1996-0220_CALIF, STATE OF_D5_Item Minutes 0 AYES: Council Members Campbell, Jones, Nash, Swerdlin, and Mayor Hart NOES: None ABSENT: None 1. APPROVAL OF CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - REGULAR MEETING', OF JA-WJARY l6 1996 The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 16, 1996, were approved as submitted. 2. RECEIVE AND FILE WARRANTS ANT OF JANUARY 31. 1996 (300,30) The List of Demands dated January 31, 1996, in the total amount of $327,069.95 was received and filed. 3. CITY TREASUREWS REPORT OF INVESIMEMS ASOF JANUARY 31. 1996 (350,30) The City Treasurer's Report of Investments as of January 31, 1996, in the total amount of $9,217,967.53 was received and filed. 4. STATUS REPORT ON NEW DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION (440.10) The Report dated February 20, 1996, from the Planning Director, advising that one new development application was received by the City since the last report of January 16, 1996, was received and filed. —� 5. ONE-YEAR EXTENSION OF MULTI-MODAL PARKING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION FUNDING CONTRACT NO. 75V434 (DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION) (600.50) As set forth in the Report dated February 20, 1996, from the Engineering and Building Director, the extension of the Caltrans Contract No. 75V434 was approved for a one-year period ending June 30, 1997. The extension ensures that funding constraints are not lost while the issue of parking restrictions in the parking structure are resolved with Caltrans and Amtrak. The Mayor was authorized to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City. 6. MAJOR THOROUGHFARE AGREEMENT B N THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CA_PISTRANO AND THE SAN JOAQUI_N HILLS TRANSPORTATION CORRIDOR AGENCY (600.50) As set forth in the Report dated February 20, 1996, from the Engineering and Building Director, the Major Thoroughfare Agreement betwejen the City and the San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor Agency was approved formalizing the impacts of the Corridor on the Cny CUW.d Nfinut -3- 2iN 96