PC Minutes-2019-10-22A. ORGANIZATION: 1 . CALL TO ORDER: MINUTES October 22, 2019 PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Howard Hart, Chair Tami Wilhelm, Vice Chair Stan Braden Lisa Fenning Harrison Taylor Staff Present: Joel Rojas, Development Services Director Sergio Klotz, Assistant Development Services Director Paul Garcia, Associate Planner David Pierucci, Deputy City Attorney 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Chair Hart led the Pledge of Allegiance. 8. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None C. CONSENT CALENDAR: Items listed on the Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion and one vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item may be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately. 1. Draft September 24, 2019 Planning Commission Minutes. Approved as presented by a 5-0 vote. D. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None. PC Action Minutes 2 October 22 2019 E. NEW BUSINESS: 1. Consideration of an Appeal of the Development Services Department's Director Determination for a Patio Cover Setback within the Forster Canyon Planned Community Comprehensive Development Plan 81-01. Appeal of the Development Services Director's Determination for a Patio Cover Setback on property located at 26590 Paseo lnfinita within the Forster Canyon Planned Community Comprehensive Development Plan 81-01 (Pacifica San Juan)(Project Manager: Sergio Klotz, Assistant Development Services Director). Sergio Klotz made the staff presentation and responded to questions. Norman Diaz, appellant and Greg Weiler made a presentation and responded to Commissioner questions. Adoption of Resolution RESOLUTION NO. 19-10-22-01 , A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA DENYING AN APPEAL AND UPHOLDING THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR'S DETERMINATION TO DENY A PROPOSED DETACHED FREESTANDING PATIO COVER IN THE SETBACK REQUIREMENTS ON A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY REGULATED BY THE FORSTER CANYON COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN (COP) 81-01 ZONE DISTRICT LOCATED WITHIN PACIFICA SAN JUAN AT 26590 PASEO INFINITA (ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER: 675-085- 19) (DIAZ). Commissioner Fenning made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Braden, to adopt a resolution denying the appeal and upholding the Development Services Director's determination that a proposed detached patio cover does not adhere to the side yard setback requirements on property governed by Forster Canyon Planned Community Comprehensive Development Plan 81-01 (Pacifica San Juan). The motion passed by a 5-0 vote . AYES: Chair Hart, Commissioners Braden, Fenning, Taylor and Wilhelm. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. F. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Consideration of Architectural Control (AC) 19-008 and Sign Permit (SP) 19-016; Target (Laurie Jones, Target Corporation, Applicant). PC Action Minutes 3 October 22 2019 A request for review of development plans related to fa9ade changes to an existing commercial building and a sign exception request to allow for the three proposed building-mounted wall signs to exceed the sign area permitted by the Land Use Code at 31874 Del Obispo Street (APN 668-241-19) (Project Manager: Paul Garcia, Associate Planner). Paul Garcia made the staff presentation and responded to questions. Laurie Jones, applicant, made a presentation and responded to Commissioner's questions. Tammie Moreno, applicant, made a presentation and responded to Commissioner's questions. Ken McQuade, project architect, made a presentation and responded to Commissioner's questions. Chair Hart opened the Public Hearing and no members of the public provided public testimony. Chair Hart closed the Public Hearing Adoption of Resolution PC RESOLUTION NO. 19-10-22-02. ARCHITECTURAL (AC) 19-008 & SIGN PERMIT (SP) 19-016 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO. CALIFORNIA CONFIRMING ISSUANCE OF A CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION AND APPROVING A REQUEST FOR AN ARCHITECURAL CONTROL AND SIGN EXCEPTION RELATED TO FACADE CHANGES TO AN EXISTING COMMERICAL BUILDING AND TO INSTALL NEW SIGNAGE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 31874 DEL OBISPO STREET (ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 668-241-19)(APPLICANT: LAURIE JONES. TARGET CORPORATION). Commissioner Taylor made the motion , seconded by Commissioner Wilhelm, to adopt a resolution approving Architectural Control (AC) 19-008 and a Sign Exception request for Sign Permit (SP) 19-016, as conditioned. The motion passed by a 4-1 vote. AYES: Chair Hart, Commissioners Braden, Taylor and Wilhelm. NOES: Commissioner Fenning. ABSTAIN: None. 2. Consideration of Code Amendment (CA) 19-001; Capistrano Collection (Capo Oaks, LLC, Applicant). PC Action Minutes 4 October 22 20 19 A request to expand the allowable uses within Sector A-1 and to establish new parking standards for The Capistrano Collection commercial center located at 27184 Ortega Highway (APN: 666-241-08), which is within Sector A-1 of CDP 78- 01 (Project Manager: Paul Garcia, Associate Planner). Paul Garcia made the staff presentation and responded to questions. Chair Hart opened the Public Hearing and Ted Rosenfeldt provided public testimony. Chair Hart closed the Public Hearing. Adoption of Resolutions PC RESOLUTION NO. 19-10-22-03, CODE AMENDMENT (CA) 19-001 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO. CALIFORNIA RECOMMENDING THATTHE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO APPROVE OF CODE AMENDMENT 19-001 AND CONFIRMING ISSUANCE OF A CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION AND APPROVING A REQUEST TO AMEND THE ORTEGA PLANNED COMMUNITY COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 78-01 . SECTORA-1 , TO EXPAND THE ALLOWABLE USES AND TO ESTABLISH NEW PARKING STANDARDS AT 27184 ORTEGA HIGHWAY (APN 666-241-08) (APPLICANT: CAPO OAKS, LLC). Commissioner Fenning made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Taylor, to adopt a resolution recommending the City Council adopt an ordinance approving Code Amendment (CA) 19-001. The motion passed by a 5-0 vote. AYES: Chair Hart, Commissioners Braden, Fenning, Taylor and Wilhelm. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. G. INFORMATION ITEM: None. H. COMMISSION/STAFF DISCUSSION Director Rojas informed the Commission that the River Street Marketplace Project was approved by the City Council on October 15 without the two project recommendations forwarded by the Planning Commission. I. ADJOURNMENT: At 8:29 p.m., there being no further business, Chair Hart adjourned to Tuesday, November 12, 2019, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. PC Action Minutes 5 October 22 2019 Approved on November 12, 2019.