19-0422_ORANGE, COUNTY OF_Filing Notice of Determination (Prima Deshecha)NOTICE OF DETERMINATION
TO: Office of Planning and Research FROM: CalRecycle
P.O. Box 3044 P.O. Box 4025
Sacramento, CA 95812-3044 Sacramento, CA, 95812-4025
SUBJECT: Filing Notice of Determination in compliance with Public Resource Code
Section 21108(a) and Title 14, California Code of Regulations Section 15096(1).
OC Waste & Recycling
Project Applicant
Issuance of a Revised Solid Waste Facilities Permit for Prima Deshecha Sanitary Landfill
Project Title
SCH No. 1999041035 Stefanie Scott 916-341-6201
State Clearinghouse Number Project Contact Person
Prima Deshecha Lanfill 32250 Avenida La Pata, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
Project Location
Area Code/Number
The changes that will be authorized by the issuance of the revised solid waste facility permit include updating
the estimated closure year for Zone 1 from 2019 to 2050 and Zone 4 from 2067 to 2102; minor changes to the
permit for the purpose of clarification or deleting language that is no longer necessary; and updates to the
Report of Facility Information.
Project Description
This is to advise that CalRecycle, acting as a Responsible Agency, approved the above named project on
April 17, 2019 , and has made the following determinations regarding the above described project:
1. The project [W will ❑ will not] have a significant effect on the environment.
2. ❑■ An Environmental Impact Report and Addendums prepared by the Lead Agency were considered.
❑ A (Mitigated) Negative Declaration as prepared by the Lead Agency was considered.
3. Mitigation Measures A were ❑ were not] made a condition of the approval of the project.
4. A Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program [W was ❑ was not] adopted for this project.
5. A Statement of Overriding Considerations ❑■ was❑ was not] adopted pursuant to CEQA Guidelines
Section 15093.
6. Findings [[* were ❑ were not] made pursuant to CEQA Guidelines.
This is to certify that the record of project approval by CalRecycle is available to the general
public at: Custodian of Records, CalRecycle, Attn: Legal Office, 1001 1 Street, P.O. Box
4025, Sacramento, CA 95812-4025
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Date APR 2 2 20
Permitting and Assistance Branch STATE CLEARINGHOUSE
Waste Permitting, Compliance & Mitigation
Program CalRecycle