PC Minutes-2021-04-13 MINUTES April 13, 2021 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING TELEPHONIC/VIDEO CONFERENCE MEETING ORGANIZATION: Chair Wilhelm called the Regular and Telephonic Conference Meeting of April 13, 2021, of the Planning Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano to order at 6:35 p.m. ROLL CALL: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Commissioners Stan Braden, Darren Fancher, Matt Gaffney, Harrison Taylor, and Tami Wilhelm. COMMISSIONER ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Joel Rojas, Development Services Director Sergio Klotz, Assistant Development Services Director Paul Garcia, Associate Planner STAFF ATTENDING BY VIDEO CONFERENCE: Brian Byun, Deputy City Attorney Agenda items are presented in the originally agendized format for the benefit of the minutes’ reader but were not necessarily heard in that order. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Tom Hribar CONSENT CALENDAR: Commission Action: Moved by Commissioner Braden, seconded by Commissioner Taylor, to approve the consent calendar (Item C1) by a 4-0 vote. C1. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING OF March 9, 2021, APPROVED ROLL CALL: AYES: COMMISSIONER: Wilhelm, Braden, Fancher, and Taylor. NOES: COMMISSIONER: None ABSENT: COMMISSIONER: None ABSTAINED: COMMISSIONER: Gaffney. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None. Planning Commission Action Minutes 2 April 13, 2021 NEW BUSINESS: E1. Reorganization of the Planning Commission: Selection of Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Appointments of two (2) Commissioners to serve on the Design Review Committee (Project Manager: Sergio Klotz, Assistant Development Services Director). Planning Commission made the following selections and appointments for the upcoming 2021-2022 period. Chair Wilhelm opened the nominations for Chair. Commission Action: COMMISSIONER Wilhelm nominated COMMISSIONER Taylor as Chair. The motion to select COMMISSIONER Taylor as Chair passed by a 5-0 vote. ROLL CALL: AYES: COMMISSIONER: Taylor, Braden, Fancher, Gaffney, and Wilhelm. NOES: COMMISSIONER: None RECUSED: COMMISSIONER: None ABSTAINED: COMMISSIONER: None Chair Taylor opened the nominations for Vice Chair. Commission Action: COMMISSIONER Braden nominated COMMISSIONER Wilhelm as Vice Chair and COMMISSIONER Gaffney nominated himself as Vice Chair. The motion to select COMMISSIONER Wilhelm as Vice Chair passed by a 4-1 vote. Commissioner Gaffney withdrew his nomination. ROLL CALL: AYES: COMMISSIONER: Taylor, Braden, Fancher, and Wilhelm. NOES: COMMISSIONER: Gaffney. RECUSED: COMMISSIONER: None ABSTAINED: COMMISSIONER: None Chair Taylor opened the nominations for the Design Review Committee regular member. Commission Action: COMMISSIONER Wilhelm nominated COMMISSIONER Braden as regular member to the Design Review Committee. The motion to select COMMISSIONER Braden as the regular member to the Design Review Committee passed by a 5-0 vote. ROLL CALL: Planning Commission Action Minutes 3 April 13, 2021 AYES: COMMISSIONER: Taylor, Braden, Fancher, Gaffney, and Wilhelm. NOES: COMMISSIONER: None RECUSED: COMMISSIONER: None ABSTAINED: COMMISSIONER: None Chair Taylor opened the nominations for the Design Review Committee alternate member. Commission Action: COMMISSIONER Braden nominated COMMISSIONER Taylor as the Design Review Committee alternate member. The motion to select COMMISSIONER Taylor as the alternate member to the Design Review Committee passed by a 5-0 vote. ROLL CALL: AYES: COMMISSIONER: Taylor, Braden, Fancher, Gaffney, and Wilhelm. NOES: COMMISSIONER: None RECUSED: COMMISSIONER: None ABSTAINED: COMMISSIONER: None PUBLIC HEARINGS: F1. Zone Variance (ZV) 21-001, Mercier Residence; A request for an exception to the Ridgeline and Open Space Preservation District to allow for the construction of a covered porch on an existing single-family residence, at 30601 Steeplechase Drive (APN 650-371-09) (Applicant: Rick & Kimberly Mercier)(Project Manager: Paul Garcia). Paul Garcia, Associate Planner, provided the staff presentation and responded to questions. Chair Taylor opened the public hearing, and no one provided public testimony. Commission Action: COMMISIONER Gaffney made a motion, seconded by COMMISSIONER Wilhelm, to adopt a resolution recommending that the City Council adopt a resolution approving of Zone Variance (ZV) 21-001. The motion passed by a 5-0 vote. ROLL CALL: AYES: COMMISSIONER: Taylor, Braden, Fancher, Gaffney, and Wilhelm. Planning Commission Action Minutes 4 April 13, 2021 NOES: COMMISSIONER: None RECUSED: COMMISSIONER: None ABSTAINED: COMMISSIONER: None INFORMATION ITEM: None. COMMISSION/STAFF COMMENTS: The Planning Commission requested that an item be placed on the April 27, 2021 Planning Commission agenda to discuss possibly changing the Commission Meeting 6:30 p.m. start time. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Chair Taylor adjourned the meeting at 7:05 p.m. to Tuesday, April 27, 2021, at 6:30 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. Approved on April 27, 2021. ____________________________ Sergio Klotz, Assistant Development Services Director Planning Commission Secretary