Resolution Number 21-10-19-01Exhibit “A” GPA 20-003 Markup of Public Services and Utilities Element EXHIBIT "A" Public Services & Utilities Element. Table of Contents Section Page Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 1 Purpose of the Public Services & Utilities Element ....................................................................... 1 Scope and Content of the Public Services & Utilities Element...................................................... 1 Related Plans and Programs ................................................................................................................ 2 Relationship to Other General Plan Elements .............................................................................. 3 Issues, Goals and Policies ........................................................................................................................... 5 Law Enforcement and Fire Protection........................................................................................... 5 Public Education ............................................................................................................................ 6 Community Centers/Civic Uses .................................................................................................... 6 Libraries ......................................................................................................................................... 6 Water and Sewer Services .................................................................................................................... 7 Power, Communications and Solid Waste Disposal Service ......................................................... 7 Related Goals and Policies................................................................................................................... 8 Public Services & Utilities Plan ........................................................................................................................... 10 Law Enforcement and Fire Protection ........................................................................................ 10 Public Education ........................................................................................................................... 12 Community Facilities/Civic Uses ....................................................................................................... 13 Libraries ............................................................................................................................................... 13 Water and Sewer Service .............................................................................................................. 13 Power, Communications and Solid Waste Disposal Service ....................................................... 15 December 14, 1999 San Juan Capistrano General Plan EXHIBIT "A" Public Services & Utilities Element List of Tables Table Page PSU-1 Related Goals and Policies by Element ............................................................................... 9 List of Figures Figure Page PSU-1 Schools, Library and Fire Station ...................................................................................... 11 PSU-2 Water Service ..................................................................................................................... 14 December 14, 1999 ii San Juan Capistrano General Plan EXHIBIT "A" Public Services & Utilities Element December 14, 1999 San Juan Capistrano General Plan 1 Purpose of the Public Services & Utilities Element Scope and Content of the Public Services & Utilities Element Introduction The Public Services & Utilities Element addresses the community need for public services and utilities. The majority of San Juan Capistrano is developed and sufficiently served by existing public services and utilities. Future development of the remaining vacant land within the City ·will require expansion of public services and utilities to meet the increase in demand for service. Planning for this future increase in demand will ensure that the needs of future residents for public services and infrastructure are met, while avoiding adverse impacts to the existing community. The purpose of the Public Services & Utilities Element is to ensure that sufficient levels of public services are provided as S an Ju an Capi strano develops. Working in conjunction with the Growth Management Element, the Public Services & Utilities Element plans for the needed expansion of public services and infrastructure to coincide with new development. Many of the public service provider are agencies or utility providers that operate independently of the City or are contracted by the City to provide services such as law enforcement, fire protection, electrical service, gas service, and telecommunications service . To ensure a sufficient level of public services, the City will work with these agencies or providers to ensure that service to existing residents does not diminish with any future development and t h e resulting increase in population. The Public Services & Utilities Element is not a state-mandated element. The issues addressed within the Public Services & Utilities Element closely relate to the Growth Management Element which is required by the County of Orange to qualify for voter approved Measure M sales tax funding. The Element is comprised of three sections: 1) Introduction, 2) Issues, Goals and Policies and (3) the Public Service & Utilities Plan. In the Issues, Goals and Policies section, major issues related to the provision of public services and utilities are identified and related goals and policies are established to address these issues. The goals, which are overall statements of the community's desires, are comprised of broad statements of purpose and direction. The policies serve as guides for working with local and regional agencies for planning infrastructure and facility improvements to provide sufficient levels of service. The Plan explains how the goals and policies will be achieved and implemented, while the General Plan Implementation Program, contained in Appendix A, EXHIBIT "A" Public Services & Utilities Element 2 San Juan Capistrano General Plan December 14, 1999 1919991999 identifies the specific implementation programs for this element. Related Plans and Programs A number of existing plans and programs exist thatwhich directly relate to the goals of the Public Services & Utilities Element. Enacted through state and local action, these plans and programs are administered by agencies responsibleileity for their enforcement. Capistrano Unified School District Master Plan The Capistrano Unified School District (CUSD) has a Five-Year Master Plan to primarily assist and enhance the facility planning efforts of District staff and the Board of Trustees. The Five-Year Plan addresses educational programs, existing facilities, demographic data, state school construction programs and future educational planning issues. San Juan Capistrano Open Space Master Plan The City of San Juan Capistrano adopted an Open Space Master Plan in 1992. The purpose of this Master Plan is to implement Measure D which was passed by the voters allowing for the purchase and enhancement of certain open space and recreational areas within the City. As part of this Master Plan, the City incorporated the need for multi-use facilities and other recreational opportunities. Implementation of the Master Plan will provide a range of community facilities and recreational opportunities. Civic Center Master Plan In 1990,the City of San Juan Capistrano adopted a Civic Center Master Plan for the future relocation of civic offices to a site on Camino Capistrano, adjacent to the San Juan Capistrano Library. Since the Master Plan's adoption, many changes in the operation and providing of municipal services have occurred. This Master Plan will need to be revised to reflect these changes in operations and reduced personnel requirements. Water Master Plan The majority of San Juan Capistrano receives water service from the Santa Margarita Water District, which annexed the City’s water utilities into its District in 2021City. A small portion of northwestern San Juan Capistrano and the Sphere of Influence is located in the Moulton Niguel Water District (MNWD). The City of San Juan Capistrano recently acquired CVWD. San Juan Capistrano has entered into EXHIBIT "A" Public Services & Utilities Element 3 D ecember 14, l999 San Juan Capistrano General Plan an agreement with MNWD to provide water service to the portion of MNWD located in the City and the Sphere of Influence. A W a t e r Master Plan was completed in February 1999 which addresses the future water needs of the community. This Master Plan is based on the anticipated buildout population of the service area. Sewer Master Plan The City of San Juan Capistrano Santa Margarita Water District also provides the sewer service to the community. The City has adopted a Sewer Master Plan for San Juan Capistrano. The Sewer Master Plan describes the backbone collection system needed to serve the community. Integrated Waste Management Plan The California Integrated Waste Management Act (AB 939) of 1989 ch anged the focus of solid waste management from landfill to diversion strategies such as source reduction, recycling and composting. The purpose of the diversion strategies is to reduce dependence on landfills for solid waste disposal. AB 939 required a 25 percent reduction in the solid waste stream by 11995 and requireds a 50 percent reduction by 2000. In 1991, the Cities of San Juan Capistrano, Dana Point and San Clemente (Tri- cities) adopted a Source Reduction and Recycling Element (SRRE) to implement AB 939. In addition, the Tri-cities adopted a Household Hazardous Waste Element- (HHWE) to develop programs to address household hazardous waste in compliance with AB 2707, a companion bill to AB 939. Relationship to Other General Plan Elements According to state planning law, the Public Services & Utilities Element must be consistent with the other General Plan elements. While all of the elements are interdependent, they are also interrelated to a degree. Certain goals and policies of each element may also address issues that are primary subjects of other elements. This integration of issues throughout the General Plan creates a strong basis for the implementation of plans and programs and achievement of community goals. The Public Services & Utilities Element is most directly related to the Land Use, Growth Management, Safety, and Conservation & Open Space Elements of the General Plan. Land use policies contained in the Land Use Element determine the pattern and intensity of future population growth, and this in tum determines the type, size and location of certain public facilities. The Growth Management Element establishes standards for the level of public services provided to assure that EXHIBIT "A" Public Services & Utilities Element 4 San Juan Capistrano General Plan December 14, 1999 future needs for expanded public services and utilities can be met before new development is allowed. EXHIBIT "A" Public Services & Utilities Element December 14, 1999 5 San Juan Capistrano General Plan · Issues, Goals, and Poli cies Public services and utilities are necessary to support urban development. The quality of life experienced by residents of the community is directly related to how effectively these services are provided. The following six issues are addressed by the goals and policies of the Public Services & Utilities Element: availability of sufficient (1) law enforcem ent and fire protection; (2) public education; (3) community centers/civic uses; (4) libraries; (5) water and sewer service; and (6) power , communications and solid waste disposal service. Each issue and the related goals, policies and implementation actions are i denti fi ed and discussed in the following section. Law Enforcement and Fire Protection The Orange County Sheriff’s Department provides law enforcement to San Juan Capistrano. This service is essential to the safety of the population of San Juan Capistrano. Since law enforcement is a contracted service, the City must be involved in close coordination with the Orange County Sheriff to ensure that appropriate levels of service are provided to the community. Public Services &.Utilities Goal 1: Work with the Orange County Sheriff's Department to provide a sufficient level of law enforcement. Policy 1.1: Work closely with the Orange County Sheriff’s Department in determining and meeting community needs for law enforcement services and services. Policy 1.2: Peri odi call y eval uat e t he l evel of l aw enforcement service to ensure that San Juan Capistrano has appropriate levels of law enforcement services. The Orange County Fire Authority provides fire protection to San Juan Capistrano. This service is essential to the safety of the population of San Juan Capistrano, especially with the threat of wildfires. Since fire protection is provided by a separate agency, the City must be involved in close coordination ·with the Orange County Fire Authority to ensure that appropriate levels of service are provide d to the community. EXHIBIT "A" 6 San Juan Capistrano General Plan December 14, 1999 Public Services & Utilities Element Public Services & Utilities Goal 2: Work with the Orange County Fire Authority to provide a sufficient level of fire protection. Policy 2.1: Work closely with the Orange County Fire Authority in determining and meeting community needs for fire protection services and facilities. Policy 2.2: Periodically evaluate the level of fire protection service to ensure that San Juan Capistrano has appropriate levels of fire protection services. Public Education Community Centers/ Civic Uses Libraries San Juan Capistrano is located within the Capistrano Unified School District (CUSD). Many of the existing schools are impacted by high numbers of students and some existing schools are located near areas with high traffic volumes which affect the safety of the students attending those schools. In addition, school funding to assist with the issue of overcrowding and demand for additional facilities may be limited by the passing of SB 50. Public Services & Utilities Goal 3: Work effectively with the Capistrano Unified School District to provide a sufficient level of public education. Policy 3.1: Work closely With Capistrano Unified School District in determining and meeting community needs for public education and related activities. Policy 3.2: Work with Capistrano Unified School District in investigating potential locations and funding sources for new schools, including a future high school. San Juan Capistrano provides a mixture of community center facilities, including City Hall and the Community Center. The available community facilities should reflect San Juan Capistrano's diverse community. Public Services & Utilities Goal 4: Provide sufficient community facilities. Policy 4.1: Work closely with community groups in providing community facilities which meet the needs of the community. The Orange County Public Library system provides library services to San Juan Capistrano. The availability of reading and EXHIBIT "A" Public Services & Utilities Element 7 December 14, 1999 San Juan Capistrano General Plan reference material to all members of the community is an important measure of the quality of life in San Juan Capistrano. Public Services & Utilities Goal 5: Work with the Orange County Public Library to provide a sufficient level of library facilities and services. Policy 5.1:Work closely with the Orange County Public Library in determining and meeting community needs for library facilities and services, including hours of operation. Water and Sewer Service Power, Communications and Solid Waste Disposal Service Sewer and water service is an essential component of the infrastructure needed to support urban development. Water and sewer service is provided by the Santa Margarita Water DistrictCity. Public Services & Utilities Goal 6: Provide sufficient levels of water and sewer service. Policy 6.1:Provide sufficient levels of water and sewer service to meet the needs of the community. Southern California Gas provides natural gas to the City, while San Diego Gas & Electric provides electricity. Telephone service is provided by Pacific Bell and cable is provided by Cox Communications. San Juan Capistrano disposes of its solid waste in a County of Orange Integrated Waste Management landfill facility. The City's solid waste is collected by SOIAG, a private hauler. These sources of energy, communications and solid waste management are necessary to support existing and future developm ent in the community. Public Services & Utilities Goal 7: Work effectively w i t h providers of natural gas, electricity, telephone, cable television and solid waste disposal to provide sufficient levels of these · services. Policy 7.1: Work closely with providers of energy, communications and solid waste disposal in determining and meeting the needs of the community for energy, communications and solid waste disposal. Policy 7.2: Encourage energy effici ent developmen t. Policy 7.3: Encourage the expansion of telecommunications capabilities to promote economic developm ent of the community. EXHIBIT "A" Public Services & Utilities Element 8 San Juan Capistrano General Plan December 14, 1999 Policy 7.4: Reduce the per capita production pf solid waste in San Juan Capistrano in concert with the City's Source Reduction and Recycling Element . Related Goals and Policies The goals and policies described in the Public Services & Utilities Element are related to and support subjects included within other General Plan elements. In tum, many goals and policies from other elements directly or indirectly support the goals and policies of the Public Services and Utilities Element. These supporting goals and policies are identified in Table PSU- 1. EXHIBIT "A" Public Services & Utilities Element 9 December 14, 1999 San Juan Capistrano General Plan Table PSU-1 Related Goals and Policies by Element General Plan Elements Public Services & Utilities Issue Area Law Enforcement and Fire Protection Public Education Community Ccnter/Civic Uses libraries Wat.er and Sewer Service Power, Communications and Solid Waste Disposal Service Land Use 1.3, 2.1 1.3, 2.l 1.3, 2.1 1.3, 2.1 l.3,2.1, 7.2, 7.3 1.3, 2.1, 7.2, 7.3 Housing Circulation Safety Conservation & Open 7.1 , 7.2, 6.6 Space 7.3 Noise Cultural Resources Community Design Growth Management 1.1, l.2, l.3, 1.1, 1.2, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.1, 1.2, 1.1, 1.2, 1.1 , 1.2, 1.3, 4. 1, 4.1, 4.2 l.3, 4.1, 4.1, 4.2 1.3, 4.1, l.3, 4.1, 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 Parks & Recreation 1.1, 1.3, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.7, 3.1 Public Services & Utilities Floodplain Management EXHIBIT "A" Public Services & Utilities Element Law Enforcement and Fire Protection Public Services &Utilities Plan Sufficient law enforcement and fire protection are necessary to ensure the public health and safety. The City contracts with the Orange County Sheriff’s Department to provide law enforcement service within the City. The Orange County Sheriff also serves the unincorporated Sphere of lnfluence. The Sheriff Department 's Aliso Viejo Station, located in Aliso Viejo, serves the City, with a small Police Services office located behind the City Hall. The Associated Senior Action Program (ASAP) is a senior volunteer group which assists the Sheriff with policing activities within San Juan Capistrano. The City has adopted the following service standards for the provision of sufficient law enforcement within the City. Sheriff deputies should: • Arrive at the scene of an emergency within five (5) minutes, 50 percent of the time; • Arrive at all emergencies within eight (8) minutes; • Arrive at all non-emergencies within 15 minutes or less, 75 percent of the time; and • Arrive at all non-emergencies within 30 minutes. The City also uses the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) for fire protection services within the City boundaries. The OCFA also provides fire protection service to the unincorporated Sphere of Influence. One fire station, Station 7, is located within the City on Del Obispo Street. Figure PSU- 1 depicts the location of Station 7. In addition to Station 7, nine OCFA fire stations located outside of the City provide fire protection and emergency response to San Juan Capistrano. The Orange County Fire Authority has adopted the following servi ce standards for the provision of fire protection within the City: • First-in fire engine should arrive on-scene to both medical aids and fire within five (5) minutes 80 percent of the time; • First-in truck company should arrive on-scene to fires within 10 minutes 80 percent of the time; and December 14, 1999 10 San Juan Capistrano General Plan EXHIBIT "A" Public Services & Utilities Element 11 December 14, 1999 San Juan Capistrano General Plan EXHIBIT "A" Public Services & Utilities Element • First-in paramedic companies should arrive on-scene at all medical aids within eight (8) minutes 90 percent of the time. For both law enforcement and fire protection, ensuring public safety requires maintaining adequate staffing, equipment and facilities. The City will work with the Orange County Sheriff Department and the OCFA to ensure that the level of service provided by each corresponds to the number of residents and businesses ·within San Juan Capistrano, as well as the current fire hazards and crime problems. Public Education The Capistrano Unified School District (CUSD) encompasses the City of San Juan Capistrano. Four CUSD schools are located within the City, including three elementary, and one junior high school. The schools are: San Juan Elementary, Del Obispo Elementary, Ambuehl Elementary, and Marco Forester Junior High. High school students from San Juan Capistrano leave the City to attend one of three CUSD high schools: San Clemente High, Dana Hills High, or Capistrano Valley High. All of the schools are either at, or over their permanent building design capacity, with student enrollment beyond the permanent building capacity accommodated within portable classrooms. In addition, CUSD operates one continuation high school, Serra High School, and one adult school, Capistrano Adult School, within the City. Figure PSU-1 depicts the location of the school sites within San Juan Capistrano . The funding of school facilities has been impacted by the passing of SB 50. The new law limits the impact fees school districts can charge to off-set the impact of new development on the school system. No Community Facilities Districts currently exist in the City to help fund schools. New residential development in the City will create additional demand for schools. Since the current school facilities are at capacity, additional schools will be required. The City will work with CUSD to update information in the Master Plan, identify future facility sites, student generation formulas, and facility improvement plans. The City is especially interested in working with the District to explore the feasibility of forming a new high school within San Juan Capistrano . The City will also review development proposals to ensure that the proposals are consistent with school facility requirements. The City will also review proposals to ensure that all required fees and land dedication has been included in the proposals and that the school district receives the fees and/or land for school sites. December 14, 1999 12 San Juan Capistrano General Plan EXHIBIT "A" Public Services & Utilities Element December 14, 1999 13 San Juan Capistrano General Plan Community Facilities/ Civic Uses Libraries Water and Sewer Service San Juan Capistrano contains a variety of community facilities to serve its diverse population. The recently completed community center on Camino del Avian provides space for meetings and indoor activities, as well· as providing outdoor space for a wide range of active, recreational activities. Other facilities include the Old Fire Station, the Public Library, and the San Juan Capistrano Mission. The City wil1 work to assess the feasibility of relocating the existing City Hall to provide a modernized operations center for the community. City-owned historic structures will also be assessed and prioritized to establish a maintenance and rehabilitation schedule. Public libraries serve several community purposes including, education, recreation and dissemination of public information. The Orange County Public Library (OCPL) system provides library services to the City. The San Juan Capistrano Regional library is located on El Camino Real, near the Mission. Figure PSU-1 depicts the location of the library. The City is fortunate in that the regional library is a state-of-the-art facility, which has attracted nationwide attention. OCPL also provides interlibrary loans with other OCPL libraries and offers after school/summer reading programs and literacy programs. As development occurs, the City V1rill continue to work with the Library Advisory Board to ensure that the OCPL's adopted service standard of 1.5 books and 0.2 square feet of library facility per capita is maintained and community needs for library services are met. Good municipal water and sewer service is necessary to protect public health in urban settings. A Water Master Plan, which identifies necessary future improvements, was completed in February 1999. A small portion of northwestern incorporated city, and the unincorporated Sphere of Influence, is located within the Moulton Niguel Water District (MNWD). While these portions are within MNWD, the City’s water purveyor, Santa Margarita Water District ,City is under an agreement to provide water to the area. Figure PSU-2 depicts the service boundaries. The City obtains the majority of its water from the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California through the South County Pipeline and the Tri-Cities Municipal Water District through the Eastern and Joint Transmission Mains. This water is imported from the Colorado River and/or the California State Water Project (SWP). The remainder of City’sCVWD's water consist of local groundwater from the San Juan Ground water Basin. EXHIBIT "A" Public Services & Utilities Element Santa Margarita Capistrano Valley Water District Moulton Niguel Water District Mission Viejo City Boundary I.••••" I Sphere of Influenc e Source: Capistrano Valley Water District Water Mlaster Plan (February 1 999) Laguna Niguel San Clemente Pacific Ocean 0 ½ 1 Mile Figure PSU-2 Water Service December 14, 1999 14 San Juan Capistrano General Plan EXHIBIT "A" Public Services & Utilities Element Santa Margarita Water District also provides tThe City’s also provides its own sewer service. I n 1990 the City purchased additional wastewater capacity and it is anticipated that the existing capacity will meets the needs of the projected General Plan buildout. The existing Sewer Master Plan identifies the backbone collection system needed to serve the City and this Plan. Power, Communications and Solid Waste Disposal Service Ensuring good water and sewer service in the City and Sphere of Influence will require maintaining the infrastructure and extending new infrastructure to serve new development. Development proposals will be reviewed for consistency with established water and sewer infrastructure requirements. The CitySanta Margarita Water district will also continue to implement the Water and Sewer Master Plans and evaluate additional funding sources for sewer system improvements. New technologies will be utilized by Santa Margarita Water Districtthe City to improve water and 'sewer service to the community. Sufficient levels of power, solid waste disposal and communications are necessary to protect the public safety and provide the necessary infrastructure for a successful community. Electricity within the City is provided by San Diego Gas & Electric, natural gas is provided by the Southern California Gas Company, telephone service is provided by Pacific Bell and cable television service is provided by Cox Communications. The existing power and communication infrastructure will be extended to serve future development. Proposed development projects will be reviewed for power and communication service requirements in conjunction ·with the service providers. The dedication of right-of-way for infrastructure will be required where necessary. Development proposals will be reviewed for consistency with the service providers' power and communication infrastructure requirements. SOLAG, a private solid waste hauler, collects and disposes of the City's solid waste. This service will be extended as additional development occurs in the future. The City's solid waste is disposed at the County of Orange Integrated Waste Management Department's Prima Deshecha landfill, located off of Ortega Highway within the City. As a result of the conflict resulting from the increase in the amount of trash being imported from outside of the county to the Prima Descheca facility, the City has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the County to cap the amount of trash the landfill can accept. December 14, 1999 15 San Juan Capistrano General Plan ; EXHIBIT "A" Public Services & Utilities Element Implementation of the SRRE and HHWE will reduce the amount of solid and toxic waste entering landfills. AB 939, enacted in 1989, required a 25 percent reduction in the solid waste stream by 1995 and requires a 50 percent decrease by 2000. These reductions will be achieved through recycling and composting of solid waste, reduction of the amount of solid waste produced and public education. Implementation of the SRRE and HHWE will result in other environmental benefits in addition to reducing landfill capacity and toxicity impacts. For example, recycling reduces the amount of raw resources and energy used to construct new containers. The City will also continue to monitor operations of the Prima Deshecha Landfill to ensure that the County is able to comply with the required plans and standards for the future recreational use of the site. December 14, 1999 16 San Juan Capistrano General Plan EXHIBIT "A"