaria Crrossing Five Year Monitoring anc Maintenance Rrojeaci 5 PROJECT MAN A C ER A N D K EY PERSON NEL CONTRACTCPI SIEFIVICES — HAS FIELD SLPEFIVISCPIS Kyle Mattlhews Kyle Maitthems is a biologist anc fabitat restoration speciedist EauiCATiOiv with over it years' pralkmiarial expeinienee morkingl as an University all Re(lanc s envircinmesntal s peicialist cin a vairieity of public anc private EIA, Eliclagy, 2CI I CI projects with Habitat Reistoration Sciences Inc. (HPS'. He has C[HT1FICIAT[ONSlti!C HIES extensive expciiences with habitatnestaration prcije(its inwilving Cltalified Applicaior Liaense iJCIAL', sensitive resourices, inclucing rare planit specie-, wetlands #1261 12 Cate€lories EI, C, N hab it ts,and N ah ita is fan enc angletrec vt ilc lifei. (Exp. 12/31/2013') Mr. Matthews'expeirience includes bialeglical monitoring)and data callectian fan a variety cif projects, mhieh has irvohec writing, Habitai restaratan plans, anic biedaglical manitarirug report. He also has extensime field expgnierice througliaut Sauihenn Califcmnia coriduciing vegetation maipping oil excitic non-native specie-. Adcitionall), he has conducted biological rrioniioring cd conistrt.ctiori and mainteinarce projects in enviranirvertzlly sensitive areas. He is arrently working) on a variiety oil habit2t nestoratian zinc biological resource projeicts with various nesponsibilities zit HRS. Matti M ajon Matt Majon is a habiui restoration sgeaialist with over 7 years' 1 E1DL,CATION prafessiorial eixperieincc miorNing as an envircnmental specialist I Univensity oil Clalifornia,San Diego ariic project rnariagler cin a varieity oil public and private projects. ESA, Invironmental Systems,2006 He has extensives ercperieince with habitat reistoraticn projewts CIRTIF!ciniTiOti iUciEnIEl irvcdving ser sitvei resciurceis, inclu(irill rare plarn speaies, Qualified Applicatcir License (CIAL) wetlands habitats,zinc habitats for ercangemec w"Idlife. #I 128193 Clategories 8, C, F Mn. Major's mipeniemce includes habitat mainienancei 11or a variety IIExp. 1A V11114) of projeicts in sciuthern Califannia. He also has eixiensive fielc expericrice throughaut clauthemn Calillornia cordLoing abateimeuii cif exotics non-natives species.Acditicnally,he has manage( cnemis ilor conttructiom and rnairtesrance praject in einvirorimentahy sensitives areas. He is canrertly working on ai variety oil habit:i nest oration projects wit h v ariou s reispam ib ilitivs ai H P S. .. .. _ ................ __ DU DE KI Arizona C rassing Five Year M onitoring anc M aintenancei Flroject 6 3 STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS Local Experience ARROYO TRABLICO (LOWER ROSAN) WETLANDS MITIGATION CLIENT: City of San Juan Capistrano CLIENT REFERENCE: Douglas Dumhan,currently Community Development Director for the City of La Palma.7822 Walker Street.La Palma.California 90623;714.690.3340 PROJECT DATES: 2003-2008 DUDEK KEY PERSONNEL: Michael Sweesy,conceptual mitigation design:Stuart Fraser,long-term biologial monitoring and reporting h• The Arroyo Trabuco wedands mitigation project is located in the City of San Juan Capistrano, west of Interstate 5,within Arroyo Trabuco Creek and its flood s plain. The project was permitted and implemented as mitigation for the wetlands impacts associated with the Lower Rosan Ranch site material stockpiling activities. Dudek prepared a conceptual mitigation plan and coordinated with the resource agencies in order to obtain the necessary resource agency permits. Once the permits were acquired. Dudek prepared construction plans and specifications that included weed esadiadm litigation, planting,seeding,and erosion control plats. Dudek performed construction monitoring, including pre-project wildlife surveys, during installation of the mitigation project,and coordinated closely with the City of San Juan Capistrano's project manager and the revegeation contractor to ensure the project was installed in accordance with the resource agency permit conditions and the construction documents. Dudek performed long-tern biological monitoring services for the duration of the project. Monitoring activities have included regular quarterly qualitative monitoring of site conditions, vegetation health, and attainment of maintenance objectives. Quantitative monitoring was conducted t s collect point-intercept transect dam on an annual basis. Vegetation dam was analyzed and compared against performance criteria contained in the Final Mitigation and Monitoring Plan that was negotiated by Dudek on behalf of the City and approved by the resource agencies. The project met the established performance criteria and was accepted as successful by CDFG and ACOE;is is currently being reviewed for resource agency concurrence. DUDEK Arizona Crossing Five Year Monitoring and Maintenance Project 7 STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS UPPER CHIQUITA RESERVOIR HABITAT RESTORATION PLAN CLIENT: Santa Margarita Water District(SMWD) CLI ENT REFERENCE: Bart Lantz,Construction Services Manager.26111 Antonio Parkway,Suite A. Rancho Santa Margarita California 92688:949.459.6505 PROJECT DATES: May 2007—Ongoing DUOEK KEY PERSONNEL: Stuart Fraser.project manager:Mike Sweesy,principal in charge;Jayme Timberlake,biological monitor Dudek prepared an environmental Impact report (EIR) In compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), environmental compliance monitoring, restoration design and coordination for the subject Upper Chiqulm Reservoir Emergency Storage Reservoir Project (ESP) for SMWD, Orange County's second- largest water district Dudek provided environmental review of the technical plans and technical specifications package for reservoir construction to promote environmental compliance. Restoration work included development of a 20-acre uplands conceptual mitigation plan for impacts to coastal sage scrub and southern cactus scrub; preparation of final plans and specifications for the salvage, temporary storage, and final placement of topsoil; as well as the salvage and translocation of existing cactus. Dudek provided biological monitoring during topsoil salvage and translocation of cactus,and environmental compliance monitoring during construction of the reservoir. Currently, Dudek is monitoring the placement of the topsoil and coordinating native seed collection for the post-conswction restoration effort SMWD's long-term planning identified the need for a domestic water storage reservoir to provide emergency storage for several water districts within Southern Orange County. The reservoir is being constructed with an earth-fill dam with a surface area of approximately 15.4 acres and a storage capacity of approximately 720 acre-feet Total project footprint is approximately 38 acres. The proposed reservoir was included in the South Orange County Subregion NCCP/Master Streambed Alteration AgreementlHCP and San Juan Creek and Western San Mateo Creek Watershed Special Area Management Plan. Dudek worked closely with staff from ASM and JMA (cultural resource monitoring) during the construction monitoring phase and developed efficient management relationships ensuring first-rate monitoring services. DUDEK Arizona Crossing Five Year Monitoring and Maintenance Project 8 STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS OSO CREEK RESTORATION AND PROTECTION PROJECT CLIENT: City of Mission Viejo CLIENT REFERENCE:Joe Ames,Associate Civil Engineer,#1 200 Civic Center,Mission Viejo. California 92691;949.470.8419 PROJECT START AND COMPLETION DATE: 2008-2011 DUDEK KEY PERSONNEL: SmartFnser,Habitat Restoration The City of Mission Viejo contracted Dudek to provide a broad range of environmental consulting expertise to assist the City in the Oso Creek Restoration and Protection Project The project consists of the installation of water quality structures (bioswales), removal of invasive plant species, and Increasing public awareness of the impacts of urban runoff within the Oso - andJeronimoCreekwatersheds. , TALBERT PRESERVE RIPARIAN MITIGATION MAINTENANCE AND MONITORING PROJECT CLIENT: Orange County Public Works CLIENT REFERENCE: RoryPaster.300 North F mver Street.Sanm Ana Ca roma 92703-5000:714.647.3912 PROJECT START AND COMPLETION DATE: 2012(ongoing) DLOE< KEY PERSONNEL: Michael Sweesy, projectmanager Orange County Public Works implemented a 20+-acre riparian mitigation project in the Talbert Preserve in about 2010 to create wedands habitat that is suitable for least Bell's vireo. Dudek has assumed mitigation monitoring responsibilities including qualitative site Visits, qualitative data collection, coordinate maintenance contractor activities, and annual reporting. HRS is providing maintenance services and implementing recommended remedial actions that are designed to make this mitigation project a success. Problematic soils conditions are a challenge at the site. Dudek has conducted soils testing and made recommendations to alter site topography such that riparian vegetation can thrive. DUDEK Arizona Crossing Five Year Monitoring and Maintenance Project 9 STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS Los ALAMITOS PUMP STATION MITIGATION MAINTENANCE AND MONITORING PROJECT CLIENT: Orange County Public Works CLIENT REFERENCE: Rory Paster, 300 North Flower Street Santa Ana,California 92703-5000: 714.647.3912 PROJECT START AND COMPLETION DATE: 2012(ongoing) DUDEK KEY PERSONNEL: Michael Sweesy,project manager Orange County Public Works implemented a small riparian mitigation project at the Los Alamitos Pump Station facility to mitigate construction impacts to mule fat scrub. The project included excavation and creation of 0.28 acre of coastal wetland and installation and establishment of 0.14 acre of mule fat and salt-tolerant plant species. Dudek has assumed mitigation monitoring responsibilities including qualitative site visits, qualitative data collection, coordinate maintenance contractor activities, and annual reporting. HRS is providing maintenance services and implementing recommended remedial actions that are designed to make this mitigation project a success. Dudek also designed a new mitigation area for additional mule fat scrub to mitigate for unauthorized impacts.The plan was reviewed and approved by the staff of the California Coastal Commission. Other Relevant Experience ROCK SPRINGS WETLANDS MITIGATION CLIENT: Jackson Pendo Development CLIENT REPRESENTATIVE: Liz Jackson,P.O.Box 1260.Bonita, California 91908-1260 PROJECT START AND COMPLETION: 200¢2011 DUDEK KEY PERSONn EL Stuart Fraser.conceptual mitigation design and construction monitoring: jayme Timberlake;long-term biological monitoring and reporting The Rock Springs Road wetlands mitigation project was implemented as an o8-site wetland enhancement project for the construction of the Rock Springs Condominium Development In Escondido, California. The off-site mitigation site is located in an approximately 12-acre abandoned quarry property along Escondido Creek. in San Diego County, California. Mitigation at the Quarry Site included the enhancement of 1.18 gross acres (0.40-acre net) of disturbed southern willow scrub infested with perennial exotic vegetation,primarily giant reed(Amndo donax). Dudek prepared a conceptual mitigation plan and coordinated with the resource agencies in order to obtain the necessary permits. Following permit and Mitigation and Monitoring Plan approval, Dudek coordinated closely with the revegetation contractor to ensure initial removal of all perennial exotic vegetation, container planting and site seeding. in accordance with the resource agency permit conditions and the Final Mitigation and Monitoring Plan. DUDEK Arizona Crossing Five Year Monitoring and Maintenance Project 10 STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS Dudek performed long-term biological monitoring services for the duration of the project. Monitoring activities included regular quarterly qualitative monitoring of site conditions,vegetation health, and attainment of maintenance objectives. Implemented as a non-irrigated site, Dudek worked closely with the contractor to monitor container plant health and recommend hand watering during warmer months and periods of seasonal drought Quantitative monitoring was conducted to collect point-intercept transect data on an annual basis. Vegetation dam was analyzed and compared against performance criteria contained In the Final Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and approved by the resource agencies. The project met the established performance criteria within the projected five-year project timeframe and was accepted as successful by CDFW,RWQCB and ACOE VISTA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MISSION VISTA (DUAL MAGNET) HIGH SCHOOL PROJECT CLIENT: Vista Unified School District CLIENT REFERENCE: Steve Presley,Facilities Manager, 1234 Arcadia Ave.,Vista,California: 084-3404626,760.726.2170 PROJECT DATES: 2004—Ongoing Du DEK KEY PERSONNEL: Stuart Fraser,project manager;)ayme Timberlake,biological monitor Dudek provided environmental consulting services for the development of the 65-acre Mission Vista (Dual Magnet) High School site, Including assistance in the mitigation and preservation of a 14.2-acre, off-site Qr, preserve area (Darwin Property). Services included conducting biological surveys, preparing a biological resources report, processing permits, preparation and Implementation of upland and wetland restorations plan, and the preparation of a perpetual habitat management plan for both District sites. Mitigation 6om construction of the school was required for permanent and temporary impacts to coastal California gnatcatcher, least Bell's vireo, and southwestern willow flycatcher critical habitat On-site mitigation included on-site restoration of 5.59 acres of coastal sage scrub habitat and 2.45 acres of native grassland habitat and enhancement of 6.8 acres of wetland within the adjacent San Luis Rey River through the removal of 4.0 acres of arundo (Arundo donax). Off-site mitigation included the preservation and revegetation of 14.2 acres of upland habitat at the Darwin Drive site. Dudek prepared all restoration and preservation documents for on-site and off-site mitigation, including upland and wetland conceptual restoration plans, construction plans and specifications, and perpetual habitat management plans. Dudek conducted all project environmental compliance monitoring, restoration Installation monitoring, and is currently conducting long-term blological monitoring for both sites. The restoration of upland and wetland habitat is included in the 19.25. acre Dual Magnet High School's open space preserve and the 14.2-acre Darwin Drive Preserve. DUDEK Arizona Crossing Five Year Monitoring and Maintenance Project 11 i STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS JOLI ANN LEICHTAG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WETLANDS MITIGATION CLIENT: San Marcos Unified School District(SMUSD) CLIENT REFERENCE: Kathy Tanner.Executive Director of Facilities,255 Pico Avenue,Suite 250,San Marcos, California 920689,760.290.2650 - PROJECT DATES: May 2006-2011 DUOEK KEY PERSONNEL: Smart Fraser,wetland mitigation task manager The Joli Ann Leichteg project is an example of a comprehensive environmental services contract that Dudek provided for SMUSD. Dudek prepared an Elk, conducted biological surveys, processed permits, developed supporting reports and documentation, and s prepared plans and specifications for the wetlands and are plant mitigation. Additionally, Dudek's subsidiary, Habitat Restoration Sciences Inc. (HRS), constructed and maintains the wetlands and are plant mitigation design& i After selecting its proposed elementary school's location, SMUSD discovered potential environmental constraints in the form of endangered plants, protected wetlands, and cultural resources.The 22acre school site is located adjacent to Agua Hedionda Creek a former nursery. and an underground San Diego Gas & Electric easement Potential issues with developing the elementary school at this site included hazards associated with constructing a school within a 100. year floodplain, Impacts to jurisdictional wedards, hazardous materfals/waste associated with former agricultural fields, hazards associated with the proximity of a power easement, cultural resources,and endangered species. To evaluate potential effects to biological resources, Dudek conducted biological surveys. including vegetation mapping, a wetlands delineation, wildlife surveys, and rare plant surveys. Dudek conducted focused surveys for the state and federally listed least Bell's vireo and state-listed endangered southwestern willow flycatcher. Dudek conducted focused surveys for rare plants, including thread-leaved brodiaea (Brodiaea filifolia S Watson), San Diego thommint (Acanthomimho ifid(a0o), Orcutes brod'am (Brodiaea orcutti), long-spined spineflower (Chorizonthe polygona les var. longispina),and San Diego goldensar(Muillo cfevelandil), Dudek prepared a biological resources technical report and coordinated and conducted resource agency pre-application meetings. Dudek processed all necessary permits over a 2-year period. Additionally, Dudek prepared conceptual mitigation plans for Impacts to wetlands and to state- listed endangered thread-leaved brodiaea and oversaw implementation of the plans by Dudek's subsidiary, HRS. Dudek is currently providing long-term monitoring and reporting services for the project. Other technical services provided by Dudek include preparation of a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment hydrology and water quality analysis,and noise study. DUDEK Arizona Crossing Five Year Monitoring and Maintenance Project 12 SCOPE • . WORK Cluc ek and HRS will perform maiui era race and monitoring tasks c escribec be law at bath the ori avid tiff-site mitigaltiori projects for thci S-)ear mairitenance nerioc as described in the RFP.All work will be in coorciniation with Ducek BiologlistI and thea City's rcipreseritathe iri orcer to achieve a successful projeret in the most economical and efficient way passible. Hatt Major, HRS Ficdd SuRarviscur, will be tiredly involved with all fielc work associated with the project anc is available for all riecussary prajeat site visits avid meetings. 5-Year On-Sitel Maiintenance aind Mitigation - Arizora Crossing ACQU isrnIC N OR C A LIFO RNIIA HISH & WILDLIFE iJ CDFW) MAIN-nENANCIE AGREEMENT Dudcik aric HRS will abtairi a CDFW Maimtenanice Aglreemcrrit iri order to nerlorm mairitenianca activities ai the Arizona Crcmingl area only. It is assumed that the City oil San Juan Capistrano will be listci( as the picinmit holder since thicy arcs the nrapcirty owner. ducek will neglotiatc a mainnerianice agreerrierit that is valic far 9 years as allowec by CDFW. Thci permit will nravidci for au tI oriaatiari of all mainteria nce activities as sneciflec iri the RFA scones oil work- Th e ork.The following assurrintioris are iniccrrnoratcid to this scone anc form the basis of our cost pronasal: • The pnopaseK muth ad s Ibr completing sediment nerrraval torr the culverts far this scope oil worN w ill b e acceptable i o t N e C DFW. • Sediment rerriaval activities will not require permit) Ilrom the US Arm) Corns cd 9ngiriecrrs,Regioria I W atur Quality Control Board,a rrc ilor US Fish &W ilc liiL-Service. • The fallow ing items are neat requ it es by C DFW:Ju risc ictior al Clelineatiori, sites v isits w ith CDFW staff, pre-anplicationi mcietirigl,anic/ar nralcmigad negatiatiom. • N a it ecdhciad an at hcm listec species issues are irrvolvec wit h mainiteriar ce parimittirigl. • The permit fee will be paid by thcr City of Sani Ji.a ni Capistnario. FIVE-'Y EAR MAINTONAIS CH AT TH E C N-SIVE MrnIGAIIIa N - ARIZOHA CROSSING HRS will nerlorm marinitenariae at tPa on-site rr itigation project and complete the fallowing tasks as autlinec in the RFF: • Monthly site visits to monitor the health of riarthe vegetatiori anis presenia of ani) non- native an exotic spciaies. HRS will coorc iriatei with Duc ek Biologist far the nrapeir course of action to ensure the project will rriecrt the requires success criteria for agcincy signs-off. F-RS will acrniduct all site visits io both the on anc off-site an the same schedule • Clearing oil neon-riative veqletaiian ori ari as-ricaceic basis which incluces nori•nativci v%eta t ion nernaval ilrom slope( sides in the nip,rapped area on the imme(late sic es oil i he Ariaona C rassinigl anl). _._. ........._._ __ _ —.. � _.—._.. ..... IDUCIEK Arizona Crossinig Fivcr Yeiar M crriitoring ariic Mainieriance Project 13 SCIOAa CIA V�ORk • Clearing) intens and outlets oil thei riiner (9, 2q-inch culwirts passing) uridcr the Artizara C passu g on an as-neaK eK b asis it cluc ingl t her clearing oil c ebris ar d sad imunts i hat harva beau cenositetc inside the culvert to allow fan uncistunberd stream flaw. Ther nronasod rrrettHoc s for ramoval of thea sedimernt will include use of 1 a-lbot pine claani%stlaveds and pipe cleaning cable. All seidimant will be colicaled arae legally ckposei( of off-site. Assumes no sec irrrenl is aantu roc. Pipes will He claarec, but only minimal sec irrienrt will be captured and the rest %ill bei pushed through tHa anc of the culvert inta thei stream due to sellb c1car ing glrad ienrt(>21%) m itli in the)nipel cu Ivcirts. • III this seidirtranl rarnowl melhoc is nat acceptable to CCIFVN, a selparata alwOriativa meth oc using a Vaerl an truck may be reiqu ired, but this ah err a1 iv a is nat it a lu deid in our cast proposal. • P ernaval of derbris art v egotation that Fars built up an black the upstream ane c awr stretarri ends of the 1-ir cH c ulverl s iihat pass u rc er the A niziana Crossing 10 provides u n(isl urb ac straarrt flows. • Ill necessary, HRS will initiate a manual waleriq program Fusing eithcri a watein buffalo an water erueN) 10 providei water to native vegatation to ensure survivorship. HRS assumes a matxirrtLm cd 20 eveints will be neeceic over ilia course of the S-year maintenance period. HRS will conduce all%ateiring everts to bath the on and of-site on the same schedule. • If necessary, HRS will perform raplacerrrent plartingl and lar to ensurei that project is on- tracN to meat its 5-yeah succeiss criteria. RIVE-YE AR BIC LOGICA L MOh I TORINC Nolagicad manitoringl vrill be can(Lclec by a qualified Habitat riestorationi speieiarlist I19ialagical Moniitar; for the cLnaticrr all that Ilivei-year mitigation monitaring program. Monitaring shall incluca glualitalive atssassment of bates mitiglaeicin silos during reigLlarly sahecLled monilcmirgl visits anic quanihativa cats collection annually (Years Two tHrauglh Five;. Morilaning mill be concuctec to assess Chet attainrrrer t of annual anc final success critcriat, coordinate rnair lerancei rucanrnierncatians with the rastoratior cantractor, anc icanitiily the neee to imlglarrienl contingency measures. Quartitalive botanical rrtanitorirg will tet eoneueted annually at both then an-site and otlf-site mitigation sites c unirg Yams I-Ao tilraug(h Fives (` total events). Quantitativu manitoring 7 L rV6y 9 will ba nerrfaurnec using ane-maters qts ac Tran placed in aacH mitigation site through 6e rardomizalian gralocal cescribed in the Raajacl FUR (Sectian VII, Sud-section 9-3 b). 5 quacrats will be necordetd it aacH mitiglalicrn site arnually. Vegatalivei cover will be visually estimated milhin 1ha quacnals fan each species present and reacrrrdec fan analysis anc irclusion with the annual renarn. ❑ate mill ba earrtparied to established perfarrrrance eritertia anc pravious year's cater. Species abservcd milhin the mitigalian sites, tut do not fall milhin a gLadrat will ba necorded and included in an aveiriall mitigation site vagletation species list Quality 1 ive manitciring will b e cone uctcc quartanly c urringl Your Or a ar d b iar nually (I t imes per yerar; it Years Twa thraugh Five. Qualitative manitoringl is acinducied to provice an avarall characlerizanian cd totH mitigation sires, inclucirg progress toward attainment of the eistablisheid praject parlormatnce crirleria. Has ad an project progress, 1ha biological rnanitor will prov ie e t he ras 1 ara 1 ian cor 1 uactar %i1 h racammerie al ions for regular mair 1 er ante ar nemadial action, as reaeec. Ceinaral observations shall bet noted inclLding the prervalencet of annual meads and invasive splecias, condition of plannec cantainen plantskuttinigs, glermination oil agpiiad seed, recrLitmerit all native plant speteim, drougH stress and )her need Ibr hanc wateringl 113Lppiamerital irrigation;, site stability, as wall as any general maintenance issuas. _.. r_._. ...._ .. . __.....___-___..... .......... .........._..__.. ...._ _. DU DEK A r izana Crossing Five Yeau M anitaringl and Naintanarica Rrojact (� SC ORB OF WORK Hortic a Iteral Monil aring: Elu deck will review the €lananal health of the cantainan nlarit:llcruttings, applierd sere( min, anc otheir riaturally rreenuiting native plants in hath rrihigatiori areas curingl ciach site visit. Plarnit health obsarrvations will focus on soil moisture content, evicaniae of new grovoKlarrviranmcintal stress, arnc the presenice of heists. Ve glenaral establishment anc c ovalcrpment crf th ei int enc ec native habitat will be ob seirvec anc nate(. Hand W ateringld &pplerr arital Irrigation: Dudek will evaluate thei need fan hand watenini€b or effectivciness if Hand watering has bean ir•plemeritud by the reslcn2lian acrntrarcian. Environmental issueis that attribute io container plant strciss)lmortalit), limited seiciclin€I glermination, anic natural rcrcruitrrarit arnc site cirasicrri will Her civaduarted. Plecommencationis far (evelcrpmant oil an anpncrpriate irrigatiori strategy iricludinigl wateriin€l frerquenc), duration, aria pronasec installec irri€laticrn system will be rrace for cacrrdiniatian with thea rrestoration ccntracton anc the City. Wecic C antrol: Waac growl h will bet monitored to ansurei th at aninual we ac s and Rarcinnial invasive snecries ane lieinigl adciquatcly contrallec. ❑utak will nate annual weecs avid Rereriniad invasive sperales than requira contnal anc marker a recommendation ori merthads of trciatrrrent cantrol. Ducek's iri-hawse certiflec pest eantrol acviser can assist with slleieiilie herib ieic a raeerrrrrrranc aticrris, WE ani necessary. tar asion Contncd: ❑uc ek will mote any eras ian prod lams in both mitigation arcias, anc potential issucrs fncrrrr ardjaccint slope stability anc riverbed rr iglran icrn. Rcicorrrrrrenc at saris to remedy unnaturral or e)�ccissivci eriasicrri daimage through the install2nicrn of best maniager•eint praci icas (BM Rs) rt ill it e rnac a. Heist Control: Duderk will morihor 11or insciat iriAerstations and herbivcore dani(1glonhcros,glrounic squirrels, raHbits, atc.) during each monitaningl visit. A ceterminattcrn crf the relative lavcd of threat to the overall habitat cevelaRmant will be mardei wHeri persts are detentes. Dudcik will inform the cliem till concitions that caul( limit or necucci the sueeerss of 1-2ibitat cevelapni avid make a recon andationi 11or i reatrr erit art control. Trash and Debrris Ren-mval: Duderk will manitar arccumulalians of trash anc cebnis an sitar. Areas oil trash and clabris accumulatian will Ile note( in the rrrcrnitcrririgl rcipore ilor removal by the rest arae ions cont rant or. Varicalism and Unauthorized Public Use: Dudek will notes and rapart crbscirvaticrn of any on- site carriage attribute( to public use or varidalism, the Rrresanc(i cd off-rraard veliiales, homeless ericarrrnmenits,or a ri) c crwniac ilenairigl ar operi g1tes. RHato-monitoring will bei conducted during all rrrcrnitoringl visits to Rravice a recauid of restoration pnagress through the entirety of the rr itiglat ion program. Rarmaincint Rhota- monitarimg st2licrnis will be estate lisherd during)the first moniiarring visit in locations that pravidei repnersentative views of each mitiglaiian sitci, ar arcias susceptible to change i.e., treatec invasive vegcnatian siarids on active stream charincds;. In ard(ition to permanent nhota- monitaring st2tions, quantitative Bala aollectiani siaiians 12nnual quacrat Icrcations) shall ba utiliaec far phatcr-cacumantation, as well. ltiliAinig phaias fnam quacrat lacaticrns will providci a visual reacrrc of qu aritit:at ive c ata results. RIi ai as from perinlarieni photo-rrrcnitoring stations anc phatcr c crew mentation frarrr quac hat Icrcations will bei inaluc aid ini annual reiperrts a lan€l with a sitar rerAcrrenieci map. -- -................ DU D E 14 Arizonia Crossing Five Yeiarr N anitarin€I ar c Nairitenar cei Rnoject 15 SCORE OF ACiRK 9-Year Off-Site MaintEinalnc a and Mitigation — Sycamore )Trails Stables 5-YEAR CFR-511TE MAINTENANCE AND MITIGATION — SYCAMORE TRAIL51 STABLOS HRS will peirfanm ruairt(iniancei at the off-sites rriitiggticini proicict and acirripleitei the followirg tasks as of Ilinieid ini the RFP: • Ncinthl) site visits to morihor the health of native vgleitatian arc presence oil any rian- native or exatia specieis. HRS will eciorcinater with Cucek Bicicigisu ilor the progeir ccwrsei of action to einisure the project will rrieut the rerquirlelc succeiss cnituria icir ageiniay sign-off. H RS w ill cant uct all sites vis it s i o both i he ani ant off-sites an th a same scfl eu ule • Perform Herbiciee application on ars as-neccleid basis to giant cane (VFnuneci deincx, and all othein nan-natives anc exotic species Rrasern iri ihei mitigaiion area to ensure the praject will menet its EI-)ear suaceiss criteiria. Tneatirient shall acctsr outside the nesting seiasori, unless otherwise recommetrideic by the project biologist and approveid in writing)by CDR&VW. • Upon review of the site it was c eterminec that all previou sly installed cu ttingls were c ead. HIPS will initiate a manual was erinig program Ijusirill eii heir a water b uffillci or wa teir trunk' to priovidei water to native veglutationi to mist re survivarishiq. HRS assumes a maximum of 20 elver is will be nieedEid over the cots rise oil the 5•yean mairitunar ce peniad. HR51 will conic uct all watering eveints to both ihei ani aric off-site an the same schedule. • HRS will perform reRlaeermert planting anchor to Einsure tHat project is an-track to meet its EI-)ear succeiss cniteria. Upori neview oil the site it was denermineid that all preivieiusly installeid cuttingly wane teat. THerellore, this pnopcisal iriclucim 100% rciplacemerit of all cutiffngls. Installationi shall occur in Falll 2013. BIC LOGICAL MONITC RING Biological monitavingl shall b� perfaimed ini acteordaneei with the on-iitei rtionitorirgl etisanibec abovu. Reporting Peportinig for ori- and off-sites mitiglatiorilmainnanancei areas will be accomplished as one priojacn A sites observation report will bei gleneratec fallowing each qualitative manitaningl visit and shall prcivic e a brief summa ry of praject progress, is ant ify specific pnoblam areas at id propose pat ertial reimecial action, and ill nuecec, shall be shown graphically an a map of the projEict arena fan management purposes. ComprehenisivEr annual mcinitoringl reports will bei preipareid and submitiec to the California Cepariment of Fish anc Aildlifei ijCDFVN) avid thu City cif Sari Juan Capistrano at the end cil each rrianitaning y(iar far the dunatian of the fives-)ear mcinitoriingl geirioc. Annual RcRorts will be prerparerd in accandancEi with the U.S. Arm) Corps of Bnggineurs Los Angeles Disiniat mitiglationi guic elinieis and manitaningl recluiremerts, as ouilinad in IhEi ACOS Special Rublic Notice dateid April ISI, 7a(m. The arinual rapori will summarize the status oil the Rrioject during,th Ei mcinitciringl Reirioc anc highlight sAeaifrc requirameris tci CDFVY permit conditions and reporting) reiquiramcints. The annual report will includu ani analysis oil site concitions int compariscin to arinual performance star dares anic remedial reiacimmematicins,as apgrapriarte. Sitei niags frlom both mil iglation sites and glato-cocurriertution friom both pHaio-manitaringl stations anc eluanititativei cats collection locations will be includcie to illustrate necommanic ations or project progress. _.... _. _ .. ................................... .......__..... _...__.__v__ . ..�..... _....._.. _...... .... ...__..__... _...,_.. _ .,__ .._.._.._... DU D13M Arizona C rassingl Fivei Yeiar Monitoring anic N airitunanea FlInojeet I E ECOREI OF WORK Aninual Repan will iricluce: « A title pager identif)lingl Ihei regulatory) permit nurrEeinr anc tHei period Icrr which thea moniloringl nepart is aipplicaElei. « A list of riaurres, titles, and cane ies of all gersans who prepared the (ranters) of the annual repor7 aric participated in IHer rrronitaningl activities. • [discussion cd maintenance caricucled during the manitoringl yeah, including) reglulan maintenance and remedial action, ill ne ec ec. All re mec ial plant ng shall be c oaumenet inclucingl; rerplaeement rationale, species to be replaced, neplacermeinit species, uoritairien size, dates cd neplae(rrient, rriappeid Ioealion anc photos coeurrientatiom. • Results, metflacolog)l anc data Irarri quantitative cata ccdlexitiori (clualitative assessrrreml in Year One), including) ciseussion and a eoniparisan to annual anc ultimate sueeerss criteria Q% native cover, 5A non-native caver, survival oil plantec container stack height of Hatli trete and sH ru b s pereies . 41 Ill applicable: provide an analysis cif any cause(s)or failure at eritHer mitigaltioni site arid, if dertarminec rieceissary by CDFW, prerposer remedial actions lbr apgrroval 41 Rhata sheets witli photographs from pHato-manitoringl stations anc quacrat data calleation location depicting) site proglneiss and illustratingl marimeriaricei anddor nemec ial recomrrrenidations. 41 Sitei maps llrorr H al h mitigkrl tan areas is entifying Rlanl ingl sones, and inclucingl reference lacatians fnarrr both estaHlishec phaco-monitoring stations and quacnal data collection lacatians. A mitigation program N mice of Corr pletian IINOC; letter will He sullrritterd to CDIFW al the enc oil the five-year moniloringl Rerioc. This latter will cescnibe the off-file and on-site Rrojeict, rellerence CDPA permits anc cereument pragrarri success. MIN enables: • Sitei crbservaticrni neperrts will be submittec 11ollowinig eacH site visit.. A total of 12 site abserval icn rreports are incluc ec in this pnopersa 1. • Finial annual reports, with talar ghcnoglrapH s and suppan iv ei glrriph ics, will be submittec eiach year Ior five years 115 total;. This praposal assurres ones neview/corrrrrrerit/revision cycle an the craft report pnian to preparation oil thea final annual repart The cnaftl report will He s u brr itt ec llor City ren iew within 49 d cry s prior to the OctoE er 19 C URNI d eac line, w itli the final submitte( wiI him 10-days oil neceivinig City eamir rots. The mitigaltioni Noticer al Corripletian QNOC) leitter will He suHrrritteid to CC FVu at the enic of the five-year rr omil aringl perioc. TH is propasal assumes ane nev iew,lccrrr rrrentJnev ision cycle on the c raft letter prior to preparation of the final letter. Supplemental Rlantling (optional) If, du ringl the monitoring period, a d est ructive niatural accurrence occurs th aI da rr ageis arc estray s ri than 25% oil tH ei writ igal tan plain ingN I hen replanitirigl oil tH ei original plant palettes will b a required. The proviced cost includers all labor, mateniab aind incideintals Ibr HRS to re-establish IC10%of the origlinal miligaltian plarntirrgl avid seeding far the ori-site anc off-sites Icrcatian. Incidental Costs Incicenital casts include miscellaneous expenses llor rnilearge and repragraphics asscrciateid with this scopes of wank. ...................T....._��._ DU DBKI Arizona Crossing Five Year N anitaringl and N ainteniancer Rnoject 17 IN THNITICIN ALLY LEFT BLANK ....................... ............... .................--- .............—............................... ................ ........................ ElUDEK Arizar a Crassirl Five Year Monillaring anc Maintenance Project 18 SCHEDULEFEE Rleaisc seia th ei scnarac eim elc pe tonna a t incl Tat le 1, C uc OWS cost su rr maty for tF is prc ject. DU DE—k -'-Arizoma C r 3air l Five,YV— r __ Year N c nitciningl ar d N ain tenanice Rrojeict 151 INTGNTIONALLY UGFT BLANK �jV 1IEK Arizana Cros3itg Fivei l eiar Nanitaningl ar . an eFrojei_. �cl d Mainteu anteaI �CI rHOURLY RATES CIUCIEN 7(113 STANDARD SCHEDULE OF CHAFIGES ENGINEERING SENMC88 HYCIOMCIEGI OCTICAL SERVICIE91 Project Director __................_..,............,.. ,$240.00Ahi Principal....................................,...............$220.0Q1hr Piincipal Or gin aen III..................................$220.00ihn Si.Environmental Engineer.......................$'190.01 Principal 9nginn e n tl, _.....,.._ ....... .........$210.011 Si.Hyt iogeok gist Sn.Firoj h gi.. ....... .......$170 OQIhr Principal 8ngineen 1....................................$198.011 Pioject Managers _.._.. _.,.._ _.._ . ....$153.01 Piogram Manager...................................$:00.001i AssaaWeil Fydrogeoogist/Engineers.............. 1140,011 Seniors Project Managen... .,...._..,,_--- .$148,00Ahi Hy(sogeologisl IVr9ngineer 1% ...................I'123.lir Pioject Manages.........................................$178.0111 Hy(sotlealogisl 111.19ngineei III........................I'll 5,01 1hr Seniors Engineers III............................. ....$1 i10.00/hlr Hy(iogeologisi ILIEngineei 11 ......................1 105.01 Seri Edgineei11........_..................-.....$165.01 Hydaofeokgist LIEngineell _....- 195.01 Seniors Edgineel I .. ....5155.00thi 'lechniclian 195.01 PnojectOnlineen1%rrechridan IN.............$145.00Ahrs DI81RIC7NIANAGEMEN71810PERA710Ne Project Ot gineen Illlflechnician III...............$130.00rhtl Project Brigineen II/Tlechnician 11.... _.._,.$120.00Ahi District C aneial Manager ............................ $115.001 Project 9nginees Irilechnician I......... .... ..$105.Gli Dis riot Edginaers..... . ... _.,. $1601,001hi Project Coordinator..... ... ..$85.((Vhi Opeiations Mi pager $100.00Ahrs 9ngineeringAtlsistant..........,._..._.. .........$75.00Ahi District SecreU rM Accountant _ _.._.. ..__.....589.00Ahrs Clollerc ions System Manager..... .. ..... ..........$95.01 EwRCINN EN7111 SORMCIE8 Gsade U Opesat(n......................................$100.0ftr Finncipal ......................_ ._....$225.00rl n Grsade)IV Operator,.., $85.001hi E enion Firoject h anagealSpeciaiis 11..........$:10.00It r C nada I11 Clpelatai,_......_. $8(L00Ahi Selnion Projec h anagerJSpecialist I...........$200.00 It n C nada 11 Operators...-........__..._..... ..........$63.00Ahi 9nvironmental Spet ialis IF le nn en N I...........$'18CI.OQIl n C made I Operlatoi._...., ....._ ....._.._.._...,_-- $!15.00/11 9nviror mental SlIeaialii nnen V .............:$160.00,It n Clpeialor in Training, ... $4C.00AI i 13nviionmental Specialist/File nnen IV ........_$,15CL0(Ut r Cclllecion Maintemanal Worke r II_..............._$55.001111 9nviror mental Sp ecialii nner III........ 3'140.0W r C<Illection Maintena most Worsl er I............... ..$4.004 n 9nvillonmental E iialisUFlie nner IL...... ..$'30.00,lhr 9nvillonmental Specialist/File nner I..............$'120.OQlhr OFFICE SEWCIES Alnartyst. ..., ..$,100.Oft r 7bchrtdcakDraBAni iLi Sen ices Planning Resli Assistant ......$80.OQ1hr 311 Graphic Artist... ... $150.00 t r Senior Dedigne i............ ....................... $'135.11 OOIASIUIL PLANNIF OIPOL CIV SEi1MCIES 6ZI;iner......................................................$'125.00Vhn Senior PrdjectNanaganACloastalRennes I..... 120CLOOlhr AssistlitDesigner $120.01[ilhn 9rmirnlnn a ntal£npeclallstiCoi sb I Rk nner VIA'I90.01i GIS E pecialist A ...,.........-...........................$'50.001hr 13rmlranrn a ntz I:lpgciallsUCoasti I Pk nner V_ 1'17U.00Ahi GIS Specialist III........................................ $'140.OQlhr Eneira r rnenta I ElpegialistACo1 stn l Pk nner rV. 3'60.0(Vhr GIS E pgcialist IL_. ......--....... $130.001hr Enelranmlenta I cipecialistlCo;st<I Pk liners 111 .$'150 1 GIS Specialist 1......_ __ 1 120.00Jhr Envtranmer(ttSpecialistiCaasSlRknnesIt...$'140.01 CAIDDOperat(IrIII ....... _........_..... _. ....$'1'15.00lhr Em Ira n IT ental ElpecialisUC(a stal Pk nnei l ...$'130 0( 1 CAIO D Operatcl r 11....., _.. ,..._ ,. .. ._..,...11'0.11 CRUD Opera or 1. _ .... ...195.00rtti ARCINA EOLCOICIA 191 RVIC ESI CAIDD[Inafler ......._... 185.00Vhr SeniosPiojectManagerAAlrchaeologist11.....$210.00Ahs CAIDDIlechnician _ ., _.___. .__. .. :75.00Ahi Seniors Prcject Manager/Alnchaetologist I .....$20(.00Ahi Emikonmeintell Specialiret Archaeologist V I $180 DOAhi SUPPORII IIERV CIES Em iironrrw rital Specialist Archaeologist%...$160.00AI 1 1 eeh n ical Edition III.......................................$1,10.0CUIhi EnOronmentalSped islist Archaeologist IV..$150AOrhrs TlechnicalEd'RanIL,._..._.,........_ ............$129-01 Enriinonmentel Speaialist Archaeologist III-$140.00ri s Technical 9ditan L _ $110.001hr Environmental£Ipet ialisUAncl aeologist 11..$130.00/11 Rubiicalions Assistant III... ,._ $100.1i Em ilia nmentdl Spec ialistAlncl aealogist I.. $120.00111 Rut lications Aw istani ll.. _. ..... $90Oft AlnchaeialogistTechnician 11._.. ..... ......_. ..$70.0011 n Rublicalions Assisdani I............_ .. $80.001hr Alnal aerologist Technician I ..._......... ..... ....$5C.00JI n Cllerical Administration IL_........................._..$80.00AI s Ct:INBITRUt.IIION NU4NAGIEMEN7$ERVICE:I Cllenical Administration I.............. ........... $75.00/1 a RflnaipaLManalen .,_. ___ _... __.. .$'I95.00,I1ir Morels c lingiricierbill-(I aurt appall Isicam,depos dons.and Interrogatories so Senior Clonstruct'or Manages .................$180.00Jhr "ertwatl ass vdn i s brs ed■7.W Imoer ormal rata Senior Flrsclject Manai er...._ ,.,..._....._.... Werganellarltl Hollclays-A lnknurn charge CO two l(urn MdI be billed at 1 71 t'met a le al ormal rata, ClonatnuetionManager.. . ,_,_._.,.. .._9'150.00rhr MIAW0atdOutside senlNse-Shtcontra clic ra,rentlIofasacialequiprn(ni Rtoject Mar r ger....................... ..............1140.OQ1hr Spa lel reprciductloni and tloaprinfig.h udldo data ploaassing am cl eoniputsr Residelnl9ngineei..__..._ . ..... . .. .... .....$'140.1 1 soM(ea,etc.,ers chargedat1.1911msadledrec cove. 7tallel ElIpemai-Mllange at current IRS alloweb a row,Per clam wh as ClonsirLiCtiOn 9ngineer. .. . ..$'135..00/hi overnighttts,lie invdvedisclargeda(od Gn-site Owner's RepiesentaiNe $130.001hs tmlalces,l ode Charggers-All tees%rill be b loci tc Client monthl)l and at a I be Const)uc ion Inspect(n III........................$125.00ki due and payab•upon raicspt.Invoices are clersaquantih d paid wielia thiol (30 COnsill c for Inspec or It $115.011 days t om the dare a a a Y uoia. client allreee m to pail a eshy lab charge eghnite and 1aroent(1%)parmaral oftheoutvtoedni belorwountil pai in Nil, Con6'11UC ion Inspector 1. ... ... ._ ._._...$108.00ili Annual Inaeesea -Unless idenriad otherwise, tl sae aendarr ra vii via Prevailiig%Aage /Ins pectors $13901i increaaa3%annually. D U D E KI Ellectly(i January ,1113 DU DEIf9 81 rizorla C rctssinl _....... Rive Yelar Monitoring arid Mainitenan(ei Project 21 F Cll. RLY RATES Halliital Restoration Sciences, Inc. 21013 Standard SlaHeidule of C Harges Habital Managamern Coondinalor/Prinaipa .........................................,.............................V(ICI-a0/hr 9enilor 1hojecl Manager....................................................................,.......117 5CLa0/hr General E*neerirg Contiacltoll.................................................................Ili`a.a(1/1ul Lar dscalpe SuperVmorilPrc jeict Managel..............................................................................9112`1-a0/hr Special t}1 Equipment Operalton+lOperaldrig Engineer...........................................................9111 Q.(IG/hr QSDi1Q:P SWIRWR Serv.'ces................................................................................................$11(1.(la/hr Landscapa A:sistarlcio Sup enlisx/Irrilaltian Dech..............................................................$105.(Icft Lardscalpe Technician/Forerrlan/Sniall Tool&Hquipmeni Operator..................................1185.00/lu Brush Manage mart Tool Operators/Al sistant FoIlclman........................................................I16s1.(Ia/lir Maintenance)Laborer with hand tools.............................:.....................___........................1129.(Ia/hr Administratiory Clc rical 9upporl...........................................................................................$65.00/hr Equip menu K hides TruckUsage.................................................................. ....... .................................516&(10,I1y Wal er Trailer/Buffala.........................................................................................................816&(10,Ida y Dump1Tblailer....................................................................................................,..._............-I168.(ICV11-y Mule............................................................................_..... . .... ........I"68.00/dc ly Ding( Equipment/Tralcltar............. 14 JCI.a(I)'day CAT 2'17/3(111242/314........................................................... ..........................................S450.(IC/d-y . Waiar Truck...................... .,..........................,..................$<50.(IC/&Y Clipper/Hydrosleece r..................... ..... ..........................................,............................$4 50.(Q/&y Rklll-off 1ruck.....................................................-..-............____.........U0(I.CI( 1d2yp1ustpping fees Emergency and Holidaas—Minimum ct argil oftwo hours wi 1 be b'lled at 1.9 fma sl the normal w 1e. Sunda)ls m a c ouble time a1 2.0 times normal nalle. Materiel and Clutside Services—HerbicichIsl sat conhaators nenllal of spec'd equipment,speelia fer anFl ai signage maleti a s, outside a ata pgocassing u d computeil service q etc.,art d arliled at 1.1:1 timer ti a dlrec cast. TYuvdl Erlpens&—MUefgle at current rate peel mile.Pon diem v here even igl I stay is involved is ch arpled at east. Invoices,Late(Lenges-All leas will be billed)o Client mlonthly and shall be due and paylable upon eeceipl.Invoices are de linquenl if t at plaid within til irt) 1001 days from the data of the in vai ca. Client aggeds to pay a monthl}l lata aharge equa I o one pe reenl l 4'a)per month of the a utstanding balane a until pai d in full. RS F Rective Jen cuiryt,2(1]3 Updr G e1 02,D7113 . ..... .._ DIl1DElld Arizonas Craasirngl��� , .. .. _. __._... . _ ............_ . ... Five Year Monitoring zinc M alinierlanice Pra'ect 32 APPENDIX A Resumes ,Stuart Fraser, RLA — Habitat Restoration Specialist Stu art Fraserr is a reglis terec lanic scane architect arid habitat E D u c ni n i o t, re:toraition :Racialist with over 10 )ears' cocnerienice in CalikrnniaLnivensityPcirriona landscape arch itect urcr, habitat rc s toratiorl, and erriv inourrieu iu l MLA, Landscape Anchit ect ure, 2CI(I I carripliance monitoring. Nr. Frascur Has dcisigned arid n crnitcirec Humboldt State L nivemity nestcirat ion projects fior wertlarnic creation and erihariiccrment and BS,VA ildlife Management, 191511 upland habitats, sl,cih a: coastal sage scnub anc niarthel CER-11FICA`ION] b u nchgp-a sslaric. His snecialimcrd expertise iriciluc es coricientu al ce!ign, deisign ceivelaCA#53CI pmcm anic ccrnistruictiorl docurrerit PlegisteneI Landscape Architect I (issued 2(101) cevelapmenl, as well as in:tallaticiri anc longi-term monitoring cd nesiaratiori prajects arid erivircinimenital ccrrrnliance far corlstructicin projecns. He hats snecialiaec skill; in the use cd portable Clabai Pasitioninig ;lysteim IIGPS; ecluinrrierit arid computer-akec craftirigl anc cesigri (CIAD❑) software in the prcrparartion oil bialoglical inivenrtaries, site arnal)sis mapping, the generation of canccrpu,al des igri glrapH ics, avid c evek pmcrnt of innigarl ion and p4 nrting construction c rawir igs. PROJECT EXFIERISNCB Developmeritl Lawler Rosan-Anroyci Tnaubucia Revegetalion Prajecl, City a1 Sari Juan C4l:listlrano Rcicerwlopmentl Agency, Sari Juan Capistrano, California. Responsible fan langl-term biological mciniitoririg anc nepart preparartiori. The praject iniclucex ihci eirihancernerit oil civeir 6 acres of weitlar id habitat irl A rro)o Tuab uao Creek th nauglH the rein ova I cd Aru ndo anic ran iv e neplaccrrrrert Rlantingl. Rciplarc eirr t plant ings inclu de w illaw and u me erstary s eeding in the caryan bottom arni( oak—s)cr rricme wocidlanic in the cis ni)on sic a slcine:. Higgins Estates Rleiidentlial Developirreint, Rilirlglciri Homes, Sari Marcos, Clalifarriia. ❑esiglniec anc nreplarec the ecrriceptual rrritigatianl and mciniitoririg plari fan irrrpacts assaciatec with the 71-acre Rilinglton Homers prajcict of Higgins Estates. Mitigatiori was deisiglnicid tci ccrn'rpl) with reicuinen into ficrr Seciian eN arid 401 neirmitl. Rreparrec a rcrvegletatiori plan that includcid cnh ancerrrent cd less thari I acre of watlanc s avid coast l sargle scrub habitat. A S Ranch Wel lane Bio-Filtlerr and Dnainager Chariricl Project, 4'.I Kelwood,IN erwllaric Corrirru nitlies, rancho Berrianc o, San Diego C ou ril y, California. Preparec firial revegcitation constrcciion documcints, anc cancuctec cansinuctian and restaration manitaningl for a mitiggticini nroglram to r(rstcirei ari inacverteiritl) ci:curbed/irrrparctcid chaniriel within the 7,8511-acre 4!I RancH c eveiloprrrent lac iat ec in t H e Clot.my of Sari C ieglo near Rarichcr Bernardo. W cirk indL dec rcrvegletatiori cif bicgihrartioni si nips,anc rrreiasc nes for storrriw-,tcir ueatrrterit usirigl vegetated wetlarids. RNerV illaige Barik Proteratiori F rojecit, N ciwh arl l Land aric Farming Company, Santa Clarita, California. Rnepareid Rreliminary rcrvergletat ion conn tru cticrn c oat,ments, arid cont uctec canstructian anc restoratiori monitoringl 11or a 14.1-acne mitiggticrni area alcng anic acjacant to a bu pied bark structure within the Sar iv Clara Riven Flcrcidplain. TH e w et anic aonst ruction document set inaluec canceptual glracirig, irriglatiori, aril Rlarntingl monis in corrplianacr mitH the necuiremerits of the I\atural Riven fv'aniaglerrrerit F lani NRNP'. Wank incluc ec insta fiat ion of wetland and transitional watlanc habitat in M3 e marngins bermiee n the rcisiderrt ial c ev clapmeir it and the 5inta Clara River. . DUgEt� �.. --------.......... Pagle I oil STUART BRASER, FILA — CON TIN LIED Univeirsity Clommons and Rarieho Santa Re Roac Widening Wetland N itiggatiori Programs, Brookfield H orr es are City of C arlsbac, San Marcos, California. Ariepariec conceptual wetlarid mitigation plarus for cher 13 acres till weitland revegletal ion and enh ancemenl ibr two acjacen1 projects alorig Sari Manccis Creek Work inclucec exteinsivei realoraition of cisturbeid hetland habitat m3ciciatec with Rnevious miningl operations ori site, as well as wctemive eixeava tiori of uRlanic d istu rbad arenas for wetland creat ion. A Iso RrieN pec plains fan rest orations of the Ranolla 9arita Fe Raaid Brigle reiplaeeirrie.rit wank. Flrepamec twa sepalraw uompreHensive revegeitatiari constructions dacurrient palckalps ibr earth project to adcreiss cifler-erit city jLnisdicticiris arnc constructian bidcir€1 Rnaaecures. Alga pravicec conistructian rrranitaringl anc Ionil-term bialagicad manitaringl curinil the 3-y,ear mitigpion Rragn rn. Edt cation Dua Magriel High ScHciols Rrojed, Vista Unrifiec School District, Oeearoide, Califarnia. Served as the project mariagler ibr environmental aomRliaricie curing scHool ecinstruction, cevedcipmeml cif habitat restarwicin plaris, and coorcination witH Icing)-term Habitat mariaglememl. Restoration ceisiglni tasks included ceNelapmenl of oorceRtual uplanid rerstaraticin plains fan both an-sites anic off-site mitigaltiori areas, and a eonstrucfori docurrierits package far the nestoraition oil the off-site mitiglatiou Rarced. Preservation tasks included eevedopmerit all langl-term habitat management plans for the an-site and tiff-site mitigation parted, as well as mariagleid denelopment of a fuel mocifrcattion plan far acjacent Vista Unifrec School District-cmined lapid. Ad dity canal tasks inalud ec sL pervis ingl rriil igaticin campliaricer and cantractOr coorc inartiari curing schoal anc restoraticin caristruclian, maniarglingl riglHi-till-weary services, anc resciurcci aglenay anc municipal carripliancie coardinaticin. ❑ucek is cunrently rrianaglingl langhterrni manitaringl br bates mitigaltion flies. es. Resource Management Sari Luis Rey Recreational 'hail, City of Oceanside RLbliu Works Department, Oceanisice, Clalifouriia. Flrepauiec construction documents, including inrigatian and plarlingl Rlars, ibr wetland aru uplarid r0agetation arssocivtci with 1110 cevelapmert cif a necreatioral trail alorgl the Sam Luis Rey Riven it Oceanside. Triaris Plortation Oeeansid a to 93 aonidic a Raul Project, N orth C ou rit y Tlran sits District IANC IID;, Cities oil Oceanside, Vista, Sari Marcos, and 9suanicico aric Courity of Sari Diego, Clalifonnria. Elevedopm a removal aric 9-year maintenanice anc rricinitaningl strategyl Ilan the rerriaw I cif target eratic Rlarit species ala% the 211-mile NCID Clceransice to Esooridicci rigint-of-way. Desigriec an iririgaticin system ainic Rlaniningl layout and preparerd construction ccreumerim including)inrigaticin and plamtingl plans, lar twa off-site wellam reveletaticin sites arssociaied wiitf deivelopmeint cif the NCTCII's Oeeiariska to Escaucido 12-mile rant lire coristrucliani. THe off-site mitigation aneas ane locaterd in Clceernisic a anc Eruiritas. Discioverry Streert, Clity of Sari Marcos Brigineeninig Depart meant, Sam Marcos, California Deisiglnex gracing)and an irnigatian sysierri anc plarntingl Rlari and Rnepalnec conslructicin coaumcnts and snecifrcaticins, including irrigaltion arc planting Rlans, ibr a 1.69-acne wetlard reivegutation sites loeatec in Sari N areas. D U D B IQ W.,m...- _...._.....................__.__ .................. . _. _W__ _..,.__ ......................._.__.........._............_Page a caf STUART HRA SEP, R LA - CON TIN UaD W atler/Wlastewatler Upper CIH iquita Reise ry oir Emergeriay Storax o Rerseirviair Rrojecit, Sand a Margarita VM ester District, Onange County, California. Project manager respansib le lbr einvironmertal carrigliance manallemeni scirviceis, habitat reistoraticrni resign, biological surveys, anc ovenrseeing the work oil archaeological anc palaontolollical monitors ibr the appror imataly 40-acre Uppan C hicIuita Resarvair Praject. Conductec a raview of i ha cons iructian parckaIle, incluc ini€l i he nnoject plans and s peicificai ions, to inicorpclrail a einivirionmer tz I perrnir cant iticrnis im a tH a cor itri a data rrients. N anal lec the a eveilopmant of ar coricepi ua I hat itat restoration plan ilor i hei rerservoir s H a fallowir ig constrr.ctiori. Preparcid plans anc specifications lkrr the trarisplanitai ian of existinigl native caaws prior to eoristructiar arae for the remegetation of they site following) consttucticrn. Coristruaiian documents inclucec plans ant specificatianis kir soil salvaIle anc placement, cactus salvage arc placement seed application, anc erasion contnal. Sewer Pump 9ta tion U pgrac e, Le'ucac is County Water District, City of C arls t a d, Califonniia. Conic lcntteirm t iolagical monitoring for A eti larnc mit gas ion arnd coastal sages scru b reivegetalfori far wetlarics impact associaiec: with the apgracc of tha pump station, contraction of ai vchicler turnwOL ne area,anc relocatlon cd the access road along Bay iciu iters Lagoon. GUdEI�_.....____....__ ._..__. _ . __.__..__...__.___ _......_....._.........._..........--.--.---....._..._.,___._ _.._._ . Rafle 3 oil 4 SIIUART F9A SBR, R LAI — CONTIN UOD INT9NTICINAULY L9FT BLANK ..... .... _ R�igei4 af_:..� ,Michael Sweesy, RLA — Landscape Architect, Habitat Restoration Specialist M icha el 5A eesy is a regNstered landscape anch itect ant hat itat 13❑L W 1111 O N resioratian specialist will 371 years' ey4arierlce in lancscapen Clalilbrnia flalyiechnic State Lnivensity, architecu.re arc haNut restoration projects. Mr. 9wenesyl his Pamcina desigrlec restoration Rnojects for wetlanc s creation and c MLA, 19&I enHanicerrlert sucH as mLlef* strut, oak ripaniarn iculest soutt(rrn i Calilkrrinia State L nivensity,Nullentan willaw scrub, ant verriall pooh; senisitivc uplarnc habitats such as EIA, Geagraphy, Emphasis in Rlan1 coastal sage scrub, chaparral, arc native tunchgrass glrasslanrid; and Ecolcrgi, 1919 me igationi prajects for endangered s pe ciies such as the) Qt inc C EI RT 11 i CI p T I O N S clieakarspat Hutlenrfy (jEuphydrygls edithc cuino;, Palos Verces bILeI { Regi>>enec Landscape Archireat tutterf) 11Gkwcopsyche lyglciarrua Nksveraesensis), Californian 1 CA NO.3319 jissvelc 1990) gnatcamch er ftliop tic caiCfOrn ico;, kcal st Bell's vireo (Vireo begh fit R.O e E S I!O N A L A F A I L I AI T I O N S pusillus),ant San Diego amtrosia(Ambrosia fjurrilc). Society far Ecolagical Restanatian Mr. '.Iweesy sL pervises the Rreparat ian of canceptLal delsigln, c esigln develapmenti arnc canstr uction (aeumcntation fan emironlmental projacts. Nr. Svnees)'s larncsarpq arehheature Rrafessianal training) anc project eucperiemce allows Him to RneP4ne cansinuctian drawings arid technical 3Ixcificaltians iHat inccirnpgnate rrocern, state-af-then-art constructian iechnicuas io Hanbit:ai restaration nroj(lcts. Mechanizec site preiRaratian, scec application, and waac control teichniclLes Rrcrvidel cost savirigls wt ile mairtainingl H igh projeo quality. N n. ,Iweesy rriairitainis a catabwe cd curreini coristructiari ccuts ant an rietwcirk of renstaration contractors that provice up-ta-canter irifarmantion lan accurate cansinuctian cast estlrrnates. Mr.Sweasy is particLlalrlly attunieic to acciressing issuers to alvaid patenntial chanigei arderrs anc costly Hucgeit ovenunuris and scheidL le exteinisioms. Mr.Sweesy Has anssistad witH permit processing on pucnjects incluc ingl U.S.Army Carrps of 9nglinerenrns ilAC OEI) Section 404 inc iv is L al ar d natianwic a permits, U.S. FisH avid VY ild liter Senice (USFVN;I) Slott ian 71 and I(la permits, Caniitorriia Denpartmeni oil FisH arc Carrie 4C C FC) 1601 an( 16(13 Streanmbed Aheration Aglrcements, annc Ragianarl Watarl Quality Cani Boarc ilRVVQC6) 4011 cenrtifncanticnns. Iri mast cases, Mr.Swemy's involvenmerntwitt penrmittirlgl haps teen focused an project rritigaltion design an( implarnertation. He has managFnd ilie biological manitaringl 1br complex nnajeats such as the,larrenta Vallcy L tlliiiea Imnravemenni Rrojenct in Hefiasgchos Ugaonl, N iramar Raw Sludile and Recdaimec Watenr Pinelinens Rraject ant ibr the Trrump Naiicnal Colf Course cansiructian. ThroLglh these projects he has cevelopec a system for project documentaticnrr tf at Rrovidas coritiriuity of manitaring over they life of tf eI project. PROJECT EXHERI19NCB Deivelopmentl Lower Rosar Weil laric Mitigation, Slari Juan Capistrano Radeveloprnierr t Algenay, Shun JLan CaFlistraro, Califorriia. Desigriec ant prenparad cher cancentual r nhigatian plan for Lower Rasar Rarch for the City all Sari juani Capistrano. THe projact includes the rermoval (Ii appra)i imatuly 6 acres oil giant rend (Alrunco dor ax', frarrn Arraya Trat uco. Reiplacerrleni plar tingls incluce willows annc urdenstory seeding) in the caryan totiom ant oak—s)carrnare AoocNrc in the canyon side 3lanes.THe cclnceptual plar was apnnavec Hy the AC OG. 11-11111111._........... ............ _ .....__ .. ...... .. �. OUDEK Page I all MICHA E L SWEESY, R LA — CON TIN UED Ota) Ranch Coastal gage Sano b Masten F lari, Bakwin Company, C H L la Vista, Califonnia. Designed and cinectec the field magpirigl anc evaluation oil gateintial coastal sagler scrub rcive1putiori situs for the Otcy Ranch Mcsieir Habitat Ref lacerriern fflcr.The plain direicts the pHasec implerrienitaticrn of 1,300 acres of coastal sage scrub arnc south ern cactus scrub habitat over a 30-y e,r built-out parloc.Sita asserssn n criteria included slapel coriientaticin anic glradiernt soils (xisting)native anc non- native vgleutioni covari, praximit) to equipn it access, anc prroximity to an irrigaltion wa1er source. !levar-al lneatlments Herei deNisec to ardoness the varied field concitions that would be needed to restore native habitat. Site-specific poNlIons v,itli attributes wene input to create a database that could be queroiec io eistadlish the rrost remonrablu cciristiluctian sequence. A peir-acrei esCmartu of constructions costs m a s c erivud kir each treatrr erit ty pq avid applierc to the implemernti tion model to anticipate funding requirements year to yeiar oveir the 30-yeiar implerrrentation peinioc. Arroyo Trabuco Golf Course, LIME Sari ,Juan Colf Associates, LLC, City c11 Mission Viajo and County of Oranige, California. Clesignec arx supervisec the conceptual n itiglaticrn plan for then Arroyo Trabuco Colf Courser. THe project incluces 3 acres oil tacos) sagla scrub nestaration and apprcaimately 16 acreis of naniva paneriniad bunichglrass grassland mitigation. All rritiglatiori areas are acjaceint to and within Ther gplf aciursu development area. Also consulteic an the gall caursei lanidscape cesiglni auric plant palette. Thu project design iraiarrparatec glrasslanc cneaticin areais wit h in the grae ec gloill cou rs a arena ar ie existingl nan ive grasslanrc enhancement arca s, which mere heavily cetgracec with pori-nanive grlarsses. Assistec with the preparatonr of corictian drawings for restoration construction. Patton Resic enaei, C ity of Newport Beach, California. ❑esigrlec thu residential la nc scape for tFei Rattan resicence in Newrlort Beach. The projeia irivclverc a residence locatec on the bluff eicge above the Newport Balck Bary Ecological Rruserve.The lot hat Hecorre untabla cue to thea previous 81 N inio winter zinc, arccaridirgl to the California Coastal C ommissiori, excessive nesicential landscape water use. Thei deisigln rasponcec to Califerrnia Coastal Carnmission concitiorn that required the lancscape io He composed of Calilorniar native species on drougpt-talerant species. Flreoparud coni3iruct'ar draw,ingls than inclu dec ar ran ive plana palettla aonic specializieid irrigayticrn sy starn 1 hat uiiliaec drip eimitters and microsprays tHaa apply water in glallanis per Hour instead oil galllans per minute, as is typical of orcinary spray irrigaltion Heacs. Nergptiaec ao land swap between the State of California aric the owners due 1a baockyarrc imprioverrierits than:hac accunned an state lain. McClanahan Residence, Rancho Santa Fe, California. Rreparud a eameerptuai mitigation plan io mitiglata 1br the unauil izad consinuction of ar eicluestriarn ring within ao no-built easorrent aciatceni to Slam 91ija Lagoon. Coristruciian activity hac tornporarily irrpaeterd a small area oil salt rrarish habitat. Nergatiartud with the CUFG to roeni a tarmaonisk bosquer shat hac c ervelopec at the largaan egle adjacent to then subieicn prooperty. Weec removal Has coneuctec for 2 years within the bosque arnc temparary impact arca to allow kir passive nesveogetatian of salt marsH species to occur. Nlunicipal Hohn Praplerty Larrcfrll Mitigation, AVMGH Rroparties, Corona, California. Designec a restoration program to mitigate thea impacts cif illeglal dumping as part of a lancfoll og(rratian alanigl llemuscal Creck in Riverside CauM>). Assisted then project eniglinerer with ihei gracing) cesigln of a ICIa-year fload channel. Areiparud a aoniceplual plan to revegetate the cHarnnel through active and passive roeveigestaticon techniques. The project design includes plantings of willovn, cattanwaoc, sycarrrare, anc mulellat within a 1.8-acre channel area. An acditional la acres of reaonstructec channel bottom will be allawec to naturally rovgletate. -Ve project iricluc es an uplanc buffor area that will he seecac, planted with eontainar plants, anic irrigalted until veogetation is ustablishec. N eglotiaterc filani approval by i hu AC OEI, C❑FC, anc RWQCB. _................. __............. DI U G E K Ragle 2 oil 4 W atlerJW art ew al ei r Leta LakeiMirrei9aal Wash Mitigation, flee Lake Waiter District, Corciria, California. In 1999, ercuian fnam flacidwaters of Teimeiscal Creek thrseateiniec the Ueei Lake Vvateirs Treaitmeint falcilities in Riverside Claunty. Panicigatud in ihei eivaluatiori cif impacts than nesulteid frarn unauihorizeid eimengency iradinig that was carried cwt io Flratuci the ineartmeini fakility. The work included pneparatian oil a coniceiptual mitigation plan that waulc allow fern natural rseveigetaticin to accun withiri Terriescarl Wasli. The plan proviceic a seed mix of appropriiaie wetlanc species tHai corrimc my accu r wit hint the Terriesca I c rainagei. Sorrento Walleye Utilities Impraverr earn Frojecit, MWWD, San Diega, California. As then errvironmeri al cocirdinator for ihei Slorrunta Valley Utilities Imprcivemum Flrojectl direicled construction mcinitciring of watcr anc sewer Ripe installation, acrid construction till thea new Rurnrp Staticin 65 within thei Las Peinasquitos I-Mlocin in ,Ian Digla. In change cif construction crawingl and technical spccifluation prepanation and construction monitorinil dunini pump station, pipeline, and mitigation coristructicin Rhaisus. Ncinitciri% of pipelinei coris tru cticin inicludud flek rcvienw o1 BM Rs and project lirnits fence. PHaise uric nevugetaticr i oil salt marsh, brackish marsh, lreishwater marsh, and sauthemn willow scrub Iabitavi has tceri installed. Rhasei twio incdudeis reimoval aired rustoraticin of a utility, Heirm aric aid RumR station. These areais Have been neveigetatec with salt marsh speciies. All Rhaseis oil constructicini werei moniiioresd, includirig gracingl, irrigation installaition, anc plan t/seied installation. auc& monisoreid constauction tri minimiae and avoir irnpaicts to populations all Caulier's salt marsh daiisy(Lcisiheriia€11aflrata;, a sensitives sah marsh specici . Lake Mathews Pilat ReivcBetatior Projekt, Metriopolitar Water District of Southern Calillonriia, Riverside., California. Pregarec a plain to enhance nipariani hahiai cin ephemeiral drainages that area tributary to flake Maithe w in Riversides C cwrit). A varici y cif plaritingl ieehriiques invoking sirriRle nestoratiori practices were installed Io determine the level of successful vegleu ion establishment that cauk bei achieivec uncer each regimeL M ulahinigl anc irniganicin of container planets were teste id u s inigl f1v e d iffererit r al iv e w et land s peciies. The Rlantinils were mon ii oreid br a period oil :l years. Results shciwiec tHai speicies seslection was more impartant than plantinil technique in eipfleimerial c rainageis. Mirarr air F aw Sludge antic Reclaimed Water Pipelines Pricrjed, MWWD, San Diego, C alifornia. Thu Miramar FU-A Sllucgei anc Rcelaimeid Vvatun Pipelinies stretch from N iramar Rciac to Ihes slueile pnocessirig facility in the Kesarny Nesa area cif Slam Cliego. The Rrciject includeic thea Rrienaraticini oil a conicerptuasl nevegertabori Rlari fcir crustal sa81ei scruff, chapanral, naitive grasslarics, and wetland hat itat types incluc mil southern willow scru t, mu leifai scru t, anc were mea(cm. Mitigation stnaieglics incluc ec seer imprintingl w ith iri the canistnuction corric cir anc corita inieu planet iristallaticin with sugplemenul irrigalian prcivicec ty water trucN. Constructicini maniianini81 wars prelormec curing pipeline installation anc revegatation canstruction. Lonill-term Hialcglical rrionitoririil was conic uctec far 9 yearns aftcri installaticin until Rerlarrrsaricei criteria wiune achieved. E aunt 1vissiorii Gorg a 11ru r N Sewer Rehabilitations Projekt, City of Sian Clbagcs Engineering and Capital Projects departrr erit, San Diego, California. The East N issicin C orgc Tnurik Seweir Rchiabilitaticin project was implemented along the Sarn ❑ieglci P ivesr in M issiciri Trails Regional Rark, a highly sensitive and resmote area. The Rnoiect oucu tired in critical hallita i for the let eirally lister esnicaglereid least Bell's virea. Wank cciric ucied llor thea Rnaject iniclucec a conicegtual habitat reveigetation deisign kir 3.5 Willes of weitlanc withir thea Rraject arreiar. Rrojuci lesalureis inclucec sillnifscani giart neeid rerricnsai ainc respiacenienl with appropriiate sor.tHern willcm scrub sReeius. Thei iliarit rcec to t e reimovud was accu rattily lacaitec and qua ni ifieid on con!i n ction Rlans usirigl resciifierd low-ahituce color aerial photography. Supesrvhec thu prepariation cd constructiciri plans anc specifleatians lkir on-site wetlane re%egeitationi. Thee remote areas to He nevugercatec requirec a .__.__. ...._.. .._ ,...__.__ -— ...__ --- DU DSK Raqlei 3 of A MICHAEII SWEESY, RLA — CONTINUED specially c esi hied irrigation systarr tHai c istnibutes w2 tan from water trucks. THe project utilized seec anc container plantings I o estad lis h t he to riget r iative val letat ion. Los Penasgt.itos Ugoari Ripa riari Fleveigetaliori Frajeat, MWWCI, Sari Diago, Califarnias Provided desilln oversight for the 1.51-acre sout!"arn willow, scrub enihancerrierit project it Pafmquitm Lagoon in the City oilSain Diego.The project was cesignied to rerriave dense starids of giam reed anc cistablish niativei southerni willow scriub habitat iri then reirrioval areais.THe project incluecrd suer grading to enhaneci local hydredagyl oil the site4 a faletor that directly reilateis to the self sustairial:ility of wetlanc s.THe project iricluc ec cortainer planings anc a native seed mix applicanion. As-Nuaced Fevegetation Services, Nertropolilan Water District oil Southern C alifarnia, L as A rigeles, C alifarnia. Projekt mar iageir for t he Met roRc its n W ater pis trict oil Southern California As-Neat ec Reveigetatian Services cortract Su peirvisec numeriaus projects, incluc roil revcgletaiian at the Sari Jaaquin Reiservoir, ceveilaped ari invasive %eec cantairiment plain for the Robert B. Clierter Filtratior Rlant, prepamec ai neveigetation cesiglri and corstruaian drawirgs fan the North Slone Recorisiruction Project at tF a Diemeui flcility, and canducterd a pilot weitlanc reivegeitatior Rrioject at Lathe Maithews. As-Needec Bialoglical Services, MWW O, Sari Diego, Califarriia. Project manager ibr then MWW11 A3-Nciecec Biological Services Contracts ibr 151518 CIOC anc 20(0-2aah. Supeirvisec rcivgletation constructiori and Cludek's Malo€tical manitorinil staff on IC17 separate MWAA❑ Rriajects. Many cif these tasks incluceic eirriergunicy sewer repair projeicts where sc%aige was fovving irto live streairri cancitiors, requiring immeciate response friam Dudek staff. Others taskA inaludcid manitarinil sewcin clearing activities vnhcire aimparary equiprrient access was nciecec in rialive cairiyan areas. Workec dircicily on sci%er replacement, rclaaatian, anc pperimainent caryan access projcros ihrouglhout the MWWCI service arcus. Su reset Cliffs Natural Park Restoration Rrojeat, M WWO, San Diego, Caliilorriiai Cleisignec a reistoration plan to reveigetate fl.51 acres of caaistal sage sarub an Floini llama's Surset Cliff Hark in the City oil Sair i C liego. W oi-N ec with a loaail cit iiien's advisory eommiti eye at marith ly mcialilr s to (evelap the rmegritatiori plain. Preparec a corceRtual-Ieve1 estimaite of aarstruction costs to evaluate project feasibility. The Rrojeci included plant speicies that occurred on the ac jacent Paint Lama Navad We property. H ighland Rai 9stal as Slower Repair Mitigationi, M WWCI, San Diego, C alifarnia. Hrepairec a aonaeRlual revegcitationi Rlan ibr the h igHlam Hark 9states Trunk Sawar Rnoject ire the City of Sari ❑iegp.The Rlarni farmec til-a basis fan a I 10 1 Streornbed A h eraticin Agreement ilrom tH e CDFG. Southern willow scrub and rrii)4ec waocland vnerei rcivgletaicic. Pravicec prajeat constructability neiviciw anc reiaarnmendatians that cut wetlands impacts anc mitigation requirements by 5C%. Pilot Carryon Access Re%agetation Praject, NWWO, Slari Diego, California. Des ignec a Rrallrarn to evaluate rriethocs to reNegatate teimnarary anc perimanent accciss Wills uscid by NVMD crcrvvs to access sewer lines in natural aaryans throughout the City of Sari Diego. Coorcinated program desigr with a citizein's advisory group. Rreiparcid a eaneeiptual Alar that describec thea Rragrarr goals arc ol1jectives.The cesigIr inaILcled multiple rgllicatians oil ineatmarits witHin mia typical aariyans and meillacs to cNaluatci the outcome to cetermine future NWWD policies anc procedures far access path sta b ilizait ion. .................................... __.,,_. ._.__.. _ .._ _„___.__............_.............................z_.......... DUDEK Fali 4 oil Timberlake Specialist Jay,me Tim b cii a is a hab itat nestarat ion s peieialist w ith ov er ' E c L CAI T i O t, years' prafessiorial experience working in then enviranmeintal Un iversity al Miami, Blanida field. She specialiaets in Habitat restoration and enviranmental NA, Coastal Zone ManaFlerrienc and analysis. She bringls diverser eixperience to the project tear , NauinePclicy,2C1(17 inclucingl mitigaltiori monitoring, permit acquisition reiiatec to University of Caliikinnia,Santa Barbara wertianc resources anc threatenec or endangered species, BA, Enviranriental Studies wetianc c elineal ian, c Lei diligence praperrti) assessment, BA, Geography,2C101 ernvironryiental impact assessment using)ileoglraphic inllormation QSF#002128 systems (C ISI) applications, and pnaject mar iaiserrrrent. R eaent[) PROF®S S!O r AL QI F F I L A T I O r`S she eamplerteid glracuarte reserarcth an the implications all they Assaciaiianall Enviranniental Slolic Waste Agency of har li Cook Cot.nty (SWAI`CC; and Flnotlessionals (AER) Rapanos Sluprerrle Court cases ani C alillornia s wet larid I Surfrider Ilaunc ai ion resources. Currently, Ns.Timberlake is wo6ingl an a varieity of hallitat restoration projects invalvini freisflwaiier marsh, salt marsh, ripariari, urbanizeidiIdisturbec, chaparral, stream chainiriel, and coastal saglc scrub habitat. PROJ9CIT EXP 9RIENCE De%edopmetnt Target Commercial Center Environm enrtal Impact Rapart QEIR), City of Vista, San Diego Count:), California. Rrojexn bialoilist and barbital reutoratian specialist THe plroposerd project will bet Built on an IEA-acre site anic will inaluda a Targeit retail stare, separate rercail bt ilding, anc restaurant Ns. TimderlaNe conducted revtegeitatson monitoring) for uplanc and wertlarid areas, including scriub oaN ravepmdan areas. Nonitcmiii invalvec aisseissirg, interpreting, and direietirig reiveglertatiori installatiori iri the field %itH lame scape contractors. Quarterly monitoring is cantuctec in accordance with the resaurcei agency permits anis the conceptual mitigation and rriorihoring plari. llarrey Rancih Uplands Restoraticiri, Glarc en C am m u t iit ies, LLC, C ityf of San Diego, Sian Diego County, California. Marin habitat restoration rrranitar grid contact for the uplanc and wetlanc rnitiilation project at Tannery Ranch. The Dudek—Habitat Restoration Sciences, Inc. IjHRSIJ teanr acquiree the environmental permits,preparec mitigation canstrLcttion plans,and subsequently installed they regtirec mitiglatiorr. Mitigalbon work inaiucec restoring 2.4 acres olcaastai saile SenrJb, which was iricarporaterd into the City of San Diegp's N ultiplei Habitat Plarinirig Area, anc areatiriil (.TI acre of sowhenn millai satiub ou site. Ns. llimberlake was r(isponsible far the S-yVin maintenance and monitoririg of the upland and veetlanid mitigaltion reveiletatian sites. Quties included in-flelld quarierl) monitorings, yearly quay it2tive monitoring, annual report writing, and eoardinatingeompledori of mitigation responsibilities. Rook Springs Roac C cindominiumi 51 d c iv ision Project, C ity of SI aini N araos, San Diego County, California. Environmeriul monitor arnc Habitat riestoration specialist fan they pnajectl which invalvec coriduatiris larigs-term moriiioring for wetlanc arms. Elutiers inclucec ins-fielc cuarteirlly monitoring, year[) quantitativei monitoring, aririval reipart writsn€1, and eoorcinatiriis completion oil mitigaltion riesponsibilities. Nanitaririg involves assessiriil, interpreitirig, anc direictingl rervegletation installation in the flak %itH lane scape contraatarls. Du Dew Rage I of 3 ]A1 ME 1111-BERLAKE — CCINTINUE❑ Gables Carmel N ar!lery Hroject Habitat ReistorationJRev egeitation Piari, Sari Diego County, Caliibunia. Habit2t reistaraticin speciialisi respansilller for the cneatian of the Habitat Rest oration/Rery eglertation Plan. Ther plan was c esigniec to mit;gate for impacts accu nningl to uRlarid nativer vegetal ion a peas. Saint Hiliari Catholic Church, City of Mission Viejo, Orang ei County, California. Hroject monitor far sites involving thei creation anc erhancernemt oil%etlana zinc uplanc habitats to mitig re for impacts ilrorri the Saint Kilian Catholic Church devrelcipment. DULies irICIU(eic acvisingl an then rcimoval of exci is and invasive plant species, dereu meritinig nnogiless a1 planted native plants, anc: Rreparingl anrival monitoring reports pursuarit to RWQCB, U.S.Army Corps cd Eng'neers(�COEJ, arie Califarniar Clenart merit oil Hisf anc C arae QC CIHCI) pe rmits. Tnarisp oritlallion Oc eransic e-to.•Esc cir c ido Spprinter Rail Puaject, Dlvjlv+Harris, gar Diego County, California. ps errvironmeintai rrianitar aric harbitat restarnioni specialist, coridLctec reroegetaticin rricinitoring for uplam arcim ac jaeeint i o tlF a Nor?h Country Transit District right-c&v- aq and for uRlarids coastal sage scrub avid oali ruvegeation areas. Monitoring irrvolvers assessing, intenpreitimg, arrc cirecting nevegertaticin installation in then field wish laincscape aonitrwors. Mariitoring is cancucterd in accordance with the resource agerncyl peirmits aric the conceiptual mitigatian anc monitorinig plan. WatlerAW astleiiwatler South C ou rity Ripe line Scour, Santa Margarita VV aten District, Orange C au r", California. Habitat reistoration specialist anc Rraject biologist reisganisible for designing, creating anc writing the f ab itat rrrii igation and monitoring Flan anc managing then 2-ye<in maintenance anc mcinitciririgl program fan this pipeline emergency repair project. The habitat rrritiglatfon anc manitcmingl plan was clasiglnieid to mitigaltei far teirriporary irrrpacis io the cneerk bec. The 2-)ear maintananica and rrioniitoring program iriek cec biannual rrranitaningl avid annual reparling. ....... CIU13EK Pager it oil 2 Habitat . •n Specialist Kyle r - Kyle Natflews is a Hologlist anc habitat restoration specialist ROUC€f TIO wish aver 2 }fears' grofessianial experience vnorkirig as an I L nivensicy oil Redlands env inonn erit I speciadisl an a variety cif public anc pnivarte BA, Biolagy, 2010 prajeets with Hallitai Restaraliari Sleieriees Inc. (lHR91. He has CEF.TIe€c AT.ON',II ,CENSPI extensive cocnerieriee AitH hat iut rerstaraticni proiccls involving) Qualified Appficatar Licensee(QAL) sensitive nesaurces, including rare nlanm species, vvertlands #176112 Categaries B. C, F H at itats,and hat its u Icir e€nc angered wildlife. �15 p. 12,1' 1,120 131 Mr. I"atthevns' experiericer includes biological manitaningl and data ccdleatian far€ a varierty of nrcrjecti, which has invclvec writing, habitat restoration plans, anc bic logical maniinaring report. He also has Bort erisive field axRericince through ou 1 Slot thorn C alifannia conducting vegetal for i rnarppingl oil e:xcitic non-native species. Acditianally, he has coriduded biolagiral rnanitdring oil construction anc nrairitcriar ice projects in ery ir€onmeritally sen isil h a arreas. He is currently m orN ing ori a variety of habitat restciratiori and biological rretsciurce prrojects %itll various responsibilities at HRS. RRCIJECT ExP9R19NCH Haibitat Resittioratlion and Maintenance Cat,city oil o range, Iriteg rated W ante Management Dell:arntm ent (IWN D) Native Plant I-at itat Manag e€ment and Maintenance Slerviaes for Landfills, Orar€gle County, Califarnia. For this 6-year contract, HRSI provicec managlerrenrt and rrrairitananeer services Ibr the native plant habitat sites within da FRB and Saint iaga Canyon laridfrlls. Areas iricluca anpro;mimalely 60 atcre€s cif US harb[tat restoratiori ori site, CI.14 acre oil ripaniani strut Hatitat, 91.0 acres of upland and coast live aale hatitat at the FRB site, anc IXI acres of CSS habitat at the Salnitiaglo Canyon landfill. As crew lea der, N n. N atthews worNec with H RSI staff in providing weer abatement services, plarm ingl,arc: irrigaltion it ista Natian.C sad far the client is to ob to in agency sign-off ari these prajects. HPISi wa6ed closely with client 1a accomnlish this goal. Woodward Wetland Rcistoratiori and N aintlenariae, Intel ral Hroperties, California. HRSI implemented the Hatitat Mitigltiani avid Monitarringl Fllan IIHMMP, by in€cludingl trash anc e itt otic vegletatiori re€mov al as w ell as g rad ingl to provide€ the tapoglraph y to ach ierve the Hycrcriagical characteristics required 1br the re-es tat lis hmerit oil wetlanic habitat. Mr. Manthorpe was the project forerraniisar 1br this project Gracing was cane to provide randomly sHapec canitaurs to mare closely reseimdle the topoglrapHy cd the aciace€nit uncisturtex ripar€iari Habitat. OtHer re€storationlconistrr,clian effanls includec: sigri installation, planting oil 1-glallori conitairier plarits anc cuttings, hydroseedirig, and irnigatiori installation. Slice goals 1br the aquatic llunciians anc servicc3 all the rcistoratiori area includa establishing hydrologic conne€clivity, prravic a floor control, irr€prrave U ia1 is s1 rt,o ure anc c ivensity, pr€ov id a vn a1 er filtration acid establisH wilt life habitat. HRSI in€stallec ant maintainer the BMP's onsite anc is cantractud io peri orm the long-term mainternianice€on this pnojeat. The Crossings all Carlsba€c Habitat Narinter€anice Project, City of Carlsbad, California. N r. Matttilema was a crew leac er for this H at itat maiin€teiranee nnaject at The Crossingls GaH Clounse in 1he city of Carlstad. aver, Ia,OC10 native plants were€ insuIled ini Octoter 2(103 in both tH e w et[an( 21 u plant 3111 H RSI pravic ec h at itat maintenance and nest oration 1br tH a 41 aures of coastal sagle scrruU anic 7 acres of wetlancs. HRS warrked clas al) with 1He project team including the tiologlists, enigineems anc larncscape architects to mocker sure the€ pnaiect met all success criteria farr succe€ssllul agency sign-off __.... . ._.. jj.._. .__._cc_ ._.___. .................... ....... __. ...... . _ ... ..._ _W Barg e I of 3 KYLE MATTH EWS — CCIN111N U813 Reiter's Canyons Resgional Park Mitigations Project, Oranges County Rublici Works, California. Mr. Maiihems i; a project fanemanilsunervisar for this HRSI Rrojeci. HRS is the canitractor br the restoration oil thea wetlanic area. The first stage of this projesai involver cleaOrill oveir i9(1 nc'n-rativei trees througlhcrLt thea miles lorig wetlainc. Ther size oil then times varieid ilrom a ❑8H ailt" to as largle as IS". HR9 rias atle tci carriplete the clearing of all trees in less tHari to a mantes s b ellorc the si art of the t ird nesting ;eras ani. M ainitenance aciivities for the ilirsi fiver yearns of ihes Niter's Caniyar Vuash einivironimeniul e'nhance'meirit Rncije'ct will incluc e mead abatement, supplurnesntal nlansting, e'raaiciri control, pest control, trasUdabris resrriaval, arc starrri flaw mainteinarcu. Lower Blac"ood CreeiN Habitat Restoration, Califarria Tahae Comervancy,lCalifornia Departmieinit of Genciral 9erviaes, California. The 111.,e million construction projerct has c esiglned to rei;tore and improve habitat, water c uality, and channiel stabiliiy for the cr'ee'k. The project accresses anpli-w mately I,(0( lineiar feet cif creak realignment incorporatiril niativei plant revcgetation and biotechnical inea'tmeints 11or enhancing fisH anc tmrrev i ial habitat anc stab ilizingl craek banks. C onstructior is eurreini ly boring Gond ucteid by H RSL HRS is providing)mar ageiment, fielc directicin, anc oversiglhi fan construction and nlarnt estatlishmeint. Mr. Ma'tthems was the project coorcinaior and Aorke( clasel) Aith the HRS Rrojew and Con;iruction Managler alcinig A ii h the cliernt anc reportinig ageincim. Habitlat Biological Monitoririg Saddleback Resicential Oevelopmeinit Project, Western Riverside C oL nily Reigicirial Conservations Authority, Riverside County, California. This projerct incluclad t her Rnenaration of ihes M Lnz's Onion Sadvagle and Mor itaningl Man, by Eluceli Hologlisi, Andy Thamsoni, which Rravicec recommeircal ions fcri salvaging the stale-IisieK en(anigerred Muna's cinior (IINGum munafi) 11rorr' the' Rr'aject area usinil tFe "sail block men had" anc trar splanting to an c'n-site' preserve' ariea. Mr. Matthews Rnovidec biological monitoring ilor the lang-te'rm mains enance pori ian of this nnaje'ct. Joli Anne Leick tag Elementary School #7, San Marcos Unified Slahool District (191v USD), Sari Diego County, Caliilornia. Served a; ihe' biological monitor ori this school project anc part oil the tetarn irvalvesc it rarer plant surveys for the state-lister endangarec and fecmrally listed, threatener threw-leaved Hradiaea (Bnudicea orautt'i) plant specics anc mapper the (ix tent oil ihe napulaiic'n ai the 111-acrei site ini the County of San Cliglo.Ac citionally, continues to work ae the'lonigl-term biologieail monitor far this projexK. Sari Vicente Darr Raise C cirr Rlianae Monitoring, San ❑ieiga County Water Au thority, Sari 11aga County, California. Sdrvec as a biological mor it or for the San Vicente Claret Raises Flroject Rrciparerd the Ocliicate Clarkia M itigation aric M anitat-irg Plari, which c etailec the process ilor salvaging anc re'locai ing Rcrpu lai ions all c elican a clarkia �Clank'a c eliaalc) facim impact areas i o pro's erve areas. Rrav is ed an nt al rric'nh aringl anc qu antiu i ive data collum for 1k'r t hes program and pncipared anneal status reports. NRG Slalar Mitigation Site in Neenaeh, Clahibrnia. Mr. Matthews is serving a, Hological monitoring for ihes 9urrowinil-Owl (VIthene cunicukria) cin aver 21(I acres which Aerie impriniec %ith native seed by HR9 in 71012. This site contains iI marl-maK a burrows thai provide ihe d(is ire( H at itat avid Rnateci ion that the Bu rrawing Oh is rec a ira. Ir November of 201:1 i heirei was photo cc'cumentaiion confirm ingthe use of the constructer burro" by the Burr'awin81-OAI. ....._---_-------.__._ . . RS Page'71 0112 Major — Project Manager/Supervisor Mata Major is a habitat restanatan specialist %itH over 71 years' EDUCAITior pnafessionial experieincu %orNinigl ars ani esnviriorinieriul specialist Univensity oilClaliformia,San Diega arc prioject mainagler ani a variesty oil pt blit ainic private prajeats. BA, Environmental Sysierris,21(I016 He has (xtensivE experience %itH habitat restclratan prajecits CEF TIAICATIONiJUCE� SEIi irvolving sesnsitive resources, iriCILdinig rarer plant species, Qualiliec ARpllicatcn License (IQAL) wetlames Faibitats,arnc habitats far encaniglerec wilt lifle. #1281913 Categuuies B, CI, F Mr. M ajar's experienices iricludes habitat rnairrceniance fare a varicity (B p. 1)131,1X114' oil projercts iri southerri California. He also has eI)Itenlsive fielc experiesnce througlhcut Saulherri C alilbrr is condi ct nigl abia tesrrrent of eix(Mis rioni-r iatives s pe(sies.Ac diticiniall), he has mair iaged crew,s ibr conviructicin arnc maintenance project< iri ernvironimentally serisitha areas. He is ct rreritl) %orkingl an aivariesty of Habitat restoration prcijects mitfl vairiom respansibilities at HR9. PROJBCT EXRERIBN CE Habitat Reislloratlion and M airltlerlance As Needec Habitat Management, San Diego County Wal er Authori", San Cliegla, Calillornia. Nr. N ajor is cu rnently the Rrloject M aniaigler llor i his as neec ec Habitat Services cantract mhich has iniclucec multiples High-pncifile Habital crearticini, mainagemerit, arrd mainteniarice projects. At they Slain Vicente Dam in Lakesidel, HRS perlorni ari aquaitic Herbicice application Hy boat ori approArnaitcly 95,0(ICI linear feet of shorerlire. HRS maintains mitigaitiori areiu ibr the SDCV�A at the Sarni Vicerite aril Lake Herdgleu 9mergelnc) Pdrrrpirg Storage) Facilities, and iri the spring oil 210121 successllt Ily carrrpleted a 5-yearn mairil(inanice arnc niamigemesnt praglrarri at Escondida Clrecik wH icH ressultec in pruject sigri-ofl Ilrons Stater Aglencies. As N uac EIC Habitat M ariag ement Services, C err torr for Natural Larlc s Management, C aliforr ia. M n. N ajor is I he project sugelry is cir ibr th is grajum H RS is current ly pravic irig habitat maintenarnice arnc cnher as-needed services flor the Center of Natural Lanics Manasgemeni in Southerri Califannia. Mn. Majan is the primary contact and Project Manager nesparisible for coordinatirigl projects with the Sari Di(sgci Regional Rreserve Mariagen in the multiple habitat areas that the CNLM manages. Rrajects are a)itrerriely varied in size avid scope, ant haivel inicludcid specialty hurt icic Ei aipplicatioris, remote lira,,it)-fed irrigation system desiglndbtilc projects, hesavy equipment trail repasir, Iarliel-scales invasive plaint removals, velletation eleararicc, anc Elenenal habitat mainterianee. Native Habitat N ainterlance Seimiees for Mitigation Site for Riparian Upland IIMathis), Orange County Parks, California. Mainteiriarices and establishment services iri a semi-riparian mitiglanian site insic a they Alisa Wooc Canyons VV ilc esrniess Hark in Aliso Viejo. Workirigl closely with OC Hark Rangers anic they Biolaglicarl Monitclr, HR9 irriglaies the site with a portable water trailer, avid is prcividing ren ial plasntingl anic scelc irig to aic ini the establishmEirit al a sustainaible Icical plaril cammiLnity. HRS has utilizec its in-hot ser Nt rsesryto collact and grcipagastes Intal plaint material prom establisHec habitat asrourid the mitigation sites. IIF is approach ensures tH at genetic ac apta i ianis to local cant itioris will be preservec and utilized to grow as sustainable, resistant plant community. NIRS __ _ __ ______ _ _ ...._ ..._ ..____ .______._.____ _ �Raigle I o112 MATT MA)OR — CCINTINUEC Twin Oaks Valley Raad Extension, On-site aind Oftlpsite Upland CSISI & CHaparral Mitigation Programi, City of Sla n Marccis, C alifornia. M r. N ajor is the project supervisor ilor this HMI project. HKplrovideid Habitat rc!toratian neveigetation installation anc remei(ial nepaiir hank,anc ares currelr sly provicingl lcir&term maintenia rice fan the Twin Oaks Valley Raad Exi(nsiori an-site anc off-site Lpland mitigation program.The project incluces over 15 acnes of restaratian of coastal salle scrub ij0S; and chaparral habitat an-site, as weill as over 8 acres of CS9 habitat restaral ion at ari off-site Sycaimore Chive location.Assciaiateld work also incluces mocifrcations and remedial work tci cin existinill 0.861-acre weltlanc mitiglation area off-sitei tHat was 1pevioLsly failing) zinc irriplumentation of an ac ditianal 0.32-acrei weitlanic mitigattiori tinea as ac d itiorial compensation to saitisfy reisouneei agency permitting nequireiments. F eteir's Carry ani Regional Park Mitigation Project, Oraingel County F u b Iia Works, Caliilornia. Nn. Najor is a RnciE= superviscin for this HR51 Rrcijeet. HRS is the ccintraanan fcir the reisioration of the Aetlanc area. The 11inst stage all this Rroject involve( clearing Giver 715( nan-native trees throughout then mile lang Aetlanc including) species such as Eucalyptus, Reruvian Reipperi, CHinese Fan Rairnis, Acacia, anc Washi%ion Palms. The size of the trees variec frarn a DBH of 6" W as large as 79". HRS was able to comRleite the clearing of all trees in less than twcl months beifcuie the) start cd the) birc nestirill seasons. Maintenance activities 11or the first five yeiars Gill the Reier's Canyor Wasli eniviranmuntal enhanceirrieint project will include weiec abatcrrient, supRlem(intal Wanting, erosion control, peist contnal, trash/debris removal, zinc storm flove mairituriance. Coastal gage Schuh Restoration (Slite B, Marine Clcigs Excihange, and Pilgrim Clreielk), C aim p Pendleton, California. M r. N ajan is the project su purvisar far this HR9 Rrciject. HRS is pnoviding CSS restoration serviices for this 30-acre)site. Rrojact inicludes soil irriprimingl, containem plaint planting hycraseeding, and pncltection of the threat-leaved Bradiaea is its current Icication. ❑uring years 3- 5, the fCICLs is rteeid and e)icitic species (antral anc encouragement cif the ccintainer plant ceveloprrieim with maintenance ant ihei use oil protective cages. RS Pagle:I oil 2 EXHIIBITI "BI" 'iFEE SCHEDULE Tal:Ie I i9 DudWs cost 9ummairyl fcm tHis prajeici. TABLE 1.COST SU M MARY Required CDU permit J mainlenanae agneement $6,000 Rive-Yeah On-;lite Main#n ance-Anizon a Crossing $ 19,360 Rive-Yean Off-:lite Mainie nance -Syuimone'trails Stables $9,000 Rive-Yean Bioloc ical Monitoring and Report ing $28,820 Ina iden lal Costs $1,000 Sub-lcdal $67,180 Irngalion of on,10 sile meas via waten tnuO (58 events) $23,200 llemponary E ydranl N ete n $2,250 Wale n se rvice ll(es $6,840 gut-total $32,290 Destructive NaluualOccwrrenceRepllartirg lClpllianal; $1,650 Tatal $101,120 D U DBS K A nizoria Crossing Rh a Yean M oriii orinigl ar d N ainten anicc A rajact I EXHIBIT B aAWAO 1p 11115112013 � a D13 City of San Juan Capistrano Ageport TO: Karen R. Brusi, Ciiy M Tna /'FRC M: Keith Van Der Maaten, , blic W c 0 a anc Utilities Dinectcr Rrepared by: Khocri Tan, P.O., Senior Civil Engineers llt'�r DP 11B.- N cvember 5, 2013 SL BJEC-1: Cc nside ratic n cf Approval of a Rersc nal Services Agneerrient to RerFerrri Five-Year Monitoring and Maintenance for Cn-site and Cff-site Mitigation Associated with the Repair / Reconstruction cf the Arizona Cressing at the East Open Space ijDL de k; RBCC MMBN DA-LION: By moilicri, apprcve a Rensonal Servicies Agreement \N# DudeN for a rict-te-exceed arrICLnt of $111,232 tc perfcnm five-year mcnitcring anc maintenance for cri-site and cf11-site mitigaiicri asscciatec with tl•e repain / neccnstruciiieri cf the Arizeria Cressing al the East C pe n Space. EXECUTIVE SIL MMARY: -Ihe Arizona Crc ssing is Ic cate c at Slan uan Cree N apprcxirriate ly a quare er mile dowrisilrearri cf the Ortega Hgrway Bricge at Antonio Parkway, and prc�ides ccrmectivily between ire Ranchc Mission Vie'o Riding Rark at San uan Capistraric and the Reata Rark and ffi erii Center. llhe Arizona Crossing was c arriaged during il'e heap y rams cf DeCe rriber 2010, and was subsequently re paired c ri Nc vembe r 30, 2012. As pari cl the Streambed Altenailicri Agreerrieni ketween the City and ire Califcrriia ❑epartment cf Fish and Wildlife, a five-year menitcring and maintenance plan for cri-site and off-site mitigaiicrr is required. Staff f as solicited pnopcsals fan cronsuliant and support services io pericrrri the regLined five-yeah monitcring and maintenance fcn on- site and cfil-sile mitigation asscciatec will- tl-e repair of the Anizcria Crossing, and is recommending that the City Council approve a Rerscnal Slervices Agneerrieni wilt DudeN in the total amount cf $101,120 plus a 10% cc ntirige ncy fcn a nc i-to-exceed amouriil of $111,233. Cc ntract c bligatic ns are e)pe cied to be fulfillec by Decremt en 31, 2018. However, a contract termination date is set for JL ne 30, 2019, to allow time for proper close-out cf administrative and c i t e n iterris related io tl-e project. City Council AgErida Re pori November 5, 2013 Plage 2 of 3 01rICLEISIQN /ANALY%II%I: Repairs io ihE Arizona Crossing wenE corripleted on Noveimken 30, 2012, in corripliancEi with the Stmambed AltEiration AgreemEint (Nollificaiiori NLmbeir '1600-2012-0116-R5;, whicih neqL ineid tf ei on-site rei-vegeilation of 0.119-acne oil riparian habitat within ilhEi project ansa, and thEi nemoval of 2,000 square feEI o9 giant cane (Arundo donax; and rei- vEigOalliori at ari off-sites lociation, &emed as ihEi ciomrleirisatoryl mitigation site. Re- veigeitaiion at both on-site and ofil�siie lociations were completed in mid-2013 and corripnised oil Willow trete plantings and h arid-seceded riative woody PEuneinriials in onden to neistone the undeirstorYl species. Thea on-sites 0.119-acne net-vegetation anea is located on ih ei northerly bank of the %lari ,uan CneiEik all the Arizona Cnossirig betwlEien the REiata Park and Bveril Cenleir, and the Rancho Mission Viejo Riding Flank ai San uan Capisirano (Ericlosune 1). The off-sites nei-vegEiailiori anea is located adjacent to the llrabuco Creeik on pnivatEi property owriEid by the %lycarrione Tnails Stables aclueistrian CEIntElii at 26283 Cso Roac in %lan uan Capistrano (Briclosune 2). llhEi E-linearribEd AltEunation Agreeirrieirill also rEiquims a fives-year monitoring and maintenance plan for ori- site and off-sitEi mitigation. flog r (4) Requests ilor Proposals (RRP) went send out fon the projEicis on urie 5, 2013, to BoriTerna Clorisulling, Glenri Lukos Associateis, VCM BnvirorimEintal, and Dudek to pEirform thea nequineid five-year rrioriitoning and maintenance plan ilor ori-sites and off-sites miligaiiori. Pnoposals wEire received from each of these ilirms on urie 21, 2013, willh thea eixcEiption of BonTErra Cons Itirig duel to CHEint ciommillmenls and projEicd workloac . Thei proposals weirei EivaluatEd by staff acciording to cionsultant eixpeiiiencEi, qualifications, and ability to pETIorm thea nEicessary work. Du&k sciorEid thEi highEist according to th e abo%e criierions Eisilablist eid 1lor ilirm sEIEKIlion. Cosil evalualioris were also perlorrrieid to allow direct cost ciomparisons beitwlEeen thEi rlrorlosals rEiceived for th a requireic scone of work as follows: Rinrri N arrie Total Coal VC,I EnviroriMntal $ '105,301 C l6nn Luk os Associates $ '108,631 DL desk $ 99,470 Thea costs shown above area incdusivEi of irrigation fon on-side and off-sites lociations (wailer ilruck, temponary hydrant rriEtU anc wailer sEirvicei flees,. Staff is reicommenc ing that the City Council appnovEi a PEunsonal SET%icEis AgreeirriEint with DucElk in thea not-110-Ei)ceeic amount of $111,232 which inoludes an optional coal of $1,650 for replanting at both on- site and oft-site locations Qas deipicleid on Enclosures 1 and Enclosures 2; shoulc a nallural cEalructive iricidenll ocour within the fi%e-yeiar rrionitoning period, plus a 101/o contingency. City Cciuricil P gE nda RE PCTI November 5, 2013 Page 3af3 FISCAL IMPACT: Tf a annual maintE nancE, rrioinitaning, and reirloiriing coasts associated with it ei mitigation effoirts weire ncit specificially inaluc eic in ihei Pc blic Works and UtilitiEis ❑eirlarIMEint Crleirating BudgEill far Fiscial Year 2013-2014. F aweiver, therEi is ilc ndincl available in P ccCL nt 19-83723-64113-00000-000 (Eastern C pEin Slpacei Maintenance) 110 ciovEir the ciost of this required miiligatian through thEi remainder of Fiscal Year 2CI13-2CI14. Staff will includes an annual arria<nt for this rEiquirEid mitigaticin intci future fiscial year annual operaiioinal budgEiis. EINVIRCNMBNTAL IMPAC-11I: N cit applicable. RRIC R CITY CC L NCIL REIVIBW: • C n C ctcber 16, 2012, il•ei City Cciunail approved thEi Sltneambeid AlteinalJori Agreeirrieirii IINcitiilicatioin NLrribEir: 1600-2012-0116-R5; witr thea California DEipartrrieinll oil Fisf and Wilc life (previously Califcirnia DEiparlrrient cf Fish and Came; for the reirlair and mairitenance cif thEi Arizcina Crcissirig that included measures necessary to protect ei)isting fish and wildlife resources. • C n Jany aryl 15, 2013, thea City CGL ncil approVEid the RigH of Entry LicEinsEi Agreeirrieni betWEien the City of San JL ari Capistranci and Rcinald B. F arisciri, pnopEirly ciwner, tci allow 1fei .City tO pEirform rniticlation woirk as pari of the Prizcina Cnossing rEistoiration project. CCMMISSICN/CCMMITTEB/BCARD RIBVIEW AND RECCMMENDATICNS: N oat applicable. NC-IIFICATICN: Dudek \ICS BnvircirimEintal GlEinn Luk cis Associates BcinTeirra Consulting ATTACF MON-fl(S): AtIa&rrierit 1 - Rerscinal %Seiruiceis PclrEiemEint EncdasurEi 1 - Locaiioin Map of On-site Miiigaiicin Area ilArizona Crcissing) EnalasurEi 2 - Lcicaticin Map of Cff-sitEi Mitigaiicin Area at the Slyciamoirei -(rails Stables Equestrian Ceinter PERSONAIJ SERVICES AGRE EMEN I -IF ISA G REEM BNT is made, eiriteneid intc, and shall beicomei Effective this day cf 20'13, by and beiilweien the City of Sari uan Capistrano QI'elieiinafter reifeirrec filo as the "City"; anc Dudek ilheireinaftr refeurned to as if ei "Consultant"). RECII-IA LS: WHBREA%I, Clity desires to retain the seirviiceis of Consultant Io perfenrri fi%e-yeian monitoring and rriaintenaricei fc r c n-sile and ofil-site miticl ation associateic with thea repair/ reicionslnuction of the Arizona Crossing all the East C peen %Spaces, anc perform neplariling all both on-site and off-site lociatic ns should a natural deistructivei incident occurwithin the fivei- yeiar monitoring period; and WHBREASI, Cc nsL Itarit is qualifieid by virtue of e)peirieince, -training, eidc cation and eixpeirtise to accomplish such services. NOW, -IF EREFC RE, Cily and Consultani mL tually agree as follows: Stec tien ' . Sc epee of Wook. _f•ei scc pe of work to k e performed by the Cc nsL Itaril shall consisl of thcse tasks as seat ilorth in B)hibit"A," atilached and incorporated herein by reference. Tc thea eixlent if at if ere i area any conflicils beitwleen the provisions descnibeid in Exhibit "A"and thosei prc%isions conllairieid within this Agneieirrienl, thea prop isions in this A greiement shall ciontnc I. Election 2. Term. This Agreeirrienl shall cemrrience cri iF a effeclivei date and shall teuiminatei, and all services reiquireid here-,ndeii sl'all be compleIeid, no lacer if an .une 30, 2019. Section 3. Compens7aiticin. 3.1 Amount. -Ictal cornpeinsalion for the seir%fiCEa hereunder shall noll exceied $'111,232 inclusi%a cf conSL Itant fees of$101,120 as seat fc d f in Bxhibit"B" plus a filen perceint('I 0%; contingeinciy, altacheid and incorporateid herein by neference. 3.2 Method oll Payment. Subjeicl to Seicilion 3.1, Consultant shall submiil morilhly invoices oil $1,657.83. -lhei City will pay rrienil•ly grcigress payrrierils based on apprcived invoices in accondaricei wi& this SECII ion. Charges in exceiss of the stip lateid rrionthly arriouriil shall be subject tci appro�al t y if e PL blic Works Mainteriarice Manager. 1 3.3 Reccirc s cif Expenses. Corisuliant shall keep cicirriplelle and acicw rate reicords of all costs and expenses iricideintal to seruicies cicivenec by 0 is Agreement. M ese neciards will be made available ai reasonablei iimies is the Clity. Invoicies shall be ac dresseid as prop idec for in Section 16 below. Eleclion 4. Indepenc ent C eintractcir. li is agreied that Corisuliarii shall aot and k e an iric epeindeint clantractor and rioil ari ageint cir employees cif thea City, and shall ok Hain rio rigl-is to ariy k eneflis w r ich aocift a ici Agency's employees. Election 5. Uimitations U peen Slubcontraating and Assignment. -01-a experience, know ledge, capability and reipulatian of CorIsL Itaril, its r1rinaipals and erreplayees weiie a substariiial iridLciemerii fon the Clity io einter info iris Agreement. Corisu Itarii shall riot coriilract w ilT any otheir eriiliily to rierform the seruicies required without writilen approval of the Cliily. M is Agreement may riot k e assigned, volt ntaiiily cir k y operailion of law, w ithoL 11 IT a prior w 6iten approval of ih e Oil). If Corisu Itarii is rlermitiled io SIL bcoriilracil ariy pari of this Agreemerii by Clity, Corisultarill all all k e resporisible to ih e Ci11y ilor the acts and omissions oil its sL bcoriiraciior as it is foil persons c iiieciily emeplloyec . Noth ing coriilainec in tlr is Agreernerill sh all creailei ariy ciontractu al relatiorisli iris between any sr bcorillnacllor and City. All persons engagec in Re wonk will k e oonsic eyed errrlloyGes of ClonsILItant. Cilly will decal directly wish and will make all payments 10 ClonsLNlant. Slectieen 6. Changes lee Elcope citWerk. For extra work riot part of this Agreement, a wrillteri authorizatiori from Ciiy is requiiiad prior ilo Consultant Lnderiaking any extra work. in 1Fe everill of a change in tF e Scone of Wark pro%ided fon in the conllracll door meents as reqLeslleid ky 11F e City,the Rarties heireto shall execute an addandL mi ilo this Agreemierill settling 1lorih with Mari iculadty all ienmis of iF a new agreeimeeni, inclu ding bL 1 not limited to any ac ditional ClonsL Itant's feces. Seatioen a. Familiarity with Work and/cir Ccenstruatioen Slite. By execLiing J is Agneemenl, ConSL Itan1 warrants 1ha11: (1; i1 has irivestigaied 11-e work ilo k e performec ; (2) if applicable, ii r as inveisiligaiec the work site(s), and is awane of all oondiilions there; and (3; ii uric erstaric s it a facilities, c ifficullieis and nesiMallions of lh e work io be performec uric en chis Agneemenl. Shoulc Corisuliariil disoa%er any laierii or L nkno"n coridiiions meateiiially differing from chose inr ererii in the"ark or as represeniec by City, ii shall immec iaiely infonm iF a City of this and shall not prooeed wish further work L nder ih is Agreement until written insimci icrns ane neoeivec ilnome the City. 2 Section 8. Time cif Bssence. Time is oil tt a essence in the K erformarice of it is Agreement. Seoticin 9. Ceimpliance with Uaw. Consuliant shall comply Wit all applicable laws, ordinances, nodes and regL laiians of fudeiial, state and locial go%ernmient. Section 10. Conillicts eiil Interest. Consuliant covenants it at it plresenily has rio interest and at all not acqL ire any interest, diiieici or indirect, w t ict woL Id conflict in any mariner or c egree with it e performance of the services coniemiplaiec by it is Agaeiemerii. N o person t aving SIL ch interest st all k e employed by air associaileid Wit CanSI,Itant. Sectioin 11. Copies cif Wcirk Prod ucl. At it a ccrrnipleii ion of it a work, Consultant at all hay ei deliveiied to Clity at least one ill) copy of any firial reiporis and/oii notes oii c rawings containing Corisuliariil's flridirigs, conclusions, and iiecommeric ations witt any supporting documeriilailion. All reports submitted to the City stall be in reiproc ucit le 1loamiai, on in it ei format otherwise approved by tt a City in waiting. Eeclion '12. Cwnership cif Documents. All ref orts, information, data and ext ibiis preparec or assembled by Corisuliariil in con riection with 11 a performance of its services puasIL ant to this Agreement are confidential to tt a extent peirmitileid k y law, aric CanSI,Itant agrees it at they at all not k e iniac a a%ailablei io any iridis idual or organizaiion without poor written consent of Ther Clity.. All SIL cit aeporis, informiaiion, data, anc ext ibiils at all t e the property of the City and shall be deliveaeid to the City L pon demand w tit out ac diiicnal costs or exrlensei to the City. Thei City acknowlec ges SIL ch docll rnienis are iristn menis of Corisultani's pacfeissiorial ser%iices. Secticin 13. Indemnily. To iter fullest extent parmiitiec by law, ClonsL liant aggeres to protect, defend, and t old t armless the City anc its eleciN a and appointive boards, cfllicers, agents, aric employees from any and all olaimis, liabilities,e)pensees, or darniages of any natuae, inCIL c ing atllorneys' fees, for irijuryl oa death of any peascn, or damiages of any natuae, iricluc ing interlererice with use of paoperiy, aaising ori of, or in any way cianneclAd wilt the negligence, recklessness anchor interiilional wacrngful conduct of CoriSL Itarii, Corisuliarii's agerits, officeas, emiplcyees, SIL bcoriiaaciors, or irideperic eni ciontractoas t ired by Con9L Itant in tt e performiance of it a Agreemerii. -Rhe orily exception is Corisultarii's responsibiliiy io proteci, deferid, and t oic harrrniless it e Clity, is dL a io it a riegligerice, reckleissness and/oa wrorigfL I coric uct of the City, or ariy of its eleiciive oa appoiniNe boards, officeas, agents, or 3 emiploy ees. This f old f armless agneemerii shall apiply to all liabiliily neclandless of wheir er any irisunarice policies are appilicable. 11t e policy limits do not acil as a limiiiaiion c pori t e amiourii of indemniflaailion to be provided by Cansulilant. Section 14. Insurance. On or befone beginning any of the services or worth culled for by any term of it is Agreemeriil, Corisu Itarii, all its own cost and experise, stall canryl, maintain ion It e c uraiion of It a agreement, and provide procif thereof it at is accepliable to the Clity, the insurance specified below with insurers and under forms oil irisunarice saiisfaciioryl in all respects is ft e Ciily. Corisullariil shall not allow any subaontracton io commence work ori any sut contrast urllil all ins rance requ inec olita Consl.Illant has also keen otiained fon the subcoriiraciton. Irisunarice reqs inec Ihereiri stall to provided by Irisurens iri good :iilandirig with tte Eiale of California and having a minimums Best's C u ide Rating of A- Class VII or better. 14.1 Comprehensive General Uiability. Tt roe clhou tilt a iermi of this Acireemient, Corlsl Itant stall miainiairi in fu 11 forcie anc efllect Comprehensive General LiabilitN coy erage iri an amoc rill not less it an orae million dollars pen accurrerice (1$1,000,000.00,', comibiried single limit coverage for risks associated wilt the work contemiplated ty this agreement. If a Commercial General Liability Irisunarice llormi or oirer form with a gerieral aggregate limit is L sed, eitt en the gerieral acignegate limiiil shall apply separailely 11a the wark to be periormied a nder this agneemeril or the cierieral aggregate limit shall be all least twice the necluired oaaL rrence limil. 14.2 Ccmiprehensive Automobile Liadility. Througt ori the term of it is Agneemerii, Consulilarit shall mairitain in ilL II fonce and effecil Comprehensive Automobile L iat slily ciovenacle, iriclL c irig ow ned, t inec and rion- awned veli icles in ari amoL nt not less thari orae million dollars per occumierice (1$1,00(1,400.04; . 14.3 We rkers' Compensation. If Corisultarii interic s ilo employ emiplo}ees io perlonmi services c nder It is Agreemeriil, Corisultariil shall of slain and miairiilain, during t11 a term of this Agreemeriil, Workers' Comiperisatiori Employer's Liabiliily Insunarice in the slAIL ioryl amoL nt as necluired by state law. 14.4 Proc f oll Insurancie RequirementsilE nc c rsemient. Prion io beginning any worth L rider It is Agneemeni, Cori3L Itant shall SL bmiit if e inSL range cerlifloailes, including t11 a dec uctit le or self-retention amoL rit, and ari ac diiional 4 insured endorsemient naming Ciiy, ills officers, employees, ageriis, and volunteers as additional insured as respecils each of the following: L iat ilily arising out of activities performed by cir on bet alf of ClonsL Itant, including 1 t e insurec's general SL perviision of ClonsL Itani; producds and completed oplerations of Consuliariil; premises owried, occuplied or L sed by ConSL Itant; cir automobiles ow reed, leased, hired, or bonrowed by ConSL Plant. The coveirage shall coriilain no speicial limitations cin ite scicipe of protection afforded City, its officers, employeeis, agenls, or%OIL nteens. 14.5 9rrors anc Cmissieris Covieracle Thnciugt out the ilerm of it is Agreemeriil, ClonsL Itant shall maintain Brrons and Omissions Covenage (pncifessiorial liat Hilly coverage) in an amiciunt of not less itan C ne Million Dollars($1,000,00Q. Flrion io beginning any work L rider 11t is Agreemeni, Corisuliarii st all sut mill an insunance certificate ilo the Ci4l's General Counsel for certification it all the irisunarice requinemients of this Agreement t ave been satisfieid. '14.6 Notice oil Cancellatic n/Termiinatic n c fl Insurance. The abci%a plolicry/polioies at all not terminate, rior shall they be cancellec, rion the coverages reds ced, L riilil afiler ilt irty(30; days'writilen notice is given to Clit)j, except that ten ill 0)c ays' notice shall be given if there is a ciancellaticin dL a to ilailurie to pay a plremiL mi. 14.A Vermis cf Compensation, Corisuliarit shall not receive any compensation uriilil all inSL rance prcivisioris havei been sailisfied. 14.8 Notice to Rroiceed. Consultarit stall riot proceed witt ariy work urider this Agreemient until thea City h as issc ed a w riilieri "N oilice lo Flroceed"verifyjing it all Corisultani h as corripliec Wit all inSL mince riequiremeriis of it is Agreeirrieni. Section 15. 7erminatiein. Clity stall Lave the night lo termiiriate tt is Agneemeni wiltout cause by giving itiriy (130) days' ac varice writilen nolice of termination 10 ClonSL Itant. In adc itiori, this Agreemerii may be terminated by ariy party for oause by providing ten (110' c ays' nallice ilo ite oilten party of a material breach of acintract. If it other party does rioil cure it e breach of contract, ilt eri it e agreemieriil may t e termiriailed SL bseqL ent to the ten (1 CI; c ay curie perioc . 5 Secticin 16. N citice. All notices shall be personally delivered or rriailed lo the below lislec addresses, on to SL ch olr er ac dresses as rrza be designalec by writllen notice. Theses adc resses sr all be L seid for c eliveryl of servicie cif pracess: To City: City of Sari Jean Capistrano 32400 Rasea Adelanto Slari ,uan Clapisilnano, CA 92615 Attn: K r oori Tari, R.B. To Consuliarit: ❑u del' 31878 Carriino Capistrano #1240 Slari ,uan Clapisirano, CA 92EI75 Attri: Michael Sweesy, RL A Secticin 17. AIWrneys' Fees. If ariy aciiion at law or in eqL ity is neicessaryl to enforce on interpret the terms cif tr is Agreemeriil, 11ra piie%ailing plar1y sr all be entitlec io neasoriable attorneys' fees, ciasts and necessary) disbLrseinients in acdiiion to any other neilief to which he may be entitled. Secitioin 18, Dispute Resolution. In ire e%ent of a dispute arising betweien 111ra parties regarding periorrriance or iriierpretaticin cif ilt is Algreerrient, the dispute shall be nesolveid t y t inding arbillrallion unc er tr a aL spices of the Judicial Arbitraticin anc Mediallion Service ("JAMS"). Section 19. Entire Agreement. llr is Agneemenl corisllift ieis lr a entine L ndersilanding and agreerrienil t etween W e parties and 91.persedes all pile%ion s negalliations between therri per aining to 11r a sut ject rriatller hereof. clecllion 20. Counterparts. -ft is AgWemeril may be execiL lec by It a Radiels in aourilerparts,which courillerparts sr all It e constrL ed togeir er and have tr a same affeal as if all the Rarties had execiL 11ed thei sarrie instrument. Cauntenclart signak res may be transmitted by facsimile, erriail, cir other elecilnoriic mearis and rave the sarriei f011CIEI and efilect as if they were onigirial signatures. 6 IN WITINEEEEI WHEREOF, ire Klartiesi hereto rave executed chis Agreemeni. C IIT1 OF EA N ,UAN CIP F IE T RIP N O By: at n Tlaylan, IV ay or CONSUL TPNTII By: ,3 ark Dudek, Rnek ent P IT1T ESTI: Maria Morris, City Clerk P R RROb 917 AE TC FORM: Ha nsi Van Ligien, City AI11orney 7 E)JHIBITI "All DUDER 1117!CA IM IN CI CAPIVIF AIS a 0201 mt, JUAN CAAISTRANCI,CALINCIRNIA 91E71 T 999.410.11:9 F 195.410.2116 June 21,3013 David Hub ler Public We H4 Nalinternaneel M arlaglerr C iiy oil Slar Juan C apistrana,Public Works Clepart relent 371,00 Pasco Ac elanta SlanJuan Capisirrarlo, Calilclrria 113615 SL b jeiCit: Ari21ona C rossing Fiver Blear Monitoring arid Mainternlance Project Clela n M r. Hu L cIFI, 13Ldek is pleascrd to Arogase 11or bialagical monitoring) for tFe Arinonla Cnossirlgl Five Yclar Monitoring)anc M ainienance Prc jest IlPrajerct far i her C it).We pravic a the fallowing w varnugers: Local Site Knowledge. Clu(elk anc crur cclnstnuction subsic iary, Habitat Restoraticln Scierncus iIHRSI), Faroe perlormec ovcul 3q projecu 11or the City, inducing) base mappinlgl an the llrlbucc Cneerk ilLoviesr•Rosarl) Wetlands Mitigaltion Frojaci. Ourr icarn is Wria olecgeadle arbaLt the nleecs and env ironlmen al const raiints of tF a project ar id i he local einv ironmer t. Other necerni projects fan the Grange Caurlty Public Warks Department include Los Alamitos Fump Sltationl watlarncs mit iglalticln mairltelnanleedmc rutorirlg,anc Talberrt Fraserver wetlands rrrairlternanlee/rrranitclrinlgl. Clc llat anative Maintenance-Monitoring Services. Our integrated tuarn simplifies the mairltananica anc rrlonitoringl pracciss dy rrlairltainlirg open Iinles oil communication beltweern relstoraticln cantracton, prajeci ticlagist, and the City, corrlpressingl the decisicln-makirg and irnplementa i ion t irriefrani • Less Intlerprellatiarl and Ovensi8hll: Nanitoring and maintenlance ccllatoration requires less interpi etatian by tH a cantracton curing mainterlarrnce activities, resultigl in less projeclt ticiclgist ovenlsight rleeKec anc Hive obstacles io overcome. Corrlrrunlicatiarn flows easily, Lercwean the City, biclagical rrranitar, anc restoraticln contractor enhance compliarlae AitH permit scans itions anc achiclve established perrfarrmarnlca criterrlia. • Flexibility to ClHarge: Marintenarlce-manitarinil collaboration grcvices grieater flexibility v�hcrn remedial wculk is requires. Acaptive maraglemert dercisionls ares eluicwly mace to modify the maintenance reglime crus remedial wark to promote success. • Availability of Plant Materials: HRS' ability to propagate plant materials anc procLlrle seed alleac oil iirrle helps assure planet anc sales mailatility ill remedial wank is implemented. Wei loclk 11orwarc to cantinuirlg aur professiclnlal relarliclnsHip with the City. 11 you Have any qu esti erns relgalyd ing this prclposal, please contact aur pimiect manager, Sltuart Fraser at sfraser@c udek corn or A60.4391,'37H. Slinlcerel�, SAWrank Dudek Michael 1%eesy,IkLA F rlesic elms Prinaipal in C F arlge N VW JUD9K CICIM II �,TABLE OF CONTENTS S9c'nic h s DuccWHR9 Firm Oveirview....................................................................................................................1 2 flnaject Mainaqler ainc Key Reiriaanrel.....................................................................................................3 1.1 Rrojern M air ageirrier t.................................................................................................................4 1.2 Rrojern Teiam...............................................................................................................................5 3 Stateimerm of QL aaliflcaticrns.....................................................................................................................7 4 Scopei cif Wark........................................................................................................................................13 5 Fee SICHeic L1............................................................................................................................................ 19 6 Hourly Rates............................................................................................................................................21 TABLE C ast Su rrimairy....................................................................................................Sue sanarata eln daps FIIGU RE I DL ak Team Orgariizaticinial Chart.......................................................................................................3 APPEN L7IX A Reisumas DU DE 14 Arizona Crossing Five Year Nonitoring arc N airneriancie flrajeec rct 'r INTENTION AU LY LEFT BLANK �U�8� Arizona Cussing Five Yeiar Monitoring anc Maimeriance Prciject ii DUDEK/HRS FIRM OVERVIEW Ducuk pravices environmental and Einglirueeri% services to h(ilg clients (asigln, plan, permit, corislnuct, anic manage public and nrivata scictar projects througHaui Califarnia. Habitat Re:ii oration SlciEtnices i1H RSI) is a leac irig Restanai ian C antractar in C alifornia nnov icing rriii igaticln eonsinuetion avid mainitcrianica,and laric rrianiagemant setrvices. Turnkey Habitat Restoration Services Dudek avid H R9 Rricn id a callabonal ive mairid erianice and rriciriitoririll services i o maintain, monitor, aric acaRtively, managic habitat nestaration projects. Dudek corrbineis Eixtelrusive Habitat restaratian cesigIru anic morihoring e)pcinierica Niih HRT consinuctiori, maintenance, antic lanc manaigarnfint exner W ei, tcl provic a "tu rink ey" habitat restaraltion services to our aliens. Wankirig with an initegrgte( warr cambir mill c esigln, coristru ci ian, and post-const ructiori servicEl9, clierits bE niefit ilrom a restoratiani program irriplerrieri iri a strciarrrliriec, cost-ciflleciivei rriarrier to motet perlormaricEl gclals with inti neglu latarytimEl llramcis avid finianicial e)R(ictatioms. Dudek Firm Rrofile For over 30 years, a u c ek has bE eri nnov is ing practical CI u o I K SERVICES scllutians Ilor Calillorr is s open space, land ce cilcrpri . Agenay Permitting enerDl, transpartationi, waiter infrastnucturre, anc municina! groClur mi(-si�eic structure aIION9 us to bei nirrlble f3iolagical St rveys anc Nanitorin€I jEicts. problem solveirs v4 id prajeict managers Nho will stay irvcdvec • CEQA/�EPA Compliance in the C ity's project*-orr start io finiish NHiIEI offerinilI a cent} Coastal Planning Permitting anic variety of services. Our cimiranmfinu I team Ilocules on: 4 civil Engineering 4 alirriate Change Analysis a nd Dlev E Ioprric nt We have inti-c enth experiar i rrlariaginill Planning projects where) 9cicincu, regulatory requiramerits, arnc Ccnstruatiun Management community and stakehaker interests'canirergo.Wewillguid(I the City through aralysis, Elntitlemeni, permitting) anc Habitat fiestoratian and innRlemenitinig oil the Arizona Crossings Rrai • Ha�aiindc ject. N adc enc us Materials Testinll Resource Management) We prciNkc sciance-cased aniadysis 0 Hydrelcgy Ibr preserve desiglni and species surve)l matho(cilci caupled 0 Sustainability Planning Nith habit2i planning),netmittiri&design and instxllatiori e)pcirtise• 0 Unban flcrestry Canservation WEI Rlan ani( desigln Rraciical, sustainable • Wilc fine Pratecticn Planning agpnclaches ilor lane maniaglemant, waiter supply, arnc aWaten Conservation Planning 3Recies d ioc Nersity. • Wa(Eir Infrastructure Planning&Design �. ......__...._.m......... DU D13M Arizora Crassingl Five)ear Nanitariq and IvairitEinamcEl Araject I Du[3EIK/F- MI FIRM CVERVIEW HRS Hiram Plmofilel HRS' is a full-seirvicei nestanatior i corn radar %iitH ext ens ive HRS SERVICES experieincei Building, rrvintairiingl and mainaging small zinc large mitigation projects. Han oven 20 years, HRS staff has sucaessllully Qualified biolagistl atitat manager Ferlormec habitat rmtoraticin installation and longi-term • Regular habitat mainienanae and mairn enaince services. We have of taineid aglericy, sign aff ori ma nage me nt huridreds of projects. HR9 crews ane weill trained and • Habitat uestciriaticin and enhancement experienced with naitive species and contrrolli% irivasivei miatic . 9ialagical surveys and reporting weeds. Clur team provides tmia licensed pesticide apnlicatans and 0 Imiasives and exotics canr nal a staff of habitat restanation specialists ainc stiff Bicil%ists wHo Integrated pest managlemem have worked tcigethen an riumetious reistoratian prajects to crusta pis ilius peso its fan au r clients. Reintrocuarion of native speaies • Outreach and educational prof9rarris As ai Califarriia A-C einenal 9nSineieringl licensed cantractor we Ibr home ow ners anc HOAs prravicei full-service erigirieeming and landscape coninactirig for • Inturiz ctions with rusounce agencies installation and langl-terrrri rciairiienariae of Callifarinia naltive firei departmanis,anc Iat al hatiiai amid associates public infriasiructure irstallation and junisciciiom reipair. THis allfers ai significant advartage far aur clients who . Annual reporting) pnefer a licensed contractor paired with ihei expertise) of aur specially trained staff Ibr workirgl in natural ecosystems. Wei team witil DuceN's habitat deuiglnens, laridscape arcilitects, erigineeirs anc ccinistruation praafessianals to provider turnka) eantraciinigl for public anc private lane anc inikimit-L tura ceveloprrierii. THis includes heavy equiprnernit fan right-of-way, underground; storm drain installation; riprap anc teach wall reipain; concrete Headwalls anc catcli basins; bias%ale insta Ilatior; and apeirated equipment nerii al. Q UALITV C C)N-nRC L ❑uceWi teaknidal ecitorial zinc publicatians cenarimeant uses efficient) accurate styles anc aglerncy i errrplaws, wHen s pplicable, to produce high-quality c acuments done riglHt the first timer. ❑uc eN's geoglraph is it forrt atian sy stem QG19) staff helps client s and regu tat ors qu ick ly em luate cornple.� projeiai issues %lith topological rr oc sling, it frastru etu re mapping anc rrroc elingl, and s pa tial anal)sis. ❑uc6 is committed to supporting our quality services with accuratea usable data and documents. Clur prolkissionals are trained to find practical, cast-effective appraaahes to Help clients achieve their s pecrific project grials. Wei wank to H u ilc your trust wh iuh allo%s us to offer constructive so lu t ions with yaur prrojem's lorig-terim success in mired. DUDE14 ArizcinaC .................._ _ _ ........._ nossing River Yearr M anitorir g and N airitenancei Rrraject 2 PROJECT I PERSONNEL Clucek's telam of resloratiorl specialises Hill prcrvica the)primary biological morlitorirlg wank neledk for this current proje(11 elffort !Iluart Fraselr, selnior habitat resioratiori prajeat rrianlalger, mill serve as overall groje(n maralgelr. Pr. Fraselrl will t e s upportac by team members mho have Icical City knom lac ge arid spgcifrc e)�p(Inience it the c esign and implelmerltation Of nalth a relstaraticlri prajects. In ac d itiorl, ❑uc ek's biological r(Isources staff anc pelrrnittirlg specialists aria also available) shcILld other sq(Icific nelecs arise)That aria unarticipated at Ihis time. Figlurel I cepicts how the Team will interact with eacli crttlar anc with Ihu City to carrlpleie Ihel biological monitoring for this prajecL Following tl-e orgalnizatiorlall cHarl, mel resumers higlhligllli ream merrrters' clualificaitions anc rellemarr similar project eocgarierlee. FIGIU RE I.Ill U 1018K THAM ORC AIN IZAITIONAL C HA RTI I� RR IN CIPAIL IN CIHAIRCIE RROJE(I71 MAINAIGER MiNe S%eesy,RLA Stuart Fuser, RLA HAIBITAIll RES110RATION SPECIIAILIST Jayme Timberalkel CIONTRACnIOrf SIERVIC ES HAiei Ani RESTaRKSON SC®ENCIES KN le Matthews Matt Majc n �.���� DUDEK A rizarlal C riad Mai Five Yelar Monitoring an � Flrro � - - -3 Id ainitelnanice jecl 3 ARCIJECT MANAGER AN❑I KEY PERSONNEL 3. 1 Project Management RRC)EClI MAI\ACIER Stuart Fraser, FILA StL an Fraser is a rE igisi Bred lame sc2ip a architect anc ha H its t E D i:'C ni T(0,N rcistoratian specialist with 12 years' expanience in landscape Calilkinnia L nivensity Pcirnona airchitectune, Habitat restaration, and a rnvironnrrental comnlianice MLA, Lancscape AncHiecdure, 20011 manitorinji. Nn. Fraser Has dcis ignec cine moniiiored restaratlion' Humboldt State L nivensity pnojects Ilor veetland creation ani( einhancEirrient anc uplarid BS. Wildlife Nana€errieni, 19511 Habitats,such as coastal sages scrub and native buriehgrass. C>Rr;r€� pi ,,,CI y9 y F•is specialize( expertise inicluceis canccWLal cesigri, ceisigln Registered LandscapeAnchitect devElopmeinit anc construction document cavclapmenrt, as wall CA#11301 Qissued 2007) as installation anic langhterrrr rnonitoning of rastoratian pnojects and E nv inoorrtental corrrplianice ilor construction projea s. He has specialized skills in the use of portable CM11 aciLipmetni and computer-aided craftin€l and clasifln (ICADEj) saftware in thei preparation of diolagical irNeritories, site analysis mappirig, the glenerationi of conceptual desiFln gnanhics,arx dew elonmainit of irrigation and planting)constru ctior i c rah ingls. Project Mamagen Experiencei Mr. Fraser has manage( pnojects similan to tNe RepatirllRccoristruction oil the Arizona Cnossing Project at Salo Juan C neick,which includirigl • 2C Ranich/Traduco Crciell FlrojEictl • Lower Rosan—Anroyo llrabuco Flevcgetation Project • Jali Arin Lcichta€I Elemeintary School Wedand Mitigation Project • Rock Spring Roac W ei land Mitiglartion Rnoject. Successful completion and resource aglericy signoff was achieveic within the desiFlriated maniitoririll pEniod lor beth the Joh Ann Leichtag Elementary School Wetland Mitigaltion Project aric the Racal Spningl Road WEtlain( Mitigation Project. Althouglh native veglettation community type carveersion limited native cover dEneloprrterit Nelow thei project established succErss criteria, Mr. Fraser was ab lc to neglotiate nesou rce agency signiaff far the Lower Rosan—A rnoyo Trab uco Ren egetaticin ProjEct%itil only one aidditionial dear of mainienanica avid rnanitarigi D U 0 E K A rizana C rose ing F ivei l eiar M onitaningl and M aiintenance Arojeet q, PROJECII MAN ERA NC! KE1 FIE RSCINNEIIL PFIINC IRAL IN CHARGE Mike Sweesy, RLA Michael Sweets) is a registarec landscaper architect anc habitat ECL.Cc lr;tth restcrralion specialist pith aver 79 )e.arsf experience in landscape Calibrnia Polytechnic State l niversity, archilecture anc Habitat nesioration pnojexits. Mr. Sweesy has Acirriona c esigged riesl araticin prcijeatl ilor wetlanc s crew tion and M l A, 19184 anHancarrient sucH as mulshll scrub, oak riparian forest, sciurtheriri Calillornia State Uri Fullertan willow scrub, anc vernal pocls; sensitive uplanc habitats such as RA, Geagnaphy, Emphasis in Plant coastal sagle scrub, chaparral, and nativei 11urichglrass; anc mitigatian Ecalagy, 1978 pnt kin eindaingerred speclieis such as i H e Quirio cher kerspot j C t z r i r t t?I T 01 s butiarly iEdl ycryas eaithai cluino;, PAlas Verdeis blue butterrfly I Regaisteriec Landuiape Archite<it (RLA) (Glaticopsychle lygaamus polosvencesensis;, Calilkinnia gnatcatcheir,least j CA No.3] 19(issuec 1990) Bell's vireo,avid Saln Dieg a arribrasiar IAmbrwici l ilciJ. Mr. Sweesy supervises the pnepa rat Tori of conceptual c esigln, d es igri c ery elapment anc ccinsi nucticin cacumeinulion far einvironm(intal ptlojaets. N r. S%eeis)'s laridseapei arehiteeturer prafessicinal training anid pnojeca experiernce allows him tci pnepane ccinsinucticin drawings anc tecHnicad specificanions that iniccirpgrate rrioceirn, state-of-the-art cciristructioni iechnsiquas to habitat restoration prcijects. Machanizec site praparaticin, seed arpplicatian, anc %eac control tednicues prcivice cost savings vnhil(r mainitzininig High project quality. Nr.Sweesy is pairticularl) atlluried io acdrerssiniFI issues tci arvoid potential cHarigle orc ers anc casiN b ucget ovarruris arx scHec uta eoctensions. He hats maria€leid tha biolciglicail moniiiorinia )kir ccirriplax projects sucH as tha Sarnerito faller) Ltilitias Improvement Rrojexii in Pernascluitcis Lagoon, Nirarriar Raw Slludgle and Reclaimed Waitan Ripaliries Project, )het Trump Naltianiarl Call Course cansimcdon, anc they City's Leiwerr Rosan Wailanic Mitiglation.llhrough these projects He has cevelciped a system fcin praject doctmenitation shat prcivices acinitinuity of monitoring over the life of the prcijeat. 2.2 Project) )team HABITAT RIESTCRATION SPECIALIST jaiyme Timb einlakei Jayme Timberlake is a habitat restaration specialist vt itF civerr 13 E t.:. c A T AD N yearsprollussionial e>peiricinca workingl in the environmental field. Universiiil al Miami, Alarida Sha specializes in haibitat restoration anc einvirar mental analysis. MA,Caastal Zone Managernent and Sha brinigs civerser e;Nper'renca to the project team, inclucing I Naninei Palicy,2007 mitigaltian mcinitaringi permit acquisiticini reilarted to wertland University cif C2 Mann ia.Santa Barbara rciaurces anc threatened cir andangar(td species, weitland BA, Envircinrnental Studies dalineatian, due diligence property assessment, envinanimental 9.4. Geagnaphy, 11011 impact assessment using)GI;I applicaitians,and prcijea nranaiglemerit P r Ag it , !'o' AIEP and Suriricen Fuur iar Recently sHe compleiec gra lduate ties earch cin the implications oll the Solic Waste Nancy cif Nord Coak Ccsunty IISWANCCI) and Rapanos Supnerne Caun cases cin Ca ifarn iai s wetla nc resources. C u rreini ly, Ms. llimberlak a is A ark ing ar i a vaniet7 of habitat restarartian pnojeatl involvin€1 fresH water marsh, sah rmirisH, nipartrn, t.rbanize c ik isturbed, cH aparq I, streairrr channel, and coastal sage scrub habitats. Her similar biological monitoring praject worm inelucers tha Tcirriell Rancl Uplanc s Restoration Pnciject ini Saln Diego Counth, the Clrcissings at Carlsbad GIoll C aurae Praject far the City oil Carlsbac,anc biological rricintitoring far rr iple Vista Unifiec Schocil C istri t sites. _____."_ _._..—_.—_ _.__.— _r..._.. .._._ ._ ........_.��_.-- ......_ DU13EK Prizcina Crassing Five Year Monitaning and Nariritananieer Rrojeci 5 PROJ9CT MANACER AND KEY P9RSI0NN9ll CONTRACTOR SERVICES - HRSI RIELD SUPERVISORS Kyle M atltlF ew s KIle NaitHewa is a biologist and habitat re;itoraticin specialist IDLCIAITION wish aver I yeans' priafessionail mgerieince warHing ais an L nivensity of Redlands aminonrrierital speCi21lht cin al variety oil public and private BA, 9ialogy, 201101 prcijects with Habitat Relstanafian Sciences Iric. i�FPS). He Has CERTIIICATiorsiLicIN!ES tmansive eirperience witll habitat nesiorationi prajecns inivalving Qtalified Applicator Liaense i�QJAL) seinsitiW resources, including rare planet sFecies, %etanics #1261 12 Cateflories R, C, NI hat itats,anc H at italts for ane artglelrec w ilc liter. (Exp. 1213 I A2013) Mr. Matthews' experierice includes biakgical monitcirinf and dalta collection ibr al vari(lty cif prajects, which has irlvalvec writing Habitat restorat an plains, anc biological manitaning reports. He alsa has extensive field experieriae throt.ghcat 90utHern Clabibrnia conductnigl vegetation rriappirig oil exotic none•nan ive species. A do itionally, he has cand uctex biological rricinitaning of ccinistructia n aric maintunarlce projects im eimirorlmci ntally sensitive areals. He is currennly wankinfl an a varieity of Habitat rest oration and bialc ical resource projects with various rusponsib ilii ies at H119. Matltl Major Nath Major is a Habitat restoration specialist with aver 7 years' a 9DUCAT sC)I` professional eDpuniencel working as an erivircinmantal specialist I University oil Caliibrnia,San Diega and projuci mainagler oni ai variety cit public aric privale projecns. 9A, 9nvironrrenIal Sysi ems,2(a6 HEI Hal mtensiva exp(irienica %itH habitat restoration projerats CERT IFICIRIiION ULIactIsni imolvingl sensitive rcisourcels, inclL(iq rare plarin spetiies, Qualified Applicatari license(QAL) weitlainidsHabitats,anc Habitats farendaing(irec wilclik. 4 #128193 Categanie! 0, C, F Nn. Major's eoperiierice includus Habitat maimeriainciu for a variety 1 dE)gp. 1011120119) of pnojam in sou6ern Clalilkirnia. He alsa Has c)4teimsiva field eDpeirierice tliraugHout Southern Claliforriia conducting abatemeint oil exotic ruon-dative speicies.Adcitionally,he has managed crews far ccinstructian ainc mainiteinaniee projects in erivinanirienitally sensitive anelas. Hu is curreintly wankirif on a varieity of habitat restarartioni projects with varicius nesporisibilities at HRR DU DEKI Ariaorial C riassingl Five Yeiar Monitoring ant N aimenance PrajectM 6 3 STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS Local Experience ARROYO TRABUCO (LOWER ROSAN) WETLANDS MITIGATION CLIENT: City of San Juan Capistrano CLIENT REFERENCE: Douglas Dumhart,currently Community Development Director for the City of La Palma,7822 Walker Street, La Palma, California 90623;714.690.3340 PROJECT DATES: 2003-2008 DUDEK KEY PERSONNEL: Michael Sweesy,conceptual mitigation design;Stuart Fraser, longterm biological monitoring and reporting The Arroyo Trabuco wetlands mitigation project Is located In the City of San Juan Capistrano, west of Interstate 5,within Arroyo Trabuco Creek and Its flood plain. The project was permitted and implemented as ` mitigation for the wetlands impacts associated with the Lower Rolan Ranch site material stockpiling activities. Dudek prepared a conceptual mitigation plan and coordinated with the resource agencies in order to obtain the necessary resource agency permits.Once the permits were acquired, Dudek prepared construction plans and specifications that included weed eradication, irrigation planning,seeding,and erosion control plans. Dudek performed construction monitoring, Including pre-protect wildlife surveys, during installation of the mitigation project,and coordinated closely with the City of San Juan Capistrano's project manager and the revegetation contractor w ensure the project was installed in accordance with the resource agency permit conditions and the construction documents. Dudek performed long-term biological monitoring services for the duration of the project. Monitoring activities have included regular quarterly qualitative monitoring of site conditions, vegetation health, and attainment of maintenance objectives. Quantitative monitoring was conducted to collect point-intercept transect data on an annual basis. Vegetation dam was analyzed and compared against performance criteria contained in the Final Mitigation and Monitoring Plan that was negotiated by Dudek on behalf of the City and approved by the resource agencies.The project met the established performance criteria and was accepted as successful by CDFG and ACOE;it is currently being reviewed for resource agency concurrence. DUDEK Arizona Crossing Five Year Monitoring and Maintenance Project 7 STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS UPPER CHIQUITA RESERVOIR HABITAT RESTORATION PLAN CLIEN-: Santa Margarita Water District(SMWD) CL EN- REFERENCE: Bart Lantz,Construction Services Manager.26111 Antonio Parkway,Suite A, Rancho Santa Margarita California 92688:949.459.6505 PROJECT DAT-, May 2007-Ongoing DUDEK KEY PERSONNEL! Stuart Fraser,project manager;Mike Sweesy, principal in charge:Jayme Timberlake.biological monitor Dudek prepared sun environmental Impact report (EIR) In compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), environmental compliance monitoring, restoration design and coordination for the subject Upper Chlquitz Reservoir Emergency Storage Reservoir Project (ESP) for SMWD, Orange County's second- largest water district. Dudek provided environmental review of the technical plans and technical specifications package for reservoir construction to promote environmental compliance. iw Restoration work included development of a 20-acre uplands conceptual mitigation plan for impacts to coastal sage scrub and southern cactus scrub; preparation of final plans and specifications for the salvage, temporary storage, and final placement of topsoil; as well as the salvage and translocation of existing cactus. Dudek provided biological monitoring during topsoil salvage and translocation of cactus, and environmental compliance monitoring during construction of the reservoir. Currently, Dudek is monitoring the placement of the topsoil and coordinating native seed collection for the post-construction restoration effort. SMWD's long-term planning identified the need for a domestic water storage reservoir to provide emergency storage for several water districts within southern Orange County. The reservoir is being constructed with an earth-fill dam with a surface area of approximately 15.4 acres and a storage capacity of approximately 720 acre-feet.Total project footprint is approximately 38 acres. The proposed reservoir was included in the South Orange County Subregion NCCP/Master Streambed Alteration Agreement/HCP and San Juan Creek and Western San Mateo Creek Watershed Special Area Management Plan. Dudek worked closely with staff from ASM and JMA (cultural resource monitoring) during the construction monitoring phase and developed efficient management relationships ensuring First-rate monitoring services. DUDEK Arizona Crossing Five Year Monitoring and Maintenance Project 8 STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS 050 CREEK RESTORATION AND PROTECTION PROJECT CLIENT: Cry of Mission Viejo CLIENT REFERENCE:Joe Ames.Associate Civil Engineer,#1 20O Civic Center, Mission Vielo, California 92691:949.470.8419 PROJECT START AND COMPLETION DATE: 2008-2011 DUDEK KEY PERSONNEL: StuartFraser, Habitat Restoration The City of Mission Viejo contracted Dudek to provide a broad range of environmental consulting expertise to assist the City in the Oso Creek Restoration and up Protection Project The project consists of the Installation of water quality structures (bioswales). removal of invasive plant species, and increasing public awareness of the impacts of urban runoff within the Oso and Jeronimo Creek watersheds. TAL13ERT PRESERVE RIPARIAN MITIGATION MAINTENANCE AND MONITORING PROJECT CLIENT: Orange County Public Works CLIENT REFERENCE: Rory Paster.300 North Flower Sveet Santa Am,Califomla 92703-5000;714.647.3912 PROJECT START AND COMPI.ETION DATE' 2012(ongoing) DUDEK KEY PERSONNEL: Michael Sweesy,protect manager Orange County Public Works Implemented a 20+-acre riparian mitigation project in the Talbert Preserve in about 2010 to create wetlands habitat that is suitable for least Bell's vireo. Dudek has assumed mitigation monitoring responsibilities including qualitative site visits, qualitative data collection, coordinate maintenance contractor activities, and annual reporting. HRS is providing maintenance services and implementing recommended remedial actions that are designed to make this mitigation project a success. Problematic soils conditions are a challenge at the site. Dudek has conducted soils testing and made recommendations to alter site topography such that riparian vegetation can thrive. DUDEK Arizona Crossing Five Year Monitoring and Maintenance Project 9 STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS LOS ALAMITOS PUMP STATION MITIGATION MAINTENANCE AND MONITORING PROJECT CI LENT: Orange County Public Works CLIENT REFERENCE: Rory Paster, 300 North Flower Street.Santa Ana,California 92703-5000: 714.647.3912 PROJECT START AND COMPLETION DATE: 2012(ongoing) DUDEK KEY PERSONNEL: Michael Sweery,project manager Orange County Public Works Implemented a small _ riparian mitigation project at the Los Alamitos Pump Station facility to mitigate construction impacts to mule _ fat scrub. The project included excavation and creation of 0.26 acre of coastal wetland and installation and establishment of 0.14 acre of mule fat and salt-tolerant plant species. Dudek has assumed mitigation monitoring responsibilities Including qualitative site visits, qualitative data collection, coordinate maintenance contractor activities, and annual reporting. HRS is providing maintenance services and implementing recommended remedial actions that are designed to make this mitigation project a success.Dudek also designed a new mitigation area for additional mule fat scrub to mitigate for unauthorized impacts.The plan was reviewed and approved by the saff of the California Coastal Commission. Other Relevant Experience ROCK SPRINGS WETLANDS MITIGATION CLIENT: Jackson Pence Development CLIENT REPRESENTATIVE: Liz Jackson.P.O.Box 1260.Bonita, California 91 90 8-1 260 PROJECT START AND COMPLETION: 2004-2011 DUDEK KEY PERSONNEL: Stuart Fraser.conceptual mitigation design and construction monitoring: Jayme Timberlake:long-term biological monitoring and reporting The Rock Springs Road wetlands mitigation project was implemented as an off-site wetland enhancement project for the construction of the Rock Springs Condominium Development in Escondido, California. The off-site mitigation site is located in an approximately 12-acre abandoned quarry property along Escondido Creek, in San Diego County, California. Mitigation at the Quarry Site included the enhancement of 1.16 gross acres (0.40-acre net) of disturbed southern willow scrub infested with perennial exotic vegetation,primarily giant reed (Arundo donal Dudek prepared a conceptual mitigation plan and coordinated with the resource agencies in order to obtain the necessary permits. Following permit and Mitigation and Monitoring Plan approval, Dudek coordinated closely with the revegetation contractor to ensure initial removal of all perennial exotic vegetation, container planting and site seeding, in accordance with the resource agency permit conditions and the Final Mitigation and Monitoring Plan. DUDEK Arizona Crossing Five Year Monitoring and Maintenance Project 10 STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS Dudek perfonned long-term biological monitoring services for the duration of the project Monitoring activities included regular quarterly qualitative monitoring of site conditions, vegetation health, and attainment of maintenance objectives. Implemented as a non-irrigated site. Dudek worked closely with the contractor to monitor container plant health and recommend hand watering during warmer months and periods of seasonal drought. Quantitative monitoring was conducted to collect point-intercept transect data on an annual basis. Vegetation data was analyzed and compared against performance criteria contained in the Final Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and approved by the resource agencies. The project met the established performance criteria within the projected five-year project timeframe and was accepted as successful by CDFW,RWQCB and ACOE. VISTA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MISSION VISTA DUAL MAGNET) HIGH SCHOOL PROJECT CLIENT: Vista Unified School District CLIENT REFERENCE: Steve Presley,Facilides Manager, 1234 Arcadia Ave,Vista,California: 084-3404626,760.726.2170 PROJECT DATES: 2004—Ongoing DUDEK KEY PERSONNEL: Stuart Fraser,project manager:Jayme Timberlake,biological monitor Dudek provided environmental consulting services for the development of the 6S-acre Mission Vista (Dual Magnet) High School site, including assistance in the .. mitigation and preservation of a 14.2-acre, off-site preserve area (Darwin Property). Services included conducting biological surveys, preparing a biological resources report, processing permits, preparation and implementation of upland and wedand restorations plan, and the preparation of a perpetual habitat management plan for both District sites. Mitigation from construction of the school was required for permanent and temporary impacts to coastal California gnatcatcher. least Bell's vireo, and southwestern willow flycatcher critical habitat On-site mitigation Included on-site restoration of 5.59 acres of coastal sage scrub habitat and 2.45 acres of native grassland habitat and enhancement of 6.8 acres of wetland within the adjacent San Luis Rey River through the removal of 4.0 acres of arundo (Arundo donor). Off-site mitigation included the preservation and revegetation of 14.2 acres of upland habitat at the Darwin Drive site. Dudek prepared all restoration and preservation documents for on-site and off-site mitigation, including upland and wetland conceptual restoration plans, construction plans and specifications, and perpetual habitat management plans. Dudek conducted all project environmental compliance monitoring, restoration Installation monitoring, and is currently conducting long-term biological monitoring for both sites. The restoration of upland and wetland habitat is included in the 19.25- acre Dual Magnet High School's open space preserve and the 14.2-acre Darwin Drive Preserve. DUDEK Arizona Crossing Five Year Monitoring and Maintenance Project 11 STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS JOLT ANN LEICHTAG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WETLANDS MITIGATION CLIENT: San Marcos Unified School District(SMUSD) CLIENT REFERENCE: Kathy Tanner, Executive Director of Facilities,255 Pico Avenue,Suite 250.San Marcos, California 920689,760.290.2650 PROJECT DATES: May 2006-2011 DUDEK KEY PERSONNEL: Smarc Fraser,wetland mitigation task manager The Poli Ann Leichtag project is an example of a comprehensive environmental services contract that Dudek provided for SMUSD. Dudek prepared an EIR, conducted biological surveys, processed permits, developed supporting reports and documentation, and prepared plans and specifications for the wetlands and p rare plant mitigation. Additionally. Dudek's subsidiary, I� Habitat Restoration Sciences Inc. (HRS), constructed and maintains the wetlands and rare plant mitigation designs. After selecting its proposed elementary school's location, SMUSD discovered potential environmental constraints in the form of endangered plants, protected wedands, and cultural resources.The 22acre school site is located adjacent to Agua Hedionda Creek,a former nursery, and an underground San Diego Gas & Electric easement Potential issues with developing the elementary school at this site included hazards associated with constructing a school within a 100- year floodplain, impacts to jurisdictional wedards, hazardous materials/waste associated with former agricultural fields, hazards associated with the proximity of a power easement cultural resources,and endangered species. To evaluate potential effects to biological resources, Dudek conducted biological surveys, including. vegetation mapping, a wetlands delineation, wildlife surveys, and rare plant surveys. Dudek conducted focused surveys for the state and federally listed least Bell's vireo and state-fisted endangered southwestern willow flycatcher. Dudek conducted focused surveys for rare plants, including thread-leaved brodiaea (Brodaea pli(olia S. Watson), San Diego thornmint (Acanthomimha ilid(olia). Orcutt's brodiasa (Brodiaea orcuttio, long-spinel spineflower (Chorizunthe polygonoides vor. longispina),and San Diego goldenstar(Muilla clevelandlo. Dudek prepared a biological resources technical report and coordinated and conducted resource agency preapplication meetings. Dudek processed all necessary permits over a 2-year period. Additionally, Dudek prepared conceptual mitigation plans for impacts to wetlands and to state, listed endangered thread-leaved brodlaea and oversaw implementation of the plans by Dudek's subsidiary, HRS.Dudek is currently providing long-term monitoring and reporting services for the project. Other technical services provided by Dudek include preparation of a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment hydrology and water quality analysis.and noise study. DUDEK Arizona Crossing Five Year Monitoring and Maintenance Project 12 SCOPE OF WORK Dudak and HRS will perfarm maiiniteinance anc moriiiariinigl tasks dcrscribec below at both the an anc aff-site mitigap ian prcijeicts ilor th ei 5-yearn mair n erianice paniad ars c escribec in tH a Fi FF.All work will be iri caorciniafian wish Cludek Sidi ists anc the Ciiy's rerpresentative in ardor to achicrve a successful praject iri the mast cicaniornrical anc eflicieirn way passibla. Matt Majar, HRS Field Supervisor, will be directly irivcilveid with all field mark assaciatec with the projcial anc is mailable ilor all necessary project site visits acrid mcietirigls. 51-Year On-Site Mainticnan ce and Mitigation - Ari2ona Crossing ACIQUISITION OF CALIFORNIA HISH & WILDLIRE (CDFIWI) MAIN-nENANCIE AGFiEGMENT Dudek and HRS will abtairi a C❑FW Marinienance Agrecirnerit iri order to peirfarm maintenance aciivii ies ai the Arizona Crciss ing arrea anily. It is assumed that i he City of Slain,juani Capistrano mill be listed as the permit halter since they are the properti awneir. Dudcrk will negaliale a mainieniance agreernani than is valid 11or 51 yceins as allowed by CDFVH.The parmit will provide ibr authorization till all maintenances activities as spacified ini thcr RFIP scopes cif wcirk. TF a fcdlow inigl assumpl ions arae incorparalec to chis sccipci aric lbrrri the basis of ciur cast proposal: • Ther praposed methods fan camplcrting 3ecirriern rcirnoval frarn the culverts far this scope of wank will b e acceptab le to til-a C❑FW • SeKiment rcrmoval activities will nat rieicluirci permits ilrorri the US Army, Corps cif Ergirieers, Rallianad Watcri Quality Caritrol Eloard,ainic llor US FisH &Wilc lisle Service. • The fallawing items ares niat recluiriec by CDFW:,jLrikdictionial Delineation, sitci visits with CDFIV� staff, pne-applicaniori meetingl, grid/ar pralan€lcrd negatiaitions. • No sleeilhead air anher listed species issues are irivalveic with rraintanance permittiri€1. • The permit fee v ill be paid by 1 he City all San jc an Capistraria. FIVE-YEAH MAINTENANCE All 11HO ON-SIITE MITIGATION - ARIZONA CFCSSIING H RS will perform rriaintcrnaimcc at th a an.-site mitigaltion praject anc complcrtc the lbllowi%tasks as Cutlimed in the FIFIPI • Moriihly sitci visits to manitan the hcralih oil native ve:gletation and presence of any man- naitivc or orotic species. HRS will coordinates v i1h Ducek 9icilcigisu 11or the priopeir Caursci of aictiori to ensure the prioject will meet tHei requinec success crritc ria ikir ageincy sigh-off. HRS w ill cant uct all sitcr visits to bat h the oni anc cifl-sites an tF a same schedule • Cleiarringl cd nan-riative vegetation cin ari as-niciecec basis which includas norr•nativci veglctatiori rcrmoval frcirri sloped sides int then ripirappcK area an the immediate sides of the A rizona C nossin€1 orily. b..Ub..EI( -Ariz_ crna Cnossingl Five Year Moriiloringl and Mainteriance Firojeci 13 SCOPE OF WORK • Clcraririfl inlets arnc outlets cf the nine 19) 214-inch culverts passing unicer Ther Arizona Crossirigl on ani as-nered ed basis including) the cleaning) c debnis anc !iercirrrernt9 that have been depo.,i1 ec insic a th a cult'erre to allow 11or u nic ist urbec s1 ream flow. TF ei praposec merthads ibr nerrtaval c the sec imerrt mill induce use oil 12-fc at piper cleaning) shovels arnc Pine cleaning cable. All sec irrrem will to collected anc legaglly dispasec oil afi-site. Assumes nc sedimerrit is earpturerd. Ripe! will be clearerd, tut only rrriniimal serdimenit will be eapturec anc tle rust will be pushec through the and oil the culvert inla the stream due to selc cleaning)grac iernt I1>21%)within tH a pine cult'ert s. • If this s ec imerit removal mertH c d is not acceptable to C CIFW, a s eparater alternative method using)a Vactor snuck may be rei<10reie, but this Aturriative is riot inclucec iri own cost prrapc!al. • Removal oil c eb rris or vegletal ion t hat has b u ilt un or b lock tH a upsl ream and a ownstreiarm erncs cillihe :14-inch culverrts shat pass undar thaAriaonia Crossing) to provice uncisturbee smream flcws. • If necessary, HRS will initiate a manual watering) nroglrarrn (Laing) erilhar a water buffala or vvaterr truck' to pravice watem to nativer v%etalicn to ensure survivorship. HRS assumes a rrra;m imurrr of 2CI ervents vn ill be needed over the ac urse of the 51-year maintenance pe niad. HRS will cancuct all watering)eveni to both the cni aric off-site an the sane scheidule. a III necessary, HRS mill qurlarm replacermerit planting ariddor to ensure that prc ject is ori- trarek to n iet its 5-year success errituria. FIVE-YEAS BIOLCGICIAL MCNI-nCFiINGI Biologlieal monitoring will be coricuctec by a qualified Fa0ai nestcration spaciadist 110iolagiicad Moniilar) for the curalion of the 1livei-yerar mitigation moriitcririg program. Monitoring shall inicluce qualitative assessment of both rrritigl21tioni sites tuning) reglularly sclleculec moriilaririg visit: and quantitative data collection annually (Yerars Two tHrcruglh Five;. Morniilcmingl Hill be eonduetud to assess the attainment of annual anic finial success criteria, coordinate maimtenanee recc rrrrrtene at is pis %i1 h the restoration cans ractor, anc is ern)illy the need tc implarnem continglericy rnearsures. QuarititatNa botanical monitoring will bei conducted annually ai bath the ari-site avid of#-site mitigation sites tuning leans Two thrauglh Fiver (� total events). Quaintitative manitoringl surveys will be peirfarrmec using) cine-rrrertan quacnats placed in each mitigation file through the rranidomizaiian nratocal cescribed in the Rrajew RFP 1ISeictian VII, Sub-section EV b;. 5 quacnats will be necorded in each mitigation site annually. Vegletativer cover will be visually estimated %ithin thei quadrats fan each species present and recarcec for analysis anc inclusian with the annual nepant. Cata mill be carrrnarrerd to establishec picrlbrmance criteria avid preivious year's c ata. Species observed within the mitiglal icrri sites, but do riot fall m ith in a quadral will be neconded aric incluced in ari overall rrritiglalian sire vergertation species list Quality t fiver rrraniitoring will be cant uctec quarterly du ring Year One aric biannually (121 times per yerar; in 1 eians Two thrcwglh Five. Qualitative manilonirngl is eoniduetac to nravic er an overall charawerizatiari oil doth mitiglation sites, including progress tawarc attainment all the establisherd nnaject nerformarrice criteria. 9ased ari nnoject pnaglress, the bialallical monitarr will pravic e 1 h u restoration cantract or with recommenc ations fair Regular maintenance an remec ial action, as neec ed. Gcrieral abserrvations shall be naffed incluc i% thea nrevalenice of annual weeds and invasive sRccim, conicitian oil planiec comainer plants/cuttings, 8errrrinatian of applied neec, recruitment oil rna0ve plant species, crrauglht strews anc the nieeic fan Hard waturingg 4sunplerrrental irrigation), site stability, as Aell as any geinenal maintenarice issues. ............ ................._ .... DU DBKI Arizona Clrassingl Five Year Monitoring anc Maintenance Praject 14 9COR9 OF WORK H articultu r al Marikoring: Duc eN mill review 1 hu gleneral health of 1 hu contairier plarntskLitings, apRliec seeid mix, and other naturally rercruiiing native plants in both mitiglaticrn areas dtririg each site visit. Rlarit health absurvaiians mill (locus ani soil moisture cantant, evideincei of num growth/ inivirarimental stress, and lhu Rresencel oil pests. The geineral establishment anc devalapmenl oil ilra intencelc natNei habitat m ill I:a abscirvucl and noted. H and Water ing�l Supplenri cintal Irrigal ion: Du c eN will evalu ai e i hci now krr hanc watering, or effeictiveiriess if hanc maleringl has becin irrrRlemenlec by the nestaration conlnactar. Environmental issues that altribule to contairiun plant stressdmartality, limited screcling glermination, anc natural rcicrLitment and site cirasian will bei evaluated. Recommendations llor ceveilagment all an appncpriale irrigatiori slralegy iricludinigl watcuririg flrcrqucncN, duration, ar a proposec inslallec irrigation system will to mace fon ccicircirialicn with lhu restoration contractor anc the City. Wflerc Control: Weec gromih will bei monitorcrd to ensures that annual wcecs and Relrennial invasive species arc being acuquateily corllrrcllled. Ducek mill nate annual wciecs and Rerennial invasive species shat requirci cornrol anc make a recommcin(ation ori rrretllcds of trealmenticontral. Dudel's iri-house centificid pesl control acviser can assist miO specilic Herbicide necommendartians, when necessary. Erosion Control: Du c eN mill nate ani) erosion Rrc t lams in bath mil igation areas, anc pateritial issues llrom ac jaceint slope stab ilii y and riv ert ed miglration. Rucc rrirrrer is at is ns to rarriec y unnatural c r am essiv a erosion (amag a through 1l-re iml allation oil best management Rnacticles IjBMRs) will be madcl. Pest C aril rol: Chic ell will rrianitc r far insect irifestat ianis anc hcmbivora c amage(gppheirs, grog nc squirrels, rabfiils, aic.; c Lringl each manitoririg visit. A duterrrririartiori of the relative leveil oil threat io the overall habitat development will be mace when pests are cetected. Dudek will inlbrm the client oil cancilians that COLIC] limit cn recuce the success oil haHitai develaRmerit anc male a reeommunic ai is in fan treatment or control. Trash and Denis Removal: CluceN mill monitor accurrrulatioris till trash and debris on site. Arenas oil trash and cetrris aca,mulaticrri mill be noted in the monitoring neperts k r removal by the restawil ion cons ractc rr. Var c alism anc Unauthorized Public Use: Dudek mill ncte anc report observation o11 art on- silel carriage atilikow to public use cul vancalisrri, the prcisence of ofl-roac vehicles, Nameless encampments,or any cam net fericirgl or open galtes. I'llaia-monitaning mill bel eonieuetue during all monilcning visits io provide a ruearc of restc ration qnc grerss th raugt the entirety of the mitiglal is r proglnam. Pcmrrianer t phc to- monitorir stations mill be estadlished during the first monitoring visit iri locatians that provide repueseritativel views of each mitigalticri situ, cr arclas susceptiblei to cflange Qi.e., trualed invasive vegutatian stands or active stnearrl ctarincls;. In acdition to Rermarnunt photo- monitoring stations, cluantitative data colleciian stations ilarinual cluac rat Iccations; sllall to u t iliaec fc r phalo-c c cu mentation, as m ell. I-tilizing phalas frc m qt.ac rat Ic cations will prov idu a visual recc rid oil quantitative (ata rusuIts. PH al os fnam penmaneril phato-mariiloringl stations anc photo dace rrleritat ion frrom quac nal lacatiom will bei incluc cid in annual reports alang with a site refenencu map. Du SEK Arizona Crossing Five'Year Noniitaringl and Narintenarice Rroject 15 SCORE) OF WCIRK 9-Year Off-Sitlel Maintenance and Mitigation — Sycamore) )Trails Stables 5-YEAR Q FF-511TE MAIN TENANCIE AND MITIC A-m N — 5 YCAMC RE T RAI LSI S TAB LHS HKI will perfcrrrrr maiirnenancu at the off-site mitigaltian project ane corrin i e the fallcmingl tasks as owlinicid ini ihei RFP: • Ninthly, site visits to rrionitari the Health of native ve:geitation aims presencei of aniy non- native or ecatu species. HR9 will aaardinate with Duc eik Biologists fan the prapeir course of action to enwre the project will macit then reeluireid suacess criteria for ageiney sign-aff. HRSI Mill cine uet all site visits ti bath thea or and off-sites on the same scheeul(i • Reirfarm herbicice aipplication an an as-reecec basis to giairn cane i�rundo done+) ainc all other riani-nattivei and exotic spexdes preiseinit in the mitigaltian ansai tc ansurci thea nnajeci mill menet its 5-year succciss aiiieria. Treaitmeni shall occur outside the nicisting season, unless othcrwise recommeiridcrd by tie praject bialoglist,anc ainpraveic ini wniting by C C]H&W. • Uponi newie% cd the site it was dettcurmined that all prtNiously iristailec cuttings were ceac. HR9 will irnitima a manual waterringl nnailnm (using)eitbeir a waiter buffalo ar wateir truck; ti pravice%atter to native veigeitatiin io ensure survivorsHin. HRS assumcis a maximum of 3a e>veinits will be neec ec oven t I ei caursei of the 9-hear maintenance peirioc. HRS will conduct all%at ering env enn s t o both the on anc cdt-site an the same schedule. • H RS w ill Flariarrrr renlaaemeint plantf nil anc lar to er is u ru tH an praject is an-i rack i o meet its 5-year success criteria. Upon rovicrw all the site it %ars derterrminad that all preivicrusly, iristallec cuttings werci ceac. Thercifcue, this proposal includes 1001 rciplaicerrrerni cif all cutting). Installation shall occur in Hall 71(113. BIOLCGICAL MCNIl11CRING Eioiagk al monitoring sHall be pericirmed in accorcancei with the ori-site monitoring cescribed above. Rlenontling Reporting far ari- and aff-situ mitiglation/maintenanicci an eas w ill be accamnli!hec as onei praject. A site observation report will be ilenerateid fallawingl each qualitative monitoring visit anc shall pravice ar brief summary of praject progress, identify spacific prablam arcus arnc proposer noterrttial romecial actiani, and ill needed, shall be shown graphically on a rriap oil the nnajeat area Ibr managarrient pts rposes. Comprehensive annual monitoring reparis will be nnepalrec anc submitted to the Calilornia Derpart merit all FisH anc Wilc lilki (C DFW; anc the City oil San Juan C a pistrana at then epic of caeh monitoring year br the curation of the five-yeah monitoring pciiad. Annual Reiperrts will bei nnenanec iri accorcance with the U.S. Array Carps oil Ilrilineers Las Anileles Clisirict mitigation guidelines anc monitoring rerquiremunt!, ars outlines in the ACCIE Snecual Public Notice dateid April i% xia,. Ther anirival rencrrt%ill su rr rriariza th u state s cif the projeiat curing the ruanitaningl neriac and hiilhliglht speciific riecluirermerits to C MY permit cane itions and reparting requirements. The annual ropori will inclucer an analysis of sita conditions in compairisan to annual nerormance stancards and nemedial reeommeincatians, as aipnronriate. Site mans frlom bath mitiilaticin sites grid phata-documertatiori Irom both phaco-monharing stations and eluantitativc cau collection locations will bei included to illustrate necorrirriendattions or praject pragress. _.. _. ............. DU DE W Arizona C rassingl Five Ycar Monitoring anc M aintenancic Pnaject 16 SCOFIE OF WORK A nrual Repan w ill iniclu c e: • A title pages identifyjingl the retgulaiory, permit rurriters anc the petniad for whioh the monitoring report is appliaatlet. • A list of names, titles, and companies of all pensans who prepared the content cif the annual report acrid participated in th a monis oringl aativ ities. • Discussion of maintenance concocted curing the manitaringl yeiari, iriduding r(rgularr mains eniance and reirriec ial action, if needed. All reamed ial plariting sh all be c ocumem ec including; replacemerit nal ianaie, species to be replarcec, reiplacemeini species, coritainietri sine, c ate of replacemeinitl mappec lacaiticin and pH tos dacurrieritatiari. • Results, rriethodalcgy and rata Thom quantitative data colleaticni ilqualitaiive assessment iri ftin Clrie), inclucini discussion anc at comparison to annual and ultimates success criteria ij% riative cover, % ncini-native cover, survival of planted cor ita inern stock h eiglH t of both tree and shrub species). Ill apnlicablee provider ari analysis al any eauseills;ar Ilailurei at enheir mitigatian site anc, HI deierminec necessary by CDHW, prapose rermeciarl actions for approval • ffhota sheets with phc t agrapH s from photo-rricinii aring st atioris anc quadrat cal a collection location depicting site progress and illustriaiing mairiiienianae grid/ar uemecial recommenicatians. • Site maps ilrorn Ucih mitigation areas iceintifying planting zones, and inclucing neferenice Iodations Morn both estatl lishec ph ai a-monitoring statioris anc qi.ac rat data collection locations. A mitigation grogram Natiae of Carripletion (NOC; letter will He sullmitted to CDFW at the eric ail the fiver-year maritoring period. THis letter will cescribe the tiff-site and on-she prioject, reference C❑FW permits and docurrrenit program succeiss. Deliverables: • Site otlservatiorii report: will bei subrriittec llollowirigl each site visit. A total of 12 site oHservationi reports area included in this proposal. • Final annual reiporu, with color photographs anc supportive graphics, Hill He submitied ciacill yeiar far Ilive years (5 total). This proposal assumes one reviewilcammerit/revision cycle on the draft raport prior to priepariaiian of the flrial arinival report. The draft rapan Will her submitter for City reNiew within 49 cat's prior to the Oetatem 15 C❑FW deadline, with then firial su b mitterd within ICI-c ay s of rereeiv ing City comments. 41 The rrritigapian Notice Oil Completiari IINOC' leiteir will bei submitsec to C❑FW at the Grid ail the flue-yearn rrianitaning perriad. This pnaposal assumes orae reviewllcomment/rervisian cycle an the draift letter prior to preparation al the final lei teir. Sluppleimerltal Mantling (optilonai) If, during)then monitoring period, a eestructiva natural occurrence occurs that damages or destroys more than 3911. oA the mit igat ion plant ingH than rieplanting oil the original plant palettes w ill to rcrgtirex. THe proviced cost inaludes all labor, materials anc incideritals for HRS to ne-estatlish I an of the origlinal mitigation plantingl and sec ding far thea ari-site and off-site lacatian. Inc idelntal Costs Incicental casts include miscellaneous expenses llor mileagle and reprographics assciciated with this seapu oil work. D V DEKI A rizana C rassing Five Year Monitariing and Maintanar ice e flrojeiat I a IN TBNITION ALLY LEFT ELAN K �_.... W �.__ � � .�...� ____... ...__..........._...._._._.. ___... _- __...................................__�_ --...�. aIJD E14 Arizoria Crcissiq Five Year Ncinimning an( M2iintenarioe Frojcct IEI 5 FEE SCHEDULE Hlesaise sere tHei separatei eirivedope cc ntactirig Table I, Dudek's cast summary Ibr this pnaject. _� .. ....... DIUDIEK . .� rizc rias C rassing Five Year Monhaningl and Maiiriteina=Ei Firojacl 151 I N TONTION AL LY HEFT BLAIN K DIL DBIa Arizoria C rcissiril Five Year Modioring arc Mainteinairce Rrcijett ildl e HOURLY DUDEK 21(1'I:I STANDARD SCHEDULE OF CHARGES ENGimcERIN O Sell cmi HYDROGECILOGIIOA IL SERVICES Rrojed Director ......:$240.O01ha Principal...................... ..........$220.00 It n Rnincil at 9ngineer III.................................$220.00ihr Sr.9nvironmental Engineer....._.................$'I9U.00I1 r Rr'ncip a l Engineer 11 -.......1210.00Ahr So.F yc nogeok gist Sr.Proj Mgr.. ...... .......$170 0011 r F16ncipal9ngineerI....................................$198.00ihr Project Manager, _._._.... _- , ._.$'155.00Vhr Rrogram M,nagee....._.............................$200.00ihr Associate I-ydrogee oL ist/9ngineer.............. $*I40,0(Vhn flei nionPrcletManager .......$1II&OO,Ihr Hydnogecdogis IV/9ngineerlV ...................$125.0(Uhr Rroject Manager.........................................$178.00)lhr Hyc nogeologisr III/Eingineer III-....................$'1'15.01[1/hr Senior Erlgir eer IIL....... ........_.................:15170.00Ahr Hyc rogelologisl II.Erigineer 11....................... $10°.0CLIhn Seinior Edillir eer II._.. .............................$169.00lhr HydaofeoIo(ist 1,Engine eir I ............ .........$95.0C1Ihr flenion Engineer l .....,, _._ ._..$155.00hr 'llechnklian..,. ........ $95.00It n Rrojed9ngineenl%(rechnidan 1%............1149.0011hr DI:ITRICIIINIIAl1iAGIEMEN111A1 OPERA710NS Rrojed 9ngineen Illlrechnician III...........-..$130.00Ahr Rrojed 9ngineen II/Tlechnician II_........_. .$12g.00Ahr District Gen anal Manager ..... ....... $175.001hr Rrojed 9ngineen I/Tlechnician I.............. ..$1(15.00Ahr District Erigineer..... $'I60.00/hr ..$83.00Ahr Operations Manager......_ $15CI.00hr Rrojed Cloordinator _ District Selcrerta APlccountant .. _. .. ..$85.0CIlhr 9ngineering Atlsastant ................_.. __......$75.00Ahr ry _ Collections SAstem Manager_._.. _...... ..........1595.00/1 n ENv1RCINMEhllAl SdRVlClea Grade VOperator......................................$'100.00/hr Rrincipgl _...,,. ,_._._.1225.00hr Grade 1%Operator.,, ..... _ ,_. --........ $85.00/hr Genion Project Manager/Specialist II..........$210,00Ahr Grade Ill Operator...__. .... $8G.0(llhr ... .. Selnion Project Manager/Specialist I...... ....$20(.001hr Grade 11 Operator .... ... .............._. ....... $63.0aphr 9nvirog mental Spex ill list/Planner Vl...........$18(I.00Uhr Grade l Opeeiatc r .__,_..._._.- _._. __ ...,......$55.00Vhr 9nvironmentalSpeqialistPar neiiV..........$160.00Ahr Openatoninllrainin{I._....,......... ................_.$4C.001hr 9nviroomentel SpegialisUPk often IV........ $150.00hr Collediclrl Maintenance Worker II. ................$55,0(Vhr Elnvironrnental SpeoialisUPV nner Ill--.. .$191UOAh1 Collectior MaintenanceWorker I..................$4C.00/hr 9nvironmental:pecialistiPN nner IL...... ..$130.00Ahf ONFI(IE SERNOE:I E nvironmentdl Specialist Planner I..............$12(.00Ahe Air ah st...... ., .4100.00/hr TechnkieUDrefting/CAL D Services Rlanninl Resuarch Assistant .......$80.00/he 3D Clnapt is Artist... $'I50.001hr :IenionDesign e:n............ .................. ..... $'135.00/hr CCIAI9IlIAI �ILANNINO/Foul:iySERVICIE41 Desiclner.................................................,......$125.00Vhr aenbr Projec ManagerlConst I Mennen I..... S20(I.00Ahr Ass istanl Designer $'120.00Whr EIrNimnmental Specie IlstK oastal Rlanner N I.,1519(I,O011hr Glcl Specialist 1% .................. ......................$'I50.00,lhr Elrywironmental SpeciellstK oastal Rlanner N $17(I.00Ahr GIS Specialist III........................................... $14C.00dhr E rywironmenial Specie list(C oastal Rlanner IV. $180.00dhr GIS Specialist ll. _.. .._ _...,_.__._.__._1'I30.00/hr Elnwlronmertal Specie list/Coastal Rlanner Ill .$15(1 OOUhr GIS Specialist 1.,... 11 20.00,lhr 9nwitionmerlt I Specie lisM oastai Rlanner 11...$140.00/Hr CAIDD Operalor Ill _..,... _. $1'15.00/hr 9rnlronmental Specie lisVCc astal Rlanner I ...$130 0011hr CAIDD Ciperalar ll...... _.111 O.CIO/hr ARCHAIECILOOIGAIL SERVICES CAIDD Clperalor L $95.00/hr CAIDD OraNer ...., _., . $85.00Llhr Genion Flroject Manager/quchaeologisl 11....$210.001ilhr CAIDD llechnician $75.0UIhr EIe n for Rrojed Manager/Plrchaeolog isl I......$20(I.00Ahr E nviroamentell Specie listill Irchaesologist N I $18(I aOAhr SUPPOR11 SERV CEGI Elnvirorl mentail Speak list A Irchaelologist N.,.$180.00Ahr llechn ical Editor III.......................................$140.00,I1-Ir 9nviranmelntal Sped is list Archaeologist 1% ..15150.00/hr Technical Editor 11............_..... _.......... ,,,$'125.00/hr 9ntlironmelntal Speaielistilrohaeologist111.-$140.g0Ahr llechnical Editor l... . .. __ ,.. $110.00/hr 9nvtronmelntalSpec laiistilachaeologistIt..$130.(OAhr Publical ions Assis tar t Ill- _.. 1'100.001hr Rnmironmentdl fipel ialistArchaeclogist I._$120AOAhr Rublicalions Assistar t 1I.. ..., - $90 OCLIhr Alrahaetalogist Tlechnician It,,, .. . ..... ..$70.00/hr Rublications Assist ntI............ 980.00LIhr Alrohaerologisil Technician l _.. . .... ...$5(1.0(/hn Clerical Aklministlatior II_................_.......,....'8(1.00Llhr Clal'cal Aldministlation I............... ............ 175.00LIhr CCINS111FIlUCITION MAN NCIEMENT11SERVIOES RrinaipaLlManageli . _,_ . _ . .__... ___ .$195.(OAhr Forenac Eng nes ring-Court 4gpeaoerem s,can oeit'ont,endrntenogeortesae Elerion Clon;trucl'onManager .................$180.00/hrexgertwitnestiwtubebli2.0atlnlenormalraea :IerionRrojectNanager._ ,,.,.,._._......_.....$18(100/hn iderggncyandHoldays-Nlnimmnchargeoftwotouswillbebikdat136 time it,anorme rah.. ClonstrudionManagen... $'150.00/hl Nrderiatand otrdta ServNea-Scbcontrestors,renblaftpecialacMIprrrest Rrojec Nan ages................................... ..$140.00/tn spechl npn ductlons sad blunprinesg cubicle dah prcecssiegendcanputer Resident Engineer.._...... . ..... ... ... .....$140.00/1 n renwe«,obc.•are ellargi cl at 1.15 eros the d ree eos. Trilve Expanses-N is egc at tinct t IRS anoe able rat os.Per diem where Clonstnuction 9ngineer $13500/t n ove tright tby it inndvec Hct ergsd it cod Cin-site Chwleils Reg netsentzlive _$130.00/1 n lavoleea,Late at argesr•An rose will be Wlsc to Client menlhly and shdl be Clon struction Inspector 111...... .$'125.00/1 n due and payable Linen reesipt.Imsinas are di Negrsnt if mol pek a thin lhlrtl (301 C<In etnudion Inspetdclu II $115 00/1 n days Rom the date orale Invoice. see rt arlre is b l all a me nlhy lab cl argc eglal tt ire percent(191)per mardf of the outatsedng bdanee r nfl paid in full. Clorlstruction Inspector I .. ... .. .. . _.._..$105.00/1 n Annual Ineniases -Unless ident'red otherwise, tt me dandvd rete, wet Rrev®®ai'�ling Wage Inspector . ...... $135 00,It n inr recta 3%ene usu 1. ®V®E K E1IIIectivii January 1,]e 13 _.............. ....... - ...-_-_.._ . ._.......... A...,. ., _---___._ _ .....--- __......_ ^� EJUCIEK Ariztarla Crclssingl Five Year Morlilorirg 2r1( Mairltenlarlcel Hrojelct [- CIURLY RATES Habitat Reslaration SIciencesil Inc. 2CI131 Standard ScHedule of Charges) II Hat ital Managerrrclnl Cooidinalor/Prinupa .................. .................$a00.CI0/hr Senior Plloj(Icl Manager............................................................................9115(I.(la/hr Ger lelal Engineering Clontracllor.................................................................91]`(1.a(I/lul Lands(aj;a Supervisor/PiojeetManager..............................................................................91:I 2f-a0/1r 9pgcialty Equiprr at 011enatol/Opl:Iratiq Erlone(Ir...........................................................911](I.QO/hr QISID,QSP SWPPPJervicels................................................................................................91]1CI.a0/hr Landscape A.,sistarlce Supelvisoll/Irrigaltior Tech..............................................................$](151.0(1/hr Landscape Techrriclan/Fcn(lnlan)Smdl Tool&Equipment Operator..................................91EI3.00/hr Brush Managemeln]l bol Operal orsi Assi Stant Fol c llnan.......................................................U 5.00l/hr Mairltenarice Laborer with hand tools...................................................................................91a9.00Vhr Administration/C erical 5uppart....................---..............----............... ...........................116 S.Oa/hr Eg IulplrnlE rrtIPlehic les llnwldUsagel................................................... ............,....._..,.............................................910I.C10,Id2y Watar 71railerylBt ffal o...........................................--........ .. .. . .. ...........................16EI.CIO,Iday DurrpTlrailer..............................................---........- -.............................,..........-.............110AO,klay Mule........................................................................................... -......................................$16E1.00,day CingoEquipimertJTra(don................... ...................................................1450 C1cary CA71217VX^-V242/;114......................................................._.....................................,........$4 q(1.00)Iday . )AI erTnick....................... ........,............,...............,.........................$45CI.aOilday CUppe>t/Hydraseeder.............................. ................................................... .....9}4150.00iIcL1� Rio]]-offfTrack.....................:...................................--.............-,............S6aa.0(/dayF4lu: tipping fees Drnergetcy and[Holida3s—Minimum charge oil Iwo hours will be billed;1:1.5 times the normia rale. Sunchy�are double i'me at 2.0 times normal sate. Material ar d Clutside Se•vicas—Herbicide-,subcontraa toms)rental of specia a gglipment,specie fenc'ng on!igq she materials) outside data prlocassng and compu'leu serviceq ebe.,ate ct alged at'LI 5 times the dlaect cost. Travel Falpers&—Milealla at current r,to per mile.Pea diem ether avermight stay is involved is diatgad al cos. Invoices,Dale Chaliges.-All fa as will be billed 1 o C lent monthly and shall be due t nd p q}able upon nese ipt.Invoices are delinquent if not pai d within thirty iPO', day:from the data of the invoi ca. Client agreed to pay a monthlyl labs chars a equal 10 one pescen t 111%)per month of the outstanding ba ari a e until paid in full, OHRSE fla etivE Jen no ry 1,2013 Upda n dl 02ti7/13 ��...._._. ............ _j_. m DU13EK Arizona Crossing Fiveb Yeklr Nanitcirirl and Naintenanicel Hno'ect 22 APPENDIX A Resumes Habitat'Stuart Fraser, RLA — - • Specialist Skuari Fraseir is a neglisteinec lana scape architect and habitat EoUCaiIIIIor restoratiori speciialist veiih ov(ir 10 )Fears' Eocpericrce in Califlannia Univensity Pamuna lancscape architecture, haitlitat reistoraticni, ani( cmiriorimeirital MLA, Landscape Archii eci ure, 20(11 eomplianicei rric nitoririgl. Mr. Fraser hats c eisiglnied and rrianitarec Humboldt State L nivensity restoration pnaiects for%et and creanions anc Einifariuemeint anc [IS,Wildlille Managemenr, I51911 uplanc habitats, such as coastal sagri scrub and nativEr CFR-niGiafi�iora9 turiehilramlanid. His speicialiaed Eucpertise iricludEis corucEiptual cesigm, dusign cevulcpmEint, and coristrunicn document CA Lancscape Anahiiect CA#!5330101 Qissued 2Q(17) c evelapmEinit, as well as installation and lorig-tc nm i r anitc ringl al nestc rations projects and erivirorimental cion plianiae far cors ruatian projects. Hei hra s specializeic skills in ihei use cf portable Clabal Posiiicniing System iJGIP9J equipment anc computer-aice( c raftingl anie c es ig ni (C AEIEI) s aftware in the prupairat ion of b is log i(sal inventories, sire anialil sis mapping, the gereratian of conceptual dEisifin graph ias, and c evErk pmErnt of innigatic n and plc ntirig coristructicni drawiriFp. FIRCIJECT ExP9RI9NC9 Developmom Lower Rosan—Arroyo T rat a eo Reive getatiari Project, City of Slam Juari Clapistrario Rlec evelc pmient Agency, San Juan Capistrranio, California. REisporisible Ilor lorigpte rn biological mcrriitoriniga arnc repart pneparation. Thei AroiEici iricludec the unibancerri of ovEir C acreis cf weitlarie habitat in Annoya llrabueo Creiek ihrouglh the rerriaval of Aruncc and native neplaccirrierit plaritirig. Reiplareement planitinigls incluce willow arnc urderstory seeding iri the caniyor bottom ainic oak—sycarriarre wooclanc in the cariyan sidEi;elopes. Higgins Estates Residential Develc Flm ent, Rilingt c ri Homes, Sari Mancos, C alifc rnia. Designec anic preiparcid the ucnceptual rrihigation and rricnitaring plana fan impacts assaciaiec with tH a :11-acre Rilinigtani H c mes prcrjeict oll Higglins 9312 tes. M itiggtiani was c esiglne c to damply with necluircimerits for !lectioni 404 and A(Il perrriits. Rrepanec a ren+egErcation plan thait inieludud erihaneemenit of less than I aurae of watlarids and coastal sagle scrub habitat. 4S Ranch Wetland Bic-Rilter aric Crainiage Channel Projecd, 4S Kelwooc)lNewland Communities, Ranch ct Bernardo, Sari Dicigo County, Calif irnia. Rreparud final revegletatiori uorioruaion docurrienns, avid con(ucted coristruction anc rErstaration rrioniloririg for a mitigalt'cni Rrioglram to rustorer ar i inadvertem ly d istu rb e c Ainr ict ee cb arinel wh Il iri the 2,891-acre 49 RaneH cevedcrpmern Iccaiec in thEr County oil Sian DiErglo nes a Rancho Beimarca. Wcrk included rcivegcitatiori cif bicfrhrationi siriips,ane mciasures fcr siormwater tseatrrieirit using vefletaied wErtlancs. WyenV illage Bank Prc teictic ri F rojecit, h ewh a I Land aric Farming Clam pany, Santa Clarita, California. Rreparec preliminary ruvel etas fan coristru cticn c c au merits, and cont uctErc eonistru cifor i arnc restaratiori moriitorirg ibr a 143-aicne mitigatic n ansa along anic ac iaaemt to a buried tarok structune %itHiri the Slarita Clara River Flaoc plain. The %citanc cansiructiaru document sere inclueec coriceptual grading, irriggticrni, avid plarning plans in carripliarce AitH the rEiquinerrierits of the Natunal River NanagemEsnt Pilar IINRMP).Work included inistallation ollAetlanc anc transitional vaetlanc habitat in rhe rriargins between ihEi rosiceritial development anic ihei Slarita Clara River. ........................_ ._................... _................ _......... .. _ . CI U DI E K Raile I of 4 STUARIT RRA SOR, RLA — CIO NTIN L BC Uviveirsity Comrrons and Rar ciho Santa Fe Roac Widening W etlarid Mit igatiori Program s, Brookfield H om as and C ity of C anlsbac, San N arcias, California. Preparec conceptual metlarid mitigatiori plaris far aver 13 acnes al wetlanc reveigetatian and eniHaricemens for twa adjacent projecits alorill Sari Mancos Creck Work inclucec a)iteinishc neslaraliori of disturibeid %ellarid habitat arssaciatec with prievious minirigl operations on sites, as well as cixtensive ex cava tiori oil u plant distu rbeic areas for wetlarid creta 1 ion. A Iso pneparec plans kir riestaratior i of the Raricho Santa Fei Road Elnidgle replacerrrierit morkl Rreparrec two scpalratei campreflamivei nev eigetatf ani cons i ru ctiani (act.meant packagles br each project to adc ress c ifl Brent cit) jurist ictions and construction b is c ing prrocec urers. A Isa puav it ec consiructian monitaringl anc long•4erm bialaglical rronitariiniglduringlshe SI-year mitigation prcrglrarm. Educiation Dt,ai Magriet High Schaals Project, Vista Unified School Districl, Oceanside, California. Serve:c as the pnaject rraniagler lbr environmental compliance curings scHool eomiructian, dervelopmerit of habitat restariEon plaris, arric coorciriatiori with larigrterm Habitat marnagcment. Restoration eesign tasks includeid cevalaprnent oil coriceplual uplarid reistoratian piaris for bort on-site anc off-site mitigation arcias, and a canstructori docurrerits parcka' Ie for the restoration of i hei off-site mitigryatian parcel. Preiscrrvation tasks included a crvelopry ent oll longl-term habitat manaigan int plans 11or thea an-sitci and off-site mitigation parcel, as hell as managleid cetelapmcint oil a fuel madiflcationi plan for acjaccinit Vista Uniflec Schaal Clistnici-omned land. A do it or sal tasks inelu dud supervising) rr it iglap ion eamplianeei and coritraetar eoorc iriartion curing) scFlool and restoraiian construction, marnaglingl rigsht-alway services, anic resource aglenmy and municipal compliance coondinatran. Dudek is cLrreritly managlingl lang-term monitoring 1br bath ryrit igation s it cs. Resourcie Management Sari Luis Rey Recreational 11raril, City of Ocear side Flu t lic Works DerFlartm ent, Oeeiansicei, Calillorriiar Alrciparrm coristruciian documents, including irrigation and planting)plans, for wetlanc anc uplarid rev egcitatiori arssociartcid wish the c avelcrpment of a necruat ianal Vail alongl the San lluis F ey F ivem in Oceariside. Transportation Cleeanside to Escondic a Rail Rroject, N orth Clou nil y Tlrarisit Clistrict (NCTO], C ities of Cleeaniside, Vista, Sari Marcos, and Esciaricido aric County of Sari Diego, Cladifarnia. Ocrvelopec a removal anc 9-yciar maintenance anc monitoningl strategy lbr lhu nemaval oil rargel eNotic plarit species alangl the 721-ryrile NCTCI Clceansice to Eiscondido riglht-ai Cesignec an innigal ian s)stcn•i and planningl lay our and prepared construction c acumerits, incluc irigl irrigation and plantings plants, for two off-site %etlaric nevegetation sires assaciaiec with devedopmem oll the NCT13'3 Occiansic a to Elscanc ido 72-rr ile rail line construction. Tile off-site mitiglation areas area loeaterd in Clectansic a anc Encinitas. Discioveryl Strecit, Clityl of Sar Marcos 9rigirieering Departrr Brit, San Marcias, Clalilbrriia. Clesigrned grac ingl anc an innigatian system and plantirigl plari and preparec constructiori c acuments and specifications, including irrigation anc plant ingl plans, for a 1.E 5-acrci watlanic revergleu t ion site lacatec in Stan N arcos. ........ ..._ ... . .... ... .... . __.. _.._ ....__ ......_....._ _.. ... .. . �D I ............... D IE W H' le 2 of 4 STUART FRIP!IEIR, RILA — CONTINUED Watleir/W asitewi atter Upper Chicluita Reservoir Erreirglericy Sltarage Reservoir Project, Santa Margarita Water District, Orange County, California. Rroject mariagen resporisitle ikrr enrvirormuntal compliances mariagleimerrc services, Hatitat reistaralian design, tialallical surveys, are erversuaing the want of arnchaealagical arc paleontological moniilars Ikrr the appraximartcly 4(1-acne URpeir Chicluita Ruservoir Rnoject. Conduaec a revievti oil lhei coristruclian paekaglu, inducing 1hei Rrojud Rlaris and specifications, 10 incorpgraie erivirorimenital plarmit cancitioris irito de cortract cacuments. Mariageie thea development oil a conceptual N titat restciratiori plan br the reservoir she fallawirig coristruetion. Rneparec plans are 3placifieatians fcni thei 1 nansplar to 1 ion of existing niartivu eacl us Rnion 1a ccnstruclion anc ibr the ravegletatfan of the site ibllowing construction. Coristmclion c oeumeints incluc ec Rlans are sgeuificat ions for soil salvaglei anc Rlaecme:nt, cactus salvalle aric Rlaeemer t, seed applicatiori, anc erosior cor t rol. Siiweir Rurr p Sltatiari Upgrade, Leuaadia County Water District, Cit) of Carlst ad, C alifornia. Cam LCtex long-term bialctgicail mor horirgl 1br%etlaod rr g;,tIor an d caastal sage scrub reveget 21 iori for A ei h nc s impacts associal ed with the uP8 rade oil the pump stat iori, cor structicrn of a veHicle turnaraurid area are nelacatiori of thei access noac along Bdticuitas Lagoon. .................. . _._ . _ .. .__. ..._____ _.m___ _ _____...._ ___._....._ _........ .._.... ...... Du Dew Page 3 of 4 S1 UART RRASER, R LA - CON TIN UED INTENTIONALLY LEFT SLA NK DUDE B2111a 4 of 4 LandscapeArchitect. HabitatSpecialist Michael Slweasy is a reglisterec hinicscapq archneci and habitat [ EDL(All oN reistaraton specialist with 771 )ears' experience it 12ncsaina Calillornia Palpechnic State L nivensity, arcihilecture anc habitat restaraticrni pnajects. Mr. Slweiesy has Parriona designed nesloraticn prlojects for weitlancs creation acid MLA, 1984 enhancerrrlenit such as mu lefat scrub, oak rip;rian lcrrest southern C a lillannia Su to UnNer0y, Fullen on willaw scrub, anc vernal pooh; sensitivc uplanc habitats sL(h as BA, Geograrlhy, Errlphasis in Plant coastal sage scrub, chaparral, and riativa bunchgrass grassland; and Eacdagy, 1971EI mitigal ion projects for enc anglelrcld s penies such as the Quino ? CERT I RICA T 10 I\fl cH eakerspol bunlerfly I Supflycrydls edit)a quiro), Pa los Velrc as b it a Regliscered Lands as pe Architect Hutllclrfly (GlaiucopsHcfle lygdcmus palosv(Icesensis;, Califarnia j CA No.3: 19Ili!sued 15190) grixi caltcher (Ifblioiltila calif of nia), least Bell's vineo i IVh e( WIN PR o E r SS101"AL A F F I I ai T I o r s pusiffus;,and San Ciega ambrosia IlAmb'rosici purrilc). Society far Ecalagical Restanation Mr. Swausy supervisus the pneparalioni of cancaptual cesigln, cesign delvelapmant arc canstructicn coeumentation far environmental projacts. N r. %eesy's landsealpe architecture prcdessicrnal training and project experience allows him to pneP4ne const nuctian d rawing anc tech nic2d specifications that inaarlporate moc elrn, state-of-thea-art construction techniques to Habitat restoration projects. Macharii site prelparatian, seed applicaltian, anc %eeid control t(ichniques provice cast savings while) maintaining high prajeet quality. Mr. SNAecsM maintains a catabase oil curnerit cans lructian casts and a riemiork ail restoration cantractars shat pnovicE1 tp-to-date inllormatian for accurate construction cost erstimates. Nn. Sweesy is particularl) ataunicld to adc rassirill issues to arvoic perteinlial ch angle orc ers and castly b u dg lel civelrru nis anic scH ec u Icl axi enisions. N r.5A easy has assisted with permit nracessing on pnajects incluc ingl U.S.Army Canps of Eniglineers IIAC 09 Section 404 inic ivic ual and natianwic a permits, U.S. Fish and Wilc lilei Sclrvica (IUSFWS; S ucl ian A and I(a permits, California Dapartrriew oil Fish anc Came QCDFG; 1601 and 103 03 Strelambed Alteration Agreelmurits, anc Regianal Vuaier Quality Control Eo2lyd QR%AQCB; 401 certifications. In moss cases, Mr.SwEiesy's involvement with paurnilting has beleri flocusec on proj(Ia miligatian dmign and irrlplerrientationi. He has ryariagec the bialagical rrloniilorirg fan complex projacts such as tho Sorrerna Vallciy, Whim Irrlprovurnerit Praject in Fahiasquiteu Lagloori, Ninamarr Raw Sludge and Realairyec Water Pipcllincls Frojact, and fan the Trump Naliorial GoNI Counse conslructian. Through tHesEI projeats het has devedopec a system Ilor project dacurneritation tial pnovides continuity of rnranitanings aver the life of the praject. PIRClEC'n E)4HERIENCEI EleveloFlmentl Lcwen Rosan Wetland Nitiggatiari, San It an Capistraric RedeNedcrgmienit Agericly, Slan Juar1 Capistrano, Califlornia. I]eisiglnad and nneparec 1hel canc(Iptual rniligation plan ibr Lower Rosan Planich far the City of Sari Juan Capistraria. The projacl includes tha removal all 2111ppnaximately 6 acnes all glianl need i�4runeo donax', frarrl Arroyo Trab uco. Rclplacernam plarin ingls incluce %iillavy anc urid(elstory scledingl in ihcl aariyan bovam anc oak—syaamane tnaoclarid in the canyon side 3lapass.TH a canceptu al plan was apprc vet Hy tH a AC C G. . _. __._.__.._ _.. ... . .... ..___ ......._. . ..... ..... _. ._. . ..... Page all 4 MICHAEL 9VVBES7 , RLA — CONTINUED Ota) Ranch C ciastal gage Seru t Master Plan, Baldwin C am pan), Chula Vista, C aliforriia. Cllesiglriec anc directed the field mapping anc evialuatian cif potential coastal sage scrub revcgetaticri site! for the Oilay Rcrd Mcster Habhat Replaicement Plan.lllhc plan cirects the phased implementation cd 1,300 acres of cciastal sage sarut and soutHenni cactus scrub Habitat aver a 30-ye2ir build-aut period.Site wsessmenit crimitia inalt,c eu slope orientation and gracierit soils, existing)native and non- native vegmatian cover, pro)imity to equipment aacess, and prwdmity to an irrigaltion water scwrcei. Slcry eral tresaitment w Brie c evsiscid to ac d rms the w riiec bell conditions that would Ila needed to restarie native Habitat. Site-specific polygons with attrit utas were input to crEnter a (ata baso that COLI( be querieid to estat IisN the most reasoraible canstr u ctian sequence. A per-acrci estrmm of construction cots was carived far each treatment type anc appiiec to then implementation mai to anticipate funding requircirrients year tci yeari civen the 301ywn implementation pcnioc. Alrroya prat a Co Golf C au rsc, OMB San Juan Colf Associates, LLC, Cit) of Missioni Viejo and County cd Oranige, California. Cesignec and supervisec the conieeipival mitigation plan fan the Arroyo Trabuao Calf Coursei. The project incluces 3 acnes of coastal sagle strut riestaratfon anc appro)imatcly 16 acrcis all natives pereimnial tuncHilrass grasslanc mitigaltion. All rnitiifatlon are<is are acjacenit to anc within the gaff course development area. Also cansulteid on tH a gcr111 course larnc scape design and plant palette. The projcct c esign inicorparatcd grasslar id creatiori areas within the gradec ilalf caursei arca anc existing niative ilrasslanid enhanccmerit areais, wHicH were Heavily d%raded with nan-native grasses. Assisted with thea preparation of canstru ction c raw i ngls far res toratian construction. Hattori Resic encs, Cit)j oil Newport Beach, California. Llesigged 1 hes resident sal lane scape for the Paltton resicence in Newport Beach. THe project invcdvec a resit cine locatec on the bluff ecgei above t1 i Newport Back Bay Ecoloilical Rrescrve. Thu lot hac becorria unstable cue)to thiel previous 61 Nino winter anc, accaridiniil to the California Coastal Commission, excessive residential landscape water use. The dcsiiln reiaporic ed to Califarnia Coastal Clortimission conditions that requinec dei larnc9cape to bei composed oil Calliornia nativci species tri drouilht•taleranl species. Rrieparcd construction drawini that iri dcd a native plant paeerie anc specializec irrigaltion system tHarc ut ilizec drip emitters and microsprays that apply water iri galloris per hour insl eac of p1lons per minute, as is typical of orcinary spry inrigation Heaus. Negatiarccid a lanc swap between thea!hate)till Calillorr is avid tlia owneris d u a to backyard irriprcivemcnt 1 hat H ad accurreid or sta i ci lanid. MciClar ori Resiceriae, Rancho Sarila li Claliforria. Rreparec a conceptual mitigaltion plain to mitigate for the a nau tH ann ec construction oil ari equestrian ring within a nio-bu ild easement adjacent to Sari 13lija Lagoon. C cinstruction activity Had teimpararily impacted a small arrea all salt marsH habiui. N glotiateid with 1he C❑FC to rcirriove a tamarisk bosglue that hac developer at the lailaon cdgle adjacent to the 31111 property.Weed removal wa! conicuctec far 2 yciar! within the bosque anic temparary impact arcia to allow far passive rievcgetaticin of salt marsh species to occur. Nlur icipal Hohn Property Lancflll Mitigation, AVMGH Rropcirties, Carcina, California. Cesiglneu a reistaration progra ms to miitigfatc th a impacts otl illeigal d umping as part oll a laridf ll operatior along Temescal Creck in Rivcirsidc County. Assisted the projeict ergineer with the grading design cif a IOCI-year float channel. Rrepariec a canceptual plain to rciveiletaie the channel ihrouilh active anc passive revegctation techniques. The project desiglr incluces planliriip cd willaw, cottonwooc, ycan i, and rrwlcifal w itH in a I.EI-acrie channcil area. An aide itianal I(I acnes oil neconstructec cPannel tottam will be allowed io rate rally iii egciuta.Thei project incluces an uplanc buffer area 1Hat will be seeded, planter with container planes, arc irrigalted until vegetaticin is established. Negotiated plan appraval by the AC 09,CCIFC, and RWQC 0. ­­........ ......___.....__. ....... ____ DUDEK Raffle 2 of 4 WI aiterilW asatlew al len Lem LakeiMirriciscial Wash Mitigation, Lee Laker Water District, Carcina, California. In N99, ercisian from flacidwaiers of Temeiscal Creek threatened the Leei Lake Amer Treaitmeint lacililies in Riveirsida Cburity. Ranieipart(id in lhei enalLatiori cd irripacts that resuliec lNorri uriautHcuiized eimeuigeirie) grading chat was carrieid cwt 10 prateia the treatrriemii facility. The work inch.c eK preparafficin of a conceptual mitigal Toru plan &at wcwIc allow for natural revegetation to accuri within -lerriescal Wasli. The plan pravicec a seed mix cd agprogriale Hetland speaias ilial acirrirrionly eieeu r wit h ini th a Tleirriescal c rainiagei. Slorrento Malley Utilities Improverrer 1 Hroject, MWWD, San Diego, C a ifcirnia. As lhei environmental cocird inatar 1br l her Slorre ntci Valley Utilities Im[reivemeint Project, disci ec constru d ion rtianitoring of wateui and sewer pipe iristalla t ion, and cor est ruction oil the nervy RumR Shahan 69 within the Las Peiniasquitas Lagoon in !Ian Diellci. In change oil caristruaioni drawinll anc technical speiciflcalion preparraliori and construetian mcinitoririg duririll pump station, pireiline, anc rniligaiiian coristructicrni Fhasas. Manitorinll of pipelirie constructicini includec fielc review oil BMR3 and Rrojeiet lirrihs fences. Phase aria nevageitation of salt marsh, braKikisH marsh, ileshwater rrianih, and sauthurin willow scrub habitats has been installed. Rhasa twci inieludas rarrioval anK rasloration of ai utility Heirm and cild purrip station. These arem Have teein reroegeitated with salt rnarsh sgeuieis. All Rhases of construction Here moniiioreid, including gracing, innigatiani installation, anc Rlaint/seed installations. ❑uceN monitored consiriuction to minimize and avoid impacts to Roqulatioris oil Clouiier's salt rriarsh daiisy(Lcwher ia glahrcitai;, a sensii iva salt mairsh species. Lake Matthews Pilot Reiveigletation Prajecit, Metropolitan Water District cif Southern California, Riversice, California. Preiparad a plari 10 enhance ripariari habitat on arherneral drainagles that are tributaryici LaiNe MaiHews in Riversice County. A varicq oil planting techniques inivohingl simple restarialion practises were installec to determine ihei laved cd successful vegeitaticin esta b lishmeint than ccu,Id be acH ieiv ec u me eir each regime. MulcH irill avid irriglaition cif container plarits werre ieslec usirill fivei cifferenn nafivei Aetland species. Thei plaritimgs were mcinitaned for a period of 2 years. Results shov,ec tHat spec ieis selection was more important thain planting technique in ephemeral drainages. Miramar Raw Sludge and Realairred Water Pipelines Hroject, MWWD, Sari Diego, Calillornia. The Miramar Raw SILdgle anK Reiclaimec Water Rigedincis streitch llrorri Miriarriar Raaid to ihei slucgei processing ilacility iri thea Kearny Meisa area of Slari Diega. Tlhc Rrojeici inclucec the preparation of a cciniceRtual revegletatiori Rlan for coastal salle scrub, chaparral, nativa grew larids, anc wertlarnc hatitai typeis iriciuding southern willow scrub, mulefat scrub, and wet meacow. Mitigpniori stratellies iriclr.deid seed irrigrintirll within the construction corricar and container Rlant insta llaticir w itH su RF leimeinital irrigaltion p rov idad by water truck. Clonstrucl ian moriitoring was preformed curingl pigelinei installaitiani ainc rievelletaticin construction. Lcing-term biologlical monitoring was ccinu Lcted lcir 9 years alter installation until perfarmarnice criireria werre aehieivec. East Mission C orge Trunk Sewer Rehabilitation Project, C ityl of Sari D ieigo Er Sineeiring aric Clarplital Projects Depla rtrr a rit, Sari Mega, CaMlorr is. TIA a East M issian C argei Trunk Sewer Rehalbilirail iori Prajeat wars imRlementeK along rhea San Dlieiga River in N issian Trails Regional park, ar higlHly seinsitive anK nemole area. Thic Rrojeci occurreid iri critical Hatitar for the fGCerally listeK eridangleinec lease Bell's vireio. VYork cancucted lbr the Rrioject inclucec a coriceRrual habitat rev eigleita f Tori c esilln far 3.9 miles cif weitlaric m it hiri the p naject airiea. Rrojeial kiaiureis inclucec significant pliant reec reimoval avid reRlaceirrierit with approplriale soutHerri willow strut species. The giant neieid to ba nemoveid w s accurately lacaiec anc quantiflec an construction Rlans usirill reictifiec law-altitudei talar aerial photography. Supervise( the praplaraniori all construction planes and spaciflcaiions fern ori-site Welland neivegetation.The remote areas tci to nevageitatec raquireic a Ra .. ._ D U D E Ia ...................._._ lle] of 4 MICI-AEU !M9ESY, RLA — CONTINUBEI speic4flly ceisignec irrigatian system thait cisinibuies waten fram water tacks. THe pnaject utiliacid scec ar d container plant ingls to estat lis h 111 ei tanget native vegletaa an. Los PeFasqu itoS Ugoari RiFlariiani Revegetal for Rrajeat, MWVY C, San Cliego, California. Praviderd desigln oversight Uor the 1.51-acre southern willow, scrub enhancemew proieiet in Fl&iasquhos Laglaan in the City oil Salr ❑ieglo.The projeict wa s c es igned t o nen ave dcmisei sta nc s cif ljrant raec and establish naitivc southern willow scnub Habitat in the rerr civ;I areas.Thea Rrojeai iricluc ec site gracirigl to enhance local hydreilcgy oil the flie,e, a falctor tH ai directly relad es to the self-susta inad ilit� oil wetlands.THe plrc ject incluc ed eoritaineir plantings anc a niaiivei seec mi), applicaition. As-Neecec Revegetatiari Services, Metropolitari Water Districl of Southern California, Los Angeles, California. Rroicici ma nagleir for the M etropolitan Water District cd Sou i herrn Califc nniia As-Needed Reiv egleitatior Slervices coni ract '.luplervisec rurnenou s Rrajects, inclu ding rev egeitatic ri at the Slain Joaclu in Rescirvair, developed aini irivasivci wciec coma iniment plan ibr thea Haben B. Cliemeui Filtratian Plam, prepared a rcivegletationi cesign anc constructian ctiaAingp ibr tllei NcirtH :Ilcipci Rciccinistructioni Rrojeici at the ❑iemeir falcilit:y, Arid cant ucteid a pilot A etland nevcigeitatian project al La kei N athaA s. As•N eed ad Biological Seniicies, MWWCI, Sar Diego, Clalifaimia. Project manager for the N WW D As-N eieded Bialallical Services Contracts ikir 199184AICIOCI and 7000-70CI5. Supervisec revegetation canstructior anc ❑ucek's tiologlical manitariryl staff on 1(171 separate MWW❑ projects. Many of these tasks inclucec emergency sewer repair projuats whene sewagei mas Flowinil irito live stream canciiions, nequiring immeciate response frcim Dudek staff. Other tasks iniclucec manitanigl sewers c1caning activities whcire temporary equipmem access was neeic ec in native canyc n aineas. W orkec d irect y on sew er reiplacerrienit nelocatiani, anc permanent canyon acces s projews ihrou€lhoutthe MWWD service area. gunsat Cliffs Natural Park Rerstoratior Projekt, MWWD, San Cliego, California. Desiglnec a nesioration plana to re%egutatc 8.9 acres cl coasul sager strut or Poirit Loma's Sursei Cliff Rank in the City of San ❑ieiga. Wanked wiili a lacal citizen's a(visory committee at rricnthly meetings to deN eloR i H e mv%e>i t tan plan. Flrepairec a aanceptu al-level estimate oil canisi nuction assts io eivaluaie prcject lkwitilit). The prciject incluceic plan speicies than occurrcid an the adjacent Roini Noma Naval base Rraplurty. High lank Park Estates Sewer Repair Mitigatiori, M W W CI, San Cliego, California. Plrciparad a cc nceptual ievelletatian plain lbr thei Highlanic Park Esta cs Trunk Sewer pnoject in the City of San Diego.The plan farmec the basis fan a 101 Streaimbed Alteratiar Nreameinit friam the CDFC. SoutHern willow scruff enc mixec waodianid here rev%etaiec. Rrovicec prciject cansinuctability review anic rcicammeridatiors ihat cut matlands implacts ainc mitigatian requ iremcrits by 50%. Pilot Cariyon Access Revegletation Puajeet, MWWD, San Cliegci, Califarnia. DesiFlnecl a Rrallrarn to evaluate matllcds io renmgcaie temporary and Rermanerit access paths usec Hy MW`N^❑ creno to access sewer lines in natural carryom tH raugllaut the City oil Slan Diego. C aarc iriaiec nrioylrarn c esigni with a citizen's acvisary ylrioup. Hreparec a eoniceipi ua l Rlar that c escribec the program lIoa is and abjectives.Th a desiyln incluc ec mu Itiplu raplicatiorn oil t real ments m ii hin two typical eainyaris anc meth oc s i o evaluate the auteorrie tc c etermine fut urea N WW❑ Rolicies ars procex urea ilor access plash statilization. ...... ... _.1.1 ....... 11. ... _ - __.__ __ .... .1._..1.1.1 CIUCIEK Rage 4 of 4 jayme Timberlake — Habitat Restoration jafyrrle Timberlake is a ha bite i rca t oration specialist with amen 7 E CI L G 1 A U O N years' proilessicin!al eNperierice workirgl in the einvironrrieriul University cif Niarrfi, Flarida fielc. She sp(icializes ini habitat restaration anic ciminon!nfermtal NA,Coastal Zone imentand an!al)sis. Sher bnirigs c iverse experiences to the project tearri, Martine Palic y,2CI(17 including mitigation rricinitaririgl permit acquisition relaiec to Universihy cif Caliiiia,Santa Barbara wetlarid resouncers ark thrermened cir endangered species, 9A, Environmental Studics wetland celineanian, cua diliglaricei prciii arssessmerni, iJA,Geagnaphy,2(101 environmental irriparct assessment L s inji gleograpF is infarin ioni CIS FI A C1:118 systerms (C IS) applications, arid project maniaglervefmt. Rercent ly P f O F E 9 s€O N A!I MOIL!A T I CI N S she camplenec glraduate nescramcF ani then implications of the) Assaciatian of Envinanim ntal Solid W astci Agency oil North C ocik C oun!ty QSWA NCC) anc Prallessianals (AEF) Raiparlas SU f nemer COL rt eascrs or! Califarniai s weitlanc Sur rider Ilaunda t ion rclsoL rcels. C urrer!tl), Ms.Timberlake is wanking on a variierty cif Habitat rclstoration projcicis invoNinigl fneshwat(m marsh, sah rrlarsh, riparian, Lubainizud,ldisturlbec, chaparral, struarrr channel,anc coastal sager scrub habitats. PRoj9C'il ExFies IENC E DEI%elopmentl -larget Clc rr rr ercial Celriter Environmental Innpagtl Report (EIR), City of V is tal San Diego Clcurity, California. Project biolagist anc habitat rerstanation! specialist:. The proposed prlojeci will be build ori ari 18.E-arcre sitcl acrid wiill inleludel a Targlert neuil stare, scfparatel reltail bLildirig, and riesuuran!t Ns. Timberlak concLcted revegleitationl manitcmingl far uplan!c arid wertlarid aneas, in!alLdiriFl scrub oaN revegeitaticn areas. ranitaninigl ir!valvec asses!sin& interprie:ting, and dircicting reiveglatation installartaan in Ilher field with landscaper coritractors. Quarerly mg!rihoring is ccinc ueteld in accarc ar!ce with the nescfurcel aglerncy permits aria then coricerptual mitiggticin anic manitcmingl plan. llcirrey Ranch U pllairfc s Restc rail ion, Clarder! Communities, LLC, City cif San Eliegla, San Oie8o Claunt), Calillorr!ia. Nam harbitat restoration) moriitor aria contact for th CI Lpland aria wetlan!c mitigation prajecits at Torrefy Rar!ch. The Duc erk—Habitat Rustoraticini 9cierices, Inc. 11HR91 team acgL inec i he ern irar!!men!ta I permits, prefparad rnh igaticin construction plans,and subsequently imstallea the necluirec mitigation!. N itigaltion work inclucec restoring 2.4 acres of coastal sage scrLH, which w as irlcarporatec into t he) C ity of San Diego's N L ltiplu Hat ita i Plar!nir g Arcra, and creating (1.715 acref of southernn willows scfnuE on! site. Ms. Tinfberlake was responsible kir tie 5-)ear maintenar!ae arid mor!iioring cd the upland am!c weitlafnc mitigation nevegertation siteis. DLties included ini-ffcic quartelrly rriciniitorir!g, yearly quantitative nfanitorirgl, annual report wailing, anc coorc in!aftimg campletion oil mitigai ian respom it ilii ies. Rock Springs Rcfad Conc orr ink rr Subdivision Prc jest, City of Sam Mangos, San Diego County, Calillorriia. 9riviror!mer!tal nfanitar ant habitat restoration specialist fan thcr pnajectl which inivolvec coriduciingl lang-term monitoring for wellar!c areasi. Duties ir!cludec int-ffelc cluartctly monitoring, yearly quarititativei rrlonitanin€1, annual relpciri writir!gl, and coorcinarting completion oil mitigaltiori responsibilities. Nanitorin!g invalvec assessing, internpra irig;, and cirecting reve€lets t ion installatiori in t her ffelc with lama scapel cciritractors. ............................. U D B K Pager I cif 3 Jp YM E TIN BERLP KE — CIO N1 II\ UECI Gad leis Carry el Valley Puaject Hat itat Rest arationdReiveget atiari Plan, Sari Diego County, C aliforniai. Hat itat riesiaration specialist resR ansible fear the crcatiani of thea Hat itat RestoraticinlReroegeitatkin Rlari. The plan was designec to mitglaie kin irnFlacts accunningl to upland r tai iv e v erg vita tions areas. Saint Milian Cathaliu Church, City o1 Missicin Viejo, Orange County, Califarriia. Rnoject manitou for site in%ohingl the creation and enliancemeini oil wetland anc upianc Hatitats to mitigaie ilor imnacis frarn the Sairit Kilian Clatfialic ClhuricF de%ielopmerit. Duties iricluceic acvisirig cine the removal of e>atic anic invasivea plant spgcieis, dacurneritirig Ruagriess till Rlarited native plants, ant prepaningl arinwil monitoring reiports Rursuarit to RWQC 0, U.S.Army Corps of 9ngineers IACIOE:, and Clalifariniia Clenart ment oil flisll ane Came(C CIFG) pe emits. TnarisFlortal ions Oueansic e-to.-Esccaric ido 9Flrinter Rail Rrojecf, CIMJM+H arrais, San Cliego C cru ri", Califarriia. As erivircinimental manitor and Hatitat reistoraticiri specialists acinducted revegetation mciniitaninigl fan uRland aireas ac jacerit to the North County Transit Clisirict rillht-of-way anc fcm L plar ds coastal sages strut anc oak nevegetaticin arcias. N on itai ing involves asses s ingl, in terRii ingl, and directing rervegleitation installation iri the fiek wiitH laridseape ccinitractcirs. Manitarinil is coriducted in accorc arice with the resources agency Rermitl anc thea conceint ual rnitiglat ion anc mcinitaringl plan. W ateira/Wastewater 9au1F County PiFleline Scour, Sarita Margarita Waiter Elistrici, Clranigle Caurity, Clalifarria. Hatitat restaratian 3peaeialist and project biologist nesponsitle 11or designing, creating, and whiting the habitat mitilpion and nianitoring plain aric mariaglingl thci 2-ye2ir maiinteinarce ainc monitoring) prag,ram for tF is Ripeline errier>gency repair project. The habitat mitigat(an ainc morihoringl plari was cesiglnec to mitigalte fcw tenaporarN impFacis io the areick Heic. THei 2-yeari rrainteinareaarc monitoringprogramincludectiaririvailmonitonigland annual reporting). DU DEK Page 3 cd 2 Habitat • Specialist Kyle Matthews is ai biologlist ainc haibitai restoratian speicialist j EEUCAT IOr, with over 7 yeiars' grcifeissional experience worNinigl as wan University ail Redlands environmental s peui ialist on a va niety of put lia ainic plriv ai a EIA, li 201(1 projects with Habitat Restoration Sciences Inc. (HRS'. He Has 1 CIR.11`1(1f111 C Pv /DWEINISxd exicinsive expciricancci with habitat resiaratiori projects involving Qualified Anplicatcin License (QAL) sensitve resourccas, incilu(ing rare plant specim, wetlands #1261 12 Categlcriie! E, C, F habitats,anc habitats for endangleirec wilt lifca. 115 p. 1243 I,I;Cl 13' N ri. MaVheiws' expeirierice incluc es bialaglical rrioniiioring anic data collection far a varieaty of Rrajecti, which Has inivolved writing, Habitat nesloration plans, ainid bialoglical rroriitoring nenort. He also has e),tensivea fielc expcirieriae throughout Southern Cailifamia coriducting7 veglertation =R=ings oil excitic noxi-native speciies. Adcitiorially, he has ccina(ucied biological monitoring of constructian anc mainteriarice projects in uriviron rrientail) serisitive airieas. He is currently worNing on as varicity of haaHitat rie:toratiori anc biological riesaurce projects with various responsibiliticas ai HR:. PIRCIJECT ExFIBR19NC9 Hatitlatl Rlcistoratlior and Maintlenanaea County oil O range, Iriteigrated W ante Managearr ent Dcq:lartrr ent (IW MD) N ativ a Plant Habitat Managlement anc Mairal eniancie Slery icies for Landfills, Orange C ou nity, Calillarriia. For this 61-yciar contract, HRS nrcivicec manNiement and rraint(anaince scirvices lbr thei native glarii habitat sites within d a FRB and Salntiagla Canyon landfalls. Arms include appro)irriauely 6(I acnes of CSS habiol m3toratiora or site, 0.14 acre oil rina-iarn seriub Habitat, SI.O aereu of upland anc coast live oak Habitat art the FRB sites, and 150 acrcis of C!IS habitat at the Santiago Canyon lancfall. As crew Iccaderi, Nr. NarctNews worNec witH HRc.I staff ini nrioviding7 weed abaierrient service:, plaint ingl,anc irriglai ion insta Ilaticiri. C tial far th a client is to abtairi Nr iricsl sigln-off on these projects. HRS workec closcil) with alierni to accicirri plish this goal. Woodwanc Wetland Restoration and Maintenance, Integral Prc¢lerl ies, California. HRSI implemeruid thea Habitat N h iptian and N anitcaring Plan (HN N Ri by incluc i% I na:H acid e>,otic wigetatiori rcarriaval as well as glrac ing to nnovic a tH a toncigranhy i a ai the H y c rologlial cH araci eristics required fan thea re-establish rrier ii of wetland Habitat. Nn. Nati hews was tH a project lloreirriar/supervisor fair this Rrioject. Gracing wars cone to provic a rian(orrily shape( contours io mora clasel) reseirrible the tonagranhy of the aidjaceni uridisturibed ripariaan Habitat. C i Niiii restarai ian,lconstru cticini cafforts iriclu dcad: sigln installat ran, plantings of I-glallcin container play its and cu tt inigls, hyc raseec ingl, and irriglai icon installation. Site gloats for thea aquatic functions and services oil tHei restaradani linea include establi:hingl hydrologic corinecitivity, pravide fload control, improve biotic structure anc diversity, provide waatcar filtration and m a b li;h wildlife habitat. HRS installed ar d rriair twined the BN R's onsite anc is cantracmd to nerfarrrri the long)-term rriaini enance an tH is projuct. TH e C rossings at C arlsb ad Habitat Mairiteriancei F roject, C it:y oil Carlsb ad, Calillorriia. Mr. Nam hews wail a cirewi leiader for this Habitat mainrtunar Ciel nraject arc The Cros:ingls Calf Claurse in the city al Clarlsba(. Over I0,0aa native plants were insta Had in October 2CIO1 in both the wetianc avid uplanic arcias. HRS nriovided haabitat mainteniance anic riestoration llor the*aicnes till coastal sage scrub and a acres of wetlar ds. HRS workec closely with i H e Rrojeaet tearri including thea biologlist, erglineeirs aril lancscape architects to make sure the nraject rriet all succuss criteria ilor successful aglericy sign-c fl ... _ .... - .m__. . .. ..... . .... _ _ _ . _..... ................ NHRS Rage I cif:I KYL9 MATTHEWS — CONTINUED Pcrticlr's Canyon Regional Park Mitigation Rrojeatl, Clranga County Public Worrk s, California. Mr. N atth ew s is a Rrojecl larcimani/su pcirvisor for this HRS project. HR!I is the cartraclar ibr 14 reslor2i icrn of thea wenlard area. Thci flrsl stage oil This project invalved clearing over 790 non-native trcies throughout the miles tang wellaruc. The size of the trcies variec fram a DBH of 6" to as lange as -AS". HRS was able to completer the clearing)al all trees iri less than twa months beifone rhei stanri cd the bird nicitigl season. Mairitcriance activities 11or the first five ycrars cd the Reterr's Canyons Wash enrvinonmartal enhancement project will includer weed abatement, supRlcimertal planting, errosian control, persi contnal, 1nasF/cehris removal, and storm Mow maimenaricer. Lawer Blackwood Crerek Habitat Rclstoratlion, Calilorria -Rahoe ConservariayilCaliforHa Dcrplartrrier l of General Servicers, California. The $I.4 million ccrnstructian prajeat was dcisignec to restore and imprcrver habitat, waten quality, and channel stability ibr the arcak. The Rrajerct acdreuses approNirrrately I,CIOCI lineae feet cif cueerk realignment incorgcrralinigl nativer plaint reveigetaticrni and biotechnical rneatrrnernls ilor enhancing fish and ierreistrial habitat aruc stabilizing creek banks. Consimcitioni is currently benigl concucterd by HRS. HPIS h providing rrianagernerit, fiek direction, anc oversiglht far construction and Rlarit eats b I ish meet. Mr. Matthews was the project coorc it ah or and worked a las ely with the HRS Project avid Construction Manager alangl w hh the client avid reRortinig agencies. Habitat Biological Monitoring Saddleback Resicenntial Eleveloplmientl Pnaicrat, Westelrrn Riverrsice County Regional Conservation Authority, Riverside County, California. This Rrroject incluceic the Rrerparation of the Mu ni s Onian Slalva gel anc M anitorir g Plani, b y Du desk h ialagist, A nc y Thcrrrrsan, which provided rieeommeinicaticrns ibr salvaging then stater-listed eridarniglereic Munz's oriian JAlkm rriunzii, ilrom the prajecl area using)her"soil block rrreithod" and transplanlingl to an on-siter preserve arena. Mr. Matthews provided biclagical monhaningl fan the lorug-lertm mainter aneei portion ail this projerat. Jcili Anne L eiahtag Slarreritary Skip oal till, San Mareiat U riiflee School Dist riot (SMUSIEI;, Sian Eliergo Caurnly, California. Servec as the biological manitar on this school pnaject and part cd the team involvec in ire plarit survays ibr the stile-lisled eridangared aric ilcndernally listed, threatened thrciac-Ieraved broc iaear (friodiaeci oncuttii) Rlarit specias and mapped the extent all the population at the 71-acra site iri the Caunly of San Diego.Ac citionally, cortiruues to w ork as T her lanigl-term biologiail mar itor for t his praje cit. Sari Vicelrila Darri Raise Carrplianae Monitoring, San Diego County Watler Autlhorit), San Diego County, California. Sdrvec as a biological monitar far the San Vicente Dam Raise Rrojact Rrcrparad then Delicate Clarkia M ii igatian and M cinitarigl Rlan, wih ich dcntailec th a process lar salvagingl anc relocating Rcrpulalians al celicaie clarrkia (Oairkic deiicaiia; )ronin impact aneas to praservc arenas. Rrovicw annual rrianitaringl and quantitative data collection for the program and prapared annual status rneports. NRG Sclar Mitigation Sitcr in Neenaah, Clailifornia. Mr. Matihaws is serving as bia logical monitoring fcw the Bunnowing-Owl IAthene cunicukrioJ on oven 70 acres which werer impuirited with nativer send by HRS ini 7al2l. TI-is sire conitains 6 man-mace burrows that pravice the cersirec t ah it21 anc prat ecticin th 2rt tF a Elu rrow ingl Owls raqu ire. In N civamber oil 2013 th erei was phc i o C acumeritatian confrrrrrningl then use oil lha constructed burrow by ihci BurrowinghOwl. ........ _. _ _______— .__._.. RC Pager 11 al Major - Project Manage 1 Matt Major is a haibitai restoration speicialist with over 71 yeiai EEll UCAT 10N prolkissicinal a)opeirieraei warking as aril euivirorimerital speicialist Universitil cd Calillcmnia,San Cliega and projeict manageir on a yal ieq of public and private projects. 9A, Envirunmental 9yverris,71(106 He has eoctensivei expeirierice with habitat restorations projects CIIRTIF[CI/IT ION 911LiCIEiSEI iriv olv ingl sensitive resou reeis, inicluc ing rane plc rit s Recies, C ualifiec Applicatan Licer se(QAL) wen lards hat it2 ts, and habitat s ibr endanigerad wild life. #138 193 Categaniei 0,C, F N n. Major's a xperierice includ es H at itat ma im eriar i 1lor a v ariety ilb 1 1/3 1 GO Ie) of prciject in southern California. He alsa Has eixtersive fieild experience thraughout SoutHerri California cane uetii abaierr ern al a)ootic ncin-riativei species.Adc itionially,hei has maragec creiws far canistructiar and rriainitenarcie praject: ini erivironirrientally senisitlive areas. He is cLrrently warking on a variety o9 had itat nestoratior projects with v aricius res gorsibilitieis at H RSI. PIiC, i ExPERIBNCFI Hat itatl Restoraliori and Maintleinanaei As Needed Habitat Nariageirrient, San Diegla County Water Au0crrity, Sari Dieigo, C alifarniia. Mr. Major is eu rrenn ly the Project Nara ger for this as meedeid H at itat Servicers aanitract, which Has included rriLltipla high-pi habitat creations, rnariageme i anc mairitenanice projects. At the San Vicerite Dam it Uk(isidei, HRS periorni an aquatic herbieic a applieatian by boat on appro)imately 93400 linear feet of shoreline. HRS m21initairis mitigatfcin areas far ihei S13CAA at the .Tani Viaeii anic Lake Hadgles Flrnergeincy Plumping) 9toragle Facilities, arc it the spring of 20171 successllully campleiex a 5-yeah maintenance anic mainageirrierit program ai Esconid ida C(reek w H ich rusu Ited ini project sigri-off Irom Sta i e A genicieis. As Needec H abitat M aniag ement Sery ices, C err ter for Nadu rail Lai ids Managem er t, Clalifonr ia. Vi Major is the Rrciject supero iscir Ibr this project. HRS is currently providing habitat mainteriance arc ci as-reedec services ilor the Caniteri of Natural Larids Nanag(imem in Southerri Califarria. Nr. Majar is the primary coni avid Rroject 1121riaFler respar ible for coordinating) projects witli the Slari Diegci Regional Rrieserve Managler in the rr a Itiple habitat are2is tH at the C n LM rrarages. Rnciject s are e)t remely variec it i size and scaRe, anc haivei inicluded specialty harticide applications, rerricite gravity-Aid irrigations system desigli- ilc projects, heavy equiprrieint snail rerpair, 12ingei-scalei invasive plant removals, vglatation clearance, Zinc general h21bitat rriairtenarice. Is atiive F-abitat N aintenance Service for N it igal ions Site foil Riplarian Upland (JMathis), Clrange County Parks, California. Maintanarce and eistatlishrrieni services in a semi-ripanian mitigation site insicei ihei Alisa Wooc Cai in Wilderviii Park in Alisa Viejo. Wa irgl elcuely with OC Rark Plangeris arc the Biolaglical Moritcir, HPI9 irrigates the site wish a Reiriatle w2i iii and i, Rneivic ing remedial p1211ntirg and seeidingl to aic in the estatlishment cif a sustainable laical plant carrimunity. HPIS has utilizec its in-house Nurseiry io collect and propagate laaal plant material prom eistatlishec habitat anourid the mitigation sites. This approach ansures that gErI ilia acaptatians to fatal eancitions will bei preiservec and utilized io grove a sustainablei, resistant plant cammunity. ........_-- _ .... __._.__ _ . SIRS Plc 10ll2 MATT MAJCIR — CIONTINUEICI Twin Oahe Valley Road Exteirision, Orn-situ and Off-site U plane CSS & Chaparral Mitigal ion Programa, Clity of San Marc as, California. Mr. Major is the prclject supervisor ilor this HRS project. HRSI pro,*ideid habitat rustoratian rievugetatian installation erne remedial repair m ork,anc are curreirrl ly pravic ing long-team maintenance far th a Twin Oaks Valley Raac Extens icln an-site anc off-siter upianc mitigation program.Tlhe project incluc cis averr IS acres of restoration al coastal sage suruH iJCSS; and chaparral Habitat on-site, as well as aver 8 acres of CSIS habitat restoratian a1 an ofl-site Sycamore Drive location.Associaiec Aark adsa iriclut cis madificaiians anc remecial worN to an w sting CI.ft-acne Aetland rrihigatian area all-she that Aars praviausly failing and implemental ion of an adc h for ial (1.31-acre met lane rniti gatian area as adc itianal comgerisat ion 1a satisfy]rresaurce agency permitting requinemenls. Peter's Clanryon Regional Rark Iv itig ation Project, Orange C au my Pu b Iia W arks, C alifornia. Mr. Major is a prloject super,*isarl fair this H RS project. H PIS is the eclntr2ictarl far 1he restoration of the Aetlanc area. The Ilirst staple oil this praject involvec clearing over a90 non-nalive trees tHroLgHout the mile long Aetlanc iriclucing species such as 9ucal)ptr.s, Heruvian Hcppen, CHinesel Far Halms, Acacia, anc Washiriglan Halms. The size of the lnecs varies from a DBH of 6" to as largle as 75". H R9 wars able to complel e 1 he clearing of 2111 1 rleels in less 1 han two manths befare the s1 art of the bird nestir ig s easani. M ainl erance act ivitics far 1he1 first flue years of the Peter's Calnycln Wash crrvirorimenlal enhancement praject will incluce weed abalemcnrt, suppl(lrrrerital plariting, urmian control, pest control, trashddcbrris reimo,*al, and slarlm flaw mainteuiaricu. C aasl al Sagc1 Scrub Restoration 119ite B, Marine Corps Sir ciharigle, and Pilgi irr Clreeh), Camp Penc leton, California. M r1. Maljar is the praject su pelrvisclr fcui this HRS praject. HRS is providing CI99 resloratior services for this 30-acre site. Frojccl iricludus soil imprinting, coruiner plant plantingl, hyc reseeding, ar d prlamcl ian of the th reac-lea,*uc Broc iaea is its cu rnerit location. During years -3- 5, the locus is weed and excite species control aric erncauraglerrrerit of the cartainier plam c evelopmcnt v,ii h mainteriance anc the use of pratccl ive aagles. ISR S Page] oil 2 BXIIIBIITI "B" SCHEDULE Tad Ie I is Ctuc ek's case sunrinriary for this project. TABLIS 1.C OSIZI SIU MM AIRY Required Tasks � CIDFW pemmil I maintenance agieemunt $6,000 Five-1'can On-Sites N ain enance Arizona Clnassing $'19,360 FiV0 eian Off-Site N ain enance-9ycamcme Tnails 91 ables $9,000 Five-1 Eiai Biological Monilanng and Reporting $78,870 Incidental Cas s $4,000 9ubla at $67,'180 Irrgaiion of onlofl site areas via wa'ein truck(58 evenls) $23,100 Temporary)Hydnant ME111i $2,250 Wates serviicei fleas $6,840 Subdolal $32,290 Cestruclive Natunal Uccunrer ce Replariliriq 110pliorial) $1,650 Tal al $101,121(1 ®UDEKI Ariaoniai Cnassirii Five Yeiar Naniitaring and Naim enance Rnaject I Ortega Hwy, San Juan Capistrano, CA-Google Maps Page I of 17 Ta see all the details that are visible an the GOi$le screen,use the"Print'link next to the map. Reata Park and On-site Mitigation Event Center Area (see enlarged view on next page) it ' Rancho Mission Viejo Riding Park at San Juan Capistrano d� ENCLOSURE 1 LOCATION MAP OF ON-SITE MITIGATION AREA (ARIZONA CROSSING) (PAGE 1 OF 2) http://maps.google.com/ 6/5/2013 Ortega Hwy, San Juan Capistrano,CA-Google Maps Page I of 2 To see all the details that are visible on lha Google screen,use the"Print"link next to the m. P. qw On-site Mitigation V Areas (clouded) - 1. 14 y, y ENCLOSURE 1 LOCATION MAP OF ON-SITE MITIGATION AREA (ARIZONA CROSSING) (PAGE 2 OF 2) http://maps.googic.com/ 6/5/2013 Or �y .,�J'� _ Off-site Mitigation Area (see .>t enlarged view on next page) 4T� lrr ` }qr\ Sycamore Trails Stables Equestrian Center l L'1 1 'e, . r > L r Trabuco Creek Mitigation Site N cityGIS Copyrhfd®2106 M Rights Res ed. The irdormatlan cccts ed herein ism proprktery Mpvly dthe mrdrdador suppled under lceree and my no]be approved wept es licensed by Dipal Map prodpcls. ENCLOSURE 2 OFF-SITE MITIGATION AREA AT THE SYCAMORE TRAILS STABLES EQUESTRIAN CENTER (PAGE 1 OF 2) http://maps.digitalmapcentml.com/production/citygis/v07_03_001/index.p7.mpx 9/20/2012 ANO ' a :• �SIIiEQrTiHERAPUTIC,GENTER ••la ti/ 1 Off-site Mitigation Area - h 1 A yY 3j 'ISYCA„MOR•E STABLER / �# � JJ" �� •*l.i ITY O'•NED PRO'FERTY r S y q Y' A Parcel Boundary 2000 Sq Ft Arundo 2C Ranch Mitigation 0 75 150 3D0 Removal Area B Feet ENCLOSURE 2 (page 2 0£ 2 )