This Agreement is made and entered into this 1st day of August, 2019 by and between the
City of San Juan Capistrano, a public agency organized under the laws of the State of California
with its principal place of business at 32400 Paseo Adelanto, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
("City") and Skyline Pest Management, Inc., a California corporation with its principal place of
business at 60 Maxwell, Irvine, CA. 92618 ("Contractor"). City and Contractor are sometimes
individually referred to as "Party" and collectively as"Parties" in this Agreement.
2.1 Contractor.
Contractor desires to perform and assume responsibility for the provision of certain
maintenance services required by the City on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.
Contractor represents that it is experienced in providing pest control services to public clients,that
it and its employees or subcontractors have all necessary licenses and permits to perform the
Services in the State of California, and that is familiar with the plans of City. Contractor shall not
subcontract any portion of the work required by this Agreement,except as expressly stated herein,
without prior written approval of City. Subcontracts, if any,shall contain a provision making them
subject to all provisions stipulated in this Agreement.
2.2 Project.
City desires to engage Contractor to render such services for the Pest Control For City
Facilities project("Project") as set forth in this Agreement.
3.1 Scope of Services and Term.
3.1.1 General Scope of Services. Contractor promises and agrees to furnish to
the City all labor, materials, tools, equipment, services, and incidental and customary work
necessary to fully and adequately supply the professional maintenance services necessary for the
Project("Services"). The Services are more particularly described in Exhibit"A"attached hereto
and incorporated herein by reference. All Services shall be subject to, and performed in
accordance with, this Agreement, the exhibits attached hereto and incorporated herein by
reference, and all applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations.
3.1.2 Term. The term of this Agreement shall be from August 1,2019 to July 31,
2023, unless earlier terminated as provided herein. Contractor shall complete the Services within
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the term of this Agreement, and shall meet any other established schedules and deadlines. The
Parties may, by mutual, written consent, extend the term of this Agreement if necessary to
complete the Services.
3.2 Responsibilities of Contractor.
3.2.1 Control and Payment of Subordinates; Independent Contractor. The
Services shall be performed by Contractor or under its supervision. Contractor will determine the
means, methods and details of performing the Services subject to the requirements of this
Agreement. City retains Contractor on an independent contractor basis and not as an employee.
Contractor retains the right to perform similar or different services for others during the term of
this Agreement. Any additional personnel performing the Services under this Agreement on behalf
of Contractor shall also not be employees of City and shall at all times be under Contractor's
exclusive direction and control. Contractor shall pay all wages, salaries, and other amounts due
such personnel in connection with their performance of Services under this Agreement and as
required by law. Contractor shall be responsible for all reports and obligations respecting such
additional personnel, including, but not limited to: social security taxes, income tax withholding,
unemployment insurance, disability insurance, and workers' compensation insurance.
3.2.2 Schedule of Services. Contractor shall perform the Services expeditiously,
within the term of this Agreement, and in accordance with the Schedule of Services set forth in
Exhibit"B"attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Contractor represents that it has
the professional and technical personnel required to perform the Services in conformance with
such conditions. In order to facilitate Contractor's conformance with the Schedule, City shall
respond to Contractor's submittals in a timely manner. Upon request of City, Contractor shall
provide a more detailed schedule of anticipated performance to meet the Schedule of Services.
3.2.3 Conformance to Applicable Requirements. All work prepared by
Contractor shall be subject to the approval of City.
3.2.4 City's Representative. The City hereby designates Public Works and
Utilities Director, or his or her designee, to act as its representative for the performance of this
Agreement("City's Representative"). City's Representative shall have the power to act on behalf
of the City for all purposes under this Agreement. Contractor shall not accept direction or orders
from any person other than the City's Representative or his or her designee.
3.2.5 Contractor's Representative. Contractor hereby designates Chris Coates,or
his or her designee, to act as its representative for the performance of this Agreement
("Contractor's Representative"). Contractor's Representative shall have full authority to represent
and act on behalf of the Contractor for all purposes under this Agreement. The Contractor's
Representative shall supervise and direct the.Services, using his best skill and attention, and shall
be responsible for all means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures and for the
satisfactory coordination of all portions of the Services under this Agreement.
3.2.6 Coordination of Services. Contractor agrees to work closely with City staff
in the performance of Services and shall be available to City's staff, consultants and other staff at
all reasonable times.
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3.2.7 Standard of Care; Performance of Employees. Contractor shall perform all
Services under this Agreement in a skillful and competent manner, consistent with the standards
generally recognized as being employed by professionals in the same discipline in the State of
California. Contractor represents and maintains that it is skilled in the professional calling
necessary to perform the Services. Contractor warrants that all employees and subcontractors shall
have sufficient skill and experience to perform the Services assigned to them. Finally,Contractor
represents that it, its employees and subcontractors have all licenses, permits, qualifications and
approvals of whatever nature that are legally required to perform the Services, including any
required business license, and that such licenses and approvals shall be maintained throughout the
term of this Agreement. As provided for in the indemnification provisions of this Agreement,
"Contractor shall perform, at its own cost and expense and without reimbursement from the City,
any services necessary to correct errors or omissions which are caused by the Contractor's failure
to comply with the standard of care provided for herein. Any employee of the Contractor or its
sub-contractors who is determined by the City to be uncooperative, incompetent, a threat to the
adequate or timely completion of the Project, a threat to the safety of persons or property, or any
employee who fails or refuses to perform the Services in a manner acceptable to the City, shall be
promptly removed from the Project by the Contractor and shall not be re-employed to perform any
of the Services or to work on the Project.
3.2.8 Period of Performance. Contractor shall perform and complete all Services
under this Agreement within the term set forth in Section 3.1.2 above ("Performance Time").
Contractor shall perform the Services in strict accordance with any completion schedule or Project
milestones described in Exhibits"A"or"B"attached hereto, or which may be provided separately
in writing to the Contractor. Contractor agrees that if the Services are not completed within the
aforementioned Performance Time and/or pursuant to any such completion schedule or Project
milestones developed pursuant to provisions of this Agreement, it is understood, acknowledged
and agreed that the City will suffer damage.
3.2.9 Disputes. Should any dispute arise respecting the true value of any work
done, of any work omitted, or of any extra work which Contractor may be required to do, or
respecting the size of any payment to Contractor during the performance of this Agreement,
Contractor shall continue to perform the Work while said dispute is decided by the City. If
Contractor disputes the City's decision, Contractor shall have such remedies as may be provided
by law.
3.2.10 Laws and Regulations; Employee/Labor Certifications. Contractor shall
keep itself fully informed of and in compliance with all local, state and federal laws, rules and
regulations in any manner affecting the performance of the Project or the Services, including all
Cal/OSHA requirements, and shall give all notices required by law. Contractor shall be liable for
all violations of such laws and regulations in connection with Services. If the Contractor performs
any work knowing it to be contrary to such laws, rules and regulations and without giving written
notice to the City, Contractor shall be solely responsible for all costs arising therefrom. City is a
public entity of the State of California subject to certain provisions of the Health & Safety Code,
Government Code, Public Contract Code, and Labor Code of the State. It is stipulated and agreed
that all provisions of the law applicable to the public contracts of a municipality are a part of this
Agreement to the same extent as though set forth herein and will be complied with. These include
but are not limited to the payment of prevailing wages, the stipulation that eight (8) hours' labor
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shall constitute a legal day's work and that no worker shall be permitted to work in excess of eight
(8) hours during any one calendar day except as permitted by law. Contractor shall defend,
indemnify and hold City, its officials, officers, employees and agents free and harmless, pursuant
to the indemnification provisions of this Agreement, from any claim or liability arising out of any
failure or alleged failure to comply with such laws, rules or regulations. Employment Eligibility; Contractor. By executing this
Agreement,Contractor verifies that it fully complies with all requirements and restrictions of state
and federal law respecting the employment of undocumented aliens, including, but not limited to,
the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, as may be amended from time to time. Such
requirements and restrictions include, but are not limited to, examination and retention of
documentation confirming the identity and immigration status of each employee of the Contractor.
Contractor also verifies that it has not committed a violation of any such law within the five (5)
years immediately preceding the date of execution of this Agreement, and shall not violate any •
such law at any time during the term of the Agreement. Contractor shall avoid any violation of
any such law during the term of this Agreement by participating in an electronic verification of
work authorization program operated by the United States Department of Homeland Security, by
participating in an equivalent federal work authorization program operated by the United States
Department of Homeland Security to verify information of newly hired employees, or by some
other legally acceptable method. Contractor shall maintain records of each such verification, and
shall make them available to the City or its representatives for inspection and copy at any time
during normal business hours. The City shall not be responsible for any costs or expenses related
to Contractor's compliance with the requirements provided for in Section 3.2.10 or any of its sub-
sections. Employment Eligibility; Subcontractors, Sub-
subcontractors and Consultants. To the same extent and under the same conditions as Contractor,
Contractor shall require all of its subcontractors, sub-subcontractors and consultants performing
any work relating to the Project or this Agreement to make the same verifications and comply with
all requirements and restrictions provided for in Section Employment Eligibility; Failure to Comply. Each person
executing this Agreement on behalf of Contractor verifies that they are a duly authorized officer
of Contractor, and understands that any of the following shall be grounds for the City to terminate
the Agreement for cause: (1) failure of Contractor or its subcontractors, sub-subcontractors or
consultants to meet any of the requirements provided for in Sections or; (2) any
misrepresentation or material omission concerning compliance with such requirements (including
in those verifications provided to the Contractor under Section; or (3) failure to
immediately remove from the Project any person found not to be in compliance with such
requirements. Labor Certification. By its signature hereunder, Contractor
certifies that it is aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the California Labor Code which
require every employer to be insured against liability for Workers' Compensation or to undertake
self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that Code, and agrees to comply with such
provisions before commencing the performance of the Services.
61147.02100\32190442.1 4 Equal Opportunity Employment. Contractor represents that
it is an equal opportunity employer and it shall not discriminate against any subcontractor,
employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, national origin, handicap,
ancestry, sex or age. Such non-discrimination shall include, but not be limited to, all activities
related to initial employment, upgrading, demotion, transfer, recruitment or recruitment
advertising, layoff or termination. Air Quality. Contractor must fully comply with
all applicable laws, rules and regulations in furnishing or using equipment and/or providing
Services, including, but not limited to, emissions limits and permitting requirements imposed by
the California Air Resources Board (CARB). Contractor shall specifically be aware of the CARB
limits and requirements' application to "portable equipment", which definition is considered by
CARB to include any item of equipment with a fuel-powered engine. Contractor shall indemnify
City against any fines or penalties imposed by CARB or any other governmental or regulatory
agency for violations of applicable laws,rules and/or regulations by Contractor,its subcontractors,
or others for whom Contractor is responsible under its indemnity obligations provided for in this
Agreement. Water Quality.
(A) Management and Compliance. To the extent applicable,
Contractor's Services must account for, and fully comply with, all local, state and federal laws,
rules and regulations that may impact water quality compliance, including, without limitation, all
applicable provisions of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. §§ 1300); the
California Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act (Cal Water Code §§ 13000-14950); laws,
rules and regulations of the Environmental Protection Agency and the State Water Resources
Control Board; the City's ordinances regulating discharges of storm water; and any and all
regulations, policies, or permits issued pursuant to any such authority regulating the discharge of
pollutants, as that term is used in the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act,to any ground or
surface water in the state.
(B) Liability for Non-Compliance. Failure to comply with the
laws, regulations and policies described in this Section is a violation of law that may subject
Contractor or City to penalties, fines, or additional regulatory requirements. Contractor shall
defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officials, officers, employees, volunteers and agents free
and harmless, pursuant to the indemnification provisions of this Agreement, from and against any
and all fines,penalties,claims or other regulatory requirements imposed as a result of Contractor's
non-compliance with the laws, regulations and policies described in this Section, unless such non-
compliance is the result of the sole established negligence,willful misconduct or active negligence
of the City, its officials, officers, agents, employees or authorized volunteers.
(C) Training. In addition to any other standard of care
requirements set forth in this Agreement, Contractor warrants that all employees and
subcontractors shall have sufficient skill and experience to perform the Services assigned to them
without impacting water quality in violation of the laws, regulations and policies described in this
Section.Contractor further warrants that it, its employees and subcontractors will receive adequate
training, as determined by City, regarding the requirements of the laws, regulations and policies
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described in this Section as they may relate to the Services provided under this Agreement. Upon
request, City will provide Contractor with a list of training programs that meet the requirements
of this paragraph.
3.2.11 Insurance. Time for Compliance. Contractor shall not commence Work
under this Agreement until it has provided evidence satisfactory to the City that it has secured all
insurance required under this Section. In addition, Contractor shall not allow any subcontractor to
commence work on any subcontract until it has provided evidence satisfactory to the City that the
subcontractor has secured all insurance required under this Section. Minimum Requirements. Contractor shall, at its expense,
procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement insurance against claims for injuries to
persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of
the Agreement by the Contractor, its agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors.
Contractor shall also require all of its subcontractors to procure and maintain the same insurance
for the duration of the Agreement. Such insurance shall meet at least the following minimum levels
of coverage:
(A) Minimum Scope of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as
broad as the latest version of the following: (1) General Liability: Insurance Services Office
Commercial General Liability coverage (occurrence form CG 0001); (2) Automobile Liability:
Insurance Services Office Business Auto Coverage form number CA 0001, code 1 (any auto);and
(3) Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability: Workers' Compensation insurance as
required by the State of California and Employer's Liability Insurance. The policy shall not
contain any exclusion contrary to the Agreement, including but not limited to endorsements or
provisions limiting coverage for (1) contractual liability (including but not limited to ISO CG 24
26 or 21 29); or(2) cross liability for claims or suits by one insured against another.
(B) Minimum Limits of Insurance. Contractor shall maintain
limits no less than: (1)General Liability: $2,000,000.00 per occurrence for bodily injury,personal
injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with general
aggregate limit is used including, but not limited to, form CG 2503, either the general aggregate
limit shall apply separately to this Agreement/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice
the required occurrence limit; (2)Automobile Liability: $2,000,000.00 combined single limit for
bodily injury and property damage; and (3) Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability:
Workers' Compensation limits as required by the Labor Code of the State of California.
Employer's Liability limits of$2,000,000.00 per accident for bodily injury or disease. Defense
costs shall be paid in addition to the limits.
(C) Notices; Cancellation or Reduction of Coverage. At least
fifteen (15) days prior to the expiration of any such policy, evidence showing that such insurance
coverage has been renewed or extended shall be filed with the City. If such coverage is cancelled
or materially reduced, Contractor shall, within ten (10) days after receipt of written notice of such
cancellation or reduction of coverage, file with the City evidence of insurance showing that the
required insurance has been reinstated or has been provided through another insurance company
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or companies. In the event any policy of insurance required under this Agreement does not comply
with these specifications or is canceled and not replaced, the City has the right but not the duty to
obtain the insurance it deems necessary and any premium paid by the City will be promptly
reimbursed by Contractor or the City may withhold amounts sufficient to pay premium from
Contractor payments. In the alternative,the City may suspend or terminate this Agreement.
(D) Additional Insured. The City of San Juan Capistrano, its
officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers shall be named as additional insureds on
Contractor's and its subcontractors' policies of commercial general liability and automobile
liability insurance using the endorsements and forms specified herein or exact equivalents. Insurance Endorsements. The insurance policies shall
contain the following provisions, or Contractor shall provide endorsements on forms supplied or
approved by the City to add the following provisions to the insurance policies:
(A) General Liability. The general liability policy shall include
or be endorsed(amended)to state that: (1)using ISO CG forms 20 10 and 20 37, or endorsements
providing the exact same coverage, the City of San Juan Capistrano, its officials, officers,
employees, agents, and volunteers shall be covered as additional insured with respect to the
Services or ongoing and complete operations performed by or on behalf of the Contractor,
including materials,parts or equipment furnished in connection with such work;and(2)using ISO
form 20 01, or endorsements providing the exact same coverage, the insurance coverage shall be
primary insurance as respects the City, its officials, officers,employees, agents, and volunteers, or
if excess, shall stand in an unbroken chain of coverage excess of the Contractor's scheduled
underlying coverage. Any excess insurance shall contain a provision that such coverage shall also
apply on a primary and noncontributory basis for the benefit of the City, before the City's own
primary insurance or self-insurance shall be called upon to protect it as a named insured. Any
insurance or self-insurance maintained by the City, its officials, officers, employees, agents, and
volunteers shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not be called upon to contribute
with it in any way. Notwithstanding the minimum limits set forth in Section, any
available insurance proceeds in excess of the specified minimum limits of coverage shall be
available to the parties required to be named as additional insureds pursuant to this Section
(B) Automobile Liability. The automobile liability policy shall
include or be endorsed (amended) to state that: (1) the City, its officials, officers, employees,
agents, and volunteers shall be covered as additional insureds with respect to the ownership,
operation, maintenance, use, loading or unloading of any auto owned, leased, hired or borrowed
by the Contractor or for which the Contractor is responsible; and (2)the insurance coverage shall
be primary insurance as respects the City, its officials,officers, employees, agents,and volunteers,
or if excess, shall stand in an unbroken chain of coverage excess of the Contractor's scheduled
underlying coverage. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the City, its officials,
officers, employees, agents, and volunteers shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall
not be called upon to contribute with it in any way. Notwithstanding the minimum limits set forth
in Section,any available insurance proceeds in excess of the specified minimum limits
of coverage shall be available to the parties required to be named as additional insureds pursuant
to this Section
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(C) Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability
Coverage. The insurer shall agree to waive all rights of subrogation against the City, its officials,
officers, employees, agents, and volunteers for losses paid under the terms of the insurance policy
which arise from work performed by the Contractor.
(D) All Coverages. Each insurance policy required by this
Agreement shall be endorsed to state that: (A) coverage shall not be suspended, voided, reduced
or canceled except after thirty(30)days(10 days for nonpayment of premium)prior written notice
by certified mail,return receipt requested,has been given to the City;and(B)any failure to comply
with'reporting or other provisions of the policies, including breaches of warranties, shall not affect
coverage provided to the City, its officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers. Any
failure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties
shall not affect coverage provided to the City, its officials, officers, employees, agents and
volunteers, or any other additional insureds. Separation of Insureds; No Special Limitations; Waiver of
Subrogation. All insurance required by this Section shall contain standard separation of insureds
provisions. In addition, such insurance shall not contain any special limitations on the scope of
protection afforded to the City, its officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers. All
policies shall waive any right of subrogation of the insurer against the City, its officials, officers,
employees, agents, and volunteers, or any other additional insureds, or shall specifically allow
Contractor or others providing insurance evidence in compliance with these specifications to waive
their right of recovery prior to a loss. Contractor hereby waives its own right of recovery against
City, its officials,officers,employees,agents,and volunteers,or any other additional insureds,and
shall require similar written express waivers and insurance clauses from each of its subcontractors. Deductibles and Self-Insurance Retentions. Any deductibles
or self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the City. Contractor shall guarantee
that, at the option of the City, either: (1)the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or
self-insured retentions as respects the City, its officials, officers, employees, agents, and
volunteers; or (2) the Contractor shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related
investigation costs, claims and administrative and defense expenses. Subcontractor Insurance Requirements. Contractor shall not
allow any subcontractors to commence work on any subcontract relating to the work under the
Agreement until they have provided evidence satisfactory to the City that they have secured all
insurance required under this Section. If requested by Contractor, the City may approve different
scopes or minimum limits of insurance for particular subcontractors. The Contractor and the City
shall be named as additional insureds on all subcontractors' policies of Commercial General
Liability using ISO form 20 38, or coverage at least as broad. Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with
insurers with a current A.M.Best's rating no less than A:VIII, licensed to do business in California,
and satisfactory to the City. Verification of Coverage. Contractor shall furnish City with
original certificates of insurance and endorsements effecting coverage required by this Agreement
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on forms satisfactory to the City. The certificates and endorsements for each insurance policy
shall be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf, and shall be
on forms provided by the City if requested. All certificates and endorsements must be received
and approved by the City before work commences. The City reserves the right to require complete,
certified copies of all required insurance policies, at any time. Reporting of Claims. Contractor shall report to the City,in addition
to Contractor's insurer, any and all insurance claims submitted by Contractor in connection with
the Services under this Agreement.
3.2.12 Safety. Contractor shall execute and maintain its work so as to avoid injury
or damage to any person or property. In carrying out its Services,the Contractor shall at all times
be in compliance with all applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations, and shall
exercise all necessary precautions for the safety of employees appropriate to the nature of the work
and the conditions under which the work is to be performed. Safety precautions as applicable shall
include, but shall not be limited to: (A) adequate life protection and lifesaving equipment and
procedures; (B) instructions in accident prevention for all employees and subcontractors, such as
safe walkways,scaffolds, fall protection ladders,bridges,gang planks,confined space procedures,
trenching and shoring, equipment and other safety devices, equipment and wearing apparel as are
necessary or lawfully required to prevent accidents or injuries; and (C) adequate facilities for the
proper inspection and maintenance of all safety measures.
3.2.13 Reserved.
3.2.14 Accounting Records. Contractor shall maintain complete and accurate
records with respect to all costs and expenses incurred under this Agreement. All such records
shall be clearly identifiable. Contractor shall allow a representative of City during normal business
hours to examine, audit, and make transcripts or copies of such records and any other documents
created pursuant to this Agreement.Contractor shall allow inspection of all work,data,documents,
proceedings, and activities related to the Agreement for a period of three (3) years from the date
of final payment under this Agreement.
3.3 Fees and Payments.
3.3.1 Compensation. Contractor shall receive compensation, including
authorized reimbursements, for all Services rendered under this Agreement at the rates set forth in
Exhibit"C" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. The total compensation shall
not exceed the aggregate available funding amount in the City's Operating and Capital
Improvement Budget without prior written approval of City's Director of Public Works and
Utilities. Extra Work may be authorized, as described below, and if authorized, will be
compensated at the rates and manner set forth in this Agreement.
3.3.2 Payment of Compensation. Contractor shall submit to City a monthly
itemized statement which indicates work completed and hours of Services rendered by Contractor.
The statement shall describe the.amount of Services and supplies provided since the initial
commencement date, or since the start of the subsequent billing periods, as appropriate, through
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the date of the statement. City shall, within 45 days of receiving such statement, review the
statement and pay all approved charges thereon.
3.3.3 Reimbursement for Expenses. Contractor shall not be reimbursed for any
expenses unless authorized in writing by City.
3.3.4 Extra Work. At any time during the term of this Agreement, City may
request that Contractor perform Extra Work. As used herein,"Extra Work"means any work which
is determined by City to be necessary for the proper completion of the Project,but which the parties
did not reasonably anticipate would be necessary at the execution of this Agreement. Contractor
shall not perform, nor be compensated for, Extra Work without written authorization from City's
3.3.5 California Labor Code Requirements
a. Contractor is aware of the requirements of California Labor Code
Sections 1720 et seq. and 1770 et seq.,which require the payment of prevailing wage rates and the
performance of other requirements on certain "public works" and ,"maintenance" projects
("Prevailing Wage Laws"). If the Services are being performed as part of an applicable "public
works" or "maintenance" project, as defined by the Prevailing Wage Laws, and if the total
compensation is $1,000 or more, Contractor agrees to fully comply with such Prevailing Wage
Laws. Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officials, officers, employees and
agents free and harmless from any claims, liabilities, costs, penalties or interest arising out of any
failure or alleged failure to comply with the Prevailing Wage Laws. It shall be mandatory upon
the Contractor and all subcontractors to comply with all California Labor Code provisions, which
include but are not limited to prevailing wages (Labor Code Sections 1771, 1774 and 1775),
employment of apprentices (Labor Code Section 1777.5), certified payroll records (Labor Code
Sections 1771.4 and 1776), hours of labor (Labor Code Sections 1813 and 1815) and debarment
of contractors and subcontractors (Labor Code Section 1777.1). The requirement to submit
certified payroll records directly to the Labor Commissioner under Labor Code section 1771.4
shall not apply to work performed on a public works project that is exempt pursuant to the small
project exemption specified in Labor Code Section 1771.4.
b. If the Services are being performed as part of an applicable"public
works" or "maintenance" project, then pursuant to Labor Code Sections 1725.5 and 1771.1, the
Contractor and all subcontractors performing such Services must be registered with the
Department of Industrial Relations. Contractor shall maintain registration for the duration of the
Project and require the same of any subcontractors, as applicable. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
the contractor registration requirements mandated by Labor Code Sections 1725.5 and 1771.1 shall
not apply to work performed on a public works project that is exempt pursuant to the small project
exemption specified in Labor Code Sections 1725.5 and 1771.1.
c. This Agreement may also be subject to compliance monitoring and
enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations. It shall be Contractor's sole responsibility
to comply with all applicable registration and labor compliance requirements. Any stop orders
issued by the Department of Industrial Relations against Contractor or any subcontractor that affect
Contractor's performance of Services, including any delay, shall be Contractor's sole
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responsibility. Any delay arising out of or resulting from such stop orders shall be considered
Contractor caused delay and shall not be compensable by the City. Contractor shall defend,
indemnify and hold the City, its officials, officers, employees and agents free and harmless from
any claim or liability arising out of stop orders issued by the Department of Industrial Relations
against Contractor or any subcontractor.
3.4 Termination of Agreement.
3.4.1 Grounds for Termination. City may, by written notice to Contractor,
terminate the whole or any part of this Agreement at any time and without cause by giving written
notice to Contractor of such termination, and specifying the effective date thereof; at least.seven
(7) days before the effective dateof such termination. Upon termination, Contractor shall be
compensated only for those Services which have been adequately rendered to City, and Contractor
shall be entitled to no further compensation. Contractor may not terminate this Agreement except
for cause.
3.4.2 Effect of Termination. If this Agreement is terminated as provided herein,
City may require Contractor to provide all finished or unfinished Documents and Data and other
information of any kind prepared by Contractor in connection with the performance of Services
under this Agreement. Contractor shall be required to provide such document and other
information within fifteen (15)days of the request.
3.4.3 Additional Services. In the event this Agreement is terminated in whole or
in part as provided herein, City may procure, upon such terms and in such manner as it may
determine appropriate, services similar to those terminated.
3.5 General Provisions.
3.5.1 Delivery ofNotices. All notices permitted or required under this Agreement
shall be given to the respective parties at the following address, or at such other address as the
respective parties may provide in writing for this purpose:
Skyline Pest Management, Inc.
60 Maxwell
Irvine, CA. 92618
Attn: Chris Coates
City of San Juan Capistrano
32400 Paseo Adelanto
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
Attn: Public Works and Utilities Director
Such notice shall be deemed made when personally delivered or when mailed,
forty-eight (48) hours after deposit in the U.S. Mail, first class postage prepaid and addressed to
the party at its applicable address. Actual notice shall be deemed adequate notice on the date actual
notice occurred, regardless of the method of service.
61147.02100\32190442.1 11
3.5.2 Indemnification. Scope of Indemnity. To the fullest extent permitted by law,
Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officials, officers, employees, volunteers
and agents free and harmless from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, costs, expenses,
liability, loss, damage or injury of any kind, in law or equity, to property or persons, including
wrongful death, in any manner arising out of, pertaining to, or incident to any alleged acts, errors
or omissions of Contractor, its officials, officers, employees, subcontractors, consultants or agents
in connection with the performance of the Contractor's Services, the Project or this Agreement,
including without limitation the payment of all consequential damages, expert witness fees and
attorneys' fees and other related costs and expenses. Additional Indemnity Obligations. Contractor shall defend, with
Counsel of City's choosing and at Contractor's own cost, expense and risk, any and all claims,
suits, actions or other proceedings of every kind covered by Section that may be brought
or instituted against City or its officials, officers, employees, volunteers and agents. Contractor
shall pay and satisfy any judgment, award or decree that may be rendered against City or its
officials,officers, employees, volunteers and agents as part of any such claim, suit, action or other
proceeding. Contractor shall also reimburse City for the cost of any settlement paid by City or its
officials, officers, employees, agents or volunteers as part of any such claim, suit, action or other
proceeding. Such reimbursement shall include payment for City's attorneys' fees and costs,
including expert witness fees. Contractor shall reimburse City and its officials, officers,
employees, agents, and/or volunteers, for any and all legal expenses and costs incurred by each of
them in connection therewith or in enforcing the indemnity herein provided. Contractor's
obligation to indemnify shall survive expiration or termination of this Agreement, and shall not be
restricted to insurance proceeds, if any, received by the City, its officials officers, employees,
agents, or volunteers.
3.5.3 Governing Law; Government Code Claim Compliance. This Agreement
shall be governed by the laws of the State of California. Venue shall be in Orange County,
California. In addition to any and all contract requirements pertaining to notices of and requests
for compensation or payment for extra work, disputed work, claims and/or changed conditions,
Contractor must comply with the claim procedures set forth in Government Code sections 900 et
seq.prior to filing any lawsuit against the City. Such Government Code claims and any subsequent
lawsuit based upon the Government Code claims shall be limited to those matters that remain
unresolved after all procedures pertaining to extra work, disputed work, claims, and/or changed
conditions have been followed by Contractor. If no such Government Code claim is submitted,or
if any prerequisite contractual requirements are not otherwise satisfied as specified herein,
Contractor shall be barred from bringing and maintaining a valid lawsuit against the City.
3.5.4 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence for each and every provision of
this Agreement.
3.5.5 City's Right to Employ Other Contractors. City reserves right to employ
other contractors in connection with this Project.
61147.02100\32190442.1 12
3.5.6 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding on the successors
and assigns of the Parties.
3.5.7 Assignment or Transfer. Contractor shall not assign, hypothecate or
transfer, either directly or by operation of law, this Agreement or any interest herein without the
prior written consent of the City. Any attempt to do so shall be null and void, and any assignees,
hypothecates or transferees shall acquire no right or interest by reason of such attempted
assignment, hypothecation or transfer.
3.5.8 Construction; References; Captions. Since the Parties or their agents have
participated fully in the preparation of this Agreement, the language of this Agreement shall be
construed simply,according to its fair meaning, and not strictly for or against any Party. Any term
referencing time,days or period for performance shall be deemed calendar days and not work days.
All references to Contractor include all personnel, employees, agents, and subcontractors of
Contractor, except as otherwise specified in this Agreement. All references to City include its
officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers except as otherwise specified in this
Agreement. The captions of the various articles and paragraphs are for convenience and ease of
reference only, and do not define, limit, augment, or describe the scope, content or intent of this
3.5.9 Amendment;Modification. No supplement, modification or amendment of
this Agreement shall be binding unless executed in writing and signed by both Parties.
3.5.10 Waiver. No waiver of any default shall constitute a waiver of any other
default or breach, whether of the same or other covenant or condition. No waiver, benefit,
privilege, or service voluntarily given or performed by a Party shall give the other Party any
contractual rights by custom, estoppel or otherwise.
3.5.11 No Third Party Beneficiaries. Except to the extent expressly provided for
in Section 3.5.7,there are no intended third party beneficiaries of any right or obligation assumed
by the Parties.
3.5.12 Invalidity; Severability. If any portion of this Agreement is declared
invalid, illegal, or otherwise unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining
provisions shall continue in full force and effect.
3.5.13 Prohibited Interests. Contractor maintains and warrants that it has not
employed nor retained any, company or person, other than a bona fide employee working solely
for Contractor, to solicit or secure this Agreement. Further, Contractor warrants that it has not
paid nor has it agreed to pay any company or person, other than a bona fide employee working
solely for Contractor, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or other consideration
contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. Contractor further
agrees to file, or shall cause its employees or subcontractors to file, a Statement of Economic
Interest with the City's Filing Officer as required under state law in the performance of the
Services. For breach or violation of this warranty, City shall have the right to rescind this
Agreement without liability. For the term of this Agreement, no official, officer or employee of
61147.02100\32190442.1 13
City, during the term of his or her service with City, shall have any direct interest in this
Agreement, or obtain any present or anticipated material benefit arising therefrom.
3.5.14 Cooperation; Further Acts. The Parties shall fully cooperate with one
another, and shall take any additional acts or sign any additional documents as may be necessary,
appropriate or convenient to attain the purposes of this Agreement.
3.5.15 Attorneys' Fees and Costs. If any action in law or equity, including an
action for declaratory relief, is brought to enforce or interpret the provisions of this Agreement,
the prevailing Party shall be entitled to recover from the losing party attorney's fees and costs in
an amount determined to be reasonable by a court of competent jurisdiction.
3.5.16 City to Enter Agreement. Contractor has all requisite power and authority
to conduct its business and to execute, deliver, and perform the Agreement. Each Party warrants
that the individuals who have signed this Agreement have the legal power, right, and authority to
make this Agreement and bind each respective Party.
3.5.17 Counterparts. This Agreement may be signed in counterparts, each of
which shall constitute an original.
3.5.18 Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire Agreement of the
parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior negotiations,
understandings or agreements. This Agreement may only be modified by a writing signed by both
3.5.19 Reserved.
61147.02100\32190442.I 14
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have entered into this Agreement as of the 1st
day of August, 2019.
By: �. ,> / By:
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Printed Name: Jonathon Strom
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61147.02100\32190442.I 15
0:949-979-077! 1 F:949-C79 amoscope Of Services
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Service Location Information Billing Information(if different from service info)
NAME: City of San Juan Capistrano NAME:
ADDRESS: 32400 Paseo Adelanto ADDRESS:
CITY:San Juan Capistrano STATE:CA CITY: STATE:
ZIP: 92675 PHONE 949-443-6365 ZIP: PHONE
Skyline Pest Control is hereby authorized to treat the following:
❑Ants 0 Animal Removal 0 Birds 0 Earwigs 0 Flies 0 Mites 0 Snails 0 Stored Grain Pests
Ants—Carpenter 0 Bed Bugs ❑Cockroaches 0 Fabric Pests 0 Gophers/Ground Squirrels 0 Scorpions ❑Sow Bugs ❑Wasps
Ants—Pharoah 0 Bees ❑Crickets 0 FleasfTicks 0 Mice/Rats ❑Silverfish 0 Spiders 0 Other
Service Type: Pest&Rodent Service Frequency: Monthly Initial Charge: Periodic Charge: See Attached Pricing
Date/Time of Initial Service: Technician: Technician License#: #FLYLIGHTS:
Service Instructions: Treat exterior of building monthly for ants,spiders and general insects.Install and maintain exterior rodent bait stations on select
buildings monthly.
*See Attached Pricing For Location Rates*
Payment Information:❑Cash['Check['Credit Card(MC/Visa/DISC/AE):# EXP DATE:_/_Autopay:❑Yes 0 No
Frequency Jan . Feb Mar Apr May June July AugugSept Oct Nov Dec
Service i II/ i 1 i i �- I �_ ✓ �—
Billing ✓ 1 ✓ ✓ I / ✓ ✓ 1—�/71. / tiI ✓ il
Customer Initial
1.Does any person living or working at this location have any known chemical allergies or sensitivities? ❑No ❑Yes
2.Have you or anyone else living or working at this location made any pesticide application to the interior or exterior of the structure? 0 No ❑Yes
3.Are there any pets at this location?❑No ❑Yes-If yes,how many and what kind?
Material Code
Area Serviced Interior/Exterior . Interior/Exterior Interior/Exterior Interior/Exterior Interior/Exterior Interior/Exterior ' Interior/Exterior'
X Chris Coate FR27480
Customer Signature Salesperson's Signature License# Customer Initial Customer Unavailable/
Left at Location
Under normal conditions,allow 7 to 10 days for control of pests.
A professional pest control service is provided for this property for one or more of the following insects:ants,cockroaches,silverfish,spiders,general
insects,mice and rats.
One or more of the chemicals listed below may be used at any scheduled service:
Advion Cockroach Gel Bait-lndoxacarb 0.6% 100-1484 Talstar Pro*-Bifenthrin 7.9%** 279-3206
Contrac Blox Rat Bait—Bromadiolone.005% 1245-79 Tempo 20 WP*-Cyfluthrin 20%** 432-1304
MaxForce Granular Bait-Hydramethylnon 1% 64248-6 Talstar CA Granular-Bifenthrin 0.2% 279-3168
MaxForce FC Gel Bait-Fipronil 0.1% 64248-21 Tempo SC*-Cyfluthrin 11.8%** 432-1363
Suspend SC*-Deltamethrin 4.75%** 432-763 Termidor*-Fipronil 9.1%** 432-901
*Diluted Solution
**Percentage before being diluted
"Caution---PESTICIDES ARE TOXIC CHEMICALS.Structural Pest Control Companies are registered and regulated by the Structural Pest Control Board,
and apply pesticides which are registered and approved for use by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation and the United States
Environmental Protection Agency. Registration is granted when the state finds that based on existing scientific evidence there are no appreciable risks if
proper use conditions are followed or that the risks are outweighed by the benefits. The degree of risks depends upon the degree of exposure,so
exposure should be minimized.
If,within 24 hours following application,you experience symptoms similar to common seasonal illness comparable to the flu,contact your physician or
poison control center(800)876-4766 and your pest control company immediately.If rodenticide ingestion occurs,you may experience symptoms of mild
shock and or bleeding(Anticoagulant Reaction).Seek immediate medical attention,and alert your pest control company."
For further information,contact any of the following:
Skyline Pest Control:(949)679-0701 (service questions,treatment options,chemical effects,etc.)
60 Maxwell,Irvine,CA 92618
The Orange County Agricultural Commissioner:(714)955-0100 (for application information)
222 East Bristol Lane,Orange,CA 92865
The Structural Pest Control Board:(916)924-2294 (for regulatory information)
1418 Howe Ave.,Ste.18,Sacramento,CA 95825
Orange County Environmental Health Dept.(714)433-6000 (for medical information)
1241 E.Dyer Rd.,Suite 120,Santa Ana,CA 92705
As agreed,this property receives service: ❑Weekly❑Twice Monthly E Monthly❑Bi-Monthly ❑One-Time
Service is for the: ❑Interior E Exterior
I acknowledge that I have received this disclosure:
Customer Signature: Date:
Scope of Service - City of San Juan Capistrano
Fire Station-31421 La Matanza Montanez-Adobe
City of SJC-25925 Camino Del Avion City of SJC-Cordova Pk. Restrooms
City Hall-32400 Paseo Adelanto CRA-Mulit Modal Parking Lot-Train Station
La Sala Auditorium
City of SJC-Sports Park
City of SJC—Public Welcome Center Ramos House
Blas Aguilar Adobe •
Little Hollywood-Mission &Ramos
Monthly Service Scope
General Pest:Treat exterior monthly for ants,spiders,roaches and general insects. De-web exterior as
needed.Callbacks are done at no additional cost. Interiors are done on request at no additional cost.
Rodent: Install and maintain exterior rodent bait stations monthly. Includes interior trapping as needed
for rodents.Callbacks are done at no additional cost.
Additional Services Available (Billed On A Job Basis, Depending On Infestation)
—Bees&Wasps —Rabbit Control
—Bird Control —Rodent Cleanup and Sanitation
—Fly&Gnat Control, Fly Lights —Snake Control
—Gopher Control —Squirrel Control
—Live/Dead Animal Trapping& Removal —Vole/Mole Control
—Mosquito Control
With several decades of collective,comprehensive experience,we have the skillset to handle a wide
range of pest problems.We also have experts on retainer for specialized issues. Feel free to contact us
with any questions or concerns you may have—we're here to help!
office@skylinepestcontrol.net 10: (949)679-0701 I F: (949)679-0750 160 Maxwell, Irvine CA 92618
Herein noted facilities receive services as follows: Monthly
Herein noted services are for the: Exterior of all noted facilities
61147.02100\32190442.1 19
Pricing Per Facility-Monthly rates:
1. Fire Station-31421 La Matanza $50.00
2. City of SJC-25925 Camino Del Avion $160.00
3. City Hall-32400 Paseo Adelanto .$110.00
4. La Sala Auditorium .$55.00
5. City of SJC-Sports Park $68.00
6. City of SJC—Public Welcome Center Ramos House $90.00
7. Blas Aguilar Adobe ..$55.00
8. Little Hollywood-Mission &Ramos . $180.00
9. Montanez-Adobe .. $40.00
10. City of SJC-Cordova Pk. Restrooms $40.00
11.CRA-Mulit Modal Parking Lot-Train Station .$115.00
NOTE: Monthly service includes; exterior pest control, with interior on request&exterior
rodent control provided at various locations as needed.
61147.02100\32190442.1 20