Special CHC Minutes-2019-05-14MINUTES May 14, 2019 CULTURAL HERITAGE COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING A. ORGANIZATION: 1 . CALL TO ORDER: The Chair called the Regular Meeting of the Cultural Heritage Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano to order at 4:30 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. 2. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Lorie Porter, Chair Janet Siegel, Vice-Chair Anna Dickinson Howard Newman Commissioners Absent: Ann Ronan Staff Present: Joe Rojas , Development Services Director Sergio Klotz, Assistant Development Services Director David Contreras, Principal Planner Elizabeth Hull, Deputy City Attorney B. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. C. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Draft April 23 , 2019 Cultural Heritage Commission Minutes. Approved on a 4-0 vote. 2. Draft April 23, 2019 Planning Commission, Cultural Heritage Commission, Design Review Committee and Housing Advisory Committee Joint Special Minutes. Approved on a 4-0 vote. D. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Consideration of Site Plan Review (SPR) 16-007, consideration of the Cultural Resources and Land Use Planning Analysis from the proposed project's Environmental Impact Report (SCH#2018011019), and a determination of physical and aesthetic compatibility with structures and places identified on the Inventory of Historic Cultural Landmarks (IHCL) and , for the River Street Marketplace; a new Commercial and Office Development Project Located on the Ito Nursery Property at 31825 Los Rios Street PC Action Minutes 2 July 9, 2019 (Assessor Parcel Numbers 121-160-22, 28, 49)(Applicant: Dan Almquist, River Street SJC, LLC)(Project Manager: David Contreras, Principal Planner). David Contreras made the staff presentation and responded to questions. Dan Almquist, applicant, addressed the Commission and responded to questions. Cultural Heritage Commissioners provided comments and feedback. Chair Porter opened the Public Hearing and Frank Larkin, Carolyn Franks, Randi Peshkin, Tom Scott, Bill Dempsey, Kerry Ferguson, Christine Speed, David Ewing, Joanne Marquez, Stacey Fitts, Jeff Vasquez, Michael Laux, Mary Ann Davidson, Dave Davidson, Leslie Davis, Tina Auclair and Stephen Rios provided public testimony. Chair Porter closed the Public Hearing. Adoption of Resolution CHC RESOLUTION NO. 19-05-14-01, SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR) 16-007 A RESOLUTION OF THE CULTURAL HERITAGE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA TO APPROVE A REQUEST FOR A SITE PLAN REVIEW RELATED TO A NEW 64,900 SQUARE FOOT COMMERCIAL AND OFFICE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND MAKE A RECOMMENDATION TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION THAT THE CULTURAL RESOURCES AND LAND USE AND PLANNING ANALYSIS IN CHAPTERS 5.4 AND 5. 9 OF THE DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE RIVER STREET MARKETPLACE PROJECT (SCH#2018011019) IS ADEQUATE AND THAT THE PROPOSED LAND USE IMPROVEMENTS ARE OF PHYSICAL AND AESTHETIC COMPATIBILITY WITH ADJACENT IHCL STRUCTURES AND PLACES, AS DESCRIBED IN CITY COUNCIL POLICY 603 -LOCATED ON THE ITO NURSERY PROPERTY AT 31825 LOS RIOS STREET (ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBERS 121-160-22. 28, 49), A PORTION OF A LISTED DISTRICT ON THE CITY'S INVENTORY OF HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL LANDMARKS REFERRED TO AS RIVER STREET AND LOS RIOS STREET HISTORIC DISTRICT (APPLICANT: DAN ALMQUIST, RIVER STREET SJC, LLC). Commissioner Siegel made the motion, seconded by Commissioner Dickinson, to adopt a resolution approving SPR 16-007, as conditioned, to make a recommendation to the Planning Commission that the Cultural Resources and Land Use and Planning analysis in Chapters 5.4 and 5.9 of the Environmental Impact Report for the River Street Marketplace project is adequate and to make a recommendation to the Planning Commission finding that the proposed Land Use Improvements are of physical and aesthetic compatibility with adjacent IHCL structures and places, as described in City Council Policy 603. The motion passed by a 4-0 vote. PC Action Minutes 3 July 9, 2019 AYES: Chair Porter, Commissioners Siegel, Dickinson and Newman. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. E. NEW BUSINESS: None. F. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None. G. COMMISSION/STAFF COMMENTS: H. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Chair Porter adjourned the meeting at 6: 11 p.m. to the Tuesday, June 25, 2019, at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. Approved on June 25, 2019 Sergio Klotz, Assistant Development Services Director Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary