19-0716_C.S. LEGACY CONSTRUCTION, INC._F2a_Agenda ReportCity of San Juan Capistrano Agenda Report TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: .'.Afenjamin Siegel, City Manager SUBMITTED BY: Steve May, Public Works and Utilities Director ,L~ PREPARED BY: Joe Parco, City Engineer Paul Meshkin , Senior Civi l Engine er DATE: July 16, 2019 7/16/2019 F2a SUBJECT: Approval of Plans and Spec ifications for Verdugo Street Beautification Project, and Resolution Adopt ing a Mitigated Negative Declaration (C IP 14106) RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approve plans and specifications for the Verdugo Street Beautification Project; and , 2. Approve a resolution adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Project; and, 3. Provid e direction regarding potential donation from the Rotary Club of San Juan Capistrano for the purchase of a four-faced clock for the plaza area of the Project ; and, 4. Authorize staff to advertise and receive construction bids for the Proj ect. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Plans and specifications have been prepared for construction of the Verdugo Street Beautification Project (Cl P 14106). A Project location map is provided as Attachment 1, and a copy of the plans and specifications are available for viewing in the City Clerk 's Office . T he City's environmenta l consultant has completed the Initial Study I Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Project in accordance with requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (Attachment 2). Staff is recommending that the City Council approve the plans and specifications for the Project, approve a resolution adopting the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Project (Attachment 3), and authorize staff to advertise and receive const ructi on bids for the Project. Pending approva l of the City Council Agenda Report July 16,2019 Page 2 of 7 recommended action, staff anticipates construction would begin this fall, with completion in early Spring 2020. DISCUSSIONiANALYSIS: The Verdugo Street Beautification Project will widen sidewalks and install landscaping, brick pavers, lighting, and street furniture to provide for a more pedestrian-friendly gateway to the downtown area. The Project also includes new bistro lighting, rolled curbs, shade structures, tree grates, crosswalk treatments, and wood benches to complement the widened sidewalks. The design is intended to provide for an inviting street corridor that creates a sense of arrival for visitors arriving by train as well as those parking and walking to restaurants, the movie theater and shops in the downtown. The concept design plan for the Verdugo Street Beautification Project was reviewed and revised based on comments provided at a stakeholders' workshop on November 13, 2017. Staff presented the project to the Design Review Committee (DRC) on February 8,2018, and to the Cultural Heritage Commission and Planning Commission (PC) on March 27,2018. On June 19,2018, the City Council approved the final concept design (Attachment 4) for the Verdugo Street Beautification Project. On November 5, 2018, the City Council approved a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with Adams Streeter Civil Engineers lnc. to perform design services and to prepare environmentaldocuments, specifications, and cost estimates for the Verdugo Street Beautification Project. The Project's final design was reviewed by DRC on February 28,2019. The proposed Project is considered a major capital improvement project under the City's Land Use Code. As a result, Planning Commission review of the Project was required. On June 25,2019, the Planning Commission found that the project was consistent with the City's Circulation Element of the General Plan, Land Use Code, surrounding community and Design Guidelines and other applicable City requirements. The Planning Commission also approved resolutions recommending that the City Council adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for the Project and recommending that the City Council approve the Project. On July 9,2019, an additional stakeholders' workshop was held at Trevor's at the Tracks Restaurant to discuss construction scheduling and phasing. The workshop was well attended and included a staff presentation, group discussions and a review of the proposed construction phasing plan. At the workshop, staff communicated that an aggressive construction schedule is needed in order to complete the Project by early Spring 2020. As part of the project, the City must obtain sidewalk easements in order to construct and maintain the proposed improvements. Staff has discussed the requirements for the required easement documents with all property owners, and will secure all easements prior to the advertisement for bids. City Council Agenda Report July '16,2019 Page 3 of 7 Pending approval of the recommended action at this evening's meeting, the anticipated schedule for the project is as follows: . City CouncilAward of Construction Contract:. Start Construction:. ConstructionComplete: September 3,2019 Mid-September 2019 March 2020 Potential Donation of Four-Faced Glock The Rotary Club of San Juan Capistrano (Rotary) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Rotary has proposed to donate funds to purchase a four-faced clock to enhance the plaza area of the Verdugo Street Beautification Project. The proposed Howard Replica/Seth Thomas clock is manufactured by The Verdin Company and costs approximately $37,000, including sales tax (Attachment 5). The City's design consultant believes the 16' tall clock would complement the Project and benefit visitors in the downtown and at the train depot. lf the City Council is interested in adding this amenity to the Project, staff recommends authorizing the City Manager to accept the proposed donation from Rotary. Staff would then bid the clock as an additive alternate pending receipt of funding from Rotary. Subject to City Council approval, the installation work - including footings, conduit and final installation - would be completed by the project contractor at the City's cost. The proposed clock feature would include the Rotary logo on the clock face, as shown in the sample illustration below. City Council Agenda Report July 16,2019 Page 4of7 FISCAL IMPACT: The total Project budget for design and construction is approximately $1,866,000. To date, approximately $337,000 has been spent on preliminary and final design, leaving approximately $1,529,000 for construction and construction-related support services. Funding is provided through Systems Development ($200,000) and Redevelopment Bond Funds/2008 Tax Allocation Bonds, Series A ($t,700,000). The City's design consultant has estimated the construction cost, including a fifteen percent contingency, to be $1,640,000. Based on this latest engineer's estimate, a budget shortfall of $357,000 is anticipated as shown in the table below. The precise amount of funds needed to complete the Project will not be known until bids are received. At the time of construction contract award, staff anticipates recommending that the City Council approve a transfer of $45,000 of unexpended funds from CIP 11101 (Citywide Sign Replacement Program) and appropriate $312,000 from the Systems Development Tax Fund to address the expected shortfall. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEOA) and the State CEQA Guidelines (Cal. Code of Regulations., Title 14, S 15000 et seq.), the City prepared an lS/MND to determine whether the proposed Project would have a significant effect on the environment. The key findings from the lS/MND include the following: The proposed Project would have no impact or a less than significant impact as to aesthetics, agriculture and forest land resources, air quality, energy, greenhouse gases, hydrology and water quality, land use, mineral resources, noise, population and housing, public services, recreation, traffic, and utilities and services. o Absent mitigation, the proposed Project could potentially have significant impacts as to biological resources, cultural resources, geology and soils, hazards and hazardous materials, and tribal cultural resources. However, with the implementation of the mitigation measures identified in the lS/MND and the MMRP (Attachment2), the Project's aforementioned potential impacts on the environment would be mitigated to a level of less than significance. Available Proiect Budget $1,529,000 Estimated Construction Cost (lncl. '15% continqency)($1,640,000) Bidding and Construction Support ($ 246,000) Total ($1,886,000) Anticipated Budget Shortfall ($ 357,000) Task Description Appropriation Estimated Cost City Council Agenda Report July 16,2019 Paqe 5 o'f 7 An lS/MND is appropriate under CEQA because there is no substantial evidence that the proposed Project would have a significant effect on the environment with the implementation of the mitigation measures specified in the MMRP. Notably, if approved, the mitigation measures identified in the IS/MND would be enforceable through permit conditions, agreements, or other measures. Moreover, the City has satisfied the procedural prerequisites to adopting an IS/MND. On May 22, 2019, a Notice of lntent to Adopt a Negative Declaration and lnitial Study was posted with the Orange County Clerk Recorder (Attachment 6). The City circulated the Notice of lntent (NOl) to adopt IS/MND, incorporated by reference herein and provided as Attachment 2, for a 20-day public review period that began on May 23, 2019, and concluded on June 11,2019. Staff received four comment letters during the 20-day public review period from the following entities: . Orange County Transportation Authority. Southern California Regional Rail Authority. Orange County Fire Authority. County of Orange The City has prepared responses to these comment letters, and the City's responses are included in the Final IS/MND. W¡th environmental review of the proposed Project under CEQA completed, staff is recommending that the City Council adopt the lS/MND. PRIOR CITY COUNCIL REV¡EW a On November 5, 2018, the City Council approved and authorized the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Adams Streeter Civil Engineers lnc. to perform design services and to prepare environmental documents, specifications, and cost estimates for the Project for an amount not to exceed $279,738, which included a 10% contingency. On September 19, 2018, the City Council approved and authorized the City Manager to execute the Second Amendment to the Personal Services Agreement with RRM Design Group lnc. for design services for the Project in an amount not-to-exceed $81,440, and directed staff to include the area of Verdugo Street west of the train tracks in the conceptual design scope of work for the Project at no additional cost. On Augusl 1, 2017, the City Council received a presentation on the Project and considered options for reallocating funds. The Council elected to retain the Project fund balance of $1.94 million and directed staff to work with the prior designer, RRM Design Group, to create two conceptual design options similar to the 2007 and 2014 concepts. On September 3,2013, the City Council approved award of a consulting contract to DKS Associates to perform a Traffic Circulation Study in the Verdugo Street area. a a City Council Agenda Report July 16,2019 Page 6of7 a On July 16,2013, the City Council received a presentation regarding the Project. The City Council gave staff direction to proceed with a circulation study and meetings with local business owners. The Councilalso gave direction to include in the Project design the Camino Capistrano/Verdugo Street intersection, Arguello Way, and the Depot Plaza. On June 18, 2013, the City Council approved the City's Mid-Term Budget, which included funding of $244,000 to complete the design of the Project. On December'15, 2009, the City Council, acting as the Community Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors, voted to table the Project until the Downtown Master Plan is completed. On March 4,2008, the City Council, acting as the Community Redevelopment Agency Board of Directors, approved Concept C as the preferred Project and extended the term and increased the fee for the design agreement with APA Engineering lnc. to perform the final design. Shortly thereafter, the Project was placed on hold due to lack of funding and uncertainty of the direction of the Redevelopment Agency. o a a o a COMM I SS I ON/COM M ITTEE/BOARD REVI EW AN D RECOMMEN DAT¡ONS On June 25,2019, the Planning Commission adopted resolutions recommending that the City Council approve the Project and adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigated Monitoring Reporting Program for the Project. On February 28, 2019, the Design Review Committee reviewed the proposed Project's street, sidewalk, lighting, and landscaping design plans. On March 27, 2018, The Planning Commission reviewed and commented on the revised Conceptual Design for the Project and fonruarded the Project to the City Council for consideration. On March 27,2018, the Cultural Heritage Commission reviewed and commented on the Revised 2014 Conceptual Design for the Project and fonruarded the Project to the Planning Commission for consideration. On February 8,2018, the Design Review Committee reviewed and commented on the revised 2014 conceptual design for the Project and fon¡uarded the Project to the Planning Commission for consideration. NOTIFICATIONS: Mayan Authentic lmports Ruby's Antiques of Laguna Monica Mukai Heritage Tourism Association Paul Hennessey Adams Streeter (Khoon Tan) a City Council Agenda Report July 16,2019 Paqe 7 of 7 Mission Grill Chamber of Commerce Trevor's At the Tracks Swallow's lnn, El Adobe Bob Larsen, Provincial Building Teri Chambers, Zia Jewelry Dan Almquist, Frontier lnvestment 3:16 Bakery Shop Dave Busk, Busk Dev. Co. Conservatory & Curiosity Guy Edwards, Capistrano Depot Alfa Plaza LLC Eric Altman,26755 Verdugo LLC Mechelle Lawrence Adams, Mission SJC Ralph Bertolino, Capistrano Plaza Rancho Capistrano Winery John Collins, Collins and Assoc. Alberto Mobrici, Sunrise Property Mgmt. Guavas ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 Attachment 2 Attachment 3: Attachment 4: Attachment 5: Attachment 6: Location Map lnitial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration (not part of printed report, and available in the City Clerk's Office and on the City's website) Resolution for Mitigated Negative Declaration Approved Concept Design Plan Clock Cost Estimate Notice of lntent (Posted) Project Plans (not part of printed report, and available in the City Clerk's Office and on the City's website) Project Specifications (not part of printed report, and available in the City Clerk's Office and on the City's website) Enclosure 1 Enclosure 2: Location Map: Verdugo Street Beautification Project (ClP 14106) \. a. gü' {t t- a ü I ii t. Å ar \a¡ ' '''ar t "lçil;s r' ff' {.' *+¡¡' r: i"a ã.,* \ o. & ¡*r t '1lt t.. I L., f.n'L)y', ';' -,n -*-'o'd Verdugo Streettl West rqx. _ - , t,' 'rr, 'ttlt ATTACHMENT 1, Page 1 of1 7t16t2019 ATTACHMENT 2 FZa lnitial Study / Mitigated Negative Declaration Due to the size of this attachment, the hard copy documentation is available for review in the City Clerk's office or electronically on the City's website. Hard copies have been distributed to the City Council Members. ATTACHMENT2, Page 1 of1 RESOLUTION NO. 19-_ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA ADOPTING A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND APPROVING A MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM FOR THE VERDUGO STREET BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT (ClP1 41 06) WHEREAS, the City's Capital lmprovement Program represents an important mechanism for implementing the goals, policies, and recommendations of the General Plan, in particular the circulation, safety, parks and recreation, and growth management policies; and, WHEREAS, the City has established an administrative policy for developing a Capital lmprovement Program, and the Capital lmprovement Program Committee developed a draft Fiscal Year (FY) 2013-2020 Capital lmprovement Program pursuant to the City's Capital lmprovement Guidelines; and, WHEREAS, among other things, one of the major capital improvement projects in the draft FY 2013-2020 Capital lmprovement Program included the Verdugo Street Beautification Project (ClP14106) (the "Project"); and, WHEREAS, the proposed Project includes the widening of the sidewalk. Among other things, the proposed Project includes installation of landscaping, enhanced paving, lighting, and street furniture to provide a pedestrian-friendly experience in the downtown area and the area adjacent to the train station and Los Rios District; and, WHEREAS, on June 18, 2013, the City Council approved the FY 2013-2020 Capital lmprovement Program, including the Project; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to section 21067 of the Public Resources Code, and section 15367 of the State CEQA Guidelines (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, S 15000 et seq.), the City of San Juan Capistrano is the lead agency for the proposed Project; and, WHEREAS, in accordance with State CEQA Guidelines section 15063 the City prepared an lnitial Study to determine if the Project could have a significant effect on the environment; and, WHEREAS, based upon the information contained in the lnitial Study, which concluded that the Project would not have a significant impact on the environment with mitigation incorporated, the City determined that a Mitigated Negative Declaration ("MÑD') should be prepared for the Project, and an MND was prepared pursuant to CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines; and, WHEREAS, in accordance with State CEQA Guidelines section 15072(b), a Notice of lntent to Adopt an MND was mailed to all organizations and individuals who previously ATTACHMENT 3, Page 1 of 4 requested such notice in writing, and notice was also by way of publication, posting, or direct mailing consistent with CEQA's requirements; and, WHEREAS, as required by State CEQA Guidelines section 15072(d), on May 22, 2019, the Notice of lntent to Adopt an MND was also posted by the Clerk for the County of Orange; and, WHEREAS, during the public comment period, copies of the MND and its technical appendices were available for review and inspection at City Hall and on the City's website; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines section 15073, the MND was circulated for at least a 20-day review period, from May 23,2019 through Jun 1 1,2019, during which the City four (4) comment letters, three (3) of which contained comments on the project; and, WHEREAS, the MND prepared in connection with the Project sufficiently analyzes the feasible mitigation measures necessary to avoid or substantially lessen the Project's potentially significant environmental impacts; and, WHEREAS, on June 25,2019, the Planning Commission conducted a duly-noticed public hearing where members of the public were afforded an opportunity to comment upon the Project and the MND, and at the conclusion of the hearing, the Planning Commission adopted a resolution recommending that the City Council adopt the MND and approve the related Mitigation and Monitoring Program; and, WHEREAS, the findings and conclusions made by the City Council in this Resolution are based upon the oral and written evidence presented as well as the entirety of the administrative record for the Project, which is incorporated herein by reference. The findings are not based solely on the information provided in this Resolution; and, WHEREAS, the MND reflects the City's response to the three (3) comment letters that contained comments on the project (the fourth comment letter indicated that the commenter had no comment); and, WHEREAS, the MND reflects the independent judgment of the City Council and is deemed adequate for purposes of making decisions on the merits of the Project; and, WHEREAS, a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program ('MMRP') has been prepared for the Project, and is attached hereto as Exhibit "4"; and, WHEREAS, no comments made in the public hearing conducted by the City Council, and no additional information submitted to the City Council, has produced substantial new information requiring substantial revisions that would trigger recirculation ATTACHMENT 3, Page 2 of 4 of the MND or additional environmental review of the Project under State CEQA Guidelines section 1 5073.5. NOW, THEREFORE, BE lT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano as follows: Section 1. Recitals. The City Council hereby finds that the foregoing recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein as substantive findings of this Resolution. Section 2. Compliance with the California Environmental Qualitv Act. The City Council has reviewed and considered the information contained in the MND, lnitialStudy, comments received, and other documents contained in the administrative record for the Project. The City Council finds that the MND, lnitial Study and administrative record contain a complete and accurate reporting of the environmental impacts associated with the Project and that the MND and the lnitial Study have been completed in compliance with CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines. Section 3 Findinos on Envi nmental lmoacts. Based on the whole record before it, including the MND, lnitial Study, the administrative record and all other written and oral evidence presented to the City Council, the City Council hereby finds that all environmental impacts of the Project are either less than significant or can be mitigated to less than significant levels pursuant to the mitigation measures outlined in the MND, the lnitial Study and the MMRP. The City Council further finds that the MND contains a complete, objective and accurate reporting of the environmental impacts associated with the Project and reflects the independent judgment and analysis of the City. Section 4.Adootion of MND an Aooroval of MMRP. The C ity Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano hereby adopts the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Verdugo Street Beautification Project (C1P14106) and approves the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the same, attached hereto as Exhibit "4". Section 5 Custodian of Records. The documents and materials associated with this Resolution that constitute the record of proceedings on which these findings are based are located at San Juan Capistrano City Hall, 32400 Paseo Adelanto, San Juan Capistrano, California 92675. The City Clerk is the custodian of the record of proceedings. Section 6. Notice of Determination. The City Council hereby directs staff to prepare, execute, and file a CEQA Notice of Determination with the Orange County Clerk's Office and the State Office of Planning and Research within five (5)working days of the approval of this Resolution. Section 7. Severabilitv. lf any provision of this Resolution or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other ATTACHMENT 3, Page 3 oÍ 4 provisions or applications of the Resolution which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Resolution are severable. The City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted this Resolution irrespective of the invalidity of any particular portion thereof. Section L Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. APPROVED AND ADOPTED this - day of ,2019 BRIAN L. MARYOTT, MAYOR ATTEST MARIA MORRIS, CITY CLERK ATTACHMENT 3, Page 4 of 4 Exhibit "A" Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) EXHIBIT A, Page 1 of 10 Verdugo Street Beautification Project Final Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration SECTION 4. MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM 4.t Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Requirements Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 21081.6 (enacted by the passage of Assembly Bill [AB] 3180) mandates that the following requirements shall apply to all reporting or mitigation monitoring programs: The public agency shall adopt a reporting or monitoring program for the changes made to the project or conditions of project approval in order to mitigate or avoid significant effects on the environment. The reporting or monitoring program shall be designed to ensure compliance during project implementation. For those changes which have been required or incorporated into the project at the request of a Responsible Agency or a public agency having jurisdiction by law over natural resources affected by the project, that agency shall, if so requested by the Lead Agency or a Responsible Agency, prepare and submit a proposed reporting or monitoring program. a a a The Lead Agency shall specify the location and custodian of the documents or other material, which constitute the record of proceedings upon which its decision is based. A public agency shall provide the measures to mitigate or avoid significant effects on the environment that are fully enforceable through permit conditions, agreements, or other measures. Conditions of project approval may be set forth in referenced documents which address required mitigation measures or in the case of the adoption of a plan, policy, regulation, or other project, by incorporating the mitigation measures into the plan, policy, regulation, or project design. Priorto the close of the public review period for a draft Environmental lmpact Report (ElR) or Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND), a Responsible Agency, or a public agency having jurisdiction over natural resources affected by the project, shall either submit to the Lead Agency complete and detailed performance objectives for mitigation measures which would address the significant effects on the environment identified by the Responsible Agency or agency having jurisdiction over natural resources affected by the project, or refer the Lead Agency to appropr¡ate, readily available guidelines or reference documents. Any mitigation measures submitted to a Lead Agency by a Responsible Agency or an agency having jurisdiction over natural resources affected by the project shall be limited to measures that mitigate impacts to resources, which are subject to the statutory authority of, and definitions applicable to, that agency. Compliance or noncompliance by a Responsible Agency or agency having jurisdiction over natural resources affected by a project with that requirement shall not limit that authority of the Responsible Agency or agency having jurisdiction over natural resources affected by a project, or the authority of the Lead Agency, to approve, condition, or deny projects as provided by this division or any other provision of law. 24 EXHIBIT A, Page 2 oÍ 1O Verdugo Street Beautification Proiect Final lnitial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 4.2 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Procedures The Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) has been prepared in compliance with PRC Section 21081.6. lt describes the requirements and procedures to be followed by the City of San Juan Capistrano to ensure that all mitigation measures adopted as part of the proposed project will be carried out as described in this lS/MND. Table 5.2-1 lists each of the mitigation measures specified in this document and identifies the party or parties responsible for implementation and monitoring of each measure. 25 EXHIBIT A, Page 3 of 10 Verdugo Street Beautification ProjectFinal lnitial Study/Mitigated Negat¡ve DeclarationTable 5.2-1.Verdugo Street ProjectMitigation Monitoring and Reporting ProgramComplianceVerification (Date andSignature Required)4.l Aesthet¡csThe proposed project would not result in significant adverse impactsrelated to airNomon would beired4.4ResourcesBIO-1 Migratory Bird Treaty Act, ln the event that constructionCity of San JuanCapistrano DevelopmentServices Director, ordesigneeln the event thatconstruction activitiesoccur during the breedingseason (February 15-August 15)/ Prior tocommencement ofgrading activities andissuance of any buildingpermits.activities occur during the breeding season (February 15-August 15), theApplicant shall retain a qualified biologist to conduct a nesting bird surveywithin 5 days prior to commencement of construction activities' Thenesting bird survey shall identify and document active nesting within 100feet of the construction limits. lf nesting birds are discovered duringpreconstruction surveys, the biologists shall identify an appropriate buffer(i.e., up to 500 feet depending on the circumstances and specific birdspecies) where no construction activities or other disturbances areallowed to occur until after the birds have fledged from the nest. Prior tocommencement of grading activities and issuance of any building permits,the City of San Juan Capistrano Director of Development Services, ordesignee, shall verify that all project grading and construction plansinclude specific documentation regarding the requirements of theMigratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA), that preconstruction surveys have beencompleted and the results reviewed by staff, and that the appropriatebuffers (if needed) are noted on the plans and established in the field withorasnow fenciTiming for StandardCondition orMitigation MeasureResponsible PartyMitigation MeasuresThe proposed project would not result in significant adverse impactsrelated to aesthetics. Noion would beuired4.2& Forest ResourcesThe proposed project would not result in significant adverse impactsrelated to agriculture and forest resources. No mitigation would beuired.4.3 Air26EXHIBIT A, Page 4 of 10 ComplianceVerification (Date andSignature Required)Prior to commencementof any grading activ¡tieson site/During projectexcavation and gradingactivitiesPrior to issuance ofgrading permitsTiming for StandardCondition orMitigation MeasureCity of San JuanCapistrano DevelopmentServices Director, ordesignee/ CityDepartment of PublicWorks and Ut¡litiesDirector, or designeeResponsible PartyCity of San JuanCapistrano DevelopmentServices Director, ordesigneeCU[-2: Archaeological Monitoring Plan and Accidental Discovery. Prior tocommencement of any grading activities on site, the Applicant shall retaina qualified archaeologist to prepare a Monitoring Plan. The MonitoringPlan shall be prepared by a qualified archaeologist and shall be reviewedby the City Development Services Director, or designee. The MonitoringPlan should include at a minimum: (1) a list of personnel involved in themonitoring activities; (2) a description of how the monitoring shall occur;(3) a description of the frequency of monitoring (e.g., full-time, part-time,spot checking); (4) a description of what resources may be encountered;(5) a description of -circumstances that would result in the halting of workicalsitecant" archawhat is considered a "seat theCUL-1: Archaeological Monitor. Prior to issuance of grading permits,and in adherence to the recommendations of the cultural resourcesrecords search, the Applicant shall retain, with approval of the City of SanJuan Capistrano (City) Development Services Director, or designee, aqualified archaeological monitor. Monitoring by a qualified archaeologistshould be conducted under the supervision of an Orange County Certifiedarchaeologist and by a Native American monitor from one of the Juañenogroups recognized by the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC).Monitoring will be conducted in accordance with the City of San JuanCapistrano's Council Policy 601 on historic, archaeological, andpaleontological resource management.2 The monitor shall be present onthe project site during ground-disturbing activities to monitor rough andfinish grading, excavation, and other ground-disturbing activities in thenative soils. Because no cultural resources were identified on the projectsite, archaeological monitors are not required to be present on a full-timebasis but shall spot check ground-disturbing activities to ensure that nocultural resources are impacted during construction activities. The exacttiming of monitoring activities shall be consistent with the provisionsestablished in the Monitoring Plan, which is required as part of MitigationMeasure CUL-2Mitigation MeasuresVerdugo Street Beautification ProjectFinal Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration27EXHIBIT A, Page 5 of 10 site); (6) a description of procedures for halting work on site andnotification procedures; and (7) a description of monitoring reportingprocedures. lf any significant historical resources, archaeologicalresources, or human remains are found during monitoring, work shall bestopped within the immediate vicinity (precise area to be determined bythe archaeologist in the field) of the resource until such time as theresource can be evaluated by an archaeologist and any other appropriateindividuals. Project personnel shall not collect or move any archaeologicalmaterials or human remains and associated materials' To the extentfeasible, project activities shall avoid these deposits. Where avoidance isnot feasible, the archaeological deposits shall be evaluated for theireligibility for listing on the California Register of Historic Places. lf thedeposits are not eligible, avoidance is not necessary. lf the deposits areeligible, adverse effects on the deposits must be avoided, or such effectsmust be mitigated. Mitigation can include, but is not necessarily limitedto: leaving the deposits in place, excavation of the deposit in accordancewith a data recovery plan (see California Code of Regulations [CCR] Title4(3) Section 5126.4(b)(3XC)) and standard archaeological field methodsand procedures; laboratory and technical analyses of recoveredarchaeological materials; production of a. report detailing the methods,findings, and significance of the archaeological site and associatedmaterials; curation of archaeological materials at an appropriate facilityfor future research and/or display; an interpret¡ve display of recoveredarchaeological materials at a local school, museum, or library; and publiclectures at local schools and/or historical societies on the findings andsignificance of the site and recovered archaeological materials'It shall be the responsibility of the City Building Official, or designee, toverify that the Monitoring Plan is implemented during project excavationand grading. Upon completion of all monitoring/mitigation activities, theconsulting archaeologist shall submit a monitoring report to the CityDevelopment Services Director, or designee, and to the South-CentralCoastal lnformation Center summarizing all monitoring/mitigationact¡vities and confirming that all recommended mitigation measures havebeen met. The monitoring report shall be prepared consistent with theguidelines of the office of Historic Preservation's Archaeological ResourcesMonogement Reports (ARMR): Recommended Contents ond Format.TheCity Development Services Director, or des¡gnee, shall be responsible forVerdugo Street Beautification ProjectFinal lnitial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration28EXHIBIT A, Page 6 of 10 lf human remains areencountered during sitedistu rbance, grading, orother constructionactivities on the projectsiteCity of San JuanCapistrano DevelopmentServices Director, ordesigneeThe proposed project would not result in significant adverse impactsuiredntsNo mitirelated to enreviewing any reports produced by the archaeologist to determine theappropriateness and adequacy of the findings and recommendations.CUL-3: Human Remains. Consistent with the requirements of CCRSection 15064.5(e), if human remains are encountered during sitedisturbance, grading, or other construction activities on the project site,the construction contractor shall halt work within 25 feet of the discovery;all work shall be redirected and the Orange County (County) Coronernotified immediately. No further disturbance shall occur until the CountyCoroner has made a determination of origin and disposition pursuant toPublic Resources Code Section 5097.98. lf the remains are determined tobe Native American, the County Coroner shall notify the Native AmericanHeritage Commission (NAHC), which will determine and notify a MostLikely Descendant (MLD). The MLD may inspect the site of the discovery.The MLD shall complete the inspection within 48 hours of notification bythe NAHC.The MLD may recommend scientific removal and nondestructive analysisof human rema¡ns and items associated with Native American burials.Consistent with CCR Section 15064.5(d), if the remains are determined tobe Native American and an MLD is notified, the City shall consult with theMLD identified by the NAHC to develop an agreement for the treatmentand disposition of the remains.Upon completion of the assessment, the consulting archaeologist shallprepare a report documenting the methods and results and providerecommendations regarding the treatment of the human remains and anyassociated cultural materials, as appropriate, and in coordination with therecommendations of the MLD. The report shall be submitted to the CityDevelopment Services Director, or designee, and the South-CentralCoastal lnformation Center. The City Development Services Director, ordesignee, shall be responsible for reviewing any reports produced by thearchaeologist to determine the appropriateness and adequacy of theand recommendations.findVerdugo Street Beautification ProjectFinal lnitial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration29EXHIBIT A, Page 7 of 10 ComplianceVerification (Date andSignature Required)4.8 Greenhouse Gas EmissionsThe proposed project would not result in significant adverse impactsrelated to hazards and hazardous materials. No mitigation would bered4.10and WâterThe proposed project would not result in significant adverse impactsrelated toand Water Quality. No mon would be reuired.4.11 land4.12 Mineral Resources4.13 NoiseTiming for StandardCondition orMitigation MeasurePrior to issuance ofgrading permitsResponsible PartyCity of San JuanCapistrano Engineer, ordesigneeMitigation Measures4.7 Geology and SoilsGEO-1: Compliance with Geotechnical lnvestigations. These studies shallbe submitted for review and approval by the City of San Juan CapistranoCity Engineer, or designee, to ensure that future development has beenevaluated at an appropriate level of detail by a professional geologist'Prior to issuance of grading permits, the City Engineer shall confirm that allgrading and construction plans incorporate and comply with therecommendations included in the Final Geotechnical Report. Design,grading, and construction shall adhere to all of the seismic requirementsincorporated into the most current version of the California Building Code(CBC) and the requirements and standards contained in the applicablechapters of the City of San Juan Capistrano Municipal Code, as well asappropriate local grading regulations, and the specifications of the projectotechnical consultant.The proposed project would not result in significant adverse impactsrelated to greenhouse gas emissions. No mitigation would be required4.9 Hazards and Hazardous MaterialsThe proposed project would not result in significant adverse impactsrelated to Land Use and Planning. No mitigation would be required.The proposed project would not result in significant adverse impactsrelated to mineral resources. No miton would beiredThe proposed project would not result in significant adverse impactsrelated to noise. No mitigation would be required.Verdugo Street Beautification ProjectFinal lnitial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration30EXHIBIT A, Page 8 of 10 ComplianceVerifïcation (Date andSignature Required)Prior to commencementof any ground disturbingactivitiesTiming for StandardCondition orMitigation MeasureResponsible PartyDirector of the City ofSan Juan CapistranoCommunityDevelopmentDepartment, or designee4.t74.18 TribalResourcesTCR-I. Prior to commencement of any ground-disturbing activities, theCity will assure that a qualified Native American monitor has beenretained to provide Native American monitoring services during ground-disturbing activities in native soils. Because no known resources have beenidentified on the site, monitors are not required on a full-time basis, butshall spot check ground-disturbing activities in compliance with themonitoring procedures outlined in the Monitoring Plan (which itself isrequired as part of Mitigation Measure CUL-2) to ensure that no resourcesare impacted during construction. The Native American monitor shall beselected by the project Archaeologist in coordination with the JuaneñoBand of Mission lndians Acjachemen Nation. The Native American monitorshall be present at the pre-grading conference to establish procedures fortribal cultural resource surveillance. Those procedures shall includeprovisions for temporarily halting or redirecting work to permit sampling,identification, and evaluation of resources deemed by the NativeAmerican monitor to be tribal cultural resources as defined in PublicResources Code Section 27074. These procedures shall be reviewed andapproved by the City of San Juan Capistrano Community DepartmentDirector, or designee, prior to commencement of any surface disturbanceect site.on theMitigation Measures4.t4andThe proposed project would not result in significant adverse impactsuiredrelated ton would beNo mitiulation and housin4.15 Publicand UtilitiesThe proposed project would not result in significant adverse impactsblic services and utilities. No mitiuiredwould berelated to4.16 RecreationThe proposed project would not result in significant adverse impactsrelated to recreation. No miredon would beThe proposed project would not result in significant adverse impactsuiredwould berelated to tran/traffic. NoVerdugo Street Beautification ProjectFinal lnitial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration31EXHIBIT A, Page 9 of 10 ComplianceVerification (Date andSignature Required)Timing for StandardCondition orMitigation MeasureResponsible PartyThe proposed project would not result in significant adverse impactsiredn would berelated to Utils. NoThe proposed project would not result in significant adverse impactsredon would berelated to wildfire. NoMitigation MeasuresVerdugo Street Beautification ProjectFinal lnitial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration32EXHIBIT A, Page 10 of 10 fiiVERDI]GOS|I\REEIII IMPROVEMENI|S\\\\\\\\II\ORTEGA?f¡CAPISIRANO f RADING POSlL-JElstroLighting(Phos€Ê" '\-_rHASÉ 2: llGHllNG IMPROVÊMENí5,]TH ER IiliPROVTMTNTS Ai ].AIER PHÁ.SE---a-,:"¡d-¡ " - -3HENNESSEY'S TAVÊRNzlA7u0óot9\taEvoR's Al fHEI rRAcKShEdsilng llee(rYP )RANcHowcÂPIsTRANOI'l' ,\/\u\outsPedestlcnslfeel tlghlI ,rþ{oI=mz-{È!q¡ctoo\iffitrñpqYer Surfqce i,i'iloskSÍeel ÍeePlonter Pol5IoFoatrvr\\#tq2ÞoI2zfRANCISCAN ?tAZA\\\\\,{,\PHASF 2: åNbSCAPE IMPROVÊMFÑ15o*qo,nrr*o\rt^rrNrs Ar r.ArER PHÀsE\IIIìtRÊGÊNCY fHÊAIRES\'"llIoo{at,,zoff,.nnnI\\ûel¡ls w/ScqllngBIslfoCurbgrrPqver SurloceOqk f Á|Á¡ii ¡¡i¡STREET CLOCK ORDER FORM THE VERDIN COMPANY 444 READING ROAD . CINCINNATI, OHIO - 45202 PHONE: (513) 241-4010 FAX: (513) 241-1855 -[OLL FREE: 1-800-s43-0488 M.VERDIN.COM INSTALL AT: C¡ty of San Juan Capistrano CONTACI: RichardFisher ADDRESS: 32400 Paseo Adelanto CITY: San Juan Cap¡strano i\flr \/ I¡gl BELrs {çr (lLoa-,K-q DATE:June 10,2019 S¡1.¡(-l: l8-12 SOLD TO: C¡tv of San Juan Cap¡strano CONTACT: Richard F¡sher ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: TELEPHONË: zlP: FAX STATE: CA TELEPHONE: 7'l 4-342-5467 ztP: FAX 92675 MODEL TWO-FACE FOUR-FACE COURfYARD DIAL FACE CLOCK COLOR ACCENT PAINTING CUSTOM HEADER CUSTOM LIGHTING CUSTOM CLOCK 4M/ST Arabic Black Cutom Design clock with scroll work x VERDIN MASTER CLOCK CONTROLLER Opt¡onal GPS lnterface TOWN CRIER CARILLON WSPEAKERS. OTHER OPTIONS INSTALLATION FREIGHT lnstallation Verdin Verd¡n APPROXIMATE DELIVERY DATE All del¡very dab3 3ubjd lo l¡nal åcceptance by The Verd¡n Co. By s¡gn¡ng, Purch.sør acknowlsdgøa that ¡a has read and acceptod tho alrached Add¡a¡onal Toms & Conditions which arê ¡ncorporatod inao lh¡9 Odsr. Purchaser Aüthorized Signature Sâles Represenlat¡ve Authorized S¡gnature ordør not b¡nding until s¡gnêd by aulhor¡zed Vard¡n repraenative. Date QTY.NOTES I I 2 "X" Below To AcceDt ODtion ODt¡on Cost Op¡ion #1 SUBTOÍAL (êxcrudms tã)'ß35 060 50 Option #2 lestimateo Taxes. (Actual Taxes to I be Calculated at lnvo¡cing) Opt¡on #3 DêDos¡t l60o¿ w-Ordêrl*ll7-530-25 Option #4 INTERIM PAYMENT DUE BALANCE DUE UPON SHIPMENT'ß17 530 25 'Add cost of accepted opt¡on8 to total purch¡se price and deposit. PURCHASER RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYING ALL TAXES. T¡lle Date f ille ATTACHMENT 5, Page 1 of 1 Nonce or lr'trErur to ADopr R¡¡ lt¡lrtnu STUDY Rxo Mtttcnreo Neenrlve DrctRRnrlor.,l NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT AN INITIAL STUDY AND MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE VERDUGO STREET BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT The City of San Juan Capistrano (City) is the Lead Agency and project proponentfor the proposed Verdug'o Street Beautification Project (Proposed Projec!)., The City has direcied the preparation of an l-nitial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration (lSlMND) in compfiance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The purpose of an IS/MND is to provide decision makers, public agencies, and the general public with an objective and informative document that facilitates a basicLlnderstanding of the Proposed Project and fully discloses the potential environmental effects associáted with the Proposed Project, including direct, indirect, and cumulative environmental effects. The Proposed Project will require the following agency permits and approvals: City Council approvalof Capital lmprovement (ClP) 14106. project Location: The Proposed Project is located in the city of San J.uan Capislrano near the San Juan Capistrano Metrolink/Amtrak train depot and includes the entire tength (approximately 300 lineal teei¡ of Verdugo Street from the intersection at Camino Capistrano to ihe cul'de-sac. project Description: The Proposed Project would beautify the corridor and provide a more pedästrian-frien'dly street experience for visitors, The proposed improvements will include the following: . Reducing the overallwidth of the roadway; . Widening the sidewalks and adding rolled curbs; . Adding bulb-outs at intersection with Camino Capistrano; . Providing colored concrete and decorative pavers; r Modifications to existing storm drain catch basins; . Landscaping and irrigation; r Enhanced lighting and seating; and . lnstalling ADA ramps and improvements' phasing of project improvements will be coordinated to minimize construction impacts to the adjaceñt businésses and to maintain traffic flow and avoid to the extent practical conflicts with holidays and special events in the downtown area' potentially Significant Environmental lmpacts: Potentially significant impacts to biological resources, cultural resources, geology and soils, and tribal cultural resources were identified in the lnitial Study. Alt impacts would be reduced to a less-than-significant level with the incorporation of mitigation measures. public Review Period: ln compliance with CEQA, the City has established a 20-day local public review period beginning May 23,2019 to solicit comments and input on the Draft IS/MND. iii,(i$îED l¡lAY 2 2 2019 IJ¡{ANGË CÛUNTY ÇLENK.RECOROER OEPARTME}¡I Page 1 of 2 BY:ñÆ-DEPUTY Attachment 6 Norce or I¡lre¡lr to AooPt a¡l l¡¡rrnl Sruov aruo Mtrtoatro NEGATIve DeclaRRtlo¡l To ensure that all environmental issues are fully identified and adequately addressed, written comments are invited from all interested parties. Written comments on the Draft IS/MND should be submitted no later than 5:00 pm on June 11, 2019 to; Joe Parco, City Engineer City of San Juan CaPistrano 32400 Paseo Adelanto San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Email : jparco@sanjuancapistrano.org Written comments regarding the scope and content of information in the Draft IS/MNÐ may also be submitted electronically no later than June 1 1,2019 to the City Engineer' A copy of the Draft IS/MND is available for public review at the following locations: San Juan Capistrano Library 31495 El Camino Real San Juan Capistrano, çA92675 Gity of San Juan Capistrano City Hall Development Services DePartment 32400 Paseo Adelanto San Juan Capistrano, CA 92657 City of San Juan CaPistrano Commun ity Services DePartment 25925 Camino delAvoin San Juan Gapistrano, CA 92675 The Draft lS/MND is available for public review qnline at the following website ent n PÜ$TED I,IAY 22 2019 4,oRAt'lôË ooul¡TY DEPART¡IETIT ,íóç Page 2 of 2 Attachment 6 711612019 ENCLOSURE 1 F2a Project Plans Due to the size of this attachment, the hard copy documentation is available for review in the City Clerk's office or electronically on the City's website. Hard copies have been distributed to the City Council Members. 711612019 ENCLOSURE 2 F2a P roject Specifications Due to the size of this attachment, the hard copy documentation is available for review in the City Clerk's office or electronically on the City's website. Hard copies have been distributed to the City Council Members.