1997-0718_CALIF, STATE OF_D6_Item Minutes 0 4. STATUS REPORT ON NEW DEVELOPMENT PP ICATIONS (440 10) . The Report dated July 18, 1995, from the Planning Director, advising that no new development applications were received by the City since the last report of June 20, 1995, was received and filed. 5. AWARD OF CONTRACT - TRABUCO DE LA VISTA SEWER FROM CALLE SANTA BARBARA TO OSO ROAD (ARTUKOVICH & SON) ((600,30) As set forth in the Report dated July 18, 1995, from the Engineering and Building Director, the contract for the construction of the Trabuco de la Vista sewer from Calle Santa Barbara to Oso Road was awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, Vido Artukovich and Son, Inc. in the amount of$467,220. All other bids were rejected. The Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to execute the contract on behalf of the City. 6. RESOLUTION APPROVING REQUEST TOCHANGE PROMCT SCOPE FUNDING ALLOCATION-MULTI-MODEL PARKING DECK(DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION) (600.50) As set forth in the Report dated July 18, 1995, from the Engineering and Building Director, the following Resolution was adopted approving (1) the change in project scope from a parking deck to an expanded surface parking area; (2) the change in project schedule with an extended completion date of June 30, 1998; (3) a change in project funding; and (4) the . acquisition of Lot 11, Tract 50 from DiMaio: RESOLUTION NO 95-7-18-1 APPROVING AREQUEST FOR CHANQE OF SCOPE AND PROJECT FUNDING - MULTI-MODAL I PARKING DECK (CALTRANS) - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A REQUEST FOR A CHANGE OF SCOPE AND PROJECT FUNDING THROUGH CONTRACT NO. 75V434 WITH THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Staff was authorized to forward the request for surplus funds to be allocated to City Railroad Platform projects to the California Transportation Commission. 7, RESOLUTION AUTHORaING PLACEMENT OF "NO SOLICITATION' SIGNS - CAPISTRANO BUSINESS NT 27130 PA EO ESPADA(585,10) As set forth in the Report dated July 18, 1995, from the Engineering and Building Director, the following Resolution was adopted authorizing the placement of"No Solicitation" signs at each of the five main entrances to the Capistrano Business Center: • Citv Council Minutes -3- 7/18/95