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1977-1019_LUNG & ASSOCIATIONS, ROBERT J._ContractRECORDED AT THE REQUEST'OF AND RETURN TO: EXEMPT City of San Juan Capistrano C12 Office of the City Clerk 32400 Paseo Adelanto San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 29137 R" 12770PG 704 RECORDING FEES EXEMPT DUE TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 6103 Mary Ann,✓ nover, City Clerk City of,an Juan Capistrano, CA NOTICE OF COMPLETION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the contract heretofore awarded by the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano, California, to R. J. Lung and Associates, Inc., 3955 Birch Street, Newport Beach, California, 92660, who was the company thereon for doing the following work to wit: Aerial Topography Services for the City of San Juan Capistrano That said work was completed by said company according to plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer of the City of San Juan Capistrano, and that said work was accepted by the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 19th day of July 1978, by Resolution No. 78_7_19_2 Dated at San Juan Capistrano, California, this 21st day of July , 1978. Mary-Ananove", City Clerk of the Cio of San Juan Capistrano STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, MARY ANN HANOVER, the duly appointed and qualified City Clerk of the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano, California, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the foregoing NOTICE OF COMPLETION is true and correct, and that said NOTICE OF COMPLETION was duly and regularly ordered to be recorded in the Office of the Orange County Recorder by said City Council. Dated at San Juan Capistrano this 21st day of July , 1978. (SEAL) Mary Ann H o er, City Clerk of San Juanpistrano RECORDED IN OFFICML REO(Jnua OF ORANGE GC)uRTY, CALIFORNIA 30 'n I PAJUL 241978 PasLEE A. BRANCH, County Recorder AERIAL TOPOGRAPHY THIS AGREMNT, made and entered into this 19th day of OCtoher , 1977, at the City of Sun Juan Capistrano, County of Orange, State of California, by and between the City of San Juan Capistrano, hereinafter calloci CITY, and Rohprt J. Lurid & ASSOC., IRC, hercinaf ter called the CONTRACTOR. ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS AND TERMS Whenever in these specifications, or in any documents, agreements or instruments where these specifications govern, the following terms or pronouns in place of them are used, the intent of ^ieaning shall be inter- preted as follows: A. City - the Citi_ of San Juan Capistrano, a political subdivision of the State of California. B. C1_LyY�e giner - the City Engineer of the City of San Juan Capistrano or his authorized represent- ative. C. Contractor - The party performing the work under the contract or agreement with the county, whether an individual, partnership, firm or corporation acting directly or through an authorized agent or employee. D. Subcontractor - The Contractor shall he responsible for all work performed under the contract or agree - went, whether performed by Contractor's employee or by a Subcontractor. The City Engineer shall approve all Subcontracts to be used for a project prior to the contract award, E. Specifications - The directions, provisions and requirements contained herein as supplemented by the special provisions pertaining to method and manner of performing the work or to the quantities and qualities of materials to be furnished under the contract. 0 2 F. Special provisions - The specific clauses lotting forth conditions of requirements peculiar to the project under considerations and covering the work required, and'or changes and additions to these general specifications. In case of conflict the special provisions will supersede the general specifications. G. Work - All services, material, and equipment necessary for the flying, photography, ground paneling, pre - partition and furnishing topographical maps, and related work as hereinafter recited. ARTICLE II Statement of Work Contractor shall provide City with aerial topo- graphical maps of the City of San Juan Capistrano, and shall, in connection therewith, furnish: A. One set of approximately 24 sheets, topographic, to a scale of 1" - 200' and a contour interval of 5: . B. One composite map, to a scale of 1" - 6001. C. The Contractor shall be responsible for pre - marking all ground control. ARTICLE III Approval of Work All work submitted shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. All aerial work to be accomplished under this contract shall be only for this contract and no previous aerial work shall be accepted. ARTICLE IV Legal Relations and Responsibilit A. Laws to be Observed The Contractor is assumed to be familiar with and, at all times, shall observe and comply with all Federal, State, and Local laws, ordinances and regulations in any manner affecting: the conduct of the work and all Instructions and prohibitive orders issued by the State and Federal government regarding fortifications, military establishments and areas. B. Insurance Contractor shall provide CITY with proof of its worker's compensation insurance for all of its employees. C. Liability Insurance The Contractor shall carry public liability insurance in an amount not less than $500,000 for injuries, including accidental death, for ono person, and subject to the same limit for each person in an amount not less than $1,000,1100 on account of any one accident: and property damage insurance in an amount not less than $500,000. The Contractor shall likewise obtain public liability and property damage insurance to cover vehicles and aircraft used or maintained by him whether on or off the premises, with liability limits of not less than $250,000 for any one person and $1,000,000 for any one accident, and property damage of $500,000. The insurance amounts set forth herein are the minimum amounts required by the City. C;hor agencies with which the Contractor may be involved in the accomplishment of the work may require greater amounts. The City will not recognize any claim for additional compensation because of the requirement for greater amounts of insurance, as this is an element to be considered by the Contractor in determining )its proposal. Said policy or policies of insurance shall name the City of San Juan Capistrano as an additional insured. and shall provide for ten (10) days notice to the City of San Juan Capistrano prior to cancellation of said policy or policies of insurance. If the Contractor fails'to maintain such insurance, the City may obtain such insurance to cover any damages which the City or its principals may be liable to pity through any of the operations under this contract and deduct and retain the amount of the premiums for such insurance from any sums due under the contract. The Contractor at his own cost, expense and risk, shall defend any and all actions, suits or other legal proceedings which may be brought or instituted against the City or its principals on any such claim or demand and pay or satisfy any judgment that may be rendered against the City or its principals in any such action, suit or legal proceedings or result thereof. D. Permits and Licenses The Contractor shall procure all permits and licenses, pay all charges and fees, and give all notices necessary and incidental to the due and lawful prosecution of the work. E. Subcontracting Contractor shall not be permitted to subcontract any portion of this contract without the prior written consent of the City. ARTICLE V Payment Contractor shall, in consideration of its work, receive compensation in the amount of 75% (seventy-five per cent) of the contract lump sum amount upon delivery of all maps and a final payment of 254 (twenty-five per cent) of the contract lump sum amount upon acceptance of the maps by the City Council. ARTICLE VI Completion Date Contractor shall complete all work and submit the 1 topographic maps referred to in Article XVII within one hundred fifty (150) calendar days after approval of this contract by City. ARTICLE VII Project Inspection The City may review and inspect the Contractor's activities during the progress of the program. ARTICLE VIII Ownership of Data All data, maps, photographs, and other material collected or prepared under the contract shall become the property of the City. ARTICLE IX Contract Termination This contract may be terminated at any time for breach and City may terminate unilaterally and without cause upon thirty days written notice to the Contractor. Contractor shall be reimbursed on a pro -rata basis for all work performed prior to the date of termination. ARTICLE X Amendment It is mutually understood and agreed that no alteration or variation of the terms of this contract, or any subcontract requiring the .approval of City, shall be valid un- less masa in writing, signed by the parties hereto, and approved by all necessary parties. ARTICLE XI Vertical Negatives A. Processing and drying of exposed_hotographic film. The processing, including development and fixation, and washing and drying, of all exposed photographic film shall result in negatives free from chemical and other stains, containing normal and uniform density, and fine- grain quality. Before, during, and after • • 6 processing, the film shall not be rolled tightly on drums or in any way stretched, distorted, scratched or marked, and shall be free from finger marks, dirt, or blemishes of any kind. D. Quality of Photography Negatives The photography negatives shall be taken so as to prevent appreciable image movement at the instant of exposure, l:Kposure and processing shall be such that the negatives will he of high quality showing the demarcation of plani- metric and topographic features discernible at the required scale. The negatives shall be free from static marks, shall have uniform color tone, and shall have the proper degree of contrast for all details to show clearly in the dark -tone areas and high -light areas as well as in the half -tones between the dark and the high -light. C. Scale of Vertical Photography Negatives. The flight height above the average elevation of the ground shall be such that the negatives will have the average scale specified. Negatives having a departure from that scale of more than five (5) percent because of tilt or abrupt changes in flying altitude must be corrected. D. All negatives shall become the property of the City. ARTICLE XII Preparation of Topographic Nap A. General The map shall be prepared by photogrammetric methods in conjunction with conventional ground . • 7 methods as required. Within the scope of these specifications, the topographic map shall mean the original manuscript amended to meet these general specifications and the special provisions. Contours shall be at five (S) foot intervals. The length, width, border, title block, and sheet orienta- tion of the manuscript map sheets shall he as agreed upon with the City Engineer. R. Information to be Shown on Topographic Mal The general information shown shall conform to standard map practices. A legend will be shown on the set of maps to show all unlabeled items on the map sheet. Names of all public roads, streets, and free- ways shall be shown and shall conform to the names shown on current index maps on file in the office of the City Engineer. Names of all railroads, streams, creeks, and major topographic features shall be shown. Specific Information to be shown is as follows: North arrow Control Monuments Grid ticks Contour lines Spot elevations (Souses, buildings, etc. Edges of pavement Edges of traveled unpaved roads Culverts Railroads Canals Clumps of trees (outline of area) a Free standing trees having crown diameter of 15 feet or more (individually by symbol) Drainage features and streams Slide and slip -out areas (wherever identifiable) All other improvements or distinguishing features visible on the aerial photo- graphs Any feature whose identity is question- able shall be shown by It dashed line. C. Principal Point The principal point of each photograph shall y, be shown as follows: The number within the symbol shallrepresent the photograph number. D. Sheet Quality The maps shall be compiled on film with it thickness of not less than 0.004 inch having a polyester base. The material shall have a thermal stability such that the maximum dimensional change shall not exceed 0.00001 inch per inch per degree fahrenheit. It shall have a hygroscopic stability such that the maximum dimensional change shall not ex- ceed 0.00001 inch per inch per percent relative humidity. The differences in dimensional changes for the two directions shall not ex- ceed one-fourth the larger value. E. Grid ticks Grid ticks shall be drawn on the manuscript and spaced at an interval of ten inches or less. Tho coordinate grid values will be evenly divisible by 500. Tho coordinate values for each grid tick shall be neatly labeled near the edge of the map. In addition, overlapping areas of map sheets shall have at least two grid ticks common to both sheets; intermediate grid intervals may be used when necessary, but the inter- mediate grids need not show coordinates. F. Contour litres Every fifth contour shall be of heavier weight and shall be labeled in tiers on general slopes at intervals not to exceed five inches. Labeling of contours should he so placed that the elevation of any contour is readily discernible. Contours may be omitted when the lines fall closer than 10 contours per inch, provided that all contours at the top and bottom of slope changes are shown. All heavy (index) contours must be shown. G. Spot Elevations 1. Spot elevations determined photogrammetric- ally, shall be shown for all peaks, road intersections, saddles, bottom of depressions or wherever interpolation of contours would incorrectly represent land form, at one inch intervals where contour lines are more than two inches apart, at one inch intervals along flow lines of all drainage courses, at inlets and out- lets of culverts and at major angle points in drainage courses. 2. An "X" shall mark the spot elevation. The elevation shall be shown next to the symbol according to standard mapping procedure. H. Title and Certification A title shall be placed on each sheet of the topographic map. The title will contain the following; City of San Juan Capistrano, name of the job, scale of manuscript, contour interval, and date of photography. All map sheets will be dated and signed by a civil engineer, a land surveyor, or a photogrammetric surveyor with a valid California license as a certification to the accuracy of the map. This certification will also be a part cf the title. The title will be shown as agreed upon with the City Engineer. I. Accuracy of Nap 1. All map accuracies specified herein shall apply to the maps delivered by the Con- tractor. 2. Grid ticks and control monuments shall be plotted to an accuracy of 0.01 inch at compilation scale. 3. At least ninety (90) percent of all plani- metric features which are well defined on on the photographs shall he plotted so that their positions on the finished maps shall be accurate to within at least 0.025 inch of their true coordinate positions, as determined by field test surveys, and none of the features tested shall be mis- placed on the finished map by more than 0.050 inch from their true coordinate 0 11 position. 4. Ninety (90) percent of all slot elevations placed on the maps shall have an accuracy of ore -fourth (1/4) contour Interval and the remaining ten (10) percent shall not be in error by more than one-hall(1/2) contour interval. 5. Ninety (90) percent of the elevations do- termined from the solid -line contours of the topographic maps shall have an accuracy with respect to true elevation of one-half contour interval or better, and the re- maining; ten (10) percent of such elevations shall not be in error by more than one contour interval. In areas where the ground is obscure, ninety (90) percent of all contours shall be within two contour intervals of true elevation. Contours in such areas shall be indicated by dashed lines. Approximate height of ground cover will be determined by field edit and shown on the map. ARTICLE XIII Testing and Inspection of Maps A. The City reserves the right to inspect any and all phases of the work at any time during the progress of the work. B. Map sheets will be tested and inspected after delivery by the Contractor and will be accepted or rejected within 30 calendar days. This time period shall continence when all maps have been delivered. C. The Contractor shall, at his own expense, correct and re -submit all map sheets returned • 0 12 for corrections so that they comply with the specified accuracy within 15 calendar days or a reasonable length of time as weather permits. D. Completeness of detail will be observed by a thorough inspection. Accuracy of plotting of planimetric features may be tested by field surveys. E. The accuracy of contours may be tested by the profile method, or by any other method at the discretion of the City Engineer. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting in any way the extend to which the Contractor may be helu responsible for payment of damages to persons or pro- perty resulting from his operations or of that of any Sub- contractors under him. Approved as to James S. Okazaki City Attorney 10/12 DATED N R UTi CITY, ERK Approved as to Content: Li , / W. D, Murphy Director of public Works' Cit Eagincer Total lump sum for topographic sheets to a of 1"200' a) Nineteen Thousand Nine Hundred Forty words $ 19,940.00 figure. Total lump sum for composite map, to a scale of 1'--6001 b) Five Hundred Sixtv words _ S 528.30 + $ 31.70 tax * $ 560.00 figures AI A2 t. g INA MAP BI ,, B2 B3 B4 CI ;C5 /� % � c. � ems,,.. , •/ r ze DI D2 ` D3 D4 D5 .a,r t7i- i E I i% E2 E3r(E4E5 AGENDA ITEM July 19, 1978 TO: James S. Mocalis, City Manager FROM: W. D. Murphy, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Final Report and Notice of Completion - Aerial Topo (R. J. Lung) SITUATION In accordance with the contract for aerial topographic services, R. J. Lung and Associates has completed said project. The services were to assist the Engineering Division in revising the Master Plan of Drainage and Sewage and in the design of roads and equestrian trails. In accordance with the agreement for aerial topographic services, the contractor shall receive 100 percent of the payment upon acceptance of the maps by the City Council. No previous payments have been made to the con- tractor. The current payment status is as follows: Total Project Cost: $20,500 Previous Progress Payment: 0 Amount Due this Payment: $20,500 FINANCIAL CONSIDERATION The approved budgeted amount for this project was $50,000. Funds for this project have been allocated in the Drainage and Sewage Funds equally. ALTERNATE ACTIONS 1. Determine that the work is complete and acceptable. 2. Determine that the work is incomplete and unacceptable. 3. Refer to staff for additional information. FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA F James S. Mocalis, Re: Final Report Aerial Topo Page 2 RECOMMENDATION 0 City Manager July 19, 1978 and Notice of Completion - By resolution, determine that the work has been completed in accordance with the contract documents and declare the work accepted. The total amount of the work performed under the contract is in the sum of $20,500. Within ten (10) days from the date of acceptance, file a Notice of Completion with the Orange County Recorder. By motion, direct staff to make payment to R. J. Lung and Associates in the amount of $20,500. Respectfully submitted, W. D.. f W. Murp y WDM:GA/tm Enc. r RESOLUTION NO. 78-7-19-2 COMPLETION OF AERIAL TOPOGRAPHY SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING WORK TO BE COMPLETED AS TO THE SPECIFICATIONS FOR AERIAL TOPOGRAPHY SERVICES IN THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO WHEREAS, on the 12th day of October, 1977, the City of San Juan Capistrano entered into a contract with R. J. Lung and Associates, for Aerial Topography Services for the City of San Juan Capistrano; and, WHEREAS, the Director of Public Works has submitted his approval of the final quantities and cost figures. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1. That the work required to be performed by said contractor has been completed. SECTION 2. That the total cost of said work is in the amount of $20,500. SECTION 3. That the work is hereby accepted and approved. SECTION 4. It is further ordered that a "Notice of Completion" be recorded on behalf of the City, in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Orange within ten (10) days of the date of this Resolution. PAS§yED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of July 1978, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Hausdorfer, Buchheim and Mayor pro tem Thorpe NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Schwartze and Mayor Friess ATTEST: CITY CLE ES F. THORPE,I MAYOR PRO TEM -1- !L4 14,� STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, MARY ANN HANOVER, City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 78-7-19-2 , adopted by the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano, California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 19th day of July 1978 (SEAL) 'MARY ANN HANOVER,CITY CLERK STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) as. AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) MARY ANN HANOVER, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed and qualified City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano; That in compliance with State laws of the State of California and in further compliance with City Resolution No. 76-12-15-10 and on the 21st day of July 1978, she caused to be posted: RESOLUTION NO. 78-7-19-2 . being: COMPLETION OF AERIAL TOPOGRAPHY SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING WORK TO BE COMPLETED AS TO THE SPECIFICATIONS FOR AERIAL TOPOGRAPHY SERVICES IN THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO in three (3) public places in the City of San Juan Capistrano, to wit: The Administration Building; The Post Office; The Orange County Public Library. MARY ANN HANOVER, Clerk San Juan Capistrano, California -2- AGENDA ITEM May 17, 1978 TO: James S. Mocalis, City Manager FROM: W. D. Murphy, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Approval of Time Extension, Aerial Topography Services (R. J. Lung & Associates) SITUATION The contractor for the aerial topography services, R. J. Lung and Associates, is requesting a time extension of 60 days to the contract, due to difficulty in completing the project. The revised completion date would be June 26, 1978. The City Council previously granted a 40 -day time extension on April 19, 1978. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATION There is no financial consideration for this action. ALTERNATE ACTIONS 1. Approve the time extension for aerial topography services for an additional 60 days. 2. Do not approve the request for time extension for aerial topography services. 3. Request further information. RECOMMENDATION By motion, approve Change Order #2 for a 60 -day time extension for aerial topography services with R. J. Lung and Associates. Respectfully submitted, (WO-D.Muraur W. WDM:GA/tm Attachment FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA .. Changc Order Ro. Date May 2 Project No. _ Location _ Aerial Topography Services 1978 2 0 C014TRACT Ctix:GE ORDER Beginning Contracolate 10-19-78 Contract Amount $ 1.9,940.00 Previous Change Orders $ -0- This Change Order $ -0- Adjusted Contract $ 19,940.00 Item No. Description of Changes Decrease In Contract Price Increase In Contract Price 1 60 (sixty) day time extension -0- -0- Change In Contract Price Due to This Change Order Net Change In Contract Price $ -0- $ -0- $ $ TIME SCHEDULE: Total Contract Days 150 Amount Prior C.O.(s) 40 Amount This C.O. 60 Adjusted Contract Days 250 New Date of Completion 6/26/78 ACCEPTANCE: DATE:. Accepted Reconomnded by: 4 5-2-7i George 1 arez, Project Engineer - Approved by: ' Murphy, City Effgineer AGENDA ITEM October 19, 1977 TO: James S. Mocalis, City Manager FROM: W. D. Murphy, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Award of Contract for Aerial Topography Services SITUATION: On October 12, 1977, the Public Works Department received proposals for aerial topography services. The engineer's estimate and the two proposals received are as shown below. The City Council, at their meeting of September 21, 1977, approved the specifications and authorized the City Engineer to advertise for bids. The aerial topography maps will assist the engineering division in revising the Master Plans of Drainage and Sewage, the designing of roads, parks and equestrian trails. Staff has reviewed the qualifications of the lowest responsible bidder and has found the consultant qualified to perform the services in accordance with the specifications. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS: Engineer's Estimate $50,000 R. J. Lung & Associates $20,500 Don Read Corporation $28,050 Funds for this project have been allocated in the Drainage and Sewage Funds equally. ALTERNATE ACTIONS: 1. Award the contract. 2. Do not award the contract. 3. Reject all proposals and readvertise for bids. RECOMMENDATION: By motion, award the contract for aerial tophography services to R. J. Lung Associates in the amount of $20,500; reject all other bids and authorize the Mayor to execute the contract on behalf of the City. Respectfully sub W. D. Murp WDM:GA/rm FOR CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 0 0 AGENDA ITEM September 21, 1977 TO: James S. Mocalis, City Manager FROM: W.D. Murphy, Director of Public Works SUBJECT: Approval of Specifications and Authorization to Advertise for Bids for Aerial Topography Services SITUATION: The Engineering Staff has prepared specifications to contract for aerial topography services. Our current aerial topographic maps which were prepared in 1969 are obsolete due to development. Current topographic maps are essential in revising the Master Plan of Drainage and Sewage. Furthermore, our ability to design parks, equestrian trail and roads would be seriously impaired without accurate and current topographic data. Current topographic maps can also be used to evaluate development projects in the City. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS: The Engineer's estimate to provide aerial topographic maps is $50,000. This is an extremely conservative figure in that portions of the City may be deleted and survey services may be considerably less than projected. Funds for this project have been allocated in the drainage and sewage fund equally. The costs have been allocated for both accounts in that the resultant maps will benefit sewer and storm drain design. ALTERNATE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the specifications and authorize the City Engineer to advertise for bids for aerial topographic services. 2. Request further information. 3. Do not approve the specifications and the authorization to advertise for bids. RECOMMENDATION: 1)J By motion, approve the specifications and authorize the City Engineer to advertise for bids for aerial topographic services. Respectfully sub� tted, .-L>.., J ,C P W. L., Murpvoy WDM: Is FOR CITY OUNCIL AGENDA .. ...... ao Ll MEMORANDUM TO: John O. Sullivan, Assistant City Manager June 29, 1977 FROM: George M. Lohnes, Assistant City Engineer SUBJECT: AERIAL TOPOGRAPHY Fifty thousand dollars has been proposed by the Engineering Division for the purpose of preparing aerial topographic maps; $25,000 has been allocated to the drainage fund, and $25,000 has been allocated to the sewer enterprise fund. The costs have been allocated to both accounts in that the resultant maps will be of major value to sewer and storm drain design. An itemized list of reasons justifying the expenditure of funds for this project is presented as follows: 1. Our current aerial topographic maps were prepared in 1969. Due to -'evelopment and flooding, these maps no longer indicate true pictures of the City. San Juan Creek, McCracken Hill, Alto Capistrano, and the Aguacate/Sacarama area are examples of this situation. 2. Our current master plans of drainage and sewage were predicated upon land use plans generating much more runoff and sewage than proposed by the current General Plan. Revisions to these master plans would be appropriate as our present systems call for "over -designed" facilities. An accurate and meaningful master plan should address our current City, of which we have no topographic record, and General Plan; anything less would be just going through the motions. 3. Our ability to design parks and equestrian trails is seriously impaired without accurate and current topographic data. 4. The City should update its records periodically in order to accurately address projects desired by the City Council and citizens. During the Route "E" and "D" project, topography was required and a premium price was paid due to the small scale of the project. Economy of scale can be experienced through a wholesale update. 5. Current topographic maps can be used to evaluate development projects and evaluate negotiations in process with landowners. 9 Aerial Topography -2- June 29, 1977 The $50,000 figure is a conservative estimate. Some portions of the City may not need new maps. On bidding for the services, the market place will hopefully reduce the cost as well. It is our hope that this expenditure can be justified in order that we may provide the best support possible in matters pertaining to engineering. GML:cj 0 fiiir �i���firJfrcr>rr� ! 32400 PASEO AOELANTO SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA 92675 'PHONE 493.1171 July 31, 1978 R. J. Lung and Associates, Inc. 3955 Birch Street Newport Beach, California 92660 Re: Aerial Topography Services Gentlemen: Enclosed is a copy of Resolution No. 78-7-19-2, which accepts the work performed by your company. The Notice of Completion has been forwarded to the County Recorder. The total payment in the amount of $20,500 will be forthcoming under separate cover. Very truly yours, (MRS) MARY ANN HANOVER City Clerk MAH/cj Enclosure cc: Director of Public Works 3� 4187 Lung & Assoc. Insurance received 11/15/77 & copy of Insurance and pages 3 & 4 of contract given to Dave Smith �_ I • . 3Y SAN JUAN CAMSTRANO, 32675 FHONL 493 tt -1 May 24, 1978 R. J. Lung and Associates 3955 Birch Street, Suite 102 Newport Beach, California 92660 Re: Time Extension of Aerial Topography Agreement Gentlemen: At their meeting of May 17, 1978, the City Council approved Change Order No. 2 for a 60 -day time extension to the Agreement for aerial topography services. The revised completion date is June 26, 1978. Very truly yours, (MRS) MARY ANN HANOVER City Clerk MAH/cj cc: Director of Public Works �j CdfClliyd6 /k 7,400 PASW AOELANTO SAN IdA1 iSTRANO, CAI,1fORN1 92675 v October 27, 1977 R. J. Lung and Associates 3955 Birch Street, Suite 102 Newport Beach, California 92660 Re: Contract for Aerial Topography Services Gentlemen: Enclosed is a fully executed copy of the Agreement for Aerial Topography Services approved by the City Council on October 19, 1977. The project is to be completed by March 18, 1978, in accordance with Article VI of the Agreement. Very truly yours, C '� o (MRS) MAiY ANN HANOVER City Clerk MAH/cj Enclosure cc: Director of Public Works This form is TRUCK El -- MID CENTURY ❑ TEXAS FARMERS issued by: INSURANCE EXCHANGE INSURANCE COMPANY INSURANCE COMPANY CERTIFI(* OF WORKMEN'S COMPENSATIOhWRANCE Employer 0,1 1T Address Agent 33` _ ' WCH r1 02 ;7 15 33'2 103 ?; ?^ " 7� !E:?PO 7 2G`.CH C4 )2650 Palmer Numbm PoLcy Yr_ ' t 1 0 this CampPay X'6 Piss.. Certificate Effective. From _ _ j!3 to 7 _ I — 79 riqs DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS AND LOCATIONS COVE ALL OPERATIONS COVERED ALL LOCATIONS COVERED When countersigned by on authorized representative of the Company, this certificate supersedes any previously issued certificates and certifies that the above described policy of Workmen's Compensation insurance ha,been issued to the above employer. This certificate is subject to oil of the terms, conditions and limitations set forth in the described policy and endorsements thereto. It is furnished as a matter of information only and does not change, modify or extend the policy in any way. It Is hereby agreed that upon cancellation or termination of this policy for any cause the Company will give 10 days notice in writing thereof to CITY OF SAN JU,xiN CAP I STIR..^,NO ATTN: DAVE :1LVAREZ 32400 PASEO .,.DELANTO-2 45-73 AF SAN JUAN C.'1P1 STRANO UA 92675 v� 1 Dated Cauntersigng Authorized Representative 56-0774 11-77 1241 POINTED IN LLS.A.®m ®s MEMORANDUM TO: DAVE SMITH, ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES OFFICER FROM: CATHLEEN DU COING, RECORDS CLERK DATE: MARCH 24, 1978 SUBJECT: City Agremeent No. 187 - Lung and Associates Insurance was received for this agreement (Aerial Topography) on November 15, 1977 and copy of the insurance and pages 3 and 4 of the contract were given to you for the approval of the insurance. This agreement is about to be completed and the insurance has not been approved as of this date to my knowledge. I am again attaching copies of the insurance and pages 3 and 4 of the contract for your information. Thank you for your cooperation. cc: File No. 187 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE ® l Insurance/ The Exchange or Company designated on the reverse side as number 2 / Excess Insurance1 Excess over Primary with Company designated on reverse side as letter A When countersigned by an authorized representative of the Company, this certificate supersedes any previously issued certificates and certifies that the following policy(ies) have been issued to the Insured for the tppvppr gg��[[i rr(gfjj¢aced. This certificate is subject to all of the terms, condi- tions and limitations set forth in the described policy(ies) and end c�rrlgr{is�t6dre46. It is furnished as a matter of information only and does not change, modify or extend the policy(ies) in any way. C. "i j �s� d . ROBERT J LUNG 8 ASSOC INC�Gy CC �! 1 1271 18 83 Address .3955 BIRCH #102 Excess Policy or Certificate Number .NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 ; i"07 R -, gent Polity Number Effective from: 11-1-77 To: at which time this certificate becomes void ® or until cancelled if this box "X" d. LIMIT(S INCLUDE S) BOTH PRIMAR AND EXCESS (If excess applicable) OWNED AUTO- MOBILES, IF COVERED *Includes Goods or Products Warranty, Written Lease of Premises, Easement Agreement, Municipal Or- dinance Agreement, Sidetrack Agreement, Elevator or Escalator Maintenance Agreement only, unless ac- companied by specific endorsement providing additional Contractual Coverage. YEAR, MAKE, TYPE OF BODY, LOAD CAPACITY paLICY NUMBER Umbrella Liability It is hereby agreed that upon cancellation or termination of this policy or policies from any cause the Company will mail 10 (TFN) days notice in writing thereof to the other Interest shown below. Other Interest CITY OF SAN JUAN CAP I STRANO , ATTN: DAVE ALVAREZ ,32400 PASEO ADELANTO SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO CA 92675 **Not applicable in Texas ***Applicable in Texas only 58-0187 947 1231 POINTED IN US A. Q I IDENTIFICATION NUMBER LAST 3 �77 DIGITS P I nA SHOWN V 5/ $ ,000 retained limit $ , each occurrence C (OKLAHOMA CERTIFICATE) In the event of any material change in or cancellation of said policies, the Company will make every effort to notify the party to whom this certificate is issued of such change or cancellation, but the Company undertakes no responsibility by reason of any failure so to do. Notice of cancellation of the primary coversge automati- cally terminates excess coverage. A breakdown of the primary limits and the excess limits will be provided up- on demand. Countersigne,b2a s�—&Z�� Aut onzed Representative COVERAGE COMBINED LIMITS OF LIABILITY COVERED NOT COVERED AUTO LIABILITY X❑ Owned Bodily Injury $ ,000 each person E] FKI Hired and Non -Owned $ ,000 each occurrence X❑ ❑ Employer's Non -Ownership Property Damage $ ,000 each occurrence Contingent Liability GENERAL LIABILITY Bodily Injury $ ,000 each person** - OLT $ each occurrence ® ❑ JMBC Owners 8 Contractors Contractual* $ ,000 ,000 aggregate products Elevators Property Damage $ ,000 each occurrence I� :J ❑ Products and/or $ ,000 aggregate products - Completed Operations owners 8 contractors protective*** —contractual ***—and/or completed operations*** $ 500 ,000each occurrence Single Limit Liability for Coverages checked ® above $ S00 ,000 aggregate products ❑ © CARGO $ ,000 each vehicle $ ,000 each occurrence WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION Statutory *Includes Goods or Products Warranty, Written Lease of Premises, Easement Agreement, Municipal Or- dinance Agreement, Sidetrack Agreement, Elevator or Escalator Maintenance Agreement only, unless ac- companied by specific endorsement providing additional Contractual Coverage. YEAR, MAKE, TYPE OF BODY, LOAD CAPACITY paLICY NUMBER Umbrella Liability It is hereby agreed that upon cancellation or termination of this policy or policies from any cause the Company will mail 10 (TFN) days notice in writing thereof to the other Interest shown below. Other Interest CITY OF SAN JUAN CAP I STRANO , ATTN: DAVE ALVAREZ ,32400 PASEO ADELANTO SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO CA 92675 **Not applicable in Texas ***Applicable in Texas only 58-0187 947 1231 POINTED IN US A. Q I IDENTIFICATION NUMBER LAST 3 �77 DIGITS P I nA SHOWN V 5/ $ ,000 retained limit $ , each occurrence C (OKLAHOMA CERTIFICATE) In the event of any material change in or cancellation of said policies, the Company will make every effort to notify the party to whom this certificate is issued of such change or cancellation, but the Company undertakes no responsibility by reason of any failure so to do. Notice of cancellation of the primary coversge automati- cally terminates excess coverage. A breakdown of the primary limits and the excess limits will be provided up- on demand. Countersigne,b2a s�—&Z�� Aut onzed Representative rs arm is issued by TRUCK -- MID CENTURY ® INSURANCE EXCHANGE�ElINSURANCECOMPANY TEXAS FARMERS ❑ INSURANCE COMPANY CERTIFICOF WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION 4rRANCE ROBERT J LUNG E- ASSOCIATES EmploYm Address '3955 BIRCH #102 Apenr 'NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 1 97 15 3321 103 26 22WC 77 Fabry NumMr el rM1. cwnpony X'd obero Poky Yr Cernfimte Effective: From 11 —1 —77 to 7-i —78 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS AND LOCATIONS COVERED — ALL OPERATIONS COVERED — r 0 T r-^ ~a t T ALL LOCATIONS COVERED When countersigned by an authorized representative of the Company, this certificate supersedes any previously issued certificates and certifies that the above described policy of Workmen's Compensation insurance has been issued to the above employer. This certificate is subject to all of the terms, conditions and limitations set 9orih in the described policy and endorsements thereto. It is furnished as a matter of information only and does not change, modify or extend the policy in any way. 10 It is hereby agreed that upon cancellation or termination of this policy for any cause the Company will give days notice in writing thereof to CITY OF SAN DUAN CAPISTRANO ATTN: DAVE ALVAREZ 32400 PASEO ADELANTO SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO CA 92675 rRRMFRS �INSURRN(F� 56.07747-n 1171 PRINTED IN U.S.A.®n. ®s 11-4-77 Dated //� Countersigned�.I� Authorized Representative I C ROUTING SUP TO DEPT. (A iYYt aAy DATE I i 5 ATTN. X/`o _ 1 THIS MATERIAL REFERRED FOR Q COUNCIL ❑ ANSWER FOR MY SIGNATURE Cl INVESTIGATION AND REPORT ❑ ANSWER DIRECTLY ❑ YOUR RECOMMENDATION ❑ YOUR SIGNATURE ❑ CONFERENCE WITH ❑ YOUR INFORMATION ❑ APPROPRIATE ACTION ❑ YOUR FILE ChCHECK AND RETURN ❑ PER OUR CONVERSATION 0 ❑ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON FROM REVERSE SIDE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO DEPT - t a TRUCKdWSURANCE EXCHANGJI INTEW CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE When o,untersigned by an authorized representative of the Company, this certificate supersedes any previously issued certificotes and certifies that th.� following policy(ies) have been issued to the insured for the coverage indicated. This certificate is subject to oil of the terms, con- ditions and limitations set forth in the described policy(ies) and endorsements thereto. it is furnished as a matter of information only and does not change, modify or extend the policy(ies) in any way. - Named Insured, ROBERT J LUNG & ASSOC INC Address. 3955 BIRCH # 102 •NEw•PORT BEACH, CA 92660 excess pol 1271 18 83 103 26 22 Policy No.— Workmen's 97-15-332 1567 c96P 28 n Agent I Policy No.—Other Cor. UNLESS REPLACED BY THE COMPANY'S STANDARD CERTIFICATE OR UNLESS CANCELLED, THIS INTERIM CERTIFICATE - SHALL BE EFFECTIVE FOR A PERIOD OF THIRTY DAYS COMMENCING 10:00 A M 11-1 , i9 77 :K] 4 Agent: Check here if a permanent certificate is to be issued by the Policywriting Office. *Includes Goods or Products Warranty, Written Lease of Premises, Easement Agreement, Municipal Or- dinance Agreement, Sidetrack Agreement, Elevator or Escalator Maintenance Agreement only, unless ac- companied by specific endorsement providing additional Contractual Coverage. below OWNED AUTO- MOBILES, IF It Is hereby ogre" that upon cancellation or termination of this policy or policiies from any cause the Company will mail TEN(10) days notice In writing thereof to the other Interest shown below. Other CITY OF SAN JWT CAPISTRANO Interest 'AT DAVE, ALVAREZ 32;I0 PASEO A.DELANTO SAV:'3IIAt3 CAPISTRANO. CA 92675 C:� S Lz-i e. Not 4plic ible In Texas. tee Applffhble-in Texas only. U 58-051♦ Tas 1�1�PrunTFD W a9.ti� i",. 0 Z= Date: LAST 3 DIGITS SHOWN In the want of any material change in or cancellation of sold policies, the Company will make wary effort to notiiffyy the party to whom this certificate Is issued of such change or cancellation, but the Company undertakes no responsibility by reason of any failure so to do. TRUCK INSURANCE EXCHANGE Truck Underwriters Association. Arty. in fact Countersigned Authorized Representative INSUREDS COPY APPROVED BY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE OFFICER: VERAGE LIMITS OF LIABILITY COVERED NOT COVERED AUTO LIABILITY ❑ Owned Bodily Injury $ 000 each person ❑ Hired § ,000 each occurrence ❑ Non -Owned - Employer's Non -Ownership Property Damage $ ,000 each occurrence ❑ Contingent Liability GENERAL LIABILITY Bodily Injury $—,000 each person** M8C-OLT $ 000 each occurrence E] Owners 8 Contractors Contractual* $ ,000 aggregate products Elevators Property Damage $ 000 each occurrence ❑ Products $ ,000 aggregate products - owners 8 contractors protective ** —contractual***—completedoperations a* Single Limit Liability for Coverages checked ®above $ 500 ,000 aggregate products $ 500 ,000 each occurrence ❑ CARGO § ,000 each vehicle $ ,000 each occurrence Less 5—Deductible 4F:;3.❑ ST �" WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION St Statutory Y *Includes Goods or Products Warranty, Written Lease of Premises, Easement Agreement, Municipal Or- dinance Agreement, Sidetrack Agreement, Elevator or Escalator Maintenance Agreement only, unless ac- companied by specific endorsement providing additional Contractual Coverage. below OWNED AUTO- MOBILES, IF It Is hereby ogre" that upon cancellation or termination of this policy or policiies from any cause the Company will mail TEN(10) days notice In writing thereof to the other Interest shown below. Other CITY OF SAN JWT CAPISTRANO Interest 'AT DAVE, ALVAREZ 32;I0 PASEO A.DELANTO SAV:'3IIAt3 CAPISTRANO. CA 92675 C:� S Lz-i e. Not 4plic ible In Texas. tee Applffhble-in Texas only. U 58-051♦ Tas 1�1�PrunTFD W a9.ti� i",. 0 Z= Date: LAST 3 DIGITS SHOWN In the want of any material change in or cancellation of sold policies, the Company will make wary effort to notiiffyy the party to whom this certificate Is issued of such change or cancellation, but the Company undertakes no responsibility by reason of any failure so to do. TRUCK INSURANCE EXCHANGE Truck Underwriters Association. Arty. in fact Countersigned Authorized Representative INSUREDS COPY APPROVED BY ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE OFFICER: November 14, 1977 Dear Mr. Alvarez: Enclosed is our copy of the copy of the In- surance Certificate that the insurance company sent. They were supposed to send you the original. We apologize for the inconvenience. Sincerely, Marcia Trammell Robert J. Lung & Associates