1984-0620_CALIF DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION_Transmittal to CaltransSAN JlhAt };( P?STRA{A v4 CA+AFCRP+IA 92675 June 20, 1984 Mr. Stan Higgins Caltrans P. O. Box 2304 Terminal Annex Los Angeles, California 90051 Gentlemen: 0 Re: Mir nt for Federal Highway Administration Fuds - Camino Capistrano Bridge Enclosed are the original and one copy of Agreement No. 07-5372 with enclosed Program Supplement No. 1 and a certified copy of Resolution No. 84-6-19-3. This Agreement was approved by adoption of the Resolution by the City Council at their meeting of June 19, 1984. After approval by the State of California Department of Transportation, District No. 7, please return one fully -executed copy of the Agreement and Program Supplement No. 1 to this office for our files. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, MARY ANN MOVER, CMC City Clerk MAH/mac Enclosures CC: Director of Public Works