19-0716_C.S. LEGACY CONSTRUCTION, INC._F2a_Correspondence_17/16/2019 Maria Morris From: Robert Bruch Fla Sent: Monday, July 15, 2019 11:54 AM To: Maria Morris Subject: July 16 City Council Meeting - Agenda Item #F2 Ms. Morris; Please include this letter in Public Comments for the Verdugo Street Beautification Project, Thank you To: Brian Maryott, Mayor Troy Bourne, Mayor pro tem Sergio Farias, Council -member Derek Reeve, Council -member John Taylor, Council -member From: Robert Bruch, Resident -San Juan Capistrano Date: July 14, 2019 RE: Item F2 - Approval of Plans and Specifications for Verdugo Street Beautification Project, and Resolution Adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration I support the goals & objectives of the Verdugo Beautification Project. This improvement will create an effective bridge between Los Rios and the Camino Capistrano business corridor. But I must express my concern about three (3) items within the report. These items, while not necessarily "show stoppers", should be given more substantial consideration before approval of this project as submitted. 1. Expansion of each sidewalk by 5 feet Each sidewalk will be expanded into Verdugo Street by five (5) feet, in order to enhance the flow of pedestrians between Los Rios and the downtown business core. The expanded sidewalk will contain a number of trees, spread equidistant along the length of the expanded sidewalk (4-5 trees per side). Design calls for the tree trunks to be shielded by grates that extend 5 feet from the curb. • If you widen the sidewalk five feet and add trees into this expanded are every 20-30 feet, you haven't increased the volume of pedestrian traffic. This defeats the primary purpose of the Verdugo Street expansion. • If you add trees to the south side of the street, they will be in shade for at least 6 months a year for the first years that they are there. There is a risk of failure on these trees, without gaining aesthetic benefit 2. Narrowing Verdugo Street by 10 feet Because both sidewalks will become 5 feet wider, Verdugo Street will become ten feet narrower. There are currently three (3) lanes of traffic at the Verdugo Street/Camino Capistrano intersection: an entry lane, a left turn only exit lane and a right turn only exit lane. The elimination of 10 feet of roadway means that there will only be a single exit lane on Verdugo Street 0 This is the main exit for the Parking Structure. • Given the distance between Verdugo Street and Ortega Highway intersection of Camino Capistrano, it is likely that only three-four cars will be able to make a left turn from Verdugo Street onto northbound Camino Capistrano before the red light. The lack of traffic light coordination will restrict the ability of cars to rapidly clear Verdugo Street onto southbound Camino Capistrano. There is no traffic signal remediation in the report. • You are creating a point of significant traffic congestion on Camino Capistrano through the "twin T" intersections at the Ortega Highway and Verdugo Street, as ingress/egress has not been fully ameliorated. 3. Funding for a "Beautification" Project Less than one month ago, the City's budget was balanced only through a significant realignment of cost components and through other significant reductions to infrastructure maintenance. The Agenda Report clearly states: "The City's design consultant has estimated the construction cost, including a fifteen percent contingency, to be $1,640,000. Based on this latest engineer's estimate, a budget shortfall of $357,000." "... staff anticipates recommending that the City Council approve a transfer of $45,000 of unexpended funds from C1P 11101 (Citywide Sign Replacement Program) and appropriate $312,000 from the Systems Development Tax Fund". • The City Financial Plan continues to illustrate at least a $1 million annual structural deficit, now and into the future. This is due primarily to revenue shortfalls, not excessive planned expenses. • The City repeatedly has been unable to maintain its meager infrastructure and property assets, due to these revenue shortfalls. • Is it possible to approve this project but hold the start of the project until alternative funding sources are finalized? Like you, I am looking forward to seeing downtown San Juan Capistrano become the vibrant, pleasant and prosperous environment that we aspire for it. Please consider the issues I've identified prior to approving this project. Sincerely, Robert Bruch Robert Bruch San Juan Capistrano, CA USA