1995-0718_CALIF, STATE OF_D6_Agenda Report AGENDA ITEM July 18, 1995 TO: George Scarborough, City Manager FROM: William M. Huber, Director of Engineering& Building SUBJECT: Resolution, Approval of Request to Change Project Scope and Funding Allocation, Multi Modal Parking Deck and Railroad Platform(Caltrans) RECOMMENDATION By Resolution, approve the proposed request for change of project scope and funding for the Multi Modal Parking Area from a parking deck to an expanded parking lot, and authorize Staff to forward the request for surplus funds to be allocated to City Railroad Platform projects. SITUATION A. Summary and Recommendation In July 1993, the City Council awarded a design contract with Mark Tannin Architects for the design of the Multi Modal Parking Deck. The information gathering and preliminary design phases of this work provided new information which changed the scope of work for the project. In April 1994, the City Council approved the change of project scope and funding for the Multi Modal Parking Area which was submitted to the California Transportation Commission staff. As part of this submittal, additional information was requested by CTC staff which is now complete and necessitates changes to the funding request. Staff is recommending that City Council approve the attached Resolution and authorize Staff to forward the request to the California Transportation Commission, which is the approving authority for funding on this project. The change in scope requested is from a parking deck to an expanded surface parking area together with property acquisition of Lot 11, Tract 50 (DiMaio), and the request for surplus funds to be allocated to City Railroad Platform projects. FOR CITY COUNCIL AGEhd �� AGENDAITEM July 18, 1995 Page 2 B. Background 1. Fundine In 1987, the City's Community Redevelopment Agency approved a Request for Proposal for consultant services to design a parking deck over the Multi Modal lot. Two preliminary designs for the proposed parking deck were developed by Boyle Engineering, suggesting a deck would accommodate between 134 and 162 spaces. It is not clear what information these designs were based upon, but it is likely base plans for the Multi Modal terminal were used. In November 1987, the Agency retained Thirtieth Street Architects to design build the parking deck. Approximately $15,000 of the total contract amount of$65,175 was expended on preliminary design work. Work was stopped once the initial construction estimates were calculated based on the preliminary designs. It was perceived that the construction costs were too high for the number of spaces obtained. In August 1991, OCTA and Caltrans encouraged the City to submit a Transit Capital Improvement (TCI)Program application because of the lack of Orange County applications that year. The grant application was due in approximately 30 days. Staff reconsidered the Multi Modal deck proposal that had stalled because of lack of funding. Thirtieth Street Architects put together rough conceptual drawings to estimate the number of spaces so the application could be submitted. Thirtieth Street went back to the preliminary work they had done in 1987 to prepare the conceptual designs. Because of the demand for inter-city and commuter parking in San Juan Capistrano, the application for $1,296,500 was approved. The TCI Program funds were available beginning in Fiscal Year 1992-1993. The TCI application was for the "design and construction of a single-level parking deck over the existing Capistrano Depot surface parking lot that would have added approximately 63 new spaces directly adjacent to the Capistrano Depot for inter- city rail passengers". Ten surface spaces would be permanently lost in order to provide the deck. The deck would provide 73 spaces for a net gain of 63 spaces. AGENDAITEM July 18, 1995 Page 3 In December 1992, the City Council adopted a resolution approving the contract with Caltrans to secure the funding and authorized Staff to prepare visual analysis of the proposed parking deck. The City Council reviewed the view analysis in March 1993 and authorized Staff to process the resolution and contract with Caltrans. In April 1993, Staff issued 18 Requests for Proposals for consulting services for the preparation of professional architectural and engineering drawings and construction documents for the Multi Modal Parking Deck. In July 1993, the City entered into a contract with Mark Tannin Architect to design a Multi Modal parking deck funded by the TCI grant. The engineering survey of the site under this contract revealed that it is approximately 25' less in the north-south direction and approximately 15' less in the east-west direction than represented to Caltrans in the TCI Application and also represented to City Council when the view analysis was reviewed. This new information showed that the intended scope of work for the project could not be achieved. At the April 5, 1994 meeting, five options were presented to the City Council together with the funding implications. City Council passed Resolution 94-4-5-2 which authorized Staff to forward a request for a change of project scope and funding to the California Transportation Commission, which is the approving authority for funding on this project. The principal change in scope requested was from a parking deck to an expanded surface parking area, described more fully as Option 5, later in this agenda item. In order to complete the submittal package, Caltrans requested four further items from the City. i) Environmental Clearance On June 14, 1994, the City's Environmental Review Board issued a Mitigated Negative Declaration. AGENDA ITEM July 18, 1995 Page 4 ii) Hazardous Waste Clearance On February 7, 1995, the City Council made the required certification by Resolution 95-2-7-1 based on the Report by Huntingdon Engineering and Environmental iii) Property Acquisition Appraisal Report In December 1994, the City awarded a contract to Flavell, Tennenbaum and Edwards to produce an appraisal report for Lot 11, Tract 50. The company was selected in accordance with both City and Caltrans procedures. The report is now complete and has been reviewed and approved by Caltrans District 12 Right of Way Office. The lower appraised property value in this report is the main issue which requires a new Resolution revising the funding plan proposed in Resolution 94-4-5-2. iv) Revised Project Development Schedule This has been developed and is part of the submittal package. In view of the short time remaining through June 30, 1996, an extension of time of 24 months is being requested. 2. Existing Configuration of Project Site The current capacity of the portion of the existing parking lot is 75 spaces. The project site has a "notch" configuration as the City has no lease or ownership rights to the eastern part of Lot 11 of Tract 50 (DiMaio). In 1981, the City applied for a $356,000 Caltrans Grant for the improvement of the Multi Modal terminal and parking area. The total project cost was $591,000. The City funded 40% of the cost. The project included acquisition of the Husby property, and 99-year leases on two Bertolino parcels and 5,600 square feet of a 9,600 square foot lot belonging to Sue DiMaio. The 99-year leases give the owners of the property the right to approve any improvements to the area. The project funded by the 1981 grant includes the existing surface parking lot called the Multi Modal lot, which was reconfigured in 1990 in conjunction with the Depot remodeling to eliminate four bus bays and provide additional parking. AGENDA ITEM July 18, 1995 Page 5 3. Ontn ign 5 (Current Proposals - Attachment 2) It was determined at the conclusion of the preliminary design phase that it would not be possible to construct a parking deck that would provide 63 additional spaces on the existing site. Five possible options to the original plan were studied, from which Option 5 was selected by City Council at their April 5, 1994 meeting. Option 5 requires acquisition of the DiMaio property, Lot 11, Tract 50, and is shown on Attachment 2. This option proposes a maximization of the site with no deck, partly by use of retaining walls near Camino Capistrano. This option would produce 108 spaces, 33 more than existing. Construction cost $475,000. Estimated acquisition cost $300,000. Total construction and acquisition cost $775,000. Construction cost per parking space $23,485 ({475,000 + 300,000}/33). Since funding for construction is provided solely by Caltrans, the 33 new parking spaces would be allocated for inter-city rail parking under the amount of TCI application funding. If the funding reallocation is approved, then purchase of the DiMaio property will relieve the City of its obligation to provide 12 parking spaces required under the terms of the existing lease if the lot were to be developed. 4. Excess Funds Option 5 provides a grant surplus of$366,500. The City also has a funding contract with Caltrans for platform projects covering platforms both south and north of Verdugo Street. Several items were omitted from the construction of the South Platform project either due to budget constraints or because they have only now become apparent. The companion project, the North Platform, is funded for $130,000 construction in Caltrans' funding contract 75T003 with the City. The design of the North Platform has not progressed well due to the lack of design funds. It is proposed that surplus funds from the TCI application be allocated for both design and construction of the North Platform. Construction of the North Platform is an important project as it will provide handicap access to Metrolink trains. AGENDA ITEM July 18, 1995 Page 6 i) Benches The picnic tables and benches currently on the South Platform were purchased for use in City parks and are only temporarily in use at the Platform. The provision of permanent benches under the waiting canopies would be a beneficial improvement for waiting passengers. It is proposed to purchase and install s benches at approximately 1,000 each for a total cost of 5,000. ii) Trash Cans There is an obvious need for trash cans on a busy platform. Three trash cans are proposed for a total cost of$1,000. iii) Restroom Roof/Parking Structure The potential exists for unauthorized access to the new restroom roof from the upper part of the privately owned parking structure immediately behind the restrooms. The need exists to provide some physical barrier to mitigate the potential liability with this undesirable situation. A total budget for design and construction of$20,000 is proposed. An agreement with the parking structure owner will be necessary. iv) Drainage The railroad right-of-way is several feet higher than the adjacent east side property at the south end of the project. Platform drainage daylights here and the probability and potential of flooding the private property exists. A City storm drain system exists at the Del Obispo Street end of Los Rios Street. it is proposed to design and construct a storm drain crossing under the tracks and down Los Rios Street to join the existing system. The distance is approximately 750 feet and a combined budget of$55,000 for design ($10,000) and construction($45,000) is proposed. AGENDA ITEM July 18, 1995 Page 7 v) South Platform Surface Drainage With additional available funding, the potential also exists to provide a continuous grated channel for surface drainage at the back of the south platform. This would replace the existing individual inlets which are currently available. A budget for design and construction of$15,000 is proposed. vi) Miscellaneous Items A variety of upgrades are requested for the restrooms and janitorial rooms as follows: Restrooms/Janitor Room- I exterior water bib @ $500 = $500 3 interior water bibs @$500= $1,500 Clothes hooks and shelves @ $1,000 = $1-000 Total $3,000 vii) Parking Structure Steps/Closure At the south end of the platform the parking structure floor is lower than and open to the platform. It was observed during construction that passengers were climbing up and through the parking structure opening to access the platform. The City proposes to either provide adequate stairs to the platform from the structure or to permanently close off the parking structure openings to eliminate this liability. A budget of$15,000 for design and construction is proposed. An agreement with the parking structure owner will be necessary. viii) Public Telephone It is proposed to provide a public telephone on the south platform at an estimated cost of$7,000. ix) Administration Items i through viii are likely to require substantial City Staff time. It is proposed that an allowance of$20,000 should be included. AGENDA ITEM July 18, 1995 Page 8 X) South Platform Cost Increases The City has incurred cost increases on the South Platform construction due to a variety of changed conditions, particularly grading, and requests that $90,500 be allocated to cover these items. xi) North Platform Design and Construction The existing platform north of Verdugo Street is in need of upgrading and expansion 150 feet north to the end of the existing Amtrak ticket office. The existing portion of the platform is severely cracked and the need exists to raise the platform to 8" above rail and provide handicap access from the platform to the train. Although Amtrak has been pursuing this design, the design is not complete due to lack of design funding. The City believes that both design and additional construction funding is necessary to complete this part of the platform program in San Juan Capistrano. Proposed Platform Funding Summary Item i Benches $5,000 ii Trash Cans $1,000 iii Restroom Roof/Parking Structure $20,000 iv Drainage $55,000 v South Platform Surface Drainage $15,000 vi Miscellaneous Items $3,000 vii Parking Structure Steps/Closure $15,000 viii Public Telephone $7,000 ix Administration $20,000 x South Platform Cost Increases $90,500 xi North Platform Design $50,000 xii North Platform Construction $85000 $366,500 C MMISSION/BOARD REVIEW. RECOMMENDATIONS The City's Environmental Review board issued a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the proposed parking project on June 14, 1994. The project will be referred to the Planning Commission and City Council for review when concept plans have been prepared. AGENDA ITEM July 18, 1995 Page 9 FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS Funding for this project is by Transit Capital Improvement (TCI) grant. The current contract for the funds runs through June 1996. The current State funding allocation totals $1,296,500 as follows: State $ Local $ Total $ Administration $40,000 $40,000 R/W Acquisition $314,000 (1) $314,000 Environmental $15,000 $15,000 Preliminary Design $70,800 (2) $70,800 Engineering Design $160,000 $160,000 Construction $1.081.500 $1.081.500 Total $1,296,500 $384,800 $1,681,300 On April 5, 1994, City Council approved a funding allocation to design and construct Option 5. This funding allocation has to be revised based on the appraised value of the property acquisition from Sue DiMaio. State $ Local $ Total $ Administration $40,000 $40,000 R/W Acquisition $300,000(4) $314,000 til $614,000 Environmental $15,000 $15,000 Preliminary Design $40,000 (3) $70,800 (2) $110,800 Surface Design $60,000 $60,000 Surface Construction 475 000151 $475-000 Total $930,000 $384,800 $1,314,800 Original Grant Total $1,296,500 Surplus $366,500 (1) Existing right-of-way previously purchased by City to be credited as part of City's share of project. (2) Existing preliminary design costs expended by City for a deck option before TCI contract was executed. (3) Preliminary design costs now requested for Option 5. AGENDA ITEM July 18, 1995 Page 10 (4) Includes $70,000 indirect costs for administration, negotiations and processing costs. (5) Includes 12% contingency. Option 5 provides a grant surplus of$366,500. Staff recommends that this be allocated as previously discussed to City Railroad Platform Projects. NOTIFICATION Sue DiMaio Echo Mae Bertolino Paul Farber Marilyn Silverman, Caltrans District 12 Larry Layne, Caltrans, District 12 Ric Morales, Caltrans, Sacramento Ginger Cox, OCTA Mark Tannin ALTERNATE ACTIONS 1. By Resolution, approve the proposed change of project scope for the Multi Modal Parking Area and authorize Staff to forward the request to the California Transportation Commission. 2. Do not approve the proposed change of scope. 3. Request additional information from Staff. AGENDA ITEM July 18, 1995 Page 11 RECOMMENDATION By Resolution, approve the proposed request for change of project scope and funding for the Multi Modal Parking Area from a parking deck to an expanded parking lot, and authorize Staff to forward the request for surplus funds to be allocated to City Railroad Platform projects. Respectfully submitted, Pre ared by, William M. Huber, P.E. Brian Perry, P.E., Project Manager WMH/BP:ssg Attachments: 1. Resolution 2. Option 5 4-18mult.bp RESOLUTION NO. 95-7-18-1 APPROVIN .A REQUEST FOR CHANGE OF SCOPE AND PROJECT FUNDING MULTI-MODAL. PARKING DECK (CALTRANNI_ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO,CALIFORNIA,APPROVING A REQUEST FOR A CHANGE OF SCOPE AND PROJECT FUNDING THROUGH CONTRACT NO. 75V434 WITH THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION WHEREAS, the City of San Juan Capistrano has entered into a funding contract, Contract No. 75V434 with the State of California Department of Transportation, in the amount of $1,296,000 in State funds with an effective start date of September 1, 1993, and a completion date of June 30, 1996; and, WHEREAS, the conclusion of the preliminary design phase is that it will not be possible to construct a parking deck providing 63 additional spaces on the existing site; and, WHEREAS, the City of San Juan Capistrano wishes to provide an increase in the existing parking by means of State funding; and, WHEREAS, Contract No. 75V434 contains a "Scope of Work" in Exhibit "A' and a "Project Schedule" in Exhibit "D" and a "Project Cost Estimate" in Exhibit "E." NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,that the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano does hereby approve a request for a change of project scope as shown in Proposed Exhibit"A" and a change in project schedule with an extended completion date of June 30, 1998, as shown in proposed Exhibit "D" and a change of project funding as shown in the Proposed Exhibit "E," all as attached hereto and made a part hereof. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 18th day of July 1995. CAROLYN ASH, MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLE -1- STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, CHERYL JOHNSON, City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 95-7-18-1 adopted by the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano, California, at a regular meeting thereof held on the 18th day of July 1995, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Jones, Hart, Campbell, Swerdlin and Mayor Nash NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None (SEAL) CHERYL JO O CITY CLERK -2- CONTRACT NO. 75V434 PROPOSED EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF WORK 1. Multi Modal Parking The project includes the acquisition of additional right-of-way and the design and construction of expanded surface parking at the existing Capistrano Depot surface parking lot that will add approximately 33 new spaces for intercity rail passengers. A detailed site survey including boundaries, topography, existing features, and utilities will be prepared along with a geotechnical report describing subsurface conditions and pavement recommendations and cultural resources observations and report. The surface parking lot's design will be consistent with Historic Downtown "Mission" area design guidelines, lighting and landscaping ordinance requirements, and other regulatory review. 2. Railroad Platforms South Platform The project includes the provision of benches, trash cans, restroom/parking structure barrier, storm drainage and platform drainage, restroom water bibs and shelves, parking structure steps or closure, public telephone to the existing South Platform, plus construction cost increases. North Platform The project includes the design, environmental processing and rehabilitation of the existing platform to 8" above top-of-rail and extending it north by 150 feet. This project, together with the platform south of Verdugo Street, would provide a total platform length of 680 feet, bringing the station closer to the State and Amtrak standards. These improvements would also significantly reduce the time for stops at the San Juan Capistrano station. The design will also include a review of providing a north end access to the platform, which would be included in construction if such access is appropriate. The design and construction would also include the handicap access mini platform. Sponsor: City of San Juan Capistrano Contract No. 75V434 Page 1 of 2 Proposed Exhibit "D" Multi Modal Parking 1 9 9 5 1 9 9 6 1 9 9 7 1 9 9 8 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC I JAN I FEB MAR APR MAY JUN I JUL AUG I SEP OCT I NOV DEC JAN I FES MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC I JAN FEB MAR APR MAV JUN City Council authorises Project Change of Scope Documents submitted to Caltrans CTC Meeting City Council executes revised Funding Contract Caltrans executes revised Funding Contract Property Acquisition City Council executes revised Design Contract Preliminary Design Planning Commission Review of Concept Plan City Council Review of Concept Plan Final Design Caltrans Plan Check City Plan Check Plan Revisions Caltrans Approval City Council Approval of Plans&Specifications Bid City Council Awards Construction Contract Phase I Construction Phase I Landscape Establishment Phase II Construction Phase II Landscape Establishment Notice of Completion Sponsor: City of San Juan Capistrano Contract No. 75V434 Page 2 of 2 Proposed Exhibit "D" Platform Projects 1 9 9 5 1 9 9 6 1 9 9 7 1 9 9 8 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FES MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FES MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUD SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAV JUN City Council authorises Project Change of Scope Documents submitted to Caltrans CTC Meeting City Council executes revised Funding Contract Caltrans executes revised Funding Contract Purchase&Install Items City Council executes Design Contract(s) " Preliminary Design Planning Commission Review of Concept Plan City Council Review of Concept Plan Final Design Caltrans Plan Check City Plan Check Plan Revisions Caltrans Approval Parking Structure Owner Agreement City Council Approval of Plans&Specifications Bid City Council Awards Construction Contract Construction Notice of Completion * Purchase& Instal only Items- Benches, Trash Cans, Public Telephone ** Design Elements- Restroom Roof/Parking Structure Barrier, South Platform Drainage, South Platform Storm Drainage, Parking Structure Steps/Closure, North Platform CONTRACT NO. 75V434 PROPOSED EXHIBIT "E" PROJECT COST ESTIMATE L MULTI MODAL PARKING Description State Dollars Local Dollars Total Dollars Administration $40,000 $40,000 RAV Acquisition $300,000 $314,000 $614,000 Environmental $15,000 $15,000 Preliminary Design $40,000 $70,800 $110,800 Surface Design $60,000 $60,000 Surface Construction $475,000 $475,000 TOTAL $930,000 $384,800 $1,314,800 2. RAILROAD PLATFORM Description State Dollars Local Dollars Total Dollars New South Platform $141,000 $141,000 Work South Platform Additional Costs $90,500 $90,500 North Platform Design Costs $35,000 $35,000 Environmental $5,000 $5,000 North Platform Construction Administration Costs $10,000 $10,000 North Platform Construction Costs $85,000 $85,000 TOTAL $366,500 $366,500 Description State Dollars Local Dollars Total Dollars GRAND TOTAL $1,296,500 $384,800 $1,681,300