1992-1022_CALIF, STATE OF_ Financial Resolution SENT BY:OIVISION OF BUDGETS 6-30-93 8:38AM ; CALTRANS/8-485-21794 9162279487;# 3 Vote of Callfornla Business, Transportation and Housing Agency Memorandum Item No. 2 .6 (e) f To: CHAIR AND MEMBERS PASKOBy Date : October 22, 1992 California Transportation Cin F9r. MFP-92-17 ACTION REQUIRED From: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPO 9'2 Director's Office subject: Financial Resolution ncPARTMF,NTAL SUMMARY: f+a0 Resolution MFP-92-17 proposes allocating $1, 296, 000 in State Highway Account funds .to the City of San Juan Capistrano for construction of a multimodal parking structure at an intercity rail station on the LOSSAN corridor. Pr,_i, nes +o tan: This project is for construction of a multimodal parking structure over the existing lot . The number of.parking spaces will increase from 172 to 250 . P"n jmn*'/ 1ann+nq c1e r_ a�nee= : The City of San Juan Capistrano has submitted expenditure plans reflecting compliance with timely use of funds Resolutions G-88-6 and G-90-11 . A negative declaration for this project was filed April, 1992 . A'f�AN OS F 4 4TAT=:i a TATT. Prior Current )future Total TCx $0 $1,296,000 40 $1,296,000 108 s0 $0 $0 $0 116 $0 $0 $0 $0 136 $0 $0 $0 $0 94 Bond an 90 a0_ so SUBTOTAL $0 $1,296,000 s0 $1,296,000 LOCAL -$0 $384,000 s0 03$4,000 TXDiRJ►L $0 s0 $0 $0 PROa. TOTAL $0 $1, 680,000 $0 $1, 680,000 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that Resolution MFP-92-17 be approved. MARTIN KIG� . Deputy Director Transportation Financing SENT BY:DIVISION OF BUDGETS 8-30-93 8:38AM CALTRANS/8-485-2179y , 9162279487;8 2 PASSED BY • NOV 0 41952. • CALp�ALLOCATIONS 80R wA��$ T �711�! �S OATATT` BOND Nn nCY PRO.SaCT3 N4 PTATION OOM1AIo61pN RE90LIITI0 NO MFS 1. 1 WHEREAS, the California Transportation Commission (Commission) has adopted an annual Transportation Capital Improvement Program (TCI) plan for mass transportation capital purposes, and the electorate enacted both Proposition 108, the Passenger Rail and Clean Air Bond Act of 1990, and Proposition 116, the Clean Air and Transportation Improvement Bond Act of 1990 in the June, 1990, election authorizing the sale of General Obligation Bond funds for transit capital purposes) and 1 .2 WHEREAS, Mulimodal parking structure project (the Project) , further detailed in Attachment A, as component phases or in its entirety, appears on the necessary State capital projects funding list (s) as entitled to participate in this allocation; and 1.3 WHEREAS, the City Of San Juan Capistrano (the Recipient) is committed to providing any required local matching funds and to fully fund implementation of the Project in compliance with grant or bond funding requirements or, if the Recipient meets the criteria, with the conditions of Commission Resolution G-92-14, "Guidelines for the Deferral of the Commission 's Proportional Expenditure of State Funds Policy"; and 2 . 1 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a total of $1,296, 000 in State funds be allocated .to Recipient for the Project, as detailed in Attachment A) and 2 .2 NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the transfer of funds for the Project shall be governed by a fund transfer agreement, and subsequent amendments to the same if required, executed between the Recipient and the Department of Transportation (Department) ; and 2 .3 NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Recipient shall provide the Department, for the balance of all funded Project allocations commencing with the first quarterly review, an updated quarterly expenditute plan by category including any proposed changes; and Chair and Members October 22 , 1992 Page 2 2 . 4 NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, in an instance of any rail bond financing of the Project, the Commission, acting on behalf of the State, by this Resolution intends: A. to cause and approve the issuance of taxable or tax-exempt State general obligation bonds under Propositions 108 or 116, as appropriate, to reimburse Recipient for the Project identified in Attachment A; B. to reimburse to Recipient expenditures that shall not "have been paid from the proceeds of any other tax-exempt indebtedness unless such prior indebtedness will be retired with the proceeds of such State monies; C . that this Resolution be a declaration of official intent of the State within the meaning of U. S. Treasury Regulations Section 1. 103-17 (c) with respect to the Project; D. that this Resolution will be continuously available to the public for inspection during normal business hours at its Commission Office, 1120 N Street, Sacramento; California, commencing not later than two weeks after the adoption of this Resolution; and 2 . 5 NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, in an instance of rail bond financing, an allocation for the Project is subject to the following conditions and assurances : A. completed bond sales authorized by the State Treasurer; B. completed bond certification from the Department, preferably by the time of Commission allocation action but not later than prior to execution of a fund transfer agreement; C. recipient certification, delivered to this Commission, preferably by the time of Commission allocation action but not later than prior to execution of a fund transfer agreement, that it will not adopt new or increased development taxes, fees, exactions or permit fees for the purpose of providing local matching funds; Chair and Members October 22 , 1992 Page 3 2 . 5 Continued D. recipient certification, in the form of a formal resolution of its Board delivered to this Commission, that when utilizing state funding for acquisition of property or for capital improvements on the Project, Recipient has exercised all due diligence in the discovery of hazardous wastes; that Recipient will enter into enforceable agreement (s) with any and all owners of to-be-acquired properties for clean- up of hazardous wastes pursuant to the requirements of Resolution G-91-2 regarding Hazardous Waste Identification and Clean-up for Rail Right-of-Way; that the State and the Commission are to be indemnified, defended and held harmless from clean-up liability or damage, both present and future; and that no additional State funds will be requested for clean-up, damages, or liability associated with hazardous waste on or below the acquired property; E. recipient certification, in the form of a formal resolution of its Board delivered to this Commission, that when utilizing other-than- state funding for acquisition of property or for capital improvements on the Project, Recipient shall agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the State and the Commission from clean-up liability or damage, both present and future; and that no additional State funds will be requested for cledn-up, damages, or liability associated with hazardous waste on or below the acquired property; F. that Recipient shall provide the Commission with an "Evaluation of Property Report" , preferably by the time of Commission allocation action but not later than prior to execution of a fund transfer agreement, in compliance with Commission Policy G-90-17 , Rail Right-of-Way Review Policy, to be verified by the Department or its Agent; . G. that Recipient shall post on the Project construction site (s) at least one sign, visible to the public, stating that the Project is partially funded with State grant rail passenger bond funds; and Chair and Members October 22 , 1992 Page 4 2 . 6 NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Commission shall be entitled to a then present value refund, or credit, at State' s option, equivalent to the proportionate funding participation by the State towards property acquisition and project construction in the event that Recipient, or successor public entities, cease to utilize the Project for the intended public passenger rail purposes or sells or transfers title to the Project. The credit for future purchases or condemnation of all or portions of the Project by the State, and the refund or credit due the Commission in each instance, will be measured by the ratio of State and other public funding to that provided from Recipient . That ratio will be applied to the then fair market value of the Project property. Attachment RESOLUTION MFP-92-17ATTACHMENT A. ' Oct&r22,1992 • If applicable, as amended by Resolution Agenda Rem 2.6f ' ti ALLOCATIONS FOR NEW RAIL BOND AND TRANSIT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUNDING SUMMARY: BOND 108 FUNDS TOTAL $0 STATE FUNDS TOTAL" .............51,296.00(1 FFD. FUNDS TOTAL TCI FUNDS TOTAL $1,296,000 BOND 116 FUNDS TOTAL SD LOCAL FUNDS TOTAL $384,000 FUNDING TOTAL $1,680,000 RECIPIENT: City of San Juan Capistrano Project: Multi-modal Parking Deck CURRENT ALLOCATION Str.8 Hwy (Bond l(S) STIP No. Appropr.Yr. Prof.Applic.No. Pro)ed Type a) Budget Act 6 Chap c) Program Cods TCI Funds Bond 116 Bond106 Puc-(Bond 11s) ALN RwoL / ALM Amount Plan year b) Budget Rete No. all Experd.Cafeg. 1 I....5729fi.(100._I_............._.so ................ ........_...................._ 9117....... I.._.199293..... ... .... a) . .190 3n2.......... c) ftro t_ ..._�..._ ._..__- I.. .................... s0. / ._....._ _....._ I ...... Jn1s1) Y.AaO _.. .....7992:93.......-... .LbanImfiez.. b) ..1251142......... d) Is I Assistance This allocation is a ___.............. allocation of the programmed/approved amount District(s): ..........12......... County: .CtwQa............................ Environ. Status: M................-........................................... . Timely Use of Funds:The implementing pudic agency should encumber the State funds by the and of the State fiscal year plus three months(Resolution No.G-8&6). The implementing public agency must expend at least W percent of akcated funds within two years including the fiscal year in which the funds were first appropriated (Resolution No.G-90-11). Dates retied Garernor's Budget Encumbrance 8 Liquidation time-frames. General Obligation Bond funds have encumbrance and liquidation tine-frames more restrictive than provided in the Govemces Budget. N acco parrying an amending resolution,original remiaion amended by 6w second resddbn shown '•State fading total inclydes TCI,108 Bond and 116 Boll ••• CE- Categod®ly Exempt SE-Staturodly Exempt NOD- Notice d Determination NOE- Notice of Emmptlon Neg.DwL- Negative Declaration OR- Errvio.Impact Review 6/30/93.1