07-0503_CCDL INVESTMENTS, INC_Bldg Dept MemoMEMORANDUM OctobEin 219, reiam TO: Accaunts RaJlab1E1, Admin ."lenices RROM: � assen Abbaszadeh, Flublic Wonks 11inectm I` - rlL RJEC7: C-bading Bind Flelease, CCDL Invesimernls, 272161 Paseo REinagnino. Zlhis rmemmandum is to aulhoniza 11he neluasEi the gnading band pasted in lhu amount all $6,E135.a0 fau the grading cin 272161 Pasua PEiregrino lar CCDL InvEistmanis. It a gnading and cin -side impnavemEints thal were secuned by the band have been camplEited to tt e satisilaatian Wit a City. A pensanal ct eck no. in 1hEi amaunt a-1 $E1,E135.00 was pasted as the sEicunity. A copy oil11he Surely Agreement, neceipt#1121�1649, da -led 05A03/21007 &a chaO nequest is atlaahed fonyaun infanmallian. Thanks -ton youu assisllancEi. Abachment CC' Meg Monahan, Clity C46 Adc ness Check Ila: Clheck Amaur I Requestec Gty of Shin Mian, Capisilrano CHECK REQUEST Admin istnative SEiruiceis Deparl mend Name: CCDL Invesimen1ls Address: 1 n,i r, ni rlorriinry Pri-A Invoice Na. Inivaice Daile B07-/ 28 CHECK TOAL: C15AC132CIC17 Checl slut la aantain 11he lkillowing Clheck Requestec By: EmplCiyeEi tl 208 San CllerrionlEi. CSI 92672 Amiou nil $6,635.CI0 $6,635.CIC1 Gnadina E and Fiala age Deena Heiiens Accaunit Na.: '19-23C12 I]eparirmen-1 Cammunilly DevEilaprnent Date: 1029,12CICIB Deparl rmeni Approval: Nas sen At baszadEih linansmitlal Inslnuctions: ❑ Retunn ChEiaklki: �C Mail VI lith At achEid: ❑ Olhen (%CIpEici-ly): Far pldminisinative Survices L se Only %cric an Numben: Wannanil h umit en: Data: App Inciv ed: CCOPY GRADING SURETYAGREEMENT THIS AGREaMEN7 is made by and between the C17Y OR SAN JL AN CIAPISIIRANO, a municipal conponalion, heneinaflei ielerned to as the "City" and CCDL Invesimenls, Inc., it e Ov+iner melerned la as "Developer". WIIN 8SS911H WI- BIRBAS, Ci-ly will issue Grading Peimil Na a01-428 la Develapen to canstnuct cerlain designated impnavemenls which camlilu'le a pariicm cit Iha-1 leaf pnapery al the lacatian all Tract 9284, Lol '14, cammonly ielemed to as 212EVI Pasea Peregnino. WHEREAS, San Juan Capisliana Municipal Cades Section 8-2.08 requires the pasting cif financial secuniiy to secure the failhful perlarmance and labor and materials fon the gmading a nd installation of impicivemenls cannecled wilh isstiance of grading permils including the canslnuclion of drainage and pncrleclian devices and anyott enccmnectivewonk la remove and eliminate engineering and gecdogical hazands. WHBRBAS, San Juan Capistrano Municipal Clode Section 8-2.09 aulharizes 11 he Building Official io nequine additianal banding as secuniiy la ensume against adverse aeslhelic impacts aria ing -Inam incampleie grading andkir impravements fnom develag ment prajects which have nat been comp leled. WH EREAS, the Building Ofilicial finds -It al it a pnopased piojeal side is highly puiminen-1 and visible -lo the cammunily, has unique -lopagmaphic fealunes ar involves s ubstan tial grading a-1 s nape areas. NOW, 71- BRERORS, in considenatiun of the premises and promises heieinaflen con'lained, City and Develapei agree as ikdlows: .I. Developer's Irmpiovemenls C bliQatians. Develapen shall, at its sale cas-1 and expem e, provide and 'lunnish all labai, materials and equipment ikm ,Ihe conslruc-lian all grading irnipiavemenlls as approved by 11he Cilly Engineers. 11he grading pemmil and plans, which descnibe all It a wank is be cons tnucted pet This agoeement, ale an file in the affice of the City's Building Official. (C(Dp 11. DE1vEdapen's 9ocuritx. Devolapen shall provide a cash deposit, Cerliilicatr ❑epasii ar a band by a duly aulharized canpanate surely subjeici is the approval cif thea City Attanneiy, an as appiiaveid t y the City EngineEin, 11a secunEi Develapern's impncivemeni obligaiians nequired unden it is agnEI(imEinl. The amciun'l al the band shall bei $ 6,635.00 tr all ansile goading impnovements as appnaved by thEi City E nginEien. This security shall also sciruEi as secunily llcin xistaralian oil ll a silo. A copy aihl1 a suneilly insinumoni, as appnaved by'IF e CilyAtianney, is attached as Exhibii "Al". 3. Oompletian oil lrnipocivEirnienta. ilei ensune tt a pnotectian oil1he public salkity, healllhand welfare, Develapen shall cons Inuc I all said impoovEirrienis in acaondancE1will h the schedule as set far h in Elxhibit "B", and the conditions as set ilarlh in 9xhibit "C". 4. DEivolopen Dc faull. in the evEint Develapon does nal camploie thEi nequinEid impnoverments, including Eirasian and sill can inal measuneswilhin the lime requined, using Besl ManagemEint Rnaclices (SMP] in implementing a Waien Qualify Managemenil Plan in lull compliance will OnangEl Caunly Nalianal Holluianl DischangEi Blirmina,licin System (NPDES', Sloom Wateo Implerricniation Agncierrieni and San Juan Clapislnano Municipal Cade Seclian 8-k , ar abandans tl a pnajElct site, an suspends wank fan mcinEi It an twenty wonking days a -I[ eii than pnEiviausly prescribed, Ciiy shall have It a night to irnimediatEily declanEi a deilauli and to mal ei demand an the s rniety ficin perlcinmance. 5. Fleisicma-lian cif Siie. San Juan Capisinana Municipal Clade Seclian 8-21.09 allows the City la requine banding as security to Einsure agains'l advEirsEi aersiheiic impacts anising fncim uncampleled goading, cloainagci and,lcin impravEimenla which includes illicit nan- stcrnrni doain waters dischaogei. The punpose cilihis banding shall beta nestana the prapertyto a sala and acceptablEi conditicin iil the DeVEdcipEir dellaulls . This oesiaralian st all include but nat be limiled l01he iicdlowing: A. Disman 1116 and/ao (IEimalish impoovEiments; B. Chicle pooperly la ils original caniauns as shawn an the approved grading plans. C. REimave all debnis and cansiruclian makirials 11rarri the si1Er and 0. Install erasion and sill cantnol dElvices, including hydnuaeEiding, la insune a unifanm vageta,live caven, cin Eiquivalenl stabilization measunes which includEi the use cif such Besi Managemenl Poactices (C(DFIY as blankets, fibers mal nices, catah basin -liltens, on othen enasian resistcint sail caves Ings an Neatmenls to satisfactian oil the Dinectal of EnginEiening and Building. 6. Attanney's Fees. Develarlen agnees la flay Ciiy such sum as tt a cour may judge as reascinad le stir the legal services of an atianney representing the Clity in an actian bought is enfance an inlenKlnet thEi abligatians of this agreemen-1, and such sum shall be made a par cif any judgment in such actian against Develapen A suat actian is de-lenmin ed in iavcin cit said Clity. 7. Develaper's Wonk in EIala Clanditian. Develaplen shall plerfarm all wank in a safe wankmanlikEi man nEm and shall takEi such precautians as may Ce ne1cc13sar51 to warm and pnateci thEi public Morns any dangerous aanditian caused by ihEi canstnu(itian all said impiciverrianis. 8. Liabilily. Deivelaperst all hald Cit)j, ills cifflcens, and arniplayeEis haumlessiiam any and all claims, demands, causes of actian, IiabHilly au lass a1 any sari because ofl, an anising aut ai, the acyls cin cimissians cifl Clevelopen, his caninaciar, 3ubcaninaclans, agents an erriplayees in the peirfanmanaei of this agneemeinl. In witness whcinEial, ihEi par ies have executed this agnaament as of MM 5 , 210 0] at .Slan Juan Clapisinana, Califannia. Develapen Clity of ."Ian Juan Capistrano F By: (EIignce) jo 11 AIA -^l j -BY: ler Nassen Ad b aszadeh I1 idle} 1 112 angineening and Building ❑irectar Appnaved as to la IM: By: Joh Shaw Cit Aticmney E XF IBIi "B" IcICIF E C L LE RCIR COMRL El ION OR IMRRICN E ME I\ TS CorriulEilion C 210 Octc ben 11, 2007 Ocicben 1, 2008 I ask Rc ugh Gnade Cerliflicatic n Landscape Innigalicn Occloben 1, 2008 Landscape Rlanting f E) F IBIT "C" COIN 0I1IOW1 ROR COMP LE 110h OF IMF RO% E M91S T,I The gnading ,lon dt is project st all be in sioict canfanmance wish 11 a grading plans as well as the plan duan Capistnanc Municipal Ccide. If Grading cpeoalians shall cammence within faurteen (14) calendao clays aflon issuance of Gnading Renrmii. VA inkin grading will be canducted in stnicl acaandanae with the dynamic enasian and siltaanincl plansubmitied bylhe Developen, and appncived bbl IheCily. "rhisEinasicn and sill caniral plan ne-llecis erosian and sill mitigatian measunes ilan expected gnading candil ions as ihEi wonk pnagnesses ihnaugh the winkin seas cn and shall nal be amended except wilt the pEmmissian alihe Cily. In the Enion I E evelaper daes nal wish to implumenl win -len grading, ao permission fail win len goading is rescinded, static erasion and silt canI1K I plans reflEicling cunoenl conditions of grading shall bEi aubmitlEid within len (10) days cilicessalian ailwcink. these plans shall: 1. Ideniillyall pallulani sounces including saLincEis olsediment thal mayaffecl -11 ei qualily all stonm walen discharges associated with the cans,lruciian aativily. 21. Include the enosic in and sediment coninal planting and hydnaseeding ici insunEi a uni-lonm vegErlalivEi cc veoon Eiquivaleni siabilizaiic n measunes which include -It a use c-1 such Besl Managerricni Practices as blankeils, fiber rriatnicca, catch basin filtems ao aihen encis ian nEisislanl seil cavening ail lnealrnieinls is the saiisilaclian all It e Cily E ngineer. 3. Suspensic in in Eixaess cd twenty (,10) wanking clays cf miank aulhc nized by the appooved goading penrmit kin the subjecl pnaperty, including Eincsion and suclimuni cc nircd rmeiasurEis and landscaping and innigaiic n, shall canstituilo dedlaull of this agneEimEint. 4. llhe supervising civil enginEien and soils engine(in shall NO biwEiekly piKignEiss reparts allall grading apenatians wish thEi Building Official. An in-lenirri compaction nepad, ilc n thal wart campleted all the timE1 wank is suspeindEid lkin the rainy seascn, shall be filed wiffi the Building Official. 11his inlerim neparl shall con-kinai la the gnarling aide requinemen13 lar final campaclion repors. 5. Can Iiactarsl all contnal dus'I la the satisilaatian cif the Building Official an his deputy. Duning gnarling, Clan Inactan shall keep wafer muck an site and dampen wank area, grounds, and laaded Inucks. EI. Gnading apenalians suspended duping the rainy season shall be nesurried na Wen than 15 dads lncim dale of suspension ienminaiian. 7. Ins'lallalian o1 inllenim encision and sedimeni cantncd devices and sys'lems shall aarrimence within seven q71 days aften rough grada aer ificallicm has been approved by the Building Official and must bci corripleled wilhin fifleen ('19)days crl lough gnad cert Hicalian. Rinal erasion and sedimen i can Inds devices, planting, landscaping a nd innigalion s)Istems shall bEI insialled prian to final inspeclicm ail the grading penmi'I. 8. All viank stall be gerfanmied in s4cl obserualian of the Hauls al Opfinalion in accandance with San Juan Capisirana Municipal Clodfi 9eclicin 8-1.03. 9. Cantnactan shall adt ane to candilicm s cd haul noulle penmiii an d ena naact men panmit issuful by the Clily engineer. 10. Ranking ikin consiuuclian cnemi is lci be cin -rile. 1 d ov CDai rt C a c1 r Q 4 d x a n 1 ) Q1 0) Ci W U1 Un O O 6 61 21 m CO) m w a C- c o � n m C) �. CD M C Q L' ia m m z co co w CD N_ 'D CD �I 0 FD co Q � o CI w 0 4 CD 0 CD Z O CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRAN Bl ILDING PERMIT BEES ❑ "s'��"� Date: Permit No. Plan Check Applicant: GGDL Investments Phone/E-Mail Grading Surety Bond 0 oca on:aseo eregrmo