1979-1227_CALIF DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION_AgreementCity of San Juan Capistr._�rno
324 Paseo Adelanto
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
Attn: Mr. W. D. Murphy
Director of Public Works
As you requested
December 27
07-Ora=5-PM 6.77/12.25
19 79 . permission is herehy
granted to the City of San Juan Capistrano to perform roadside clean-
up operations on the right of wav of State Hichwav Ora -5 hPtween the
south and north city limits, as shown on the attached map. The
permission herein granted is expressly subject to the following
terms and conditions:
1. No cleanup work of any nature Is to be performer) within the
boundaries of the traveled way, including center div(U n;
::tripes, or upon any bridges, culverts or structures ot':iny
kind. It is further understood that the city personnel shall
not work closer than 20 feet off the edge of the traveled lanes
or 1_0' back of curbs 6" or p;reater in heip;ht except. vrlulr r, there
Is a guardrail between the traveled way and the worker or n:s
may be approved by the State Representative.
2. It is expressly understood that the cleanup work is to 'Le
performed solely by employees of the City of San Juan Capistrano.
Volunteers acting for and on behalf of themselves or a service
organization are not authorized to work on Caltrans rid -,ht of
way under this agreement.
3. The State of California, its officers, agents and employees
assume no responsibility for the death of', or injury to, any
pnr;;on oil, persons, or ror destruction nf, or '"i",:,
property of any pexson or persons ocr.,rionc/i by (If'
out of the performance of the work for Which thi^ is
i^cued. The City of San Juan Capistrano shall iT)11I1f11if;J q�)d
cave harmless the State of California, its officer,,!, -1*ruts
and employees from aany ...,.i..... or .,.."...i:=is a+ .,. _x;,' name
and description brought for, or on account, of any such injuries
or deaths of any persons, or damage to or destruction of property
of any person or persons, or accidents alleged to have been the
cause or result of the Permittees' activities.
4. The State of California, its officers, agents and employees
assume no responsibility for injury to, or death or damage to,
or destruction of any property of any city employee who enga€;es
in the cleanup work herein permitted. The City shall indemnity
and save harmless, the State of California, its officers, agents
and employees from any and all suits or actions of every name
and description brought for, or on account of, any such injuries
or deaths of any said city employees, or damage to, or destruc-
tion of any property of any of said city employees.
5. Workers shall not cross the traveled way of the freeway, ramps
or auxiliary lanes other than at crosswalks or street join of
6. No city vehicles shall be parked or stopped on the freeway.
?. Personnel doing work shall wear red or orange vests or shirts
and protective headware. They shall work facing traffic when
possible. All work shall conform to current Division of
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G. rill of hn7,ardou!1 materials on any nnrf:i.en of 1:11" )�,!f.rr,q,
s•_i1,Lt of w,ny is the ..s"Or. :. ; .,_ alif'rn'ni-I
hip;hway Patrol and city employees shall vacate the affnc.•tod.
contaminated area immediately to avoid injury or death.
10. It is understood that all expenses for the above-described
work shall be borne by the City of San Juan Capistrano and
that Caltrans will not reimburse the City for said incurred
11. Permittee shall notify State Representative rlr. Ash.^.raft or
his designated State Representative by calling 496-5121 at
least 48 hours before starting work. At that time he will
coordinate work and State involvement for proper placement
of signs, if required, on state highway. City will. be responsible
for signs on city streets.
12. Work shall be under the direct supervision of a city leadworker
for city crews up to four persons. Larger crews shall be
supervised by a city foreman. Mr. Ashcraft or his designated
State Representative have the right to modify work procedures
for the purpose of safety to workers and/or the public.
13. This permit will expire on December 31, 1980, and no work
of any nature is authorized hereunder after said date.
- 4 -
Ple«�3e indicate your acceptance of this permit by signing
both copies and returning one copy to this of'f'ice.
Very truly yours,
Deputy Di;.trict Director
R. W. 110AD
ll.L�:t.r.1cL Permit Engineer
ity Manager
City erk