19-0807_SKYLINE PEST MANAGEMENT, INC._Staff MemoDATE: TO: FROM: VIA: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM August 7, 2019 Benjamin Siegel, City Manager ! . Rod Hamilton, Public Works Manager Jilt Steve May, Public· Works and Utilities Director~· / New Maintenance Services Agreement (MSA) for Pest Control for City Facilities (Skyline Pest Management, Inc.) The City has an existing "Evergreen" Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with Skyline (Attachment No. 1 ). At the request of the Finance Department, a new agreement is required that defines a specified term. Consequently, staff negotiated a new MSA with Skyline which keeps existing rates in place: The new MSA (Attachment No. 2) has been approved as-to-form by the City Attorney and has been executed by , Skyline. Please note the new MSA now has a four year term per § 3 .1.2, starting August 1, 2019 thru July 31, 2023, for a total agreement amount not-to-exceed $33,264.00 or $8,316.00 per FY. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 : 2010 PSA Attachment 2: New PSA Cc: Tom Toman, Assistant Public Works Director Jill Thomas, Senior Management Analyst File \ CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO BID RECAP REPORT Date: 8/06/2019 From: Rod Hamilton Cc: Tom Toman Service or Product Requested: Pest Control ( ) Informal Quotes ( ) Informal Bid ()Formal Bid (X) Sole Source Bids/proposals were solicited from available, qualified firms for the above referenced project. The following firm(s) were/was considered: None · ," ·After evaluating the bids/proposals submitted, it is our recommendation that the contract be awarded to Skyline in an amount, not to exceed $8,316.00/FY. This vendor was selected because: Skyline has provided exemplary servic~ since November 2010; without problems or performance deficiencies. Additionally, staff negotiated pricing that remains the same, compared to the past several years. If bids were not received, document what steps were taken to obtain quotes, any vendors contacted that declined to bid, and if applicable why it is not practical to receive three quotes. See above. If Sole Source purchase or contract, provide detailed justification for this selection: See above~ If applicable, date approved by City Council: __ N_,,o_v_e_m_be_r_2_. ...... 2_0_1_0 __ _ SKYLINE PEST CONTR OL 81 83511 64115 000 00 706 PEST CONTRO L-FIRE STATION Annual BLDG./LA MATANZA $50/MO. SKYLINE PEST CONTR OL 81 83511 64115 0 0000 703 PEST CONTROL-CITY HALL Annual $110/MO. SKYLINE PEST CONTROL 81 83511 64115 00000 615 PEST CONTROL -LA SALA Annual BUILDING $55/MO. SKYLINE PEST CONTROL 19 83722 64115 00000 758 PEST CONTROL -RAMOS HOUSE Annual SKYLINE PEST CONTROL 81 83511 64115 00000 610 PEST CONTROL -COMMUNITY Annual SERVICES $160/MO. SKYLINE PEST CONTROL 02 83725 64116 00000 000 PEST CONTROL-MUL Tl -MODAL Annual LOT $115/MO. PEST CON TROL-SPORTS SKYLINE PEST CONTROL 01 83726 64113 00 000 710 PARK/CONCESSION STANDS, Annual RESTROOMS . $68/MO. SKYLINE PEST CONTROL 01 83722 64113 00000 734 PEST CONTROL-COOK CORDOVA Annual PAR K RES TROOMS $40/MO . .... r\ PEST CONTROL-BLAS AGUILAR SKYLINE PEST CONTROL 01 83511 64115 00000 208 ADOBE $55/MO. Annual SKYLINE PEST CO NTROL 01 83511 64115 00000 208 / PEST CONTROL -MONTANEZ Annu al ADOBE $40/MO.