THIS FIGRHBMBN T is maidEl, entEirElc inici, anc shall beecimEl effectivEithis 1s'l c ay of
January, 2C 09, by anc baMuein the City cif Sein Ju E n ClalplishE no (heneina191Eir Weirrec la as
the "Ci-ly") arc Ration Baggs LLCI (heleinalftel IEiferrec to Els ihei "Ccinsuflanll").
W HERIIAS, (lily desires -la relvin the seruicfis cif Clansullc nt regains it g the Ci -1y'3
pnciplasal ici pliocure ilcclaraI governmfini rale lec advcicacly servicm; and
W HERBFIS, CcinsuIlanl is cluE lifiec by virtue ail EU peuiencu, Wining, eic uCalicin and
explEldiSEI to accampllish such SenJices.
NO", I HERBRORB, Clity E nd Cam I'lanil muilually E gime E s fallaws:
lecitian 1. Saape of Warp.
I he scupe cif work i1ci be per cirmed by Consu I-lan-I shall cur sisl clf-1hclsei tasks als sEil
I& h in Oxhit i -I 'A" a itlaic lhec a nc incollp palm itelc heireir by re l l lnElr ca. I o the ED(Elnt ft l ttl enc
E nel airy ciclnillic s between Ihei pravisicins c escribec it 9xhiti-1 "A" alr d those pIncivisiors
ciclnta inec withir this AplreiElmenl, the p1ravisicins iri this AgrelElmeint Shaul canlncil.
Siccillicic 2. Ikirm.
This Agneemeinl shall cc mmEinciei on ilhe a ffec ive cE to aind shall lEmminaic, aric all
servicEis macluined heneiunc en 9heill bei comipleitec, ra IalEin ilhari March X11,'dOCEl.
Elcliorl3. Comocinisialior.
31.1 Amaur t.
I c lta I cumplensaiil icini tar I hf i s erniices heinau nc (in Sha ill nal a ixC8E1c $21,0W.00
as seat ilcirih ini llxhib it "A," eitlach(id E nc iriccnparaiEic hfinElir ty rellleineir ce.
3.2 Mel Had c f Pay mIE infill.
S u bjecll to S Elctian J.1, Ccinsu HE ni sha II sut mil manlhly inivaices b asec or
-IotE I smicies whist have beifin seilisfac tinily cc mpIlEitec fon such mcinihly peuiod. 1 het Ci-ly
will pay manlhly plragneiss paiymen-A taisec on E p>Ipraveid invoices in acacincainc.ei wi-1h chis
SEIc ion.
3.3 Reccuidsl all Exp(invesl.
Clansulle ni shall kEE p CCImpiE ie End r ccurallE nEcclnds all Ell casils and
E XPE n SE S incidE nllal tCI SE rviC:E 9 CCIVE nE d by 'It 19 AIgriE emeinll. Theses recclnds will be rrir del
E vaila ble r t 11E asclnable lirnies -Io Ciiy.
:Ielc titin 4. Inc ep(In( elni Contuacllor.
HI is agiieEd tha t Cicinsullani shall acl and be an indE PE ndE nt coniuc cicm and ncrl an
a ge nt aur err1pIC1YE E cdi Cily, and s hall clbla in nci Iiighis to any bE neifits which accnuE W CiN'S
E mpiCI) IeE S.
Electicin 1.11. llirnitatiansl L pan Sub contuacting and A<.Islignmeinil.
The CXpErienco, knowleidge, Capability and iiepulalicln crl Clansultanl, ills principals
and employeES wElrel a subsllaniie I induCE ME ni tof Clity tot elnteii into this AgreEmielnl.
Clansulla ni shall nal conilracll wilt any o1hE n Entity tci PE rlcinml Ihei SE raicEis requinEd without
wnitifin appiioval of 'It E City, This AguEernE ni may ncill be assigned, wilunlaiily cul by
opflnalian (it law, wiihoul 'It E pnioii writlE n appnclval ollhfl Clity. Ill Ccinsultanl is PE rrrlit ed 1ci
sutconlnaCl any par otlhis AgnE errifml by Clil)l, Clcinsultanl s hall be HE sponsiblE io Clity for
IhE avis E nd cirnissicins ail i -is s utconiracilon as it is fon PE nsclns dheclly eimplayed. Ncilhing
conllr inEd in Ihis AgiieErvienl shall CnEate any cantnactual reialionships tEtwe.En any
subconlracllcln and City. All penscins eingaged in the work will bE ccinsidE need ErriployE es a,l
Cclnsullanl. City will deal diriE qtly wish and will make all paymenils toi Cclnsutlanl.
cleicticin 6. Chanacis ilo Scomi cif Wank.
RCIn EX na wclnk not part call This AgnEE ME nt, a writ en a Whcmizalion liiorrl City is
nfiquired piiioii la Consul-larill under aking any eXiiia warl . In the Even11 a1 a changE in it e
Scaipe crl Wonk pnavided ikin in lite conluact dcicurrIE n1s as IiE quE sted fly -It a City, lhEi Parties
hE1nElI0 shall ExECu1E an rddendurrl 1ci this AgiieErrlenl SEtting lklrih with pariiculanity all
teirms of the new agrelE ME rill, including but nal lirniitEd to any additional Cans ullant's tEE S.
Scicilian 7. Flaimiliarity with Worrk and, lar Cansltnuctian Nill c.
BYE xeculing it is Agueeirrlenl, Consultant warnants 1ha1: ('I) it has inVEsliga1Ed 1hE
we ink 110 bE PE rfcuimeid; (2) it applica ble, ill has invE s tiga-led the wart s ite (s), E nd is awarE Of
all candilicins iheuE ; and (3) i'l undeiistands the tacili'lifis, difficuliiE s and nfistnicilicln s cif 1hE
wank tai bE peirlormlE d tindeil this AgnE errlfini. Should Clansultanl discover any lailenl ar
unknclwn cclndi'li(lns rria11E nially diffE ring fnorrl those inheneinl in IhE work ar as iiepiiesE ntEd
by Clity, ill shall irrIME diaiE I)I in kinin thei Clity al Ihis and shall ncil p11OCEE d with fur hEr wank
undE r chis AgIIE ernienl until wnitlE n instnuclians a11E nECE ivsd fnclm 11he City.
SEicilian 8. 11imv cif E slslenc e.
Time is cif the EssencE in ihE perfaiimance cif This AgnEE mifini.
eicitic n 9.. Cc mlpliancie w 0 Law: EM euify.
9.1. Comigliancei %M flaw.
ClanstMant Shall comply will hall appliaab1EI laws, audinanaes, ccidEls and uegulations
all feideual, slate and local govEirnrrlenl.
f1.2. E-VEinify.
If Consultant is not already enralkid in 1hEi L.18. Department cif F ameland 'lecurity's
E-Venifyj pnogna rri, Consullant shall Einncll in the E- VEir N pragiiam w ill in ififlean days ciilhEI
ElffEictivei date of 11hia AgneEimEint to verify the Eimplayment authanizatian cif EimployaEis
assigned to perfarm wAunk hereunder. Clansultant shall vEION EimplciymEml au'lhanizalian
within thnee days of hining a new Eimp10yaE1 au assigning an exislling EimplayeEl la pEirlcmm
work undar this Agreamenl. lnicirrriailian pertaining to lhEi E• VEin'fy pucignaim cain be iciund art
htlp:,Vwww.uscis.gav, ar access 1hEi regislnaticm XllagEI al https:lAwww.vis-
dhs.camikimpiciyeunegistna lion. Can suIll EIntl shall puovidEi Eividence all its iie:gistuaitian with E-
Veuifyj within sixlEien days cif the EiffeclivEi dale cit this AgnEiEi r[Einl.
Scallion '10. ticnfikg of Inteirect.
Cansul'lanl cavEinanis Thal it pnesenily has na inlEiresll and shall nal acquiuEl any
inteiiesl, direct an indirect, which wauld canflicl in any mannen an dEignEie willh the
plerfonmance ail thEI sEirvices cantemplalEid by Ihis AgneEimEint. Na pEinsan having such
in'leneisl shall be Eimplayed by ar associallEid with Cansullant.
f is-lic n 11. Cc p1cs c f We uk A uoc ucit.
Al thEi camplErlion cit the work, Ccinsul'lanll s hall have delivered to City at Wast cines
Q'l'copy ail any ilinal nepors and►kin nalm cm drawings canlaiining Cansullant's findings,
conclusions, and recommendalions wilh any supporing documenlalian. All neplarts
subrriitlEid la thEi City shall be in nEipinciducible ilommal, cin in IhEI fanniall olhEinruisEi appnavEid
by the City in wni-ling.
vatic In 12. Cwncrosihip c t Dc aurrients.
All neplar a, irnkinmatian, data and exhibits p iepaned an as3ambled by Ccinsul'lanl in
can nEIctian with tho perfaumanoa of i'ls aarmices purl uanI IaIhisPig nEiemEinl are canfidenikill
to the EIX an perm ibEid by law, and Consultant agueEis that they a hall ncit be madEI aIva ilablEi
to any individual an onganizalion willhaul pi ian written consent of IhEl Cily. All such iieparis,
iniarmatian, darla, and exhibits shall bei 11he plraplmtr cif thEi Cilly and shall be dElivEined to the
City uplan dEirriand wiihau'l addi'li(rnal costs arexpensEi'lo thEl Cit) . The City acknawlEidges
such dacumEinis ana instiurrlErnls at Consultanl's pluoiessional sermims.
elatic n 131. In d f irrinity.
iki the ft Iles11 eX1E n1 pEiimibE d bylaw, Cansullant agaE es to pncrlecl, dEifend, and
hold haamless 11he Cily and its cleclivc and appain1livEi baands, oflicEns, agEnis, and
erriplayees fnarri any and all claims, liabilities, Eixpanses, an damages of any nature,
including attarneiys' 16(13, fan injury cin death all any pEinscin, au damages all any nature,
including inteirfeirenceiwith USE ail propery, aaising au -1 cil, grin anywayc:anneclleid wilh'It e
negligence, neicklcisncss andkar inlEinticinal wnongllul canducl cif Consultant, Consullanl's
agEinis, ONMRS, EimplciyeEs, subconlracllons, an indclpendrant can'lnaclans hined by
Cansullant in the perainmanco ail thEi AgreEmenl. 7hei only Excep'lian to Cansuilanl's
nespansibility to pnolecl, deilemd, and hold haamless the City, is due lci the negligence,
recklessness andllcir wnangilul canducl all 11he C ity, au any all its Edeiclive cin appainlive
baands, afficens, agenlls, an emplayEres.
This hold harmless agrearrien'l shall apply to all liability regandkis s of whethEin any
insunanca policies ane applicable. The policy limits da nail act as a limilatian upon thea
amciunl all indemnillicalion to be pnavided by Ccin9 ullanl.
9eciticrn 14. Insurance.
On an bcfane beginning any all the services an wonk called km by any Wnrri of this
AgnEierrienl, C ansullant, al ils awn cast and expense, shall canrq, maintain fan1ll a dunatian
all thEi agneEimeini, and pnovide pnool Thereof that is accep'lablEr tall a Ci'ly, the insunance
Specified belaw with insunens and under farms ail insL nance salislactar}I in all neispecls to
IhEr City. Consultant shall nal allaw any subcainiraclan la carrimence work an any
subcon-lnacl until all insunance neiquinErd of the Cans ullanI has also bEren ablainEul 'kin 'll e
subcanllraclon. Insunance nequired t eirein st all bEi pnovidEid by Admitleid Ins unens in gaaid
slanding will lhei Sales of C alikirnia and having a minimum awl's Guide Rating MAI- C lass
VIi an bEifter.
'14.1 Complrehen:iiyci Geineirarl Lierbili4.
Thnaughcu i ihei tenor a1lhis AIgimemenll, Cansull ant s hall maintain in full farce
and effecll Camprehensivo G(inaral Liability coveiragEi in an amciunll not less than anei
million dollars pen occunaeincEr 11$'1,000,000.00), carnibined singki lirrii'l cavenage for nisks
assacialleid with 111 a wark canlcmpialErd by this agnEiemieini. til a Carnmexial (3eineaal
Liability Insurance fanm on alhen ilarm with a geinenal aggaEigalo limit is usEid, eilhein thEi
geineaal aggnEigalEr limit st all apply sepana-lely to 1hEi wank to bEi perfanmed unden this
aglreEiment cm 'lhe cleneinal aggriagale limit shall be at least tWicEi thEr nEiquined occunaerncei
'14.2 ComplreiN einsiive Au tcimcib ile U iab ility.
Thnaughaul the larm of this Agneemen'l, Cansuhlani shall main1lain in lull kirce
and affecl Compnehensive Auicimabile Liability cavEinage, including awnEid, hined and nan-
awned vehiclEis in an amount nail less ihan ane million dollars pea accunnance
Il$'1,000,000.0 C ).
V.3 Worker's Coff plenisi fioni.
11 Clcnsultanl inlends lc empicy empicyces to perforrni sEirmices under chis
Agreeimon1, Cc nsull�inl shall c blain and rmainlain, during -It a loan c -It is Agroerrieinl,
We nkEm's ClcrnipEinsalk n Umployeii's Liability Insuiiance in It a slalulc ryl cunt uni as required
by s la -le law.
14.4 F waf cif Inisuce nice Reicluimmicini IAE nit cirseimianit.
Pnic n is berg inning any wcrk undEin this AgiicemE nl, Consullan'l Shall submit
thEi insurance ceiriillic�leis, including the deductible on self-veleniien amcun'l, and an
additional insured antic ns errienil naming Cibl, ills cfficens, Eimplc yacs, agE nls, and
volunteEms as additional insureds as neispvcts each cfthE fcllcwing: Liability auising c ui c f
EicliviliEs pE he rimed by c ri c n behalf cf Ccnsullanl, including t ei inswed's gEinesial
supEirmisic n c f Cc nsul'Ianl; products and cc mplErled openalicns ail Clonsullani; pneimisE s
c wned, occupied on used by Consullan ; on aulc rnicbile s cwnEid, leasEid, hinEid, cui bourcwEd
by Consultant. The ccwrage shall cc nlain nc specisd limi'laliens c n the scc pE c'I pnc'leclic n
affeiided City, i -Is cfficens, erniplcyEies, agents, c n vc funlErens.
14.:1 Scrars and Omiusicino Claveuagc
1 hnc ugheu'l the Ileinrri (f This Agreement, Clansullanl st all maintain Unions and
Omissions ClavEirage i1pnc fessianal liability cc veiiagE l in an arriounl ail ncil less han One
Million Dc Ilans ($I1,OC10,000). Prianic bEiginning anywarl unclEmlhisAgnoerrif ni, Ccinsullanl
shall subrni'l an insunancEi cer ificale ' o lhEr Clity's Geneiial Clounsel k r car ificailian lhal the
insurance 110quirerrienils of 'Ihis Agnuarrienl havEi bEien salisiliE d.
'11.6 hall icei of Clarceillalion/llemminall iani cif Inisiuriaricc.
T he abevEi palicyApolicies shall not ilorminaiei, nan shall IhEry bEi cancEilleid, non
ilhe caveiiagEis reduced, unlil ElflEir lhir y (3(1) days' writlEin nctlicEi is given tc City, axwpi Thal
lern i110, days' notice shall be given A lheuei is a cancellalic n duEr to ilailunEi 'a pay a
14.3 llenmsi of Clamplenaailian.
Cansulilanl shall nal reccive any carnpansalic n until all insuirancEr pnavisions
havE been saiisiliEid.
14.8 IN atiaci 1a Huoac k .
Cansullant shall not pnoceeid with any work under this Agreement until the
Clity has issuEid a wnitlen "N alicEi'lo FinacEied" venif�ling that ConsuNI nt has cc mplieid w ilh all
insuranue uequinein ants of this AgneiEimEint.
Sualion '15. Teirmiinailion.
City st all have the night Ici tenminate this fiIgiicerrcril wilt aut cause by giving thin y
]W) days' advance wiitlen naticEi crlteuminatian to Ccinsulilanl.
In addition, this AgreEimeint rr ay bei tenrniinated by any party kir cause by pncividing
IEin ill Cl) days' narlice to thea athen part) cdl a material breach a-1 (animal. Nit a (ithEin party
dries not cunei thEi bueiaah of conNacl, Ihen it a agicerrEint may bu lerminaleid subsuqueint
la thEi ten ill a) day cuuEi pEiniod.
Sciallian 16. h aticici.
All noliaeis stall be panscinally dalivened cu mailad la the below listed addnEisseis, cul
to such olh(in addressu3 as may be designalad by written nciflue. ThEise addnc33as shall
be used kin dediver)l all seRiiaa all pncicess:
Ta Clity: Cite ail Sam Juan Capistrano
324 as Paseo Adelanto
San Juan Capislnano, CA 92675
7a Cansultan'l: Patlan Briggs, LLP
255CI M. Slrect, N. W.
Washington U. C. 20C137
PIttn: It arnias Downs
Sciclion '17. Attomnci a` Recta.
If any aalicin all law an in equity is neuessaryl Ia (inikmce on inteupliet thEi teurnis of this
Agneeirranl, thea piavailing party shall be en -i led -o HEiasanabia atlonneys' 1EWS, costs and
necEiss ar)l disbunsarrianis in addition lei any olhan relied to whict he may ba entitled.
Seciticin 18. Diapule Rei:ialullion.
In the event all a dispulEi anising betweiEin thEi par iEis neganding peirfarmanae ar
in' enpnEital ion all 1 t is AguEierr ern , ' he dispul Ei s hall be UEisolvEid by binding anbe nal ion under
the auspiceis cif thEi .ludi(ial Anbitna ion and Madialicin .11lemice it"JAMS").
Sciaalian '19. 9nilhici Agreicirricint.
llhi; Agimemernl canslitulEm tha enline unconstancing and aglMernunil betWEien 'It a
parliEi,, and supeiu: ecEis all Fllneivicius neigatialians botweEin chem pertaining Ila 1ha subject
matrw theueiail.
Ih WITS 99S WF 9RBOF, -It a par ies heineto have oxeiculec this Agreieirnient.
L� , I .� .� . I jMormwoN,
• —�m
By: W4,
Dave Adams, Clity Manager
Exhibitfil: Rale Schedule
Monl1hly Hefei Schedule. Cansullanl shall submil mianlhly invoices'lo 1he
Office of the Clity Manages following each rnianit in which Cansulilani's
services anei pncivideic , using the lkillawing fee sct eic ule:
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
Eact rrionihly invoice shall specify any expeinseis lcir casis neilalec to
Cansuilani's seruicEis That are approved by 11hei Offices cif the Cit', ManagEin.
Each invoice shall also includes a paragraph surrimarizing Consultant's
2. "Icape cd Wonk. Cans uilan 1 shall plan, cocinc inalEi, anc implerrie int It ei Ci y
crl Elan Juan Capislranu's lederal government affains agEinda.
Clonsullant's warl an 1hEi Clity's behalf shall includEi ffic lallawing
a,' In consullalion wi11h the Office call the City Manager, Clansullant shall
help iceiniifyj pnicinity areas for leidenal funding thnougt grants and
b) Clansullant shall pnovidEi thEi OflicE1 all - hei Cite Man ager wilh l irnieily
ncr ices of lac enal giianll oppad unifies in prionilly areas is entified 'km
the Clity.
C, Clonsultan'I shall woiik will the City cif plan Juan Capistnana's
Cungreissicinal delegation 1a advances pnopasals lar legislative
aulhonizatian and appiiopiiiations io Lund the City's piiiacily piicijeicis
and initiaiiveis.
cl; Consultani st all kcep It s Office cit the City ManagEm infomiec
ihnough cagulan wnitiein update neparis about iiEilevanl ileidenal
gcivemmeinl actions, deeis ions, anc appar unilliEis bcaning cin the
City's pniarity areas all intenesl.
32400 RA 9E0 A( SLANT(
(949) e19 311171
(949) 49 311053 FAX
www3a+i illanaapmt�i ana.arg
Filation 9oggs, LLFI
Alttn: Thama; Dawns
2990 M. 911108111, ll� .W.
Washingtan, D.C. 2CIC137
C]A'r9: March 12, 2CIC19
FROM: N aria Manri; , DEipuiy Cily Cllenk (919; 443-6309
RE: Flensonal 9EiruicEis Flg[MemEint -- FEideral GavellnmElni RE11ated Pldvacacy'Elenlices
Thank you lkin maintaining dacLimeniatian canfllnming campliance with ihE1 lenms oil thEi
agnEierriEint reilaled -lo insunance.
Please kElep in mind this dacumentatian muss neimain cunnenl with our affice dining -If a 1011m cd
this ag iceirrien'l. 111 you I aVEi ques'licins nEilateid 1Io insuuancEi requinemeinls, please call me all
(949) 413-6309.
III you have quEislions canc(inning Ihei agreEimenl, plEiasE1 canlaci Clindy RLISSE111, Flssisiant City
Managem at (94 9; 143-630'
An aniginai agnEiEimEint is EinclasEul lkin yawn neicands.
Clc: Cindy Rus sell, Assistani Ci-ly Manager
Shin Aain Ccpis,lre inti: fireserving jIhe Phist jI(i Elnhairiee ,Ihe Faiilure
CRnnhN on 1049A recycled japer
TO: Mayar and City aouncil
RROM: Deive Adams, Ciily ManagE n 00
SL BJEC7: Canside railicin all Cansulling SE rvices 1cm E lade rind Rede ral GcivE nnmenl
Advacacy E(iruicEs and Appop>IsiEMan all Funcs - RY . iam/a i QTawnsenc
Rut licAffains, Inc. anc RC,itian 8acic13, LLR)
lay mcil ion,
'I . AppinavEl the agileemenil wish l owner -1 Rublic Affains, Inc. iia plravic E siatei
governmeini acvocacy sR-,-- YMcid of FEIbruE ryt 'I, 21CI(19 Ihiiough June
::ICI, aaa51 nal Ic iscs cuning IN lEirm cif 1hEI aclneiE mcnt,
2. ApplravE ilhe agi
a c vocacy se rvice
to EIXCBEE via,ao,
LLR lcl. plravic a fec &E I gmiaAnmani
'I, 2CI(19, Naugh June 36, AaCKI, nol
term of INN agreElment, a nd
,I. Authanae the Ciiy ,�< [o EDIecu'le # a agiieemenils, as arlpravec by the Clity
Al laiiney, fail hEISEI SElrvices.
1 AFlpnap ik to $sa,aaa Mom GenemE I Flunc ME 9erwis ilo fllnc thEse cclnNE cis fan ihE
re. maincen of F1 2CIC18lCK1.
In eflad to E ssisi thEl Clity in sE cueing s'la1E anc 1Elderal 'lunc ing fail capli-lal impincivemElni
pnajeicls, highlighil gaveimmenl lundind aplplartuni'lics and keiepl MailEi End 'hldElrai officials
Wieifec an thEl Ciily's Flnarity atjElCliries, ilhe Clity Clauncil aplplraveid cantracls fon silEle
E nc k c eiiE I E c wcaicy sEirvice s in Oclab em 20(117 wiil h TawnsE Inc , Rut lic Affains, Inc. anc
Pattani, 8ogd3, LLR.
Tawnsenc Rub lic Affairs, Ina. QTRA) HEs been plravicing acvcicaay senlices since '19SIa
E nc is aric Cd thEl tapl '19 InleirgavernmeanIal advacElcy firms in Ca 1f annia. l RA plassEISses
ilhe skills, EIXpe riencE E nc a UE ck recard of nElsu Its IhE�l will cies isi he City in E chievinig
l Eingi b IE I au tocimE s.
AgEincai ReFlorl
Page .I
Fie d rL eiry 17, ,e umi
Pail -Ion Boggs, LLR +ARB; his HGEn pravicing advacacy seniice fan mcmE than 4a yearn.
Pait on 8aglcl9 is ane (if Amenickin Laiw}IEirsi "kip tau, US law firms and i9 ainsislE ntly
uanked as 'Ihe neitian's number ones lobbying lirm by Ihei Ak aral Jaurnai,t RaM Cla►N,
,U tlluanca and Me Hi l L illhe lirm Flravic es services lo slate wind local mu niciipleili'lies
uelyingl an the flrcilkissianail skill, inleiclnily anc vision of mcinei thein 50C IawyErs and nan-
leMen speicialis'19 la piavide lheiiu alienils with a high IevE I of sE rvica <iric assislance.
Ta c ales, thEi C ity haia aFlpliec fan IhE faliawing stale and lEideiral glran-Is:
Amcwr it
.Il aitei
• Safe Ratites la School Granil
Varicws S is eweilk arc C ncisawalk Improvements
• "arlen Resau nces DevE lciplmEinl Ad of 2ebw
S ein A an W aitenshec Fleslcmarlion Project
91'1 CI millian
• M3 cal Yasin "e 0109 Appiopiialians Flecluesls
DE pp. of Intenion - Las Rias Hisilonici Dis-lnicl Park
$11 millian
Th L D - [lei Otiispla SIIreErl C inculcalian
Impncivemeirils aric 8nicge "icvning FlrajEicil
$9 million
ICIIR #'1121;
TF L 11 - S cin A an CreEik Raac WidE ning, Valle
Raaid la Clamina Ceiplislnanci
V1.21 million
i1CHF! #406;
Title XVI — RecyclEr( WailEin SyslEim
913 millicin
• Riscad N ear 2('IC AFpncipnierlions ReiclLEists
`III- L C1- DE I ObisFla Slaeel Ciro ierlion
ImrInavemEinis ainc 8ridgv W c1Eriing Puojeci
919 millicin
I1CIFI #'I,l'il)
illHL D - Sein ,ILein Cneek Raac W is ening, Vail IEI
Roac la Cc,imirio CeiFli3beina
$4.2 millicin
_1111 1E XV I — RE Cyciec W WE r 'EIystE m
$6 millicin
8PA — Gnciunc WalEir RECOVE ry Rlanil EAFlarision
91:1 millicin
SJC Regional Library Expansion/Renovation
$2111 rnillicin
Agenda Reipart
Rage 3 FEibruaryl '171, Me
Stalle G rar t � tatu
The 1.1 alai F a0es la 1.1 chocil Gnad is schadulec fan funding in fiscal yeaii 21CI1 are10'l 1.
Reideiral Grant 1Itatu
Thea 1NErlenshed Reslonerlian lending cr1 $190,000 is includEid in the Omnibus
AFlpncipriertians Bill fan fiscal yvau 2CIC191. Based on Rattan, Elagds discussians with
a pplrarldalicins slaff,11he Omnibus AFIFlraprialicins Elill will plass withciul canliiavens)l.
Congressman Calverl has reinlnoc ucetd -Ihe E an Juan Caclistrana waleir recycling
system Tifla ) VI funding a0hari3atian bill, H.R. 6211.
Slaff ueCCimmends thei City Council aplp ava the Eigiiaemanis fall advauicy services Wrlh
Tomnsend PL H lic At airs, Inc. and Ralllon Eloggs, L LC., autharize 1ha Ciiy ManeigEir 'la
faecule Wa agreEimerils and apprapdale 4150,0Caa in gerEirail func ueserves 110 caveir
casts icm 11he uemvincEir cif 1hEt fiscal yeau.
Nal Applicable
-the previcius aclneEimenls uetn Tram July 'I, 2aaa lhuauclh DecEimt(in 211, 2C108. ThEt
airiginal RY zaida1091 plravic ec 9 i80,0aci is func ing fon Icibt yis-1 s entices Wt ich k ndec
services iiom lhrauclh Decemtfir 21008. Tha cctsl all lhft canluacis fiom ,Ianuar)l 20MI
lhrauclh June 21CIC19 lcrled $8CI,0CICI. ThEi mid-yeau tlucclel uFldallet inclucfid $21(1,0[10 favi
cas,ls etssaciatec %i11h oplen space relalec gran -1 monk. ThEirelare, an acc itianvi
arpiciprialion U general 1Lnc resfirmas cif i19C1,0aci is
canlnacds. 11 the Oity is successful in abtaining chants -Thal
puojeci s a plarticin cif 11hal savings COLIC t Et aIIcICaletc dark
thea cast of IcHbyincl lar Ihcise clrarit iunds.
Jessica 0+ aue, Tcmnsenc Rublic Afl airs, Inc.'
Tani Dcm ns , Raton Ba lgs, LLP
* AIg enda Report in chided
necessary fan 1 he ati ac ihec
will ciffsel exislincl fdnding cd
tai thea ganEiral func 110 caves
Aclenc a RE F ar
PE gE e
HE bruaryl 17, .Iaalci
By malicin,
ApplravE the E gnE emE nt with Tcmnsenld Public Mains, Incl_ tc piiavidE SlE to
5lavem mE rut advacaay services fcn 1hE Flenicrd of FEbrur rye ' , 2009 -IhK ugh June
3C1, 2(1(19, not 1cI EIXCeIEI( 321,000 Fllus exREinses curing Zhu temi ci -Ihe
agenic menet, and
2. AIpplrcvEI the aglreElmen-1 wiilh Peittcn Baggs, LUF! tc Flrcvice fec anal gcvarrmElnt
ac vacErcry SE rvicels fan 1hEI FIElriac all January , , 20(19, IhK ugh June ala, ', Ia0t1, not
I exceEid 3ma,CIOC F11us Expanses c udncl 1heI IElrm cif the acIrEIEImant, rind
3. AuthcmizEI the City MeinaCleo tc execute 'I he agreelmen-ls, EIS EFIgIKIvac by thEI City
Attannely, fclu theme seiruicus.
4. AppluopriatEl WK1,00011ram GEinelual Flunc uesElrves Ie func thElse carillracnls iar the
namairrc en ci FY 21CI086KI9.
REispEICtFuily submitted,
Dave Adams, City ManlaCie in
Att achmElni s:
Pocipasal — Tcwr sent Rublia Aflains, Incl.
21. PKIpc sal - Rattc n Boggs, L 11 R
THIS AGR99MIR 11 is macf, , en'lem d inila, ainc shell bE comE effective lhis'Ist ceryof
Flebrueiry, 210{]51, by Bind IdOWEE1n 1hei Clity all San Juin Ceipistneina (hemeince teir rerlenrec la
ars the "Cilly") aric TkiwnsEnd PublicFlffairs (heieinedfen nEfeurec to cm, the "Cam Itanll").
WF BRBA;1, Cilly dEISinEs to rEtain 'Ihei services cif Cam ulleinl reguc ing 'Ihei Ci'ly's
skitei c1avE mment advacacy issuers; anc
WF BRBA,1, Clansulted is qualibeic by vir uE of mr1einiE rice, llraiining, EidLaition ainc
ENF ler is a to accamplish such SE rvicE S.
IS OW, TF BRBFORE, Ci'ly ainc Cans ullml mulceilly aigreici ais fallaws:
Seiclior 'I. Same of Work.
The i s caFle a1 wcirk la d e peirfcirmei( by Cansu Ite int shall cansis t a111hasE taisks eis sE t
kirth in B)ihibil "A," eillaid ec anc incanpaualEc heuf in by re# nEnce. Ta Ihei exieid Thal
lhenEi ane any cardlic s beitwlerm the pravisicins c escuibec in Eyhibit "A" and 11hasEi
FUnovisicins canlaincid wilhin this Agreeimerd, thEi Flnavisians in -This Agneeimenll shell ccintnal.
Secilior 2. Tema.
This Agreement shill cammeince an the efleictive c a1c anc shall Ieumineite, and all
seiruiceis reic uinE c hEmeiunc en shall tie camplEitec , no laleir Than Junei 31a, 2a❑B.
Seatior 3. Comiaeinsatior.
3.1 Amur t.
Tkital campE nsallicin kir the services heireiu ncem shall nal E xceec 9105,000.0a
as seat kirth in 9xhibi-1 'A," atlaa(id and incaiipanaleic hemEin by redlenEince.
3.21 Melticid of Parymeirll.
Subjecll to Seictian 3. 1, Cans Olanl sli all submi'I manthly invaicE s baisec on
Ialal services whist li avei beicin s alis'lactarily campllerled kir sc cli manthly penicid. 11hei City
will play man1hly Flragreiss playmen'Is basE d an appluciveic invaicus in accaudaince with This
3.3 Recardsi of 9xr en;iesi.
Cansullanl shall kEiep carriplelEi and accuralEi nucands crl all casils and
expEmses inciden'lal la services caveiiad by This Agiieerrienil. llhesa nEiconds will be made
availablEi all reasonable 'limes to Cily.
9e cilion 4. Inc epond anil Clar Iractar.
It is agreEid That Ccinsulilanl shall ac'I and be an indepEindEinl canliaclar and ncrl an
agen'l on Eimplayce crl Cite, and shall ablain na iiighls ilci any benEifils which accrue 1a City's
Secticin S. llirriibticinv L pcin Subcortraciilina air d Acsiyirmenil.
It a Eixpefflienco, knawiedge, capability and nepu-talion crl Clansrillant, ills pnincipals
and emplayees were a subs'lanilial inducarnEinl icer Qll�j to enter inta This Agreamen-l.
Clansul-lanl shall ncrl con-lracl with any olhan en'lity to pEirlafl it a sEiruicEis requinEid wilt au'I
wribEin approval crl -It a City. This AgicemEinl may nail be assigned, volun-lanily al by
opEiralian of law, wilhou-1 -Ihe glniai writlan appnoval al lhei airy. 11 Cans ulilanl is peirmitled Ila
subcantnacl any Alar of this AgwerriEm1 by Cite, Clansultan-1 shall be ics pans ible ilei ait]j fai
-It a ac'Is and cimissians crl FIs s ubconlracicin as ill is akin panscins diieclly Eimplayed. Nalt ing
canlainEid in 'It is Agsearnienl shall create any canlnaclual sela-lionships bedween any
subcan'Iracilan and City. All rleiscins eingaged in -It a wark will be cansidenEid erriplayaus all
Cans ullanl. City will detail dineictly wilh and will makes all paymeinls to Cansutlanl.
:lection & Char new 1 o :Iacipe of Wark.
Han exi ra waik nal part all this Agreemen-1, a wniban authaniza-licin 11om City is
nequined pikin ilei Ccinsullanl underaking any Eixtia wank. In 1hEi avenil of a changEi in 1ha
Scape crl Wonk pravidad lcin in the contnact dacumeints as nEiquEis'led by ilhe Clity, the Par iEis
heicta shall execute an addeindum la this AgIlEien'ienl setting kirth with particularity all
'lenms all the nEiw agreement, including buil nal lirrifled ilei any additiamil Clansultanl's fees.
Sevlicir 7. Familiaiiity wiilh Wank andticni Cor silruclior Ellie.
By exEiculing this AIgiaerrienil, Clansultan'I wariranils thal: ij'I) ill t as invesligiited the
waiik la bEi per onrnied; 4211 it applicable, ill has inves'ligalEid tha work si le(lsl , and is awaiie al
all candilians thEirei; and 113) iil undens'lands the facilities, difflculties find neslniclians all'It e
waiik to be peirfaimEid unda This AgnEMMEint. %'1Ihauld Cansul'lanil discovers any lalanl cin
unknown candilians rrialerially differing lrarri Ihasa inhEinen'l in 1he wark ar as ioprosenilod
by City, ill shall irrimedialEdy inicirm the City] ollhis and shall nal AlnciceEid with -luriheii wcink
undem this AgnEiEimeml until writlEin insilruclic nis are received llrarni the City,.
Sciclion 8. Time oil 9sse ncie.
Timei is all the essEmcEi in 1he per onmancei all 'Ihis Agreement.
Secitic n 9. Cc mpliiincie w ith Lsiw. E-Venifv.
9.1. Comiplkinciewilh flaw.
Cans ullant shall ccimgly w i-lt all applicable laws, ordinances, codecs and neigulalians
at federal, slate and local clavEmnrnien'l.
9.2. E-Veirify.
It Clansullant is n cd already ennalleid in 1he U.S. DEiplartrriunl cif F arrieland SeWON's
E -Verify] piognarri, Cansul-Ianl shall Emnall in -I he E -Verify ptiogiiarri wi-lhin fif lean days crl-lt e
EiffeclivEi dalEr cif 9his AclnEf rriErnl la verify the erniglayrnienl aulhanizalian cif EimglayEres
assigned la gEirfarm wonk hEreundEm. Clansullant shall verify Eimiplayrrianl aulhoniza-lian
wilhin throe days cd hieing a new EimigloyaEi an assigning an exisiling E mglayee lci peirfatim
work undEin This Agiearrienl. Inikinmalian pEirtainincl 'la thEi E -Verify pliiagtiam can bEi faund al
htlp:hWvvw.uscis.gav, ar accEss the regislralian plagEi at httgs:,Vwww.vis-
dhs.carrVerriploye,negistna'lian. Cansullanil shall priav ide evidence all its riegislralion with 9-
VenifA wiilhin sixiEien days cif the ElffEiclive date of this AclneEirm n1.
Secitiern 1 U. Cle nflictd cif Worm 1.
Clansultanl cavenanls that it plreisErnlly has na inleresil and shall ncrl acquinEr any
intemal, dinecl ati indirecil, which wauld canflicl in any manner ar dEiguEie wilh the
plercinmancer crl 1hEi sEiruicas ecrnlempliated by 'Ihis AgreElmErnt. No gonsan having such
inlemst shall t e Elmpllayed by cm assacia led wiilh Clansullant.
Secilic n 1j. Capicis of crk Prac uct.
Al 1he ccimpllErtian of -It a% onk, Clansultanl shall havE delivf ed lcr Cite a1 leasl ane
Q IJ copy cif any final nEparts andlar nates on cltiawings canlaining Consutlanl's findings,
canclusions, and MCC irrirnienda-lions wilt any surlgaring dacumenla'licm. All mplarts
submitted to Ohe Citi st all tle in replraduciblEi fanrnial, cin in the farmat dilherwisEi aplpinavEid
by 1hEi Clity in writing.
Seallioni '12. OwniersHip of Dccurnantt.
All replaris, infanma-lion, data and Erxhibils prepared aii assf mdkid by Consul-lanl in
can neclion wish 11 he plarionrriancf ail its sormices plursuant ta I his AgreEirnienl ane ccrnfrden'lial
i s - t e Ex en1 genmitted bylaw, and Can suli ani agreies 'l t all iI he y shall n a1 to mado availat; IEr
1a any individual an arganizalicin wiihciui piniai writtein cansEinl cif the Clity. All s uch replarls,
inikinmatian, data, and exhib ils shall ti a fti prrapert� of lhei Clity and shall bEr delivened to the
Clity uplan demand withacrl addilicrnal cas'is ai EixgensEi to 1he Clity. The City] ackncm lErdges
such dacumEints area instwmElnls cil Cansullanl's plraieissianal services.
Sectiern 13. Inideimnilty.
-ki the 11u11041 Eixtent penrniittEid by law, Clonsullanl agreEis la pralEict, detind, and
hald hanmless 1hEi Clity and its E1100vE1 End appointive boands, officers, agents, and
Eimplayeas 'tarn any and all claims, liab ili'lies, expensEis, ai darniagEls of any nalure,
including ettanneys' fees, ficin injur)f an dealh till any person, an darriagEis of any nalure,
including interfeionce with uses cif pnoparty, anising aul af, on in E ny way ccinnEicted with ll a
nEigligEince, recklessness E nd,lon intenlionE I wrongful conduct all Cansullarnl, Clonsullanl's
agenils, officers, erniplaycies, subcanikclars, an independent conlraclans hinEul by
Clansullanl in 'It el performance cif -It a Agimerrieni. The only excEiplian 'Io Consul-lani's
nEispans ibility -Io pncrlecl, dEifend, and hold hanrrilEiss the Cit]j, is due la thEi nEiglligence,
Pao lessnEiss and/an wrongful canducl of lhu City, an any cit its elEiclive an appointive
baE nds, afflcens, agEinis, cin EimplciyeEis.
This hald hanmless a gli lernienll she II E pply -lo all Iia bilily nEigardless al whelhEin any
ins unancEi policies ane applicable. The policy lim ills da nal act as a limitalicin upon llhE1
E matinil o1 inderninifica-licin ila tEl piavidEid by Clonsultanl.
Seatian '14. Inisiumincie.
On on berkinEl bEiginning any o1 IhE1 seniicus an wark celled fan by any team cif This
Agneernien-1, Clansullan-1, all ills awn cast and expEinse, shall canryl, rniainlE in lcin 1hEi dunalian
a'1 tha agreemenl, a nd pnavide pnocif 1henElall -It ail is accepla ble 11a the Cita, the ins usance
spEiciflied bel(iw wi'lh inSMEins a nd under fainis of insurancEi salisfacilaryl in all nespEicts is
1hEi City. Clansullan-1 shelf n till allow any subcantnaclan to carnmence wark an any
a ubcan-lnacl unlil E II insurance nequined ail thEl Clonsullan'l has also bean ablained fan the
s ub conilracil(m. Ins unancEi Mquined hencin shall be pnavided by Admitted Insuners in good
standing wi11h the Sia1e all CE Iifannia and having a mininium Mist's Guide Rating a11A- Class
VII an bEittei.
14.1 Clannnlnchcrisive General lliarbilit)j.
Thnoughau'l the Tenni aphis AgneiElMent, Clonsul-lanil shall me in -lain in hull Mance
end affecl CanipnohEinsiva Geinenal Liability) cavEinage in an aniauni nal less 11han ano
million dallars pun occurnEince aoll 00axioamo), canibinEid singles limil caverago akin risks
associaled wilh the work ccinlEimplated by -Ihis agreement. It a ClarnimEincial GEinene I
Liability Insuranco lkinrni an alhEin fanm with a genEiral aggragalEl limiiil is used, Elflhan 1hEl
gEmeral aggnegale limiil shall apply sEiparallElly 11c1'It a wail la be pEirlcmrried unden This
agneEimEinl an 11he gonEiral aggregE to limil shall tEl al IEiasil twice -Ihe nequinEid occtnioncei
'14.2 Ccimipreh erniiivei Autarr icibilei L !tib ilio.
Thnaughatil 1hEi tenm of This �lgnuemonl, Cans ullant shall mainlain in full kine
E nd Effect ClarripnEihansive Atillamcib ile Lie b ilit]j covelagEi, including awned, t inEid and nan-
awned vehiclEis in En aniaunl nol less Than ane million dallars pEir accurnence
14.3 WanNei'm Camnlensatian.
If Ccinsulilanl intEinds to arriploy EimipllcryeEis la porlarim seiniicas undEin 11his
AgnWrnent, Clanstillant shall abtain and mainlain, during the term at this Agieemen'l,
WorkEin's Clorripensalian 9rnipllayer's Liability Insunaince in the slalutarA amauntas nequined
by sla-le law.
14.4 F raaf of In: ura ncei F ecluirementd/9nc arseimeinil.
Rniar la beginning einy wcO under this AgneEIMEint, Cansullml shall subrniil
the insurance cEirlificates, including the daduc'lible cin self-mlentian vmaunl, and an
additianal insured endarserricinl naming City, ills afficers, Eimplayees, agents, wind
valunleEirs ais ciddi'lional insureds pis neis peels each all -1t Ei'lollawing: Liabilihj arising aul at
acilivitiEis pEularmcid by an an behalf of Cansullaint, inaluding 11he insumd's general
s upeirmisian of Cans uliaini; products and carnip16110d opEma'lians al Clansultan'l; promises
awnEid, accupied cm used by Ccinsul,lanl; an aiutarriobilus awnEid, leased, I ined, on bcmncnr ad
by Clansultan'l. ThEi cavEinaige s hall conlain na special linfilations an 'lt El scaple at plralac ian
aflarded City, its afflcers, erriplayEies, agen'ls, arvalunleimis.
14.8 9nrars i nic Orr issdans Caverade IFOR PROFOSSI IS SINIIORK
lit naughau'I 'It a lEi m allhis Agmernien'l, Clansultain'l shall maiinlain 8nncros and
Omissions Claveraga 11pnafeissianal liability cavenagei] in an cirnioun'l all na11 less 11han Ono
MillianDullans+l$1,000,000). Pnicintabeginning any warkunderithis AgimemEinl,Cansultan'I
s hail submit c, in insurance ceirl ificaiei'lu ihEi Ci'ly's Genenad Counsel kir aeir ificalicin thal IhEi
insurancEl nElquiner ionls of If is Agnuemenil t avei becin saltisfied.
14.6 Natice of Ca nccilia tian/7erm 1natian cit Insui ance.
ThEi Vbave plcilicy/plaliciEis shall nal terminate, nan shall 1hEiy be cancelled, nein
'It a cavanages rE educed, until of er 11hid y Ilia; days' wnitl(in natice is given Ila Cit}j, eixcepil Thal
loin 1110) days' na'lice shall be givEin if there is a ca ncEillatian due tci failure to paiy a
pne mium.
'14.71 Tenrris of Corr pcimE lion.
Clansullainl shaill nal neceiivei any cample insalian until sill insunainae pravisians
have been saitislied.
114.8 Nc lice to Praceec .
Cansullan-1 shill nal pracE[Eid wi11h ainy work unden this Agimerrienil un'lil tt El
Ci)j has iii ue id ai wnitten "N crlicu to Pnaaeed" verifying ilhal Cansullant I as carniplied with all
insurance requinemEints of this AclnEierr,10M.
Secticini 15. 1(mmina titin.
Citi, shall have the iiighl to lenrniinalEi this Agmerneent without cause t y giving thirty
1130) days' adv<incei written nolicEe aillenminalion to Clonsultant.
In addiilian, chis Pig HEiernien'l may t e temminated by any party far causEi by pncividing
ten 11101 flys' noliai to It a cilhein par y of a maieinial breach cel conluacl. If 1hEe alhen part}
daEis not cunei lher breach cif canteact, Thein 1hEi agiieernien'l may be' Ieeerneinalleed subsequent
la the kin 1110) day tune pe iiiad.
Sucilloni 016. Noilice.
All notices shall be peiisanally de(ivEired an mailed'lo the beilaW listed addressees, on
to s uch alhEen aiddnEesses as may be dElsignarled by wnibEen notiCEe. ilheeW addressEes shall
bEe usEed loge dElliivEeryl of service of pnocEess:
110 Clity: Clity cif San Juan Capistnano
3121400 F asco AdEelanlo
flan Juan Caplisteeana, CA 92EI75
To 4 a PAJ Q A
to.ylwe CA 91(011-
Seclioni '17. Attamn eiYu' Rees.
If any action cel laevo cin in equitj is necEessary -lo enforce cer intEerpieel the leermis cd this
Agmerrieeni, it a pneviceiling par y shall bee Eeniitleed to reasanable cettarneys' leas, costs and
nErc(essar) disbursements in additian to any cilhen relief to wt ich he may be Ein illed.
I'leecticen 18. Dispute Resoluticeni.
In Thee Erreen'l of a dispute arising bEetwleen the parties megaerding perormancEe on
interpne'lalicen olihis AgreemEenl, the dispulEe shall be iiiesceiveed by binding aerbilratian under
'It a auspicees di'll ee Judicial Anbiiraticen and Mediarlion Service 11" JAMfl"; .
Sucilion '19. En 1irci Aaracimicniil.
This Agreement cansiitutees the vniiie undeiestanding and agreement beetween.the
p€i liees and supEensedes cell ppeevicrus neegolicetians betwEren IhEem per aining to It a subjecl
mattes thEenecef.
Ifs WIN E SS WHEREOF,11 ei par ic, heirEllu have executed It is AgrE elmE ni.
Dave Adams,FCily Manager
City CIE rF
Cibj Attorn y
EXE 19111 "A"
N anthly Fee Schec ule: $5,000 pei n onlh, I [us admin i; tnalive
expgnscis fe a of 4.81h of 1he base monit ly rails
to cove ii tl a C:onsuIM n1's on: it ary office and
over head expense.
Scape all Work: Cions t It, n1 shall df n slop, coordina-l(i a nd
imp lemeint a g oveirnmeint relailions strategy
subjeat to approval by tt ei City and shall assisl
wilh speicial projects as neique ated by the Clity.
Consultant a hall tcicus its efilor : c n the
As directed, pursue funding from the
Statei of Clalifei nia and c ithen pt blic
secior soul ces kin thei de) elopmen'l,
enh, nceimenl andAon expansion of
project; and pioclnams foi the City cif
San Juan Clapislnan o
• Oiheu nelateid assignment, as mutually
a gre ec upc in by be ith parties.
Clity Initials
Const Itant Inilials
TF IS AGREBMEN T is made, E ME ned into, and sr all bE come EffeclivE This 'lst da)l
of Jan uarN, 2009, by and bE tvrleE n IhE City of San Juan Clapis'l nano (JhE IE inaflE r rE lei red to
as the "City") and Patton Boggs, LLR ft rEinaflEr nEfenrEd to as the "Consuliani").
"HIBREA1I, City dEsires to rE'lain 'Ihe SE ruicEs a-1 Clansultant regarding the Cit}'s
pncipasal to pncicune IkCIE ral goiiennrr1E nt relallE d advacac)I SErvices; and
W HEREAEI, C ansultant is qualified by virtuE olExpeniE ncE, inaining, Educalian and
E XPE HiSE to accomplish s uch sermices.
N OW, lIHBREFIORB, City and Consullanil mulually agiE a as 1allaws:
cleatian 1. Scapa of Wanlr .
M E scape cif wank io be per of coed by Cansul-lanil shall consist ail IhosE Iasi s as se'I
ikirih in Bxhibii ".Al," attached and incanponaled henE in by rEfEnE nce. -No the Ex HO that ihE ne
are any con11licils bE1tweE n IhEi provisions described in Bxt ibis "A" and IhasE provisions
car lained within this AgreEimEnt, the pnovisions in it is Agnaerneni shall control.
Sea lion 2. Terum.
This AgnE erriEini st all cammencE1 an It E EifiEiclive date and st all 1E rminalE , and all
services nE quinEid heMundei st all be ccimplE led, na late r than JunE 9 0, 2009.
Sciallian 3. Clam pein;iailian.
3.1 AImounil.
Molal compensation foi -Ihe sermices hE rE undE r shall nal Oxceed $ 50,000.00
as sEil north in Exhibit "A," attached and incorporalEid hE nEin by rekinEincE.
3.2 Merlhad oil Rayff ernt.
1I11bjEict to Elleclion 3A, Consullanil s hall submit mon-It Ill invaices baSE d an
iolal ser�iicEis which havE beE n saiisfaclonily carniplE'led lion suct monthly penicid. 7hE C ity
will pay rnianthly pnCignEss paymEnts based on approvEd invoices in acccmdance wilh this
3.3 RE canc s oil E) plE naf s.
ClansL Itant shall kEiEip ccimplEite and accuiiate recands (it all crisis and
EixpEinsEis incidEinial to seruicas cavEined by chis plgUEMMEini, Thes a iiecands will bEi n'iadEi
available al imascinablEi furies to Clity.
"Secticin 4. Ind apunc Fant Contnacilou.
It is agneed Ihal Clansuliant shall act and be an indEipendent cantnactan and nal an
agenl an erriplayEiei ail City, and shall cibiain na nighls to any bEinEifiI9 which accnue to Cit}j's
Secticin S. LJimiita-lions L pan Subcantiiac'lina and A; signmeinl.
The axpeniencEi, knowledge, capability and nepulaiian o-1 Clansultanl, its principals
and emplayeeis wane a ss. bslantial inducemEini ilon Clity to Einten inta chis AgreEimieini.
Clans ultant shall nal eon-lnaei wilh any aihEin entity to peri alim Ihei sEiruicEis nequined withaui
wnibEin appnaval of tt ell Ciiy. This ilglMement may ncrl be assigned, voluntarily cin by
apenatian oil law, withaul It El pnicir wnitien appnoval ailihe Clity. hlConsulilant is peinmitteid to
s ubcanlnacl any par all this AIgreemeni by Clity, Cans ultant shall be nes pansiblEi'lo City, akin
thEi acts and omissions cif ils subcan-lnaclon as i'l is fon penscros directly Eimployed. IN olhing
canlained in this AgreEirnsent shall create any contmatual nelalianships between any
subcon-lnaeion and Ciiy. All peiiisons Eingaged in thEi wank will bEi considenEid erniplayeas cit
Consultant. City will deal diliEicily with and will mal, a all payments to Consullani.
Section 8. ChangE s -la Scape cilli Wcnik.
Hon Eixtna wcink not parr cif this AglnEiemeni, a written auihaiiizatian ilrcirri Clity is
nequined pnian to Clonsultanl undertaking) any ex -Ina wank. In -It ei event ail a changes in the
Scape cif Wad pncivideid fail in thEi ccinilraci clacurnien-Is as nequeesled by the City, the Flar iEis
heriala shall Eixecu'lEi an addendurni -la Ihis Agneement setting fort wi-lh par icularity all
1Einrris all IhEi new agnoemEini, including bull nal limillud to any addilicinal Ccin sultarnl's fees.
Secticin 7. IF arrAilanity w ith Wark an( tan Ccinalructian Site.
By MOM ting this AgnElEimEiri t, Consul lant wannanis It all: (1) it has investigated thEi
waisk to be pEiri onmed, (2) if applicablEi, it has invesl igaled the wank sitEi(s), and is awaiiei a-1
all conditions thEire; and (3) ill uri dEmstands the facilities, difiicullies and nesinictians ciil IhEi
wanl, tri be performed under this Agreement. 9t auld Cansultanl discaven any laleini all
unknown canditians rrialenially diffeningl ilrorri thaso inharenl in the wonk on as nepnEisenled
by City, it shall imirniediately intlanm the Ciiy cit Ihis and s hall nal pnaceed wilt llurlher wank
Linden this AgneElmEinl unlil wiritten insiruciicins are neceivEid dram IhEi Clity.
Seiclion 8. Tirve oil Sasenca.
IimEi is ail IhEi essencE1 in the per aiimancei ail Ihis AgreEiment.
Seicllion 9. Clarnipliance wiillh Va%; 9 -Verify.
9.1. Clamgllianco with Law.
Can sultarill shall camp ly with all aag plicaible laws, andinances, aadEis and negulations
of ikidEiral, stallo and lacal gavEinnmeinl.
9.2. 9A anifjA.
N Can sul-lant is ncit alwady Einnolled in it a U.S. DEipar ment ail Hameiland SEicuuitj's
Ell -Varity prognani, Cans ullaint shall ennali in 1he E3 -Verify pmg nam within fifleien days of thEi
effective chile ail chis Agneemenl 10 veni-ly the emglaymenil authanizarlicin ail EimplayeEis
assignEid 'lo perfanni wark hencunden. Consullan-1 shall veuif)j EirniplaymEint aiuthonizatian
within threEi darys all hiving a now eirriplayEia cin assig ning an existing erriplayEie Ila pEiriarm
waiO t nden It is Agneemenl. Infanmaitian per aining -lo the a-Va iifi pnagnarri can bEi faun al
t 1tp:i4lwww.uscis.gav, aiii accEiss the nEigisinalicin pagEi all h-Itps:,Vwww.yis-
dhs.camAEiniplayeuregis'lnail ian. Clansulianl shall pnavide evidencEI 01 its ircigistnalion wilh E-
Vonifyj within sixiEiEin days cif ihEi effective dale cif this AgneemE nt.
Sec licini 'ICI. Conflicts oil Interest.
Cansuliani cavenants -It ai it pnEisenll)l has na interest and shall nail acquiiiE any
inleiicst, dinecl au indinecl, wt ich would conflict in anal mannEin oil dEgnEE willh the
pE r1 onmance ail the SE rvices can lemplailed by -It is AgreE ME nt. � a PE rsan having sucl
inilE HE 4t shall be E mplayed bl l au assciciatE d with Clansultanl.
9Eicticin 11. Capicis cif Wcuill Hnocuct.
Ail the camplE tion (ifl the wark, Consullanil s hall have delivE red to Ciiy at IE ast one
Q'lI capy ail an)l -linal rEpar s aindkin na1Es an dnEiwings aantaining Ccinsulilani's flindings,
canclusians, and necom mend at icins with any suppar ing documenlalicm. All reports
st bmitled is the City shall bE in nE pnoduaible fonrniat, on in the fannial otherwise appucived
b)l the Ciiy in wniling.
Secticin 12. Ownenship till Doc urrients.
Pill FIE parts, infanmallion, dalar and exhibits prepanE d aui assE mblE d by Consultant in
cannectian wilh the PE rfarmancE cif its SENiaes punsuant to this AgnE errienil ane canflidE nlial
ICI 'It E E xtent PE nmit ed by law, and Clansullant agneE s tt al -It ey shall not bE made avaiilable
to any individual cir anganizatian withaut pnian writtE n aanseni cif the Clity. VIII such FIE par i,
inikinrrialicin, data, and E )ihibits shall bE the pncipert) alihE Clity and shall be dE IivenE d lcilhe
Clity upon demand without addilional caisls cin Expense toihe Clity. -Rhe Ciiy acE nciwlE dgE s
such dcicurrien-Is ane ins'lnumenls cd Clansuliainl's prailessianal ser%iiaes.
Sec Boni '13. Inic erninity.
To thea 1ulIEISi Eaxtent pEanmitted by law, Clonsullan, agneas la paaolecl, deUnd, and
hold IarrrlEass lhEi Clity and its elEutive and appointive boands, cafficens, agenls, and
Eirrplayeies 11ram any and all clairr s, liabililies, eaxpensEas, an damageas of any natune,
including atlanneys' feels, 'kin injur�l on death of any peirsan, on darr agEis of any natune,
includin g inlerfenEincei wi' t uses caf puopEarly, anising caul of, an in any way ccannEaclEad with the
negligence, recklEass neass and/an intentional wnangiul canducl a1 Ccansullan'l, Clans ullani's
agElnls, uflicEans, Eamplcayeels, subcanlnaclans, an indEapenden canlraclans hinEad by
Ccansultant in Ihea pEUicanmancEa cf ' hei Agneamen' . lit a only EaxcEaplican la Clans ullani's
responsibility a pnotecl, defend, and t ald hanmleiss -It ea Clity, is due la 1hEa negligence,
recklEassnEass andikar wnanglul canducl all the 'Clity, an any all its a1Eac tive car appainlive
boards, afficeas, agents, an errin layees.
phis hold haumlEass agreamenl shall apply to all liability regandlEass cif whEathEan any
insunancEa policies ane applicable. ThEa policy limits da "all acl as a limila ion upon the
amcaun all indEamnificalican to be provided by Cansullanl.
Socaticari 14. Insurainicea.
On or bEalare beginning any of the sEarvicEas an wank callod ikon by any, enrn cal -his
Agneamenl, Ccansultani, at its awn cast and Eaxnense, shall canr)l, maintain fan Ihea duralican
o'l thEa agnEaerr ON, and pravidEa pnoa,l theneaf that is acceptable ica Ihea Clity, the ins urancea
spEacilliEad bEdaw wit h insunens and unden lanrr s all ins unancEa s alisilacicary in all nEaspEacls ' ca
thEa City. Ccansulilani stall not allcaw any subs anlnacilcan 'Io ccammuncEa wauM c n any
subcc ntnac 1 until all in sunancEa nequiued of , t a Ccansui, ant t as als a been obtained ikar 1hEa
subcantnac tar. Ins unancEa nequined hEanein shall be pnavided by pldrr itled Insunans in gaud
stan ding with llhe '%' tale ail Cali-lonnia and having a minimum B asl's Guide Rating all A- Clas s
VII can bet (in.
Thnougl au the loorr oil lhis AgneEamenl, Clansultan' shall main lain in dull fancEa
and EaflEac t ClampnohEans ive GEaneaal Liability ccavenage in an amaunl ncrl IEass 'lhan one
million doilans pEin occurnEince ($1,000,000.00), can binod sin glEa limit c avEinage fc a nisks
asscacialead with the wank ccanlEamplated by this agneEameant. 11 a Clan rr oricial Geneual
Liabililly Ins unancEa -blain can cathEan faum wi- t a genEanal aggneagalEa limill is used, EaithEm thEi
genEanal aggregaiEa lirri-1 shall apply sEapanailEdy 'lo he wark to bel pEulcanrraed undEan this
agnEaen an or the genEanal aggregates limit shall be al leas twice the nequinEad ac curnEancEa
lirr it.
014.2 Con'ipreheri:aiveaAutamabilEaLllabilitl.
Thnaughoul the team cif this Agneemenil, Cansullanl shall rraainlain in lull lkance
and effect Compnehens ive Aulcimabile Liability cavenage, including cawnead, hiuEad and ncan-
cwned vEahiclEas in an amount not less Vhan cine rr illican dcallans peva caccuunence
14.3 Warken'c Clamplensiailian.
If Consultant intends -lo employ emplci1leEis to perform seNiCEN undEin this
AgnEiemen'l, Clansultant shall obtain and maintain, during the teurni of this AgueEimenl,
WoiO eu's Compensation Bmployen's Liabilit)l Insunanae in tha staiu-lorM amount as 110quired
by stalEi law.
14.4 Rnaaf of Ins uranesi ReicluireimeinU/9nc arsemeinil.
Rnian 11a beginning anal work under This AgnEiEimenI, Consultand sl all submit
the insuranae cerlillicates, including ilhe deductible cin self-uelEintian amaunl, and an
addilianal in; uiied endainernien'I naming Cit5j, PIS officers, Eimplc1116es, agents, and
volunleeins as additional insureds as IIEK pEicts eaa h of thEi fallowing: Liabiiitj arising caul of
activitiEis porlarmed by on on behalf cif Consultant, including -Ila ir: ured's gEineral
supEiruision cif Consultant; products and completed aperations a-1 Clonsultant; premises
awned, aCCL1pliEid aii used b)I Clans ultanl; an auiamabiles awnEid, IeasEid, hined, aii Nainowed
by Consultant. 111 a coverage shall aanlain nci special limitations cin thEi scope of ppatecticin
affordEid City, its cifficers, employees, agenis, on volunteer; .
114.5 Ennans and Omissions Caveiragel
Thraughaut 1hEi team alllhis Agreerrion1, Consuhlani shall maintain Binns and
Ornii; ; ions Coverage (profile; s ional liabiliily coverage) in an arniount of not less than CI no
Million C allars ($1,000,000). Rnior 110 beginn ing an) I wonk undeii thi: Agreement, Consultant
s hall subrniit an insuranae certillica,le to the City's GenEinal CounsE11 fou cEiriiilication Ihat thEi
insunance requinEimEints cif this AgnEMMEint have beEm satisfied.
14.6 I1 oil icei oil Canceillalion,llleinrniinailion of Insunancci.
The above plolicy)lpolicies shall n of 'lenrriin aile, n oii shall They be cancEdled, non
the cciveragEis neduced, unlil after thir 11 (30) da)1, ' wribEin ncdlicEi is givan to City, excep1111hat
len (1Q) days' notice shall bEi given ill 11he11E1 is a cancellation duEi to ilailunEi -la pay a
14.7 leinms of Campleinsaticin.
Ccinsultanl sF all not receive any campensaiian until all insuuancEi prcivisicins
haVU b0an sallisfied.
'14.8 Nalicie Ila Pracieeid.
Consultanl shall not proccied will any work undEir this Agicemonl (inlil the
Citi has issued a% ritiEn "Nalk a to PIIOCEE d" vE niNing 11 al Can: ultan-11 as aarriplied with all
insullancE nE quiuE rrl nis oll! IN AIguE emenl.
Seatian 15. 7enminaitian.
Clity shall have -11 a righ-1 to 'lenrriina'IE This AgnEIE ME nt wilhoul causE by giving ,Ihir y
1130) days' advancE wnitfE n nalicE ai lenmina-lion to Consullant.
In addi'lion, -11 is AgueE rrienl miall bE -leumina-led by any par y fon (ausE by pnavidincl
tE n ill a) days' nalicE io thEi olhen par y oil a material breach oil conlracl. 111he alhEin pary
does nol aunE 'IhEi bnEiach of cantnact, then the agnEiEimiEinl may bEi taiminated subsEiquenl
la thEi ten Q10) day cuim PE niod.
Scallian '16. � atiac.
All nalicEis shall be pEinsanally dEdivenEul or mailE d to 'IhEi belaw IislEid addnEis sEis, on
to such other addressEi: as may bEi designalEid by w rittEin ncrlice. ThEise ad(hEi: sEis s hall
be usEid fan delivery all servicEi 01 puocEiss:
Ta Clity: Clit�l cd %lan Juan Clapistrano
32-e 00 Ras ea Adelanta
San Juan Clapislrano, CA 92EI75
Ta Consullant: Pattan aagg: , LLF1
2550 M. C-ItnEiet, N. W.
Washincllan D. C. 20037
Alin: Thamas Downs
Seatiani 17. Attarneys' REies.
11 any action at law an in E1q Wily is necEis: ary la Einfaiicea ar inlEinprel the Wrms ail.This
fignEIEIMEint, the pnevailing par y ; hall bEi Eintil l6d la reasonablEi at1arnE1ys' feels, cas-l: and
nEicessaryl di; bunserr feints in addition to any athEir IlEdiE 11a which hE1 may bEi Ein1illEid.
ftalliani 18. Dispc to Flescilc tion.
In thEi Eivenl cit a (lisputEi arising bEitweEin 'IhEi parliEis neganding perfaumanCO ar
inlEirprelatian ollhis Ac1nEiEirnflnt,11 a disputEi shall bEi nEisolved by binding arbilualian undEir
thEi auspices all the Judiciaf AInbitralicin and Medialian 'EIervicEi 11"JPIM.I").
Seiclion '19. 9nilinei fiIareEimeirl.
71his AglMemenl aonstitullEis IhEi online undEinslanding and agilEierriEini betMien the
parliEis and supersedos Gill pnEivious neg[itiaiions bEitweEin Ihern pEirtaining lb IhEi subjeicl
mat Eli 11heiiecit
IN VIS ITI 999 WI- 9R90R, thea parties heiEitoi have exEicuteid this AgreeimEini.
Cily Clerk
.� Ow1'
. _
DavEi Adams, Ciily ManagEin
E xhih it A: Railc : ch(id We
Monlhl FeEi SCt Eadrvle. C onsultan-1 shall srvbmii monthly in voicEas to thea
Ofllio a a1-Ihe Citi Manag(an -lollowing each month in which C ansrallant's
services are pnovidead, rising thEl fallawing kEa schEvdulEF
January 2009
Februa 2009
Masvch 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
Bach manthly invoice shall specify any EvxpensEas tan casts vaelalcd Ila
C ansrvllant's serriaes It at aiaea appncavEad by thea OfficEa a1 -IhEa Ciiy Manager.
Bach im aicEa shall als a includEv a panagnaph sumrrvaiaizing Cons uliani's
2. ScaPEv all Wonk. C ansultant shall plan, cacardinate, and implEvmEant the Ciiy
all San Juan Capisivanca's fedEvnal gaveannaieni afilairs agenda.
C ansuitant's wa4 an 1hEl C ity's bEvhal l shall includEv thEv fallowing
a) In cansrvlia'lion wilh iho Oflico althEv Ciiy Manages, Consultant shall
help idonlFly pnicirity anEvas akar l adenal funcling thuough grants and
apps opi iatians .
b) Cansuliani shall providEa ihEa OflicEa a-1 thEv Cit)l Managan with lirrivEaly
noticEas of 11EadEvral grant appar unitiEas in priauity areas idEantified far
the Ciiy.
c) Cansuliani shall wark wiih thEv C ity al Ban Juan Capisiranca's
CcangvaEassianal d(ilegatian to advance proposals fosv logislaiive
authcanizaiican and appropriations la fund iho C ity's pniarity prajEvcts
and ini'lialivEvs.
d) Cans ullani shall koep ihe Office of ihEa City Managor infoiarrved
ihncaugh reigulau writlEvn update uEapcarlls at aut iiclevant ileadeuval
gm ei nrricni actions, do(ii ions, and appor uniflEvs bEvaning an the
City's pniarity areas 01 intEnesi.
32400 F ASEO ADELA 1110
(949} 493-1171
(949) 493-1053 rA71
WV Ix. Sall juan capistl lal Ia. org
1Ihe Clily Cauncil all San Juan Capisinanci will meErl al 6:30 p.m. an Tuesday, Flebruary
'17, 2009 in the Clity Cauncil ClhambEin in Cily Hall, la cansidEir: "Cansideirarlicin cif
Clansullling Scinicieis ficin S1lzilei zinc Feideiral GgvEuinrrielnt Advaaa% Seirriceis zinc
ApjpnopinizHion of Runds — FY 91009A,10 (' lownseinc Public Affains, Inc. and Rattan
8aggs, II L P)" — Ite mi Nci. 88.
li you have specific Thoughts au ccincerns naganding 11his Mem, yciu axi encatinaged -Ici
parlicipate in This decision making p110cEiss. Yau can cammunicalEi with -If a Ci-ly Clauncil
through cannespandancEi addnEissed to IhEi Clauncil andkir by attending IhEi mEieting and
spEiaking to -If a Cauncil during SIF a public meErling.
Clannespandence nadaled 11ci This idem must be naceived a-1 the Ciiy Clenk's riflice by 12:00
p.m. an TUEisday, REibnuary '17, 2009 la allaw lime kin II a Clouncil #a cansiden its
can An -l.
11 you would like -lo speak al the meeling, please camplellEi a yellaw "Requesll #a Speak"
harm ikiund inside IhEi entnance la IhEi Cauncil Clhamben. This icmm is turned in all IhEi
slaff 'lablEi, just in -Inanl of the Cauncil dais. Yau will bEi called la spEiak by #hEi Mayar
when the ilem is ccinsidenEid.
Nou have received This ncrlice al IhEi iioquosI crf IhEi City s'lafl mEimben Dave Adams, Clily
Man ager. N ou may coWacl 11hal s-lafl membeii all (94 9) z43-6314 willh any quer tians.
-The agenda, including agEinda imparts, is available #a you an our web site:
www.san'uanca islnanaxin II ycua would IiFe #a subscuibe 1a receive a ncrlice when
againdas ane pas -led to 'If El web site, please makEi lha# requesll by sending an El -mail 110:
ci#yclEirk(aD.sanjuancapis l nana.cinc .
Meg Manat an, MMCI
Clity Clerk
cc: JEissica O'FanEi, Tawnsend Flublic Aflains, Inc; -f hamas Dawns, Ra##cin Briggs,
LLFI; Dave Adams, Cit) Managen
Stain .)main Ccpis lrcinc : Preserving ilhe Past il( Elnhair.iee J e Putlure
V• flnntedan100%recycle paper