1995-0720_CALIF, STATE OF_Transmittal to Dept of Transportation e� MEMBERS OF THE CRY COUNCIL COL n Q COLLENE CAMPBELL DRYO UEE 7 ) wYATT LJONES CT 1S - Im,oualmo IAROLYN NASH 1776 01961 DAVID SWERDLIN 1776 CITY MANAGER GEORGE SCARBOROUGH July 20, 1995 Ric Morales Department of Transportation Division of Rail 1801 30th Street, East Building P. 0. Box 942874 Sacramento, California 94274-0001 Re: Chanae of Scope and Project Fundina - Multi-Modal Parkina Deck (Contract No. 75V434) Dear Mr. Morales: At their meeting of July 18, 1995, the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano approved the request for a change in the project scope and funding for the Multi-Modal Parking area in San Juan Capistrano. The project scope will change from a parking deck to an expanded parking lot. A copy of Resolution No. 95-7-18-1, setting forth that action, is attached for your information. The Resolution also approved a request that surplus funds be allocated to City Railroad Platform projects. Brian Perry, project manager, will be forwarding a complete submittal for California Transportation Commission consideration. Mr. Perry may be reached at (714) 443-6353 if you have any questions or need additional information. Very truly yours, 2hz_t_�91"6;?� Cheryl Johnson City Clerk Enclosure cc: Ginger Cox, OCTA Larry Layne, Caltrans Marilyn Silverman, Caltrans Sue DiMaio Echo Mae Bertolino Paul Farber Mark Tannin Engineering & Building Director Brian Perry 32400 PASEO ADELANTO, SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA 92675 0 (714) 493-1171 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, CHtRYL JOHNSON, declare as follows: That I am the duly appointed and qualified City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano, That in compliance with State laws of the State of California and in further compliance with City Resolution No. 83-12-20-3 and on the 20th day of July 1995, I caused to be posted: RESOLUTION NO. 95-7-18-1 being APPROVING. A REOUEST FOR CHANGE OF SCOPE AND PROIF. T FUNDING MULTI-MODAL PARKING DECK ( AL. ANSI A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A REQUEST FOR A CHANGE OF SCOPE AND PROJECT FUNDING THROUGH CONTRACT NO. 75V434 WITH THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION in three (3) public places in the City of San Juan Capistrano, to wit: City Hall, Old Fire Station Recreation Complex; Orange County Public Library. CHERYL JOHNSON, CITY CLERK San Juan Capistrano, California