1984-0717_CALIF DEPT OF PARKS & RECREATION_Item Minutes0
)(38) Written Communications:
(49) (1) Report dated July 17, 1984, from the Director of
Administrative Services, advising that prior to August
1st of each fiscal year, the Department of
Administrative Services solicits annual public
liability and property damage insurance proposals;
further, that for the last six years, the City has
maintained Public Liability coverage through a $50,000
self-insured retention program with a maximum stop loss
of $150,000 per policy year. The report advised that
due to changes in the insurance market, the preliminary
estimates were higher and adequate proposals were not
available at this time.
(2) Report dated July 17, 1984, from the Director of
Administrative Services, forwarding an agreement with
Carl Warren and Company for Public Liability Claims
Administration, at $600 per year. Funds are budgeted
in the Department of Administrative Services, Account
No. 01-4160-214.
Liability Coverage:
It was moved by Councilman Buchheim, seconded by Councilman
Bland, and unanimously carried to direct staff to continue
evaluating the proposals being submitted and to authorize an
extension of the current policies in force should the
process continue past August 1, 1984.
Claims Administration:
It was moved by Councilman Buchheim, seconded by Councilman
Bland, and unanimously carried to approve the agreement with
Carl Warren and Company, of Santa Ana, for Claims
Administration in the amount of $600 per year plus
administrative costs. The Mayor and City Clerk were
authorized to execute the agreement on behalf of the City.