19-1015_RIVER STREET SJC, LLC_Agenda Report_D1_Correspondence 2ltr1 r. 20 rn BO.t.1J([J Oi Olh!FC I OF<S E:xccutiv 13_ganl .Jahn <11llotti Ch.iir DIRt:CH>R Rir, rclo Oeas Oi;11 e Carlcr Oc1111ie Hahl) Josh Jacol1~cn anicl Smilh St,1;; l SU, 11 haugh CHAMBER STAF~ 10/15/2019 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO Ch a mber o f Co mm e r ce June 2, 2017 City of San Juan Capistrano Attn: City Clerk 32400 Paseo Adelanto San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Re: River Street Project Support Dear Honorable Mayor and Members of the Council: Dl The River Street project is an essential part to the long term economic health of our City, as well as the continued success of our historic Downtown as a tourist destination. This project will have a positive impact on our business community and The Chamber of Commerce asks for your support in moving this project forward to completion. On behalf of the 300+ local businesses we represent, I hope that you accept staff's recommendation and allow this project to move forward with your positive vote on this item. Thank you for your consideration! John Gillotti Mission Grill 31721 Cam i no Capistrano San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 (949) 240 -80 55 www.Mis sionGrillSJC.com Location: 31421 La Matanza St, San Juan Capistrano , California 92675 Mailing Address P.O Box 1878, San Juan Capistrano , California 92693 Phone: (949) 493-4700 ·Fax: (949) 489-2695 Email : info@san juanchamber.com ·Website : www.SanJuanChamber.com www .VisitSJC .com www.FarrmersMarketSJC.com