1993-0302_CALIF, STATE OF_G1a_Agenda Report AGENDA ITEM March 2, 1993
TO: George Scarborough, City Manager
FROM: Douglas D. Dumhart, Management Assistant I
SUBJECT: Multi-Modal Terminal Parking Deck
By motion, approve the concept of a single level parking deck above the existing
Capistrano Depot parking lot and authorize staff to process an architectural control
On December 1, 1992, staff submitted for City Council consideration a Caltrans Contract
that would provide the funding for the development of a 71-space single level parking deck
over the existing Depot parking lot Due to concerns regarding how the parking deck may
affect aesthetics of the area, staff was authorized to prepare view simulations of the deck
for review by City Council prior to embarking upon the project's development The view
simulations have been prepared for City Council consideration. (The simulations are
provided in City Council packets only and are on display in the City Council Chambers.)
At this time, staff is recommending that the City Council approve the concept of a single
level parking deck above the existing Capistrano Depot parking lot and authorize staff to
proceed with the project
The San Juan Capistrano station, located in the heart of the historic district, has long been
in continuous operation as a train station and is currently Orange County's most active rail
station with approadmiately 280 passengers boarding the commute hour trains each weekday.
The San Juan Capistrano station was projected in the 1990 Commuter Rail Study to be
mostly an origin station for commuter travel, with almost all passenger activity during
commuter hours being boarding rather than alighting. This projection is supported by the
amount of residential development within the station attraction area and limited
employment and commercial development in the San Juan Capistrano area.
In 1983, $300,000 in improvements were completed to the Capistrano Depot developing it
into today's Multi-Modal Terminal. In 1990, the Depot again underwent 5500,000 in
renovations including new passenger waiting areas and restroom facilities. In the upcoming
year, another$300,000 will be spent developing the south platform passenger loading area.
Agenda Item -2- March 2, 1993
The terminal is an outgrowth of rail passenger service originally provided by the Atchison.
Topeka and Santa Fe Railway along its southern coastal route between Los Angeles and
San Diego. During the decline of rail passenger service, the Santa Fe Depot was converted
to a theme restaurant. The resurrection of rail passenger service by Amtrak has brought
a flurry of new passenger activity in the form of daily commuter and tourist traffic.
In May 1990, legislation was signed by the Governor of California requiring the Los
Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino County Transportation Commissions to
develop a coordinated regional transit plan, including commuter rail and bus service. To
implement SB 1402, the participating agencies worked under a two-tiered organizational
structure consisting of the Regional Commuter Rail Coordinating Council and an interim
Joint Powers Agency. In 1991, the interim agencies evolved into the Southern California
Regional Rail Authority, a joint powers agency composed of the Orange County
Transportation Authority,the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission,the Ventura
County Transportation Commission, the San Bernardino Association of Governments and
the Riverside County Transportation Commission. The purpose of the agency is to develop,
operate, and maintain the regional commuter rail system.
As the five agencies of the SCRRA work towards implementing the Metrolink program, San
Juan Capistrano will realize a significant increase in rail ridership. Metrolink anticipates
having tb,ee trains on-line by the end of 1993 and nine trains by 1995. This is expected to
increase _ommuters boarding at the San Juan Capistrano station from the current 280
passengers to as many as 1000 a day.
The existing parking available in the Multi-Modal Terminal area consists of three off-street
parking lots and on-street parking. The main terminal parking lot east of the Multi-Modal
Terminal contains 76 parking spaces. This area is for short-term, 4-hour parking intended
to serve the Rio Grande Restaurant, Vaquero West and the Capistrano Pbm stores and
restaurants. A second long, narrow parking lot is located north of the Multi-Modal
Terminal,parallel to the railroad tracks. This lot, known as the"northend"lot, contains 99
parking space of which 39 spaces are designated for long-term rail passenger parking and
the remaining 60 spaces are short term, 4-hour parking. The third parking lot, the
Franciscan Parking Structure, is located south of the Multi-Modal Terminal, parallel to the
railroad tracks. The Community Redevelopment Agency has secured 131 spaces for all day
commuter parking as part of the Owner Participation Agreement for the parking structure.
On-street parking exists on Camino Capistrano, Ortega Highway and El Camino Real.
There are 16 spaces on the east side of Camino Capistrano north of Ortega Highway which
are the only on-street parking that allows all day parking and is not time restricted. Thus,
the City is providing a total of 156 parking spaces for all day parking. These parking
resources do not provide sufficient parking to meet current demand of 280 passengers for
Agenda Item -3- March 2, 1993
the Multi-Modal Terminal facility, much less the 1000 passengers expected in 1995.
The parking facility improvement is a single level parking deck over the existing Depot
parking lot. The preliminary feasibility plans that were submitted for TCI funding were
prepared by Thirtieth Street Architects in September 1991. Provided as Attachment A is
the site plan. The 71-space Multi-Modal parking deck has an access from Camino
Capistrano along the south side of the Mission Hacienda Plaza which also acts as an access
ramp to the parking lot underneath. The development of the access ramp will eliminate 10
parking spaces in the Depot lot resulting in a overall net gain of 61 new spaces. The access
ramp will improve traffic circulation in the area and relieve mounting congestion on
Verdugo Street. The Multi-Modal Terminal Parking Deck actually increases the available
off-street parking inventory in the downtown area by establishing more spaces over an
existing parking lot.
Funds have been allocated to the City of San Juan Capistrano to develop 71 parking spaces
for intra-city rail use based on the Multi-Modal Terminal Parking Deck proposal. There
exists a remote possibility that this funding could be used to secure the same amount of
parking by different means. Of course, use of these funds for any other project than
specifically approved will require resubmittal to Caltrans and California Transportation
Commission for approval.
There are four possible alternatives to the development of the Multi-Modal Terminal
Parking deck to provide much needed all day commuter parking. The first alternative
would be to construct a parking deck over the existing northend Depot parking lot. The
second would be to extend the Franciscan Parking Structure to the south over
Ms. Oyharzabal's property. The third alternative would be to develop satellite lots in
remote parts of the City and run shuttle service to the Depot The final alternative would
be to establish permanent improved parking on the existing dirt lots known as the Mitchell
and Love lots.
The construetkm of a single level parking deck over the existing northend lot will only net
an appreodmate gain of 50 spaces The northend deck is estimated to coat the same as the
Multi-Modal Terminal Parking Deck and yield 20 fewer parking spaces. This alternative
will be more visible to the Loa Rios neighborhood directly to the west and from Camino
Capistrano to the east The grade separation between the north lot and Camino Capistrano
is significantly less than that of the Depot lot and Camino Capistrano thereby making the
northend lot alternative more visible from Camino Capistrano. The narrow and long
configuration of the northend alternative means longer walking distance to the railroad
platform boarding area.
Agenda Item -4- March 2, 1993
The second alternative would be to extend the existing Franciscan Plaza Parking Structure
200 feet to the south. This addition would also be visible to the Los Rios neighborhood.
However, multiple levels could be constructed possibly increasing the spaces that could be
available for commuters. This alterative would have a high probability for condemnation
action in order to accomplish the project. In light of recent conservative fiscal situations,
the additional costs of securing right-of-way for this alternative would be extremely
restrictive. Also, there has been no archaeological survey on this property and the
constraints are unknown at this time. Additionally, Ms. Oyharzabal's property is on the
inventory list of historic and cultural landmarks, but the barn located on the property has
yet to have its historical significance identified.
The third alternative is to develop satellite parking lots in remote areas of San Juan
Capistrano and provide shuttle service to the Depot Possible satellite lots include the
vacant lot behind Bank of America on Del Obispo, Ortega Properties at the end of Paseo
Tirador or lower Rosan Ranch. All of these sites are targeted for commercial uses and a
long-term parking lot may not be in the best economic interest of the City. Shuttle service
would need to be established and if the City were to utilize the State funding for this
alternative, the City would need to demonstrate it has the ability to provide the funding
necessary to keep shuttle service going. Again, considering the current Fiscal condition,
there is no funding for the City to implement shuttle service. The City's commitment to
minimize signage may hinder the commuters' ability to readily find the satellite parking
facilities. Remote parking lots also have the tendency to be a security risk with higher theft
and vandalism rates which contribute to low usage.
The fourth alternative is to develop the existing temporary dirt parking lots behind the
Edinger building(the Mitchell lot) and adjacent to the Love House on El Camino Real into
permanent improved all day commuter parking. To achieve the 70+ parking spaces, Yorba
Street would need to be closed and the Lave House quite possibly moved to a new location.
Implementing this alternative would be predetermining the uses or options available to the
Historic Town Center. Several parking studies have indicated that parking deficiencies exist
in the Historic Town Center area. To use land in the Historic Town Center area for the
Multi-Modal Terminal will continue to exacerbate downtown traffic circulation and parking
The California electorate enacted both Proposition 108 (the Passenger Rail and Clean Air
Bond Act of 1990) and Proposition 116 (the Clean Air and Transportation Improvement
Bond Act of 1990) which authorized the sale of General Obligation Bond funds for transit
capital projects. The San Juan Capistrano Multi-Modal Terminal Parking Deck qualified
for funding from these monies through the Transportation Capital Improvement Program.
This allocation represents the only City funding opportunity to provide the much needed
parking at this critical location.
Agenda Item -5- March 2, 1993
Additionally, the City completed the necessary right-of-way acquisitions on July 11, 1989,
when the Community Redevelopment Agency purchased two parcels at a cost of $314,000
and entered into two 99-year leases. The only remaining issue was the funding for the
construction of the Parking Deck which was estimated to be $1,295,000. That funding has
been secured now through the TCI program. For these reasons, staff is recommending that
the City Council approve the development of the Multi-Modal Terminal Parking Deck.
Not applicable.
Adrian Brooks, OCTA
Larry Layne, CALTRANS
Bob Ross, Amtrak Commuter Association
Hans Chua, Mission Texaco
1. Approve the concept of a single level parking deck above the existing Capistrano
Depot parking lot and authorize staff to process an architectural control application.
2. Do not approve the development of the Multi-Modal Parking Deck.
By motion, approve the concept of a single level parking deck above the existing
Capistrano Depot parking lot and authorize staff to process an architectural control
Respectfully submitted,
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Douglas D. Dumhart
Management Assistant I
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