1985-1001_CALIF DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION_I1_Agenda Reportw
AGENDA ITEM October 1, 1985
TO: Stephen B. Julian, City Manager
FROM: W. D. Murphy, Director of Public Works
SUBJECT: Amendment to Agreement - Program Supplement No. 1
Revision to Local Agency/State Agreement No. 07-5372,
Camino Capistrano Bridge (Caltrans)
Staff is requesting approval of Program Supplement No. 1 Rev. to
the Local Agency - State Agreement No. 07-5372 for the Camino
Capistrano Bridge which had been approved by the City Council in
1984. The present agreement revises the previously approved
funding estimate, which only included costs for "Preliminary
Engineering", by now including a funding estimate for "Construction
Engineering" and "Construction" costs. A brief Resolution is
attached for approval due to State requirements.
The project is moving ahead well and is currently out to bid with
bid proposals due on October 29, 1985. Consideration by the City
Council of a construction contract award is anticipated for either
their November 19, 1985 or December 3, 1985 meeting, with con-
struction beginning in early 1986.
Not applicable
The agreement provides that the Federal Aid Urban (F.A.U.) program
will fund an estimated $2,612,206 (86%) of the project costs with
the local matching funds at an estimated $417,494 (14%). The City
and County of Orange will be jointly funding this matching share
with the County funding the bridge construction matching portion
and the City funding the approach construction matching portion.
A City -County Cooperative Agreement calls for the County to pro-
vide an estimated $280,000 towards this local match with the City
funding the remaining portion from its budgeted Capital Project
fund account.
1. Authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement.
2. Do not authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement.
3. Request further information from Staff.
October 1, 1985
By Resolution, approve Program Supplement No. 1 Rev. to the Local
Agency - State Agreement No. 07-5372 for the funding of the
Camino Capistrano Bridge Construction Project, and authorize the
Mayor to execute the document on behalf of the City.
Respectfully submitted,
W. D. Murphy