1993-0720_CALIF, STATE OF_G3a_Agenda Report AGENDA ITEM • • July 20, 1993
TO: George Scarborough, City Manager
FROM: William M. Huber, Director of Engineering and Building
SUBJECT: Award of Contract for Design of Multi-Modal Parking Deck (Mark Tannin
By motion, approve and execute the agreement for consulting services with
Mark Tannin Architects for the Architectural and Engineering Design of the
Multi-Modal Parking Deck.
At their March 2, 1993 meeting, City Council approved the concept of a single-level
parking deck above the existing Capistrano Depot parking lot and authorized staff to
proceed with the Architectural Control application. Staff has now completed the
recruitment process for a consultant team and is recommending Mark Tannin Architects
for the Architectural and Engineering Design of the Multi-Modal Parking Deck. Attached
for the City Council review is a copy of the agreement which itemizes the terms of the
contract, scope of work and compensation to be rendered.
On April 23, 1993, staff transmitted 18 Request For Proposals for consulting services for
the preparation of professional architectural and engineering drawings and construction
documents for the Multi-Modal Parking Deck.
Proposals were due May 28, 1993, and the City received a total of nine. The proposals
were analyzed by staff from the City Manager's Office, Engineering and Building, and
Planning Departments. All nine firms were invited for oral interviews on June 14, 1993,
to further discuss their qualifications for this project. The guidelines and selection criteria
for the appraisal of the consultants were as follows:
Project Team: Strengths of individuals who have direct charge of work
including their educational background; whether team has
adequate start to perform work in limey manner.
Project Perceptiveness in discussing practical problems of project;
Approach: ability to organize and present ideas, and respond with clarity
and direction using appropriate terminology and expressions.
6 ,30.,
Agenda Item • - 2 - • July 20, t 993
Relevant Experience record of the consultant; previous work on other
Experience: State-funded projects; record of success performed on other
projects; knowledge of local design climate and conditions.
Technical Skills: Ability to plan and organize; ability to direct and control the
work of others; sensitivity of budgetary constraints; adherence
to project schedules.
Rates/Fees: Fees charged for services.
Scoring was from 1 to 5-5 being the best, and each category had a relative weighted
average. A total of 50 points was possible from each interview panelist. There were four
interviewers representing 200 maximum total points possible. Below are the applicants
and the points they scored.
Boyle Engineering 147 4
Centennial Engineering 141 6
DeRevere and Associates 101 9
HNTB 149 3
International Parking Design 144 5
Mark Tannin Architects 168 1
Martin & Kane 163 2
Thirtieth street Architects 127 7
Wayne Banks & Associates 108 6
All firms that submitted proposals are equally qualified to render the services the City is
seeking. Mark Tannin Architects' proposal included a thorough project approach,
comprehensive scope of work and assembled a dynamic consortium of subconsultants
for this project. The project approach is structured into five phases and each team
member's responsibility for each phase are identified along with a completed work
product. The project team's presentation during oral interviews successfully identified
project constraints and conceptual solutions in a concise manner. The firm's strengths
were demonstrated in both the proposal and lord interview. These factors are the
contributing reasons why stsB is recommending Mark Tannin Architects for the
Multi-Modal Parking Deck project.
Agenda Item - 3 - • July 20. 1993
Team Profile
Mark Tannin Architects offers architectural and planning services that most closely
represents the City's needs for the Multi-Modal Parking Deck. As a small office, they
offer the City quick response and personal service at cost effective rates. The
Multi-Modal Parking Deck will require detailed technical analysis, design sensitivity to the
City's Architectural and Environmental heritage, and a process to build consensus for
the design and its implementation.
The Project Team's expertise includes Traffic Planning, Urban Design, Parking Structure
Planning and Design, and the expertise to coordinate these diverse disciplines. The
Project Team consists of the following consortium of subconsultants and the key staff
Architects: Mark Tannin, Princlpal
Mark Tannin Architects Mr. Tannin will be the lead team member and will be the
32642 Deadwood Drive designated contact with the City Project Manager. Over the post
San Juan Capistrano, CA 16 years, he has made a specialty of design-oriented solutions
92675 for highly complex building types. Advanced computer,
i communications and audiovisual systems are typical in the
projects that he has directed. With exp~ce on over one
i dozen libraries, senior centers, performing arts facilities and other
institutional buitdings, his facility for determining a cl'ient's
i functional and technical needs and accommodating them is an
i asset to projects of all sizes and complexities.
Lawle R. Wood, Project Architect
Lewis R. Wood will act as project architect and subconsultant to
Mark Tannin Architects and will fake a lead role during technical
i document and construction phases. He has gained extensive
leadership experience in all phases of architectural practice over
the course of the past 15 years with a specialization in
'• commercial and instMutional work. Mr. Wood was project
manager for two parking garages built for the Orange county
j General services Agency an sensitive sites in the sant Ana Civic €
1 Cerner.
Parking Planners: Ystln R. Vora, PX
i Walker Per" tt Yellin R. Vore is the Senior Project Manager responsible for
Ire. 1 special projects, internal operations, Contract Document
i 4000 Birch Street, suite 120 I Production and Ouatity Assurance for Walker Parking
Newport Beach, CA 9200 ConsultntelTvgineefe. Mr. Vas's theoratktal and practical
application of parking master planning,functional design, and
durability argirneerkV principals nuke him a leader in this sector
i of the parking industry. Mr. Vora will provide guidance in
"us"akerrutM4 during the conceptual design process.
Agenda Item - 4 - • July 20, 1993
Structural Engineers: Tahlon Me, CE, SE
TM Structural Ergines Inc. Tshion Me is a Civil and Structural Enginew with experience in
226 Avenida Dal Mar designing post-tensioned parking structures, including several
San Clemente, CA 92672 structures in Southern California. In addition, he has provided
structural Plan Check services to the City of San Juan Capistrano
and is familiar with the City's requirements. Mr. Me will provide
structural design engineering services.
Civil Engineers: Randal L Streeter, Vice President
Adams Streeter Civil Randy Streeter will bo the project manager for civil engineering
Engineers. Inc. sorviees on this project. His firm has provided services for
15 Corporate Park I several two,-story parking structures in Orange County. Adams
Irvine, CA 92714 Strester's current work in San Juan Capistrano adjacent to the
i project site gives Mr, Streeter a familiarity with the existing
conditions that will help the progress of the design.
... __........_ .. .._____. _... __...__......_.... . .... _..__.................................
Electrical Engineers: Jeffrey Overmyer, P.E. Principal
OMB Electrical Engineers, Inc. i Jeff Overmyer will be responsible for both electrical engineering
23412 Moulton Parkway, Suite and architectural lighting engineering and solutions. He has
230 worked with Mr. Tannin on previous projects and has specific
Laguna Hills, CA 92653 experience in offering creative solutions to unusual lighting
__. _.._____ ___._..._ _..........._... .... _...
Landscape Architect: Soon Sebastian, Founder
Sebastian 6 Associates Scott Sebastian has degrees in both Landseapo Architecture and
306 North Coast Highway Architecture. He has combined his experience to focus on issues
i Laguna Beech, CA 92651 of site planning and urban design, bath key to this project. Mr.
Sebastian has worked with Mr. Tannin and Mr. Wood on previous
projects and was landscape architect to the parking structures in
the Santa Ana Civic Center.
Additional team members include:
Oeoteohnleal Engineers: ' Mechanical Engineers:
Law/Crandall,Inc. Tsuehyama i Ksino
i 731 Esi t Ball Road, Suite 104 2010 Main Street, Suite 450
i Anaheim,CA 929066145 IrAni CA 92714
Trams Consultenb Architectural Renderl gs:
Kww"an Associates i Headrick Chase &Associates
j 4050 Banana Parkway j 31720 Rancho Viejo Road, Suite 219
Irvine, CA 92714 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675
Cost Consultenls M"bled Aso*" Consultant
Construction Analysts, Inc. € Ronald Miner
SIVA Pascal CcuM Suite 310 27932 Calle Beknormo
Carlsbad, CA 92009 i San Juan Capistrano, CA 92x75
Staff is now ready to proceed with the formal design for this project. Mark Tannin
Architects has provided a detailed Scope of Work that encompasses all tasks necessary
to prepare the architectural and engineering design and construction phases.
Agenda Item , - 5 - • July 20, 1993
The California electorate enacted both Proposition 108 (the Passenger Rail and Clean
Air Bond Act of 1990) and Proposition 116 (the Clean Air and Transportation
Improvement Bond Act of 1990) which authorized the sale of General Obligation Bond
funds for transit capital projects. The San Juan Capistrano Multi-Modal Parking Deck
qualified for funding from these monies through the Transportation Capital Improvement
Program (TCI). The total award is for $1,296,500 which includes design and
construction costs. The cost of design services are reimbursable from the TCI grant
funding awarded to the City. The total cost for architectural and engineering services
is $142,911 which is lower than the staff estimate of $150,000 budgeted as part of the
TCl grant application.
Not applicable.
Larry Layne, Caltrans HNTB
Adrienne Brooks, OCTA International Parking Design
Mark Tannin Architects Martin & Kane
Boyle Engineering Thirtieth Street Architects
Centennial Engineering Wayne Banks & Associates
DeRevere and Associates
1. Approve and execute the agreement for consulting services with Mark Tannin
Architects for Architectural and Engineering Design of the Multi-Modal Parking
2. Do not approve the agreement for consulting services with Mark Tannin Architects
and provide staff with further direction.
3. Refer to staff for more information.
Agenda Item 6 - • July 20, 1993
By motion, approve and execute the agreement for consulting services with
Mark Tannin Architects for the Architectural and Engineering Design of the
Multi-Modal Parking Deck.
Submitted by, Prepared by,
William M. Huber Dougl D. Dumhart
Director of Engineering & Building Management Assistant I