IF IS AGHHOMBN -n is mado, entexid into, and shall become ofleative ilhis 'Isl day
oUlpi il, 2009, by and between 1ho Clity oil San Juan Clapislrano (heneinafler reilenxid to as
tt a "Clity") and Patton Boggs LLC (hEireiinafien reikir!Md 110 as tt a "Clonsultant").
WF EIRGAS, Clity desines to ictain thEi sEirvices oil Clonsultant iEigarding the City's
proposal 110 procune fedEiral govEinnrrient nEdated advocacy seniices; and
WF BRBA;I, Cons uilant is qua lifted by vir ue of expenience, tra ining, education and
expEirl ise to accomplish such services.
NOW, IF BRBFORE, Cit}l and Clonsullant rriutuall)l agneEi as -follows:
Sectic n 1. Scope c f We uk.
-it a scopes of miork to be perfourr ied by Clonsultant s hall consist of those tasks as sEit
-loch in axhibill "A," attached and incorporated heroin by nEikiiience. To the exlentthatJ ei(i
are any conillicts betweEin thEi provisions described in Exhibil "A" and those provisions
contained within this Agreement, the provisions in this AgreEiment shall contnol.
Sccil is a 2. Imam.
This AgnEiEirriEint shall commancEi on tt a EiHEicthie date and st all llanmina�le, and all
senflaes requirEid honeunden shall ba completed, no later Than June 10, 70111.
Seclion 3. Cerripensallion.
3.1 Amc unl.
110tal compensation fon the ser%ucos t evundei shall not excoed $ 216,000.00
as sol forth in 9xhibit "A," attached and inconporaled hEirein by relkinence.
3.2 Mell he d c f PaN mernl .
Subject to &cation 3. 1, Cons ullanl st all submil monthly invoices based on
110tal sEirmices which have been satisilaatorily compleiled fon such monthly period. The Cily
will pail monthl)l progress paymenils basad on approved invoices in accordance wilt this
.lecil ion.
3.3 Reccinc s of Esplenses.
Clonsultant shall keEip complEite and accuratEi nEiconds oil all cosls and
EDIPEinses incidEinial to sEINicEIs Covered t y this AgnEiernEini. These records will be madEi
availablEi at nEiasonablEi timEis to Clity.
Sec+lian A. Indepenc ent (lcinilraclan.
It is agnEied 'It at Consuilant st all act and bEi an indepEindEint conlnaaton and not an
agent on Eimplo)IeEi of Clity, and shall ob-lain no nights to any beneili-Is wt ich acanue to City's
Section 6. Limiit-cllions L pon Suftaniilnaciliniq and Assignmienil.
I I e expenience, I n owlEidgE1, capability and nEiputation of Con suflani, its principals
and Eimployeee were a substanlial induaernien'l fon City to enten into this AgneEirvent.
Consultant st all not conlnaat with any othen Ein tits to perform the sEirvices Required wilt out
written approval oil thEi City. This Agiieemenl may not be assigned, voluntarily on b)l
opeRation oil law, wilt out the A nior wnitlEin appRoval of thea City. If Clonsultant is permit -led to
sut contmat anal part o-1 this AgReement t y Clity, Cori sultani shall be responsible to Cit)l foil
the acts and omissions of its subconlnacton as it is for persons dinEict171 employed. Nott ing
contained in this Agneement shall cnEiatEi any contractual rEilationships between any
subaonlnacloR and Clit)l. Fill persons engagEid in the woo will be considered Eimployees oil
Clonsultant. Clil�l will deal directly with and will makEi all payments to Clone ultant.
Seclioni 6. Chances to Scape cil Wonk.
FIoR EMNa wonk not pari of tt is Pig nEierrienl, a wnittEin autt orizalion from City is
requinEid pnion to Clonsultant undertaking any extna wonk. In the evEint of a ct ange in the
Scope of Worl' prmiidEid foil in the contract docurnients as Requested by ihE1 Cit}j, tt El Par iee
hereta shall Eixecute an addendum tci -It is AgneEimient setting fort wilh particulanity ail
Wilms oil It a new agnEiemEinl, including but nut limitEid to any additional Consullant's fees.
Secilian 7. Ramiiliarity w ith Work anc Ian Conslructicini Site.
By executing this Agreement, Consultant wamiants tt at: (1) it has investigated the
wort to be pEirionrriEid; (2) H applicable, it has investigated thEi work silfl(s), and is aware oil
ail conditions it ere, and (3) it unders tands the 'lacilities, difficulties and resiriations oil tt e
wonk to bEi per onmed under this Agreement. Shauld Consultant discoven any latent on
unknawn canditions malerially difiening fnom those int eren'l in thEi work on as rEipnEisentEid
by City, it shall immedialely inform the Clity of this and st all not proceed wi-It ilurlhErn work
Linden it is AgreEimEint until wiit-lon inelnuctians ane rEiceivEid from thEi Clity.
clecticin 8. Time cif EssenicEx.
7 ime is of it a Eissence in thEl peirforman CEI 01 tt is Agnoemenl.
Secliar l . Comiplian ce w i1N IJaw; 9 -Verify .
9.1. (lanigUar cei willh Ila%.
Clonsullanl shall compl)lwitt all applicable laws, ordinances, aodEis and negulaticins
of ledeial, stale and local glovennment.
9.2. E-VEmify.
if Clonsultant is not alneady ennolled in the l .%fl. Depart ment o1 Homeland Secunily's
a-Venit l piognam, Clonsultan l shall Ein Holl in the 8-Vunifyj pnagnam within fifteEin days o'1 tt e
efleclive date cif It is plgaeemenl to VENN thEr EimployrinEint authariaation of empiciyEies
assigned to pEirlonm woO hEineunden. Cansullanl st all venifyj employment authciniza-licin
will in tt nee days of hiring a new empioyeEi on assigning an Oxisting erriplayeEi to perfonm
work un dEin this AgneErmEint. lnfonmation perlainin g to the BA enifyj program can bEr found at
t tlp:hWww.usa i; .gov, on access the negistnation page at t ttp; :i61www.vis-
dhs.com,lemployennegistuation. Consultant stall provide evidErn ce Of il: nagistnation wilt 8-
VeniN within six Eien days o1 tt a effective date o1'It is Agneement.
ectian 10. Canflict;l of Ir Wnest.
Clansultant covenants that it pnesEinliy I as nci intenEft t and shall not acquine any
intElnElst, dinEict on indinect, whict would conflicl in any man nEin on degree with the
perionrriancEi of 11he ser%icEis contemplated by this AgHEremenll. No peuson having such
intEmesl shall be employed by on assaciated with Cansuflant.
Seiclior '11. Clapies of Work Praducl.
At 'It a completion of the work, Clonsultant shall have deliveaud ,lo City at Waft one
('I) copy of any llinal reporls andllor notEs or drawing: containing Clansultant's -lindings,
conclu; fans, and necommE ndations with any supporling doaumentation. All neports
sL brniitted ici the Clit)l shall be in nE pnoduciblE Ibnrnat, on in tt a lkinmat othE rwisE appnovE d
b)I the City in waiting.
ectian 12. 0%neirship of Dacumeintsl.
All repor s, inikinmation, data and E xhibits pnE pared on assembled by Consuillant in
connection will the perfonmanae o11 ills seri ices puiIsuan'l ,lo this AIgneE ME nl ane aonfidential
to llt e Ex ent pe imitiled bylaw, and Consullan-1 agnE es that they., hall not be madE availablE
to any individual on organization withou-1 q nicin wait en consent o-1 It e City. All such neporls,
inilonmation, dada, and exhibits shall be the propE dy of the Cily and shall be dE livened to tt e
Clity upon dE mand without addilional co: is or expE nse -lo the Cily. Th( Clity acknowledges
uch dcicr rnE nls aHE instruments oil Consultant's pnofessional ser ices.
ectian 13. Inc eminiity.
7o the 1ullE1st Eixtenl penmilted by law, Consuitan'l agneEis to proiEict, de -kind, and
t old hanmless the Cil)l and its electi\ier and appaintive boards, officEirs, agents, and
employEiEis fncim any and all claims, IiabililiEis, expensEis, an damages o1 any natt irci,
inak ding atlanne)ls' 11ces, for injL ryl all dcalh of any pEirson, on damages of any nalune,
including in 1EOE111emae with us a of pnciperty, arising caul o-1, or in any way con nEialEid wilt the
negligEin CEI, necl, lessness andilon intention al wrongful conduct o1 Consul-lanl, Clonsultant's
agents, officens, emplayEies, subaon'Inaclons, on indepondenl conlraclons hired by
Cons uliani in thEi perfonmanae o1 the Agneement. The only excEiption to Consultant's
nesponsibilily to proiEict, de,kind, and hold hallMIEISs iho Cily, is due -lo -It a nEigligEince,
nEicl, lessness anddon wncmgilul conduct o-1 'It a City, on any of i -Is elective on appointive
boands, officens, agents, or employees.
This hald t armlEiss agreEimEint shall apply 10 all liability negandless of whelhen any
insurance paliciEis are applicable. The palicy limits da no'[ act as a limilalion un on the
amokinl all indEimni-licalion to be pnovided by Consultant.
Section 14. Insurance.
On or bEifane beginning any o-1 thEi services or work called lion by any lenm of this
Agneemen1, Clonsuliant, al its own cost and expensEi, shall canr)l, maintain far It a dunatian
of the agneemE1nl, and pnovidEi pnciol It Eireof that is aaceptable to the Clit)I, the inSL nance
spEicified bE1l0w with insurers and unden forms till insunance saiisiaatory in all nespecls to
thEi City. Clonsullant shall not allow any subconlraclon W commence work an any
subconinacl unlit all insunance nequinEid of 1hei Cons ullanl has also been abtainEid -lon it a
s ubconlraclon. Insunanae required i erein shall b(i provided by Admilled Insurens in good
standing wilt the Stale of Clalilornia and having a minimum Basi's Guide Haling of A Cllass
Vii or belter.
14.1 Campinehenaive General Liahiili4.
Throughout the team of 'It is AgnoemEinl, Cansuliant shall maintain in full forcE1
and effect ComprehEmsive General Liability covenagEi in an amcurnl not less than onEi
million dollars per occunnEincE1 ($1,000,000.00), ccimbined single limil cavEinage for risks
associallod with the worts conlomplaled by this agneEimEm1. li a Commencial Clenonal
Liat ility insurance farm on olhen farm with a genEinal aggnegate limit is usEid, eithEin the
general aggnEigale limit st all appl)l sepanalol)l to the wcink to bEi performEid unden this
agreement an the genEinal aggnegale limit shall be at least twice thEi nEiquined occurnence
1A.2 Corr iplrehensivcAutamabilaLiadilit)j.
Thnaughoul the term of It isAgreemeni, Consultant shall maintain in full force
and Eiffecl ClompnEit enshie Aulamobile Liabilit)l aovenage, including ownEid, hilrod and non -
owned vehiclEis in an amount not less than one million dallans pEin accLlnrencEi
'14.3 Worker's Conripcin sail ion.
III Clonsiillant intends to eimploy employees to perform seRlices unden tt is
Agnacment, Consulilanl shall obtain and maintain, duping thEi -lemur of this Agreement,
Wonken's Cornipen sa-lion 9rriployer's l iabilily In suranco in the s-laluilory arniount as moquked
b)l stale law.
14.4 F nocif cii Insunancia ReiquinEimientsilEndonsomiani.
Pnion -lo Niginning any wonk unden tt is Ag,ieernient, Consultant shall submit
1ho insurance cerificates, including It a deducliblEi oii sell callEintion amount, and an
additional insured endorsement naming Clity, its officers, erniployces, agents, and
volunleens as additional insureds as respEicis Eiach of the following: Liabilily anising oul oil
activilliEis pen onmed by on on behalil of Consullan-1, including the insuned's genEiral
supEiruision of Consultant, pnoducls and completed opeualions of Consultanil; premises
ownEul, occt pied on us ed by Clonsultant, on automobiles owned, leased, hired, on borrowed
by Clonstiltant. It a covenage shall c on lain no s pecial limitations on the s cope of prolec-lion
affondEid Cily, its officers, Eimployees, agonts, or volunteers.
'14.5 9nnors and Omissions Cciveraitle
Throughout the team ollilhis Agncemonl, ConsuIII ant shall mairnlain Onions and
Omissions Coverage (proles aional liability coverage) in an amount of not I(isa than OnEi
Million Clollars il$1,000,000). Rrior to beginning anyl wonk under tt is Agreement, Clonsultan-1
shall s ubmil an insurance certilica-le to tt a City's GenEinal CounsEii fon c(iri Hiication that the
insurance requirements of This Agnecment have been salisfied.
'14.6 Nolicie of Cain ciallaiticin,ITeirmiinvilion oil Insuranaei.
The above policylpoliciEis s hall not terminale, not shall they bEi canceilEid, nor
the covonages redu(ed, until afteu'It iriy 130) clays' written nolice is givein to Clity, excEipt that
len (110) days' notice shall be given it lhone is a cancollalion duc to lailune to pay a
V.7 Teinnns oliCamipeinsailion.
Consultant shall noel receivo any corripensalion until all insurance provisions
have bEien salis-kid.
'14.8 h ollice to F raceed.
ClonSLIIIant shall not proceed with any work Sinden It is Agreement until the
Ci-ly I as issued a writkin "Notice to P110ceEld" varifyjing that Consullan 1 has complied with all
ins unance requinemants of this Agnoernent.
Sectian 15. 7enmiinatiari ,
Clity shall have the night to lenminalEi this Agreement without cause by giNung 9 iriy
130) days' advance WOErn notice of 1Emmination to Clonsuilant.
In addition, This AgnEiemEint may be terminated by any party fon cause by providing
ten 4-1 0) days' nolicei to the other party of a matcrial bnEra ch of con Uact. Ifl the oll Eir party
doeis not curie the breact o'l contract, thein thEr agreement may be lenminated subsEiquEin t
to the t(in .1'10) day cure period.
"Ilecticin 16. Nalice.
All] n olicEis shall be personally deliveiied on ma iled to tho below listed addressor, or
to such otheu addnEisses as may be designalod by wnitiein notice. These addresses shall
ba usad 'bn delivery of service of process-
0 City: Clity of San Juan Clapislnano
32,e 00 Ras eo Adelanto
San Juan Clapislrano, CA 92675
To Clonsultant: Patton Boggs, LLF
2550 M. StnErEit, N. W.
Washington 13. C. 20037
Atln: Thomas Downs
9ectian 17. Attarr eys' FeErs.
Ifl any ac,lion at law or in equity is neicessarA to enforcE1 ou inteuipret 1hE1 terms oil This
AgrEiemen'l, thei prevailing party shall bEi entitled to reasonable atlorneys' llEies, costs and
nErcessarYl disbursemen'ls in addition to any other relief to which he may be Ernlilled.
Seciior '18. Dispwe Resalulior .
In -It a eveint o-1 a disputa anising beMEien thEr par ies negarding pEirlonmancEi on
intsiipretalion of This Agneemeanl, thEi dis pute shall be rEisolvEid by binding anbitnalion un dEir
tf a auspices of the Judicial Arbitralion and Mediation Service ]"JAMS").
9ectian 19. 9rtine Aaneeirriert.
This Agneement constitutes -it a Eintiie understanding and agneemeint betwElEln the
par ies and supenseides all previous negotiations beitween therm per aining to thea subjEiat
mattes theireof.
IN "ITNE"1I9 WF EmEjan, ihEi parties t aceto havE1 exeauted this FIginement.
By: &4E MAI-,
[lave Adams, City N anagEin
YV* 4'ull-
City AIttorney
Thomas CI. Downs, Partnen
HAM R A: Raffle Scheic u le
Manthly Roe Schedulo. Consulilanl stall submil manthly inmaicEls to t e Oflice of
1hEi City Manager 11allowing oach manih in which Clamiliant's seirviceis allEl
pimidcid, using the fallawing loo schoduia:
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
Octaber 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
Rebrua 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
January 2011
Februa 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
JunEi 2011
1 $8,500
Bach mclnihly invaicEl s hall specify] any expEinses faii casts related to Cansultant's
serviaes It at mei appnclved by tho Office of thEl Clity Manageui. Bach invaice shall
alsa include a paragraph summarizing Clanst Itant's warty.
2. 9copE1 ail Wcmk. Clans Rant shall plan, cacindinaie, and implement tt a Ci. y all San
Juan Clapistnana's federal governmeni affairs agenda. aansultan 's wa4 an thEl
City's bElt alil shall ina lude the follawing camponen 1s:
a) In consultation with tt a Offices of the City ManagEin, Consullan'l shall t alp
identify priority arEias fon fedenal ft ndir g tt not gh glnanls and
b) Consullan-1 shall pnovide they Offices of 1he City ManagEir wilh timEily notia es
of lEidegal grant oppor t niliEis in pnioiil)l areas identified for thEi Clit)l.
c) Con sullant st all work wilh thEi Clity cif San A an Clapislrano's
Congressional dEdegation 'lo advance proposals fon legisla,live
autharization and appiopriaiicins io fund iho Clity's pnioiit�l projects and
d) Clonst pant shall l aep thEi Oflice of thEi Clity Managai inlormed thnot gh
negular wnitlen update reports abat 1 elevar t -ledEiral government acticins,
decisions, and opporlunitiEis b6aning an the Clit)I's piiionity meas of inlomist.
SA H X IA F I CAPI67RAN0, CA 9,1875
(949) 4931171
(9,49) 493-1053 FA7
WNIW..11 nfue ncgjVs1 ana.Olg
Thomas CI. Downs
Patton E agcls, I_LI R
21J5CI M Slreerl, N.W.
Weshing-lon, O.C. Z'IOCIc117
DATE: ME y 1:1, 4IOCC
FROM: Clhnisly Jakl, Adminiiia tive Sneciaiisil, Clity Clerk's Office 119451) 413-6319
RE: Renscma l cclervices Agreeinienl — Pnocure Fledana l Geveirnnien'l Relaied AdvecEicy
llhani ycu kr providing docurrientaticn canfinming carrinik nce with 11t a lenrus cf lhEi agreamicni
quk ted 1c in su ra nce.
Rlease keep in mind this dccumieiniafic n must remain cunnenil wilh aw affic;a during thea term (f
-This E clneerrieni. til you have quEis lions nuk ted tc ins unE ncu nequinemianis, plleE se cE II m(i at
1194(11) 443.93110.
III you havE1 queslic ns concerning ihEi agrawnent, nleasEi centaci CEilhy SE Icedo, ExelCUlivEI
Ass ista nl e l s1514511 44 341317.
An c riginE I aclreEimiEml is Eincic sed fon your Wconds .
Cc: Ca -I by Sa Icedc , 9xecutive AssistEl n1
,kk% Acin Capisilrai c: firewniing the Pasil tc Enhance dle fiviiurc
CI FIN lad w 104 % recyc ed p1 p or
SMI/I 009
TIO: Mahlon and City Clouncil
FROM: Dave Adams, Clity Manager
SIJ E J8CT: Clansideraticin all Consulting Services fon Slate � nd Fedenal Clove nnment
pfd% ocacy Ile rvices and Appncip iiatia n oil Funds -- F11 2009,110 and F)
2010,11'1 (Townsend Rublic Mains, Inc. and Rattan Boggs, L LR)
By motion,
1. Approve lie agneemenl wi11h llownsend Flublic Aflaius, Inc. to provide state
go) ennmeni advocacy services 1W the peiiod o'l ilgnil 1, 20(9 It nougt June 10,
2(TI nol to excee cl $149,500 duning It a iem oil the agiieemenl, and
2. Appnai a tt a agnee n ent with Rattan Boggs, LLR to pncivide lledenal government
advoaactl services 111cm the period al April 1, 2009, thnoUglh June 30, 201' , not to
exceed $216,000 duning tt a term oil11he agreement, and
3. pluthaiiize the C ity Managlen to execute the agreement,,, as appm% ed by the C ity
A homey, fon these services.
In eflod to assist It e City in secuning slate and federi I funding kin capital imps ovement
pnojecls, t iglhlig ht goN ennrnenll fi nding oppor unities and keep stale and-ledenal oflicials
briefed on the City's pniorily objet ti\ e: , It e Clity Council approved contracts flop stale
and fede►a I advocacy services in beginning in Ocicit en 2007 milt Townsend, Flublia
Aflains, Inc. and Ra lton, Boggs, LLR.
In lhei interest of cluei diligence, the City Council directed slaf 110 ueinegoliate rnoMhly
naleis v itt Townsend PPI and Patton Bogg ; LLC, in order to obtain a cost sa\ ing s ilor thea
upcoming Fiscal Years).
Pgenda Regor
Rage 2
Nay 5, 2009
To dale, the CUly t r s applied ibi It a following slate r nd 'ledeial grants:
Stalto Grant std tus
-It e ; ale Roules io School Grani is schedi sled llor llunding in fiscal year 2010P 0'I 1.
A roved
afe Routes to %Elahool Giant
% a rious Sidewalk and Crosswalk Improvements
• Water Resources Development Act o'l 2008
Elan Juan Watershed Restoialion Project
$10 million
. FisaE I lea 12009 /Ippnogiiailons Regtiesis
Dept. of In tei for - Los Rios F islonia Llis-lria I Rani
$1 million
7F LD - lael Cllbispo SUieet Clirculai ion
Impnovemenis and Bridge Widening Rrojeci
$5 million
(CIP A 122)
11HU11- San Jia n Cieel Road Widening, \oalle
Road to Clam in Capis-lra no
$4.2 million
(CIH #406)
Title A 1 I– Recycled Waien Elysiem
13 million
• Fiscal Yean 2010 Ag pi opniations RegLiesls
IF L D - Elan Juan Greek Road Widening, Va Ile
Road to Clamino Claq ishano
(CI R #4106)
$4.2 million
llitle XVI – Recycled Vlralen flystem
$6 million
EIPP – Gi ound Wader Recovery Rlanl E xpans ion
$3 million
SJC Regional Library Expansion/Renovation
$2.8 million
Stalto Grant std tus
-It e ; ale Roules io School Grani is schedi sled llor llunding in fiscal year 2010P 0'I 1.
Agenda Repod
Rage 3
Fedenall Gnani .4 U, us
Mz y 5, 2009
Watershed REstonation funding of $7'17,000 m z s inalluded in 'It a Omnibll9
App iopnial ions F at for fiscal year 2009, which has been allocated to the Army Corps of
9nginE E ns as the lead age ncy ilor Elan Juan Rivei resin iation efforts. This is the fins o-1
what is in endE d to be a multi i -ye a n ilunding stiie am.
Congressman Calver has imintnoduced 'he San Juan C a pislnan o wa ei necycling
system -tide XVI 'lun(ling aulhorizatian bill a<, FA 637, which is Eo ailing review by the
Sen aiei.
Addilionally, ft a I-orise Appnopnia ions Committee is considoning pnoviding $4,200,000
fon San Juan Check Road "idEining; $1,000,000 ton the Gnound Waleui Recoveiry Rlant
Expansion and Regional Clislnibuion Faaility pnojec; and $1,400,000 1loa the Reigional
Libnary Addi ion and RE novas ion.
11111afl necomn Binds the C ily Clouncii approves the agneemcnis ilor advocaay : erviCEis wt h
Tom nsand Rut lic Affz ins, Ina. and Fh tion Boggs, LLP., and aulhorizo the C ity Manz gen
io e)iecute the agreemEints.
N of AIpplicabia
The ploviou; agreements ran 'Irom July through Cleaember 2008, iolaled $80,000, and
were Enitendccl on January 'I, 2009 llor thice months totaling $40,000. Ration Eoggls
-IEies havo ina neiasod an aN enage oil 201/o sinCC 2008, ham ever, It ey havo not pas seed 'Ihe
increases along to our City; insleacl, they aiie aftlening an additional nate iieduclion of
apq noximately '151A -Ion thEi sEiconcl gluarten oil 2009; with minimal incncaso3 over 1h(I
rEimaindEn of the contract (FttachmEint 1, gait it it A) wt sat to z Is $214,000 ovEu the 27
month peuiod. Townsend Rublic F ffains is offering a rate neduation of appnoximaleiy
-14% -ion smond quaver 2009, and incuez ses at the end of each fiscal yean 20'10-2011
(Attachment 2) totaling $145,000.
Patton Boggs
Townsend PSI
Past Contracts
Past Contracts
clime period
Monthly Fee
Time period Monthly Fee
1011,I01-6130108 1$4,500
10,11/07-7131408 $4,716'
811108-3131A09 $5,240"
Proposed Contract
411109-6130109 1$7,000
411/09-6/30109 $4,500
74 /09-6/30110 $5,000
111 /'10-6/3 0109
7)1,1110-6/30111 $6,000
*Includes a 4.7% administrative fee, wt iat v ill not be changEil in pnopa sad contnacis
Agenda RapoO
Rage 4
Jessica CI' F ane, Town i end Rublic Affftirs, In c.
Tom Downs, Panton Boggs, LLR
REICON M91\ DA -110b.:
May 5, 2669
By moi ion,
'I. Approves the agmemenl miilh Towr Sand Rublic fiffains, Inc. to piiovide
sla-legovaiinm ent advocacy services -lor th(i period of NDN 1, 2669 through June
36, 261 I not tc f)iceed $1-e 5,560 during tt a term oil Vhe agueemenl, and
2. p pprovfi tha agreemf nt with Rattan Boggs, LLR tc provide 1,1edeiial govt mmEint
advocacy iervicas fon the pen'od of Apnil 1, 21669, through ,lune 36, �I(I'I'I, net to
exceed $2,16,C100 during Ihf term c the agneament, and
3. Authc rize Ihf Clity Manager to em cute the agreements, as appno)ied by tt"E Clity
Attc may, ,k n thEise services.
R03 pEict ally submilled,
Dave Adams
Cilly Managen
1. Rnopoa al - Pat on Bc ggs, LLP
21. Rnopos al - Ic wns end Public Affains, Inc
Pre red by, t
Cathy Saicedo
8xf cu tive As s istant
1 F IS AGAEISMEN Z is made, enierad into, and s t all become afiec, ive , t is 1 sl day
of April, 20 09, by and between It e City of San Juan C a pistnan a (herein after nellenned to as
the "C ity") and Flatlon Boggs Ll C (hereinafter ne'lenned to as t e "Consullant").
UI F BREAM, City des ines io ne' ain the s a rvices of ClonsullanI nega riding 1 h(i City's
propos al 1c n nocure iledenal government nelala d adv( cacy services; and
WHEAEIAIrI, Clonsultant is qualified t )I virtu a c1 Eixpenience, inaining, educal ton and
e)ineri isEi to accomplis t such serviaas .
N OW, 1 F BRBFOR9, Clity and ConsutlanI mutually agree as-lollows:
Secilian 1. Scare all Wank.
T Nis a ape of work io beg er ormed by Consulia n1 shall consist oil Thos a to sks asset
fort in Bxhibil "AI," atlachEid and incorpoi aad herein t 71 neterence. To the extent It al lhera
ane any ce nflici s between the provisions desanibed in Exhibit "Al" and 1ho se q noNlision s
contained within, his Agreement, the n rovisions in it is AgneemEin t shall control.
Section 2. 7etim.
It is Algneemeni shall commence a n the effective date and st all tenminaiei, and all
services nequired hereunder shall be completed, no later than June 30, 20111.
Elecilion 33. Compeinsaliari.
3.1 Amaiuntt
Total compen s alion ibr i he sEirvices hEineundErn s t all nol Emoeed $ 2,1 E1,000.00
as set forth in Bxhibil "AI," atlached and incorponaled herein by rekinence.
3.2 Methcid cif Raymentl
rlubjecl la Sectia n 3.1, Clonsullant shall submit monthly invoices based on
to al servicers which have bel en saiis'laota rily a a mpleiErd floe suct rn onihly pErriod. ThEI City
will flay monthly progress naymeinh based on approved invoices in accordance v ith chis
Lla ction.
3.3 Recanc s of Expenses.
Clonsultar t shall keieip t ompleitei and accurate recoirds of all costs and
eixpeinses incideir tal to services coverEid by this Agiieenn einil. Theisei neicords will be made
availablEi at ueiasonat ie limes to Clity,
Sec tion 4 . inc ependent Clontraa tcir.
It is agreied that Clonsullanl st a Ii act and t e an independent con-lnactor and no -1 an
agent on emplo)leei o -I City, and shall obtain no rigt is to any beinelits NO is f a ccnue i to City`s
employeie is .
;lectlan 55. LJimitaltiicins iJ pan ;tut cantraclinct and Assignmeml.
The eixpeiniencei, knowledge, capability and neiputalion of ClonsultanI, its principals
and eimployees weinei a substantial inducement fon Clity to einter into this /Igiieiement.
Consultant shall nal contnacl with anyott eirentity tol: enonm the se rvices nequired withoul
wnitten approval of the Clity. This plgneeimeni may not be assigned, voluntarily on by
opeira lion of law, wilhout thea pnionminitten approval oil ilhe Clity. lil Consultant isl: eiiimittE d la
subcontract anyl: art cif this Agreement by Clity, Clonsultant shall bei responsible to City ilo i
tf a acts and omissions of ils subcontra(tan as it is lou persons diiiec tl)l employEid. h athing
conlaineid in this Agneeiment shall create any caritraclual neilationst ips betwEren any
sut contra ctor an d City. All persons a ngageid in She work Hiill be cans idened emplayeEis 01
Consultant. Clity will deal (linectly with and will make all payments to Consultant.
:lection 6. Clhanctes to Scape cit Work.
For e)itra worN ncit [a r1 oil this AIgneemenl, a wnitien autt ouiza'lion from Clity is
requined pniou to Cansalta nt under.al, ing any extra woO . In If a even) of act anc a in tf e
Scope oil M4 provided lon in thea cantnact documents as nequE steel t ytt e Clity, the Flarlie9
I ere to sha iI exe (lite an addendum to If is Aglree ment seliing.lort with par iculality all
teams ollhe'new agueement, int haling bi�l rat limited to a ny_additional CClan sulilani's ileE s.
Section 77. Fa milianity witr V{ lam) anc fair Clonstauction Sille.
By eixecu ling this Agreement, Consultant waunants that: (1) it has invesligaie(l the
work to be Fr rfoumed; 12) it applicablE , it has investiglatE d It a work site(ls), and is aware of
ail conditions IhE ne; and l3) it undenslands thei lac ilitiE s, difficulties and nestuiclion s of the
work to bE perlourn ed tinder this AcreemE nt. Should Consultant discovE n any lalent on
unknown conditions matenially differing from tt ose inherent in the wark on as iepiresented
by Clity, it shall immediatE ly in'kirm the Clity of this and at all not proceed with fur -t Esu wonl
tinder this Agueement un'lil wiitilen instruc-lions are neceived 'Inom It a City.
Sectian 8. 7imie oil Essence.
Iimei is o-ltl a esseince in the performance o-1 It is Agreement.
Section 9. Clamipliancewlth flaw; 8 -Verify.
9.1. Compliance with Law.
C a nsultant 31 all c a mply witt a II al plicable laws, ondinan ces, codes and regulations
of -ledeiral, state and local government_
.2. 8 -Verify.
If Consults nl is not already enrolled in ihei WE I. Depar ment o-1 Homela nd Security's
8-Veneifj n nogram, Cons tiltanil shall enroll in the 9-VenifA pnognam within fif leen dad s of the
effective date of this Agreement to venifyj the employ rnenl autha nization o-1 employees
assigned to perform wont heretinden. Consultan'l it all veuifj employment at thonization
within It nee clays o-1 1 ining a new employee ou ass ign in an existing employee to perfa nm
woh under 11 is Agreement. Inllwm ation pertaining to the E-VeniN pnogram can bel -lot nd all
htloahlwww.uscis.gov, a n access the registnalion page at https:,lbWww.yis-
dhs.a om,lern aloyeunegisVna tion. Clonsuitar t s t all n novide evidence of its regis tnation with E-
VenifA within sixWen dad s of the effective date of this Agreement.
Seclicin 10. Clonflictsl of Interest.
ClonsulUnt covenants tt at it presently has no inleiee9 t and shall not acquire any
interest, direct ou indireat, whict would aanillict in any manner on degree with the
l arfonmance of the services contemplated by tt is Aglneement. No nenson having suah
intanest a t all be employed by or associated mii,lh Cla nsultan-l.
Section -1. Copies of Wark pliciduci.
At the completia n of tt a work, C on s uitant s 1 all t ave delivered to Clity E t leas t one
(1) copy of.any ilinal nepods and)loie not(is on diiawings containing) Qonsullant's -lindings,
conatus is ns, and recommendations with any supporting documentation. All nein oris
subrn itled to the Clity sha 11 1: e in uen nodua ible lomneat, or in t1 a ilormat otl erwise approved
by the C ity in writing.
Secllion 12, Clwneuship c l]acumeentsi.
All nepor s, inlonmation, da to and exhibits prepared on assembled by C on sultant in
connection +mitt the perlorm ante o-1 its services pure t ant to this Agreement are con-lidential
to the extent parmitled by law, and Cons ultant agrees that they sha 11 not t e made ava ilat le
to any individual on ouglanization wilhot I prion Henitten consent oll the C ily. All s t cl neepor s,
infoima tion, data, and exl ibits st all t e the proper y of It a Clity and sha II be delivered to the
City upon deme ad without additional costs or e) pensee to the C ity_ the C ity acknowledges
such documenils ane instruments of Consultant's piolessionai semiaes.
Sec11ion 13, inc emniri.
To the dullest extent pern hied by law, Consultant ag rees to protect, de -lend, and
hold I aimless thea City and its elective ancl'appointhie boards, officers, agents, and
emn layses -Tram any and all claims, liabilities, expenses, on damages of ar y natune,
including altanneys' fees, ki(i injuryl ai death oil any B enson, or damages oil any n ature,
including inter einence with use cif n noperty, ai ising of t all, oil in any way connected witt 0 e
negliger ce, � e( I lea an ess and/oi inilentional wicingful condugt ofl Clonsu€tan t, Clonsultant's
agEints, officers, employees, subm ntractors, or independent ccii tnactons hived by
Clonsultant in the performance all the figneement. The only exception to Clonsultant'9
respar aibilit)l to pnotect, defend, ar cl hold harmless the Clity, is due to the nEiglig ence,
recklessness andllar wi on gful canduc t of the Clity, or any of its elective or appointive
boands, afficers , agents, on employees.
11 is hold hanmless agneemenil sha 11 a pply to all liability regardless oil whether any
insurance policies ane applicable. TI a policy limits do not act as a limitation upon t1 e
amen nt cif indemn ification to be pnovideid by Clonsultant.
Scctic n ,14. insurance.
On cir be -lone beginning any cifl the services on wort' (ailed 'Ion by a ny tarm all t1 is
Agiieemein t, Clansulian t, at its awn cost and e) g ense, sha Il canrA, maintain iloii the duration
cif the ag ieemen'l, and provide p hoof thereoil that is accEipta ble to t1 a City, the insurance
spec ified below with in s t liars and ur der forms o1 insura nce satis-lac toryl in all nespeicts to
the Clity. Clonsultant shall not allow any subcontiacton to commence wonk cin any
subcon tract r ntil all insurance nequiiiecl oil 1:1 a Cansulta nt has a Is o beEin obtained for t1 e
a ubcontnacton.. InsunancEi nequired herein shall be pncividaid by Adm itted Ins i nary in good
standing witt tf a State ail Caliilorn ia. a nd having a minimum Besl's GuidEi Rating oil A• Class
V11 on bEitter.
1�.,l Ccn greheinsive General Liabili4j.
- 1 hioughput the term cif -Ihis Agi Bement, Consultan t s t a Il ma it tain in full illome
and affect Clamprehensive Ganenal Liability cciverage in an amount not less than one
million c lallars Rei accunrence ($1,060,000.00), combined single limit coverage fcir i isks
associated with the work contemplated by this agreement. N a Clommencial Ganenal
Liability In a unan (e -lonm of other ikirm with a general aggregate limit is us ed, eithEin the
general aggneg ate limit at all apply separately to the work to be parfoime(l t ndei 9 is
agneemenl on t1 a gen enal a ggreg ata limit st all be at least twice tt e i eq Wiled occurnence
14.9 Clarr plrehensive Autc rr abile Via bNity.
Throughcuitthe team oil thisAg neamenil, Consultant shall maintain in full fonce
and effect CompnehEin a k a Automobile Liabiiit){ covEira ga, including owned, hired and non-
omined vehiclEis in an amount not less ti an cine million dollars pen accurnEince
14.1 Wcrkeu's Clcmiplensatic n.
III Clon s ulian l in tends tc employ employees to per onm serviaes under this
Agneen en 1, Consi Itant shall obilain and maintain, during the tenm of 'This Agreement,
Wornker's Corn pensation Urn pioyer's Liability Insurance in the stalu lory a moun I as negt ined
by stale law.
14.4 Procf cit Insunance RequiremienWEndcrsernien'l.
Pnioa to beginning any wank undentt is Agreement, Consuilant shall submil
the insurance certiliaates, including the deductible on seliketenllion amount, and an
additional insured endorsement naming City, FIs officers, employees, agents, and
volun leers as a ddhiona I in s used; as nespecls a ach o I It a following: Liability anis ing of t oil
activities peronmed by or on behahl of Consullani, including the inst ned's general
supervis ion of Consulla ni; g nods ats and completed open tions of Consultant; l remises
owned, oaa upied on us ed by Clonsultant; on aulomobiles owned, leased, t fined, oil borrowed
by Clonsultant. The coverage shall con Ia in a o special limitations on the scope of pnolection
afforded City, ils ofiiceiis, employee-.,, agen1,1, or volunteers.
14.5 Enrc rs and Omissic ns Coverage
1 t nougi ou'l the fenm ofit isAgieement, Clonsultant shall maintain Enuons and
Omissions Coverage (pno'les s Tonal liability covera ge) in tin a mount oil n of less than One
Million Dollars ($1,000 ,0001. Rnion to beginning any work undentt is Agneement, Consultant
shall submit an insurance cer ificate to the Clity's Genenal Clounsel lion aerl ification that tt e
in surance ,iequinen en -Is of this Agneen ent have been sa.lisilied.
'14.6 is otlice cf Oancellaiic n/111enrnilinaticm cit Insunance.
The above policy)lpolicies shall no'I 'lonmina Ie, in on s t all It ey be c� ncelled, non
the coverages iieduced, t rill affealhirty, (30) days' written notice is given to City, exceptthat
ten (10) days'. notice shall be given ill there is a cancellation due to 'lailt ne to pay a
94.7 lenrris cf Gornipensaticin.
ClonsuHlant s t all not receive any compensation until all insurance provisions
have been s a tis flied.
14.8 Notice to Flnaa esc .
Consultant shall not proceed ►milt any wort' under this Agreement uritil the
City has issued a written "No'lice'lo Proceed" verifyin gl It at Consultant has compiieicl \niilh all
insurance nequiremeriN of 11his Agreement.
Scicilion 16. Termination.
Clity it all have It a righl to lermina-le this Agreement withoul cause by givin g ,Ihir(y
(30) days' advar ce written notice of teumir ation la ClonsultanI.
In addition, this ilg neemenl may k e terminalled k y any party fon cause by providing
len (10) days' notice to the other part] of a mateuial breach of contract. I.1 It a o,lt en party
does not cure 11he bneac t of con tract, then the agreement may be tenmin a led subsequen9
90 It a ter (10) day cone period.
E ecilicm 16, IS olice.
All nolices st all k e personally delivered on mailed to the below listed addresses, or
to such other addresses as maybe desigr ated by wiit e n notice. 11hese addresses shall
k e used for delivery of service o, process:
To City: Clity of San Juan Clapistnan o
324 00 Ra s eo Adelan la
San Juan Capistrano, CIA 92675
110 Cori sulian1: Ration 9aglgs, LL R
21. 50 M. Street, N. W.
Washington D. C. 20037
Attn: Thomas I]a viri 3
ecilion 017. Ahunne s' Rees.
It any aatia n at taw o i in equity is necessary la ernlorce on in lenpre t the -lenms of this
plgneamenll, It e p ie vailin g party 311 all be er titled to reasonak le attorneys' fees, costs an d
necessary disbursements in additior to any other relied to Hit ial he rnay be entitled.
Sectian '18, Dispulle Fier alt lion.
In the event of a dispule arising between the parties regarding geronmance on
intenpredation of tt is Agre ement, thea dispute s I all be resolved k y binding anbitnalion undo n
the auspicas ofl thea Jkidicial Arbitnation and N ediation Service ("JAMS").
Section 19. Entine Mceemenl.
Scicticin '17. Ati amevsi' Fec .
If any action at laws on in eqt ity is necessary) to enfonca on integlret tt ei terms of chis
Agreement, the prevailing pari y shall be entitlec to ne asonable atlome ys' feels, costs anc
necessary disbursements in i dcition to any other neliel to wt ict he may be entitlec.
�laci for 18. C ispute Resoluticln.
In It ei event a a dispu a arising t etween it a parties ueg auc ing performance or
inierpuelaiion oftt is Agreement, the cispule st all be resolved by bine ing arbitration under the
auspices of that, ucicial Ajbitralion and Mec iation Seniice 4"JAM,I").
Scicticin 19.19. Eng ire Lkgreemer t.
This Agneement consilitutes the en'lire uncers an ding anc agueerneni between the par ies
and supensaces all previous negotiations between them peirtaining 'lo the subject matlen
IN WINES E S WHEREOF, the parlies heneto t ave a)iecutec this Agreeme n t.
Dave Acams, Clity Managen
E y:
A ITTE :I -l:
Clity Clle nk
(lily Aitamey
Exhib III A: F atel Schad We
Monthly Ree Schedule. Const Rant shE Il submit monthly invoices to the Office o-1
the City Managen following eE cl month in which Consuitz nt's services E net
pnovideid, using the hallowing fee schedt le:
A ril2009
May 2009
Jt ne 2009
July 2009
Au ust 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
IJanua 2010
February 2010
March 20'10
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2014
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010
Janua 20'11
February 2011
March 2011
April 2011
May 2011
June 2011
Bach monthly invoice shall specify any expenses 11or costs related to C on sultan is
services 1haI aiie approved by tl a Of lice of the City Mar agen. 9ach invoice shall
also include a para giapl summa sizing Const Itant's work.
2. Scope of Woik. C onsultan'l shall plan, coondinate, and implement the City of Ela n
Juan Capistiano's iedenal govennmen t aflains agenda. Consultant's wouk on 9r a
City's behz IA shall include tl a 11ollowing components:
al In consultation Witt the Office oll the Clity W nagen, Consultant shall I elp
identif� priority areas fon lledenal -lun ding through g nants -, nd
b; Clonsultant shall pro\ ide the Office of the Clity N z nagen with timely notiaes
o111edenai grant oppor uri ities in priority areas identillied fol tt a Clity.
a) Clop: ultant st E II v onk with the Clity of plan Juan Cal: istnano's
Con giessional delegation to ad\ an ce proposals -lon leg islal ive
aLithorization and appiopniations to ilund the City's priority piojeats an(
inil ialives.
d) Consultant shall keep the Office of the Clity W nagen inilormed tt nough
regular wnitlen update uel or s at out relevant -le( enai g ovennment actions,
decisions, and oppor un'r ie; bearing on the Clit)l's p nio0ty aneas of in- enesil.
it made and I a r to ied into tl is day of N a ach, 21109 t y at (I be twee r the Clity of San
Juan Ca gistaano, a mi r icillal Cangorr tion ("Cllient") and Townser cl Put IIc AM ire, Inc., a
Clalif( rr is ca nq ( nation ("Qou ulta r i").
A. Clliant and Consultant have eataaed into that certain Contnac -Ioi
Cansult-ir t S(rilcei crated ae ol/ iigust, 9 2008: r d Dac emben 79, 2008 ("C(ntraets").
B. The garlies to this Supplement da5iae to revise tt a Clontoac as set ilorth
he nein.
NM, 11HEREFORE, :loo good , n vaA able aansidaration, the nooeipt of whiah is
teaety a6nowledged, the parties heneto cLpplament and amend the Contract as
t eiieinafto n s et forth,
1. The lee i9 ahangecl to:
$4,500_+14 pea month Ilnarn AE1ril 1_3(09 thaougi June 30, 2009
$5,000.4( pea montl fram Jul)l 1, ; rt( 9 thiiough ,lune 30, 1010
$6,00( .(0 pea montt Irom Ji ly 1, 7(10 thaougi June 30, o 091
a. Mhe,1.81/mAdminittnation9xpqrsewilttoaemovedIramthe Fee,
3. All att er term sand car dations oil the C ontiiact, es sept as set brth heaein,
shall namain in fL II fanae and afflect.
VIHBFIEF ORE, tl is Supplement is e;i( acted ty tl a parties as of the ( ate set lorlt
at c ve.
aLIEfl T: City of -San Juan Clapit tna no
It, :
a iiforni c rootatl6n A
T Hll AGREIEMEINT is made, eintai a d inta, and shall beton a effec tlN e i this 1st defy cil
February, 20(19, by -and N tween the City ct San .Juan (lapis tranu (herainafler nerfenied to
w thea "City") ane Tomnsenc PlublicAfiains (hereinatkir neiferrec to as the "Ccnsultanil ).
EE Il I:
WHEREAS, City c ealres itis etain t he i -services cif Clansulianl ' i a gai c in f 0 ei City's
s tate gc vemmeint advocacy issuers; anc
Wl- E REALI, Cansultant is qualified by r irlue cff exF en fence, training, education Bind
etxperirtis a tc erccc mplis h such services.
NOW, Tl- BRE FURS, (lily Bind Cc nsultani mu wally agree as 1 c llcws:
Seaton 1. Stoner of Work.
Ttle scope of work tc he per c rmed by Cc nsultant shall consisl cd the s e tasks as s zit
for t in EAhibit "Al," attached anc incarpciaited herein by nerfenencei. I c thle exte nt that theme
arei 9ny conflicts between lha prc � is is ns c escribeic in Exhibit "AI' arx the se grcivisic ns.
contained within this Agi eement, the provisions in it i9 Agreement shall control.
Sect an 2Term.
THis Agreement shall commeince cin tt a e3fiective date and shall terminale, zinc all
se iry iters required heraunc en shall be completac , no later thari Manch 31, 2 CI09.
Sectlan 3. Carnnperlsation.
3.1 Amaunil.
Tctal cc mpensaticin flat the services harounden shall nci-eiAceied $ 'I CI,C10C100--
as seitfor h in Extllibit'A," altachec anc incoTciraleic hennein by nerfeirencer.
3.2 Mcithad cif Hayrrieint,
ubjenct ici Election 'I.' , Ccnsullani shall submit manthly invoices based on
Ionil s err iceis which hay a been satisfactc rily cc mpleteic fan s uch mcin-lhly penic c. The city
viiill pay monthly progress paymeints basec cin apfinc ved im aices in accordance Wth tr is
S ection.
3.3 Reconc s cif 9xpensas.
Consultant shall keep complete and accwa to net onds of all casts and
e) penses incidental to services covenecl by ihis,Agneement. These recouds will be made
a%milat lei at reasonal: le limes o Clity.
Sect icin 4. Ind ependent Clanti ac tor.
It is agueed that Con3ultanl shall act and be an independent canna ctoi and nat a n
age n I on employe a oil City, and shall at fain no Ogf is to any I enefi is which aca nua to Clity's
i:lec,lion 5. LimlUi ions L pon Llubcon- tatting anc Asslonmienil.
I he experien ce, knowledg e, cape bility and repui alion of Const I lana, its pluina ipals
and a mplayees were a subs la ntial inducer eni ioi City to enter in Io this AdneiE rn ent.
Clonsultani sha Il not con1lna ct writ a ny olher entity to perforim the services iE gluine d wilt of t
written approval oll the Clit�j, It is Agreement may nol be assigned, voluntarily of by
operatior of law, withoul the pr'oi wnitle n a ppwN a I ol,the Clic 1. If Cor s t Itan-1 is perm itled to
subcontnacl a ny par ollthis Agreement by City, Clonsultant shali'be nesponsible lci Clityilon
the ac is a nd omissior s oil ih s t bcontraclor a s 11 is ilor g ensons directly employe d. Nolhing
contained in this Agnearbenl shall cneaie any conlnactt al nelalicroships between any
s ubconlnacllor a nd City, All persons en g aged in It a wonk will be con s ideiie d emr Ilayees o1
Cions ultant. Clily will deal dinectly with ar d will rn ake all payments to Clonsultar 1.
�lectian 66. al'anges to Sccipe cif Wark.
For ex na work not pa d otl This Flgneemenl, a �A ritten authoNzaiior from Cli-ly is
required phos'lo Consuflar t un'deriaking any extra work. In 1hEi even'l of a cl ange in the
Scope of Work pro) ided ibr in -11 e c ontnact documents a s requested by -Ihe 341, the Flarties
hereto shall execula an addendum -lo this Agreement setting fora h with par iculani4l all
terms of It a new agmemenl, includir g but not lirn ited lo any additional Clonsultanl's flees.
Slecilicin 7: Farniitiarittwith Wcutkanc,loi Ccinsiructicin %rind.
Ey etxem ting this Agueemetnt, Clonsullar t wannar is that: ('I) it ha s. investigated he
work to be peri ormed; (2) til applicat le, it has investigated the work si. e(s), ar d is awaue of
all con ditions It ere; and (3) it un deiistands the ilacilities , difficulties ar d lies tniclions oll the
wailk la be periormac unden this Aclreemeni, tilt ould Cor s t Rant dis coven any later t on
unkr own condi for s materially difieiiinc biom those inhEmeni in tit a work or as nepne sented
by City, it shall immediately infonm tt a City oil this and shall. no -I pnocee d with ilurthen worts
under this Agneeme nt un-lll wi tlen fnstiuctions aue received tom the City.
Section 8. 1 imia all Esseri cp,.
I ime is oil it a asse nce in the q erformance al tf is Agreement,
ection 99. Cc mpliance wii h Law: H-% eniiti .
9.1. Clomplianc.e wiilh Law.
Clonsulianl shall comply with all applicable laws, aidinan ces, cade s and ne gulalians
all iledenal, stalte and local gave rr me nt.
9.2. RA einify.
lil Consul lari t is ncit alneady en nolle d in the U.� . [len ar mens ciil Homeland Se cunt I's
QA erify prognam, Clur s ultanl shall er nall in the 1l-Venify piic gnam wilhin fifleen days of the
elle ctive date all ti is Agree meal is verify the empiciymeni authonizaiian all ern playees
assigned to p er cirm wank he HE undo n. Clcir a ultanil she 11 � enify e n ploymer t authonizalion
wilhir theme days of 1 inir g a nevi employee aii assigning an existing amplayee to perarm
warll undan ti N Agreement. Ir farimaiion pertaining lathe E -Verify pnognam can i a hound a It
http://www.uscis.gov, cin access t1 a rieglistnation page at ' htilns:lilwww.vis-
dhs.comlemnloyerre:aistration. Clcir suliant sha 11 provide evidence of its negis'lratian with 9 -
Verify wilhin sixteen days of the a ffective date oil It is Agreement.
Sciatic n 1d, Cantlicts cf lnteiesi.
Cons ultanl covenants that it pnesentiy has r o intenesi a nd sl all not actluire any
inlenes'l, dined on indirect, which would conflict in any mannen an degree wiilh tte
periarmance o-1 the services contemplated E JI this Agneemenl. No perscir having audt
interest shall 1: a employled by or associaled witt Clonsultanl.
9eclian 11� Cc pies of Wark Pnoducil.
Al the completion o-1 11 a work, Clonsulianl sh,11 h, ve delivered ,lo (Illy at ieiast one
I'I) copy of anal final neports an(l)loii nate: or drawings containing Cansullaal's findings,
concis, ions, and necommendations with anll : t ppor ing documenilation. All nepons
submitted to the City shall be in nepnaducible format, on in -Ihe Ibrrn a1 olt erwise approved
by the Clity in wniling.
Seicitic n 12n Ow nen9 hip cf C ocuments...
All naporis, inkinmalion, da'la and erxhit it: n nepared ar assembled by Cansulianl in
connection MI -Ihen er onmance of its c, ermices punsuanI -Ici this Agneame nil are canfiden tial
ilo it he extent penmitl ed by rami, ar d Clonsuiilan t agrieec, 'Iha t they shall not be made available
to an)j individual on organization withau l pnion wi itten cor seal of the City. pill such neporis,
inlomiaiion, Bala, and exhibits : hail be the property Mitt a Clity and shall be delis enE cl to the
Clity upon demand without a c Iditianal cost, on expense ilo -Ihe Clity. The City a cknaw ledges
sunt documents ne in: tnumer is o-1 Clon s ultanl's proilessional se rvices.
ectian '13, inc err n!IN
To It a llullesl extent penmitled bylaw, Cla nsullanl a gnees 10 pnoiecl, dEllend, and
told haumless the Clity and its elective and appointive boards, officers, agEmis, and
employeEls •.tom any and all claims, liabilities, expenses, or damages of any rialune,
including) atta nneys' fees, fon it jury or death of ani person, or damage s oil ar y nalt ne,
including it ter erence with use of pnoper 1, anising out of, on in anyway conneclad with the
neclligen ce, i ecklessne s s and. bo inlentiona I wrongllul condi ct of Consul -Ian 1, Cc ns Want's
agents, officers, employees, subconlraclous, or independent aonlnaators hined by
Clonsultant in the performance o1 if a Agimemenl, 11he only e) ceplion io Clcnsultanl'9
nespon3ibi%J to p nolo cl, defend, and hold harmless the Clill , is due to the negligence,
recklessness and/or wnongft I cc nducl of the Clity, or any of ils elective on appointive
boands, officers, agenis, anElmployees.
phis t old harmless agreement shall apply to all liabilily regardless of whelhen any
insui a n cei p olia IE s ane applicable. 11he policy limits do nol act as a limiialion upon the
amount of indemnificalioni to be provided by Consullant.
Section 14. Insurance.
On of befene beginning any o1 the ser%ices of worl, called ,br by any 1E im all It is
Flgneemen'l, Constillani,.al cls own cosi and expense, ; tail carry, mainla in ti -It a dunalion
of •Ihe agreement, and pi o\ ide proof lhereoll It at is acceplable to It e Gily, the insunance
specified t elow unlit insunens and t nder fonms of insura nce sans) as lory in all reispecis io
-It a City. ConsutlanI shall not allow any subcor tnacior to commence wonk c n any
subconivaci until all insunance nequired o- It a Consullani has also beer ob'lair Ed fon It e
subaoniiactoi. InSLInance neiquired herein shall be pnovided t y Admitted Inst nEirs in good
slandin g witt the'-: late MGalillornia and having a minimi. m Be si's Cluide F acing cf A- Class
1 1101 I: etl er.
14.• Clcmiprahensive General Liability.
Ihnougt oui the term of 'lhis AgitE emen'l, Consullanl shall main a in in full ibnce
and effect Clompnehensive General I iabilit�l coverage in an amoun'l nol less than one
million dollars pei occuirenca ($1,000,000.00), aomrbined single Iimil cove uagel icer risks
associallE d with the worl contemplated by Ihis agneemeni. 11 a Commercial General
I iability Ins unancei icirm on.other iomll with a general aggnegale limit is used, eiihen 'lhe
general aggifega to limit shall apply sepanalely io the wonk to t e p er c nmed unden It iE
agneemen'l on the general aggiegaie limit shall be al least twice the HEquined occurnence
4.2 Cc mipmeihens ive Au-lomiobilii Liabiliitg,
Thnoill hout the,lerm ofthis'Agreemen t, Clogs ultant shall maintain in 1L ill fonce
and eflect Clompnet ensive Automobile Liability cioueiage, inc uding owned, hined and non -
owned \ehicles in an amount not less than one million dollaus pan occurrence
'14.3 Alookeiesr Ccimipen€cation.
11 Cons UN nl into rids io empla y empla) E es to perfunm : a ruices L Man this
Flgneeemenil, Cansulani sI all oftain and mainte in, during the lean ofl thi; Acreeement,
1A o6ar's Compensa licen E mplo) en's Liability In s uranau in ilhe slain tory amcuint as wquired
by states 1EIM1.
14.4 F nciol cdl in:ivaance RequinemientEllE ndcirsemient
Firian io beginning any work under this Flgneemeni, CanSUlta n1 shall submill
the insunancEi cerlifca'Ics, inaluding 1hEi deduclible on : eliketenlicin amount, and an
addilicenal insured endarsemEent nan ing Cily, its officars, eimplayeeis, agents, and
olunlEeEers as additia nal insureds as wspoats each of 11 a lollowing: Liability ari: ing out ofl
aotivitiEis performed by on on t ehalf ofl Cansuliant, including the insuneid's general
suporuislan of Con: riltan1l; prodr ct9 and completed operation: of C onsullant; pneimise:
ownEul, occupied cin used by Consultant; ou automobiles owned, leaseid, hired, on bonrowed
by C ansuhant. T hei cavenage shall contain no special lin i atia ns on the scope ol pnoleiction
afforded City, its off+cens, employee,,, agents, on volunteers.
1� .5 Eerars and Unniisivans Cloverage IFOR PROF ESSICIIS SMIORK
T hraugha ut the Term all this Agneermenil, Consultanl shall maintain E n ar: and
Omissians C oN a nage (praikissional lial ility aovenage) in an amcu n1 of not les: than One
Million ❑oilans 0$1,000,00 0,'. Flnionlo beginning a nyworl~ unden this Agreement, C onsultaril
S I a Ii suk mil an in; t nance cera ifical a ice t1 e C ity's Ger eral Caunsel fon ceir ification 'it at the
insurance nequirements oil -II is AgreemEin t have been sa isfied.
'14.6 h office of C ancellatkinln wim inallan of ini urance.
The above policyApalicies shall nat terminate, nor shall they be cancelled, nou
the coverages oaduced, un til aftlen 1 hirl� (30; da} C written notice is given la City, erxcep- that
en (101 days' notice shall be given ii there is a cancellation due to failure 'toe pay a
114.7 T ermis. of Cc im F ensatlan.
Consultani shall not receive anycampensaticer until all ins unanao proles ions
t ave teen salisfied.
' 14.8 A allice tic i F raceec .
C onsuiiani s hail not piroaeed with any wank undez thi; Ag neemeni until t1 E
C ity has issued a wnitien "P office to Hraceed" veuifying That Cansullant I as complied with all
insunancei nequinemenls cif thin plgneiemeni.
Sercalic n 16. 1 enrnifnatfe n.
City shall t , ve the rig ht o tenmin ale this Agiioemen wilhot 1 cause b5l giving tt irty
(30) clays' advance wr'tten notice oil termination io Const Ila ni.
In z ddilion, tt is Agueemer t may bei tetnminated by an51 party ilou cause b} providing
len ('10) da}s"notice to thea oll er party of a malen'al breach oil cor tnacil. if the ❑then party
doeas r of cure thea breach of c onlraat, then It a agreaemeanl may be cern inaled sut sequeant
to 'ihe len ( 10) day cure period.
Se cdic n '16, Mike.
All notices shall be personally delivered ois m ailed to! he below listed a ddneisses, on
-lost ch other ad( nesses as nay be designa,leid bywritlen r otice. 1 t es a addneisses shall
bei t sed fon deliveiry 91 service o1 piiocess:
10 City: City o l San .It an Capislnano
32400 Paseo Adelanio
clan Juan C apisinano, CFI 92673
To C onsutlanl: I�hsfjad 1& 16 k;
2 og9 w e4A-m- P_v&b sk Z I
Se catic n ,17. Attounevs' Rees.
H any action at iatni on in equ'rly is neicessary to enforce on interpret lhei terry s oil this
Agneement, the prevailing Alarty shall be entitled to neasor able attorneys' ilese, , costs and
necess E rY disbunsesmenls in ad( ition to any other xilieaf to which he may be en illed.
Secalic n 18n 18. Cispute Resctlullion.
... In the enaent of a dispute -asking betwesen tt a pa dies reaganding pesrforrr aance oii
intenpreiai ion of this Agneement, the dispute shall be ices olved by binding anbiluatican tindeu
tt a auspicesc o1 the Judicial Anbibiation BandlNledWion-Service (WIN S"),
Sfaallion 19. Entire Agaaeememl.
This Agnesement conslitu'lw the Bin tine ur c erstan ding and agreement between tt e
parties and supersedes all Glrevious nesgoiiations betweean It em pertaining to the subject
n atler thearesoil.
IN W11NESS WHEIR EOR, the parties heneio t , ve executed ihis / gneurrioni.
By: M - .- ..��
Dave Adams, Clity Ma nager
L y Mo'inV
/, ' ►.
EXH IB IT ",al"
MoMF ISl Flee 19Icl edule:
$5,000 F an month, plus aclmh is- rat've
expenses fee of 4.8''A of t e ba s ern a nthly nave
to coves the Consult, nt's ordinary off Ice and
orierhead expense.
Scope of Work:
Clonsuhlant shall deveic p, caondinate and
implemen t a g m ie mmenf relations sinateC y
subjec 1 o appnavz I by the My and s hall as sis•1
with special F nojs ( is as segiiastacl t )I tl a Clit)l.
Clonsultant st all foc us its efllor s on the
10110w Ing:
• A s dii eced, pLins cia funding room the
E • Me of Clalifoi nia and other p ublic
s e c. c r s a unces ton the developmen I,
a nhancement and,lor exg Ian sion of
pnojec is and p nogi ams -lor the Clity of
San Juan Clapis ra no
Oihei relrtedassignment, as mutually
agaieed upon by bol h par les.
City In itials
C ons ciftant Initials