PC Minutes-2022-08-24 MINUTES August 24, 2022 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING TELEPHONIC/VIDEO CONFERENCE MEETING ORGANIZATION: Chair Wilhelm called the Regular and Telephonic Conference Meeting of August 24, 2022, of the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano to order at 5:02 p.m. ROLL CALL: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Commissioners Tami Wilhelm, Matt Gaffney, Anna Dickinson, and Darren Fancher. COMMISSIONER ABSENT: Stan Braden STAFF PRESENT: Joel Rojas, Development Services Director David Contreras, Principal Planner Paul Garcia, Senior Planner George Alvarez, Traffic Engineer Alisha Winterswyk, Deputy City Attorney Agenda items are presented in the originally agendized format for the benefit of the minutes’ reader but were not necessarily heard in that order. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Commissioner Gaffney led the Pledge of Allegiance. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. None. CONSENT CALENDAR: Commission Action: Moved by Commissioner Fancher, seconded by Commissioner Dickinson, to approve consent calendar items C1 and C2. Motion passed by a 3-0-1 vote (Commissioner Gaffney abstained). C1. FINDING THAT CONDUCTING TELEPHONIC/VIRTUAL MEETINGS FOR THE REGULAR OPEN SESSION MEETINGS AS ALLOWED PER ASSEMBLY BILL 361, PROMOTES SOCIAL DISTANCING DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. APPROVED. C2. Draft August 10, 2022, Planning Commission Minutes. ROLL CALL: Planning Commission Action Minutes 2 August 24, 2022 AYES: COMMISSIONER: Wilhelm, Dickinson, and Fancher. NOES: COMMISSIONER: None ABSENT: COMMISSIONER: None ABSTAINED: COMMISSIONER: Gaffney UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Consideration of Sign Permit (SP) 22-017, Peppertree Bend Residential Subdivision Sign: A request to allow for a 3’ tall, externally-illuminated residential subdivision monument sign, proposed to be within an existing landscape median at the intersection of Calle Aspero and Peppertree Bend, the primary entrance to the Peppertree Bend subdivision. The applicant is seeking a sign exception to the Land Use Code prohibition of permanent signs within the public right-of-way (Applicant: Ohan Filhanessian, Pacific Sign Center) (Project Manager: Paul Garcia, Senior Planner). Paul Garcia, provided the staff presentation and responded to questions. Chair Wilhelm opened the public meeting, and no one provided public testimony. Commission Action: COMMISSIONER Dickinson made a motion, seconded by COMMISSIONER Fancher, to adopt a resolution approving Sign Permit (SP) 22-017, as conditioned. The motion passed by a 4-0 vote. ROLL CALL: AYES: COMMISSIONER: Wilhelm, Gaffney, Dickinson, and Fancher. NOES: COMMISSIONER: None RECUSED: COMMISSIONER: None ABSTAINED: COMMISSIONER: None PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Consideration of General Plan Amendment (GPA) 22-001, Code Amendment (CA) 22-002, Rezone (RZ) 22-001, Architectural Control (AC) 22-004, Tree Removal Permit (TRP) 22-010, and Sign Program (SP) 22-010; El Camino Specific Plan, a request for approval of a Specific Plan to facilitate the development of a new commercial project consisting of two, 2-story buildings with approximately 27,457 square feet of retail, restaurant and office uses, and a 4-story parking structure with a 2,607 square foot retail space on a 1.68-acre City-owned property currently developed with the Camino Real Playhouse and a public parking lot, located at 31776 El Camino Real (APN #124-160-27, 124-160-55, 124-160-57, 124-160-63)(Applicant: Jessica Steiner, Bickel Group Architecture)(Project Manager: David Contreras, Principal Planner). Planning Commission Action Minutes 3 August 24, 2022 David Contreras, provided the staff presentation and responded to questions. Dan Almquist, applicant, provided presentation and responded to questions. Chair Wilhelm opened the public hearing and Tom Scott, Monique Rex, Barbara S., Jack Stavana, and Steve Behmerwohld provided public testimony. Commission Action: COMMISSIONER Fancher made a motion, seconded by COMMISSIONER Gaffney to: 1) Adopt a resolution recommending that the City Council approve GPA 22-001, adopt the El Camino Specific Plan, approve CA 22-002 and RZ 22-001, and find that said action is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under CEQA Guidelines Section 15332, In-Fill Development Projects (Class 32); and, 2) Adopt a resolution conditionally approving AC 22-004, TRP 22-010, and SP 22-010 with modified conditions of approval. The motion passed by a 4-0 vote. ROLL CALL: AYES: COMMISSIONER: Wilhelm, Gaffney, Dickinson, and Fancher. NOES: COMMISSIONER: None RECUSED: COMMISSIONER: None ABSTAINED: COMMISSIONER: None INFORMATION ITEM: None. COMMISSION/STAFF COMMENTS: None. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Chair Wilhelm adjourned the meeting at 6:12 p.m. to Wednesday, September 14, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. Approved on September 14, 2022. ____________________________ Joel Rojas, Development Services Director Planning Commission Secretary