DRC Agenda-2020-04-23AGENDA DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE Regular Meeting April 23, 2020 PUBLIC ADVISORY: THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS WILL NOT BE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Pursuant to Executive Order N-29-20, this meeting will be conducted telephonically and broadcast live on the City's website. Please be advised that pursuant to the Executive Order, and to ensure the health and safety of the public by limiting human contact that could spread the COVID-19 virus, the Council Chambers will not be open for the meeting. Design Review Committee members will be participating telephonically and will not be physically present in the Council Chambers. The public may view the Design Review Committee meeting live at the City's website at http://sanjuancapistrano.org/lmportant-Links/City-Council-Archived- Meetings. The public may submit agenda item correspondence to the Design Review Committee electronically. Comments may be emailed to dcontreras@sanjuancapistrano.org or cgomez@sanjuancapistrano.org. Please submit correspondence at least an hour prior to the start of the meeting. The public may speak by telephone during the Oral Communications portion of the agenda or on any item on the agenda by either: 1) calling the public comment line at (949) 493-1172 at the beginning of the meeting and being placed on hold in a queue until it is their time to speak, or 2) arranging to be called during the meeting when the item they wish to speak on is being discussed by contacting the Development Services Staff at least an hour prior to the meeting at dcontreras@sanjuancapistrano.org, cgomez@sanjuancapistrano.org or (949) 443- 6329. The City of San Juan Capistrano complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Persons with special needs should call Lindsey Stigall, Management Analyst I Human Resources at (949) 443-6317 at least 48 hours in advance to enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. ~ Any documents provided to a majority of the Committee regarding any item on this agenda is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the Planning Division Counter at City Hall located at 32400 Paseo Adelanto. Correspondence may be sent to : planninqdept@sanjuancapistrano.org and for additional information call the Development Services Department at (949) 443-6331 . Design Review Committee 2 April 23, 2020 A. ORGANIZATION 1. CALL TO ORDER: 4:30 p.m. -City Council Chamber 2. ROLL CALL: Committee Members Stan Braden, Bob Cardoza, and Geoff Sumich. B. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Persons wishing to address the Governing Body on city business that is not listed on the agenda may do so by email or telephone. Please submit any email correspondence or a request to speak by telephone to the Secretary at least an hour prior to the meeting at dcontreras@sanjuancapistrano.org or cgomez@saniuancapistrano.org or call (949) 443-6329. The public may also call the agenda public comment line at (949) 493-1172 at the beginning of the meeting. The Secretary will call persons wishing to speak, and allow persons that call in to speak in the order received. Please limit all comments to 3 minutes. C. CONSENT CALENDAR: Items listed on the Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion and one vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item may be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately. 1. Draft March 12, 2020 Design Review Committee Minutes. D. INFORMATION ITEM-PRESENTATION None. E. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None. F. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Consideration of an Architectural Control (AC) 18-021, Sign Permit (SP) 18-031, Grading Plan Modification (GPM) 18-005, Tentative Parcel Map (TTM) 18-001 and Flood Plain Land Use Permit (FP) 18-001; Ganahl Lumber: a request for review of development plans related to the construction of buildings totaling 145,074 square feet for a lumber hardware store and lumber yard, 6,000 square feet for future drive-through restaurants and short term vehicle storage for approximately 399 vehicles located at 25865 Stonehill Drive, totaling approximately 17 acres (APNs: 121-121-253-13, 15 and 121-240-39, 73 and 76) (Applicant: Alex Uniack, Ganahl Lumber)(Project Manager: Sergio Klotz, Assistant Director). Design Review Committee 3 April 23, 2020 G. COMMISSION/STAFF COMMENTS: H. ADJOURNMENT: to Thursday, May 14, 2020 at 4:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. I. CERTIFICATION: Due to facility closures, the foregoing agenda was posted at City Hall (Outside Bulletin Board), and on the City's Website by Thursday, April 16, 2020, before 4:30 p.m. Approved :